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{{more footnotes needed|date=June 2008}}
{{Infobox U.S. legislation
| shorttitle = Iraq Liberation Act of 1998
| othershorttitles =
| longtitle = An Act to establish a program to support a transition to democracy in Iraq.
| colloquialacronym = ILA
| nickname = Iraq Liberation Act of 1998
| enacted by = 105th
| effective date = October 31, 1998
| public law url = https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/STATUTE-112/pdf/STATUTE-112-Pg3178.pdf
| cite public law = 105-338
| cite statutes at large = {{usstat|112|3178}}
| acts amended =
| acts repealed =
| title amended = [[Title 22 of the United States Code|22 U.S.C.: Foreign Relations and Intercourse]]
| sections created = <!--{{USC}} can be used-->
| sections amended = {{Usc-title-chap|22|32|I}} § 2151
| leghisturl =
| introducedin = House
| introducedbill = {{USBill|105|H.R.|4655}}
| introducedby = [[Benjamin Gilman]] ([[Republican Party (United States)|R]]–[[New York (state)|NY]])
| introduceddate = September 29, 1998
| committees = [[United States House Committee on Foreign Affairs|House International Relations]]
| passedbody1 = House
| passeddate1 = October 5, 1998
| passedvote1 = 360–38 {{US House Vote|1998|482}}
| passedbody2 = Senate
| passedas2 = <!-- used if the second body changes the name of the legislation -->
| passeddate2 = October 7, 1998
| passedvote2 = Passed unanimous consent
| conferencedate =
| passedbody3 =
| passeddate3 =
| passedvote3 =
| agreedbody3 = <!-- used when the other body agrees without going into committee -->
| agreeddate3 = <!-- used when the other body agrees without going into committee -->
| agreedvote3 = <!-- used when the other body agrees without going into committee -->
| agreedbody4 = <!-- used if agreedbody3 further amends legislation -->
| agreeddate4 = <!-- used if agreedbody3 further amends legislation -->
| agreedvote4 = <!-- used if agreedbody3 further amends legislation -->
| passedbody4 =
| passeddate4 =
| passedvote4 =
| signedpresident = [[Bill Clinton]]
| signeddate = October 31, 1998
| unsignedpresident = <!-- used when passed without presidential signing -->
| unsigneddate = <!-- used when passed without presidential signing -->
| vetoedpresident = <!-- used when passed by overriding presidential veto -->
| vetoeddate = <!-- used when passed by overriding presidential veto -->
| overriddenbody1 = <!-- used when passed by overriding presidential veto -->
| overriddendate1 = <!-- used when passed by overriding presidential veto -->
| overriddenvote1 = <!-- used when passed by overriding presidential veto -->
| overriddenbody2 = <!-- used when passed by overriding presidential veto -->
| overriddendate2 = <!-- used when passed by overriding presidential veto -->
| overriddenvote2 = <!-- used when passed by overriding presidential veto -->
| amendments =
| SCOTUS cases =
{{Wikisource|Iraq Liberation Act}}
The '''Iraq Liberation Act of 1998''' is a [[United States]] [[United States Congress|Congressional]] statement of policy stating that "It should be the policy of the United States to support efforts to remove the regime headed by [[Saddam Hussein]] from power in Iraq."<ref>{{USStatute|105|338|112|3178|1998|10|31}}</ref><ref>It was codified in a note to 22 USCS § 2151.</ref> It was signed into law by President [[Bill Clinton]], and states that it is the policy of the United States to support democratic movements within Iraq. The Act was cited in October 2002 to argue for the [[Authorization for use of Military Force Against Iraq|authorization of military force against Iraq]].

The bill was sponsored by Representative [[Benjamin A. Gilman]] (Republican, [[NY-20]]) and co-sponsored by Representative [[Christopher Cox]] (Republican, [[CA-47]]). The bill was introduced as {{USBill|105|hr|4655}} on September 29, 1998. The House of Representatives passed the bill 360–38 on October 5, and the Senate passed it with [[unanimous consent]] two days later. President Clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act into law on October 31, 1998.<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/?pid=55205 |title=William J. Clinton: "Statement on Signing the Iraq Liberation Act of 1998," October 31, 1998 |author1=Peters, Gerhard |author2=Woolley, John T |work=The American Presidency Project |publisher=University of California - Santa Barbara |access-date=September 5, 2016 |archive-date=September 26, 2018 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20180926184653/http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/?pid=55205 |url-status=dead }}</ref><ref>{{cite web|title=HR 4655: All Congressional Action|url=http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/z?d105:HR04655:@@@X|publisher=Library of Congress|access-date=June 10, 2011|archive-date=July 3, 2016|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20160703221947/http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/z?d105:HR04655:@@@X|url-status=dead}}</ref>
The '''Iraqi Liberation Act of 1998''' (Public Law 105-338) was signed into law by the [[US President]] [[Bill Clinton]] on October 31, 1998. Its stated purpose was: "to establish a program to support a transition to democracy in Iraq," while providing $97 million (U.S.) for groups trying to overthrow the Iraqi government. After findings of past Iraqi military action and the hampering of [[United Nations Special Commission on Iraq]] ([[UNSCOM]]) efforts to inspect for weapons of mass destruction, and although it is a violation of international law to overthrow a sovereign government and member of the [[United Nations]], congress found: "It should be the policy of the [[United States]] to support efforts to remove the regime headed by [[Saddam Hussein]] from power in Iraq and to promote the emergence of a democratic government to replace that regime."

==Findings and declaration of policy==
This act required the President to designate one or more qualified recipients of assistance, with the primary requirement being opposition to the present Saddam Hussein regime. In regards to the use of assistance in Iraq for a transition into democracy, the President may provide to the Iraqi democratic opposition organizations designated in accordance with section 5 the following assistance: broadcasting assistance (for for radio and television broadcasting), military assistance (education and training of an army), humanitarian assistance (for fleeing individuals who left under Saddam).
The Act found that between 1980 and 1998 [[Iraq]] had:
# committed various and significant violations of [[international law]],
# failed to comply with the obligations to which it had agreed following the [[Gulf War]] and
#further had ignored resolutions of the [[United Nations Security Council]].
The Act declared that it was the Policy of the United States to support "regime change." The Act was passed 360–38 in the [[United States House of Representatives|U.S. House of Representatives]]<ref>{{cite web|url=http://clerk.house.gov/evs/1998/roll482.xml |access-date=30 April 2023|website=clerk.house.gov|title=Final vote results for roll call 482|year=1998}}</ref> and by [[unanimous consent]] in the [[United States Senate|Senate]].<ref>{{Cite web |url=http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/z?d105:HR04655:@@@R |title=Bill Summary & Status - 105th Congress (1997 - 1998) - H.R.4655 - Major Congressional Actions - THOMAS (Library of Congress) |access-date=2005-08-09 |archive-date=2016-07-03 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20160703221947/http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/z?d105:HR04655:@@@R |url-status=dead }}</ref> [[President of the United States|US President]] [[Bill Clinton]] signed the bill into law on October 31, 1998. The law's stated purpose was: "to establish a program to support a transition to [[democracy]] in Iraq." Specifically, Congress made findings of past Iraqi military actions in violation of International Law and that Iraq had denied entry of [[United Nations Special Commission on Iraq]] (UNSCOM) inspectors into its country to inspect for weapons of mass destruction. Congress found: "It should be the policy of the United States to support efforts to remove the regime headed by [[Saddam Hussein]] from power in Iraq and to promote the emergence of a democratic government to replace that regime." On December 16, 1998, President Bill Clinton mandated [[Operation Desert Fox]], a major four-day bombing campaign on Iraqi targets.

President Clinton stated in February 1998:
The restrictions on assistance include that any that were engaged in military cooperation with the Saddam Hussein regime are not to be allowed any assistance. The President is to notify congressional committees when requesting assistance further for the country specified in the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961.

{{blockquote|Iraq admitted, among other things, an offensive biological warfare capability, notably, 5,000 gallons of botulinum, which causes botulism; 2,000 gallons of anthrax; 25 biological-filled Scud warheads; and 157 aerial bombs. And I might say UNSCOM inspectors believe that Iraq has actually greatly understated its production. ...
Reimbursement relating to military assistance in regards to militay education and training are to be made available without reimbursement.

Over the past few months, as [the weapons inspectors] have come closer and closer to rooting out Iraq's remaining nuclear capacity, Saddam has undertaken yet another gambit to thwart their ambitions by imposing debilitating conditions on the inspectors and declaring key sites which have still not been inspected off limits. ...
In regards to designation under the Act towards an opposition organization of democracy in Iraq, the criteria for any organization is only that they: include a broad spectrum of Iraqi individuals, groups, or both, opposed to the Saddam Hussein regime; and are committed to democratic values, to respect for human rights, to peaceful relations with Iraq's neighbors, to maintaining Iraq's territorial integrity, and to fostering cooperation among democratic opponents of the Saddam Hussein regime.

It is obvious that there is an attempt here, based on the whole history of this operation since 1991, to protect whatever remains of his capacity to produce weapons of mass destruction, the missiles to deliver them, and the feed stocks necessary to produce them. The UNSCOM inspectors believe that Iraq still has stockpiles of chemical and biological munitions, a small force of Scud-type missiles, and the capacity to restart quickly its production program and build many, many more weapons. ...
Furthermore, the Act details that in relation to a need for War Crimes Tribunals in Iraq: "Consistent with section 301 of the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 1992 and 1993 (Public Law 102-138), House Concurrent Resolution 137, 105th Congress (approved by the House of Representatives on November 13, 1997), and Senate Concurrent Resolution 78, 105th Congress (approved by the Senate on March 13, 1998), the Congress urges the President to call upon the United Nations to establish an international criminal tribunal for the purpose of indicting, prosecuting, and imprisoning Saddam Hussein and other Iraqi officials who are responsible for crimes against humanity, genocide, and other criminal violations of international law."

Now, let's imagine the future. What if he fails to comply and we fail to act, or we take some ambiguous third route, which gives him yet more opportunities to develop this program of weapons of mass destruction and continue to press for the release of the sanctions and continue to ignore the solemn commitments that he made? Well, he will conclude that the international community has lost its will. He will then conclude that he can go right on and do more to rebuild an arsenal of devastating destruction. And some day, some way, I guarantee you he'll use the arsenal. ...|President Clinton ~ 1998<ref>{{cite web| url=http://www.cnn.com/ALLPOLITICS/1998/02/17/transcripts/clinton.iraq/ |publisher=CNN |title=Text Of Clinton Statement On Iraq |date=February 17, 1998| access-date=2008-07-05}}</ref>}}
The Act also details the actions of the United States Government once Saddam Hussein, were he to be removed, should be: "It is the sense of the Congress that once the Saddam Hussein regime is removed from power in Iraq, the United States should support Iraq's transition to democracy by providing immediate and substantial humanitarian assistance to the Iraqi people, by providing democracy transition assistance to Iraqi parties and movements with democratic goals, and by convening Iraq's foreign creditors to develop a multilateral response to Iraq's foreign debt incurred by Saddam Hussein's regime."

==Support for groups opposed to Hussein==
A rule of construction was added to this act stating:
This act required the President to designate one or more qualified recipients of assistance, with the primary requirement being opposition to the present Saddam Hussein regime. Such groups should, according to the Act, include a broad spectrum of Iraqi individuals, groups, or both, who are opposed to the Saddam Hussein regime, and are committed to democratic values, peaceful relations with Iraq's neighbors, respect for human rights, maintaining Iraq's territorial integrity, and fostering cooperation among democratic opponents of the Saddam Hussein regime. On February 4, 1999 President Clinton designated seven groups as qualifying for assistance under the Act. (see Note to 22 U.S.C. 2151 and 64 Fed. Reg. 67810). The groups were
# The [[Iraqi National Accord]],
# The [[Iraqi National Congress]],
#The [[Islamic Movement of Iraqi Kurdistan]],
#The [[Kurdistan Democratic Party]],
# The Movement for Constitutional Monarchy,
# The [[Patriotic Union of Kurdistan]], and
# The [[Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq]].

The Act authorized the President to assist all such groups with: broadcasting assistance (for radio and television broadcasting), military assistance (training and equipment), and humanitarian assistance (for individuals fleeing Saddam Hussein). The Act specifically refused to grant the President authority to use U.S. Military force to achieve its stated goals and purposes, except as authorized under the Act in section 4(a)(2)) in carrying out this Act.
"Nothing in this Act shall be construed to authorize or otherwise speak to the use of United States Armed Forces (except as provided in section 4(a)(2)) in carrying out this Act."

In November 1998 President Clinton stated that "The evidence is overwhelming that such changes will not happen under the current Iraq leadership."<ref>{{cite web |url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/events/crisis_in_the_gulf/latest_news/215123.stm |agency=BBC News |title=US pledge to help opposition |access-date=2008-07-06 |date=November 16, 1998}}</ref>

==Contemplation of post-Hussein Iraq==
The Act contemplated the future need for [[War crimes trials|war crimes tribunals]] in Iraq stating, "The Congress urges the President to call upon the [[United Nations]] to establish an international criminal tribunal for the purpose of indicting, prosecuting, and imprisoning Saddam Hussein and other Iraqi officials who are responsible for [[crimes against humanity]], [[genocide]], and other criminal violations of international law."

A generalized statement of policy toward the post-Hussein Iraq was also set forth stating,

<blockquote>It is the sense of the Congress that once the Saddam Hussein regime is removed from power in Iraq, the United States should support Iraq's transition to democracy by providing immediate and substantial humanitarian assistance to the Iraqi people, by providing democracy transition assistance to Iraqi parties and movements with democratic goals, and by convening Iraq's foreign creditors to develop a multilateral response to Iraq's foreign debt incurred by Saddam Hussein's regime.</blockquote>

==Precursor to war==
President [[George W. Bush]], who followed Clinton, often referred to the Iraq Liberation Act and its findings to argue that the Clinton administration supported regime change in Iraq – and, further, that it believed Iraq was developing weapons of mass destruction. The Act was cited as a basis of support in the Congressional [[Iraq Resolution|Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq]] in October 2002.<ref>{{USStatute|107|243|116|1498|2002|10|16}}, {{USBill|107|hj|114}}</ref>


==External links==
==External links==
*[http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c105:H.R.4655.ENR: Original text of act]
* {{USBill|105|HR|4655}}, Original text of act
* {{USHRollCall|1998|482}}
*[http://www.library.cornell.edu/colldev/mideast/libera.htm Statement by the President upon signing the Act into Law]

[[Category:U.S.-Iraqi relations]]
[[Category:United States foreign relations legislation]]
[[Category:International relations]]
[[Category:Iraq–United States relations]]
[[Category:International law]]
[[Category:Acts of the 105th United States Congress]]
[[Category:1998 in international relations]]

Latest revision as of 12:29, 21 February 2024

Iraq Liberation Act of 1998
Great Seal of the United States
Long titleAn Act to establish a program to support a transition to democracy in Iraq.
Acronyms (colloquial)ILA
NicknamesIraq Liberation Act of 1998
Enacted bythe 105th United States Congress
EffectiveOctober 31, 1998
Public law105-338
Statutes at Large112 Stat. 3178
Titles amended22 U.S.C.: Foreign Relations and Intercourse
U.S.C. sections amended22 U.S.C. ch. 32, subch. I § 2151
Legislative history

The Iraq Liberation Act of 1998 is a United States Congressional statement of policy stating that "It should be the policy of the United States to support efforts to remove the regime headed by Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq."[1][2] It was signed into law by President Bill Clinton, and states that it is the policy of the United States to support democratic movements within Iraq. The Act was cited in October 2002 to argue for the authorization of military force against Iraq.

The bill was sponsored by Representative Benjamin A. Gilman (Republican, NY-20) and co-sponsored by Representative Christopher Cox (Republican, CA-47). The bill was introduced as H.R. 4655 on September 29, 1998. The House of Representatives passed the bill 360–38 on October 5, and the Senate passed it with unanimous consent two days later. President Clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act into law on October 31, 1998.[3][4]

Findings and declaration of policy


The Act found that between 1980 and 1998 Iraq had:

  1. committed various and significant violations of international law,
  2. failed to comply with the obligations to which it had agreed following the Gulf War and
  3. further had ignored resolutions of the United Nations Security Council.

The Act declared that it was the Policy of the United States to support "regime change." The Act was passed 360–38 in the U.S. House of Representatives[5] and by unanimous consent in the Senate.[6] US President Bill Clinton signed the bill into law on October 31, 1998. The law's stated purpose was: "to establish a program to support a transition to democracy in Iraq." Specifically, Congress made findings of past Iraqi military actions in violation of International Law and that Iraq had denied entry of United Nations Special Commission on Iraq (UNSCOM) inspectors into its country to inspect for weapons of mass destruction. Congress found: "It should be the policy of the United States to support efforts to remove the regime headed by Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq and to promote the emergence of a democratic government to replace that regime." On December 16, 1998, President Bill Clinton mandated Operation Desert Fox, a major four-day bombing campaign on Iraqi targets.

President Clinton stated in February 1998:

Iraq admitted, among other things, an offensive biological warfare capability, notably, 5,000 gallons of botulinum, which causes botulism; 2,000 gallons of anthrax; 25 biological-filled Scud warheads; and 157 aerial bombs. And I might say UNSCOM inspectors believe that Iraq has actually greatly understated its production. ...

Over the past few months, as [the weapons inspectors] have come closer and closer to rooting out Iraq's remaining nuclear capacity, Saddam has undertaken yet another gambit to thwart their ambitions by imposing debilitating conditions on the inspectors and declaring key sites which have still not been inspected off limits. ...

It is obvious that there is an attempt here, based on the whole history of this operation since 1991, to protect whatever remains of his capacity to produce weapons of mass destruction, the missiles to deliver them, and the feed stocks necessary to produce them. The UNSCOM inspectors believe that Iraq still has stockpiles of chemical and biological munitions, a small force of Scud-type missiles, and the capacity to restart quickly its production program and build many, many more weapons. ...

Now, let's imagine the future. What if he fails to comply and we fail to act, or we take some ambiguous third route, which gives him yet more opportunities to develop this program of weapons of mass destruction and continue to press for the release of the sanctions and continue to ignore the solemn commitments that he made? Well, he will conclude that the international community has lost its will. He will then conclude that he can go right on and do more to rebuild an arsenal of devastating destruction. And some day, some way, I guarantee you he'll use the arsenal. ...

— President Clinton ~ 1998[7]

Support for groups opposed to Hussein


This act required the President to designate one or more qualified recipients of assistance, with the primary requirement being opposition to the present Saddam Hussein regime. Such groups should, according to the Act, include a broad spectrum of Iraqi individuals, groups, or both, who are opposed to the Saddam Hussein regime, and are committed to democratic values, peaceful relations with Iraq's neighbors, respect for human rights, maintaining Iraq's territorial integrity, and fostering cooperation among democratic opponents of the Saddam Hussein regime. On February 4, 1999 President Clinton designated seven groups as qualifying for assistance under the Act. (see Note to 22 U.S.C. 2151 and 64 Fed. Reg. 67810). The groups were

  1. The Iraqi National Accord,
  2. The Iraqi National Congress,
  3. The Islamic Movement of Iraqi Kurdistan,
  4. The Kurdistan Democratic Party,
  5. The Movement for Constitutional Monarchy,
  6. The Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, and
  7. The Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq.

The Act authorized the President to assist all such groups with: broadcasting assistance (for radio and television broadcasting), military assistance (training and equipment), and humanitarian assistance (for individuals fleeing Saddam Hussein). The Act specifically refused to grant the President authority to use U.S. Military force to achieve its stated goals and purposes, except as authorized under the Act in section 4(a)(2)) in carrying out this Act.

In November 1998 President Clinton stated that "The evidence is overwhelming that such changes will not happen under the current Iraq leadership."[8]

Contemplation of post-Hussein Iraq


The Act contemplated the future need for war crimes tribunals in Iraq stating, "The Congress urges the President to call upon the United Nations to establish an international criminal tribunal for the purpose of indicting, prosecuting, and imprisoning Saddam Hussein and other Iraqi officials who are responsible for crimes against humanity, genocide, and other criminal violations of international law."

A generalized statement of policy toward the post-Hussein Iraq was also set forth stating,

It is the sense of the Congress that once the Saddam Hussein regime is removed from power in Iraq, the United States should support Iraq's transition to democracy by providing immediate and substantial humanitarian assistance to the Iraqi people, by providing democracy transition assistance to Iraqi parties and movements with democratic goals, and by convening Iraq's foreign creditors to develop a multilateral response to Iraq's foreign debt incurred by Saddam Hussein's regime.

Precursor to war


President George W. Bush, who followed Clinton, often referred to the Iraq Liberation Act and its findings to argue that the Clinton administration supported regime change in Iraq – and, further, that it believed Iraq was developing weapons of mass destruction. The Act was cited as a basis of support in the Congressional Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq in October 2002.[9]


  1. ^ Pub. L.Tooltip Public Law (United States) 105–338 (text) (PDF), 112 Stat. 3178, enacted October 31, 1998
  2. ^ It was codified in a note to 22 USCS § 2151.
  3. ^ Peters, Gerhard; Woolley, John T. "William J. Clinton: "Statement on Signing the Iraq Liberation Act of 1998," October 31, 1998". The American Presidency Project. University of California - Santa Barbara. Archived from the original on September 26, 2018. Retrieved September 5, 2016.
  4. ^ "HR 4655: All Congressional Action". Library of Congress. Archived from the original on July 3, 2016. Retrieved June 10, 2011.
  5. ^ "Final vote results for roll call 482". clerk.house.gov. 1998. Retrieved 30 April 2023.
  6. ^ "Bill Summary & Status - 105th Congress (1997 - 1998) - H.R.4655 - Major Congressional Actions - THOMAS (Library of Congress)". Archived from the original on 2016-07-03. Retrieved 2005-08-09.
  7. ^ "Text Of Clinton Statement On Iraq". CNN. February 17, 1998. Retrieved 2008-07-05.
  8. ^ "US pledge to help opposition". BBC News. November 16, 1998. Retrieved 2008-07-06.
  9. ^ Pub. L.Tooltip Public Law (United States) 107–243 (text) (PDF), 116 Stat. 1498, enacted October 16, 2002, H.J.Res. 114