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An '''Internet phenomenon''' (sometimes called an '''Internet meme''') occurs when something relatively unknown becomes increasingly popular, often quite suddenly, through the mass propagation of media content made feasible by the Internet; however, the popularity of the phenomenon usually wanes as rapidly as it was acquired: the Internet's lack of physical boundaries leads to a much faster and wider spread of information and ideas, especially when the subject is based around humor or curiosity. It is nearly impossible to accurately measure the depth of a phenomenon's popularity, and different groups of [[Internet]] users may participate in spreading the phenomenon more than others. Some people point to these sort of Internet phenomena as good examples of [[meme]]s, or [[neta]]. In [[William Gibson]]'s [[novel]] ''[[Pattern Recognition (novel)|Pattern Recognition]]'' an interesting kind of Internet phenomenon—"the footage"—plays an important role.

Internet phenomena include:
'''Hizb ut-Tahrir''' ([[Arabic language|Arabic]]: ﺣﺰﺏ ﺍﻟﺘﺤﺮﻳﺮ; meaning ''Party of Liberation'') is a radical [[Islamist]] [[political party]] whose goal is to establish a pan-Islamic [[Caliphate]]. The organization was founded by Sheikh '''[[Taqiuddin al-Nabhani]]''', a judge (''[[qadi]]'') from [[Jerusalem]] ([[Names of Jerusalem|al-Quds]]) in 1953.
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Hizb ut-Tahrir is dedicated to what it sees as the political unity of [[Muslim]]s via the re-establishment of the [[Caliphate]] (''Khilafah''), the removal of what the organization considers to be neo-colonialist Western control of "the Muslim lands usurped by the Kuffar [non-believer] from the Muslims." including "[[Andalus]] (Spain)," and a return to a state based on Islamic religious law (''[[Sharia]]''). [http://web.archive.org/web/20040130180710/http://www.khilafah.com/home/category.php?DocumentID=435&TagID=3] In accordance with that, the party has called for Muslims to overthrow their governments, establish the Caliphate, and declare ''jihad'' against [[Israel]]. The party has called [[suicide bombing]]s in Israel "legitimate" acts of "Martyrdom." [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/programmes/newsnight/3182271.stm] This however, according to the UK leader of the party on UK's [[Channel 4]] programme on the 4th August 2005 [http://www.ctvc.co.uk/jkcm/default.asp?pg=productions/TV%20PRODUCTIONS/details2&path=152], comes "with the proviso that civilians are not targetted".
* [[Danni Ashe]]
* [[Danny Aquino]], allegedly stole a camera phone from a car on Long Island, New York. After taking pictures of himself and his girlfriend with the phone the pictures have become fodder for Photoshopping.
* [[Keyra Augustina]]
* [[Ellen Feiss]] - a teenage girl featured in an [[Apple Computer]] advertisement, whose slurred speech and disoriented eyes provoked speculation that she was under the influence of illicit drugs
* [[Libby Hoeler]]
* [[William Hung]] - A Chinese college student at [[UC Berkeley]] who auditioned for the [[2004]] series of [[American Idol]] and had already been laughed at on TV rose to even more fame through the Internet with his audition getting more widespread exposure as well as remix
* [[Cindy Margolis]]
* [[Andy Milonakis]] - A man in his late 20s with the appearance and voice of a 14 year old boy via a growth hormone defect, who rose to fame after releasing home [[webcam]] recordings of freestyle raps, silly and funny videos, and short films (such as the "Crispy New Freestyle" and "[[The Superbowl Is Gay]]") on the Internet. He even has [[The Andy Milonakis Show|his own MTV show]] now.
* [[Brian Peppers]], a physically deformed sex offender.
* [[Jennifer Ringley]] - Created the website, [[Jennicam]], in which people could watch her via webcam and had her own internet program, "The Jenni Show".
* [[Ghyslain Raza|The Star Wars Kid]] - a video digitally edited numerous times of a [[Québec]]ois teenager (Ghyslain Raza) pretending to be [[Darth Maul]]

The party is banned in every [[Arab]] country, except the [[UAE]], [[Sudan]], [[Lebanon]], [[Yemen]] throughout the former Muslim [[Soviet Union]] states of [[Central Asia]], and in [[Germany]]. On [[August 5]], [[2005]], [[Tony Blair]] announced the [[Britain|British]] government's intention to ban the group in the [[United Kingdom]]. [http://politics.guardian.co.uk/terrorism/story/0,15935,1543385,00.html] [http://www.opendemocracy.net/conflict-terrorism/ban_2740.jsp]
* [[Bad Day]] - a man takes out his rage on his computer.
* [[Bubb Rubb]] - a man who rose to fame thanks to a humorous local [[TV]] broadcast where he was interviewed on the topic of [[whistle tip]]s
* "[[Call On Me]]" by [[Eric Prydz]] has had a popular video featuring a male in a female [[aerobics]] class, along with many spoofs. [http://www.partycampus.com/callonme1.php] The most famous spoof features a female in a male Naval aerobics class. [http://www.collegehumor.com/?movie_id=91110]
* [[Chin2]] - supposedly Korean kids dancing topless in front of a mirror
* [[Zladko Vladcik|Elektronik Supersonik]] - An allegedly Eastern European pop song and music video, featured on the [[Molvania]] website. A hilarious parody of Eastern European pop culture.
* [[Exploding dog (video)]] - A four-second video of a [[Norwich Terrier]] suddenly disappearing with a flash of smoke, obviously faked (the camera clearly cuts to a stuffed animal being blown up with a firecracker). [http://www.zombi.dk/video/050.php A version can be viewed here.]
* [[Exploding whale]] - an old news story thought myth gets a second following with the postage of a news footage video.
* [[Fan film]]s - especially for ''[[Star Wars]]''.[http://www.theforce.net] Fanfilms range from simple backyard antics to professional looking films such as "Duality" [http://www.crewoftwo.com/]
* [[Is This The Way To Armadillo]] - spoof music video of [[Peter Kay]]'s version of "[[Is This the Way to Amarillo]]" made by UK troops stationed in Iraq. [http://www.milkandcookies.com/links/30449/ Link to video here.]
* [[John Daker]] - a singer who makes up for his lack of ability and his unusual voice with bizarre facial expressions.
* [[Leeroy Jenkins]] - the dangers of going AFK in World of Warcraft. [http://www.warcraftmovies.com/movieview.php?id=1666 Link to video here.]
* [[Numa Numa]] - an overly enthusiastic kid (Gary Brolsma) singing along to a Romanian-language dance song ("Dragostea Din Tei" by O-ZONE) [http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/206373 See it here on Newgrounds.com]
* [[Prophet Yahweh]] - video[http://www.filecabi.net/v.php?file=ufoondemand.wmv] of the prophet supposedly summoning [[UFO]]s, was widely circulated on the internet in June of 2005.
* [[Rubber Johnny]] - a short film by music video director [[Chris Cunningham]], accompanied by music from [[Aphex Twin]], which was thought by some to depict an actual mutant teenager in a wheelchair when excerpts from it began appearing on the internet [http://www.rubberjohnny.tv Link to Video here.]
* [[Stealth Disco]] - Videos of people rocking out behind unknowing victims.
* [[Video Game Pianist]] - Piano player who plays both old and new video games' themes. Formerly called "[[The Blindfolded Pianist]]"

* [[Animutation]]s - simple animations usually containing foriegn music and pop-culture references. The fad first gained widespread popularity with "Hyakugojyuuichi".
The aim of Hizb ut-Tahrir is to unite all Muslims in a single pan-Islamic state or [[Caliphate]], which will be ruled by a [[Caliph]]. This state will have laws, norms, and social mores based on the [[paradigm]]s of Islam. It will not be a [[democracy]], which the party says is incompatible with the goal of establishing an Islamic state, though the state would "include provisions for voting in an Islamic context." [http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/4127688.stm]
* [[Badger Badger Badger]] - a repetitive animation about Badgers
* [[Bananaphone]] - various animations with the song "Banana Phone" by [[Raffi Cavoukian]], where the first and most widespread features Osaka with a "Gundam Bananaphone"
* [[Dancing baby]] - a 3D-rendered dancing baby. First appeared in [[1997]] and became something of a late '90s [[cultural icon]].
* [[Dancing Banana]] - an animated icon that became famous after being adapted in an animation with the song "Peanut Butter Jelly Time".
* [[The Demented Cartoon Movie]] [http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/demented.html]
* [[The End of the World]] - a flash animation using [[Group X]]-style voices.[http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/end.php]
* [[Group X]] - makers of the songs "Bang Bang Bang", "SchfiftyFive" and a parody of the "[[Mario Twins]]" A version of the [[Super Mario Bros.]] theme by [[Group X]], adapted into [[Macromedia Flash|Flash]] video.
* [[Hamster Dance]] - a page filled with animated GIFs of hamsters dancing, linking to other animated pages. It now has its own CD.
* [[Happy Tree Friends]] - a series featuring cute animals that meet violent ends
* [[Homestar Runner]] - an online series that also features a popular "[[Strong Bad]] Emails" in which viewers can email one of the main characters, to which he [[wit]]tily responds.
* [[How to Kill a Mockingbird]] - A parody of the novel [[To Kill a Mockingbird]] that quickly deviates into a fantasy about pirates, dinosaurs, robots, and ninja.
* [[JibJab]] [http://www.jibjab.com] - a Web site featuring many cartoons including those that [[satirize]] the [[U.S. presidential election, 2004 (detail)|2004 Presidential Election]]
* [[Madness_Combat|Madness Combat]] - A highly violent series.
* [[Weebl's cartoons#Magical Trevor|Magical Trevor]] - A flash cartoon about a magician.
* [[Neurotically Yours]] - a series featuring a [[Goth]] and her pet [[squirrel]]
* [[Prank flash]]s - flash animations that tend to catch people off guard. They can be heart jumping "screamers" or just simply annoying flashes such as "[[You Are An Idiot]]".
* [[Red vs Blue]] - a popular [[machinima]] using the [[Microsoft]] [[Halo (video game series) |Halo]] video game engine. A popular, fan-created outgrowth is [http://www.redvsblue.net Sponsors vs Freeloaders]
* [[Rejected]] - a story of an animator and the effects of rejection
* [[Retarded Animal Babies]] - an obscene flash series about the vice-filled lives of various pet animals
* [[Salad Fingers]] - a series featuring an odd character in a strange and creepy world
* [[There she is!!]] - a Korean series about a girl rabbit that fell in love with a cat
* [[We Drink Ritalin]] - an animutation
* [[Weebl and Bob]] - a series about two egg shaped friends
* [[Gonads and Strife|Weeeeee! (Gonads and Strife)]]
* [[Xiao Xiao]] - a set of stick figure action animations. Xiao Xiao #3 was particularly popular.

An-Nabhani has already drafted a proposed constitution, which includes the introduction of the [[Gold Standard]], abolition of [[usury]], limited rights for Muslim womens', the provision that Muslims regarded as guilty of [[Apostasy_in_Islam|apostasy]] be executed (see [[Apostasy_in_Islam]]), and that non-Muslims although permitted to be elected or vote in the peoples assembly ([[Majlis al-Shura]]) will be excluded from elections for the [[Caliph]]. Only a Muslim male can be elected to what are considered key 'ruling' positions, such as [[Caliph]], his two delegated assistants, Chief Judge, the judge presidng over the Court of Unjust Acts, governor, and provinvial mayor. Political parties not formed on the basis of Islamic principles are forbidden. [http://www.hizb-ut-tahrir.info/english/constitution.htm]
* [[Nevada-tan]] - an [[imageboard]] [[meme]] featuring [[CG artwork]] of a Japanese schoolgirl who murdered her classmate
* [[OS-tan]] [http://nijiura-os.hp.infoseek.co.jp/] - [[operating system]]s personified as cute mascots by various [[Japan]]ese artists

* [[Bert is Evil]] - [[Adobe Photoshop|Photoshopped]] pictures placing the [[Muppet]] Bert with questionable people and situations
Hizb ut-Tahrir has set out a three-stage plan of action to achieve its goals:
* [[Boilerplate (robot)|Boilerplate]]
# Establish a community of Hizb ut-Tahrir members who work together in the same way as the companions (''[[Sahaba]]'') of the prophet Muhammad. Members should accept the goals and methods of the organization as their own and be ready to work to fulfill these goals.
* [[Bonsai Kitten]]
# Build public opinion among the Muslim masses for the Caliphate and the other Islamic concepts that will lead to a revival of Islamic thought.
* [[Clock Spider]] - who "ate" a clock and fought Limecat
# Once public opinion is achieved in a target Muslim country through debate and persuasion, the group hopes to obtain support from army generals, leaders, and other influential figures or bodies to facilitate the change of the government. The government would be replaced by one that implements Islam "generally and comprehensively", carrying Islamic thought to people throughout the world.
* [[Dog poop girl]] - a woman's dog relieves itself on a subway car floor and she refuses to clean it up; the Internet hears about it and punishes her
* [[Every time you masturbate... God kills a kitten]]
* [[Fatmouse]] - a large mouse with large ambitions
* [[HA! HA! guy]] - a customizable image of a laughing Quaker minister
* [[Icy Hot Stuntaz]]
* [[Limecat]] - a cat with a lime on its head (a.k.a. Meloncat)
* [[Ate My Balls|Mr. T Ate My Balls]] - a [[Yahoo!]] site with images of [[Mr. T]], captioned with various absurd and questionable statements. Repeatedly done with other subjects, both fictional and non-fictional. Spawned an entire Yahoo! category under Tasteless Humor &#8594; Ate My Balls.
* [[Mustard Man]] - picture of a supposed fast food employee dropping the mustard
* [[Oolong the Rabbit]] - a [[Japan]]ese rabbit whose owner placed various objects on top of its head (the most well-known being pancakes) and then posted pictures. Also known as Pancakebunny
* [[Tourist guy]] (http://www.touristofdeath.com) - the same person [[Adobe Photoshop|Photoshopped]] into photos of different events, mostly disasters
* [[Tubcat]] - a very fat cat

Hizb ut Tahrir states on its website: "The party disseminates its thoughts through discussion with the masses, study circles, lectures, seminars, leaflet distribution, publishing books and magazines and via the Internet. We encourage people to attend our demonstrations, marches and vigils." [http://www.khilafah.com/home/category.php?DocumentID=11691&TagID=1]
* [[4chan]] [http://4chan.org]- image boards, discussion boards, oekaki, meme.
* [[B3TA]] [http://www.b3ta.com] - with an extremely popular humorous link based newsletter and plenty of shopped user submitted images.
* [[eBay]] auctions that are unusual, such as the 10 year old [[grilled cheese]] sandwich with a supposed semblance to the [[Blessed Virgin Mary|Virgin Mary]]
* [[Emotion Eric]] - a person that makes various emotional expressions by request
* [[Kate's playground]] - An adult site where porn star "Kate" reportedly has a deformation of her left foot.
* [[Neurocam]] - [http://www.neurocam.com], art project / social experiment / life role play /mysterious unknown
* [[Ninja Burger]] - ninja who deliver fast food
* [[Sean.com]] - minimalist website featuring humorous background sound and only solitary link
* [[Toothpaste for dinner|toothpaste for dinner]] - website featuring daily comics of a self-proclaimed "Inter-Net Superstar" known only as "drew". [http://www.toothpastefordinner.com See website here].
* [[Webcomic|Webcomics]] - various comics and their characters have gained large followings. They come in multiple formats ranging from hand drawn illustrations to [[sprite comic]]s
* [[YTMND]] - a simple humorous website becomes a template for thousands of similar sites and [[List of YTMND fads|many sub-memes]].
* [[Zombo.com]] - parodies the dot-com boom

===Shock sites===
==Policies of future state==
* [[Goatse.cx]], [[Lemonparty]] & [[Tubgirl]], are [[shock sites]] frequently linked from Internet forums and [[Internet Relay Chat|IRC]] channels

===Personal sites===
Hizb ut-Tahrir's position is that it adheres to ''Sharia'' (Islamic law) in all aspects of its work. Its draft constitution provides for the penalty of execution as punishment for ''apostasy'' (see [[Apostasy_in_Islam]]).
* [[The Best Page in the Universe]] – 100,000,000+ visits to a website operated by a pirate. The individual articles from this site often spread [[meme|memetically]].
* [[Hello My Future Girlfriend]] [http://www.pr0k.net/thechilde/]
* [[Mahir Cagri]] - personal website of a Turkish man; has received mass adoration by fans, mainly for its overly enthusiastic text.

===Political sites===
Hizb ut-Tahrir, unlike some traditionalist movements in the Muslim world, gives women rights to choose a partner freely, voting rights, employment rights, and rights to child custody. Women would also have the right to stand for elections to the people's assembly, and work, except in key positions of ruling such as Chief Judge, the judge of the Court of Unjust Acts, provincial governor, and provincial mayor. Contrasted against Western ideals of womens rights and freedoms,however, The Islamic standards invisioned by Hizb Ut-Tahrir's [[Khilafah]] would seem greatly deminished. Article 109 of the party's draft constitution provides for the [[Sex_segregation|segregation of the sexes]] in public institutions like schools, and during sports, and the rules of public dress, which require Muslim women to dress in accordance with ''khimar'' and ''jilbab'' (see [[Hijab]]) but not necessarily with the face veil ([[Niqab]]) favoured by the [[Wahabi]] sect of [[Saudi-Arabia]] and the [[Taliban]].
* [[Black World Wide Web protest]] - Thousands of webpages turned black for 48 hours to protest the [[Communications Decency Act]]
* [[Blue Ribbon Online Free Speech Campaign|Blue Ribbon Campaign]] - Many webpages have linked to a blue ribbon image from [[Electronic Frontier Foundation|EFF]] to raise awareness to laws that may affect online freedom of speech.
* [[Flying Spaghetti Monsterism|First United Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster]] - [[parody religion]] set up to satirize [[intelligent design]].

===Fan sites===
The draft constitution also details an economic system which allows private enterprise, but reserves public ownership of energy resources, health care, and unused farm land. It also specifies a return to the [[Gold Standard]], rather than [[pegging]] to the [[Euro]] or [[dollar]].
* [[Real Ultimate Power]] - devoted to ninjas

The draft constitution argues that "there is no such thing as a [[clergy]] in Islam", that "every Muslim has the right to perform [[Ijtihaad]]" (personal exertion to derive Islamic rules), and that "every thing or object is permitted, unless there is an evidence of prohibition" in the Quran. It us 'incumbent' on Muslims to implement [[hudud]] law [http://www.hizb-ut-tahrir.org/english/books/pdfs/dangerous_concepts.pdf.] Hizb-ut-Tahrir's constitution says that "every individual is innocent until proven guilty. No person shall be punished without a court sentence" and that "[[torture]] is absolutely forbidden and whoever inflicts torture on anyone shall be punished".
* [[Shi Hengxia|Furong JieJie]] - A freespirit Chinese blogger
* [[Mu Zimei]] - A Chinese woman that wrote about her sexual encounters. She is credited to start a new sexual revolution in an otherwise suppressed [[People's Republic of China|China]]
* [[PostSecret]] - An ongoing community art project where people mail-in their secrets anonymously on homemade postcards. [http://postsecret.blogspot.com]
* [[Rachelle Waterman]] - The blog of a teenage girl who wrote "just to let everyone know, my mother was murdered," and was arrested shortly thereafter. Over 5,000 comments in her [[LiveJournal]] blog, before it was deleted. Mirrors still exist.
* [[Tard Blog]]
* [[Tucker Max]] - Millions of hits as well as a cult following to a "man's man," whose skill with alcohol, women, and witty insults is "supposedly" unmatched.

The draft constitution maintains that under Caliphate, "Arabic is the language of Islam and the sole language of the state". The only sources of legislation to be considered [[divine]], and therefore to be accepted without debate, according to Article 12, are those based upon fair interpretations of the [[Quran]], the [[Sunnah]], the consensus of the companions and legitimate analogies ([[Qiyas]]).
* The "[[Crazy Frog]]" [[ringtone]]/"The Annoying Thing" video which originated as a sound file spread on the Internet and used in Insanity Tests
* [[Jared Smith|Jared: Butcher of Song]]
* [[Kerpal]] - "You kicked my dog!" prank call
* [[MC Hawking]] - a text-to-speech rapper based off [[Stephen Hawking]]
* [[Schnappi|Schnappi das kleine Krokodil]] - a song about a crocodile sung by a very young German girl, where its huge commercial success would not have been possible without [[P2P]] networks.
* [[Tai Mai Shu]] - an Asian freestyle rapper
* [[WRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY#A_note_on_WRYYYYYY|WRYYYYYY]] - An eerie sound taken from an anime called [[Jojo's Bizarre Adventure]] and put into a strange flash.
* [[Yatta]] - a song by the [[fig leaf]] wearing group Happa-tai that was also made into the animutation "Irrational Exuberance."

Article 186 of the draft constitution states: "The State is forbidden to belong to any organisation that is based on something other than Islam or which applies non-Islamic rules".They also view the [[UN]], the [[World Bank]], and the [[IMF]] and the [[Arab League]] as contradicting Islamic law and according to article 186 of the draft constitution ". Hizb-ut-tahrir view current International organisations such a the [[IMF]], the [[World Bank]], the [[UN]], and the [[World_Trade_Organization]] as oppressive to the the developing world [http://www.khilafah.com/home/category.php?DocumentID=11503&TagID=2].
* [[All your base are belong to us]] - a phrase from the [[English language|English]] translation of the [[video game]] ''[[Zero Wing]]'', which later was adapted into a popular [[Macromedia Flash|Flash]] animation. An example of [[engrish]].
* [[Bash.org]] - A collection of online [[IRC]] [[chat log]]s at [http://www.bash.org bash.org].
* [[Densha Otoko]] - online postings about a man who meets someone by saving her on a train, which was later adapted into a comic book and TV-movie.
* [[First post]], participants strive to be the first person to add a comment (post) to a new article or discussion thread.
* [[Leet speak]] and [[AOL speak]] may also be considered forms of memetic Internet phenomenon.
* [[There Is No Cabal]] - A phrase used on [[Usenet]].
* [[Timecube]] - The profound yet incoherent rantings of a schizophrenic philosopher.

Article 56 of the draft constitution states that [[Jihad]] is a compulsory duty for all Muslims. Muslim males past the age of 15 are obliged to undergo millitary training in preparation for it. At least as far as Article 56 is concerned, "''jihad''" refers purely to religious warfare, and subsequent articles in the draft constitution detail rules regarding territory gained by the [[Khilafah]] during Jihad. While many practicing Muslims traditionally hold that definitions of ''jihad'' (translated to english, ''jihad'' roughly means 'struggle') include both the physical form (taking up arms against an oppressive force, for instance) and the more personal ''jihad'' against one's own ego; Hizb Ut-Tahrir considers the later to be a 'linguistic' application of the word, while ''jihad'' in the millitary sense is the 'shariah meaning' of the term, and therefore the form of ''jihad'' referred to and to be referred to in legal documentation. [[http://www.khilafah.com/home/category.php?DocumentID=11333&TagID=2]]
* [[Anabukinchan]] - a [[Japan|Japanese]] construction company's advert about "growing"
* [[Gay Fuel]] - a drink for an alternate lifestyle
* The [[Spongmonkey]]s- bizarre creatures that sing, later used to advertise for [[Quiznos]]
* [[The Subservient Chicken]]- a [[Burger King]] promotional website that features a "live" chicken that can obey thousands of typed commands
* [[Whazzup?]] [http://www.bud-true.com/pages/movies7.htm] - [[Budweiser]] [[television commercial|commercial]] series that took a new life when it was parodied with the ''[[SuperFriends]]'' [http://whassup.com/spoofs/whassup.mpg] and [[Elián Wazzup]] [http://www.seanbonner.com/history.php] (which was also inspired by the [[Eli%C3%A1n Gonz%C3%A1lez]] debacle).

==See also==
==Attitudes Towards the non-Islamic World==
* [[fad]]
* [[Image macro]]

[[Category:Internet memes| ]]
Hizb Ut Tahrir has not been elected to government in any of the countries where the party is active, and therefore it is impossible to establish with certainty what its position in terms of international relations, in practice, would be. Publications on the Hizb Ut Tahrir media websites however show a strong anti-Western sentiment that has been characteristic of most Islamist movements. Amongst the publications of Hizb Ut Tahrir is one that compares the British Prime Minister Tony Blair to the people of the Quraysh [[http://www.khilafah.com/home/category.php?DocumentID=11654&TagID=1]], the tribe of the prophet Muhammad which turned against him when he founded Islam and then sought to destroy him. An article on the British Hizb Ut-Tahrir website ‘exposes’ the agenda of the British government against “Islam and Muslims”. [http://www.hizb.org.uk/pressnew/index.php?id=2548_0_45_0_M98] Titles of books published by Hizb Ut-Tahrir include “The American Campaign to Suppress Islam” [[http://www.hizb-ut-tahrir.org/english/books/pdfs/american_campaign.pdf]].

Hizb Ut-Tahrir’s antipathy is not only reserved for the United States or Britain. Following a massive bombing attack on cities in Bangladesh (August 17th, 2005), Hizb Ut-Tahrir responded by accusing India of initiating a campaign to destabilize Bangladesh. Investigation later revealed the terrorist attack was executed by another Islamist movement, Jama'atul Mujahideen Bangladesh.Hizb Ut-Tahrir’s routinely accuses India, along with “Western Colonial Powers” of ‘conspiracy’ against the Bangladeshi people [http://www.khilafat.org/newPages/MediaCoverage/Resources/MC_050826_NewAge.pdf], using rhetoric not dissimilar to that used against the United States or Britain in the Middle East and Europe. An indication that this antipathy is not reserved for non-Muslim governments, but non-Muslim populations as well can be seen in a letter published in the British Hizb Ut-Tahrir official website [http://www.hizb.org.uk/opinions/index.php?id=2547_0_50_0_M132]. While the organization acknowleges the suffering of Muslims throughout the region, it only acknowleges the Muslims in "India occupied Kashmir".

==Anti-Semitism and Anti-Israel==

Hizb'ut Tahrir has published what appears to be [[Anti-Semitism|anti-Semitic]] material on its websites and in pamphlets. In January 2003, Hizb ut-Tahrir was banned in [[Germany]] on charges of anti-Jewish propaganda, a ruling currently being challenged in the German courts. {{fact}} Fadi Abdelatif, Hizb Ut Tahrir's spokesman in [[Denmark]], was found guilty of distributing [[Racism|racist]] propaganda in 2002. The title of the pamphlet in question was "And Kill Them Wherever You Find Them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out" (from the [[Quran]], Baqarah:191 [http://www.islamicresourceonline.org/files/qv.html]). [http://politics.guardian.co.uk/terrorism/story/0,15935,1543732,00.html] The pamphlet, now removed from the group's website, continued:

<blockquote>The [[Jew]]s are a people of [[slander]]. They are a [[Treachery|treacherous]] people who violate [[oath]]s and [[covenant]]s. They lie and change words from their right places. They take the rights of people unjustly, and kill the Prophets and the innocent. They are the most severe in their hatred for those who believe. Allah has forbidden us from allying ourselves with them. "It is only as regards those who fought against you on account of religion, and have driven you out of your homes, and helped to drive you out, that Allah forbids you to befriend them, then such are the Zalimoon (wrongdoers)" [TMQ 60: 9] This is how they used to be. This is how they are now, and this is how they will continue to be. This region, especially for the people of Palestine, has suffered their evil for about fifty years. [http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/anti-semitism/report_germany.html] [http://www.faithfreedom.org/forum/viewtopic.php?p=188215&sid=d012fd7bd5100dc766395df44639c263] </blockquote>

Another article entitled "The Muslim Ummah will never submit to the Jews", now also removed from the website, [http://hurryupharry.bloghouse.net/archives/2005/08/03/hizbut_tahrir_airbrushes_racism_from_its_past.php] states:

<blockquote>In origin, no one likes the Jews except the Jews. Even they themselves rarely like each other. He (swt) said: "You would think they were united, but their hearts are divided" [TMQ 59:14] The [[United States|American]] people do not like the Jews nor do the [[Europe]]ans, because the Jews by their very nature do not like anyone else. Rather they look at other people as wild animals which have to be tamed to serve them. So, how can we imagine it being possible for any [[Arab]] or [[Muslim]] to like the Jews whose character is such? ... Know that the Jews and their usurping state in Palestine will, by the Help and Mercy of Allah (swt), be destroyed "until the stones and trees will say: O Muslim, O Slave of Allah. Here is a Jew behind me so come and kill him." [http://archive.bibalex.org/web/20010305125154/hizb-ut-tahrir.org/english/leaflets/palestine31199.htm] </blockquote>

In response, Hizb'ut Tahrir stated:

<blockquote>We reject decisively the charge of anti-Semitism because [[Islam]] is a message directed to all humankind. However, at the same time we decisively reject [[Zionism]] represented in the form of [[Israel]], and Hizb ut-Tahrir, like the majority of other Muslim organisations, is opposed to the continued occupation of Palestine by the Israeli State. The state of Israel is founded upon a land that it took by force, after it drove out its people, both Muslim and [[Christian]]. This is injustice, which we will never accept from an Islamic perspective, regardless of the race of the perpetrators. In Palestine, Islam is in conflict with Israelis &mdash; not in their capacity as Jews who historically had lived alongside Muslims in peace and security for centuries &mdash; but in their capacity as occupiers and aggressors. [http://www.1924.org/opinion/index.php?id=2091_0_34_0_M]</blockquote>

On [[August 15]], [[2005]], British executive comittee member Dr Abdul-Wahid explained why Hizb ut-Tahrir has now started to remove the material from the party's websites:

<blockquote>[S]ome who do challenge our political views often resort to partial understandings of individual texts that are detached from context &mdash; either of the Muslim world or of global history in general. For example, the war rhetoric prevalent in Europe fifty years ago was full of derogatory epithets and proud declarations, but these are no longer seen as appropriate.</blockquote>

<blockquote>[[Winston Churchill]]’s “fight them on the beaches” is relevant to [[Normandy]] in 1944, not [[Barbados]] in 2005; the language of “freedom” used in campaigns for independence today differs between [[Scotland]] and [[Aceh]]. It would be ridiculous to assume that [[rhetoric]] relevant to a population that sees itself under occupation is symptomatic of the viewpoint of Muslims generally, and Hizb-ut-Tahrir specifically, on all issues relating (say) to Jews and Americans. Yet that is all too often what we see in these so-called challenges to our political ideas. In fact, the decision to remove some of our overseas literature from our [[United Kingdom|British]] website was a considered response to the legitimate proposition that people who read it out of its context might see it as offensive. [[http://www.opendemocracy.net/conflict-terrorism/criticism_2755.jsp]</blockquote>

In July 2005, [[Dilpazier Aslam]], a 27-year-old British Muslim and trainee journalist with ''[[The Guardian]]'' lost his position with the newspaper when it discovered he was a member of Hizb ut-Tahrir and refused to renounce his membership despite rejecting anti-semitism. Citing the anti-Semitic statement discovered on the party's website, ''Guardian'' executives decided that membership of Hizb ut-Tahrir was not compatible with membership of the newspaper's trainee scheme. [http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk_news/story/0,3604,1534499,00.html]

The [[BBC]] have said on thier website,
<blockquote>Hizb ut-Tahrir wants an Islamic state across the Middle East and has been accused of anti-Semitism because it opposes the existence of Israel - it, however, insists that it opposes violence [http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/4317860.stm]</blockquote>

== Prominent members ==
*Shaykh [[Taqiuddin al-Nabhani]] (founder)
*Shaykh Ahmed Dauor (Jordanian parliamentarian 1955-1957 now deceased)
*Shaykh Abdul-Qadeem Zalloum (second global leader, now deceased)
*Shaykh Ata Abu-Rashta (current global Leader)
*Jalaludin Patel (Current UK leader) [http://jamestown.org/terrorism/news/article.php?articleid=2368393]
*Dr Imran Waheed (British spokesperson) NHS trust consultant psychiatrist) [http://www.hizb.org.uk/downloads/index.php?id=2390_0_48_0_C]
*Dr Nasreen Nawaz (British spokesperson) GMP & cancer research [http://www.hizb.org.uk/downloads/index.php?id=2390_0_48_0_C]
*Dr Abdul -Wahid (GMP & UK executive commitee member) [http://www.opendemocracy.net/author/Abdul_Wahid.jsp]
*Shaykh Abul-Hassan (Imam of Masjid as-Sahaba, Khartoum, Sudan spokesman)
*Mohammad Nafi Abdul-Karim Salih (Prominent Jordanian member, now deceased)
*Bakr Salem Khawaldeh (Prominent Jordanian member)
*Bashar Ali (barrister, and presenter on the Islam Channel)
*Wassim Dourehi (Australia spokesperson)
*Naveed Butt (Pakistan spokesperson)

== See also ==

*[http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/programmes/newsnight/3182271.stm "Hizb ut Tahrir"], ''BBC Newsnight'', August 27, 2003
*[http://www.opendemocracy.net/conflict-terrorism/ban_2740.jsp "Tony Blair and Hizb-ut-Tahrir: 'Muslims under the bed'] Abdul Wahid, ''openDemocracy.net'', August 9, 2005
*[http://politics.guardian.co.uk/terrorism/story/0,15935,1543385,00.html "The prime minister's statement on anti-terror measures"] ''The Guardian'', August 5, 2005
*[http://www.hizb-ut-tahrir.info/english/constitution.htm Hizb ut-Tahrir's draft constitution]
*[[http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk_news/story/0,3604,1534499,00.html "Background: the Guardian and Dilpazier Aslam"], no byline, ''The Guardian'', July 22, 2005

==Further reading==
*[http://www.jamestown.org/images/pdf/st_002_008.pdf Interview with leader of Hizb ut-Tahrir by the Jamestown Foundation]
*[http://www.hizb-ut-tahrir.org/ Hizb ut-Tahrir official international site]
*[http://www.hizb-ut-tahrir.info/ Hizb ut-Tahrir media site]
*[http://www.1924.org/ Hizb ut-Tahrir UK group's webite]
*[http://www.muslimuzbekistan.com/ Pro Hizb ut-Tahrir Uzbekistan opposition website]
*[http://www.isn.ethz.ch/news/sw/details.cfm?ID=12891 Recent interview with IRSN]
*[http://politics.guardian.co.uk/comment/story/0,9115,1574832,00.html Recent article in Guardian with interview of female members]
*[http://www.hilafet.com/ Hizb ut-Tahrir Turkey]
*[http://www.hizbut-tahrir.or.id Hizb ut-Tahrir Indonesia]
*[http://www.khilafah.com.pk/ Hizb ut-Tahrir Pakistan]
*[http://www.mykhilafah.com/ Hizb ut-Tahrir Malaysia]
*[http://www.khilafat.org/ Hizb ut-Tahrir Bangladesh]
*[http://www.al-waie.org/ Hizb ut-Tahrir Lebanon]
*[http://www.al-aqsa.org/ Hizb ut-Tahrir Palestine]
*[http://www.khilafah.net/ Hizb ut-Tahrir Arab world]
*[http://www.khilafah.com/ Khilafah.com news and analysis]
*[http://www.ramadhan.org/ Ramadhan Site]
*[http://web.archive.org/web/20031217231443/htexposed.com/htexpose.doc Hizb ut Tahrir criticized from a Wahabi Salafist perspectve]
*[http://simonjones1.blogspot.com/2005/07/from-bishkek-to-baghdad-caliphates.html Simon Jones comment, journalist currently based in Tashkent, Uzbekistan]

[[Category:Islamic political parties]]
[[Category:Transnational political parties]]
[[da:Hizb ut-Tahrir]]

Revision as of 00:01, 13 October 2005

An Internet phenomenon (sometimes called an Internet meme) occurs when something relatively unknown becomes increasingly popular, often quite suddenly, through the mass propagation of media content made feasible by the Internet; however, the popularity of the phenomenon usually wanes as rapidly as it was acquired: the Internet's lack of physical boundaries leads to a much faster and wider spread of information and ideas, especially when the subject is based around humor or curiosity. It is nearly impossible to accurately measure the depth of a phenomenon's popularity, and different groups of Internet users may participate in spreading the phenomenon more than others. Some people point to these sort of Internet phenomena as good examples of memes, or neta. In William Gibson's novel Pattern Recognition an interesting kind of Internet phenomenon—"the footage"—plays an important role.

Internet phenomena include:


  • Danni Ashe
  • Danny Aquino, allegedly stole a camera phone from a car on Long Island, New York. After taking pictures of himself and his girlfriend with the phone the pictures have become fodder for Photoshopping.
  • Keyra Augustina
  • Ellen Feiss - a teenage girl featured in an Apple Computer advertisement, whose slurred speech and disoriented eyes provoked speculation that she was under the influence of illicit drugs
  • Libby Hoeler
  • William Hung - A Chinese college student at UC Berkeley who auditioned for the 2004 series of American Idol and had already been laughed at on TV rose to even more fame through the Internet with his audition getting more widespread exposure as well as remix
  • Cindy Margolis
  • Andy Milonakis - A man in his late 20s with the appearance and voice of a 14 year old boy via a growth hormone defect, who rose to fame after releasing home webcam recordings of freestyle raps, silly and funny videos, and short films (such as the "Crispy New Freestyle" and "The Superbowl Is Gay") on the Internet. He even has his own MTV show now.
  • Brian Peppers, a physically deformed sex offender.
  • Jennifer Ringley - Created the website, Jennicam, in which people could watch her via webcam and had her own internet program, "The Jenni Show".
  • The Star Wars Kid - a video digitally edited numerous times of a Québecois teenager (Ghyslain Raza) pretending to be Darth Maul






  • 4chan [10]- image boards, discussion boards, oekaki, meme.
  • B3TA [11] - with an extremely popular humorous link based newsletter and plenty of shopped user submitted images.
  • eBay auctions that are unusual, such as the 10 year old grilled cheese sandwich with a supposed semblance to the Virgin Mary
  • Emotion Eric - a person that makes various emotional expressions by request
  • Kate's playground - An adult site where porn star "Kate" reportedly has a deformation of her left foot.
  • Neurocam - [12], art project / social experiment / life role play /mysterious unknown
  • Ninja Burger - ninja who deliver fast food
  • Sean.com - minimalist website featuring humorous background sound and only solitary link
  • toothpaste for dinner - website featuring daily comics of a self-proclaimed "Inter-Net Superstar" known only as "drew". See website here.
  • Webcomics - various comics and their characters have gained large followings. They come in multiple formats ranging from hand drawn illustrations to sprite comics
  • YTMND - a simple humorous website becomes a template for thousands of similar sites and many sub-memes.
  • Zombo.com - parodies the dot-com boom

Shock sites

Personal sites

Political sites

Fan sites


  • Furong JieJie - A freespirit Chinese blogger
  • Mu Zimei - A Chinese woman that wrote about her sexual encounters. She is credited to start a new sexual revolution in an otherwise suppressed China
  • PostSecret - An ongoing community art project where people mail-in their secrets anonymously on homemade postcards. [14]
  • Rachelle Waterman - The blog of a teenage girl who wrote "just to let everyone know, my mother was murdered," and was arrested shortly thereafter. Over 5,000 comments in her LiveJournal blog, before it was deleted. Mirrors still exist.
  • Tard Blog
  • Tucker Max - Millions of hits as well as a cult following to a "man's man," whose skill with alcohol, women, and witty insults is "supposedly" unmatched.




See also