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{{Life in the United States}}
'''Existentialism''' is a [[philosophy|philosophical]] movement that views human existence as having a set of underlying themes and characteristics, such as anxiety, dread, freedom, awareness of death, and consciousness of existing, that are primary. That is, they cannot be reduced to or explained by a natural-scientific approach or any approach that attempts to detach itself from or rise above these themes. Human beings are exposed to or, to use the philosopher [[Martin Heidegger]]'s phrase, "thrown" into, existence. Existentialists consider being thrown into existence as prior to, and the horizon or context of, any other thoughts or ideas that humans have or definitions of themselves that they create. This is part of the meaning of the assertion of the philosopher [[Jean-Paul Sartre|Sartre]], one of the founders of existentialism, "existence is prior to essence". Existentialism conceives of [[Being]] itself as something that can only be understood through and in relation to these basic characteristics of human existence. For existentialism, human beings can be understood only from the inside, in terms of their lived and experienced reality and dilemmas, not from the outside, in terms of a biological, psychological, or other scientific theory of human nature. It emphasizes action, freedom, and decision as fundamental to human existence and is fundamentally opposed to the [[rationalism|rationalist]] tradition and to [[positivism_(philosophy)|positivism]]. That is, it argues against definitions of human beings either as primarily rational, knowing beings who relate to reality primarily as an object of [[knowledge]] or whose action can or ought to be regulated by rational principles, or as beings who can be defined in terms of their behavior as it looks to or is studied by others. More generally it rejects all of the Western rationalist definitions of Being in terms of a rational principle or essence or as the most general feature that all existing things share in common. Existentialism tends to view human beings as subjects in an indifferent, objective, often ambiguous, and "absurd" universe in which meaning is not provided by the natural order, but rather can be created, however provisionally and unstably, by human beings' actions and interpretations.
This article very generally discusses the '''customs and culture of the United States'''; for the "popular (pop) culture" of the United States, see [[arts and entertainment in the United States]].

As the [[United States]] is an immense country, with many residents and citizens being descended from relatively recent [[immigration|immigrant]]s, defining a common set of customs, traditions, behavior and way of life is difficult. Unlike many [[Old World]] nation-states, the United States does not have a homogenous population or a traditional homeland.
In terms of the existence and relevance of God, there are three schools of existentialist thought: atheistic existentialism (Sartre), [[Christian existentialism]] (Kierkegaard) and a third school that proposes that whether God exists or not is irrelevent to the issue of human existence- God may or may not exist (Heidegger.)

However, American [[culture]] can be interpreted as being largely based on [[Western culture]] and [[Culture of the United Kingdom|British]] culture, with influences from the [[native Americans in the United States|native peoples]], Africans brought to the U.S. as [[slave]]s, and to a lesser extent other more recent immigrants from Asia and elsewhere. Additionally, due to its large size and the value placed on individualism, there are many integrated but unique [[subculture]]s within the U.S.
Although there are certain common tendencies among existentialist thinkers, there are major differences and disagreements among them, and not all of them even affiliate themselves with or accept the validity of the term "existentialism", which was popularized especially by Sartre. In German the phrase ''Existenzphilosophie'' (philosophy of existence) is also used.

{{see|Cultural history of the United States}}
== Overview ==
== Attitudes ==
The formative years of the United States have been identified by some in the late [[18th century]], and a great deal of U.S. culture is couched in the ideals of [[The Enlightenment]]. The [[United States Declaration of Independence|Declaration]]'s mission statement about securing life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; [[French revolution]]'s ideals of liberty, equality and fraternity; and the national motto of [[E pluribus unum]] ("From many, one") reflect the country's values and social development. Another primary influence on American culture is the constant stream of new immigrants, many of whom had fled persecution or oppression in their home countries, and were seeking freedom (including [[freedom of religion|religious freedom]]) and economic opportunity, leading them to reject [[totalitarian]] practices.

By and large, Americans value the ideals of individual liberty, [[individualism]], [[self-sufficiency]], [[altruism]], [[social equality|equality]], [[Judeo-Christian]] morals, [[free market|free markets]], a [[republic]]an form of government, [[democracy]], [[populism]], [[pluralism]], and [[patriotism]]. (Americans often believe that their [[patriotism]] has nuances that differentiate it from [[nationalism]] and nationalism's negative connotations.)
Existentialism was inspired by the works of [[Arthur Schopenhauer]], [[Søren Kierkegaard]], [[Fyodor Dostoyevsky]] and the [[Germany|German]] philosophers [[Friedrich Nietzsche]], [[Edmund Husserl]], and [[Heidegger]]. It became popular in the mid-[[20th century]] through the works of the French writer-philosophers Jean-Paul Sartre and [[Simone de Beauvoir]] whose version of existentialism are set out in a popular form in Sartre's [[1946]] ''L'Existentialisme est un humanisme'', translated as ''[[Existentialism is a Humanism]]''.

==Society and economic attitudes==
Although many, if not most, existentialists were [[atheism|atheists]], Søren Kierkegaard, [[Karl Jaspers]], and [[Gabriel Marcel]] pursued more theological versions of existentialism. Moreover, one-time [[Marxism|Marxist]] [[Nikolai Berdyaev]] developed a philosophy of [[Christian existentialism]] in his native [[Russia]], and later in [[France]], in the decades preceding [[World War II]].
There is a close relationship between America's political and economic traditions: that the individual pursuit of self-interest leads to the best result both for the individual and for society as a whole, is believed to be a successful formula for both economic success and optimal political function. An effect of this can be seen by the fact that while the United States government is not the most generous donor of international aid, Americans are by far the most generous in terms of individual charitable contributions. <!--SOURCE??--> The precise amount of individual economic freedom that Americans should have is often debated, with the (usually slight) differences in opinion marking the major differences between political parties. The end result, however, is that the U.S. economy has become the largest on earth, with most of its citizens enjoying comparatively high living standards.

The fact that the United States is the largest English-speaking marketplace allows firms to compete across the country and to enjoy [[economy of scale|economies of scale]] (cost reductions that arise from the huge scale of manufacturing) that reduce prices and benefit consumers. The relatively uniform commercial culture--with many large stores or "chains" operating nationwide--produces a commercial atmosphere that is relatively homogeneous throughout the country.
==Major concepts in existentialism==

The population of the United States tends to be centered in large cities, in marked contrast to the demographics of a century ago, when the country was quite agrarian.
Existentialism differentiates itself from the modern Western rationalist tradition extending from [[Descartes]] to [[Husserl]] by rejecting the idea that the most certain and primary reality is rational consciousness. Descartes argued that we could think away everything that exists and doubt its reality but that we could not think away or doubt the thinking consciousness, whose reality is therefore more certain than any other reality. Existentialism decisively rejects this argument, asserting instead that as conscious beings we always find ourselves already in a world, a prior context and history that is given to consciousness and in which it is situated, and that we cannot think away that world. It is inherent and indubitably linked to consciousness. In other words, the ultimate, certain, indubitable reality is not thinking consciousness but, according to Heidegger, "being in the world". This is a radicalization of the notion of [[intentionality]] that comes from [[Brentano]] and [[Husserl]], which asserts that, even in its barest form, consciousness is always conscious ''of something''.

The United States is generally skeptical or hostile toward [[socialism|socialist]] and [[communism|communist]] ideologies, but some of the related movements, such as the [[labor movement]], became a defining part of America's heritage after the [[New Deal]]. The country was less affected by socialist ideas in the [[20th century]] than was [[Europe]], and the [[McCarthyism|McCarthy Era]] and the [[Cold War]] as a whole demonstrated a deeply felt hostility to communism, which, especially at that time, was perceived as anti-individualist, undemocratic, and essentially anti-American. They are also evidenced in aspects of social policy (for example, the absence of a national health care system and the constant controversy about the size and role of the government, especially the federal government, in individuals' lives and in states' laws).
Sartre's dictum, "Existence precedes and rules essence," is generally taken to mean that ''there is no pre-defined essence to humanity, except that which we make for ourselves''. Since Sartrean existentialism does not acknowledge the existence of a [[god]], or of any other determining principle, [[human being]]s are free to act as they choose; his abovementioned essay is the most programmatic and straightforward statement of this principle. Even if an individual believes that he has an essence -- such as a soul or rationality or a psychological type -- that essence is a choice that he is making rather than something pre-existing that is imposed on him.

The American tradition of free-market capitalism has led the populace (and their leaders) to generally accept the vicissitudes of the free market and the continuous alterations to society that a changing economy implies, although social and economic displacement are common. The result is a flexible, profit-oriented socioeconomic system.
Since there is no predefined [[human nature]] or ultimate evaluation beyond that which humans project onto the world; people may only be judged, or defined, by their actions and choices. Choice is the ultimate evaluator.
===Relationship to other countries/cultures===
Some Americans exhibit [[American ethnocentrism|ethnocentric]] or insular outlooks, with little interest in the culture or political developments of other countries. For example, as a possible result of this trait, comparatively few books from European countries or [[Japan]] are translated for sale in the United States and sales of those that are translated tend to be slow. Imported films are generally less successful than domestic productions. Likewise, imported television shows (other than [[anime]] and [[Monty Python]]) are also rarely successful, except on [[PBS]], although remakes of foreign shows are increasingly common. This is emphasized in the Americanization of such television shows as ''[[The Office]]'', ''[[Queer as Folk]]'', and ''[[Red Dwarf]]''. In this process, the show is often rewritten and localized with American actors cast in the place of their British counterparts. By contrast, in many other countries, films and television programs produced abroad are broadcast unchanged (except for [[dubbing]]/[[subtitling]]).

Americans also tend to travel to other countries less than citizens of European countries, for example, partly because international travel from the United States typically entails much further distances than for Europeans, and much higher cost.
==Existentialism before 1970==

===Body contact and expression ===
Arguably the first existentialist was [[Blaise Pascal]]. In 1670, he published the [[Pensees]], in which he described many fundamental themes of existentialism. Pascal argued that without a God, life would be meaningless and miserable. People would only be able to create obstacles and overcome them in an attempt to escape boredom. These token-victories would ultimately become meaningless, since we would eventually die. This was good enough reason not to choose to become an atheist according to Pascal. Sartre takes this idea of avoiding the inevitable death as bad faith. Camus embraces the idea that without a God ultimately everything is meaningless, and tries to find meaning within it.
In most regions of the U.S., [[public display of affection]], as well as significant expression of emotion, was historically disapproved and discouraged, prior to the mid-20th century. Such attitudes have seen considerable change, however, with the cultural revolutions of the [[1960s]] and [[1970s]]. There is considerable variation with respect to attitudes, mostly generational in nature, and while Americans are not generally as demonstrative of their affections as, say, Latin Americans or Southern Europeans, they are considerably more so than, for instance, the Northern Europeans or the Japanese, have been historically.

The thought of the major existentialist philosophers of the 20th century, Heidegger and Sartre, grew out of the [[phenomenology]] of Husserl, which attempted to critique [[positivism]] and [[psychologism]] by grounding all perception, experience, and knowledge in structures of human [[consciousness]]. Husserl stressed that all Being is always being for a consciousness. Heidegger transformed this into the core existentialist notion that Being is always being, not for a pure consciousness, but rather for a concrete existence, that is that consciousness is a property of a (human) existence (''Dasein'') that has "being-in-the-world", and exists in a concrete historical context. Sartre developed his version of existentialist philosophy under the influence of Husserl and Heidegger.
The citizens and many other residents of the United States refer to themselves and each other as Americans, and to their country as the United States or as America. Non-Hispanic Americans understand, and may say, "the Americas" with the meaning of the two major [[continent]]s of the [[Western hemisphere]], but generally will resist using "America" in that sense, despite that designation's familiarity to Spanish speakers. While to many foreigners "[[Yankee|Yankees]]" is synonymous with the American people, Americans almost always use the term for the [[New York Yankees|sports team]], for [[New England (U.S.)|New Englanders]], [[New York|New Yorkers]], or in contrast to [[U.S. Southern States|Southerners]]. The major exception to that is Americans' occasional ironic usage of "Yankee" (or especially "Yank", construed by Americans as a British usage), in attempting to convey either striving to transcend American parochialism, or resignation to the failure of any such striving. "The States" is a term generally used when referring to the country from an overseas or Canadian vantage point. "The US" or "The U.S." is a casual, short-hand term.

When discussing the [[American Civil War]], Americans use the phrase "the Union" to refer to the states that remained under the control of the federal government in Washington and did not secede to join the Confederacy. The phrase is also occasionally used in contemporary discussions of American [[federalism]] and states' rights.
In the [[1950s]] and [[1960s]], existentialism experienced a resurgence of interest in popular artforms. In fiction, [[Jack Kerouac]] and the [[Beat poets]] adopted existentialist themes. [[Herman Hesse]]'s ''[[Steppenwolf]]'', based on an idea in Kierkegaard's ''Either/Or'' (1843), sold well in the West, and "arthouse" films began quoting and alluding to existentialist thought and thinkers. Simultaneously, in Sartre, [[Paris]] university students found a hero for the [[May 1968]] demonstrations, and others were appropriating the thematic pessimism found in [[Albert Camus]] and [[Søren Kierkegaard]]. The despair of choice and the despair of the unknowing self featured prominently (often in [[pidgin]] form) in cinema and novels.

Fairly formal terms, still short-hand, evoking patriotic observances (possibly with irony) are "U.S.A." (with or without the periods, and usually with "the"); a more marked version is "the U. S. of A." The full name of the nation, the "United States of America," is very formal and is most often used in formal government documents, pledges, or ceremonies.
==Existentialism since 1970==

==Intra-national allegiances==
Although [[Postmodernism|postmodernist]] thought became the focus of intellectuals in the [[1970s]] and thereafter (whether or not the movement is strong today, and what, if anything, has replaced it, still is debated), much postmodern writing is existential--unsurprising, since postmodernism evolved from the thought of Nietzsche and Heidegger (two of the greatest existential philosophers), despite Heidegger's rejecting the existentialist label.
Because of the size and large population of the country, America is often described as a nation of joiners who tend to self-associate with non-familial groups. Individuals tend to perceive themselves as "free agents" rather than bound by family or clan ties.

Group allegiances are sometimes regional, but can also be related to a professional or fraternal organization. For example, residents of [[North Carolina]] are proud to be "[[Tar Heel]]s," [[Indiana]] residents are "[[Hoosier]]s" and many cities have a strong sense of civic identity, often reinforced by an innocuous but deeply felt rivalry with another local city. An example of such a rivalry existed until the early 1960s between the [[Twin Cities]] of [[Minneapolis, Minnesota|Minneapolis]] and [[Saint Paul, Minnesota|St. Paul]], [[Minnesota]]. A strong rivalry that continues to this day involves the cities of [[Boston]] and [[New York City|New York]], which is centered around the historic rivalry between the 26-time World Champion [[New York Yankees]] and the 2004 World Series Champion [[Boston Red Sox]].
One should, however, not confuse postmodernism with existentialism. Thematically postmodern films such as ''[[The Matrix]]'' posit the idea of [[simulacrum]], dealing with reality and appearance, and of how the latter renders the former indistinguishable, if the artificial can sufficiently mimic the real. Alternatively, existential cinema deals more with the themes of:

Recent immigrants tend to congregate with other immigrants from their country of origin, often establishing neighborhoods (sometimes called [[List of named ethnic enclaves in North American cities|ethnic enclaves]]) in cities with popular names like "[[Chinatown]]", "[[Poletown]]", or "[[Little Saigon]]." Second- and third-generation descendants of immigrants tend to have looser affiliations with their ethnic groups.
#Retaining authenticity in an apathetic, mechanical world, something [[post-modernism]] would staunchly reject--as authenticity is related to a non-existent "reality".
#The consciousness of death; e.g. Heidegger's 'being towards death'--exemplified in [[Ingmar Bergman]]'s film "[[The Seventh Seal]]" (1957).
#The feelings of alienation and loneliness consequent to being unique in a world of many, or, in Nietzsche's phrase, "herd-animals".
#The concept Alltägliche selbstsein (Everyday-ness) which Heidegger explicated in his book ''[[Sein und Zeit]]'' (1927), (English translation [[Being and Time]]).

America has tens of thousands of clubs and organizations, and if a group has a charitable or service orientation, Americans may volunteer their time through those groups. [[List of civic, fraternal, service, and professional organizations|Examples of these groups]] include the [[Rotary Club]], the [[Boy Scouts of America]], [[Little League]], etc.
Since [[1970]], much cultural activity in art, cinema, and literature contains postmodern and existential elements, which, ironically, would support the postmodern thesis of "borderlessness between concepts". Films such as ''[[Fight Club]]'', based on the book by [[Chuck Palahniuk|Palahniuk]], and books such as ''[[Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep]]'', by [[Philip K. Dick|Dick]], and ''[[Toilet: The Novel]]'', by [[Michael Szymczyk]] all distort the line between reality and appearance while simultaneously espousing strong existential themes.

== Food ==
In cinema, postmodern editing techniques (showing the displacement, discontinuity, and temporal perspective of postmodernism) can go hand-in-hand with a purely existential story, thus synthesizing technique and function to give meaning. Moreover, this has created the neologism "[[Neo-Existentialism]]"--combining postmodernism's epistemology with the reflective [[ontological]] belief of existentialism.
''Main article: [[Cuisine of the United States]]''

The types of [[food]] served at home vary the most and depend upon the region of the country and the family's own cultural heritage. Americanized versions of these cultural foods, such as [[American Chinese cuisine]], sometimes appear. Recent immigrants tend to eat food similar to that of their country of origin. Families that have lived for a few generations in the U.S. tend to eat some combination of that and the food common to the region they live in or grew up in, such as [[New England cuisine]], [[Midwestern cuisine]], [[Southern US cuisine|Southern cuisine]], [[Tex-Mex cuisine]], and [[Californian cuisine]].
==Criticisms of existentialism==

==Tobacco and other drugs==
[[Herbert Marcuse]] criticized existentialism, especially in Sartre's ''Being and Nothingness'', for projecting certain features, such as anxiety and meaninglessness, of the modern experience of living in an oppressive society, onto the nature of existence itself: "In so far as Existentialism is a philosophical doctrine, it remains an idealistic doctrine: it hypostatizes specific historical conditions of human existence into ontological and metaphysical characteristics. Existentialism thus becomes part of the very ideology which it attacks, and its radicalism is illusory". (Herbert Marcuse, "Sartre's Existentialism", p. 161)
Use of [[tobacco]] has statistically decreased sharply among Americans with higher levels of education, with use at only 10% among the college educated, while continuing at 40% among high school dropouts. American tobacco users smoke cigarettes and cigars, as well as engaging in [[dipping]] or tobacco chewing. It is generally possible to avoid tobacco smoke in business establishments provided care is taken. Many towns, cities and even some states, such as California, prohibit smoking in the interior of public places.

== Sports ==
[[Theodor Adorno]], in his ''Jargon of Authenticity'', criticized Heideggers's philosophy, with special attention to his use of language, as a mystifying ideology of advanced industrial society and its power structure.
''Main article: [[Sports in the United States]]''

American sports are quite distinct from those played elsewhere in the world. [[Baseball]] has a huge following and is referred to as the "national pastime"; [[Major League Baseball]] teams play almost every day from April to October. [[American football]] (known simply as "football" in the U.S. and as [[Gridiron_football|gridiron]] in the UK) attracts more viewers than baseball nowadays; however, [[National Football League]] teams play only 16 regular-season games each year, so baseball is the runaway leader in ticket sales. [[Basketball]], invented in [[Massachusetts]] by a Canadian, is another popular sport. [[NASCAR]] has also grown from a mainly southern sport to the second most watched sport in America behind football. Less popular, but still considered a major spectator sport, is [[Ice hockey|hockey]]. [[Ice hockey|Hockey]], always a mainstay of [[Great Lakes]] area culture, gained tenuous footholds in regions like [[Carolina Hurricanes|the Carolinas]] and [[Tampa Bay Lightning|Tampa Bay, Florida]], in recent years, as the [[National Hockey League]] pursued a policy of expansion. The cancellation of the 2004-2005 NHL season could slow, or even halt, the spread of hockey into new regions of the United States. Unlike in Europe, Africa, South America, and recently, Asia, [[soccer]] has a small following, and is mostly popular in the more international cities of [[New York]] and [[Los Angeles]], where there happens to be a high immigrant population. Generally few non-Hispanic American adults appear to be attracted to [[soccer]] as spectators, but the sport is widely played by children of all backgrounds. Sports such as [[cricket]], [[Rugby Football|rugby]], common in other English-speaking nations, are nearly nonexistent in the United States. However, many amateur cricket leagues have been formed by [[India]]n and [[Pakistan]]i immigrants, and as a result, the sport has made limited inroads into the non-immigrant community. [[Australian Rules Football]] is also one of the fastest growing sports in the USA, partly through agressive promotion by the [[Australian Football Association of North America]].
[[Roger Scruton]] claimed, in his book "From Descartes to Wittgenstein", that both Heidegger's concept of "Inauthenticity" and Sartre's concept of "Bad Faith" were incoherent; both deny any universal moral creed, yet speak of these concepts as if everyone were bound to abide them. In chapter 18, he writes,''"In what sense Sartre is able to 'recommend' the authenticity which consists in the purely self-made morality is unclear. He does recommend it, but, by his own argument, his recommendation can have no objective force."'' Familiar with this sort of argument, Sartre claimed that bad and good faith do not represent moral ideas, rather, they are ways of being.

The extent in America to which sports are associated with secondary and tertiary education is unique among nations. Particularly notable in basketball and football, high school and particularly college sports are followed with a fervor equalling or exceeding that felt for professional sports; college football games can draw six-digit crowds and, for upper-tier schools, sports are a significant source of revenue. Though student athletes may be held to significantly lower academic requirements than non-athletes at universities, a minimum standard does exist.
==Existentialism in psychotherapy==

== Clothing ==
With complete freedom to decide and being responsible for the outcome of said decisions comes [[anxiety]]--or angst--about the choices made. Anxiety's importance in existentialism makes it a popular topic in [[psychotherapy]]. Therapists often use existential [[philosophy]] to explain the patient's anxiety. Psychotherapists using an existential approach believe that the patient can harness his or her anxiety and use it constructively. Instead of suppressing anxiety, patients are advised to use it as grounds for change. By embracing anxiety as inevitable, a person can use it to achieve his or her full potential in life.
''Main article: [[Dress of the United States]]''

[[clothing|Dress]] is usually casual and informal, and in the Western tradition of pants and a shirt, and dresses for women. Exceptions are major cities such as [[New York City]], [[Los Angeles]], and [[San Francisco]], where many residents dress more stylishly (and more expensively.) Social and business situations may call for tailored suits or other more elegant outfits. The strictest clothing convention applies to [[skirt]]s and dresses; they are usually exclusively reserved and used by women and young girls. [[Jeans]], a [[T-shirt]] and [[athletic shoe]]s, with optional [[baseball cap]] (increasingly, worn backwards), come close to being a "national uniform".
==Major thinkers and authors associated with the movement==

Types of clothing worn often have something to do with which region of the country people live in. Some [[Texans]] and residents of the [[Southwest]] dress in a style typically associated with traditional [[cowboys]]. In the region from [[New England]] to [[New York]], [[preppy]] style clothing is popular. In the [[Dixie|South]], people sometimes dress more casually, although formality in certain contexts is valued some parts of the region, a trend which may also influence ethnic groups outside the South, including [[African Americans]].
===Film directors===
* [[Ingmar Bergman]]
* [[Eric Rohmer]]
* [[Alain Robbe-Grillet]]
* [[Richard Linklater]]
* [[David O. Russell]]
* [[Michelangelo Antonioni]]
* [[Jean-Luc Godard]]
* [[François Truffaut]]

The greatest variations in dress are related to climate. Easterners generally tend to dress more formally than Westerners, though this is also closely connected with cultural history as well. Residents of northern states wear heavy sweaters, warm, water-resistant boots, stocking caps and heavy coats or [[down]] [[parka]]s in the cold season. In Hawaii, the [[Hawaiian shirt]] as an acceptable item of wear by men has received formal approval by the state legislature. In beach areas and places with relatively warm and consistent climates, especially [[California]], [[Hawaii]], and [[Florida]], "skimpy" clothing is considered acceptable in all but the most formal settings. [[Cowboy hat]]s, Western boots and large silver belt buckles are found in southwestern and western regions of the United States, particularly [[Texas]] and [[Arizona]]. However, many from the Southern United States dress in the aforementioned jeans and t-shirt.
===Novelists and playwrights===

The trend toward informality has increased among many segments of society. For instance, students at colleges and universities are often noted for wearing [[flip flops]] or thongs as well as [[pyjama]]s to class.
Existentialist novelists were generally seen as a mid-1950s phenomenon that continued until the mid- to late 1970s. Most of the major writers were either French or from French African colonies. Small circles of other Europeans were seen as literary existential precursors by the existentialists, themselves, however, literary history increasingly has questioned the accuracy of this idealism for earlier models.

There is overlapping between the American [[beat generation]] writers who lived in Paris, and felt it their spiritual home, and writers of [[road novels]]; as well as the delayed action of the French discovery of American [[film noir]], in the 1950s, after a decade of Nazi-Fascist censorship, which, as [[Truffaut]] and others in the [[Cahiers du Cinema]] indicated, influenced novels and plays; to some extent, as well, the [[surrealist]] movement of [[Andre Breton]] and others, which questioned the established reality, made possible the isolation of non-academic novels protagonised by amoral anti-heroes.
''Main article: [[Education in the United States]]''

''Should be merged with [[Education in the United States]]''
The ''Belmondo'' school of existentialism, inspired by [[Genet]], the criminal world, and French society's underclasses are seen now as a detective fiction sub-genre.

In the [[Education in the United States|American educational system]] children are generally required to attend [[school]] from the age of five or six until age 16, with the majority continuing until they are at least 17 or 18, or have graduated from high school. The public [[education]] systems vary from one state to another but generally are organized as follows:
The ''Excrement'' school of existentialism, a worldwide movement that uses excrement as metaphor to criticize life, society, and politics, came into vogue in the early 1990s in the avant-garde of Russian literature. It has retained cultural interest in the U.S. through such existential works as the Kafkaesque [[Toilet: The Novel]], which increasingly show that the universal themes of loneliness, alienation, and death in [[Excrement Literature]] are characteristic of the Existential movement.

*Age five: [[Kindergarten]]
This is a general list of existentialist writers:
*Ages six-11: [[elementary education|Elementary]] school. Children start in grade 1 and advance to grade 5 or 6.
*Ages 12-13 or 12-14: [[Junior high school]] or [[middle school]] (usually grades 7-9 or grades 6-8, respectively).
*Ages 14-18: [[Secondary education in the United States|High school]] (usually grades 9-12 or 10-12, depending on whether the community uses middle schools or junior high schools).

The entire span of primary and secondary education, from Kindergarten to grade 12, is often abbrieved in the US as K-12 or K12, which in spoken [[American English]] is rendered as "K through 12" or "K 12."
*[[Edward Albee]]
*[[Georges Bataille]]
*[[Samuel Beckett]]
*[[Simone de Beauvoir]]
*[[Michel Butor]]
*[[Albert Camus]] (Ultimately rejected being labeled an existentialist, but his thoughts and works are characterized as being existential)
*[[Louis-Ferdinand Celine]]
*[[Marguerite Duras]]
*[[Ralph Ellison]]
*[[Fyodor Dostoevsky]]
*[[Jean Genet]]
*[[Andre Gide]]
*[[Hermann Hesse]]
*[[Henrik Ibsen]]
*[[Eugène Ionesco]]
*[[Franz Kafka]]
*[[Jack Kerouac]]
*[[Jerzy Kosinski]]
*[[Chuck Palahniuk]]
*[[Alain Robbe-Grillet]]
*[[Catherine Robbe-Grillet]]
*[[Natalie Sarraute]]
*[[Claude Simon]]
*[[John Gardner]]*
*[[Jean-Paul Sartre]]
*[[Marquis de Sade]] (de Sade died too early to be part of the existentialist movement, but his writings have affected existentialism, and are of the existential literature tradition)
*[[Tom Stoppard]]
*[[Michael Szymczyk]]
*[[Miguel de Unamuno]]
*[[Richard Wright (author)|Richard Wright]]
*[[Robert Clark Young]]

Additionally, many children attend schools before they reach the age of five. These pre-schools are often private and not part of the public educational system although some public school systems include pre-schools.

===Public education===
* [[Simone de Beauvoir]]
Public education in the United States is provided by the separate [[U.S. state|states]], not the federal government (except in the limited circumstances of on-base public schools provided for military dependents). All states provide public school education from kindergarten through the twelfth year of high school free of charge; further, the federal government does not establish a standard nationwide curriculum. Rather, the curriculum is typically established by state educational departments or local school districts, and teachers in many districts may have wide discretion to determine what is taught in the classroom.
* [[Nikolai Berdyaev]]
* [[Henri Bergson]]
* [[Martin Heidegger]] (Like Camus, Heidegger rejected the label 'existentialist'.)
* [[Karl Jaspers]]
* [[Hans Jonas]]
* [[Søren Kierkegaard]] (Kierkegaard died too soon to be a part of the existentialist movement, and would have rejected many tenets of Sartre's existentialism. Yet, he was of the first philosophers dealing with the problems of human existence in ways recognizable as forerunners of Sartrean existentialism.)
* [[Walter Kaufmann]]
* [[Ladislav Klíma]]
* [[Emmanuel Levinas]]
* [[Gabriel Marcel]]
* [[Maurice Merleau-Ponty]]
* [[Friedrich Nietzsche]] (Like Kierkegaard, Nietzsche died too soon to be part of the existentialist movement, and, in many ways differs from the existentialism we know. Yet, his work is precursor to many of the developments in later existentialist thought.)
* [[Jean-Paul Sartre]]
* [[Lev Shestov]]
* [[Max Stirner]]
* [[Peter Wessel Zapffe]]

Increasingly, however, more comprehensive statewide curricula are being developed. Also, as of [[2003]], there is increasing state and federal pressure to quantify teaching efficacy using results from standardized tests, which tends to lead to a more uniform curriculum. This trend toward educational standardization, which has been attributed with a concommittant decline in flexibility in teaching, and other reforms&mdash;such as the use of [[whole language]] methodology for teaching reading in primary school, instead of the more traditional [[phonics]]-based approach&mdash;promoted in recent years have been controversial. Other criticisms of recent educational trends include an increasing lack of post-secondary scholarships and subsidies.
* [[Ernest Becker]]
* [[Ludwig Binswanger]]
* [[Medard Boss]]
* [[Viktor Frankl]]
* [[R. D. Laing]]
* [[Rollo May]]
* [[Fritz Perls]]
* [[Otto Rank]]
* [[Irvin Yalom]]

Funding of the public school systems is most often provided primarily at the local level,with money obtained from county or city ''property [[tax]]es'' used to fund the public schools (in conjunction with additional funds from the state and federal governments).

Private school education in the United States at the primary and secondary levels generally receives little or no governmental support in the form of direct funding or subsidies, although non-profit bodies running private schools may receive favorable tax status. Conversely, because of the constitutional prohibition regarding governmental establishment of religion, most private religious schools are in fact barred from such direct governmental support.

===Private education===
==Existentialism in popular culture==
Most of the private institutions have traditionally been religious institutions, such as
The [[burlesque]] existentialist is a [[stock character]] of the popular imagination, dressed in black and uttering gnomic assertions about life and the universe.
Catholic schools, various Protestant schools, and [[yeshiva]]s. Some private secular schools, military schools, and multi-lingual schools are available. Private secular and multi-lingual elementary and secondary education may cost $10,000 to $20,000
per year per student in large metropolitan areas, placing these schools out of reach of all but the wealthiest of middle- and upper-class families. However, many of these schools, reflecting the American spirit of private charity, provide academic scholarships and need-based assistance. Religious schools vary in price, from nearly free to
costs on par with private secular schools. Poorer families may send their children to these lower-priced
schools for a religious education, or because they consider the schools better than the available public schools. Home schooling is allowed in many states and is an alternative for a
small minority of households. The motivation for [[home schooling]] is often religious or political.

===Higher education===
The United States is a great center of higher education, boasting more than 1,500 [[university|universities]], [[college]]s, and other institutions of higher learning.

Undergraduate degrees granted by institutions of higher education include associate's degrees from community colleges and bachelor's degrees from four-year schools.

Common postgraduate degrees are master's degrees or Ph.D.s, or specialized professional degrees such as a [[Juris doctorate|J.D.]] for a lawyer, an [[Master of Business Administration|MBA]] for a businessperson or an [[M.D.]] for a doctor.
Existentialist films deal with the concepts of existentialism that are familiar to the average person, such as [[free will]], [[personal identity]], [[individualism]], [[responsibility]], mind vs reality, and what really matters.

As with the lower level public education system, there is no national public [[university]] system in the United States; each state has its own public university system. There are also many privately run [[college]]s, universities, and trade schools, some of them religiously affiliated. State university tuition ranges from nearly free on up, but is generally significantly lower than at private schools, and is often lower for state residents than for out-of-state students.
The [[2004]] film ''[[I ♥ Huckabees]]'' (directed by [[David O. Russell]]) prominently features existentialism in its storyline. Though the philosophical conflict is between the so-called existential detectives ([[Dustin Hoffman]] and [[Lily Tomlin]]) and the [[France|French]] [[Nihilism|nihilist]] detective ([[Isabelle Huppert]]), the film's resolution, focusing on the interplay between different aspects of existence, resembles the existentialism described by Sartre and others.

Among the prestigious private universities of the United States are the eight [[Ivy League]] schools; others include [[Stanford University]], the [[Massachusetts Institute of Technology]], [[California Institute of Technology]], the [[Johns Hopkins University]], the [[University of Chicago]], [[Duke University]], [[Emory University]], [[Carnegie Mellon University]], [[New York University]], and [[Georgetown University]]. Prestigious [[state university (U.S.)|state universities]] include the [[University of California, Berkeley]], the [[University of Virginia]], the [[University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill]], the [[College of William and Mary]], the [[University of Texas]], and the [[University of Michigan]]. Among liberal arts colleges prestigious schools include the [[Little Three]] and [[Five Colleges of Ohio]].
[[Richard Kelly]]'s [[2001]] film [[Donnie Darko]] displays an existential tone throughout, beginning with the search for meaning in a teenager's life after learning that his days are numbered.

The U.S. federal government does provide some [[federal grant]]s and loans for higher education to many families. Most universities offer academic scholarships and need-based aid; however, the American attitude is that higher education is a privilege, not a right, and that it is proper for students to assume some of the cost of their own education through work and loans.
Richard Linklater's ''[[Waking Life]]'' ([[2001]]) is a surreal exploration of existential questions. The protagonist wanders through levels of his subconscious, searching for meaning within Life, Death and dreams, collecting along his way many different perspectives. Existential Philosophy is explicitly addressed, and is connected with scientific fields such as quantum physics, psychology, and evolutionary theory.

Students seeking officership in the United States Military may enroll in [[ROTC]] courses at most colleges and universities, or in one of [[United States military academies|service academies]], such as [[United States Military Academy|West Point]] or [[United States Naval Academy|Annapolis]].
The [[1999]] film ''[[American Beauty (1999 film)|American Beauty]]'' contains the primary themes of existentialism. [[Kevin Spacey]]'s protagonist experiences the heightened anxiety and alienation consequent to sudden self-awareness. Meanwhile, his wife 'plays the game,' tries to do what's 'expected'--but the world is indifferent to her game. Spacey begins following his passions, instead of the morality and duties of the herd, but, after almost doing something completely socially unacceptable; (paraphrasing Nietzsche) he retreats to the cage he escaped. The film concludes violently, an example of Camus's "Absurd".

== Language ==
The movie ''[[City Slickers]]'' ([[1991]]) has a profound existential moment: [[Jack Palance]]'s character, Curly, says ''Life is about this: One Thing.'' This is Kierkegaard's ''idea that I could live and die for,'' in a simple leather-gloved finger. It's for each of us to find our ''passion,'' our One Thing. [[Billy Crystal]]'s character, Mitch, finds his as he nearly drowns in a rain-swollen river. He is saved, returns to his family, and embarks on a more meaningful, purposeful life.
''Main article: [[Languages in the United States]]''

The primary, although not official, [[languages in the United States|language of the United States]] is [[English language|English]], of the subtype termed [[American English]]. Other major languages are [[Spanish language|Spanish]] (because of the proximity of and immigration from [[Mexico]] and other Spanish-speaking countries of Central and South America, as well as the cultural crossover of the borderlands), [[Hawaiian language|Hawaiian]], [[Korean language|Korean]], [[Chinese language|Chinese]], [[Vietnamese language|Vietnamese]], [[Tagalog language|Tagalog]], and to a certain extent [[French language|French]] (primarily in far north New England, due to the [[Acadian-Canadian]] influence, and in Louisiana). There are more than 300 languages besides English which can claim native speakers in the United States--some of which are spoken by the indigenous peoples (about 150 living languages) and others which were imported by immigrants. Homegrown creoles include [[Gullah]] and [[Cajun]], both spoken in the southeastern United States. Deaf people and their affiliates primarily communicate via [[American Sign Language]].
[[Tony Hancock]]'s [[1961]] film ''[[The Rebel (1961 movie)|The Rebel]]'' mocks Parisian intellectual society in general and the pretensions of the English lower middle class in particular.

The [[demographics of the United States]] illustrate why [[American English]] is largely [[rhotic and non-rhotic accents|rhotic]]; the letter "R" is pronounced in most words with that letter, which may be due to large-scale immigration from [[Britain]] in the [[1600s]] when the English spoken throughout Great Britain was still rhotic. During this time, the [[King James Version of the Bible]] was written, and is referred to as such in the [[United States]], not the "authorized version." Possibly also as a result of cultural diaspora stemming to the 1600s, is that various King James Version phrases, as well as the words of [[William Shakespeare|Shakespeare]] and the [[Imperial units|British units of measure]], still resonate for many Americans.
''[[Groundhog Day (film)|Groundhog Day]]'', starring Bill Murray, depicts an existentialist way of perceiving our daily lives in a clever and humorous way, cf. Camus's essay The Myth of Sisyphus.

There are four major regional [[List of dialects of the English language|dialects]] in the United States--northeastern, south, inland north and midlands. The [[General American|midlands accent]] (considered the "standard accent" in the United States, and analogous in some respects to the [[received pronunciation]] elsewhere in the English-speaking world) extends from what were once the "[[Middle Colonies]]" across the Midwest to the Pacific states.
''[[Harold and Maude]]'' (1971), with Bud Cort, Ruth Gordon, et al.

== Religion ==
''[[The Graduate]]'' (1967), with Dustin Hoffman, Anne Bancroft, Katharine Ross, et al.
''Main article: [[Religion in the United States]]''

Historically, United States religious tradition has been primarily [[Protestant Christianity]], but this tradition coexists in a public sphere where religious plurality and secularism are the norm. For example, the [[United States Constitution]] enshrined individual freedom of religious practice, which courts have since interpreted to mean that the government is a secular institution, an idea called "[[Separation of church and state in the United States|separation of church and state]]".
''[[Cube (film)|Cube]]'', Vincenzo Natali's 1997 independent film sets its cast in a mysterious cube, which goes unaccounted in its genesis, and their subsequent placement therein.

While the many Christian sects have the most adherents, many other faiths are also popular. No one religion holds sway over the entirety of the population. "Culture wars" often have roots in religious differences, but religious violence is virtually nonexistent and roundly condemned by religious as well as non-religious individuals. U.S. people as a whole attend religious services more often than do their peers in most Northern European countries. In fact, the U.S. is rare among industrialized nations in that most of its citizens consider themselves religious.
''Suna no onna'', Hiroshi Teshigahara's 1964 film in which a couple lives in a sand dune, which is perpetually caving in, as they continue to expel the loose grains.

According to the 2001 [[American Religious Identity Survey]] (ARIS), 76.5% of United States residents, or 159 million people, identify themselves as [[Christianity|Christians]]; 13.2% or 27.5 million identify as non-religious or secular. Other faiths represented include the 1.3% (or 2.8 million) of U.S. people who identify themselves as [[Judaism|Jewish]]; 0.5% (1 million) who identify themselves as [[Islam|Muslim]]; 0.5% (1 million) who identify themselves as [[Buddhism|Buddhists]]; 0.5% (991,000) who identify as [[Agnosticism|agnostic]]; 0.4% (902,000) who identify as [[atheism|atheist]]; 0.4% (766,000) identify as [[Hindu]]; and 0.3% (629,000) who identify as [[Unitarian Universalism|Unitarian Universalist]].
[[John Patrick Shanley]]'s ''[[Joe Versus the Volcano]]'' (1990) starring Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan, is a story about a man waking up from a sleepy dogmatic life (absurd) whereby he slowly comes to take control of his actions and ultimately reinvents himself (though you could argue that his 'leap of faith' at the end is somewhat religously [[apologist | apologetic]]). Classic theme of reducing (stripping away) ones self and rebuilding identity.

According to the same study, the major Christian denominations (making up the vast majority of faiths actively practiced in the United States) are (in order): [[Catholic]], [[Baptist]], [[Methodist]], [[Lutheran]], [[Presbyterian]], [[Pentecostal]] (aka charismatic or evangelical), [[Episcopalian]], [[Latter-Day Saints]], [[Church of Christ]], and [[Congregational]].
[[The Stranger]] by Luchino Visconti is an adaptation of the Albert Camus novel of the same name.

According to other studies, as reported by the [[Statistical Abstract of the United States]], Americans' self-reported religious affiliations are 56% [[Protestant]] Christianity, 27% [[Catholic]] Christianity, 2% [[Judaism]], 1% [[Orthodox Christian]]ity, 1% [[Mormon]] Christianity, 5% "other specific", and 8% "other" or "did not designate." Some 68% of Americans are members of a place of worship, and 44% attend that place of worship regularly.
[[Cameron Crowe]]'s "[[Vanilla Sky]]" (2001) is the English adaptation to [[Abra Los Ojos]]. Throughout the film the concept of reality is challenged through the journey of Thomas Aames ([[Tom Cruise]]), who leads a life; part of the time within the traditional sense of reality and part of the time within a dream world. The journey of Thomas Aames is subjective, but strong undertones of [[Descartes]]'s "I think, therefore I am" principle are present.

== Work and jobs ==
Most people commute to work using [[automobile]]s rather than [[mass transit]]; [[the effect of the automobile on the United States]] is significant.

Most jobs are based on a 40-hour work week; that is, five days (Monday through Friday), eight hours per day. The United States has minimum wage laws requiring a [[minimum wage]] for many employees, though a number of employment sectors are excluded. Minimum wage differs from state to state; some states have higher minimum wages than the wage mandated by the federal government.
Existentialism was [[parody|parodied]] in [[Paul Jennings]]'s theory of [[resistentialism]].

Paid vacations are usually two weeks. Other company benefits include sick days and personal days.
*Herbert Marcuse, "Sartre's Existentialism", in ''Studies in Critical Philosophy'', translated by Joris De Bres (London: NLB, 1972)

Americans usually retire at the age of 65, but may retire earlier if their pension plans permit it.
==External links==
*[http://web.archive.org/web/20040205085207/http://www.columbia.edu/~ta63/exist.htm Essays on Existentialism]
*[http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/existentialism/ Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Existentialism]
*[http://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/sartre/works/exist/sartre.htm "Existentialism is a Humanism," a lecture given by Jean-Paul Sartre]
*[http://counsellingresource.com/types/existential/index.html An Introduction to Existential Counselling]
*[http://www.tameri.com/csw/exist/ "The Existentialism Primer"]

== Housing ==
Immediately after [[World War II]], Americans began living in increasing
numbers in the [[suburb]]s, belts around major cities with
higher density than [[rural sociology|rural]] areas, but much lower than [[urban area]]s. This move has been attributed to many factors such as the automobile, the availability
of large tracts of land, the increasing violence in urban centers (see [[white flight]]),
and the cheapness of housing. These new single-family houses were usually one or two stories tall, and often were part of large tracts of homes built by a single developer.

The resulting low-density development has been given the pejorative label "suburban [[sprawl]]."

== Romantic relationships ==
{{Philosophy (navigation)}}
Couples often meet through religious institutions, work, school, or friends. Some companies providing "dating services," services that are geared to assist people in finding partners.

The trend over the past few decades has been for more and more couples deciding to cohabitate before, or instead of, getting married. The [[United States Census Bureau|2000 Census]] reported 9.7 million different-sex partners living together and about 1.3 million same-sex partners living together. These cohabitation arrangements have not been the subject of many laws regulating them, though some states now have [[domestic partner]] statutes and judge-made [[palimony]] doctrines that confer some legal support for unmarried couples.

[[Marriage]] laws are established by individual state. [[Same-sex marriage]] is currently legal only in [[Connecticut]] and [[Massachusetts]]. In many states, it is illegal to cross state lines to obtain a marriage that would be illegal in the home state. Married couples typically reside in their own dwelling.

=== Marriage ceremonies ===
The typical [[wedding]] involves a couple proclaiming their commitment to one another in front of their close relatives and friends and presided over by a religious figure such as a minister, priest, or rabbi, depending upon the faith of the couple. In Christian ceremonies, the general practice is for the bride's father to "give away" the bride to the groom. Secular weddings are also common, often presided over by a judge, [[Justice of the Peace]], or other municipal official.

=== Divorce ===
[[Divorce]], like marriage, is the province of the state governments, not the federal government. Divorce laws vary from state to state, but no-fault divorce on the grounds of "irreconcilable differences" is now available in all states except [[New York]] (whose nearest equivalent requires a one-year separation).

Prior to the 1970s, divorcing spouses had to allege that the other spouse was guilty of a [[crime]] or [[sin]] like abandonment or adultery; when spouses simply could not get along, lawyers were forced to manufacture "uncontested" divorces. The no-fault divorce revolution began in 1969 in California; South Dakota was the last state to allow no-fault divorce, in 1985.

State law provides for [[child support]] where children are involved, and sometimes for [[alimony]]. The divorce rate in the United States has been climbing for decades, and as of 2004 hovers around 50%.

During the 1990s, unpaid child support came to be seen as a major contributor to the growth of federal welfare programs. Congress partially federalized child support law to make it easier for custodial parents to locate noncustodial parents and seize their wages and assets.
[[pl:Egzystencjalizm (filozofia)]]

== Death rituals ==
:''See main article at [[Funeral]] (Funerals in contemporary North America)''
[[Death]]s are generally thought to be an occasion for grieving by the majority of Americans. [[Funeral]]s are held to honor the "passing away" of the individual. Unlike many other cultures, even that of neighboring [[Mexico]], death is looked upon by most Americans as a much greater sadness, and is dealt with in a much more subdued manner. Nonetheless, the majority of Americans do not express the same high degree of emotion—as is the case with the somewhat, but not completely subdued nature of emotion for many in the United—as would be found in some other cultures, such as those of [[Southern Europe|Southern Europe and the Mediterranean]]. Whereas some cultures may celebrate the passing of an individual with music which the deceased enjoyed or wearing colors that were favorites of the dead acquaintice, in the United States, the death of a loved one is typically seen as a time to mourn deeply, wearing all black, and making the pain and sadness that one is feeling known. However, certain segments of American culture, such as residents of [[New Orleans]], have historically been associated with a very different attitude toward funerals, such as that embodied in the [[Jazz funeral]] tradition.

The deceased person is typically placed in a coffin and are generally embalmed and often displayed in a chapel or [[funeral home]] for a day or two (occasionally longer) before being buried in the ground. Most adherents of [[Judaism]], however, do not have their loved ones embalmed. [[Cremation]], an increasingly common practice, involves the burning of the body to ashes, which are then stored in an urn or scattered over a site or location significant to the deceased.

Unlike some countries, including Western Europe, where the body remains in the [[cemetery]] only for a limited period of time&mdash;e.g., 20 years&mdash;in the United States there is typically no limit.

== Gender roles ==
Since the [[1970s]], traditional [[gender role]]s of male and female have been increasingly challenged by both legal and social means. Today, there are far fewer roles that are legally restricted by one's sex. Nevertheless women may not be put into direct combat by law. Asymmetrical warfare however has put women into situations which are direct combat operations in all but name.
Most roles are however not restricted by law, though there are still cultural means of inhibiting such roles. More and more women have entered the workplace, and in the year 2000 made up 46.6% of the labor force, up from 18.3% in 1900. Most men, however, have not taken up the traditional full-time [[homemaker]] role; likewise, few men have taken traditionally female jobs such as [[nurse]] or [[receptionist]].

==Family arrangements==
===Nuclear family living patterns===
Beginning in the early [[20th century]], the two-parent family known as the [[nuclear family]] was the predominant American [[family]] type. Children live with their parents until they go away to a college or university, or until they acquire their own jobs and decide to move out into their own apartment
or home. Children are expected to be out of the house by their mid 20s. While in some cultures (Asian, Middle Eastern, Mediterranean) it is acceptable for an adult to remain in the parental household, a person over 25 living with their parents is viewed negatively by most Americans. This may come from the long tradition of individualism. Unconsciously, many Americans don't consider a person a "true adult" until he or she moves out of the parental nest. There are some exceptions to this custom, especially among Italian and Hispanic-Americans, and in the extremely expensive regions of [[New York City]], [[California]], and [[Honolulu]], where rents of $800 to over $1000 per month are the norm.

In the early to mid-20th century, the father typically was the sole wage earner and the mother was the children's principal caregiver. Today, often both parents hold jobs. Dual-earner families are the predominant type for families with children in the US. Increasingly, one of the parents has a non-standard shift (that is, a shift that does not start in the morning and end in the late afternoon). In these families, one of the parents manages the children while the other works.

Before they start school, adequate day care of children is necessary for dual-earner families; many private companies and home-based day care centers fulfill this need. Increasingly, corporate sponsorship of day care is occurring, as well as government assistance to parents requiring day care.

===Single-parent living patterns===
Single-parent households are households consisting of a single adult (most often a woman) and one or more children. These types of households have been increasing in number and, today, the majority of black households are single parent households. For whites, Hispanics, and other races, the predominant family household is still the two-parent family. Although the United States has a larger number of single-parent households than it did in the past, countries such as [[England]] have a higher percentage of single-parent households than the United States.

In the single-parent household, one parent typically raises the children with little to no help from the other. This parent is the sole ''[[breadwinner]]'' of the family and thus these households are particularly vulnerable economically. They have higher rates of [[Poverty in the United States|poverty]], and children of these households are more likely to have educational problems.

==Regional distinctions==
''See also: [[List of regions of the United States|Regions of the United States]]''

=== Variations ===
Variations in the majority traditions occur due to class, racial, ethnic, religious, regional and other groups of people.

Cultural differences in the various [[regions of the United States]] are explored in the [[New England (U.S.)|New England]], [[Mid-Atlantic States]], [[U.S. Southern States]], [[Midwest]], [[Southwest United States]] and [[The West (U.S.)|The West]] pages.

[[Puerto Rico]] has a largely [[Puerto_Rican_Pop_Culture|separate culture]] from the mainland United States.

==== Rural living patterns ====
The population of rural areas has been declining over time as more and more people migrate to cities for work and entertainment. The 1970s and 1980s saw the closure of many smaller farms across the US as small farmers were no longer able to make a profit from farming. Even in the rural areas, electricity and [[telephone]] service are available to all but the most remote regions, due in part to [[rural electrical cooperative]]s and the [[New Deal]] rural electrification projects. As in the cities, children attend school up to and including high school and only help with [[farming]] during the summer months or after school. However, the school schedule throughout the US is based on the assumption that children will be needed to work on farms during the summer.

==== Suburban living patterns ====
About half of Americans now live in what is known as the [[suburb]]s. The suburban nuclear family has been identified as part of the "[[American dream]]": a married couple with children owning a house in the suburbs. This archetype is reinforced by mass media, religious practices, and government policies and is based on traditions from Anglo-Saxon cultures.

One of the biggest differences in suburban living is the housing occupied by the families. The suburbs are filled with single-family homes separated from retail districts, industrial areas, and sometimes even public schools.

==== Urban living patterns ====
Aside from housing, which may include more [[apartment]]s and semi-attached homes than in the suburbs or small towns, the major difference from suburban living is the density and diversity of many different subcultures, as well as retail and manufacturing buildings mixed with housing. Urban residents are also more likely to travel by mass transit, and children are more likely to walk or bicycle rather than being driven by their parents.

==See also==
* [[Arts and entertainment in the United States]], including [[Architecture of the United States|Architecture]], [[Cuisine of the United States|Cuisine]], [[Dance of the United States|Dance]], [[Folklore of the United States|Folklore]], [[Literature of the United States|Literature]], [[Movies of the United States|Movies]], [[Music of the United States|Music]], [[Poetry of the United States|Poetry]], [[Television of the United States|TV]], and the [[Visual arts of the United States|Visual arts]]
* [[Education in the United States]]
* [[Holidays of the United States]]
* [[Languages in the United States]]
* [[Media in the United States]]
* [[Religion in the United States]]
* [[Social issues in the United States]]
* [[Social structure of the United States]]
* [[Standard of living in the United States]]

== External links ==
*[http://www.cesl.arizona.edu/custom.html Customs & Culture in the US]
*[http://www.lifeintheusa.com/ Life in the USA: The Complete Guide for Immigrants and Americans]
*[http://usinfo.state.gov/usa/infousa/facts/factover/homepage.htm Portrait of the USA]
*[http://www.uscg.mil/hq/atcmobil/tradiv/IMS/IMS_Cult_Gde.htm Guide to American culture and customs for foreign students (US Army Intelligence)]

[[Category:American culture]]

[[pt:Cultura dos Estados Unidos da América]]
[[es:Cultura de los Estados Unidos]]
[[fr:Culture américaine]]

Revision as of 03:21, 15 November 2005

This article very generally discusses the customs and culture of the United States; for the "popular (pop) culture" of the United States, see arts and entertainment in the United States.

As the United States is an immense country, with many residents and citizens being descended from relatively recent immigrants, defining a common set of customs, traditions, behavior and way of life is difficult. Unlike many Old World nation-states, the United States does not have a homogenous population or a traditional homeland.

However, American culture can be interpreted as being largely based on Western culture and British culture, with influences from the native peoples, Africans brought to the U.S. as slaves, and to a lesser extent other more recent immigrants from Asia and elsewhere. Additionally, due to its large size and the value placed on individualism, there are many integrated but unique subcultures within the U.S.


The formative years of the United States have been identified by some in the late 18th century, and a great deal of U.S. culture is couched in the ideals of The Enlightenment. The Declaration's mission statement about securing life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; French revolution's ideals of liberty, equality and fraternity; and the national motto of E pluribus unum ("From many, one") reflect the country's values and social development. Another primary influence on American culture is the constant stream of new immigrants, many of whom had fled persecution or oppression in their home countries, and were seeking freedom (including religious freedom) and economic opportunity, leading them to reject totalitarian practices.

By and large, Americans value the ideals of individual liberty, individualism, self-sufficiency, altruism, equality, Judeo-Christian morals, free markets, a republican form of government, democracy, populism, pluralism, and patriotism. (Americans often believe that their patriotism has nuances that differentiate it from nationalism and nationalism's negative connotations.)

Society and economic attitudes

There is a close relationship between America's political and economic traditions: that the individual pursuit of self-interest leads to the best result both for the individual and for society as a whole, is believed to be a successful formula for both economic success and optimal political function. An effect of this can be seen by the fact that while the United States government is not the most generous donor of international aid, Americans are by far the most generous in terms of individual charitable contributions. The precise amount of individual economic freedom that Americans should have is often debated, with the (usually slight) differences in opinion marking the major differences between political parties. The end result, however, is that the U.S. economy has become the largest on earth, with most of its citizens enjoying comparatively high living standards.

The fact that the United States is the largest English-speaking marketplace allows firms to compete across the country and to enjoy economies of scale (cost reductions that arise from the huge scale of manufacturing) that reduce prices and benefit consumers. The relatively uniform commercial culture--with many large stores or "chains" operating nationwide--produces a commercial atmosphere that is relatively homogeneous throughout the country.

The population of the United States tends to be centered in large cities, in marked contrast to the demographics of a century ago, when the country was quite agrarian.

The United States is generally skeptical or hostile toward socialist and communist ideologies, but some of the related movements, such as the labor movement, became a defining part of America's heritage after the New Deal. The country was less affected by socialist ideas in the 20th century than was Europe, and the McCarthy Era and the Cold War as a whole demonstrated a deeply felt hostility to communism, which, especially at that time, was perceived as anti-individualist, undemocratic, and essentially anti-American. They are also evidenced in aspects of social policy (for example, the absence of a national health care system and the constant controversy about the size and role of the government, especially the federal government, in individuals' lives and in states' laws).

The American tradition of free-market capitalism has led the populace (and their leaders) to generally accept the vicissitudes of the free market and the continuous alterations to society that a changing economy implies, although social and economic displacement are common. The result is a flexible, profit-oriented socioeconomic system.

Relationship to other countries/cultures

Some Americans exhibit ethnocentric or insular outlooks, with little interest in the culture or political developments of other countries. For example, as a possible result of this trait, comparatively few books from European countries or Japan are translated for sale in the United States and sales of those that are translated tend to be slow. Imported films are generally less successful than domestic productions. Likewise, imported television shows (other than anime and Monty Python) are also rarely successful, except on PBS, although remakes of foreign shows are increasingly common. This is emphasized in the Americanization of such television shows as The Office, Queer as Folk, and Red Dwarf. In this process, the show is often rewritten and localized with American actors cast in the place of their British counterparts. By contrast, in many other countries, films and television programs produced abroad are broadcast unchanged (except for dubbing/subtitling).

Americans also tend to travel to other countries less than citizens of European countries, for example, partly because international travel from the United States typically entails much further distances than for Europeans, and much higher cost.

Body contact and expression

In most regions of the U.S., public display of affection, as well as significant expression of emotion, was historically disapproved and discouraged, prior to the mid-20th century. Such attitudes have seen considerable change, however, with the cultural revolutions of the 1960s and 1970s. There is considerable variation with respect to attitudes, mostly generational in nature, and while Americans are not generally as demonstrative of their affections as, say, Latin Americans or Southern Europeans, they are considerably more so than, for instance, the Northern Europeans or the Japanese, have been historically.


The citizens and many other residents of the United States refer to themselves and each other as Americans, and to their country as the United States or as America. Non-Hispanic Americans understand, and may say, "the Americas" with the meaning of the two major continents of the Western hemisphere, but generally will resist using "America" in that sense, despite that designation's familiarity to Spanish speakers. While to many foreigners "Yankees" is synonymous with the American people, Americans almost always use the term for the sports team, for New Englanders, New Yorkers, or in contrast to Southerners. The major exception to that is Americans' occasional ironic usage of "Yankee" (or especially "Yank", construed by Americans as a British usage), in attempting to convey either striving to transcend American parochialism, or resignation to the failure of any such striving. "The States" is a term generally used when referring to the country from an overseas or Canadian vantage point. "The US" or "The U.S." is a casual, short-hand term.

When discussing the American Civil War, Americans use the phrase "the Union" to refer to the states that remained under the control of the federal government in Washington and did not secede to join the Confederacy. The phrase is also occasionally used in contemporary discussions of American federalism and states' rights.

Fairly formal terms, still short-hand, evoking patriotic observances (possibly with irony) are "U.S.A." (with or without the periods, and usually with "the"); a more marked version is "the U. S. of A." The full name of the nation, the "United States of America," is very formal and is most often used in formal government documents, pledges, or ceremonies.

Intra-national allegiances

Because of the size and large population of the country, America is often described as a nation of joiners who tend to self-associate with non-familial groups. Individuals tend to perceive themselves as "free agents" rather than bound by family or clan ties.

Group allegiances are sometimes regional, but can also be related to a professional or fraternal organization. For example, residents of North Carolina are proud to be "Tar Heels," Indiana residents are "Hoosiers" and many cities have a strong sense of civic identity, often reinforced by an innocuous but deeply felt rivalry with another local city. An example of such a rivalry existed until the early 1960s between the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota. A strong rivalry that continues to this day involves the cities of Boston and New York, which is centered around the historic rivalry between the 26-time World Champion New York Yankees and the 2004 World Series Champion Boston Red Sox.

Recent immigrants tend to congregate with other immigrants from their country of origin, often establishing neighborhoods (sometimes called ethnic enclaves) in cities with popular names like "Chinatown", "Poletown", or "Little Saigon." Second- and third-generation descendants of immigrants tend to have looser affiliations with their ethnic groups.

America has tens of thousands of clubs and organizations, and if a group has a charitable or service orientation, Americans may volunteer their time through those groups. Examples of these groups include the Rotary Club, the Boy Scouts of America, Little League, etc.


Main article: Cuisine of the United States

The types of food served at home vary the most and depend upon the region of the country and the family's own cultural heritage. Americanized versions of these cultural foods, such as American Chinese cuisine, sometimes appear. Recent immigrants tend to eat food similar to that of their country of origin. Families that have lived for a few generations in the U.S. tend to eat some combination of that and the food common to the region they live in or grew up in, such as New England cuisine, Midwestern cuisine, Southern cuisine, Tex-Mex cuisine, and Californian cuisine.

Tobacco and other drugs

Use of tobacco has statistically decreased sharply among Americans with higher levels of education, with use at only 10% among the college educated, while continuing at 40% among high school dropouts. American tobacco users smoke cigarettes and cigars, as well as engaging in dipping or tobacco chewing. It is generally possible to avoid tobacco smoke in business establishments provided care is taken. Many towns, cities and even some states, such as California, prohibit smoking in the interior of public places.


Main article: Sports in the United States

American sports are quite distinct from those played elsewhere in the world. Baseball has a huge following and is referred to as the "national pastime"; Major League Baseball teams play almost every day from April to October. American football (known simply as "football" in the U.S. and as gridiron in the UK) attracts more viewers than baseball nowadays; however, National Football League teams play only 16 regular-season games each year, so baseball is the runaway leader in ticket sales. Basketball, invented in Massachusetts by a Canadian, is another popular sport. NASCAR has also grown from a mainly southern sport to the second most watched sport in America behind football. Less popular, but still considered a major spectator sport, is hockey. Hockey, always a mainstay of Great Lakes area culture, gained tenuous footholds in regions like the Carolinas and Tampa Bay, Florida, in recent years, as the National Hockey League pursued a policy of expansion. The cancellation of the 2004-2005 NHL season could slow, or even halt, the spread of hockey into new regions of the United States. Unlike in Europe, Africa, South America, and recently, Asia, soccer has a small following, and is mostly popular in the more international cities of New York and Los Angeles, where there happens to be a high immigrant population. Generally few non-Hispanic American adults appear to be attracted to soccer as spectators, but the sport is widely played by children of all backgrounds. Sports such as cricket, rugby, common in other English-speaking nations, are nearly nonexistent in the United States. However, many amateur cricket leagues have been formed by Indian and Pakistani immigrants, and as a result, the sport has made limited inroads into the non-immigrant community. Australian Rules Football is also one of the fastest growing sports in the USA, partly through agressive promotion by the Australian Football Association of North America.

The extent in America to which sports are associated with secondary and tertiary education is unique among nations. Particularly notable in basketball and football, high school and particularly college sports are followed with a fervor equalling or exceeding that felt for professional sports; college football games can draw six-digit crowds and, for upper-tier schools, sports are a significant source of revenue. Though student athletes may be held to significantly lower academic requirements than non-athletes at universities, a minimum standard does exist.


Main article: Dress of the United States

Dress is usually casual and informal, and in the Western tradition of pants and a shirt, and dresses for women. Exceptions are major cities such as New York City, Los Angeles, and San Francisco, where many residents dress more stylishly (and more expensively.) Social and business situations may call for tailored suits or other more elegant outfits. The strictest clothing convention applies to skirts and dresses; they are usually exclusively reserved and used by women and young girls. Jeans, a T-shirt and athletic shoes, with optional baseball cap (increasingly, worn backwards), come close to being a "national uniform".

Types of clothing worn often have something to do with which region of the country people live in. Some Texans and residents of the Southwest dress in a style typically associated with traditional cowboys. In the region from New England to New York, preppy style clothing is popular. In the South, people sometimes dress more casually, although formality in certain contexts is valued some parts of the region, a trend which may also influence ethnic groups outside the South, including African Americans.

The greatest variations in dress are related to climate. Easterners generally tend to dress more formally than Westerners, though this is also closely connected with cultural history as well. Residents of northern states wear heavy sweaters, warm, water-resistant boots, stocking caps and heavy coats or down parkas in the cold season. In Hawaii, the Hawaiian shirt as an acceptable item of wear by men has received formal approval by the state legislature. In beach areas and places with relatively warm and consistent climates, especially California, Hawaii, and Florida, "skimpy" clothing is considered acceptable in all but the most formal settings. Cowboy hats, Western boots and large silver belt buckles are found in southwestern and western regions of the United States, particularly Texas and Arizona. However, many from the Southern United States dress in the aforementioned jeans and t-shirt.

The trend toward informality has increased among many segments of society. For instance, students at colleges and universities are often noted for wearing flip flops or thongs as well as pyjamas to class.


Main article: Education in the United States

Should be merged with Education in the United States

In the American educational system children are generally required to attend school from the age of five or six until age 16, with the majority continuing until they are at least 17 or 18, or have graduated from high school. The public education systems vary from one state to another but generally are organized as follows:

  • Age five: Kindergarten
  • Ages six-11: Elementary school. Children start in grade 1 and advance to grade 5 or 6.
  • Ages 12-13 or 12-14: Junior high school or middle school (usually grades 7-9 or grades 6-8, respectively).
  • Ages 14-18: High school (usually grades 9-12 or 10-12, depending on whether the community uses middle schools or junior high schools).

The entire span of primary and secondary education, from Kindergarten to grade 12, is often abbrieved in the US as K-12 or K12, which in spoken American English is rendered as "K through 12" or "K 12."

Additionally, many children attend schools before they reach the age of five. These pre-schools are often private and not part of the public educational system although some public school systems include pre-schools.

Public education

Public education in the United States is provided by the separate states, not the federal government (except in the limited circumstances of on-base public schools provided for military dependents). All states provide public school education from kindergarten through the twelfth year of high school free of charge; further, the federal government does not establish a standard nationwide curriculum. Rather, the curriculum is typically established by state educational departments or local school districts, and teachers in many districts may have wide discretion to determine what is taught in the classroom.

Increasingly, however, more comprehensive statewide curricula are being developed. Also, as of 2003, there is increasing state and federal pressure to quantify teaching efficacy using results from standardized tests, which tends to lead to a more uniform curriculum. This trend toward educational standardization, which has been attributed with a concommittant decline in flexibility in teaching, and other reforms—such as the use of whole language methodology for teaching reading in primary school, instead of the more traditional phonics-based approach—promoted in recent years have been controversial. Other criticisms of recent educational trends include an increasing lack of post-secondary scholarships and subsidies.

Funding of the public school systems is most often provided primarily at the local level,with money obtained from county or city property taxes used to fund the public schools (in conjunction with additional funds from the state and federal governments).

Private school education in the United States at the primary and secondary levels generally receives little or no governmental support in the form of direct funding or subsidies, although non-profit bodies running private schools may receive favorable tax status. Conversely, because of the constitutional prohibition regarding governmental establishment of religion, most private religious schools are in fact barred from such direct governmental support.

Private education

Most of the private institutions have traditionally been religious institutions, such as Catholic schools, various Protestant schools, and yeshivas. Some private secular schools, military schools, and multi-lingual schools are available. Private secular and multi-lingual elementary and secondary education may cost $10,000 to $20,000 per year per student in large metropolitan areas, placing these schools out of reach of all but the wealthiest of middle- and upper-class families. However, many of these schools, reflecting the American spirit of private charity, provide academic scholarships and need-based assistance. Religious schools vary in price, from nearly free to costs on par with private secular schools. Poorer families may send their children to these lower-priced schools for a religious education, or because they consider the schools better than the available public schools. Home schooling is allowed in many states and is an alternative for a small minority of households. The motivation for home schooling is often religious or political.

Higher education

The United States is a great center of higher education, boasting more than 1,500 universities, colleges, and other institutions of higher learning.

Undergraduate degrees granted by institutions of higher education include associate's degrees from community colleges and bachelor's degrees from four-year schools.

Common postgraduate degrees are master's degrees or Ph.D.s, or specialized professional degrees such as a J.D. for a lawyer, an MBA for a businessperson or an M.D. for a doctor.

As with the lower level public education system, there is no national public university system in the United States; each state has its own public university system. There are also many privately run colleges, universities, and trade schools, some of them religiously affiliated. State university tuition ranges from nearly free on up, but is generally significantly lower than at private schools, and is often lower for state residents than for out-of-state students.

Among the prestigious private universities of the United States are the eight Ivy League schools; others include Stanford University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, California Institute of Technology, the Johns Hopkins University, the University of Chicago, Duke University, Emory University, Carnegie Mellon University, New York University, and Georgetown University. Prestigious state universities include the University of California, Berkeley, the University of Virginia, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the College of William and Mary, the University of Texas, and the University of Michigan. Among liberal arts colleges prestigious schools include the Little Three and Five Colleges of Ohio.

The U.S. federal government does provide some federal grants and loans for higher education to many families. Most universities offer academic scholarships and need-based aid; however, the American attitude is that higher education is a privilege, not a right, and that it is proper for students to assume some of the cost of their own education through work and loans.

Students seeking officership in the United States Military may enroll in ROTC courses at most colleges and universities, or in one of service academies, such as West Point or Annapolis.


Main article: Languages in the United States

The primary, although not official, language of the United States is English, of the subtype termed American English. Other major languages are Spanish (because of the proximity of and immigration from Mexico and other Spanish-speaking countries of Central and South America, as well as the cultural crossover of the borderlands), Hawaiian, Korean, Chinese, Vietnamese, Tagalog, and to a certain extent French (primarily in far north New England, due to the Acadian-Canadian influence, and in Louisiana). There are more than 300 languages besides English which can claim native speakers in the United States--some of which are spoken by the indigenous peoples (about 150 living languages) and others which were imported by immigrants. Homegrown creoles include Gullah and Cajun, both spoken in the southeastern United States. Deaf people and their affiliates primarily communicate via American Sign Language.

The demographics of the United States illustrate why American English is largely rhotic; the letter "R" is pronounced in most words with that letter, which may be due to large-scale immigration from Britain in the 1600s when the English spoken throughout Great Britain was still rhotic. During this time, the King James Version of the Bible was written, and is referred to as such in the United States, not the "authorized version." Possibly also as a result of cultural diaspora stemming to the 1600s, is that various King James Version phrases, as well as the words of Shakespeare and the British units of measure, still resonate for many Americans.

There are four major regional dialects in the United States--northeastern, south, inland north and midlands. The midlands accent (considered the "standard accent" in the United States, and analogous in some respects to the received pronunciation elsewhere in the English-speaking world) extends from what were once the "Middle Colonies" across the Midwest to the Pacific states.


Main article: Religion in the United States

Historically, United States religious tradition has been primarily Protestant Christianity, but this tradition coexists in a public sphere where religious plurality and secularism are the norm. For example, the United States Constitution enshrined individual freedom of religious practice, which courts have since interpreted to mean that the government is a secular institution, an idea called "separation of church and state".

While the many Christian sects have the most adherents, many other faiths are also popular. No one religion holds sway over the entirety of the population. "Culture wars" often have roots in religious differences, but religious violence is virtually nonexistent and roundly condemned by religious as well as non-religious individuals. U.S. people as a whole attend religious services more often than do their peers in most Northern European countries. In fact, the U.S. is rare among industrialized nations in that most of its citizens consider themselves religious.

According to the 2001 American Religious Identity Survey (ARIS), 76.5% of United States residents, or 159 million people, identify themselves as Christians; 13.2% or 27.5 million identify as non-religious or secular. Other faiths represented include the 1.3% (or 2.8 million) of U.S. people who identify themselves as Jewish; 0.5% (1 million) who identify themselves as Muslim; 0.5% (1 million) who identify themselves as Buddhists; 0.5% (991,000) who identify as agnostic; 0.4% (902,000) who identify as atheist; 0.4% (766,000) identify as Hindu; and 0.3% (629,000) who identify as Unitarian Universalist.

According to the same study, the major Christian denominations (making up the vast majority of faiths actively practiced in the United States) are (in order): Catholic, Baptist, Methodist, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Pentecostal (aka charismatic or evangelical), Episcopalian, Latter-Day Saints, Church of Christ, and Congregational.

According to other studies, as reported by the Statistical Abstract of the United States, Americans' self-reported religious affiliations are 56% Protestant Christianity, 27% Catholic Christianity, 2% Judaism, 1% Orthodox Christianity, 1% Mormon Christianity, 5% "other specific", and 8% "other" or "did not designate." Some 68% of Americans are members of a place of worship, and 44% attend that place of worship regularly.

Work and jobs

Most people commute to work using automobiles rather than mass transit; the effect of the automobile on the United States is significant.

Most jobs are based on a 40-hour work week; that is, five days (Monday through Friday), eight hours per day. The United States has minimum wage laws requiring a minimum wage for many employees, though a number of employment sectors are excluded. Minimum wage differs from state to state; some states have higher minimum wages than the wage mandated by the federal government.

Paid vacations are usually two weeks. Other company benefits include sick days and personal days.

Americans usually retire at the age of 65, but may retire earlier if their pension plans permit it.


Immediately after World War II, Americans began living in increasing numbers in the suburbs, belts around major cities with higher density than rural areas, but much lower than urban areas. This move has been attributed to many factors such as the automobile, the availability of large tracts of land, the increasing violence in urban centers (see white flight), and the cheapness of housing. These new single-family houses were usually one or two stories tall, and often were part of large tracts of homes built by a single developer.

The resulting low-density development has been given the pejorative label "suburban sprawl."

Romantic relationships

Couples often meet through religious institutions, work, school, or friends. Some companies providing "dating services," services that are geared to assist people in finding partners.

The trend over the past few decades has been for more and more couples deciding to cohabitate before, or instead of, getting married. The 2000 Census reported 9.7 million different-sex partners living together and about 1.3 million same-sex partners living together. These cohabitation arrangements have not been the subject of many laws regulating them, though some states now have domestic partner statutes and judge-made palimony doctrines that confer some legal support for unmarried couples.

Marriage laws are established by individual state. Same-sex marriage is currently legal only in Connecticut and Massachusetts. In many states, it is illegal to cross state lines to obtain a marriage that would be illegal in the home state. Married couples typically reside in their own dwelling.

Marriage ceremonies

The typical wedding involves a couple proclaiming their commitment to one another in front of their close relatives and friends and presided over by a religious figure such as a minister, priest, or rabbi, depending upon the faith of the couple. In Christian ceremonies, the general practice is for the bride's father to "give away" the bride to the groom. Secular weddings are also common, often presided over by a judge, Justice of the Peace, or other municipal official.


Divorce, like marriage, is the province of the state governments, not the federal government. Divorce laws vary from state to state, but no-fault divorce on the grounds of "irreconcilable differences" is now available in all states except New York (whose nearest equivalent requires a one-year separation).

Prior to the 1970s, divorcing spouses had to allege that the other spouse was guilty of a crime or sin like abandonment or adultery; when spouses simply could not get along, lawyers were forced to manufacture "uncontested" divorces. The no-fault divorce revolution began in 1969 in California; South Dakota was the last state to allow no-fault divorce, in 1985.

State law provides for child support where children are involved, and sometimes for alimony. The divorce rate in the United States has been climbing for decades, and as of 2004 hovers around 50%.

During the 1990s, unpaid child support came to be seen as a major contributor to the growth of federal welfare programs. Congress partially federalized child support law to make it easier for custodial parents to locate noncustodial parents and seize their wages and assets.

Death rituals

See main article at Funeral (Funerals in contemporary North America)

Deaths are generally thought to be an occasion for grieving by the majority of Americans. Funerals are held to honor the "passing away" of the individual. Unlike many other cultures, even that of neighboring Mexico, death is looked upon by most Americans as a much greater sadness, and is dealt with in a much more subdued manner. Nonetheless, the majority of Americans do not express the same high degree of emotion—as is the case with the somewhat, but not completely subdued nature of emotion for many in the United—as would be found in some other cultures, such as those of Southern Europe and the Mediterranean. Whereas some cultures may celebrate the passing of an individual with music which the deceased enjoyed or wearing colors that were favorites of the dead acquaintice, in the United States, the death of a loved one is typically seen as a time to mourn deeply, wearing all black, and making the pain and sadness that one is feeling known. However, certain segments of American culture, such as residents of New Orleans, have historically been associated with a very different attitude toward funerals, such as that embodied in the Jazz funeral tradition.

The deceased person is typically placed in a coffin and are generally embalmed and often displayed in a chapel or funeral home for a day or two (occasionally longer) before being buried in the ground. Most adherents of Judaism, however, do not have their loved ones embalmed. Cremation, an increasingly common practice, involves the burning of the body to ashes, which are then stored in an urn or scattered over a site or location significant to the deceased.

Unlike some countries, including Western Europe, where the body remains in the cemetery only for a limited period of time—e.g., 20 years—in the United States there is typically no limit.

Gender roles

Since the 1970s, traditional gender roles of male and female have been increasingly challenged by both legal and social means. Today, there are far fewer roles that are legally restricted by one's sex. Nevertheless women may not be put into direct combat by law. Asymmetrical warfare however has put women into situations which are direct combat operations in all but name. Most roles are however not restricted by law, though there are still cultural means of inhibiting such roles. More and more women have entered the workplace, and in the year 2000 made up 46.6% of the labor force, up from 18.3% in 1900. Most men, however, have not taken up the traditional full-time homemaker role; likewise, few men have taken traditionally female jobs such as nurse or receptionist.

Family arrangements

Nuclear family living patterns

Beginning in the early 20th century, the two-parent family known as the nuclear family was the predominant American family type. Children live with their parents until they go away to a college or university, or until they acquire their own jobs and decide to move out into their own apartment or home. Children are expected to be out of the house by their mid 20s. While in some cultures (Asian, Middle Eastern, Mediterranean) it is acceptable for an adult to remain in the parental household, a person over 25 living with their parents is viewed negatively by most Americans. This may come from the long tradition of individualism. Unconsciously, many Americans don't consider a person a "true adult" until he or she moves out of the parental nest. There are some exceptions to this custom, especially among Italian and Hispanic-Americans, and in the extremely expensive regions of New York City, California, and Honolulu, where rents of $800 to over $1000 per month are the norm.

In the early to mid-20th century, the father typically was the sole wage earner and the mother was the children's principal caregiver. Today, often both parents hold jobs. Dual-earner families are the predominant type for families with children in the US. Increasingly, one of the parents has a non-standard shift (that is, a shift that does not start in the morning and end in the late afternoon). In these families, one of the parents manages the children while the other works.

Before they start school, adequate day care of children is necessary for dual-earner families; many private companies and home-based day care centers fulfill this need. Increasingly, corporate sponsorship of day care is occurring, as well as government assistance to parents requiring day care.

Single-parent living patterns

Single-parent households are households consisting of a single adult (most often a woman) and one or more children. These types of households have been increasing in number and, today, the majority of black households are single parent households. For whites, Hispanics, and other races, the predominant family household is still the two-parent family. Although the United States has a larger number of single-parent households than it did in the past, countries such as England have a higher percentage of single-parent households than the United States.

In the single-parent household, one parent typically raises the children with little to no help from the other. This parent is the sole breadwinner of the family and thus these households are particularly vulnerable economically. They have higher rates of poverty, and children of these households are more likely to have educational problems.

Regional distinctions

See also: Regions of the United States


Variations in the majority traditions occur due to class, racial, ethnic, religious, regional and other groups of people.

Cultural differences in the various regions of the United States are explored in the New England, Mid-Atlantic States, U.S. Southern States, Midwest, Southwest United States and The West pages.

Puerto Rico has a largely separate culture from the mainland United States.

Rural living patterns

The population of rural areas has been declining over time as more and more people migrate to cities for work and entertainment. The 1970s and 1980s saw the closure of many smaller farms across the US as small farmers were no longer able to make a profit from farming. Even in the rural areas, electricity and telephone service are available to all but the most remote regions, due in part to rural electrical cooperatives and the New Deal rural electrification projects. As in the cities, children attend school up to and including high school and only help with farming during the summer months or after school. However, the school schedule throughout the US is based on the assumption that children will be needed to work on farms during the summer.

Suburban living patterns

About half of Americans now live in what is known as the suburbs. The suburban nuclear family has been identified as part of the "American dream": a married couple with children owning a house in the suburbs. This archetype is reinforced by mass media, religious practices, and government policies and is based on traditions from Anglo-Saxon cultures.

One of the biggest differences in suburban living is the housing occupied by the families. The suburbs are filled with single-family homes separated from retail districts, industrial areas, and sometimes even public schools.

Urban living patterns

Aside from housing, which may include more apartments and semi-attached homes than in the suburbs or small towns, the major difference from suburban living is the density and diversity of many different subcultures, as well as retail and manufacturing buildings mixed with housing. Urban residents are also more likely to travel by mass transit, and children are more likely to walk or bicycle rather than being driven by their parents.

See also