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Phoenician alphabet: Difference between revisions

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m BOT - Unicodifying
Line 45: Line 45:
| [[Image:phoenician aleph.png|35px|Aleph]]
| [[Image:phoenician aleph.png|35px|Aleph]]
| ऀ
| 𐤀
| [[Aleph (letter)|{{unicode|ʼāleph}}]]
| [[Aleph (letter)|{{unicode|ʼāleph}}]]
| ox
| ox
Line 56: Line 56:
| [[Image:phoenician beth.png|35px|Beth]]
| [[Image:phoenician beth.png|35px|Beth]]
| ँ
| 𐤁
| [[Beth (letter)|bēth]]
| [[Beth (letter)|bēth]]
| house
| house
Line 67: Line 67:
| [[Image:phoenician gimel.png|35px|Gimel]]
| [[Image:phoenician gimel.png|35px|Gimel]]
| ं
| 𐤂
| [[gimel (letter)|gīmel]]
| [[gimel (letter)|gīmel]]
| camel
| camel
Line 78: Line 78:
| [[Image:phoenician daleth.png|35px|Daleth]]
| [[Image:phoenician daleth.png|35px|Daleth]]
| ः
| 𐤃
| [[Daleth|dāleth]]
| [[Daleth|dāleth]]
| door
| door
Line 89: Line 89:
| [[Image:phoenician he.png|35px|He]]
| [[Image:phoenician he.png|35px|He]]
| ऄ
| 𐤄
| [[He (letter)|hē]]
| [[He (letter)|hē]]
| window
| window
Line 100: Line 100:
| [[Image:phoenician waw.png|35px|Waw]]
| [[Image:phoenician waw.png|35px|Waw]]
| अ
| 𐤅
| [[Waw (letter)|wāw]]
| [[Waw (letter)|wāw]]
| hook
| hook
Line 111: Line 111:
| [[Image:phoenician zayin.png|35px|Zayin]]
| [[Image:phoenician zayin.png|35px|Zayin]]
| आ
| 𐤆
| [[zayin]]
| [[zayin]]
| weapon
| weapon
Line 122: Line 122:
| [[Image:phoenician heth.png|35px|Heth]]
| [[Image:phoenician heth.png|35px|Heth]]
| इ
| 𐤇
| [[Heth (letter)|{{unicode|ḥēth}}]]
| [[Heth (letter)|{{unicode|ḥēth}}]]
| fence
| fence
Line 133: Line 133:
| [[Image:phoenician teth.png|35px|Teth]]
| [[Image:phoenician teth.png|35px|Teth]]
| ई
| 𐤈
| [[Teth|{{unicode|ṭēth}}]]
| [[Teth|{{unicode|ṭēth}}]]
| wheel
| wheel
Line 144: Line 144:
| [[Image:phoenician yodh.png|35px|Yodh]]
| [[Image:phoenician yodh.png|35px|Yodh]]
| उ
| 𐤉
| [[Yodh|yōdh]]
| [[Yodh|yōdh]]
| arm
| arm
Line 155: Line 155:
| [[Image:phoenician kaph.png|35px|Kaph]]
| [[Image:phoenician kaph.png|35px|Kaph]]
| ऊ
| 𐤊
| [[kaph]]
| [[kaph]]
| palm
| palm
Line 166: Line 166:
| [[Image:phoenician lamedh.png|35px|Lamedh]]
| [[Image:phoenician lamedh.png|35px|Lamedh]]
| ऋ
| 𐤋
| [[Lamedh|lāmedh]]
| [[Lamedh|lāmedh]]
| goad
| goad
Line 177: Line 177:
| [[Image:phoenician mem.png|35px|Mem]]
| [[Image:phoenician mem.png|35px|Mem]]
| ऌ
| 𐤌
| [[Mem|mēm]]
| [[Mem|mēm]]
| water
| water
Line 188: Line 188:
| [[Image:phoenician nun.png|35px|Nun]]
| [[Image:phoenician nun.png|35px|Nun]]
| ऍ
| 𐤍
| [[Nun (letter)|nun]]
| [[Nun (letter)|nun]]
| fish
| fish
Line 199: Line 199:
| [[Image:phoenician samekh.png|35px|Samekh]]
| [[Image:phoenician samekh.png|35px|Samekh]]
| ऎ
| 𐤎
| [[Samekh|sāmekh]]
| [[Samekh|sāmekh]]
| pillar
| pillar
Line 210: Line 210:
| [[Image:phoenician ayin.png|35px|Ayin]]
| [[Image:phoenician ayin.png|35px|Ayin]]
| ए
| 𐤏
| [[Ayin|{{unicode|ʼayin}}]]
| [[Ayin|{{unicode|ʼayin}}]]
| eye
| eye
Line 221: Line 221:
| [[Image:phoenician pe.png|35px|Pe]]
| [[Image:phoenician pe.png|35px|Pe]]
| ऐ
| 𐤐
| [[Pe (letter)|pē]]
| [[Pe (letter)|pē]]
| mouth
| mouth
Line 232: Line 232:
| [[Image:phoenician sade.png|35px|Sade]]
| [[Image:phoenician sade.png|35px|Sade]]
| ऑ
| 𐤑
| [[Tsade|{{unicode|ṣādē}}]]
| [[Tsade|{{unicode|ṣādē}}]]
| papyrus plant
| papyrus plant
Line 243: Line 243:
| [[Image:phoenician qof.png|35px|Qoph]]
| [[Image:phoenician qof.png|35px|Qoph]]
| ऒ
| 𐤒
| [[Qoph|qōph]]
| [[Qoph|qōph]]
| monkey
| monkey
Line 254: Line 254:
| [[Image:phoenician res.png|35px|Res]]
| [[Image:phoenician res.png|35px|Res]]
| ओ
| 𐤓
| [[Resh|rēš]]
| [[Resh|rēš]]
| head
| head
Line 265: Line 265:
| [[Image:phoenician sin.png|35px|Sin]]
| [[Image:phoenician sin.png|35px|Sin]]
| औ
| 𐤔
| [[Shin (letter)|šin]]
| [[Shin (letter)|šin]]
| tooth
| tooth
Line 276: Line 276:
| [[Image:phoenician taw.png|35px|Taw]]
| [[Image:phoenician taw.png|35px|Taw]]
| क
| 𐤕
| [[Taw (letter)|tāw]]
| [[Taw (letter)|tāw]]
| mark
| mark
Line 288: Line 288:

The Phoenician script has been accepted for encoding in [[Unicode]] 5.0 in the range U+10900 to U+1091F. An alternative proposal to handle it as a font variation of [[Hebrew alphabet|Hebrew]] was turned down. (See [http://www.dkuug.dk/jtc1/sc2/wg2/docs/n2746.pdf PDF] summary.) The letters will be encoded U+10900 {{unicode|𐤀}} ''aleph'' through to U+10915 𐤕 ''taw'',
The Phoenician script has been accepted for encoding in [[Unicode]] 5.0 in the range U+10900 to U+1091F. An alternative proposal to handle it as a font variation of [[Hebrew alphabet|Hebrew]] was turned down. (See [http://www.dkuug.dk/jtc1/sc2/wg2/docs/n2746.pdf PDF] summary.) The letters will be encoded U+10900 {{unicode|𐤀}} ''aleph'' through to U+10915 ''taw'',
U+10916 {{unicode|𐤖}},
U+10916 {{unicode|𐤖}},
U+10917 {{unicode|𐤗}},
U+10917 {{unicode|𐤗}},

Revision as of 02:36, 15 July 2006

Phoenician alphabet
Script type
Time period
Began 1050 BC, and gradually died out as its evolved forms replaced it
DirectionRight-to-left script Edit this on Wikidata
Related scripts
Parent systems
Proto-Canaanite alphabet
  • Phoenician alphabet
Child systems
Paleo-Hebrew alphabet
Aramaic alphabet
Greek alphabet
Many hypothesized others
 This article contains phonetic transcriptions in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). For an introductory guide on IPA symbols, see Help:IPA. For the distinction between [ ], / / and ⟨ ⟩, see IPA § Brackets and transcription delimiters.

The Phoenician alphabet is a continuation of the Proto-Canaanite alphabet, by convention taken to begin with a cut-off date of 1050 BC. It was used by the Phoenicians to write Phoenician, a Northern Semitic language. Modern alphabets thought to have descended from Phoenician include Arabic, Greek, Latin (via the Old Italic alphabet), Cyrillic (via the Greek alphabet) and Hebrew (via Aramaic). Like Proto-Canaanite, Arabic and Proto-Hebrew, Phoenician is a consonantal alphabet (an abjad), and contains no symbols for vowel sounds, which had to be deduced from context. (The Greek was the first alphabet to include vowels.)

Phoenician inscriptions have been found in archaeological sites at a number of former Phoenician cities and colonies around the Mediterranean, such as Byblos (in present-day Lebanon) and Carthage in North Africa.


The original Proto-Sinaitic alphabet was derived from Egyptian hieroglyphs, in use from ca. 1500 BC in the Sinai and the Levant, probably by early West Semitic speakers. In Canaan it evolved into the Proto-Canaanite alphabet from ca. 1400 BC, adapted to writing a Canaanite (Northwest Semitic) language.

The Phœnician alphabet seamlessly continues the Proto-Canaanite alphabet, by convention called Phœnician from the mid 11th century.

Some of the letter names were changed in Phœnician (possibly, gaml "throwing stick" to gimel "camel", digg "fish" to dalet "door", hll "jubilation" to he "window", ziqq "manacle" to zayin "weapon", naḥš "snake" to nun "fish", piʾt "corner" to pe "mouth", šimš "sun" to šin "tooth"). The meanings given are of the letter names in Phœnician. The Phœnician letter names are not directly attested and were reconstructed by Theodor Nöldeke in 1904.

As the letters were originally incised with a stylus, most shapes are angular and straight, although more cursive versions are increasingly attested in later times, culminating in the Neo-Punic alphabet of Roman-era North Africa. Phœnician was usually written from right to left, although there are some texts written in boustrophedon (consecutive lines in alternate directions).

The Phœnician adaptation of the alphabet was extremely successful, and variants were adapted around the Mediterranean from ca. the 9th century, notably giving rise to the Greek, Old Italic, Anatolian and Iberian scripts.

The Alphabet

Various letters have alternative representations: e.g. the taw can be written more like a '+' than like a 'x', the heth can have two cross bars.

  • The Latin letter X derives from a western Greek pronunciation of chi, and not directly from the samekh-inspired letter xi. However chi itself is probably a secondary derivation of Phoenician samekh.
Letter Unicode Name Meaning Sound Corresponding letter in
Hebrew Arabic Greek Latin Cyrillic
Aleph ʼāleph ox ʼ א Αα Aa Аа
Beth bēth house b ב Ββ Bb Бб, Вв
Gimel gīmel camel g ג Γγ Cc, Gg Гг
Daleth dāleth door d ד ﺩ، ذ Δδ Dd Дд
He window h ה Εε Ee Ее, Єє
Waw wāw hook w ו (Ϝϝ), Υυ Ff, Uu, Vv, Ww, Yy Уу
Zayin zayin weapon z ז Ζζ Zz Зз
Heth ḥēth fence ח ﺡ، خ Ηη Hh Ии, Йй
Teth ṭēth wheel ט ﻁ، ظ Θθ
Yodh yōdh arm y י ﻱ، ى Ιι Ii, Jj Іі, Її, Јј
Kaph kaph palm k כ,ך Κκ Kk Кк
Lamedh lāmedh goad l ל Λλ Ll Лл
Mem mēm water m מ,ם Μμ Mm Мм
Nun nun fish n נ,ן Νν Nn Нн
Samekh sāmekh pillar s ס Ξξ, Χχ Xx Хх
Ayin ʼayin eye ʼ ע ﻉ، غ Οο Oo Оо
Pe mouth p פ,ף Ππ Pp Пп
Sade ṣādē papyrus plant צ,ץ ﺹ، ض (Ϡϡ) Цц, Чч
Qoph qōph monkey q ק (Ϙϙ) Qq
Res rēš head r ר Ρρ Rr Рр
Sin šin tooth š ש س، ش Σ(ϲ)σς Ss Сс, Шш
Taw tāw mark t ת ﺕ، ث Ττ Tt Тт


The Phoenician script has been accepted for encoding in Unicode 5.0 in the range U+10900 to U+1091F. An alternative proposal to handle it as a font variation of Hebrew was turned down. (See PDF summary.) The letters will be encoded U+10900 𐤀 aleph through to U+10915 क taw, U+10916 𐤖, U+10917 𐤗, U+10918 𐤘 and U+10919 𐤙 will encode the numerals 1, 10, 20 and 100 respectively and U+1091F 𐤟 the word separator.

Derived alphabets

The Paleo-Hebrew alphabet, used to write early Hebrew, is nearly identical to the Phoenician one. The Samaritan alphabet, used by the Samaritans, is a version of the Paleo-Hebrew alphabet.

The Aramaic alphabet, used to write Aramaic, is another descendant. Aramaic being the lingua franca of the Middle East, it was widely adopted. It later split off into a number of related alphabets, including the modern Hebrew alphabet, the Syriac alphabet, and the Nabatean alphabet, a highly cursive form that was the origin of the Arabic alphabet.

The Greek alphabet developed from the Phoenician alphabet. The Greeks kept most of the sounds of the symbols, but used some letters which represented sounds that did not exist in Greek to represent vowels. This was particularly important as Greek, an Indo-European language, is much less consonant-dominated than most Semitic languages.

The Latin and the Cyrillic alphabets are derived from the Greek alphabet. Some Cyrillic letters are based on Glagolitic forms, which were influenced by the Hebrew alphabet. Also, the old runes were likely derived from an early form of the Latin alphabet.

Many historians believe that the Brahmi script and the subsequent Indic alphabets are derived from this script as well, which would make it the ancestor of almost all major writing systems in use today, possibly including even Hangul, which is possibly derived from Phagspa, itself a derivative of a Brahmi script; this would mean that of all the scripts in use in the world today, only the Chinese script and its derivatives have an independent origin.


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