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The '''Thames Barrier''' is a [[flood]] control structure on the [[River Thames]] at [[Woolwich]] Reach in [[London]]. It is the world's second largest movable [[flood barrier]] after the [[Oosterscheldekering]] in [[The Netherlands]]. |
Le ''' de barri�re de la Tamise de ''' est structure de commande d'a [[inondation]] sur [[fleuve la Tamise]] [[Woolwich]] � l'extension dedans [[Londres]]. C'est le mobilier amovible en second lieu le plus grand du monde [[barri�re d'inondation]] apr�s [[Oosterscheldekering]] dedans [[les Pays Bas]]. [[Image : Barri�re d'inondation de Thames_Barrier_London.jpg|thumb|350px|right|River la Tamise]] [[image : La porte de Thames_Barrier_059184.jpg|thumb|350px|right|The au milieu de cette vue a �t� augment�e dans la position d'entretien et un chaland est de service.]] Construit � travers le bout droit large d'a [[1 E2 m|523]] [[m�tre]] du fleuve, la barri�re divise le fleuve en six canaux non-navigables navigables et quatre plus petits entre neuf grands piliers concrets. Les portes d'inondation � travers les ouvertures sont radiales, c.-�-d., moiti�-cylindrique, et elles fonctionner par la rotation, augment�e par l'hydraulique hors d'un filon-couche horizontal au-dessous de l'eau pour former la barri�re. Elle peut tourner plus loin pour permettre le ��underspill�� pour l'entretien. Toutes portes sont faites d'acier. Les quatre grandes portes centrales sont de 61 m�tres de long, de 10.5 m�tres de haut (au-dessus du niveau du sol local) et p�sent [[1 des tonnes d'E6 kg|1,500]] ; les deux portes externes sont de 31.5 m�tres. En plus, quatre portes radiales par les riverbanks peuvent �tre abaiss�es. Celles-ci d�clenchent des ouvertures, � la diff�rence des six principaux, sont non-navigables. Les portes sont normalement laiss�es ouvertes pour permettre � des bateaux de passer � travers, mais peuvent �tre tourn�es ferm� jusqu'� l'eau d'arr�t voyageant vers le haut de l'estuaire de la Tamise. Avant 1990, le nombre de fermetures de barri�re �tait d'un � deux par an en moyenne. Depuis 1990, le nombre de fermetures de barri�re a grimp� jusqu'� une moyenne environ de quatre par an. L'�l�vation de niveau de la mer menace d'exc�der la protection de la barri�re au sujet de l'ann�e 2030 (le moment o� les concepteurs eux-m�mes ont pens� la force d'am�liorations doivent �tre faits), mais il est possible que ceci pourrait se produire d�s 2010. Ceci ne signifie pas que l'inondation est s�re, mais elle change les probabilit�s dans le calcul de conception. le ==Design et le Construction== le concept des portes tournantes ont �t� con�us par Charles Draper. La barri�re a �t� con�ue par Rendel, Palmer et Tritton pour le Conseil plus grand de Londres et examin�e au laboratoire de recherches de Harwell dans Oxfordshire. L'emplacement chez Woolwich a �t� choisi en raison de la rectitude relative des banques, et parce que la roche fondamentale de fleuve �tait assez forte pour soutenir la barri�re. Le travail a commenc� � l'emplacement de barri�re dedans [[1974]] et la construction, qui a eu �t� entrepris par a [[Costain]]/Hollandsche Beton Maatschappij/[[construction de macadam]] consortium, �tait en grande partie compl�te pr�s [[1982]]. En plus de la barri�re elle-m�me les d�fenses d'inondation 11 milles de fleuve ont �t� augment�es et vers le bas renforc�es. La barri�re a �t� officiellement ouverte dessus [[8 mai]], [[1984]]. Le co�t total de construction �tait autour de �534 m (�1.3 milliard � 2001 prix) avec un �100 additionnel m pour les d�fenses de fleuve. La barri�re a �t� con�ue pour faire face aux �l�vations de niveau de la mer jusqu'� autour [[2030]] - [[2050]]. Bas� sur des �valuations courantes, on s'attend � ce que serve sa pleine limite. Puisque 1982 la barri�re a �t� augment�s des temps finis de 100<ref> </ref> ; de plus, il est augment� chaque mois pour l'essai. La barri�re a �t� actionn�e par [[autorit� nationale de fleuves]] jusqu'� avril [[1996]] quand elle a pass� au [[agence d'environnement]]. En 2005, une suggestion qu'il pourrait devenir n�cessaire de remplacer la barri�re de la Tamise avec une barri�re de 16 kilom�tres (10 milles) de longue beaucoup plus ambitieuse � travers l'estuaire de la Tamise de [[Sheerness]] dedans [[Kent]] [[Southend-sur-Sea|Southend]] dedans [[Essex]] a �t� fait � public. flooding== ==Previous [[image : Porte Closing.JPG|thumb|250px|right|Raising un de barri�re de la Tamise des portes (le mar. 2007)]] Londres est tout � fait vuln�rable � l'inondation. La menace a augment� le temps fini d� � l'�l�vation lente mais continue du niveau de mar�e haute au-dessus des si�cles (20 centim�tres/100 ans) et de la ��inclinaison�� lente de [[la Grande-Bretagne]] (vers le haut de dans le nord et vers le bas dans les sud) caus� pr�s [[rebond postglacial]]. Cette �l�vation g�n�rale des niveaux d'eau potentiels combin�s avec les conditions de mar�e de la Tamise et avec en particulier [[temps grave]] des �tats peut cr�er des �tats s�rieux d'inondation - augmenter les mar�es. Quatorze personnes mortes dans [[inondation 1928 de la Tamise]], et apr�s 307 personnes mortes au R-U dans [[pl�thore de la Mer du Nord de 1953]] la question ont gagn� la nouvelle pro�minence. Les propositions t�t pour un syst�me de commande d'inondation �taient stymied par le besoin d'une grande ouverture dans la barri�re de tenir compte des navires des docks de Londres pour passer � travers. Quand [[mise en r�cipient]] est entr� et un nouveau port a �t� ouvert � [[Tilbury]], une plus petite barri�re est devenue faisable avec chacune des quatre envergures principales de navigation �tant la m�me largeur que l'ouverture de [[pont de tour]]. L'incident== de cerf-volant de ==Sand dessus [[27 octobre]] [[1997]], a [[dragueur]], '' de cerf-volant de sable de '' de syst�me mv, s'est bris� dans une des portes principales de la barri�re de la Tamise. Le bateau a vid� sa charge de 3.300 tonnes du sable et l'agr�gat, est alors descendu sur la porte o� elle s'est assise pendant plusieurs jours. Ceci a pos� des probl�mes massifs, ayant pour r�sultat la corrosion pr�matur�e du c�t� plat de la porte, et pourrait avoir eu des effets potentiellement d�sastreux sur Londres. Une �valuation du co�t de dommages d'inondation, l'a eu s'est produite, �tait autour de �13 billion.<ref> [rapport marin de branche d'enqu�te sur les accidents de] </ref> que la porte de barri�re ne pourrait pas �tre prise hors service, et a d� rester sur une notification de promptitude d'heure. La mar�e de deux fois par jour 21 pieds et le fait la Tamise �taient encore des probl�mes logistiques pos�s fortement utilis�s pour toutes les m�thodes possibles de r�paration � la porte. Par la suite le navire a �t� renflou� et la barri�re a �t� fix�e, mais pas jusqu'au mi novembre 1997. le *In ==Popular de culture== [[�pisode 10 de |Series 5 d'�pisode 10 de s�rie 5 (des spectres)]] du '' de '' de drame de BBC [[des spectres]], commande environnementale de prise de terroristes de la barri�re a laiss� Londres inonder pendant l'a [[mar�e de ressort]]. le *In le '' de '' d'�pisode de '' de '' [[docteur Who]] [[la mari�e d'emballement de |The de mari�e d'emballement (docteur Who)]], l'agence secr�te [[Torchwood Institute|Torchwood]] est indiqu� pour avoir �tabli une base secr�te sous la barri�re de la Tamise. *In le roman graphique [[V pour Vendetta]], recomptes d'Evey Hammond � V comment la barri�re de la Tamise avait �clat� pendant le limit� [[guerre nucl�aire]], inondation [[Londres]]. also== de ==See * [[parc de barri�re de la Tamise]] class= de <div de ==References== " r�f�rence-petit " > links== de ==External de <references/> </div> * [nouvelles de BBC : Sur l'�l�vation, la Tamise dans 2100] {{commonscat}} * {{mmuk phoetc|541490|179525|10}} * [page de barri�re de la Tamise � l'agence d'environnement] * [port de d'autorit� de Londres pour l'information sur la navigation par la barri�re de la Tamise] * [rapport de BBC de barri�re externe potentielle] * [] * [] {{ThamesCrossings | west= [[ligne de jubil�]] <br/> du tunnel<br/> entre [[ville station|Canning de mise en bo�te de ville]] et [[station|North du nord Greenwich]] | east= de tube de Greenwich [[tunnel de pied de Woolwich]]}} image de <gallery> de ==Gallery== : la barri�re de|The la Tamise, d�crivent 1 image : la barri�re de|The la Tamise, d�crivent l'image 2 : la barri�re de|The la Tamise, d�crivent l'image 3 : porte de|Lifted, d'une image de distance : porte de|Lifted, image moyenne de vue : porte de|Lifted, fin vers le haut d'image :|Pier se ferment vers le haut de </gallery> {{titre dms|51|29|52|N|00|02|12|E|type de coor : _region de la ville (7.000.000) : GB-LND}} [[cat�gorie : Infrastructure de Londres]] [[cat�gorie : Newham]] [[cat�gorie : Construction c�ti�re]] [[cat�gorie : Barri�re historique de landmarks|Thames de g�nie civil]] [[cat�gorie : Attractions de visiteur � Londres]] [[cat�gorie : Fleuve Thames|Barrier]] [[De : Barri�re de la Tamise]] [[sv : Barri�re de la Tamise]] |
[[Image:Thames_Barrier_London.jpg|thumb|350px|right|River Thames Flood Barrier]] |
[[Image:Thames_Barrier_059184.jpg|thumb|350px|right|The gate in the middle of this view has been raised to the maintenance position and a barge is in attendance.]] |
Built across a [[1 E2 m|523]] [[metre]] wide stretch of the river, the barrier divides the river into six navigable and four smaller non-navigable channels between nine large concrete piers. The flood gates across the openings are radial, i.e., half-cylindrical, and they operate by rotating, raised by hydraulics out of a horizontal sill below the water to form the barrier. They can rotate further to allow "underspill" for maintenance. All the gates are made of steel. The four large central gates are 61 metres long, 10.5 metres high (above local ground level) and weigh [[1 E6 kg|1,500 tonnes]]; the outer two gates are 31.5 metres. Additionally, four radial gates by the riverbanks can be lowered. These gate openings, unlike the main six, are non-navigable. The gates are normally left open to allow ships to pass through, but can be rotated closed to stop water travelling up the Thames estuary. |
Before 1990, the number of barrier closures was one to two per year on average. Since 1990, the number of barrier closures has increased to an average of about four per year. |
The sea level rise threatens to exceed the Barrier's protection about the year 2030 (the time when the designers themselves thought improvements might have to be made), but it is possible that this could happen as early as 2010. This does not mean that flooding is certain, but it does alter the probabilities in the design calculation. |
==Design and Construction== |
The concept of the rotating gates was devised by Charles Draper. The barrier was designed by Rendel, Palmer and Tritton for the Greater London Council and tested at Harwell research lab in Oxfordshire. The site at Woolwich was chosen because of the relative straightness of the banks, and because the underlying river rock was strong enough to support the barrier. Work began at the barrier site in [[1974]] and construction, which had been undertaken by a [[Costain]] / Hollandsche Beton Maatschappij / [[Tarmac Construction]] consortium, was largely complete by [[1982]]. In addition to the barrier itself the flood defences for 11 miles down river were raised and strengthened. The barrier was officially opened on [[May 8]], [[1984]]. Total construction cost was around £534 m (£1.3 billion at 2001 prices) with an additional £100 m for river defences. The barrier was designed to cope with sea level rises until around [[2030]]–[[2050]]. Based on current estimates, it is expected to serve its full term. Since 1982 the barrier has been raised over 100<ref></ref> times; further, it is raised every month for testing. The barrier was operated by the [[National Rivers Authority]] until April [[1996]] when it passed to the [[Environment Agency]]. |
In 2005, a suggestion that it might become necessary to supersede the Thames Barrier with a much more ambitious 16 km (10 mi) long barrier across the Thames Estuary from [[Sheerness]] in [[Kent]] to [[Southend-on-Sea|Southend]] in [[Essex]] was made public. |
==Previous flooding== |
[[Image:Thames Barrier Gate Closing.JPG|thumb|250px|right|Raising one of the gates (Mar 2007)]] |
London is quite vulnerable to flooding. The threat has increased over time due to the slow but continuous rise in high water level over the centuries (20 cm / 100 years) and the slow "tilting" of [[Britain]] (up in the North and down in the South) caused by [[post-glacial rebound]]. This general rise in potential water levels combined with the tidal conditions of the Thames and with particularly [[severe weather]] conditions can create serious flood conditions — surge tides. Fourteen people died in the [[1928 Thames flood]], and after 307 people died in the UK in the [[North Sea Flood of 1953]] the issue gained new prominence. Early proposals for a flood control system were stymied by the need for a large opening in the barrier to allow for vessels from London Docks to pass through. When [[containerization]] came in and a new port was opened at [[Tilbury]], a smaller barrier became feasible with each of the four main navigation spans being the same width as the opening of [[Tower Bridge]]. |
==Sand Kite incident== |
On [[27 October]] [[1997]], a [[dredger]], MV ''Sand Kite'', crashed into one of the main gates of the Thames Barrier. The ship dumped her 3,300 tonne load of sand and aggregate, then sank onto the gate where she sat for several days. This caused massive problems, resulting in premature corrosion of the flat side of the gate, and could have had potentially disastrous effects on London. One estimate of the cost of flooding damage, had it occurred, was around £13 billion.<ref>[ Marine Accident Investigation Branch report]</ref> |
The barrier gate could not be taken out of service, and had to stay on one hour readiness notice. The twice daily 21 foot tide and the fact the Thames was still heavily used caused logistical problems for any possible repair methods to the gate. Eventually the vessel was refloated and the barrier fixed, but not until mid-November 1997. |
==Popular culture== |
*In [[Series 5 Episode 10 (Spooks)|Series 5 Episode 10]] of the BBC drama ''[[Spooks]]'', environmental terrorists take control of the barrier in order to let London flood during a [[spring tide]]. |
*In the ''[[Doctor Who]]'' episode ''[[The Runaway Bride (Doctor Who)|The Runaway Bride]]'', the secret agency [[Torchwood Institute|Torchwood]] is revealed to have built a secret base beneath the Thames Barrier. |
*In the graphic novel [[V for Vendetta]], Evey Hammond recounts to V how the Thames Barrier had burst during the limited [[nuclear war]], flooding [[London]]. |
==See also== |
*[[Thames Barrier Park]] |
==References== |
<div class="references-small"> |
<references/> |
</div> |
==External links== |
*[ BBC News: On The Rise, The Thames in 2100] |
{{commonscat}} |
*{{mmuk phoetc|541490|179525|10}} |
*[ Thames Barrier page at the Environment Agency] |
*[ Port of London Authority for information on Navigation through the Thames Barrier] |
*[ BBC report of potential outer barrier] |
*[] |
*[] |
{{ThamesCrossings | west= [[Jubilee Line]] tunnel<br /> between [[Canning Town station|Canning Town]]<br /> and [[North Greenwich tube station|North Greenwich]] | east=[[Woolwich foot tunnel]] }} |
==Gallery== |
<gallery> |
||||The Thames Barrier, picture 1 |
||||The Thames Barrier, picture 2 |
||||The Thames Barrier, picture 3 |
||||Lifted gate, from a distance |
||||Lifted gate, medium view |
||||Lifted gate, close up |
||||Pier close up |
</gallery> |
{{coor title dms|51|29|52|N|00|02|12|E|type:city(7,000,000)_region:GB-LND}} |
[[Category:London infrastructure]] |
[[Category:Newham]] |
[[Category:Coastal construction]] |
[[Category:Historic civil engineering landmarks|Thames Barrier]] |
[[Category:Visitor attractions in London]] |
[[Category:River Thames|Barrier]] |
[[de:Thames Barrier]] |
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Revision as of 18:53, 3 April 2007
The Thames Barrier is a flood control structure on the River Thames at Woolwich Reach in London. It is the world's second largest movable flood barrier after the Oosterscheldekering in The Netherlands.
Built across a 523 metre wide stretch of the river, the barrier divides the river into six navigable and four smaller non-navigable channels between nine large concrete piers. The flood gates across the openings are radial, i.e., half-cylindrical, and they operate by rotating, raised by hydraulics out of a horizontal sill below the water to form the barrier. They can rotate further to allow "underspill" for maintenance. All the gates are made of steel. The four large central gates are 61 metres long, 10.5 metres high (above local ground level) and weigh 1,500 tonnes; the outer two gates are 31.5 metres. Additionally, four radial gates by the riverbanks can be lowered. These gate openings, unlike the main six, are non-navigable. The gates are normally left open to allow ships to pass through, but can be rotated closed to stop water travelling up the Thames estuary.
Before 1990, the number of barrier closures was one to two per year on average. Since 1990, the number of barrier closures has increased to an average of about four per year.
The sea level rise threatens to exceed the Barrier's protection about the year 2030 (the time when the designers themselves thought improvements might have to be made), but it is possible that this could happen as early as 2010. This does not mean that flooding is certain, but it does alter the probabilities in the design calculation.
Design and Construction
The concept of the rotating gates was devised by Charles Draper. The barrier was designed by Rendel, Palmer and Tritton for the Greater London Council and tested at Harwell research lab in Oxfordshire. The site at Woolwich was chosen because of the relative straightness of the banks, and because the underlying river rock was strong enough to support the barrier. Work began at the barrier site in 1974 and construction, which had been undertaken by a Costain / Hollandsche Beton Maatschappij / Tarmac Construction consortium, was largely complete by 1982. In addition to the barrier itself the flood defences for 11 miles down river were raised and strengthened. The barrier was officially opened on May 8, 1984. Total construction cost was around £534 m (£1.3 billion at 2001 prices) with an additional £100 m for river defences. The barrier was designed to cope with sea level rises until around 2030–2050. Based on current estimates, it is expected to serve its full term. Since 1982 the barrier has been raised over 100[1] times; further, it is raised every month for testing. The barrier was operated by the National Rivers Authority until April 1996 when it passed to the Environment Agency.
In 2005, a suggestion that it might become necessary to supersede the Thames Barrier with a much more ambitious 16 km (10 mi) long barrier across the Thames Estuary from Sheerness in Kent to Southend in Essex was made public.
Previous flooding
London is quite vulnerable to flooding. The threat has increased over time due to the slow but continuous rise in high water level over the centuries (20 cm / 100 years) and the slow "tilting" of Britain (up in the North and down in the South) caused by post-glacial rebound. This general rise in potential water levels combined with the tidal conditions of the Thames and with particularly severe weather conditions can create serious flood conditions — surge tides. Fourteen people died in the 1928 Thames flood, and after 307 people died in the UK in the North Sea Flood of 1953 the issue gained new prominence. Early proposals for a flood control system were stymied by the need for a large opening in the barrier to allow for vessels from London Docks to pass through. When containerization came in and a new port was opened at Tilbury, a smaller barrier became feasible with each of the four main navigation spans being the same width as the opening of Tower Bridge.
Sand Kite incident
On 27 October 1997, a dredger, MV Sand Kite, crashed into one of the main gates of the Thames Barrier. The ship dumped her 3,300 tonne load of sand and aggregate, then sank onto the gate where she sat for several days. This caused massive problems, resulting in premature corrosion of the flat side of the gate, and could have had potentially disastrous effects on London. One estimate of the cost of flooding damage, had it occurred, was around £13 billion.[2]
The barrier gate could not be taken out of service, and had to stay on one hour readiness notice. The twice daily 21 foot tide and the fact the Thames was still heavily used caused logistical problems for any possible repair methods to the gate. Eventually the vessel was refloated and the barrier fixed, but not until mid-November 1997.
Popular culture
- In Series 5 Episode 10 of the BBC drama Spooks, environmental terrorists take control of the barrier in order to let London flood during a spring tide.
- In the Doctor Who episode The Runaway Bride, the secret agency Torchwood is revealed to have built a secret base beneath the Thames Barrier.
- In the graphic novel V for Vendetta, Evey Hammond recounts to V how the Thames Barrier had burst during the limited nuclear war, flooding London.
See also
External links
- Template:Mmuk phoetc
- Thames Barrier page at the Environment Agency
- Port of London Authority for information on Navigation through the Thames Barrier
- BBC report of potential outer barrier
- [1]
- [2]
The Thames Barrier, picture 1
The Thames Barrier, picture 2
The Thames Barrier, picture 3
Lifted gate, from a distance
Lifted gate, medium view
Lifted gate, close up
Pier close up