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Wikipedia:Requested articles/list of missing legal terms: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 01:04, 25 July 2005

This list of requested legal terms has been moved into its own page, as it is rather long. This list is actively being maintained by a number of users.


ab extra - Abate - Able-bodied - Abscond - Acceptance of service - Account stated - Accounting reference date - Accrue - Acknowledge - Acknowledgement of service - Actionable - Actual notice - ad colligenda bona - ad idem - ad quod damnum - ad seriatim - Addendum - Adequate remedy - Adjourn - Adjournment in contemplation of dismissal - Adjusted basis - Adjuster - Administer - Administration order - Administrative hearing - Adminstrator - Admission - Admission of evidence - Admission of guilt - Admission to bail - Admit - Advancement - Adverse - Adverse interest - Adverse party - Affiant - After-acquired property - After-discovered evidence - Agency agreement - Agent for acceptance of service - Agreed statement - Aid and abet - Alienation of affections - Aliunde - All the estate I own - Allegation - Allocation questionnaire - Alluvion - Alternate director - Alternative pleading - Amended complaint - Amended pleading - American depository receipt - Ancillary administration - Ancillary jurisdiction - Annual general meeting - Appear - Appellee - Applicant - Appraise - Appraisement or appraisal - Appraiser - Appreciate - Approach - Approach the bench - Approach the witness - Appurtenances - Appurtenant - Arbitrary - Arbitration award - Arm's length - Arrears - Articles of association - Articles of incorporation - As is - Assess - Assigned risk - Assignment for benefit of creditors - Assigns - Assisted person - Assume - Assured - Attached - Attachment of earnings - Attest - Attestation - Attorney of record - Attorney's fee - Authorised share capital


Back-to-back life sentences - Bail schedule - Balance due - Bankruptcy proceedings - Bargain and sale deed - Beach bum trust provision - Bearer paper - Beneficial interest - Beneficial use - Benefit of counsel - Bequeath - Bequest - BFP - Bifurcate - Bill of costs - Bill of indictment - Bill of particulars - Bind over - Bind over for sentence - Blank endorsement - Blue sky laws - Bond for deed - Bondsman - Book account - Breach of trust - Brought to trial - Bucket shop - Building and loan - Bulk sales acts - Bulk transfer - Business assets - Business invitee - But for rule - Buy-sell agreement - Bypass trust


Calendar call - Capital assets - Capital investment - Capitalized value - Capricious - Careless - Carnal knowledge - Carryback - Carrying for hire - Carrying on business - Carryover - Case conference - Case number - Case system - Casualty loss - Caution - Certificate of incorporation - Certificate of legal aid costs - Certificate of title - Certified check - Cessate - Cestui que trust - Cestui que use - Challenge for cause - Chancery division - Change of venue - Charging lien - Charging order - Charitable remainder trust - Chattel mortgage - Circuit courts - Circuit judge - Civil calendar - Civil justice reforms - Civil liability - Claim against a governmental agency - Claim against an estate - Claim form - Clean hands doctrine - Close corporation - Cloud on title - Co-trustee - Code of professional responsibility - Codefendant - Cohabitation agreement - Collateral descendant - Collective agreement - Collusive action - Color of law - Color of title - Comaker - Commencement of action - Commercial frustration - Commingling - Commissioner of oaths - Committal - Common area - Common counts - Common property - Commute a sentence - Company seal - Competent - Compound question - Compounding a felony - Compromise verdict - Concealment - Concurrent sentence - Concurrent sentences - Concurrent writ - Condemn - Condemnation action - Conditional bequest - Conditional dismissal - Conditional sale - Confession and avoidance - Confidential communication - Confidential relation - Confiscate - Conjugal rights - Consecutive sentence - Consecutive sentences - Consensu - Consensus ad idem - Consent judgment - Consequential damages - Conservatee - Conservator - Consignment - Constitutional rights - Constructive - Constructive fraud - Construe - Consumer protection laws - Contemplation of death - Contingent beneficiary - Contingent interest - Contingent remainder - Continuance - Continuing objection - Continuing trespass - contra bonos mores - contra legem - Contracted-out - Controlling law - Convey - Conveyance - Cooperative housing - Cop a plea - Copartner - Corporate opportunity - Corroborate - Corroboration - Cosign - Cost bill - Cost of completion - Counter offer - Counterpart - Course of employment - Court calendar - Court costs - Court docket - Court of customs and patent appeals - Court of protection - Court room - Court trial - Covenant not to compete - Covenants, conditions and restrictions - Credible witness - Creditor's claim - Creditor's rights - Crime against nature - Criminal attorney - Criminal calendar - Cross-complaint - Culpable - Cumis counsel - Cumulative sentence - Customary estate - Customs court - custos morum - Cut a check


Dangerous weapon - Data protection - Day in court - de die in diem - de futuro - de integro - de lege ferenda - de lege lata - Debtor in possession - Decide - Declaration of mailing - Declaration of trust - Decree absolute - Decree nisi - Deed of trust - Default judgment - Defective - Defective title - Defense attorney - Deficiency judgment - Defined benefit plan - Defined contribution plan - Deforce - Delayed exchange - Delinquent - Deliver - Demand note - Demonstrative evidence - Dependent - Depreciate - Depreciation reserve - Dereliction - Derivative action - Descent and distribution - Designated civil judge - Detailed assessment - Determinable - Devise - Devisee - Devolve - Diligence - Diminution in value - Direct and proximate cause - Direct evidence - Disbursements - Disciplinary procedure - Discontinuance - Discovery of documents - Discretion - Disfigure - Dishonor - Disinherit - Disinheritance - Disjunctive allegations - Dismiss - Dismissal without prejudice - Disorderly house - Disposing mind and memory - Disposition - Dispossess - Dissenting opinion - Dissolution of corporation - Distinguish - District registrar - District registry - Disturbing the peace - Divisional court - Documentary evidence - Doing business - Dominant estate - Dominant tenement - Dominium - Donative intent - Donee - Donor - Dower - Dram shop rule - Drawee - Drawer - Drop dead date - Dubitante - Due - Due and owing - Due, owing and unpaid


Earnest payment - Egress - ei incumbit probatio qui - Elder law - Election under the will - Eleemosynary - Embezzler - Emblements - Emolument - Emotional distress - Employers liability - Enabling clause - Encroach - Encroachment - Endorse (indorse) - Enfeoff - Enfeoffment - Enjoin - Entail - Enter a judgment - Entry of judgment - Environmental impact report - Equal access act - Equal protection of the law - Equity of redemption - erratum - Erroneous - Errors and omissions - Escape clause - Escrow account - Escrow agent - Escrow instructions - esse - Estop - et ux - ex aequo et bono - ex concessis - ex propio motu - Exception in deed - Excessive bail - Exculpatory - Excusable neglect - Executive clemency - Executory - Executory interest - Exemplary damages - Exempt - Exempt employees - Exemption - Exigent circumstances - Expectancy - Express warranty - Extenuating circumstances - Extinguishment - Extraordinary fees - Extraordinary general meeting - Extraordinary resolution - Extreme cruelty - Extrinsic fraud


Face amount - Faciendum - Failure of consideration - Failure of issue - Fair comment - Fair trade laws - Family division - Family purpose doctrine - Fault auto insurance system - Fem covert - Final decree - Final judgment - Final settlement - Finder of fact - Finding - Firm offer - First impression - First tier - Floating charge - Floating easement - For value received - Forbearance - Forced sale - Foreclosure sale - Foreign corporation - Forensic testimony - Foreseeability - Foreseeable risk - Forthwith - forum conveniens - Foster child - Four corners of an instrument - Franchise tax - Fraud in the inducement - Free and clear - Fresh pursuit - Friendly suit - Frisk - Frivolous - Fructus naturales - Fully paid - Fungible things


Garnishee - Gender bias - General appearance - General counsel - General denial - General partner - General plan - Generation skipping - Gift in contemplation of death - Go bail - Going concern - Good cause - Good samaritan rule - Good title - Governmental immunity - Grace period - Grandfathered in - Grant deed - Grantor-grantee index - Gratuitous - Grievance procedure - Gross income - Grounds for divorce - Guarantor - Guaranty


Habitable - Habitual criminal - Half blood - Head of household - Headnote - Headright - Health care proxy - Heat of passion - Heirs of the body - Held - Hidden asset - High court judge - Hobby loss - Hold harmless - Holder - Holder in due course - Holding - Hometowned - Hornbook law - Hostile possession - Hot pursuit - Hotchpot - House counsel


Immaterial - Immediately - Immigrant visa - Impanel - Impaneling - Impleader - Implied - Implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing - Implied terms - Importation right - Impound - Improve - Improvement - Impute - In chambers - in curia - in delicto - in extenso - in extremis - in futoro - in haec verba - In kind - in lieu - in omnibus - In perpetuity - in prope persona - in propria persona - Incompatibility - Incompetent - Incompetent evidence - Incorporate by reference - Incriminate - Incumbrance - Indefeasible - Indefeasible estate - Indeterminate sentence - Indigent - Indispensable party - Indorse - Indorsement - Industrial tribunal - Information and belief - Infractions - Ingress - Inspection of documents - Installment contract - Insufficient evidence - Integrated Circuit Topography Act - inter se - Inter vivos trust - Interim order - Interium - Interlineation - Interlocutory decree - Interlocutory order - Intervene - Intervenor - intra - intra fauces terra - intra legem - intra vires - Involuntary - Irreparable damage or injury - Issued shares


Joinder of issue - Joint and several - Joint and survivor annuity - Joint custody - Joint enterprise - Joint liability - Joint powers agreement - Joint property - Joint tortfeasors - Jones act - Judge advocate - Judge advocate general - Judgment by default - Judgment creditor - Judgment debt - Judgment debtor - Judicial foreclosure - Judicial proceedings - Judicial sale - Jump bail - Jury box - Jury charge - Jury fees - Jury panel - Jury selection - Jury stress - jus civile - jus inter gentes - jus naturale - jus sanguines - Juvenile court


Landlord and tenant act - Landlord's lien - Lapse - Last antecedent rule - Last clear chance - Lateral support - Law and literature - Law and motion calendar - Law book - Law lords - Law of the land - Lay a foundation - Leading the witness - Lease and release - Legal advertising - Legal aid society - Legal custody - Legal personal representative - Legal services - Legatee - Lemon law - Lemon laws - Lesser crime - Let - Letters of administration - Letters testamentary - Lewd and lascivious - lex communis - lex posterior derogat priori - lex scripta - lex specialis derogat generali - Libel per se - Lie detector test - Lienor - Limitation of actions - Limited jurisdiction - Limited partner - Lineal descendant - Lineup - Liquidate - Listing questionnaire - Literary property - Litigious - Livery of seizin - Locator - locus delicti - locus in quo - Loiter - Long cause - Long vacation - Long-arm statute - Lord Justice of appeal - Loss of use - Lübeck law


Maim - Maintenance pending suit - Make one whole - Malfeasance - Malice aforethought - Mandatory - Mandatory joinder - Mann act - mare clausum - mare liberum - Marital deduction - Marital life estate - Marital rights - Marked for identification - Marketable title - Massachusetts trust - Master and servant - Material representation - Matter of record - Maxims - Maxims of law - McNabb-Mallory rule - Medical directive - Meet and confer - Memorandum of association - Mental anguish - Mental competency - Mental suffering - Mercantile law - Merchantable - mesne assignment - Mining claim - Ministerial act - Minority shareholder - Mirror wills - Misadventure - Misfeasance - Misjoinder - Mitigating factors - Mitigation - Mitigation of damages - Molestation - Month-to-month - Moot point - Moral certainty - Moral turpitude - More or less - Motion for a summary judgment - Motion for dismissal - Motion to strike - Motion to suppress - Motion to suppress evidence - Movant - Multi track - Multifarious - Muniment of title - Mutual wills


Named plaintiffs - National Insurance contributions - ne exeat - Necessary inference - Necessary party - Negative declaration - Negative pregnant - Net estate - New matter - Next friend - nisi - nisi prius - No-par stock - Nominal damages - Nominal party - Nominal value - non constat - non liquet - Non-conforming use - Non-contestability clause - Non-contiguous - Non-discretionary trust - Non-executive director - Non-feasance - Non-suit - Nonimmigrant visa - Notice - Notice of appeal - Notice of default - Notice of issue - Notice to quit - Notorious possession - Noxious - nulla bona


O.R. - O.S.C. - Obligations of confidentiality - Occupancy - Occupational hazard - Occupy the field - Of counsel - Off calendar - Offender - Offer of proof - Offeree - Offeror - Officer of the court - Official misconduct - Official receiver - Official solicitor - Officious intermeddler - Offshore corporation - Omission - Omnibus clause - On all fours - On demand - On file - On or about - On or before - On the merits - On the stand - Open adoption - Open court - Opening statement - opinio juris sive necessitatis - Oral examination - Order to show cause - Ordinary course of business - Ordinary resolution - Ordinary shares - Originating application - orse - Ostensible agent - Ostensible authority - Ouster - Out of court - Out-of-pocket expenses - Output contract - Overcharge - Overrule - Overt act - Owe - Own recognizance


Paid into court - Pain and suffering - Pander - Panderer - Paper hanger - par delictum - Paramount title - Parent company - Parental neglect - Pari delicto - Parol - Partial breach - Partial disability - Partial verdict - Participate - Particulars - Partly-paid - Party and party - Party wall - Patent ambiguity - Patent defect - Paternity suit - Pay - Pay as you earn (paye) - Payable - Payable on demand - Payee - Payment in due course - Payment in full - Payor - Peaceable possession - Peculation - Pecuniary - Penal notice - Penalty phase - pendente lite - Pension scheme - per curiam - per minas - per pro - per quod - Peremptory - Peremptory writ of mandate - Perfected - Permanent disability - Permanent injunction - Permissive - Permit - Personal application - Personal effects - Personal guardian - Personal recognizance - Personal representative - Personal service - Personal services - Personalty - Petition for probate - Petty larceny - Petty offenses - Physical custody - Pink slip - Plain error - Plaint note - Plaint number - Planting and seating - Plea in abatement - Pleadings - Police court - Police powers - Possession of stolen goods - Possession proceedings - Possessory - Possessory interest - Possibility of a reverter - Postdated check - Power of acceptance - Power of arrest - Practicable - Pre-emption rights - Precatory - Predecease - Preemptive right - Presentment - President of the family division - Presiding judge - Pretrial discovery - Prevailing party - Prima impressionis - Prime suspect - Principal place of business - Prior(s) - Private carrier - Private nuisance - Privilege against self - pro per - Probative facts - Probative value - Proceeding - Process server - Professional negligence - Proffer - Proper party - Property guardian - propria persona - Proprietary interest - Proprietary rights - Proprietor - Protective custody - Protective order - Prove up - Provisional remedy - Proviso - Prudent man rule - Public administrator - Public charge - Public easement - Public trust doctrine - Public trustee - Public use - Publici juris - Puffing - Putative - Putative father


quaeitur - quaere - quasi - Quasi community property - Quasi corporation - Quasi-criminal - Queen's bench - Queens bench division - Question of law - quid pro quo sexual harassment - Quiet enjoyment - Quit - Quitrent - Quotient verdict


Ratable - ratio scripta - Rational basis - Ready, willing and able - Real party in interest - Realty - Reasonable care - Reasonable reliance - Reasonable speed - Reasonable time - Reasonable wear and tear - Recapture - Recidivist - Reciprocal discovery - Reckless - Reckless driving - Recording acts - Recoupment - Recourse - Recover - Recoverable - Recuse - Redemption of shares - Redetermination - Refresh one's memory - Register of members - Registered office - Registration statement - Registry of deeds - Rehearing - Rejection of claim - Release on one's own recognizance - Relevancy - Reliction - Remainderman - Remise - Remittitur - Removal - Renewal - Rent review - Rental value - Renunciation - Reorganization - Reply brief - Reputed - Request - Requirements contract - res - res gestae - res nulis - res publica christiana - Resale - Rescind - Rescission - Rescue doctrine - Reserve fund - Resisting arrest - Restraint of trade - Restrictive endorsement - Retainer - Retaining lien - Retrial - Return of service - Revenue ruling - Reversal - Reversion - Reverter - Revocable living trust - Revocation - Right of audience - Right of eminent domain - Roadside test - Rules of court - Ruling - Running at large - Running with the land


Satisfaction of judgment - Satisfaction of mortgage - Save harmless - Sciens - scienter - Scope of employment - se defendendo - Sealed verdict - Sealing of records - Second tier - Secret rebate - Secret tribunal - Secured transaction - Security agreement - Security deposit - Security interest - Secus - Seised - Seized - Self-certify - Self-dealing - Self-executing - Self-serving - semble - Senior lien - Separate property - Separation agreement - Sequester - Sergeantry - Service contract - Servient estate - Set aside - Setoff - Settlor - Severable contract - Several liability - Share and share alike - Share capital - Share certificate - Shareholders agreement - Shareholders' agreement - Shareholders' derivative action - Shareholders' meeting - Sharp practice - Shepardize - Sheriff's sale - Short cause - Shortening time - Show cause order - Sick pay - Similarly situated - Simple trust - Single life annuity - Small claims track - Solvency - Sound mind and memory - Sounds in - Speaking demurrer - Special administrator - Special circumstances - Special notice - Special resolution - Special verdict - Specific bequest - Specific devise - Specific finding - Specific legacy - Specified claim - Speculative damages - Spendthrift clause - Spontaneous exclamation - Spot zoning - Spousal right - Springing interest - Standard of care - Star chamber proceedings - State of domicile - Stationhouse bail - Status conference - Statutory offer of settlement - Stay away order - Stay of execution - Stet - Stipendiary magistrate - Stock certificate - Stock in trade - Stockholders' derivative action - Stop and frisk - Strict construction - sub modo - sub nomine - sub silentio - Sub-tenant - Subchapter S corporation - Subject to - Sublease - Sublet - Submitted - Subordination agreement - subpoena ad testificum - Subrogor - Substantial performance - Substitute in - Substituted service - Substitution of attorney - Successive sentences - suggestio falsi - Sum certain - Summary adjudication of issues - Summary assessment - Summary dismissal - Summing - Superseding cause - Supplemental - suppressio veri - Suppression of evidence - supra - Supreme Court of judicature - Surplusage - Surrebutal - Surrogate - Surrogate court - Survivorship


T.R.O. - Table A - Tainted evidence - Talis qualis - Tangible personal property - Tangible property - Tax costs - Tax sale - Taxation of costs - Temporary injunction - Temporary insanity - Tentative trust - Terms and conditions of employment - Terms and conditions of purchase - Terms and conditions of sale - Testacy - Testamentary - Testamentary disposition - Testamentary trust - Testate - Teste - Third tier - Thirds - Thirty-day notice - Tide lands - Time is of the essence - Timely - Title abstract - Title report - Title search - To wit - Tools of trade - Tort claims act - Trademarks registry - Transfer agent - Transfer in contemplation of death - Transfer of shares - Treble damages - Triple net lease - True bill - Trust deed - Trustor - Truth in lending act - Try title - Turn states' evidence


Uberrima fides - UCC-1 - Ultimate fact - Under the influence - Underwriting agreement - Undisclosed principal - Undivided interest - Unified estate and gift tax - Uniform reciprocal enforcement of support act - Uninsured motorist clause - Unissued stock - Unjust taking - Unlawful - Unlawful detainer - uno flatu - Unreasonable search and seizure - Unspecified claim - uxor


Vacate - Valid claim - vel non - venire - Vested remainder - Vested right - vide - Visitation right - Void for vagueness - Void marriage - Voidable - Voidable marriage - Volens - Voluntary bankruptcy - Voting trust


Wage execution - Walking possession - Wanton - Ward of court - Wardship - Warrant of committal - Warrant of delivery - Warrant of possession - Warranty deed - Waste land - Watered stock - Weight of evidence - Wet reckless - Willful - Willfully - Wind up - Winding up - Winding-up - Witness stand - Writ of attachment - Writ of coram nobis - Wrongful discharge


Youthful offenders