ISO 2848

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Vorlage:For Metric foot is a term used in the United Kingdom for the length of 300 millimetres (30 cm). A metric foot can be divided into twelve "metric inches" of 25 millimetres (2.5 cm) each. The metric foot and inch are therefore 4.8 and 0.4 millimetres (or about Vorlage:Frac) shorter than an imperial foot and inch respectively.

The practice of choosing multiples of 300 mm and 600 mm as preferred dimensions in the construction industry originated from the international standard on modular coordination (ISO 2848). These numbers were chosen because of their large number of divisors. Any multiple of 600 mm can be evenly divided into 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20, 24, 25, 30, etc. parts.

While the term "metric foot" is still used in the United Kingdom, in particular in the timber trade, dimensions are most likely to be quoted exclusively in metric units today.

The sizes of the studios at BBC Television Centre in London, first opened in 1960, are all specified and measured up in metric feet—a contrast to film stages where imperial feet and inches prevail.

Historically in France, under the mesures usuelles system (intermediary between traditional French units and metric units), a metric foot was exactly a third of a metre (Vorlage:Frac mm).

See also

Further reading