Schlacht von Dupplin Moor

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The death of Robert I in 1329 left Scotland with a four-year-old king. David II (1329-71) had a right to the throne solely because of the career and residual influence of his father. His claim to the throne was far from absolute and, from 1329 was challenged by Edward Balliol (son of King John). Battle

Battle In September 1332, Balliol (backed by significant English forces although outnumbered) won a victory against the supporters of David II at Dupplin Moor, Scone.


David II was sent to France for his own safety in 1334 but Balliol was driven from Scotland a matter of months later. David returned to Scotland in 1341 and pursued a foreign policy largely in French interests.

Dupplin Moor is 5 miles (8 km) south west of Perth. A stone cross, now in St Serf's Church in Dunning, once marked the site of the battle.