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This is an old revision of this page, as edited by Gbrading (talk | contribs) at 13:38, 30 May 2007. The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.

The current Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), not allowing for Daylight Saving Time (DST) is: 17:38 on Tuesday, 22/10/2024.

If you happened to have stumbled upon this page, I would like to humbly welcome you to my small, mostly insignificant corner of the vast Wikipedia Encyclopaedia Library. I am User Gbrading, Editor (aren't we all), and this page is my office. Or at least, I like to think of it as my office. It’s covered in mahogany wood panelling, has a large, imposing desk made of a similar structure, and has walls lined with vast bookshelves in topics from Astronomy and Art to Zeno and Zeus. This is the only place where you can be almost entirely sure of not being re-edited. Vandalism and irrelevant material has to be purged from our archives. This is supposed to be a useful encyclopaedia after all, and I believe in the permanent correction of vandals. I think I am an Exopaedian at heart, because I care most about the verifiable content of this amazing project. Although, I'll admit, there may be a part of me that is Deletionist. I know, terrible. But nevermind. So please, I ask nicely, don't edit this page. There is no reason why you should want to in the first place. Leave a comment on the talk page if you want to contact me. I'm going to give out free cookies to every good Wikipedian! Anyway, I think I'll now get started talking about what I find most interesting.

Oh and by the way, I am currently referencing this page to all those other amazing pages in the encyclopaedia. Help yourself to the biscuits, cake and tea; I haven't installed the coffee machine yet.

My Interests

My main areas of interest are History, Geography, Philosophy, certain areas of Science, Film and Books. I have a particular obsession with mainly History and Books I'd admit. I'd like to ramble on about the books I adore (amongst others; The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy, I Am Legend, Nineteen Eighty-Four, The Catcher In The Rye et cetera) along with the films (The Shawshank Redemption, Pulp Fiction, Dr. Strangelove, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Brazil et cetera) , but I'm not going to. Well, maybe just a little bit. It would take far too long to go into detail of all my favourites, and there wouldn't be much point. But I will digress on Brazil, a film I heartily enjoyed. I would recommend it to anyone. The Brazil page here doesn't do the film justice I believe. I might just go and update it. I mean, it's not like it's very important in the grand scheme of things. And obviously you can read in great detail about them on their pages. That’s my Philosophical side taking over.

Ah, yes Philosophy! That is a worthwhile topic. There are no philosophers whom I disapprove of. Some had a few crazy ideas (I'm thinking of Sigmund Freud at this point) and some were overly obsessed with God (Thomas Aquinas, Anselm of Canterbury), and attempted to prove his existence. Some were pillars of intellect (Immanuel Kant, Karl Marx, Rene Descartes). And a few were probably barking mad (mainly German philosophers; Ludwig Wittgenstein, Friedrich Nietzsche, Arthur Schopenhauer). But all possessed sheer brilliance. 'I do not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it', Voltaire was quoted as saying. Such witty and memorable remarks are common amongst philosophers. 'The word freedom has no meaning' Denis Diderot (an encyclopaedist!) expressed in his book 'Philosophical Thoughts'. I find it extraordinary that there is such a huge variety of thought in the study of philosophy. Across the centuries, there has only been minimal agreement between them, and we are only a couple of inches closer to the solutions than Aristotle, Plato and Socrates were. And I've just started reading the newest book by Richard Dawkins which is also very interesting.

So, Philosophy is a favourite of mine. Also Politics. I see myself as a Liberal/Democrat, or both. I also very much like useless Red tape. I have no idea why. I guess it's because I'm going to eventually get a job in the Civil Service, or something similar, where I can be swamped in it, all the time.

My Desk

My Desk is really a sandbox for upcoming articles, and do to lists, and can be found here: /Desk