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Template:Spanish ethnicity The Spanish people or more properly Spaniards are a nation native to Spain, in the Iberian Peninsula of southwestern Europe. Their religion is predominantly Roman Catholic. The Spanish people have varied origins, due to Spaniards long history of invasions and migrations.

Substantial populations descended from Spanish colonists and immigrants also exist in other parts of the world, most notably in Latin America. A more orthodox analysis would be used to class these groups as Spanish, based on common language, culture and a sense of shared ancestry.

Historical background

Main language areas in Iberia circa 200 BC.

The earliest modern humans inhabiting Spain are believed to have been Paleolithic peoples that may have arrived in the Iberian Peninsula as early as 35,000-40,000 years ago. In more recent times the Iberians are believed to have arrived or developed in the region between the 4th millennium BC and the 3rd millennium BC, initially settling along the Mediterranean coast.

Celtic tribes arrived in Iberia between the 9th century BC and the 6th century BC. The Celts merged with the Iberians in central Spain, creating a local hybrid culture known as Celtiberian. In addition, a group known as the Tartessians and later Turdetanians inhabited southwestern Spain and who are believed to have developed a separate civilization of Phoenician influence. The seafaring Phoenicians, Greeks and Carthaginians successively settled along the Mediterranean coast and founded trading colonies there over a period of several centuries. The Second Punic War between the Carthaginians and Romans was fought mainly in what is now Spain and Portugal.[1]

The Roman Republic annexed Iberia during the 2nd century BC and transformed most of the region into a series of Latin-speaking provinces. As a result of Roman colonization, the majority of local languages, with the exception of Basque, stem from a type of vulgarized Latin that was spoken in Hispania (Roman Iberia), which evolved into the modern languages of the Iberian peninsula, including Castilian, which became the unifying language of Spain, and now known in many countries as Spanish. Hispania (including Spain, but also Portugal) emerged as an important part of the Roman Empire and produced notable historical figures such as Trajan, Hadrian and Seneca.

The Germanic Vandals and their subordinates the Iranic Alans arrived around 409 AD, but were displaced to North Africa by another Germanic tribe, the Visigoths who conquered the region around 415 AD and became the dominant power in Iberia for a time. Iberian-Roman culture eventually romanized the Visigoths and other tribes. Another Germanic tribe, the Suebi (including the Buri), who arrived at roughly the same time as the Vandals, became established in the old North western Roman province of Gallaecia a kingdom which survived until late 6th century when it too was integrated by the Visigoths.

In 711, the Iberian Peninsula was invaded by Muslim Arab-Berbers, popularly known as the Moors, who conquered nearly all the peninsula except the Kingdom of Asturias in the very northern part and subsequently ruled part of the region as Al-Andalus, but were driven south during their reign, ruling areas from between three to nearly eight centuries, ending with their defeat in 1492. These Muslim invaders were mainly of Berber origin with prominent Arab tribal leaders mixed in and they converted many locals to Islam to the point that at certain points in time Muslims may have outnumbered Christians. Muslims of Hispanic origin were generally known as Muladis (or Muwalladin in Arabic), "those born of foreign parentage" (though the idea "foreign" in this case meant "foreign" to the Arab and Berbers). Muslim Iberia was known as Al-Andalus. Ultimately, most Muslims and Sephardi Jews were either forcibly converted to Christianism or expelled after the Christian reconquest (Reconquista).

The union of the Kingdoms of Castille and Aragon and the conquest of Granada led to the formation of the Spanish state as we know it today and thus to the development of Spanish identity in the form of one people.

Ethnicities and regions

Spanish Girls in historical Valencian costumes

Spain itself consists of various regional sub-nationalities and ethnicities including the Castilians (a large culturally-dominant minority[2] who most strongly identify with a Spanish identity), the Catalans, Valencians and Balearics (speakers of a distinct yet related Romance language in eastern Spain), the Basques (a distinct people inhabiting the Basque country), and the Galicians, who speak a language which is very close to Portuguese. Regional diversity is important to many Spaniards and some regions (other than the ones associated with the different nationalities) have strong local identities and dialects, such as Asturias, Aragon, the Canary Islands, and Andalusia.

The Roma

Spain is home to around 700,000 Spanish-Roma (Gitanos). Roma are a formerly-nomadic group, originating in Northern India, which spread across Western Asia, North Africa and Europe, reaching Spain in the 15th century. Gitanos, for a number of historical and cultural reasons are not considered a separate or "foreign" population in Spain, but a distinct ethnicity which overlaps with the wider Spanish ethnicity. Indeed, Gitanos play an important role in particularly Andalusian folklore, music and culture. There are no official statistics on the Gitano population in Spain. Estimates range from 600 000 to 700 000, making Spain, together with Romania and Bulgaria, home to one of the largest Roma communities in Europe. Over 40% of Gitanos live in the region of Andalusia, where they have traditionally enjoyed a higher degree of integration than in the rest of the country, where they are distrusted. A number of "gitanos" also live in Southern France, especially in the region of Perpignan.


The ancestry of the Iberian peoples is largely consistent with the geographic position of the Iberian peninsula, located on the extreme southwest of Europe. Indeed, there is a clear connection with the Mediterranean peoples as well as with Atlantic and Western Europe.

A Paleolithic and Neolithic basis of Iberian ancestry

Recent development of methodologies for defining population structure using genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphism markers has led a 2006 study to conclude that there is clear and consistent division between “northern” and “southern” European population groups, strongly suggesting a close genetic relationship between Greeks, Italians, Portuguese and Spaniards, whereas all European populations north of the Alps and the Pyrenees (except for Ashkenazi jews) seem to fall squarely into a separate "Northern" population group.[3] These findings are confirmed by a similar 2007 confirming that Iberians, indeed cluster with other Southern Europeans. Nevertheless, this latter study also points to a strong Paleolithic element in the Iberian gene-pool, suggesting that the region holds the most ancient European ancestry. [4]

Indeed, the Paleolithic component in Iberian ancestry had already been ascertained by means of Y-chromosome and mtDNA analysis, a methodology which does not provide strong inferences on genetic population structure but is useful in tracing parts of the routes of migration in the populating of Europe. Both Y-chromosome haplogroups R1b and Mtdna haplogroup H reach frequencies above 50% in most of Iberia, R1b peaking at 90% in the Basque region. This supports the theory that Northern Iberia was an Ice Age refuge at the end of the last glaciation 45,000 years ago from which human beings populated western Europe. [5] Mtdna analysis also points to pre-historic population movements into Iberia from North Africa, probably during the Capsian diffusion.[2]

Autosomal studies using a small number of classical genetic markers, supported by more recent analysis of Microsatellite data, have not only lent support for a large Neolithic element in the European genome, but have also been the basis for the demic diffusion model from the near east. Broad gradients across Europe, largely on a South East/North West cline using a small number of classical genetic markers would thus link the populations of Western Europe (including Iberia) by a common "paleolithic" ancestry and those of eastern (and particularly south eastern) Europe by a common "neolithic" ancestry [www.mbe.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/full/21/7/1361/T03] Nevertheless the demic diffusion model remains controversial, to the degree that studies of ancient Mtdna point to the total absence of Neolithic contribution to modern European populations. The East-West diffusion model also contradicts recent SNP analysis which points to the North/South divide as the principal axis of European population genetic structure.

Population genetics is an evolving science and the ancestry of Iberians together with that of Europeans generally is not yet fully understood.

The Atlantic connection

Numerous studies and experts such as Cunliffe, Bryan Sykes and Stephen Oppenheimer have put foward theories about the connection of Spain to the rest of Western Europe, especially Atlantic Europe, as a result of migrations that occured during the Paleolithic and the Neolithic.

The genetic legacy of Muslim rule

There exists a number of studies which focus on the genetic impact of the eight centuries of Muslim rule in the Iberian peninsula (al-Andalus) on the genetic make up of the Iberian population. Recent studies agree that there is a genetic relationship between (particularly southern) Iberia and North Africa as a result of this period of history, Iberia is the only region in Europe with a significant presence of the typically North West African Y-chromosome haplotypes E-M81[6],[7] and Haplotype Va[8] Iberia is also the region in Europe with the highest frequency of the female mediated mtDNA haplogroup L of Sub-Saharan origin, mostly as a result of Berber colonisation and, to a lesser extent African slavery, both during and after Muslim rule.[9],[10]

Nevertheless, the North African element in modern day Iberians' ancestry is minor when compared to the pre-Islamic ancestral basis. [[3]]

The Canary Islands

The inhabitants of the Canary Islands, hold a gene pool that is halfway between the Iberians and the ancient native population, the Guanches (a proto-berber population), although with a major Iberian contribution. Guanche genetic markers have also been found, at low frequencies, in peninsular Spain, probably as a result of slavery and/or later immigration from the Canary Islands.[11]

Other Historical Influences

The ancestry of modern Spaniards has been influenced by the many peoples which have passed on its territory throughout history. These peoples include the Iberians, Celts (Celtiberians), Phoenicians (Punics), Greeks, Carthaginians, Romans, Vandals, Suebi, Visigoths, Alans, Byzantines, Berbers and Arabs (Moors), Jews (Sephardim or Marranos) and, particularly in Andalusia, the Roma (Gitanos).

The Spanish population is becoming increasingly diverse due to recent immigration, as a result of the country's strong economic growth. Immigrants now make up about 10% of the population and come mainly from Eastern Europe, Morocco, Ecuador, Colombia and other countries in Africa and Latin America.[12](see Immigration to Spain).


Languages spoken in Spain include Castilian (Castellano), Catalan (Català), Galician (Galego), Basque (Euskara), Asturian (Asturianu), Aranese Gascon (Aranés) and Aragonese (Aragonés), each with their own various dialects. Although Castilian is but one of the many languages of Spain, it is this language which is commonly known as being the "Spanish language" since it is the official state language, although minority languages are co-official in a number of autonomous communities.

On the peninsula, Castilian Spanish is divided in two dialects: The northern dialect spoken in the Castilla y Leon, and the northern half of the country more generally, and the southern dialect, spoken in Andalusia, most of Castilla la Mancha, Murcia and Extremadura. The southern dialect is further differentiated in Andalusia by phonetical peculiarities such as the "ceceo" and "seseo".[13] The Canary Islands also have a distinct dialect of Castilian Spanish which is very close to Cuban and Venezuelan Spanish. Linguistically, the Spanish language is a Romance language and therefore Spaniards are considered a Latin people. The strong Arabic influence on the language (nearly 4000 words are of Arabic origin even if just a few are still of common usage) and the independent evolution of the language itself through history, most notably the Basque influence at the early stages of the Castilian Romance, partially explain its difference from other Romance languages. The Basque language left a strong imprint on the language both linguistically and phonetically. Other changes in Spanish have come from borrowings from English and French, although English influence is stronger in Latin America than in Spain.

The number of speakers of Castilian Spanish, as a mother tongue, is roughly 35.6 million, while the vast majority of other groups in Spain such as the Galicians, Catalans and Basques also speak Spanish as a first or second language, which boosts the number of Spanish speakers to the overwhelming majority of Spain's population of 45.9 million.

Spanish was exported to the Americas over three centuries of Spanish colonial rule in that continent, starting with the arrival of Christopher Columbus to Santo Domingo in 1492. Spanish is spoken natively by over 400 million people, and spans across most countries of the Americas; from the Southwestern United States in North America down to Tierra del Fuego, the most southernly region of South America in Chile and Argentina. Mexico has the largest Spanish-speaking population in the World, with approximately 100 million speakers.[14] A variety of the language, known as Judæo-Spanish or Ladino (or Haketia in Morocco), is still spoken by descendants of Sephardim (Spanish and Portuguese Jews) who fled Spain following a decree of expulsion of Moors and Jews in 1492. Also, in Asia, a Spanish creole language known as Chabacano is spoken by nearly 1 million people in the Philippines, and developed from the mix of Spanish with native Tagalog and Cebuano languages during Spain's rule of the country through Mexico from 1565 to 1898. In Russia, the Spaniards who moved there during World War II, speak in a mix of Russian and Castillian Spanish. Some speak Catalan.


According to several sources (Spanish official polls and others, www.ine.es), about 76% self-identify as christian Catholics, about 2% with another religious faith, and about 19% identify as non-believers or atheists. Nowadays, Islam accounting for approximately 3% of the total population.

The Spanish Empire.

Tens of millions of Spanish descendants can be found throughout the Hispanic countries of Latin America in the form of criollos (predominantly Spaniards born in the Americas), mestizos (mixed Spanish/Amerindian), mulatos (mixed Spanish/African) or triracial (Spanish/African/Amerindian). In the United States, the number of Mexican-Americans represent a significant portion of the Spanish descended population, as the majority -over 70% of the population of Mexico- have Spanish ancestry, though most are also have Amerindian ancestry. See Demographics of Mexico.

On a smaller scale, in addition to approximately 17,000 Spanish citizens in the Philippines, there is also a small but important minority of Filipinos of Spanish descents (mixed Spanish / Austronesian ancestry). According to recent Template:PDFlink by Stanford University, 3.6% of Filipinos have European ancestry, from either Hispanic or American colonization.

Spanish Heritage in the Americas

Near half of the total ascendance of people living in Latin America is of Spanish origin. The major cases occur in Mexico (30%, about 25 million people), Colombia (50%, about 20 million people), Argentina (50%, about 15 million people), Brazil (8%, about 15 million people), and Chile (60%, about 10 million people).

  Countries where Spanish has official status.
Situation in the United States of America:
  States of the U.S. where Spanish has no official status but is spoken by 25% or more of the population.
  States of the U.S. where Spanish has no official status but is spoken by 10-20% of the population.
  States of the U.S. where Spanish has no official status but is spoken by 5-9.9% of the population.
  Countries and regions where the Spanish language is spoken without official recognition, or where Spanish-based créole languages (Chavacano, Papiamento, Portuñol, etc) or languages with unquestionable Castilian influence (Chamorro) are spoken, with or without official recognition, and areas with a strong Hispanic influence.
NOTE: For detailed information about the sources taken to make the map, see its description page

Spanish make-up in Latin America may be mixed with different ethnies from different places around the world: For example, in Mexico it is mainly mixed with Aztec and other Native Americans blood, in Colombia it is mixed with Native American and African blood, in Argentina it is mixed with other European groups, such as the Italian, the Germanic, and the British, and in Chile it is mixed mainly with both Native Americans and other European groups.

Spanish culture had even greater impact than the mere arrival of Spaniards in the Americas. This can be seen in the fact that Spanish is spoken as official language in almost all, if not in all, coutries conquered by the Spanish Reign, and the Roman Catholic religion is the main religion in the region. There are other matters, such as architecture and politics, that show the huge influence that Spain has had in Latin America. In the United States, more than 15% of the population if of Hispanic origins, with more than 40 million people who are partly of fully of Spanish ancestry.


  1. ^ "Ethnographic map of Pre-Roman Iberia". Luís Fraga da Silva - Associação Campo Arqueológico de Tavira, Tavira, Portugal. Retrieved 2007-04-25.
  2. ^ "Anexo:Comunidades autónomas españolas por población". Spanish Wikipedia. Retrieved 2007-04-25.
  3. ^ "European Population Substructure: Clustering of Northern and Southern Populations". PLoS Genetics. Retrieved 2007-04-25.
  4. ^ Measuring European Population Stratification using Microarray Genotype Data [1]
  5. ^ "Summarized Percent Frequencies of R1b, R1a, I1b* (xM26), E3b1 and J2e". Oxford Journals. Retrieved 2007-04-25.
  6. ^ "Phylogeny and frequency distributions of Hg E and its main subclades". The American Journal of Human Genetics. Retrieved 2007-04-25.
  7. ^ "Origin, Diffusion, and Differentiation of Y-Chromosome Haplogroups E and J". The American Journal of Human Genetics. Retrieved 2007-04-25.
  8. ^ "North African Berber and Arab influences in the western Mediterranean revealed by Y-chromosome DNA haplotypes". PubMed.org. Retrieved 2007-04-25.
  9. ^ According to a summary study by Pereira et al. 2005, sub-Saharan mtDNA L haplogroups were found at rates of 0.62% in a German-Danish sample, 1% in the British, 3.83% in Iberians (Portuguese and Spanish), 2.38% in Albanians, 2.86% in Sardinians and 0.94% in Sicilians "Sub-Saharan DNA admixture in Europe". Wikipedia. Retrieved 2007-04-25.
  10. ^ "African female heritage in Iberia: a reassessment of mtDNA lineage distribution in present times". PubMed.org. Retrieved 2007-04-25.
  11. ^ "A tale of aborigines, conquerors and slaves: Alu insertion polymorphisms and the peopling of Canary Islands". PubMed.org. Retrieved 2007-04-25.
  12. ^ "Spain attracts record levels of immigrants seeking jobs and sun". The Guardian. Retrieved 2007-04-25.
  13. ^ "Lenguas de España". Proel.org. Retrieved 2007-04-25.
  14. ^ "Spanish for Cultural Literacy Online" (html). University of Illinois at Springfield. Retrieved 2007-04-25.


Offline references

  • Castro, Americo. The Spaniards: An Introduction to Their History (Univ. of Calif. Press 1980).
  • Chapman, Robert. Emerging Complexity: The Later Pre-History of South-East Spain, Iberia, and the West Mediterranean (Cambridge 1990).
  • Goodwin, Godfrey. Islamic Spain (Chronicle Books 1990).
  • Harrison, Richard. Spain at the Dawn of History (Thames & Hudson 1988).
  • James, Edward. Visigothic Spain (Oxford 1980).
  • Thomas, Hugh: The Slave Trade: The History of the Atlantic Slave Trade 1440 - 1870. London: Picador, 1997.

See also

Spanish Nationalities

Languages of Spain

Official languages

Unofficial languages

Ancient Spanish peoples

People of Spanish descent