SparkNotes, originally part of a website called The Spark, is a company started by Sam Yagan, Max Krohn, and Chris Coyne in 1999 that provides free in-depth commentary, analysis and study guides for literature, poetry, history, film and philosophy.
B&N acquired in 2001 for a price of $3.55 million.[1]
Other features
SparkNotes also offers content and services related to the SAT, ACT, and AP tests, paraphrases of Shakespeare into modern English, exercises for high school teachers, and a message board.
Its current owner, Barnes & Noble, sells printed versions of the study guides in the United States in a format similar to that of CliffsNotes.
SparkNotes has moved into educational publishing with books like Poetry Classics and FlashKids, a series of educational books for K-8 students.