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100-183 Understanding Asia

Week 6

Week 7

    • Muhammad died suddenly without appointing a successor.
  • Islamic world view
    • Monotheism - see especially Tawhid
    • God cannot be described, you cannot depict God
    • No images of Muhammad, since it would give him divinity - but only God is divine. - Wahhabism (predominant in Saudi Arabia)
    • Unity of God: no other being is glorified; there is only one God who has created the universe out of nothing
    • Three concepts of God:
      • (predominant view:) God is a personal (= a person, self-conscious), transcendental being (= beyond space and time, because if God was not transcendental then he would be subject to change and limited - but God is unlimited - so God cannot be physical/material)
      • maybe God is impersonal (maybe God is not aware of individual beings, because God does not have perception, because perception requires a physical body and God does not have a body)
      • maybe God is not separated from the universe/nature - just as we cannot separate our souls from our bodies -> the whole universe is the body of God

    • Unity of the prophethood: all prophets are considered to be true messengers from God (a Muslim has to accept all prophets)
    • Unity of the scripture: 3 divine texts: Old Testament, New Testament, Qu'ran (they are not written by human beings but revealed by God)

  • Day of Judgement: Divine Justice (God will judge people according to their actions), Divine Retribution (and punish people accordingly) - so there has to be free will. How can God fairly punish someone if he "made" that person bad.
  • causa sui and causa immanence
  • Creation ex nihilo: God created everything out of nothing (supported by some Qu'ranic verses), time, labor is not involved
  • however, God needed 6 days to create the universe, so since time is involved, so is labor

  • Rituals in Islam
    • Profession of faith
    • Prayers (5 times per day) facing (kaaba temple in Makkah/Saudi Arabia (Muslims believe it was built by Abraham)
    • Hajj: pilgrimage to Makkah (only needed if you can afford it)
    • Zakat - Muslim alms giving - 2-2.5% of earnings
    • fasting during Ramadan from sunrise to sunset
  • Sharia - means "the way"
    • more than a law; in civic society a law regulates public life - but Sharia regulates more than that (what to eat, what to wear, how to behave)
    • family law has become a matter of debate nowadays: women's rights, structure of the family, status of family members, custody of children; e.g. polygamy - read it as it is written or interpret it historically?

  • Session 2 - Philosophy
    • Muhammad died in 632 without appointing successors
    • disagreement about successor
      • one group wanted to have an election/consensus - they later became the Sunnis - a successor should be elected, and should be from the same tribe as Muhammad.
      • another group believed Muhammad nominated his first cousin (and son-in-law) Ali, and that the successor should be from the same house as Muhammad - they later became the Shi'ites
    • a number of successors, then a revolt against the Caliph, the rebels appointed Ali
    • a committee was set up to see which group was right; they ruled against Ali
    • a split-group of Ali's group, Kharijis revolted against Ali; most of them were killed, as a backlash Ali was killed; end of Medina period
  • Muslims defeated other empires, moved around, came in contact with other cultures - philosophical exchange
  • Theological/philosophical search for the truth
    • who is responsible for moral corruption? is it the will of God?
    • Traditionalists believe in predestination
    • Mu'tazilites - rationalist school; Free will? Predetermination? how to resolve contradictions in the Qu'ran on this matter? Argue for free will. Another problem: if God's attributes are eternal and different from God, it would be polytheism. How can the Qu'ran be eternal?
    • Ash'arites - moderate school; believe God is beyond human understanding
  • religion VS philosophy: belief versus questioning
    • Christian and Jewish thinkers translated philosophical works into Arabic - foundation of Muslim (not Islamic!) philosophy
