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Vaticinia Nostradami

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Nostradamus Vaticinia

The "Vaticinia Michaelis Nostredami de Futuri Christi Vicarii ad Cesarem Filium" are a collection of 80 water-colored images, put as an illustrated codex that were discovered in 1982 by the italian journalist Enza Massa and Roberto Pinotti in the Central National Library in Rome. This document is located in the library shelves as "Fondo Vittorio Emanuele 307".

In the original librarian form by the medieval cartusiani fathers that was attached to the manuscript, is said that the images belonged to the voyant-doctor Nostradamus, whose real name was Michel de Notre-Dame (14 December 1503 - 2 July 1556) is asserted that the code was brought to Rome by Nostradamus' son César de Notre-Dame in order to be donated to cardinal Maffeo Barberini, that subsequently will become Pope with the name Urbanus VIII (Catholic Pontiff from 1623 to 1644).

These images have stung of contact with several manuscripts of the centuries XI and XII, and seem inspired by the profecies of cistercense calabrian monk, the beatus Joachim da Fiore. Based upon the Biblical book of St. John's Apocalypse, the monk Da Fiore predicted the begining of Apocalypse in 1260.

A manuscript similar to this is MARSTON MS 225, than is found in the library of the Yale University, in New Haven, Connecticut, USA. This manuscript comes from the german areas of Bayern and Bohemia, probably from the within of the courts of emperor Frederick II of Swebe and Maximilian I, this document probably made a great impact between the sovereigns of the Sacred Roman Empire.

Perhaps the drawings represent the succession of the Roman Popes, and contain symbolic objects, letters, animals, crossings of banners, bugles, crosses, candles, etc, they form figures similar to numbers roman, or references to last names, as an example Pope Saint Pious X (Giuseppe Sarto) are indicated like a pontefice in throne with a cloth (Sarto = Taylor) in the background, being hold by angels.

Instead Pious VI (Barnaba Chiaramonti) that was hold captive in France by Napoleon and revolutionars is depicted as a Pope in monks vest, with a rose in one fist and a scythe in the othe rone, is surrounded by a letter B drawn in the soil and with a clear view of mounts (Chiaramonti) in the background.

The images probably have a prophetic span ranging from the first decades of XVIIth century until the first decades of XXIth century. Some figures seem references to historical facts that affected the development of the papacy, as the images that act as a starter, as an example the one taht indicates the approval of the rule of Saint Francis of Sales.

There are images linkable to the French revolution, to the conflicts between France and Spain for the control of the Vatican, to the interval between the I and II World War (with the coat of arms of Pope Pious XI, Achille Ratti, very clearly depicted).

The image that from the first moment turns out more convincing is the 10th the table: a giant Pontiff holding a pastoral sceptre with effige of B.V. Mary, that has behind his shoulders a pike-alabarde, will be assaulted by a soldier with the sword scimitar in hand. Can bring to us the memory of 13 May 1981, when the turkish killer Mehmet Ali Agca shot a pistol against Pope John Paul II's abdomen (cardinal Karol Wojtyla). The pope had in his his shield the "M" of Mary, with the latin motto "Totus Tuus".

There seem to be references to II Vatican Council, to the war in Bosnia in 1994-1999, and there is one stocky tower wrapped from flames that perhaps assume a man-like antromorphic aspect (maybe a much aproximative prophecy for the attack to the New York World Trade Center in 2001, (interesting inasmuch as a book about this drawings was published in 1995 in Italy, and in 1997 translated to english).

There is an image looking as a kabbalistic proceeding: a man with a very long beard, with in the background a quarter shield of a "rione" of Rome , covers a book with a holed sheet, maybe making an inequal letter jump-extraction similar to those of the Kabbalah, (for Ramotti from Anguillara Sabazia Nostradamus' Kabbalah corresponds to the sequence of extraction 1-5-5-5), a proceeding similar to those made on the Jewisk Torah (since 1920) by the rabbi Weissmandel (50-50-50).

Some images are extremely mysterious, or maybe linked to Nostradamus' quatrains, like that one of the two unicorns or the other one of the Eel with an human head menaced by a a sword that exits a lake. Maybe is the "horrible poisson" of the Nostradamus' q.III.21, than was to appear in the Adriatic sea, and that inspired the film the Dolce Vita, masterpiece by Federico Fellini.

The last image represents the escape from a fortified city of a high Bishop (The Black Pope?) with dark or black skin, along to his court, while in the surroundings there is a slaughter of clergymen of many races, perhaps connected to already revealed Third Mystery of Fatima.


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Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Roma Library; VITTORIO EMMANUELE 307]

University of Kostanz, in southern Germany]]

Giancarlo Rossi 16:32, 30 December 2005 (UTC) Giancarlo Rossi