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College students holding a beer bong.

Bonging a Beer is the act of using a funnel, or beer bong, to rapidly consume a large amount of liquid, most commonly beer or a similar alcoholic beverage, as a drinking game or as a means to consume a large amount of alcohol in a small amount of time. The inherent challenge is to swallow the rapid flow of beer in one attempt, without spilling.


The beer bong or funnel was invented by Chester Copper Pot in 1969. He came up with the idea after he broke both his arms and couldn't lift a beer to his mouth. He then asked his drinking buds to funnel a beer into his mouth. Though he threw up immediately he found it to be a quick and easy way to get drunk.


A funnel (also known as a beer bong or goon bong) is a device used to consume large quantities of liquid, usually some kind of fermented beverage, very rapidly. A piece of tubing, generally at least a meter in length, must be firmly secured to the end of a large funnel. The volume of the funnel and the tubing should be enough to accommodate the amount of liquid intended to be funneled.

In modern times some funnelers have begun omitting the tube for ease of construction. Not having to attach a tube means a basic funnel can be used with no other attachments. This however is a different skill as the funneler must use their tongue to stop the flow of liquid during the filling process.

There are many variations of the size of the funnel and length of the tubing. Generally, a meter of tubing is acceptable for most funnels, although extremely long funnels can be used in situations where the funnel can be held much higher than the drinker's head height, such as at the top of a staircase, balcony or an upper floor.

The most advanced funnels have a valves of some sort inline at the drinking end of the tube. This can be used to cut down on spillage. However, this is usually only needed by novices, as an experienced user can manipulate the flow of the liquid without the use of a valve.

A variation of the beer bong is used during a Divemaster Challenge. This beer bong consists of a dive mask and snorkel with a funnel attached to the top of the snorkel. This type of beer bong does not allow the drinker to breathe while chugging.

Foam (froth) avoidance

Man consumes an undesirably foamy beer.

Funneling (or tubing) beer in this fashion is made significantly more difficult when foam (or froth) is present. The bubbles rapidly fill the drinker's mouth and throat, impeding the flow of liquid and can cause the attempt to be abandoned due to coughing fits. Part of the purpose for the funnel itself, aside from allowing more volume, is to allow a greater surface area for the foam to subside than a tube alone would be able to.

For optimum results, a funnel should be de-foamed before use. This makes it easier to drink the beer, as there is little or no foam to choke on. The choice of beverage can have a significant effect on the amount of foam. In the UK, "smoothflow"-style bitter beers are readily available and - when chilled adequately - generate very little foam.

The drinker may choose to de-foam the apparatus by sealing their end of the tube with a finger, lowering their end of the tubing and raising the funnel up in the air. This ensures that the air bubbles will travel up and escape out of the funnel, leaving the drinker with a clean tube with no foam.

Rinsing the apparatus with ice-cold water beforehand can also help reduce foam, as does the choice of plastic tubing used

This quickly dissolves the foam back into fluid. A slightly more desirable method is to apply a thin layer of margarine or butter to the funnel with a paper towel. If applied too heavily, clumps or build-up will be visible on the funnel and there will be a perceptible taste during the funnelling process. However, the best way to reduce foam is by adding a valve to the end of the tube. You simply close the valve, pour the beer in, and once it is settled you can open it up for a perfect flow. Valves are especially useful when using a beer bong with two valves connected to the funnel and racing.

Traditionally, the funnel device is designed for one user. However, other designs featuring sectioned funnels linked to many tubes can serve up to eight users at once. This style is usually called the beerserker, and means that a larger funnel must be used; most commonly a 5 gallon/20 litre water jug with the bottom removed. Another well known design of funnel is the "uterus" where two funnels are joined to a single central pipe via a "T" piece. The uterus is so named because of its resemblance to that part of the female anatomy, and allows twice the amount of liquid to be consumed in one session.


Two college students funneling beers.

The drinker begins by stopping the end of the tube with either his or her thumb or by using a valve if present. The funnel is held above the drinker's head height, and the liquid is poured into the funnel. The drinker then quickly unstops the tube and inserts the end of the tube into their mouth, and falls to their knees. The other participants must then hold the funnel as high as possible so that the tube is as vertical as possible. The effects of gravity will cause liquid to be ingested extremely quickly. A person may drink 24 ounces of beer (2 cans worth) in only a few seconds with the aid of this device. The liquid is ingested continuously, as opposed to sipping which stops the flow of liquid. If there is too much foam it may enter the trachea and the person may choke, sometimes resulting in excessive coughing and/or vomiting.

Advanced technique circumvents stopping the tube at all, which is ideal because the unstopping of the tube is typically where the amateur drinker wastes the most liquid. The drinker holds the tube in the usual position, and usually down on one knee. The funnel is kept below the level of the end of the tube. The holder pours the liquid into the funnel and allows the fluid level to rise as far up the tube as possible without it overflowing. When the drinker is ready, they put their mouth over the end of the tube and give the signal to raise the funnel. The holder then raises the funnel as high as possible so that the tube is as vertical as possible. Because there is no air present at the start of the funneling process, this method often results in the process being completed in a shorter time.

For those who are truly devoted to the sport, it is considered proper to hold your own funnel. Furthermore, it is improper to contest another's victory based on the very personal decision to stand or take a knee. Both techniques are widely accepted, especially the latter because it makes the most effective use of gravity and increases speed therefore frequently leading to victory in beer bong races. But, If one is testing pure chugging ability, the former is the preferred method of comparison.

Upside down Funneling

Much like the 'Monkey Chug' from the movie Beerfest. The funneler finds a tree, or something else, to hang upside down from, then grabs the funnel. This style usually hits faster due to being upside down. Not recommended for those who are already inebriated.

Impromptu Funnels

A "beer bottle bong"

In the early 1990's a group of industrious young drinkers from Freeport, IL created an improvised beer bong using aPink flamingo lawn ornament borrowed from a neighbor's yard by snipping off the tip of the beak and cutting a hole where the legs would go, through which they poured the beer. These "flabongos" have become popular among Hash House Harriers; as of July 2008, one company sells them ready-made.

Musical instruments have also been converted into beer bongs. Australian band The John Steel Singers have become well known in their home country for their version of an impromptu funnel, the "Trom-bong" which they and another Australian band The Vasco Era invented in Adelaide during October 2008. The Trom-bong is constructed using two parts of a traditional trombone, usually held together with electrical tape and used in the traditional beer bong method. [1]

Other devices exist to enable users to consume beer out of bottles in a manner similar to shotgunning. A length of plastic tubing is placed on top of an open bottle, and a long, thin tube passes through the wall of the larger plastic tubing. This allows the air inside the bottle to be replaced much faster, allowing beer to flow out very quickly.


A simple concept, Longarming (aka Straight-Arming) requires the drinker to keep their arm straight and consume their beverage. It is seen as more of a stunt than a bonafide method of rapid consumption because it usually results in wasting large quantities of beer. However an experienced longarmer will be able to pour 85% or more directly into their mouth.

Compartmented Group Beer Bongs

Building group beer bongs are also popular. Conventional methods to build a group beer racer typically include; a single chamber vessel, various PVC tubing and t-valves directing flow to multiple users. Notably, efforts to compartment fluids for group racers have been forthcoming and have pushed beer bong designs further. The thought process behind inventing a compartmented beer bong, are as follows; 1. measure beer for each racer for accurate beer bonging and 2. separate beer using chambers to negate group beer mixing. One company in particular has a US Patent on compartmented dispensers

Funneling in Pop Culture

A 2006 New York Times article caused a stir when 2004 presidential candidate Senator John F. Kerry was pictured being offered a funnel while attending a tailgate party outside of a University of Iowa football game.[1] Photos on TMZ.com surfaced of Arizona Cardinals quarterback Matt Leinart assisting in a beer bong with underage college girls.[citation needed] In the film Jackass Number Two, Steve-O funnels beer into his rectum. The band NOFX has a song titled "Beer Bong Song".

See also

http://BeerBong.com Beer Bong
