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Halaal (حلال, halāl, halal) is an Islamic Arabic term meaning "permissible". In an English language context it is most frequently used to refer to food that is permissible according to Islamic law. In the Arabic language it refers to anything that is permissible under Islam.


The use of the term sometimes varies between Arabic-speaking Muslim communities and non-Arabic-speaking ones.

In Arabic-speaking countries, the term is used to describe anything permissible under Islamic law, in contrast to haraam, that which is forbidden. This includes behavior, speech, dress, conduct, manner and dietary laws.

In non-Arabic-speaking countries, the term is most commonly used in the narrower context of just Muslim dietary laws, especially where meat and poultry are concerned, though it can be used for the more general meaning as well. This dichotomy of usage is similar to the Jewish term "kosher".

The Islamic method of slaughtering animals for meat is known as Thabiha Halaal. It is also pronounced Zabiha.

Dietary usage

Forbidden substances

A variety of substances are considered haraam (forbidden), including: pork, blood, animals slaughtered in the name of anyone but God, carrion, carnivorous animals with the exception of most fish and sea animals, and all intoxicants (specifically alcohol). A section of the Muslim community believe that fish which do not carry scales as well as lobsters and crabs are considered haraam, while others believe that only those animals living in "both worlds" (land and water) are considered haraam; for example, frogs. Fish with scales are halaal if they are allowed to die on land (they cannot be beaten to death or cut apart while still swimming).

Dhabiĥa (method used to slaughter animals)

The method of slaughtering all animals excluding fish and most sea-life is known as Dhabiĥa (ذَبِيْحَة), meat prepared in this manner is then considered Halal. Islamically, the prescribed method is to cut through the large arteries in the neck along with the esophagus with one swipe of a nonserrated blade and drain all blood and impurities from the animal, because as noted above, the consumption of blood itself is forbidden. During the draining of the blood, the animal is not handled until it has fully died.

The action of slaughtering an animal is a ritual religious act that is preceded by the words "In the name of God, God is the Greatest Bismillah, Allahu Akbar بسم الله ، الله أكبر) . The reasoning behind invoking the name of the creator at the moment of sacrifice is stated by some to be the equivalent of acknowledging the right of that creator over all created things, as such this invocation is then a type of permission granted to the one performing the sacrifice and endows a sense of gratitude even prior to partaking in the meat of the animal. The common usage of "Bismillah al Raĥman Al Raĥim" (In the name of God the Beneficent the Merciful) is not used here, because the act is one of subduement not of mercy, and as such the words Allahu Akbar (God is the Greatest) are used to reiterate that the animal was only subdued for consumption by God's divine design and command, and must only be taken then in his name.

It is also common for the words "Praise be upon Him who has made you suitable for slaughter [for the purpose of consumption] ("Subĥâna man Ĥallalaka li ˈl-dhabĥ") to be spoken immediately before slaughter instead, even though this is more of a cultural practice than one of based in Prophetic traditions

Prior to the slaughter, the animal's eyes and ears are checked to ensure that the animal is healthy and suitable for slaughter. If the animal is deemed to be healthy, it is first given water to drink (in order to quench its thirst) and is then pointed towards Mecca to be slaughtered. Muslims consider this method of killing the animal to be cleaner and more merciful to the animal. Some animal rights groups contend that this causes unnecessary pain and suffering to the animal when compared to modern methods of animal slaughter, which involve stunning the animal before killing it. Islamic groups assert that the Islamic method of slaughter is the fastest method and causes the least pain to the animal, since the neck is severed immediately causing the animal not to feel pain afterwards. Electrocution is forbidden in Islam since halaal slaughter requires the animal to be conscious and not contaminated by anaesthetics or intoxicating materials. Mild stunning for the subduement of larger, uncontrollable animals however is one of debate among Muslim Jurists.

Problems facing Muslims in non-Muslim countries

Muslims living in non-Muslim countries face three major problems. The first is obviously the absence, or scarcity, of restaurants and grocery stores that offer halaal food, especially meat (although in Great Britain at least, the amount of halaal foods available has widely increased). A family dinner at a local restaurant becomes a problem when all of the meat available is not halaal. The second is the abundance of pork products used in Western cooking. Finding pork, ham, and bacon on the menu creates a problem. While Muslims will not order a pork dish, they may be concerned about "cross contamination"; for example, using the same kitchen knife to cut up pork and then cut up fish or beef. Pots and pans might be used continuously in a busy kitchen: a chef cooking fried rice with pork might then use the same pan for fried rice with chicken (with only a quick rinse of the pan or none at all). Also, many apparently meat-free recipes, and even desserts, contain pork gelatine. The third concern is the frequent use of alcohol, especially wine, in cooking sauces and cakes, though some contend that this is not a concern so long as the alcohol has been thoroughly burned off. There are also other concerns about food additives such as monosodium glutamate (MSG) that might use enzymes derived from pig fat in the production process. It is very difficult to avoid such food additives as they would not normally be declared on the menu. Often, American Muslims will simply not eat pork or consume alcohol, but eat non-halal beef, chicken, fish, etc.

In very desperate situations, such as when a Muslim faces starvation, some dietary laws can be relaxed or ignored.

Comparison with Kashrut

There are some tenuous similarities between the Jewish dietary laws known as Kashrut and Muslim dietary laws. For example, both forbid all pork products, both prescribe certain methods for slaughtering animals and poultry (including the recital of a blessing to God over such animals before slaughter), and both forbid the consumption of blood and mandate that it be drained from animals after slaughter.

On the other hand, the list of kosher animals is far more restrictive including mainly naturally domestic animals and only fish which have both fins and scales. There are many differences such at the extremly strict kashrut laws on the consumption of insects (most vegtables must be checked before consumption) and the many factors which an animal is subjected to after slaughter to make certain an animal is not treif (not kosher). There are also material differences. Islam forbids alcohol, while alcoholic consumption is allowed in kashrut (although there are strict rules that govern the kosher winemaking process). Muslims are allowed to eat the vast majority of seafood, while in kashrut all shellfish, molluscs, and selected other varieties of fish are forbidden (included in the prohobition of eating insects). Any combination of dairy and meat products is forbidden, whereas this is considered halaal. There is also Passover, a festival during which a whole additional set of Kashrut laws apply.

The Qur'anic verse 5:5 declares that the food of the People of the Book is halaal. Many interpret this reference to imply that the dietary laws are similar enough to (though far less restrictive than) those regulating kashrut that Muslims can consume kosher meat and other food products when there are no halaal alternatives. Of course, kosher products that include alcohol among their ingredients are still haraam.

In certain instances, some Islamic authorities have permitted Muslims to rely upon kosher certification (particularly in regard to slaughtering) when halaal food is otherwise unavailable. This view is subject to debate, however, and is rejected by many, for a variety of reasons. Jewish authorities do not allow reliance upon halaal certification as a substitute for kashrut and many Islamic authorities argue the same for kashrut certification. Some Islamic groups advise using Kashrut certification only as a last resort.[citation needed]

Since the turn of the century, there have been efforts to create organizations such as the Muslim Consumer Group that certify food products as Halaal (the certification of Kashrut known as a Hechsher, on the other hand, has long had a system of recognised authorities).

Different interpretations of the word Halaal

In Hungarian, the word halál means "death," which can result in misunderstandings with food in supermarkets labeled as "halal." However it is pronounced "HOL-ahl," whereas "halaal" is pronouced "ha-LAHL."

In Romanian the word, a neologism taken from Turkish, has two almost contradictory meanings. When used on its own as an interjection (i.e. "Halal!") it means "Nice!" or "Good for you!". When used as an attribute, it actually has a moderate pejorative meaning: "Halal mâncare!" would translate roughly as "And you call this food?".

=In Sikhism

Sikhism technically forbids Sikhs from eating halaal meat, because they believe the methods used to kill the animal cruel, inefficiently slow and unnecessarily painful. [1] Some historians say that the halal meat boycott was set forth by Sikh Gurus after the killing of the ninth Sikh Guru, Guru Tegh Bahadur by Moghul Emperor Aurangzeb; this injunction was made by the son of Guru Tegh Bahadur, ie, Guru Gobind Singh. He advised/ordered all the Sikhs to eat the meat of only that (lawful) animal which has been slaughtered by immediate severing of the neck in a single stroke by a sharp weapon. This is exactly the same as the sacrifice of goats offered by some Hindu communities to their deities. In both the cases, it is argued that since the central vertebral nerve of the animal is cut up immediately, death would occur most painlessly.

Halaal & North American Fast Food

See also



  1. ^ Sandeep Singh Brar. The Sikhism Homepage. 29 Jan. 2006 [1]