Gabriele Lesser
Gabriele Lesser (born May 16, 1960) is a controversial far left-wing historian and journalist, who claims to spezialice in the history of World War II.
As Warsaw correspondent of the left-wing daily die tageszeitung and the "Jüdische Allgemeine" (Berlin), she wrote commentary criticizing an initiative of German Federation of Expellees (BdV) to build a monumental Centre Against Expulsions, devoted to the approximately 15 million German victims of ethnic cleansing in Central Europe during and after WWII. That initiative, advanced by BdV president Erika Steinbach, caused fierce controversy among the Central European public. Lesser also accused Steinbach of having "destructive influence" on Polish-German relations.
Recently, the Bund der Vertriebenen sued Gabriele Lesser for defamations, and won the most important point of the case. The newspaper that had published her articles chose to apologize to Steinbach and not publish more of Lessers defamations.