Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
In comic books and animation, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are four wise-cracking, teenaged, pizza-scarfing cartoon turtles who fought the forces of evil from their neighborhood hangout. Each wore a mask over his eyes having a distinctive color, carried and used a distinctive weapon, and had a favorite flavor of pizza. Their names apparently derive from Italian renaissance artists.
Character summary:
- Leonardo: Turtle with blue mask who wields katana
- Donatello: Turtle with purple mask who wields bo stick
- Raphael: Turtle with red mask who wields sai
- Michaelangelo: Turtle with red mask who wields nunchaku
- Splinter: rat-man who taught the Turtles
- April O'Neil: TV reporter who discovers their home in the sewers
- Shredder: the arch-villain