Social Cohesion and Religion, Science, Gender Identity With Society With Its Developments and Relationships.
Social Cohesion is directly related to the evolving Self (sociology) and the developing social environment as an effective development with Theological's, Sociological's and Cultural identity's Values integrated at an inheritable self (psychology) and based by social cognition and considered one of the major contributor to the main self identity aspect. With the social influences of religion and family, science and health, gender roles and human sexuality, society and nationality combined makes up the idiosyncratic consciousness with being. Religion has been in the past, and still is in a number of countries, the main cohesive force holding populations, particularly genetically disparate ones, together in one meta-system. Patterns of human sexuality behaviour (often strongly influenced by religious beliefs and prescriptions) in different societies have determined the organisational character structure for its society - from the nuclear family (now apparently in decline) in most Western countries and the extended family of earlier periods. Both religion and patterns of sexual behaviour as cohesive forces have been radically challenged by science, both as a mode of thought and as the source of technologies which change the operations of social environment.
Sociobiology Of Societies
A sociobiology of societies has to be founded on a sociobiology of the individuals: as a self (psychology) reformed by a society and with the contributions to the individuals, as a self (sociology) by biological naturalism and biological determinism. This types of processes are refered as biologizing and are also with cognitive thinking developments are major contributors of the sociol cohesion and social environmnent meta-system . The survival of populations (interpreted as gene pools) and of societal inheritable forms are interlocking heuristics and under metacognition thinking and influences and as a sociobiology of societies can start to consider the conditions and forces which over long periods of sapience's determinist of the relativist's successes or failures of nations, rural infrastructures, and social systems.
Definition concept is by scndlbrkrttmc/Wikipedia and derived from the Extraction, Edited by Dr. Robin Allott:
and all main ideas are from:
Thienpoint, Kristiaan and Robert Cliquet eds. 1999.
In-Group/Out-Group Behaviour in Modern Societies,
Chapter 11, 239-258. Brussels: NIDI/CBGS Publications.
With Main Source Is From Text: Religion And Science -- Sex And Society: Forms And Processes Of Cohesion,
A Question: Is the Simplicity of Voluntary Privacy is in much need in our Judicial Branch?
From the files of Geo. E. Burks
The Entire Internet Communities Are Still Waiting For Essays And Rebuttal For This Caption/Article.
11-13-03 (revised 6-02-04)
Is There Such A Motion As Achievements In Religion!!?
The General and The Chief Knew!?
Perspective By Geo. E. Burks.
*With the Question of the achievement of science versus the sacredness of religion, the admiration of their highest place in the progressive evolving strives of the multi-cultural democratic nation and the separations in their objectives with the respects for all individual’s decisions as their way of strife for the betterment of humanity and to have everyone sense of trust placed on a foundation that holds all rights for respect in full consideration.
Revised from (*=) Neal Postmann’s Technopology
Attorney General Bill Pryor of Alabama made a comment during the open procedures, which was quoted in the November 13, 2003 issue of the New York Times that Alabama’sChief Justice Roy Moore is demonstrating "utterly unrepentant behavior" by strongly opposes the removal of nearly a ton of one of the ‘Ideas Of Justice’s’ oldest symbol. An action attempted, due to the idea of a progressive democracy seeking a sense of separation of church and state.
The General (Pryor) has a stall in his opening deliberations while facing the Alabama Court of the Judiciary Supreme Court. In order to challenge the age old position of "what do you do with people who move in such a self-righteous way without a challengeable doubt or questions and in so; leaving no respectable open reproach for any type of grounds to stand on for reconsideration?" Well, to start with one must approach every step with care. As in the case involving the removal of a display (in a form of a rotunda,) bearing the works of Ten Commandments from one of the State of Alabama’s court building (more recognized by the title of The Halls Of Justice), where The Chief (Moore) was been charged for ethical violations for defending the display’s rightful place in The Halls Of Justice walls did make some stepping with care.
What The General insubvertly confessing to are the ideas of syncretizing the ideologies of a more modern court system could truly be symbolized as a sounder representation of a justice system in an openly shown sense of the more liberal and not stringent environment for legal deliberations, liberations and deliveries with the original conceptual ideologies of parity and with society's social cohesion trusts as an openly known growth and progress. Since the birth of the ideas of social parity, social cooperation and socio-economics this ideology evolved into and was lead on the grounds and practices with a known virtuous sense and an acceptable sense of justice.
A movement or representation of an idea of the church separation from state for better democracy in form of a case in The Hall Of Justices against the definition of the virtuous justice enacted within that foundation by a prosecutor of this case can never win the opposition of that prosecutor’s opponent actions or behavior. The actions of The Chief states soundly that any movement to remove from sight the symbols from justice’s ideological birth, on and within The Halls of Justice physical foundations (or a court building as politically corrected known in these days) on display can never be seen or accepted on any grounds that having any signs or ideas of a beneficial movement!?! For as long as all involved in the past, present or the future of our justice procedures are borne by the academic’s or institutional’s sound fundamentals within the field of law. This argument can never be approach on any grounds within that exact field without restraining and/or conceding to the facts of, "what are the definitions of truth in the symbolic phrase of TRUTH AND JUSTICE FOR ALL?!"
What this writer also saw impressive in The General’s comment was the idea of guilt and objective reasoning while showing an open respect in using the taxpayer’s time and money against The Chief’s (Moore’s) sentiments. All can easily recognized by this stand as insubvertly or direct in support to keep in constant view of those of the symbolic and the signatures of the definition of termed "ALL," from the phrase in the former question, for those whom enter "The Bama’s Halls Of Justice. " With this pillar of society’s original statures for civility undergoing a trial for its rightful measure of usefulness coming into mind also was The General comment with one easily finding a sign of resignation.
In this pursuit of a disavowing grounds that The Chief was found erected on, all who has a sentiment to contend against the grounds must first recognized The General comment with the affirmation that there is no place in considering resistance to The Chief’s stand. One also must noted thru the fundamental observations for all parties’ blessing that The Chief have nothing more erected to stand on, yet the foundations that were always there since the beginning of the practice of judging for parity and exact consolidation.
Within the comment lie many moving adjustments for all observations for the evolution of modern justice. Proving that in opposition of The Chief position, nothing more than the rightprayer will allow continuous deliberations for one’s own precarious grounds for reproach and only can be handled carefully in the prosecuting of this case. With this The General can continue into the deliberations solidly with nothing more erected in one’s own grounds to step forward with by showing the recognition of that unrepentant-able revelation of the foundation’s cornerstone threatened in our continuous future for progress in the social evolution of civility, law and justice.
It’s a resounding place for The General in a case where all sides are showing one’s saving grace to rescue the ideas of progress in a field of social sciences where science is the dirty word. Progress in the field of law has nowhere else for weighting new abstractions and new academics applications outside the university without the even more treacherous approach of dividing the theorized practical perspectives theology and justice. Where does one have to avoid the seemly, knowing offensive speculative of a subscriptive leit-motif build on or to avoiding those heated classical torrid debates of the prescriptive applications of a theological, governing state or system?!? (For all who late on what is a leit motif, with the term "build on" instead of build up, the phrase would mean "evolution is an artistic growth!?!")
Yes, in the practice of judging for parity, reparation and socio-economics it’s the justice foundation under trial in The Bama’s court system and that foundation is threaten by the removal of a dedication bearing one of its original symbols for reason not found yet, heard and weighted with conniving acceptance by a general and under open, direct protest by a chief of it’s foundation’s post. Who by both intents and actions in keeping the virtuous justice’s past syncretized evolution of symbols and signs which grew into The Halls Of Justice’s complete identity in full view with their actions and with a demeanor showing all the power invested from where that infuse endowment rooted and grown with time. Since this challenge were heard by a panel of even more Justices, supreme ones at that, who must make a motion that can show a sign for the continuing symbolism of The Ten Commandments’ and other representations of justice for its tenure, future or dismissal within a new systems to engaged into the future with…!?! Yes, this is the quest within the case or may I surmised as it’s a question???
So, this one writer insists on the question for" THE ALL IN THE BIG BAMA’S" to answer; in defense of either their General, their Chief, their Supreme Justices or their foremost identity of the Halls Of Justice; "Is there progress or a continuous future for the Ten Commandments and other symbols and noted signs like ‘TRUTH AND JUSTICE FOR ALL" on the exact and actual grounds and within the exact and actual foundations of The Bama’s Hall Of Justice??!"
As for this one response to such a question when this one observed such a proceeding in one’s own state; would be to opt in questions on "what are the hidden motivations leading to its conniving acceptance on how such a regressive motion could have start on, within and brought forth for one’s own state’s affirming Justice’s foundation?!?" In which is an evolving existences without borders, even with or without the governing state in question of a true justice system and still will meet the criteria of an existence governing foundations over the state in all definitions found in the difference between a justice system and a legislative system. In conclusion justice is not over state government while its original symbols and signs are and even more of a sounder theology for virtue and not of a governing theory. In law alone all relationships to its symbols and signs are leading to its actual growth with all that exist and these symbols and signs can only differ in growth and become evermore self-alienating within The Hall Of Justice; no matter where the state’s borders lies.
Do The Land Of Free Choice Has Free Responsibilities?!
(original version) Perspective By Geo. E. Burks.
FREE CONDOMS!!! Did you notice the strong emphasis at the end of this notice? Of’course you do!! This is the known part?! Did you notice the strong emphasis at the beginning of the notice? Of'course, this is the most urgent need!?! Now, what the most important part of this notice?!!
What people failed to see is how an unavoidable answer can be the #1 catalyst of its need. Its’ we ‘you know’ if we do see and we ‘you know’ if we do want. Blind for love is the lesser than lust for love and with this formula activated, my first thought is "do our youth know many one can get if X=free?"?!
Next up is responsibility?! Hmmm, this is complicated, lets see, does we encourage the activity that can bring a new variable of love into the formula?! I know that one could easily weight their future on a momentary discomfort in their present short lifetime, but it’s the integrated lesson in this experience that worries my future outlooks for our society like why X= a sound free?!
Definitely an errrrr right for the positive variable and that a sound full for err!!! The easy the feelings toward DE-FEAT-US outward, the more affirmed THIS-A-VOW-YOU- make as a future part from you as a waste of time for our positive effort?!?
We may be the land of free choice for many things including our future, yet these future, yet these future judgments lie in the hands of the values we have for the life our youth will lead. If these STUDENT OF LIFE are to learn from our youth, then we grant that precious freedom of choice to what is known for what their true worth of THE FETUS AND THIS IS A VALUE.
Imagine when the time comes when they will have carried on and find themselves surveying their charges, our youth. I fear that there will be too many viewing over this and thinking "I thought defeated these little things a long time ago." "It was free and easy!!?"
They would ponder this thinking "How can so many become to an age of my notice when during our times, life was so free and easy?!! Wait a minute, WE DEFEAT US?!?"
Without the values of the bundle of what the defeating us true values are, then how can the youth comprehend the singular act of love outside the singular variable that brought them out of our homes. If those daydreamer pondering failed to visualize the truth in these bundle of that kind of love. Well, one thing for sure, ‘Its was then and actually now its free and easy to see why.’ For the discomfort is still there when they took notice after the more experience view in looking at what's easy and free.
Now, try to find it and and if you do, then take care to grasped the complete responsibility of this. After all, love doesn’t come free and easy and its hard to keep and over-easily to destroy. Now why do you think that one of most common used words and easy word to define and find in one's life like responsibility is such a big word in actual being. You know why, because it ain’t free.
In this land of the free, some of these free things like rights, speech and choice, if taken for granted will take a cancerous growth in a devaluing you in a DE-FET-US way. Ahhhh, another word called ADULTS is also one of those common words in the free world, see how small its is and this is attained for free and easily in being in any free country. So, to you, "you young adults, I am saying to even as the old softy, who will adhere to pro-life in my personal responsibilities, I will support the pro-choice for my land of the bold and free, for I believe that the responsibility is as small as how big as one can be."
One now back to that last question and listens very carefully for it is a tough one, "Why??? With the word ‘free’ and the emotions of a triple ‘exclam(!!!)’ set aside, the remainder expression in the notice beginning this article is the most important part of that notice??!" Take look up there and answer this question to yourself in the place where all your responsibilities are growing!!!
To The Best Not Esteems For Disclosing Liberties.
Perspective by Geo. E. Burks.
In year 2005, with the alleviating cold breezes of autumn, after too many hot doggerel august dazes after the heated precedures of the Ten Commandments ruling of the United States Supreme Court (USSC) by granting the recognition of our rights to erect and cry; "We the people of the United Secularism Authority (U.S.A.) in order to form a more perfect union, newly-opposed-against-tested/able/mental/query/us-as..." Do this sound more like relieving each or everyone the choice to be endowed by a you not chosen, against less able men awry leads or been relieved of promoting the bold us not ignorant adapted, able men with verity? Wait a minute, was this a neo-contra-anti-e/sta/blish/ment/ari/an/just-ice move-men (-t); with the ruling by the United States Supreme Court entitling each state of the United States Of America’s (U.S.A.) state legistrative seats, the rights to decide what they find fit there to display as symbolic representations or the physical signaling of our civil or social intolerance in their regional Halls of Justice? Was their always willingness to grant orders to open windows to peer in and at with and to an already established judicious systems that were erected by generations of security within.
Let’s say with this case and only for this acute national episode which is not a temporary and passing acute level of national derision save all of the traditional functional sanity and only with this peering inspection that U.S.S.C. did so do the new view of an anti-contra-be-state!?? And so it was "We, the people of the United Secularism Authority in order to form a more perfect union, neo-contra-anti-establish justice," and now endowed to certain inalienated rights of liberties, justice and by the way; since we are discussing this, "DO SOMEONE IN VIRTUOUS HEIGHTS HAS AN APARTMENT FOR RENT FOR OUR DAUGHTER PRUDENCE??! For it is not a "NO" to the perfect semantic opposite found but to the commitment of the fine values in all of this refinery not paraphrased, not acceptance that has Liberty living in Prudence covenants and Prudence is now a guest at Charity’s abodes.
One can’t argue that any advancement of The American Way can’t happen without our sense of American Secularism (A.S.) daring to evolve. Yet, A.S's has proven that its’ progress and its’ development are of the parallel rate of a democracy era’s conjunctions on a social cohesion scale. For as much as the beneficial values of state and life improvements; there are not always results of a rising movement of esteems and not always of a movement based and built from a graceful hath love sakes.
All Secularism (A.S. in the same sense!?) has hidden privatizing priorities in its ideological culturalism not theological fanaticism from our U.S.A. (and in the same sense here too?!) socio-economical sense of state. This form of Americans’ modern progress left the sluggish religio-cultural fanaticism in as dividends, and this was done first in determined grace, yet to a no avail in finding the perfect coven for its own sake because of its one true ideology in state; LIBERTY?!? Due to its bluntness, the wake of its undetermining forsaking(s )were plainly too evident on and beyond the surface!!!
At the minimum, don’t worry about our little daughters, Charity is adjusting and keeping up now with her guest, Prudence, who moving about with an apex amble. Charity, who always enjoyed our company with her sisters; Faith and Fortitude, now frequent by certain transnational liberties who were allowed in for recognized reasonable not underdetermining virtuous grounds by Justice own discretion alone and not judgments. Of all of our daughters, little lady Justice has consistently proven her superiority with maturity and precise intelligence with an equal scale for all who walk on virtuous grounds and even to those undeniable recognized advisement’s discretion.
With such added vices meant not added devices meant to produce the common defenses for each and everyone who are consistently determined with each other's virtuous productions. With these vices not withstanding the desired liberty berths of the available discretions' and taking that all are accountable by socio-cohesive bastardized parities of a socio-economical state as virtuous obverted or adversed advisings. All one can say to Charity is; " It’s only a temporary fit or spell that led her, quite naturally to extend and obliged Prudence on her couch." Will that growing boy, Liberty find not Prudence’s' dwelling as a respite but instead finds the respect of his centuries old infatuation for a virtuous home as prudent. With this finding their own willingness by not disclosing enough to simply say "enough is enough" and return to grand simplicity of the esteems' not bests' statures with all our blessed little daughters’ loves’ sake.
For it is not far and never close are the impressive hearts and strong poise of all our liberties with the constitutions of social deviance and this is why all centuries old orders’ and established formed societies’ experienced evolution as a natural culture not withstanding the socio-economics’ cognitive influences as not compensations due for the conjunctions lost by our rights to enforce the blessed liberties we are entrusted with and not with our leaders legistrative leading our ruling posterities, welfares and blessings as liberties are for each and all members of our civil society’s to symbolically represented and signal each and all as. This is the process called grace and with this one can find its fine value and the abstracted relationship of love and grace.
The Ten Commandments ruling did carried an absolute semantic symbolic meaning and there was no opposites there like there is no substituting the signals, The Ten Commandments give and naturally affect not effecting one own re-definitive beyond and on their junctions’ surfaces.
Excerpts from Author, Unknown: The Myth of the Separation of Church and State
The founding fathers took ideas from the Bible and incorporated them into our government. If it was their intention to separate the state and church they would never have taken principles from the Bible and put them into our government.
An example of an idea taken from the Bible and then incorporated into our government is found in Isaiah 33:22 which says, "For the Lord is our judge, the Lord is our lawgiver, the Lord is our king..." The founding fathers took this scripture and made three major branches in our government: judicial, legislative, and executive. As mentioned earlier, the founding fathers strongly believed that Man was by nature corrupt and therefore it was necessary to separate the powers of the government.
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