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Håkon Wium Lie

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Håkon Wium Lie
Håkon Wium Lie, March 2009
Halden, Norway
EmployerOpera Software
Known forCascading Style Sheets
WebsitePersonal homepage of Håkon W. Lie

Håkon Wium Lie (born July 16, 1965) is a Norwegian web pioneer, a standards activist, and the Chief Technology Officer of Opera Software from 1998 until the browser was sold to new owners in 2016. He is best known for developing Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) while working with Tim Berners-Lee and Robert Cailliau at CERN in 1994.

Education and career

Håkon Wium Lie attended Østfold University College, West Georgia College, and MIT Media Lab, receiving an MS in Visual Studies in 1991.

On February 17, 2006, he successfully defended his PhD thesis at the University of Oslo. His PhD thesis is background to the origins of CSS and a rationale to some of the design decisions behind it – particularly as to why some features were not included and why CSS avoids trying to become DSSSL.

He has worked for, among others, the W3C, INRIA, CERN, MIT Media Lab, and Norwegian telecom research in Televerket.

Web Standards

While working with Tim Berners-Lee and Robert Cailliau at CERN in 1994, he proposed the concept of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).[1] As an employee at W3C, he developed CSS into a W3C Recommendation with Bert Bos.[2] As a showcase and testbed, he integrated CSS into the Arena web browser.[2] CSS is one of the fundamental web standards, with profound impact on typography, aesthetics, and accessibility on the web.

He has argued against the use of formatting objects and CSS Regions on the web.[3][4]

In 2006, Wium Lie started campaigning for browsers to support downloadable web fonts using common font formats.[5][6][7] As of 2011, all major browser vendors have implemented web fonts this way.[8] In 2007, Wium Lie started campaigning for the video element to make it easier to publish video on the web.[9][10]

Wium Lie has also promoted the concept of printing from the web.[11] His book on CSS, co-authored with Bert Bos, was produced from HTML and CSS files.[12][13] These files were then converted to PDF by the Prince XML + CSS formatter. In 2005, he joined the board of YesLogic, the company that makes the Prince formatter.

Building on his experience with web printing, in 2011 Wium Lie proposed to extend CSS to support pagination on screens.[14]

In December 1996, he became known as the CSS1 W3C Recommendation editor, and in April 1999, he joined Opera Software.

Political and civic activities

Along with his work on the CSS specifications, Wium Lie has been an activist for standards in general. He challenged Microsoft to improve their support for standards in Internet Explorer and proposed the Acid2 test which was later developed and published by the Web Standards Project.[15][16]

In 2012 he co-founded the Pirate Party of Norway, and he ran as their canditate in the 2013 election.

In 2014, he proposed to use the two unused Norwegian TLDs (.sj and .bv) to create privacy-enhanced zones.[17][18]

Wium Lie is a self-declared social democrat and he has contributed economically to cultural and political causes.[19] In 2017, he was a co-founder of the Norwegian news site Resett, stating it was meaningful to help provide a platform for Helge Lurås, a critic of NATO campaigns in Afghanistan and Libya,[20][21] and Bjørn Ihler, a surviver of the Utøya massacre.[22][23]

Wium Lie is against Norwegian membership in the EEA and when the party Alliansen was formed as an anti-EEA party in 2017 he was on the election list for parliament for Akershus[24][25]. However, Wium Lie denounced the party before the election due to its shifting platform.[26]

In 2018, Wium Lie was sued by Lovdata for publishing Norwegian court decisions on rettspraksis.no, a volunteer web site. In less than 24 hours, the web site was closed by the Oslo court, and Wium Lie was sentenced to pay the legal bills of Lovdata. Under Norwegian law, court decisions are exempted from copyright but Wium Lie was not allowed to appear in court. In the wake of this decision, members of the Norwegian Parliament has asked for changes in how Lovdata is organized.[27] The case has been appealed and will be decided by the Supreme Court of Norway.

Personal life

Wium Lie lives in Oslo, Norway. There, he has started web-based campaigns against high-rise buildings[28] and advertising in the public space.[29] Wium Lie also maintains a woodworking studio and runs an organic farm.[30]

Awards and recognitions

In 1999, he was named to the MIT Technology Review TR100 as one of the top 100 innovators in the world under the age of 35.[31]

In 2017, Wium Lie held a keynote at the WeAreDevelopers Conference 2017, talking about his contributions to the web today with the creation of CSS, and how it has evolved together with the web itself up to its current state[32].

See also


Lie and Bert Bos wrote a book on CSS, now in its third edition.

  • Cascading Style Sheets: Designing for the Web (1st ed.). ISBN 0-201-41998-X.
  • Cascading Style Sheets: Designing for the Web (2nd ed.). ISBN 0-201-59625-3.
  • Cascading Style Sheets: Designing for the Web (3rd ed.). ISBN 0-321-19312-1.


  1. ^ Cascading HTML Style Sheets
  2. ^ a b Håkon Wium Lie; Bert Bos. "Chapter 20 - The CSS saga". World Wide Web Consortium. Retrieved 23 June 2010.
  3. ^ Formatting Objects considered harmful
  4. ^ CSS Regions Considered Harmful
  5. ^ Microsoft's forgotten monopoly
  6. ^ Web fonts: the view from the free world
  7. ^ CSS @ Ten: The Next Big Thing
  8. ^ Samples at: Webfonts demo and test pages. for Prince, Safari, Opera 10 alpha, and a special build of Firefox. Retrieved 02-Aug-2009.
  9. ^ A call for video on the web
  10. ^ Håkon Wium Lie giving a Google Tech Talk on <video>
  11. ^ Håkon Wium Lie and Michael Day giving a Google Tech Talk on printing from the web on YouTube
  12. ^ Printing a Book with CSS: Boom!
  13. ^ A description of how the CSS book was produced from HTML and CSS into PDF
  14. ^ Opera brings fondleslab-style reading to bog-standard web
  15. ^ Opera to MS: Get real about interoperability, Mr Gates
  16. ^ Wium Lie's initial description of Acid2
  17. ^ Håkon Wium Lie Net names for safe shelter, 31 July 2014, fetched Feb 25 2017
  18. ^ Stig Øyvann How two remote Arctic territories became the front line in the battle for internet privacy, 01 Oct 2014, fetched Feb 25 2017
  19. ^ "Ga kvart million til Operaen". 2007-11-23. Vi er jo alle sosialdemokrater, og ønsker fortsette med det ... Jeg er ikke en superrik person. Noen bruker penger på dyre biler, men mitt store innkjøp i år var en brukt elbil. Bare der sparte jeg nok en halv million
  20. ^ Lurås, Helge; Ulriksen, Ståle; Valther, Vegard (2010). "The Strategic Significance of Afghanistan. A Note of Caution to the NATO Summit". NUPI Policy Brief;. 9–2010.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: extra punctuation (link)
  21. ^ "Libya ble en rent sinnelagsetisk operasjon, som etterlot seg kaos". 29 September 2015. Libya ble en rent sinnelagsetisk operasjon, som forutsigbart nok etterlot seg kaos. Noen av oss advarte mot dette da operasjonen tok til.
  22. ^ "A Norway massacre survivor explains how we need to pay more attention to the radicalization of white men". 2017-10-07. Should the world be concerned about the radicalization of white men? "Yes," says Bjørn Ihler, "I almost got killed by one."
  23. ^ "Ønsker konfrontasjon med Støre og Solberg". 2017-08-24. Jeg synes det er meningfylt å bidra til at nye stemmer som Helge Lurås og Bjørn Ihler får en plattform. Jeg har ingen rolle i redaksjonen, men jeg synes det Helge sier om trusselvurderingen av Russland virker fornuftig. Jeg synes ofte at norske medier demoniserer et naboland vi burde kunne ha gode relasjoner til, sier Håkon Wium Lie
  24. ^ Nytt politisk parti vil ha Norge ut av EØS [1]
  25. ^ NSDs valglistearkiv[2]
  26. ^ "Historien om milliardærenes nye nettavis" (in Norwegian). 2017-09-01. Retrieved 2019-04-23. Det må her skytes inn at Håkon Wium Lie ikke lenger vil la seg assosiere med partiet. I en epost skriver han: Jeg tror det hadde vært fint å få en gründer på Stortinget, og det er slik jeg kjenner Hans Jørgen. At han til og med startet et firma som tilbyr sikker epost, er et ekstra pluss. Alliansens fanesak var kampen mot EØS-avtalen, som er et åk for Norge, og jeg sa derfor ja til å bli listeført. Så ser jeg også at valgkampen handler om andre temaer enn EØS, og jeg har måttet distansere meg fra uttalelser. Det er leit, og jeg regner meg ikke som kandidat, selv om jeg fortsatt står på listene.
  27. ^ Being Sued [3]
  28. ^ StoppBlokk campaign
  29. ^ Stans!no campaign against advertising in Oslo
  30. ^ "Håkon Wium Le", The Setup, October 7, 2014
  31. ^ "1999 Young Innovators Under 35". Technology Review. 1999. Retrieved August 15, 2011.
  32. ^ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LeC26IO1WV8
  33. ^ Nielsen, Henrik Frystyk (7 June 2002). "Libwww Hackers". World Wide Web Consortium. Retrieved 2 June 2010.