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Transgender youth

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A girl who thinks that she is a boy is holding a trans pride flag
A gender symbol commonly used to represent transgender people.

Transgender youth are children and adolescents who are transgender and/or transsexual. Because transgender youth are usually dependent on their parents for care, shelter, financial support, and other needs, and because most doctors are reluctant to provide medical treatments to them, transgender youth face different challenges compared to adults. Transgender issues manifest at different times in life in different individuals. In most cases of gender dysphoria, the condition is often apparent in early childhood, when such a child may express behavior in-congruent with and dissatisfaction related to their assigned gender. However, many of these children experience rejection as a result of their differences and quickly attempt to repress them. Therefore, people who see these children regularly may be unaware that they are unhappy as members of their assigned gender.

Coming out

In many parts of the world, being transgender[1] is not widely accepted by the public and as for transgender youth, they not only face discrimination but also can encounter family exclusion.[2] Transgender youth may feel that they need to remain in "the closet" until they feel that it is safe and appropriate to come out and reveal their gender identity to their parents, family members, and friends. To "come out", according to Merriam-Webster,[3] means to openly declare something about oneself previously kept hidden or to openly declare one's homosexuality. For the LGBT community, to "come out" means to acknowledge one's sexual identity or gender identity and make it known to the public. At the beginning, they may first be aware of the discordance of their gender identities and biological representation. This process can occur as early as six years old, with a mean age of 10.4. It takes on average three years then they would start getting labels from others saying that they are transgender individuals. Around a year later, they would recognize themselves as transgender individuals and start telling others about it. They would also start representing themselves according to their gender identities.[4]

Family acceptance

Family acceptance holds a significant impact on the lives of transgender youth.[2] It may be impossible to predict a parent's reaction to the news of their child's true gender identity and the process can be fraught for many transgender youths. In some cases, parents will react negatively to such news and reject the child's person by disowning the child or taking actions such as kicking the youth out of the home. Current research suggests that transgender youth who have been entered into the juvenile justice system are more likely to have experienced family rejection, abuse, and/or abandonment compared to those youth who are not transgender as a result of "coming out" at a young age. Because transgender youth depend on their parents for support and acceptance, family exclusion can result in them becoming emotionally vulnerable and regretting their decision to come out.[5] On the other hand, some parents are very supportive and provide their children with aid to guide them through transitioning.[6] For instance, parents can find gender-affirmative counselors and doctors, and connect their children with LGBTIQ support groups. Many parents join organizations such as PFLAG, so they can meet other parents and learn how to advocate for their children. Additionally, reactions of parents to transgender children can change over time. For example, parents who initially reacted with negativity and hostility may eventually come around to support their transgender children.


Research has overwhelmingly indicated that familial support and acceptance of transgender youth has resulted in more positive life outcomes for the individual regarding their mental, physical, and emotional health.[7][8][9]

Studies have indicated a number of ways that parents or guardians of transgender youth can show support and acceptance for their child with one of them being the opportunity for the child to speak about their gender identity. Transgender youth have found greater success and emotional stability when parents took on a supportive role rather than a controlling and dismissive stance. Troubleshooting problems during the transition as they arise, rather than pushing views on the child and dictating their process has allowed for healthier transitions.[9][10] Additionally, informing professionals and other critical individuals in the child's life aides in developing a support network for the transgender youth.[9][10][11]

Parents access to information is critical in aiding and advocating for transgender youth. Access to information supports parents in providing youth with resources regarding their gender identity such as medical care, counseling, educational literature, and local youth groups that can provide access to others in the transgender community.[9][10]

Health risks

Family acceptance among transgender youth predicts an increase in greater self-esteem, social support, and general health status. It also protects against depression, substance abuse, and suicidal ideation and behaviors.[12] As recent as 2015, research has shown that in carefully selected patients, people who transition young suffer few ill effects,[13] and maintain a higher level of functioning than before transitioning. Additionally, results of treatment such as counseling are considered better when it is offered at an earlier age.

Family behaviors can increase or decrease health risks of transgender youth.[14] Behaviors such as physically or verbally abusing the youth, pressuring the youth to become more masculine or feminine, excluding the youth from family events, etc. will lead to higher health risks such as depression and suicide. On the positive end, behaviors such as supporting the youth's gender identity by talking about it and working to support their choice even though the parent might be uncomfortable make a significant impact on boosting the youths confidence, which works to combat health risks associated with rejection.[13]


Transgender youth are extremely vulnerable to a multitude of problems, including substance use disorders, suicide, childhood abuse, sexual abuse/assault, and psychiatric disorders.[15]

Gender dysphoria

Gender dysphoria is a strong, persistent discomfort and distress with one's gender, anatomy, birth sex, and even societal attitudes toward their gender variance.[16] Transgender youth who experience gender dysphoria tend to be very conscious of their body; appearance, weight, and other people's opinions of their body may become very important. Body esteem of several transgender youth was measured in an interview in three categories (personal satisfaction of appearance, personal satisfaction of weight, and perceived satisfaction of others of one's body appearance). It was found that those transgender youth who experienced less personal satisfaction with their weight and who perceived others’ satisfaction with their body as worse were more likely to practice life-threatening behaviors than those who were more satisfied with their weight and thought that others view their body more positively.[17] Gender Dysphoria is different than Gender In-congruence, which is the disconnect from gender and sex. Gender Dysphoria, however, is caused by this disconnect. Not all transgender people have gender dysphoria, but they do in fact require a disconnect.

Physical, sexual, and verbal abuse

Transgender youth are at an increased risk for physical, verbal, and sexual abuse. Children who experience physical abuse, verbal abuse, and sexual abuse are also more likely to identify as being gender dysphoric. This evidence is not clear as to the relationship between abuse and sexual identity in regards to which is the cause and which is the effect. Regardless, it does show a relationship between childhood abuse and gender identity.[17] There is evidence that indicates around 75% of transgender youth were verbally abused by their parents or caregivers, and around 35% had faced physical abuse by the hand of their caregiver.[17] As one transgender youth said, "Throughout my whole life, I was abused physically and mentally by relatives in my family. Have marks on my body. I have things that I remember happened to me."[15] Youth who have parental support of their atypical gender presentation are much more likely to be better off in several ways: mentally, financially, academically, etc. Transgender youth who face physical abuse may be forced to leave their homes, or choose to leave, which can be a particularly traumatic experience. The lack of housing was found to often lead to financial difficulties for such youth. Lack of support at home and constant harassment at school may lead to academic difficulties for the youth as well, who face a much higher drop out level compared to their cisgender counterparts.[15]

Homelessness and survival sex

In the USA, according to the National Healthcare for the Homeless Council, 1 in 5 LGBT youth have unstable housing or lack housing altogether,[18] as a result of that 1 in 5, it is estimated that between 20-40% of homeless youth are a part of the LGBT population.[13] Some of the reasoning as to why LGBT youth are not able to have stable housing is family rejection/conflict, varying forms of violence, and difficulty within various institutions such as school or the foster care system.[18] Even when LGBT youth find themselves in homeless shelters, they are not having their needs met even within homeless shelters leaving them at disproportionate rates on the streets compared to their heterosexual and cisgender peers, who fit within the gendered housing they are given and do not require additional services in their shelter placement.[19]

One practice that has resulted from transgender youth's inability to attain shelter that cares for their needs is to turn to survival sex for their money and shelter needs. Survival sex is the act of engaging in sexual activity with another individual or the act of selling sex in order to meet one's basic survival needs.[20] A recent multi city study found that about one in four homeless and runaway youth has engaged in survival sex.[21] Transactions typically result in the youth receiving monetary value, but also can be utilized to gain a bed for the night, a meal, or clothing. While there is an awareness of the possible dangers associated with survival sex, it is often reported that a sense of pride in being able to support oneself accompanies the activity or the positivity of being able to eat and have somewhere to rest that night. Dangers do lurk when it comes to this transaction, primarily being the stigma that results from the transaction and the possibility of contracting an STI/STD (sexually transmitted infection/disease).[20]

Lack of access to healthcare

In the past, transgender youth faced many hardships in obtaining medical treatment for gender dysphoria. This lack of access was often due to doctors refusing to treat youth or youth fearing negative reactions from health care providers. Psychiatrists and endocrinologists and family physicians now have clear guidelines on how to provide care to trans* youth of early puberty through its completion. These are in wide use in Europe, UK, and in North America.[22] While in other countries, doctors may be generally reluctant to provide hormone therapy to youths under 16, and obtaining sex reassignment surgery prior to the age of 18 is almost impossible in most countries. Some of the medical professionals who are permitted to prescribe hormones include medical providers, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants.[23] Many youth who have used hormones to develop desired secondary male or female sex characteristics have obtained these hormones illicitly. This can be potentially dangerous, and can result in a multitude of health problems for the youth, including improper pubertal growth and HIV due to contaminated needles. Sexually transmitted infections are a large health problem for transgender teens as well, as sexual partners often do not perceive these youth as health risks, especially since male-to-female youth cannot become pregnant. This trend of unprotected sex among the transgender population puts them at increased risk and has led to higher numbers of STIs among the group[15] However, the latest revision of the Standards of Care for the Health of Transsexual, Transgender, and Gender Nonconforming People has addressed the needs of transgender children.

Existing healthcare options

When an individual is transitioning from female to male (FTM) or male to female (MTF), there are several avenues[24] that are available to them pendant upon their financial capabilities, insurance's agreement to cover costs, and personal desire to utilize these options. While these options do exist, many of them are labeled off limits to minors (individuals under the age of 18). One of the options that does exist for minors is the use of puberty blockers, which in 2013 were officially stated as not damaging to bone health at the Endocrine Society's 95 Annual Meeting in San Francisco.[25] In puberty, the mass of bones is built significantly, so this finding holds great importance in allowing transgender youth to keep from undergoing the psychological damage that may accompany their bodies going through a puberty that is not consistent with their gender identity. Puberty blockers are believed to put the succession of puberty on pause and can reverse any changes that had been made. Typically puberty blockers, which are reversible are first administered between the ages of 12–14 years of age, this is the age block because 16 years of age is believed to be too late.[25] For youth in Dutch nations, transgender youth are allowed to begin cross sex hormones at age 16, following their course of puberty blockers, allowing for successful transitions.[25] Medical interventions in the form of hormone therapy and sex reassignment surgery (SRS) are justified in the case of harm reduction for prepubescent children with severe gender dysphoria, since both can prevent severe psychological suffering.[26]

Norman Spack, an endocrinologist who primarily has worked with intersex patients, has been a forerunner in helping youth navigate the transition process and educate others. His work is guided by his desire to see the suicide rates amongst untreated transgender individuals go down and to keep youth from undergoing psychological trauma that can accompany puberty when they do not identify. Spack is inspired by the research done in Dutch nations in their use of puberty blockers and affirms this choice, this affirmation stems from the fact that early administration of cross sex hormones causes stunts in growth, issues of infertility, and other health issues. When this procedure of puberty blockers and cross sex hormones are followed, transitional surgery is then granted upon turning 18 years old.[27] Spack boasts a number of successful and well-known patients around the world, working with youth who cannot follow this prescription due to the height they may end up, one of these successes being a young woman named Jackie from England.[27]

For those who are above age 18 and do not require the consent of an adult, there is a myriad of options[24] available if they wish to transition. For those wishing to transition from male to female, options consist of facial feminisation surgery, vaginoplasty, breast augmentation surgery, and cross-sex hormones. For those wishing to transition from female to male, options consist of penile construction surgery, breast reduction surgery, and cross- sex hormones.[28] In order for any individual to receive these medical treatments, they must have a written diagnosis of gender dysphoria and have undergone up to a year's worth of therapy if they are a United States citizen.[29] If they are a citizen of Malta, there is a quick and relatively simple paperwork process to change their gender marker, in contrast, the United States has a difficult and extensive process that requires medical proof of need and returning to your home state to obtain various legal documents. In the United States to change an individual's existing gender marker and name, visits must be made to change the driver's license, social security card, banking documents, passport, the list trails on and extensive documentation must be presented in order to change each individual item.[30] The State of New York will soon be allowing the administration of Medicaid coverage for the distribution of hormones to transgender teens and youth.[31]


School settings can be some of the toughest for transgender youth. Several problems may be faced at schools, including verbal and physical harassment and assault, sexual harassment, social exclusion and isolation, and other interpersonal problems with peers. Transgender students were much more likely than their peers to report harassment, assault, and feeling unsafe in school settings.[32] These experiences vary between individuals and schools attended. Larger schools tend to have safer climates for transgender students, as do schools with more low income and religious and ethnic minorities.[33]

Results of a 2009 study of 6th through 12th grade transgender students showed that most experienced a hostile school climate with regular harassment from peers. Eighty two percent of these youth reported that they felt unsafe at school because of their gender identity, and almost 90% reported experiencing homophobic harassment from peers frequently. A majority of these students also reported physical harassment at school, with nearly half reporting that they had been punched, kicked, or injured with a weapon. Sexual harassment among these students was also reported with alarming frequency (76%).[34] Restrooms and locker rooms pose an especially high threat to transgender students. They frequently reported fear an anxiety about using these facilities at school because of experiences of harassment by both peers and adults when using them. Negative comments about gender presentation may be frequently overheard in these places, and surveyed students have reported being "pushed around," "getting the crap beat out of them," and "getting their asses kicked" by peers.[34]

Unfortunately, school administrations often do not take reports of victimisation of transgender students seriously. Only a third of transgender students who reported victimization to school staff members feel that their situation was taken care of adequately and effectively. The other two thirds often run into situations where the school staff members blame the victimized students. One student, when reporting bullying, said that they were told "that I need to stop flaunting my sexuality".[34] School administrations often single out transgender students and discipline them for doing things such as wearing appropriate clothes for their gender identity, using restrooms consistent with their gender identity, and insisting on using their preferred name and personal pronouns. These things serve no educational purpose and only isolate transgender students further.[34]

High drop out rates and low grade point averages seem to plague the transgender population. The severity and frequency of bullying and harassment are directly correlated to these things. In one study of transgender youth, three quarters of the participants dropped out of school, almost all citing the main reason the constant acts of violence against them due to their gender identity. Anti-transgender bullying in schools has also been found to directly correlate with other negative outcomes, such as homelessness, unemployment, incarceration, and drug use.[34]


Though several studies that estimate life-threatening behavior for gay, lesbian, and bisexual youth have been done, few have been done regarding transgender youth, and thus comparable estimates do not exist. The few studies that have been done, however, have all concluded that transgender youth are at increased risk even over their gay, lesbian, and bisexual counterparts. A 2007 study of transgender youth found that, of the youth interviewed, about half had seriously contemplated ending their own lives. Of those who had thought about suicide, about half had actually made an attempt. Overall, 18% of all interviewed transgender teenagers reported an attempted suicide that was linked to their transgender identity.[17] A similar study was conducted with gay, lesbian, and bisexual youth, with results showing 15% had made a suicide attempt that was due at least partly to their sexual orientation.[35] Both of these numbers are higher than the 8.5% of high school population overall who had reported life-threatening behavior.[20] In a recent study, it is found that these statistics are even higher for those who are homeless or have been rejected from receiving medical care due to their gender identity, this brings the numbers up to 69% with a general statistic stating that around 40% of transgender youth have attempted suicide.[36] In the 2011 National Transgender Discrimination Survey, which surveyed 6,450 transgender individuals, 41% of respondents reported attempting suicide compared to 1.6% of the general population. Suicide rates were reported even higher for those who were unemployed, experienced harassment and physical or sexual abuse, or low household income.[37]

Youth are generally predisposed to life-threatening behaviors due to a number of conditions, such as self-hatred, victimisation via bullying, substance abuse, etc. Transgender youth may also face victimization from peers and family members’ negative reactions to their atypical gender presentation, increasing their risk of life-threatening behaviors. Of the transgender youth who were interviewed and reported an attempt at taking their own life in the aforementioned study, almost all had been verbally abused by their parents, and a significant number had been physically abused as well. In comparing those transgender youth who had and had not attempted suicide, there were significant differences in family relations, peer relations, and school performance [17] Awareness of the suicide rates of LGBT youth spiked post-2010, as a result of significant publicity being given to the recent suicides of Leelah Alcorn, Skylar Lee, and Ash Haffner only being a few.[38]

Critics such as Andrew Gilligan have claimed that figures for youth transgender suicide are grossly exaggerated by transgender groups. Gilligan in particular has claimed that rates in the United Kingdom are less than 1%.[39] Numerous studies, though, across various countries, have noted suicide attempt rates for transgender children ranging from 30-50%, at least double the rates of age-matched cisgender peers.[40][41][42][43]

Court experiences

Individuals involved in the juvenile justice system have reported that transgender youth have an exceptionally difficult experience. This is because transgender youth are in a vulnerable stage and unlike cisgender or LGBQIA youth, a sentence to a juvenile detention facility could mean that their transition is stopped while they are detained. That is damaging to their mental health, and an experience that other youth are not subjected to.

Juvenile justice professionals are bound to the rules of ethics to ensure all youth are treated fairly. However, many transgender youth felt as if they were not adequately represented or respected in court.[44] This included treatment from prosecutors, court-appointed defense attorneys, and judges.[44] Whether it is ignoring the appropriate pronouns, or in one case a judge refusing to hear the case of one transgender girl due to the way she was dressed.[44] Judges are supposed to refrain from prejudice and biases while maintaining that attorneys abide by those same guidelines as well.[45]

Prosecutors are required to ensure that all individuals are treated fairly and are not discriminated against.[45] In one case, a prosecutor requested confinement for a transgender defendant rather than being returned home. The judge agreed to the sentence, even though they did not seem suicidal, dangerous, or appear to be a flight risk.[45] An additional problem for some transgender youth is having an effective and zealous defense. Some report to have had a defense attorney who went directly against their client's wishes due to his or her own personal beliefs.[45] In some cases, defenders told the courts to leave transgender individuals in places in which they wanted to be removed, because those youths felt those places were unsafe due to lack of support and acceptance.[45]

Detention centers

According to "A Quick Guide" (2012), after court sentencing, youth are placed in detention centers where they are processed and assigned their placements within the facility. During intake, the goal is to address safety concerns of the youth, identify those who are vulnerable, and then house juveniles based upon their birth gender.[46] Regardless of placements, transgender youth are targets for violence, and about eighty percent of individuals surveyed reported that the lack of safety in facilities as a serious concern.[47] The survey of youth confined made no distinction between transgender youth and LGB youth, as their experiences are similar. Furthermore, the placement of LGBTQ youth is a complicated issue because their wants and needs have to be balanced with what is best for their safety.

In most facilities, youth are forced to return to their birth gender.[45] The transformation process varies for each individual, but consists of boys cutting their hair if they grew it out, and forcing individuals to wear gender appropriate style and fitting clothing. Medical experts state that this process puts the transgender youth in distress and undermines their emotional stability.[45] In contrast, juvenile detention center staff claims that this process is in the best interest for transgender youth and for their peers in the center because it decreases the opportunity for physical and sexual violence.[45]

Some detentions centers stated they have more than enough difficulties with housing girls and boys on the same campus, and mixing in transgender youth according to their chosen gender in one dormitory would only create more problems.[45] While there are legitimate safety concerns in housing placements, regulations without flexibility are not the best solution for the transgender youth. One pediatrician believes that male-to-female girls should be housed in female units because they are safer there.[45] With other females, they would not run the risk of being exposed to as much physical abuse as they would in the male centers, and acknowledging their transition preserves their mental health.[45]

However, female-to-male boys are harder to place because of the high level of violence in the boy's facilities, and the high chance of sexual assault.[45] It is a risky move to place female-to-male boys with other boys because of the unpredictable nature of what can occur if their birth gender was revealed. Jamal, a female-to-male boy, stated that he knew that he would not be safe with the other boys because he knows how violent males are despite how he may appear on the outside he not genetically male.[45]

As a result, transgender youth are frequently placed in solitarily confinement.[47] The centers assert that the solitarily confinement is for their safety because the facilities cannot keep them protected if they are mixed in with the general population.[47] However, confinement strips them of any recreational and educational programming that is imperative to maintaining mental stability.[47] Oftentimes these placements are based off the stereotype that LGBTQ youth are sexual predators, and should not be around other confined youth, or with individuals of the opposite gender,[47] therefore isolation is often an automatic process. One transgender youth in New York was placed in isolation for three weeks, despite her request to be placed in general population.[48] Following her isolation, she was placed in observation for three months, whereas others are only in observation for one week.[48]

Additionally, the safety of detention facilities is a primary issue as reported from LGBT youth in detention centers and individuals who work in the juvenile justice system.[49] Transgender youth are at risk for abuse from both staff and other youth in the center.[47] This can include staff abusing the youth or ignoring incidents of rape and abuse.[47] Youth who were interviewed stated that they feared for their safety, and complaints about abuse went unheard and unresolved.[49]

Furthermore, staff members in juvenile detention centers are not properly trained in order to deal with some of the issues faced by transgender youth, such as use of proper pronouns or adequate clothing choices.[50] This can be due to the varying amount of comfort around the issue of transgender youth and sexual identification, which has an impact on the treatment the youth receive.[50] For example, one transgender girl stated that she did not have problems with the boys in her detention center, but she did with the staff.[45] She said the staff would call her "him" and "he," even though she identified as female,[45] and they refused to accept her transition from male-to-female. Ultimately, there needs to be a better understanding of transgender youth, realizing that they are not predatory, and increasing protections for their safety.[49]

Ensuring the child's security

A national survey conducted by GLSEN found that 75% of transgender youth feel unsafe at school, and those who are able to persevere have significantly lower GPAs and are more likely to miss school out of concern for their safety.[51] These students also reported to be less likely to plan on continuing their education as a result to their unsafe environment.[52]

In recent years, some transgender children have received counseling and, in some cases, medical treatment for their condition, as well as the ability to change their gender identity. In some countries, schools are working to accommodate gender identity and expression by eliminating traditional gendered activities.[53]

A safe school climate is essential for transgender, gender dysphoric, and gender non-conforming children, who likely experience stress and anxiety due to their desire to transition or display themselves as a different gender. While many schools have become more accepting and allow children to express their desired gender identity, current research shows that there is an increased amount of harassment, bullying, indifference by school staff, and antigay victimization towards transgender and gender non-conforming youth.[54] Also, many schools may not allow kids to use the bathroom of their choice. Schools must enforce LGBTQ-related policies and implement necessary staff trainings to minimize these social hazards for transgender and gender non-conforming children. To accommodate the transgender students, In July 2018, 40 schools in UK banned skirts to make school uniform gender neutral.[55]

Families with a young child that identifies as a different gender and chooses to alter their gender role through dress or behaviors may respect their child's decision, and sometimes, may decide to relocate the child to another area in order to afford the young person the best opportunity to live in their desired gender role among a novel set of peers and community. This helps protect transgender children from peer rejection, bullying, and harassment.

Families with a transgender child living within an intolerant community may face challenging issues. Gwen Araujo of Newark, California was a young person who was living as female, when she had been assigned to the male gender at birth. When her trans status was revealed at a party she attended, she became the victim of violent crimes that resulted in her death. Thankfully the Araujo case is an extreme one, however parents should be aware of the social implications of their transgender child living in an unsafe environment.[56]

Creating a trans-inclusive educational environment

Many transgender students feel as if they must hide their true identity when entering the school environment. A major part of why transgender people may feel this way is because school administrators as well as the general non-LGBTQ student population are not provided with the necessary knowledge required to help support their transgender peers. To create a trans-inclusive educational environment there has to be total institutional changes.[57]

Recommendations[by whom?]

  • Provide specific specialized training on transgender issues to any staff or administrators that regularly interact with the students.
  • Improving the existing LGBT support programs that are already in schools or on college campuses. While many college campuses and schools have established LGBTQ support groups and LGBTQ ally safe places they tend to lack trans-specific content. Educational institutions must create trans-specific/ gender-variant support groups and ally programs to provide trans students with a safe space. Also the existing LGBTQ support on campuses needs to be improved to be trans-inclusive.
  • Possibly the easiest change to making school more transgender inclusive is using trans-inclusive language on school forms, websites and any other printed content that all students and faculty have access to. Something as small as requiring professors to use a students correct pronouns can make a transgender student feel safer, more accepted and much more likely to succeed. Even better than just providing a non gender specific option of school forms is the option for transgender students going through transition to have their college records reflect their new gender identity. These changes need to go beyond the attendance sheets. Any place where gender identity is mentioned including but not limited to financial aid forms, academic transcripts and enrollment records should reflect a students chosen gender identity whatever that may be.[57][58]

Acceptance of transgender youth

On a global scale, transgender individuals face varying levels of acceptance or denial based on their location's attitude towards the LGBT community. Factors that influence acceptance or denial of their identity tend to surround political interests, religious affiliations, and whether their identity is still labeled as a mental health disorder.[59] Acceptance levels tend to predominantly be higher in countries located in the Global North.[59] Despite higher levels, acceptance rates still vary from country to country, Malta and the United States of America are two examples of countries where legislation and the social acceptance levels have curated a safer environment for transgender individuals.


In early April 2015, Malta adopted what some have declared as a groundbreaking bill in Parliament titled the 'Gender Identity, Gender Expression and Sex Characteristics Act' (GIGESC Bill). The bill allows minors to have their parents apply to have their legal gender marker changed for them or to have a gender marker held from their birth certificate until their gender identity has been self-determined. The bill also prevents surgeries from being performed on intersex infants until their gender identity has been discovered; the parents are no longer required to make an immediate decision and medical personnel cannot override this decision because the bill also outlaws the request to view medical records.[60] For individuals who are no longer a minor, they only need to request a notary for self declaration, again the individual cannot be asked for medical records when changing their legal gender or performing any other legal changes in conjunction to their gender identity. Also, the entire process can be completed in less than thirty days.[60] In order to continue Malta's progress in LGBT protections and rights, the government has set up a council called the LGBTIQ Consultative Council, this action shows their commitment and dedication to actually enforcing the Bill. While there are other European countries who have created allowances and encouraged acceptance of transgender individuals, most require compulsory sterilization and have lengthy legal proceedings.[61]

United States of America

Discrimination in the United States is considered illegal[citation needed], however each state has the right to handle the offense differently. Many transgender youth constantly face struggles in attempting to transition and to be accepted in the U.S. According to the Human Rights Campaign, in 32 states an individual can be fired for being transgender and in 33 states an individual can be refused housing.[62][63] Transgender people are also disproportionately targeted for hate crimes. One report studying data from 1995-1999 found that 20% of transgender people who were murdered were victims of anti-transgender hate-crimes. Anti-transgender violence also caused 40% of police reports by the transgender population.[64] In 2013, the state of California signed a bill in to legislation titled the School Success and Opportunity Act giving transgender students the full rights and opportunities that their cisgender peers are granted.[65] For individuals who are minors, if their parents consent, they are able to begin receiving puberty blockers at a young age and later receive cross sex hormones and then transitional surgeries upon turning 18 years of age.[27] For those who are not minors, they are able to participate in any body altering transitional experience that they desire if they are able to financially afford it and after going through a year of therapy to affirm this decision, but will have to jump over several hurdles for it to also be legally marked.[28] America as a whole hasn't accepted the idea of transgender people, however individual states are making progress toward increasing the rights of the transgender population. The west and north-eastern states are currently the most tolerant of the transgender population and have the most laws to protect those individuals.[66]

Transgender youth leaders/activists

D.W. Trantham

At 13 years old, D.W. began the transition from male to female quietly for a year before coming out to her peers at her school, South Junior High School, in Boise, Idaho.[67] Upon coming out and deciding to use a women's bathroom at her school, the parents of one child very publicly pulled their child out of school out of anger that their child would have to share a bathroom with D.W.[68] In January 2015, D.W. testified before the Idaho state courthouse on needing protections as a transgender youth and the need for transgender rights. While the Add the Words bill did not end up passing, the testimonies of D.W. and her father were felt throughout the crowd, whether positively or negatively.[69]

Jazz Jennings

Born in 2000, Jazz Jennings became a prominent figure in the transgender youth community when she appeared on 20/20 at age 6 to talk with Barbara Walters about being transgender. Since then she has spoken on a national level for transgender youth.[70] She has also gone on to star in a Clean&Clear commercial, written a book, and have a TLC show made about her viewpoint and daily life as a transgender youth.[71][72] In 2010, Jazz was named a youth ambassador by the Human Rights Campaign for all of the work she has done for the transgender community and for her prominence during Prop 8 in California.[73]

Malini Das

Malini is a youth transgender voice of India and a Transgender Rights Activist and Founder & CEO of a Non-mainstream Media which works as a Community News Service in India named 3rd Voice and associate with various NGO(CBO) or Network over national and International. She is workoring and fighting for the minorities who are marginalised on the bases of their Gender, Sexuality and Orientation. An Engineering graduate known as First Transgender Engineering Student in India and after that she begin her career in the field of Media and nowadays doing her Master's in Media Science & Mass Communications. With a wide scale of Social Work she associate with Various Government Departments in Government of Rajasthan. She was born and brought up in the city of Berhampore which comes under the district of Murshidabad in West Bengal (India) and recently shifted in Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.

Media representations

The film Ma Vie en Rose (My Life in Pink) (1997) by Alain Berliner follows a young child named Ludovic who is assigned male but who lives as a girl and tries to make others agree with her identification. Ludovic's "gender play" incurs conflict within the family and prejudice from the neighbors.[74]

The film Tomboy (2011) by Céline Sciamma follows a 10-year-old with the given name Laure who, after moving to a new neighborhood, dresses as a boy and adopts the name Mikäel.

The 2015 Documentary film Louis Theroux: Transgender Kids follows documentarian Louis Theroux's exploration of the burgeoning transgender youth therapy community in San Francisco, California. He interviews several transgender youth as they engage in medical, social, and psychological therapies to conform to their desired gender identities.[75]

See also


  1. ^ Jackson, Alyssa (31 July 2015). "The high cost of being transgender". CNN.
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