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Timeline of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict in 2015

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List of violent events related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in 2015.



  • 1 January.
    • Israeli forces at a checkpoint opened fire on, and critically wounded, a Palestinian youth as he was about to cross the road near the Burin intersection south of Nablus in the northern West Bank. "An Israeli military spokeswoman said she was unfamiliar with the incident".[1]
    • The IDF demolished the tents of five families, 29 people including 17-22 minors, on the eve of a forecast storm, in Khirbet Umn al-Hamal in the West Bank, leaving them homeless.[2][3]
    • Some 79 Palestinian livelihoods were affected by the discovery that 5,000 2- to 3-year-old olive saplings had been cut down at Turmus Ayya village, near Ramallah.[2]
  • 2 January
    • 2 19-year-old Palestinian youths throwing stones at Israeli forces near Gaza's perimeter fence east of Jabalia were injured by IDF fire.[2]
  • 3 January
    • Jamal Numan, a fisherman from al-Shati refugee camp in the Gaza Strip, was critically wounded when an Israeli warship machine-gunned his fishing boat off Rafah. The vessel was destroyed. Israeli sources claimed it was close to the Egyptian border and engaged in smuggling. An Israeli military spokeswoman said that soldiers "called on suspects to halt and fired warning shots into the air", and "opened fire at the vessels after they "failed to comply". Poverty among Gaza's fishermen has increased 40% since 2008, when Israel placed strict limits to the waters where they may fish.[2][4]
    • Two to three Palestinian shepherds, Falah Youssef Bani Jaber, Ahmad Bani Jaber, and Judeh Bani Jaber of Yanun/Aqraba suffered wounds, respectively to hands and stomach when they were attacked by settlers and then fired on by Israeli forces near the Israeli outpost of Gidonim, an extension of the Itamar settlement. The Palestinians claimed they were seeking restitution of their stolen herds. Israeli sources initially claimed they had fired in the air to quell a riot, and that the herds were later found, and had not been stolen.[5][6] On 20 January, Israeli police arrested 2 members of Itamar, stating that the incident, in which a rapid-response team and the IDF were mobilized, arose from an alert by a settler shepherd that he was being attacked by 4 Palestinians. The four were arrested, and in the ensuing altercation, 2 Palestinians were hit by gunfire. Police later determined the initial report was false, and arrested the 2 Itamar settlers on suspicion they had shot the Palestinian shepherds.[7]
  • 4 January
    • Haytham Ziad Hijazi al-Rajabi (18) of Hebron was shot, according to Palestinian reports, in the foot during clashes with Israeli forces at the Jabal Juhur neighborhood by a security guard from the Israeli settlement of Kiryat Arba. The security coordinator said he fired after the children threw stones at the settlement.[2][8]
  • 5 January
    • Israeli authorities bulldozed several shops in the village of Husan in the West Bank, near Bethlehem, on the grounds they had not given permits for their construction.[9]
    • The house, under construction, of Abd al-Rahim al-Jaabari in the Ein Bani Sleim area of eastern Hebron was razed to the ground by Israeli forces on the grounds that the structure was being erected without Israeli permission.[10]
  • 6 January
    • a Palestinian teenager Noor Muhammad Hamid Zaaqiq (19) was shot in the left foot, reportedly after returning from work at a gas station and was in front of his home, during an Israeli dawn raid to arrest and detain 6 people in the village of Beit Ummar.[11]
  • 8 January.
    • A 21-year-old ultra-orthodox yeshiva student was stabbed in the upper body by an assailant, using a screwdriver, while walking on Sultan Suleiman Street near the Damascus Gate. The assault is believed to be motivated by nationalist feelings, initial reports speaking of an Arab fleeing the scene. Police later arrested a 15-year-old Palestinian from East Jerusalem on suspicion of having caused the injury.[12][13][14] Mohammad Hani Subhi Matouq was sentenced to 28 months in jail in mid June on two counts of stabbing.[15]
    • The livelihoods of 10 Palestinian families in Qwawis and Ma'in (near Hebron) were affected when roughly 580 olive and almond trees were chopped down, reportedly by settlers.[2]
  • 9 January.
    • Settlers reportedly chopped down a grove of 45 olive trees belonging to Jibril and Khaled Muhammad Abu Arram at Shaab al-Butm, near Yatta, south of Hebron early in the morning.[16]
    • Later that day, on Friday night, a follow-up attack, reportedly by settlers from Susiya, chopped down a further 300 trees belonging to the Shatat, Dawood, and Halabi families.[17]
  • 10 January.
    • 2 Palestinian youths from the village of Burin, Abbas Jamal Asous (18), shot with a live bullet in the thigh, and Muhammad Yasser Najjar (14), shot in the leg, were injured during clashes with Israeli forces.[18]
    • A Palestinian youth, Ibrahim Issa Suleiman al-Tubassi (15), was shot in the thigh in the village of ar-Rihiya, south of Hebron, by a 'public security officer' for the Israeli settlement of Beit Hagai. According to OCHA, he fired with live ammunition on children playing in the snow near the settlement fence. According to an Israeli source, The Palestinians kids threw stones at the town entrance and head of security tried to move them away. Two days later, Israeli police arrested the Beit Hagai settler on suspicion that he had shot the youth.[2][19][20]
    • A molotov cocktail was thrown at a car belonging to a Jewish settler guard at Silwan, East Jerusalem. The car was totally burnt. In several raids, Israeli police detained 7 local Palestinian youths, among them minors, on suspicion of involvement in the torching.[21]
    • That Saturday night, a Palestinian girl, Rua Hazim Sawalha (12), was injured when the car she was travelling in was struck by rocks thrown near the Israeli settlement of Beit El, reportedly by settlers throwing stones at cars bearing white Palestinian number plates.[22]
  • 11 January.
    • According to Palestinian sources, settlers from Tapuach cut down from 35[2] to 170 ancient olive trees, called "Roman" for their age and size, in private Palestinian groves at Kfar Yusuf/Yasuf contiguous to the settlement.[23]
  • 12 January
    • Two Israeli settler women were injured when stones were thrown at their car near Sinjil.[2]
  • 13 January.
    • 3 children and one woman were reportedly injured during a search and arrest raid, one of 92 such raids between 13–19 January, on the village of Beit Ummar, which led to the arrest of 18 Palestinians, including 3 children.[24]
    • Settlers, according to Palestinians reports from Shilo, reportedly vandalized Palestinian property near Turmus Ayya.[24]
  • 14 January.
    • Israeli forces arrested one Palestinian man and shot dead another, a 17 years old youth,[24] from Yatta near the Gush Etzion Junction in the West Bank. Contrary to earlier reports they were terrorists, police said the two were suspected of trying to steal a car in the parking lot of the Rami Levy supermarket inside Gush Etzion. The dead youth was shot while attempting to flee on foot,[25][26] with an Israeli police spokesperson later stating that while the man was being chased, a soldier fired thinking he might be an armed militant.[27]
    • 2 sheep belonging to a Palestinian herder from Salim, Nablus were run over by a settler near Elon Moreh, deliberately according to the shepherd, accidentally according to Israeli police.[24]
    • A bus carrying Israeli students was damaged by stoning near 'Anata Junction.[24]
    • Israeli forces demolished 3 structures, an uninhabited house and 2 animal pens, belonging to the Maghayyir Al Dir Bedouin community near Ramallah, affecting the livelihoods of 19 people belonging to 3 families.[24]
    • A residence being built in Deir Jarir by a registered refugee family of 4 was demolished for lack of a permit.[24]
  • 15 January
    • Israeli forces shot and wounded a Palestinian youth, Ahmad Jarbou (23), a worker in the Jenin hospital, during a raid, resulting in the arrest of 4 other youths, on Jenin refugee camp.[28]
    • Sami al-Jaar (20) was shot during a police raid in Rahat conducted as part of a drug bust operation. Israel police spokesmen said they fired shots in the air when they came under attack from stone-throwers. According to the boy's father, a retired Arab Israeli policeman, he and his son came out to see what the noise was about, and when he observed police beating several youths with their weapons, he called on them to desist, a struggle ensued, he returned home, and subsequently, his son was sprayed with tear-gas and shot dead. According to Ma'an, he was standing on the family patio at the time. The father was arrested, and, according to his account, beaten up, suffering a broken arm, at the police station.[29][30] According to Israeli police, they were brutally attacked. Leaders of Israel's Arab citizens declared a national strike fromm the Galilee to the Negev. Police are investigating whether the shot was fired by one of their men, or by townsfolk.[31][32] An Israeli investigation led to the arrest of one of the policemen involved, after he had incriminated himself during an interrogation.[33]
    • The Israeli military authority razed 7 acres of sown wheat at Khirbet an-Nahla on what was reportedly private Palestinian land, south of Bethlehem, claiming it was on state land and was earmarked for building a road to the settlement of Efrat.[24][34]
    • Israel border troops used machine gun fire to drive off Palestinian farmers tending their lands on the outskirts of Khuza, al-Farahin and Al-Qarara, in eastern Khan Younis.[35]
  • 16 January
    • A 24-year-old Palestinian was shot in the foot by an Israel Border unit near the northeastern border of the Gaza Strip when Gazan Palestinians threw stones their way.[24][36]
    • An Israeli settler was injured when his car was stoned near the Atarot junction.[24]
    • The Israeli military authority razed 7 acres of sown wheat on what was reportedly private Palestinian land, south of Bethlehem, claiming it was on state land and was earmarked for building a road to the settlement of Efrat.[34]
  • 17 January
  • 18 January
    • At 2:30 a.m. Israel soldiers, while arresting 'Ali Talji Ya'qub (21) in the Ya'qub family home at Beit Rima, beat both him and 3 relatives northwest of Ramallah. Entering the house, soldiers arrested, beating him and three of his relatives. His brother, Ya'qub Talji Ya'qub, (31) was dragged into the street and left unconscious, and was later diagnosed as suffering from neurogenic shock and respiratory distress.[37]
    • According to Palestinian security forces, three Palestinian bakery workers, Nayif Muhammad Ali al-Shami, his brother Jihad al-Shami, and Muhammad Ali Ramadan, required hospital treatment after suffering injuries when Israeli forces beat them while conducting raids in Shuhada (Martyrs') Square in central Nablus, which is under full Palestinian administrative authority.[38]
    • Sami Ibrahim Zayadna (45) died after inhaling fumes from a tear-gas cylinder fired at a crowd of mourners during a funeral ceremony in the Bedouin city of Rahat for Sami al-Jaar, shot dead some days earlier by Israeli forces during a drug-bust. Bedouin sources say the attack coincided with the beginning of a funeral eulogy. Israeli police stated that they fired after stones were thrown at them.[29][39]
    • 12 olive trees in Asira al-Qibliya village and 21 in Al-Mughayyir, Ramallah were vandalized. The former attack was countersigned by a price tag graffito.[24]
  • 19 January
    • Muhammad Jamal Ghaith (16) sustained a deep gash to the head, reportedly from rifle butts to the head, and Israeli forces then arrested him outside his home in Silwan, East Jerusalem. After being detained at a local police station, he was taken to the Hadassah hospital for treatment. A Palestinian source describes the incident as an assault.[40]
    • Two elderly Palestinian women, Zuheira Oweida Dandis ( 80), and Amal Dandis ( 52), were expelled from their home in central Hebron's Shuhada Street, which was then sealed. Israeli forces imposed the eviction from and sealing up of, the property, claiming it was necessary for security reasons. Israeli restrictions on Palestinian access to the street were imposed after Baruch Goldstein shot dead 29 Palestinians while they were at prayer in the nearby Ibrahimi Mosque, in 1994[41]
    • A barracks serving as an animal shelter in Khallet al Wardeh (Hebron) was dismantled without notice, for lack of a permit, affecting 6 families' livelihoods (51 Palestinians).[24]
    • Israeli authorities demolished 19 structures, 7 built with donor funds, belonging to Palestinians from the Qarzaliya area of Al Jiftlik Abu al 'Ajaj, in Jericho, including five residential structures, three kitchens and 11 animal shelters for 1,000 sheep. 29 people, of whom 14 children, were displaced as a result.[42]
  • 20 January
    • A Palestinian woman was injured by a rubber-coated bullet, and a youth was reportedly beaten up and then arrested during a dawn operation, when Israeli forces raided the al-Thahra neighborhood in al-Isawiya, East Jerusalem, and deployed to enable bulldozers to raze to the ground a house under construction belonging to Osama Ribhi Dari, for which he lacked an Israeli permit.[43]
    • A 10-year-old Palestinian boy was shot in the leg with a rubber bullet during clashes with police during a protest against the erection of a flying checkpoint at at-Tur in East Jerusalem. Another youth, Udayy Hisham Abu al-Hawa (18), apparently walking in the area according to a Palestinian source, was arrested after being 'assaulted.'[42][44]
    • Israeli bulldozers razed the home of Osama Ribhi Dari in Isawiya during a dawn raid. The reason given was that the construction lacked an Israeli permit, which Palestinians say are rarely given to them.[45]
    • 6 Palestinian structures were demolished, including a water cistern, near Halhul, and two houses were razed in Ar Rifa'iyya (Hebron).[42]
  • January 21
    • During search and arrest-related clashes in Askar and Balata Refugee Camps (Nablus), 5 Palestinians, including an 11-year-old girl and a woman, suffered injuries.[42]
    • Israeli passengers were stabbed in a Tel Aviv bus by Hamza Muhammad Hasan Matrouk (23) from the West Bank Nur Shams refugee camp of Tulkarm. 16 passengers were wounded, of them 4 seriously and 3 moderately. The militant was apprehended after being shot in the leg during a chase, nearby.[46][47][48] In a confession to police, Matrouk stated that the motive for his attack lay in a response to Operation Protective Edge, recent tensions over who should control the Temple Mount and Islamic videos promising entry into paradise.[49]
    • Atef Muhammad Baker (19) a Gaza fisherman was shot in the foot after an Israeli navy patrol fired at fishing boats off Gaza's northern coast. The Palestinians say they were fishing within the Israel-imposed limits. The Israeli spokesman stated that after the fisherman failed to heed warning shots for deviating from the designated zone, they opened fire.[50]
    • Israeli forces razed the house of Ulayyan Jalal Rabaya in the Jabel Mukaber neighbourhood of East Jerusalem, which has 150 demolition orders pending. They reason given was that the owners lacked a building permit from the Israeli authorities, which, Palestinians say, are rarely given by Israel to them.[51]
    • Israeli forces demolished a 4 apartment two storey building owned by the Bishara, Mukheimar and al-Mashni families in the Palestinian neighbourhood of Shuafat, East Jerusalem. According to Palestinians, they had secured initial approval, but the building was sealed under court order and eventually slated for demolition for security reasons. Fees for securing a license and the legal costs for appealing the demolitonj order ran to over $40,000.[52]
  • 22 January.
    • The Israeli military authority governing the West Bank demolished the 7 tent homes, recently resupplied by the International Committee of the Red Cross, of a five-family Palestinian community at Khirbet 'Ein Karzaliyah in the Jordan Valley, making them homeless for the third time since January 2014.[53] The United Nations promptly denounced this and other measures, asserting they were 'illegal' noting 77 Palestinians, half of them children, had been left homeless as a result of demolitions in East Jerusalem and the West Bank in 3 days.[54]
    • 6 Palestinian structures, 3 of them residential, were pulled down in Beit Iksa. The demolitions affected 3 registered refugee families consisting of 14 people, of whom 8 are children.[42]
  • January 23
    • Yamen Nabil Mahmoud (5) of Shufa was moderately injured when hit by an Israeli settler's car near Tulkarem.[42][55]
    • At the weekly protest march in the village of Bil'in, Israeli forces shot local village activist Muhammad Adbi Abu Rahmeh in the head, with a rubber-coated bullet, while another villager Iyad Burnat was hit by a tear gas canister.[56]
    • In one of 4 reported incidents against settlers for the week 20–26 January, two settlers, mother and daughter, were injured by stone-throwing as they drove near Sinjil and the settlement of Ofra.[57][58]
    • 5 Palestinians were reportedly assaulted by Israeli forces in Susiya (Hebron), and a further 4 arrested, apparently when separating settlers and Palestinians, when the former, according to Palestinian sources, tried to impede a tree-planting event on privately owned land.[42]
  • January 24
    • An Israeli pillbox guarding the Israeli settlement of Beit El was set afire by Palestinian youths, who hurled improvised pipe bombs at it[59]
    • A settler man was injured from Palestinian stone-throwing near Beit Hanina (East Jerusalem).[42]
    • A Palestinian man cultivating his farmland at Khirbet an-Nahla village (Bethlehem) was hot with live ammunition by an Israeli settler.[42]
    • Israeli settlers reportedly kidnapped, after spraying him with a chemical, a Palestinian villager from Sa'ir (Hebron Governorate), when he was waiting on Road 60. He was beaten up, and left on the same road later, and taken to hospital by locals.[42]
  • January 25
    • Saad Addin Samir Abu Sneina, (20) of at-Tur in East Jerusalem was shot in the head (eyebrow) by a rubber-coated bullet fired at close range by an Israeli soldier, reportedly while emerging from his home.[60]
    • Over 30 trees belonging to an elderly Palestinian, Khalil Najawaa, of Susya, were chopped down. A local spokesman said settlers had been pressuring him to leave the area.[61]
    • According to a Palestinian report, 10-year-old Muhammad Afeef Khweis was arrested by Israeli police in a park in the at-Tur neighborhood of East Jerusalem. His uncle was also arrested after being sprayed with pepper. The family complained of being assalted.[62]
    • A Palestinian man reported that settlers had smashed his rear window and tried to stab him, near Silat ad-Dhahr (Jenin Governorate), and fled when other Palestinians arrived.[42]
  • 27 January
    • Basim Zakariyya Suleiman (16) was shot in the foot during clashes with Israeli forces responding to stone-throwing from dozens of Palestinian youths in Balata and Askar refugee camps after 15 military vehicles escorted ultra-orthodox Jews and settlers in a visit to Joseph's Tomb in Nablus at 2:30 a.m. According to Palestinian sources, the visit was not coordinated, but the IDF had informed officials they would be conducting military operations inside Nablus.[63][64]
    • Israel forces shot and wounded 3 villagers during a protest demonstration at Al-Ram against the closure of the main entrance to the village.[65]
    • Child Rights Information Network issued a report on conditions facing the 700 Palestinian children arrested by Israeli forces each year, claiming their mistreatment in detention was systematic.[66]
    • Israel confiscated hundreds of dunams of agricultural land at Beit Ula, claiming it was 'state land'. A local community leader said the land was owned by several families from Beit Ula who had farmed it since the Ottoman period.[67]
  • 28 January
    • According to his family, Ibrahim Gheith (14) of at-Tur, East Jerusalem, was beaten up while walking to school, after a car driven by local settlers stopped and one person assaulted him and tried to drag him into the vehicle. The boy was taken for treatment to the Shaare Zedek Medical Center in West Jerusalem.[68]
    • A Palestinian teenager from the village of Tayasir east of Tubas was injured lightly when abandoned Israeli ordnance in a field, declared by Israel a closed military zone, blew up as he was grazing his sheep near Ein al Hilwa. He required hospitalization.[63][69]
    • Near Tammun (Tubas), Israeli authorities confiscated a water tank and agricultural vehicle from the Palestinian Ministry of Agriculture deployed for a tree-planting project.[63]
  • 29 January
    • Israeli forces demolished the house and mobile home, donor-funded, of Ahmad Jamal al-Jiyawi at Khirbet al-Ras, west of Idhna, as well the barn of another in the town of Idhna in the southern West Bank, resulting in the displacement of a family of 7, 5 of whom children, while 55 others were affected.[63][70]
    • Israeli forces demolished a large cow barn, also west of Idhna, belonging to a farmer, Mahmoud Musallam Abu Ijeheisha, whose family has 10 dependent members, mostly children.[70]
    • Israeli forces destroyed a 2,000 meter-long water pipeline near the village of al-Atuf, feeding the water network of nearby Palestinian villages and Bedouin encampments in the northern Jordan Valley on the West Bank. In a separate operation, 250–300 meters of water-piping, provided by the Palestinian Authority with foreign donor funds, was confiscated near Yarza, east of Tubas, intended to link up the village to the Tubas water-network. The confiscationb affected the livelihoods of 86 people.[63][71]
    • 2 Palestinians from Gaza, reportedly armed with grenades, knives and a screwdriver, were detained in the Eshkol Regional Council zone after illegally entering Israel.[72]
    • A Palestinian car parked in the H2 zone of Hebron was vandalized, apparently by settlers.[63]
  • January 30
    • Muhammad Bilal al-Tamimi (15) was shot and wounded in the thigh by live ammunition fired by Israeli forces during a protest march at Nabi Salih regarding Israeli violations against Palestinian children. In a similar protest march on behalf of Palestinian minors' rights in Bil'in, one demonstrator was struck by a tear gas canister.[73]
    • Settlers from Ma'on cut down two trees at the Palestinian village of At-Tuwani.[63]
  • January 31
    • Ahmed Ibrahim Jaber al-Najjar (19) was shot dead by Israeli troops either as he and other youth were about to throw fire bombs and were sighted by a Golani unit lying in ambush,[74] or after a group of Palestinians threw Molotov cocktails at settler cars near the village of Burin and the Israeli outpost of Havat Gilad. Another involved youth was shot in the leg after a short manhunt. Settler leader Gershon Mesika blessed the soldiers for responding appropriately to terrorism.[75][76]
    • A large group of Israeli settlers near the Israeli settlement of Beit El threw rocks at Palestinian cars driving on the Ramallah-Nablus road. According to local eyewitnesses, Israeli troops nearby did not intervene and several vehicles were damaged.[77]
  • Undated. Sometime during the week between 26 January-2 February.
    • Israeli authorities razed a dunum of land, destroying 30 olive trees in the process, in the areas of two Palestinian villages, Azzun Atma and Beit Amin villages (Qalqilya Governorate), in order to lay down water infrastructure for the Israeli settlement of Sha'arei Tikva.[63]
    • In the area of Masafer Yatta, Hebron Masafer area between the Palestinian communities of Jinba Mirkez, Halaweh, Khirbet al-Fakheit and Khirbet al Majaz, Israeli authorities levelled around 800 dunums of land sown with wheat and barley for grazing. No explanation, apparently, has been forthcoming.[63]


  • I February
    • Raed Jihad Abu Rmeila (28), a photographer for the Israeli Human Rights NGO B'Tselem, was run over by a settler's car as he walked, according to his testimony, on the pedestrian strip to work near the Ibrahimi mosque in Hebron.[78]
  • 2 February
  • 4 February
    • Israeli forces raided a Palestinian high school near the villages of al-Lubban and As-Sawiya, firing sound bombs and reportedly forcing students to leave at gunpoint while detaining the principal and his assistant for interrogation concerning reports from local settlers that students had thrown stones at vehicles in the area.[82][83]
    • An Israeli woman settler near Beit Hanina was injured by glass from Palestinians throwing stones.[82]
    • Israeli authorities served Silwad residents Nasser Issa, Yasser Salim, Bassel al-Tawil, and Muhammad Saleh with a demolition order for wells on their land used to draw water for agricultural purposes.[84]
    • Mahmoud Dawoud Abu al-Hawa (10) was arrested by Israeli police in front of his home in at-Tur, East Jerusalem. Release of the child would be secured by paying $195 at the local police station, the parents were informed.[85]
    • A 13-year-old boy was injured after coming across unexploded Israeli ordnance near the village of Jayyous in the Qalqilya Governorate.[82]
  • 5 February
    • A group of Israeli settlers established a new illegal settlement, consisting of movable houses and water tanks, by fencing off an area in the Jabal Subeih zone skirting the Palestinian village of Beita.[86]
    • 6 trees on privately owned Palestinian land in Kafr Qaddum in the Qalqilya Governorate were found chemically burnt, reportedly by settlers from Qedumin.[82]
    • An Israeli settler vehicle ran over a 5-year-old Palestinian boy, Hamza al-Haymouni, at Beit Khalil, in what Palestinian sources interpreted as a hit-and-run incident in the H2 area, causing serious injuries. Another 5-year-old boy Jamil al-Jaabari, sustained minor injuries in a similar incident involving a settler's car in southern Hebron city.[82][87]
  • 6 February
    • A Palestinian man was shot in the lower limbs by Israeli soldiers in Hebron after reportedly trying to wrest a gun from a soldier near Kiryat Arba.[88]
    • According to Palestinian reports, settlers from Karmei Tzur shot live fire towards demonstrators at a protest held near Beit Ummar. No injuries were sustained.[89]
    • 21 Palestinians engaged in a weekly protest demonstration against the closure of the entrance to Kafr Qaddum village (Qalqilya Governorate) were injured as the result of Israeli crowd control and dispersal actions.[82]
    • Two 15-year-old Palestinians in the vicinity of the settlement of Ma'on were reportedly beaten, and then detained overnight, after settlers complained that they were grazing their sheep on land the settlement is planning to expand into.[82]
  • 7 February
    • According to Palestinian reports, several Palestinian cars, in proximity to the village of Aqraba, were fired on by an Israeli settler.[90]
    • The Palestinian Environment Quality Authority, in response to growing concerns at the dumping of Israeli toxic products on Palestinian territory, with a recent case of Israeli asbestos being dumped near Tulkarem, stated that those convicted of complicity in the crime would face a sentence of lifetime imprisonment and hard labor. Local Palestinian collusion has been suspected in a number of cases.[91]
    • Israeli settlers established 5 mobile homes on the Jabal Abu al-Rakha and Jabal Kweik sectors of Jalud village, which is located between the illegal outposts of Adei Ad and Esh Kodesh.[92]
  • 8 February
    • Israeli special forces reportedly infiltrated the Gaza Strip, and shot and wounded a 21-year-old Palestinian working on agricultural land east of al-Maghezi Refugee Camp, and some 300 metres from the Israel–Gaza barrier. He man remained in Israeli detention.[82]
    • An undergraduate student, Muhammad Osama Suleiman, according to Palestinian reports, was assaulted by Israeli soldiers while walking home to the village of Ajjah near Jenin. He was accused of throwing stones at the military vehicles and suffered bruises to his head and back.[93]
    • Settlers reportedly destroyed a plantation of some 70 tree saplings, donated by the YMCA and planted a week earlier, on land of the Sa'ir village, which under an annexation threat and near to the Israeli settlement of Asfar.[82][94]
  • 9 February
    • Israeli authorities demolished an agricultural irrigation pool near Jericho, funded by the Palestinian Ministry of Agriculture, on the grounds it lacked an Israeli permit.[82]
  • 10 February
    • Israeli forces razed to the ground the house of Ahmad Mamun al-Abbasi, home to his 14-member family in Silwan, East Jerusalem. The demolition took place just after its construction, begun in February 2014, had been completed, and the family had taken up residence.[95]
  • 11 February
    • Israel gave seizure notices it would confiscate for Jewish settlement 500 acres of reportedly private Palestinian land belonging to the al-Halayqa, Rasna, and al-Hasasna families, at Ash-Shuyukh, 6 miles northeast of Hebron.[96]
    • The Abu Sbitan family warehouse at at-Tur in East Jerusalem, used for stone storage, was raided by Israeli police and its materials, including supplementary electrical equipment, were reportedly confiscated. The move is seen to be preliminary to the demolition of the site structures, built 5 years earlier on the family property.[97]
  • 13 February
    • A Palestinian teenager, Jamil Shtewi (17), was reportedly shot in the leg with a live bullet as a weekly protest march took place in Kafr Qaddum, The demonstration was quelled by the use of tear gas and rubber-bullets.[98]
    • 16 Palestinians were injured in clashes with Israeli forces at al-Eizariya.[99]
  • 14 February
    • Imad Suleiman al-Khawli (20) suffered a critical brain injury when shot with live fire by Israeli soldiers, while he participated in a protest rally against the closure of exits to the village of Azzun (Qalqilya Governorate).[100]
  • 17 February
    • Israeli forces bulldozed dozens of olive trees belonging to Adnan Daraghmah at Safayih, on the edge of the Palestinian village of Tayasir, stating that the area was encompassed by an Israeli closed military zone, and that the owner had not obtained permission to plant them from the Israeli military administration.[101]
    • According to Palestinians sources, Thaer Mahmoud Issa Daoud (37) was beaten with an iron rod by settlers, in the village of Jalud, near the Israeli outpost of Esh Kodesh and suffered injuries to the head.[102][103]
    • 3 Palestinian children, ranging in age from 2 to 13, were injured when Explosive Remnants of War (ERW) blew up inside their home, to the west of Jabalia.[102]
    • Adele Biton age 4 died from respiratory complications resulting from a traumatic brain injury after a barrage of rocks were thrown by Palestinians at the car she was travelling in. Her two siblings ages 4 and 5 were also wounded in the attack.[104]
  • 18 February
  • 19 February 1000 olive saplings planted in a schoolyard in Tel Rumeida and donated by a Jordanian NGO were reportedly uprooted by settlers.[106]
  • 21 February
    • Israeli settlers chopped down over 35 olive trees belonging to the Abed Rabbu family in the Wadi al-Sweid area of southern Hebron.[107]
  • 22 February
    • Abraham Goldstein, an ultra-Orthodox Jewish man was stabbed in the stomach by a Palestinian teenager, Mahmoud Abu Aosba, (18) from Birzeit. The incident occurred in Safra Square in Jerusalem. The boy was arrested by an armed guard and Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat.[108][109]
    • 7 Palestinians youths suffered wounds to their lower limbs during a raid by Israeli forces on the Aida refugee camp, when live ammunition was used. OCHA reports the total number of casualties as 11, including a child, 4 adults and 5 others, including a pregnant woman, due to physical assault. Two, Ali Adwan and Issa Sami Abu Srour, were hit by live fire, while a third, Mohammad Omar Badawneh, was shot twice in the thighs.[102][110] A child was hit by live ammunition in the leg during a similar operation at Al Jalazun Refugee Camp. 5 settler attacks on persons and property were recorded.[102]
  • 23 February
    • An Israeli vehicle driving near the settlement of Karmei Tzur came under fire, reportedly from Palestinian gunmen. The driver, a Palestinian Israeli, was not injured. Preliminary reports suggest the shooting related to a work dispute between the Palestinian Israeli and his local employees.[111]
    • Israeli forces shot and arrested a Gazan as he approached the perimeter fence north of Beit Lahia.[102]
  • 24 February
    • 19-year-old Jihad Shehada al-Jaafari, (19) was shot dead by Israeli forces during a dawn raid on Dheisha refugee camp, near Bethlehem. An Israeli spokesman said that, on failing to disperse a crowd when rocks were thrown, wounding one soldier lightly, the soldiers felt in danger and shot the leader of the rioters. The boy bled to death on the roof of his home. Palestinians say the Israelis blocked ambulances going to the home. An autopsy suggested he had been shot at close range.[112][113]
    • A Palestinian girl, Mariam Karim Dana (10) suffered fractures after a settler guard jeep hit her in Silwan's Ein al-Lawza area in East Jerusalem. The driver was not detained.[114][115]
    • Palestinians were deemed responsible for an arson attack on a Jewish cemetery in East Jerusalem.[106]
  • 25 February
    • After daubing a mosque's walls with slogans such as "we want the redemption of Zion", "revenge" alongside a Jewish Star of David, Jewish settlers reportedly set fire to a mosque in Jab'a near Bethlehem. The incident took place on the 21st anniversary of the Ibrahimi Mosque massacre in Hebron. It is not known whether the incident constitutes a price tag attack or not.[116][117][118]
    • Settlers reportedly vandalized a Palestinian souvenir shop in Hebron, near the Ibrahimi Mosque, and physically assaulted three people there.[106]
  • 26 February
    • An arson attack on a Greek Orthodox seminary for the study of Christianity next to Jaffa Gate in Jerusalem destroyed the bathroom. The walls were smeared with graffiti, including "Jesus is a son of a b***h", and "the Redemption of Zion"[119]
    • 25 Palestinians were injured in Azzun, Qalqilya Governorate, when Israeli forces clashed with protestors demonstrating against the closure of the eastern entrance to the village, a policy imposed in 2001.[106]
  • 27 February
    • 3 Palestinians, Abd al-Majid Amro, Issa Mahmoud Amro, and Anas Amro, were reportedly injured by live fire when Israeli forces moved to put down a demonstration to have Shuhada street reopened for public access in Hebron's Old City.[120]
  • Undated
    • Approximately 260 olive saplings in Qwawis, near Hebron were reportedly uprooted by settlers, bringing the figure for trees damaged or uprooted by settlers in the West Bank in the first three month of 2015 to 6840.[106]


  • 1 March
    • Two young Palestinians were shot with live ammunition when Israeli forces raided Duheisha refugee camp. An Israeli spokeswoman stated that one was hut in the legs, and another swounded, by.22 caliber rounds, in response to Palestinians throwing one grenade.[121]
    • Two Palestinian brothers, aged 21 and 17, were injured by the explosion of abandoned Israeli ordnance while shoveling sand from the ruins of a destroyed house in Al Shouka, east of Rafah. 7000 pieces of such ordnance are said by the UN to lie in the rubble of the Strip.[106]
  • 2 March
    • After a video clip, taken in December 2014, was loaded by former MK Ben Ari onto the internet showing Israeli police siccing on a dog to attack a Palestinian teenager, Hamza Abu Hashem (16), who had been caught throwing stones, the IDF undertook to cease the practice of employing dogs to arrest demonstrators. Ben Ari said it would 'teach terrorists a lesson'. The boy has since been sentenced to 18 months imprisonment for terrorist activities.[122][123]
  • 3 March
    • Two Palestinians were injured during clashes when Israeli forces in 30 military vehicles conducted a dawn raId on the village of Qabatiya, near Jenin. Muhammad Ali Hithnawi (20) was shot in the foot. Noah Fadel Zakarna (21) was also hospitalized after inhaling gas from tear-gas canisters.[124]
    • Israeli police deployed 14 tractors to raze 25,000 dunums (roughly 6,000 acres) of wheat, barley and other crops in the Palestinian Bedouin village of Rakhama.[125]
  • 5 March
    • Two cars were torched, and price-tag graffiti in Hebrew ( "Death to Arabs" and "Glory to the Jews") were sprayed on walls, in the village of Mughayyir. Locals suspect that Adei Ad settlers are responsible.[126]
    • In the fourth incident in several days involving naval fire on fishing boats from Gaza in the Mediterranean, two Gazan fishermen, Eid Muhsin Bakr and Ziad Fahd Bakr, were wounded by live fire by Israeli patrol boats in waters west of the al-Sudaniyya neighborhood. Both men were taken to Al-Shifa Hospital, and one was reportedly in a serious condition. 3 other fishermen were arrested.[127]
  • 6 March
    • A Palestinian from Ras al-Amud in East Jerusalem, Mohammad Salima (21), plowed his car into several Israeli women Border police officers and then ran over a 51-year-old bicyclist, at a light rail station further on. The attack was apparently in response to rumours in social media that Muslims had been attacked on the Haram al-Sharif and had been planned for a week. Seven sustained injuries, 4 lightly, and two were moderately injured. The attack, according to The Times of Israel, broke a spell of quiet that had lasted several months.[128][129] The incident took place on Shimon Hatzadik Street, on the line separating West and East Jerusalem. It was the 5th such attack in the last year. He was shot and seriously wounded. He was found to be bearing a cleaver, which he reportedly wielded as he emerged from his car.[130][131] Two Palestinian factions, The Popular Resistance Committee and Hamas, praised the attack.[132]
    • Several Jewish graves on the Mount of Olives were desecrated. The perpetrators' identity is unknown.[133]
    • An Israeli car was damaged by a firebomb in the evening in Wadi al-Joz in East Jerusalem.[133]
  • 7 March.
    • Mustafa Ballut (20) of Jenin, and Yousuf Abd al-Karim Abu Naasah (19) from Jenin refugee camp, were wounded when Israeli forces fired on a car near the al-Jalama checkpoint they deemed suspicious. The former suffered serious wounds and was hospitalized in Afula. The latter's wounds were described as moderate.[134]
    • Israeli naval forces shot dead a Palestinian fisherman, Tawfiq Abu Riyala after "warning shots were fired towards the engines of the vessels", arrested two others and confiscated two boats, after four vessels were said to have deviated from the Israeli demarcation line in waters off Gaza City.[135]
    • Anas Yahya Abdeen (7) was reportedly shot in the arm by a rubber-coated bullet while watching from the balcony as Israeli forces raided the house of Abd al-Razeq al-Salayma, opposite his own, in the Ras al-Amud neighborhood in East Jerusalem. In a separate incident, a young Palestinian was shot in the forehead with similar munitions during clashes in the Ein al-Luza area of Silwan.[136]
    • 5 Palestinian teenagers were shot with Israeli 0.22 caliber bullets during clashes, involving rock-and bottle throwing, near the al-Jalazone refugee camp, north of Ramallah. One sustained serious injuries when he was shot twice in the chest. Another bullet struck a youth in the mouth, while the remaining three were shot in the lower limbs.[137]
    • Two Palestinians, reportedly bystanders aged 9 and 11, were shot and injured by PA forces pursuing a fugitive in Balata Refugee Camp in Nablus. The wounds were minor.[138][139]
    • An elderly man from Silwan by the name of Al-Qaq (63) was reportedly beaten up, while walking home, by a group of what a Palestinian source called settlers, in the Harat al-Sharaf square in the Old City.[140]
  • 9 March
    • 300 olive trees belonging to residents of the Palestinian village of Salim, near Nablus were bulldozed by Israeli forces two days after the Nablus District Civil Liaison Office had placed a request to allow Palestinian farmers to access their land for ploughing. The fields are contiguous to the illegal Israeli outpost of Havat Skali.[141]
    • The two story home of Kifah Abd al-Rahim Sholi in the village of al-Jarushiyya in the Tulkarm Governorate of the West Bank, a judge of the Palestinian judiciary, was demolished by Israeli forces. The grounds for razing it to the ground were that it lacked an Israeli permit.[142]
    • Settlers reportedly cut down some 40-70 olive trees in Burin village, on the property of Ahmad Abd al-Fattah Khalifa.[143][144]
  • 10 March
    • Bulldozers and excavators under military escort razed stone walls, store houses, livestock barns and levelled dirt roads used by Palestinians to access their farms in the town of Isawiya, East Jerusalem. Israel has apparently designated the area as a parkland.[145]
    • The Palestinian Red Crescent reported that 9 Palestinians were hit in the lower limbs by live fire during a protest at Israeli bulldozing of land in the Qalandiya airport area, near the village of Kafr 'Aqab. One man was reportedly in critical condition, while dozens were reportedly hit by rubber bullets.[146]
  • 11 March
    • A 650-square metre Palestinian stone factory owned by Jabir Awad Qabaha was razed by Israeli forces in Bartaa al-Sharqiyya. The structure had been recently completed and was due to be operative shortly.[147]
    • Israel forces bulldozed livestock pens belonging to Walid Matar Abu Kbash in the village of Zabda west of Jenin, on the grounds that they lacked Israeli authorization.[147]
  • 13 March
    • Two Palestinians, Ahmad Daas (10) and Mahmoud Gazi (30) were reportedly wounded by live fire, and a photojournalist, Akram Darawsheh, was injured by rubber-coated bullets during the weekly protest march in Kafr Qaddum.[148]
    • 11 Palestinians were injured when Israeli forces clashes with a protest group of 200 people in Nabi Salih. 3activists were also reportedly detained. One, reportedly throwing a Molotov cocktail, was shot by live ammunition in the leg. Seven activists were reportedly struck with rifle butts, and 3 children were among the injured. One girl, Marah Naji Tamimi, required treatment at the Yasser Arafat Hospital in Salfit after being hit by a rifle butt. An Israel spokesperson said they dispersed a violent riot.[149]
  • 14 March
    • A settler from the unauthorized Israeli outpost of Mitzpe Yair settlement reportedly assaulted with a sharp object Hani Badawi al-Dababseh (24) near Yatta, causing extensive body bruising and a head injury.[150]
  • 15 March
    • The Wisdam Nassar family of Madama, south of Nablus, complained that goods and savings to the value of $4,200 were missing from their home after it was ransacked by IDF troops during an overnight inspection raid. Palestinian sources state that some $2.9 million was confiscated during similar search operations in Palestinian homes during Operation Brother's Keeper in mid-2014.[151]
  • 18 March
    • In suppressing a protest against the construction of a wall between the al-Jalazun refugee camp and the Israeli settlement of Beit El, Israeli forces shot 4 Palestinians with live ammunition, and a further 5 were injured by rubber bullets. Ali Mahmoud Safi (20) was in a serious condition after being shot in the chest by a 0.22 bullet. An Israeli spokesman identified him as the key instigator of rock-throwing from a rioting crowd of 50 youths, and he was shot for that reason.[152] Safi died of his wound on 25 March.[153]
    • Bulldozers accompanied by IDF military vehicles reportedly destroyed 300 olive trees in groves belonging to Maher Abd al-Raouf Khatib and Bashar Abdullah Ahmad in the Palestinian village of Majdal Bani Fadil. 5,000 meters of stone-walling were also razed. The village is surrounded by Israeli settlements, and an Israeli spokesman stated that not "uprooting" took place, but the terracing in the area was demolished because it lacked Israeli permits on what the Israeli Defence Ministry's Civil Administration defines as state lands.[154]
  • 19 March
  • 20 March
    • 2 Gazan Palestinians of Abasan al-Kabira, east of Khan Yunis, were moderately injured after being shot in their lower limbs by Israeli forces near the border with Israel.[156]
  • 21 March
    • Masked settlers "allegedly"[157] threw stones at two Palestinian girls in At-Tuwani while they were gathering herbs for their family's livestock, in the vicinity of the illegal Israeli outpost of Ma'on, Har Hebron. One, 6 years old, "wounded from stone that hit her head". She was treated by an IDF doctor, her "family lodged a complaint with police and authorities in the region were searching for the suspects".[157][158]
  • 25 March
    • During clashes after an Israeli raid on the Shuafat Refugee camp in East Jerusalem, 3 Palestinians were injured by the firing of rubber-coated steel bullets. Two were wounded in the lower limbs, and a third in the head.[159]
  • 27 March
    • Israeli forces put down a weekly demonstration at Kafr Qaddum. Bulldozers demolished the village's main water-line.4 Palestinians were injured by rubber-coated steel bullets Nasser Barham (42) was shot in the stomach; Hakam Khaldun (24) was hit in the lower abdomen; Maher Jumaa (45) was wounded in the foot; Muhammad Abd al-Salam (18) was shot in the head.[160]
    • In a separate incident 4 activists taking part in a weekly protest march, one of whom was an Icelander, suffered injuries, and a child was taken into custody, in clashes with Israeli forces at Bil'in.Ratib Abu Rahma (50) was shot in the back; Ismail Mohammad Abu Rahma(18), Ellan Shalif (78), and the Icelandic activist (27) were wounded in their lower limbs.[160]
  • March 28
    • Israeli settlers, reportedly from the Israeli settlement of Asfar-Metzad, took away 1,100 olive trees and uprooted a further 100, all belonging to Muhammad Abu Shanab al-Ayaydah and the heirs of Abd al-Qader Abu Shanab al-Ayaydah and Mousa Abu Shanab al-Ayayadah, near Ash-Shuyukh and the Israeli outpost of outpost of Pnei Kedem north of Hebron.[161][162]
  • March 30
    • In two separate incidents, 3 Palestinians were shot and moderately injured by Israeli forces east of Khan Yunis. An Israeli spokesman stated that one Israeli forces responded to a riot, referring to a rock-throwing and tire-burning incident coinciding with Land Day.[163]
  • March 31
    • Israeli forces demolished the foundations of three apartments under construction in the Jabel Mukaber quarter of East Jerusalem, for lacking Israeli permits.[164]


    • A fifteen-year-old Palestinian girl was assaulted in Hebron.[143]
    • Between 10–16 March two Palestinian men, respectively in Hebron and East Jerusalem, were physically assaulted and 72 olive trees in At-Tuwani (Hebron) and Al-Khader (Bethlehem) were uprooted. 4 Palestinian cars and several water tanks were vandalized.[165]
    • Between 17–23 March an 8-year-old child suffered a serious eye injury after being butted in the head by a soldier's rifle, close to clashes in Al-Khader.[138]


  • April 1
    • Ahmad Salim al-Nurasi (22) was shot with live fire in the leg during an Israeli raid on the Jenin refugee camp.[166]
    • A child was reportedly beaten and left unconscious when Israeli forces raided Jahalin Bedouin tribe encampments at Abu Dis, and confiscated 12 portable solar panels 9 of which were donated to the community by a Palestinian NGO, the Applied Research Institute Jerusalem. The panels are the only source of electricity for the tribe.[167][168]
  • April 2
    • IDF paratrooper commander, Yoav Leitman, was stabbed with a knife in the torso while confronting a group of Palestinians trying to enter Israel illegally near Oranit, sustaining light wounds.[169]
    • Officials of the environmental protection agency of the Military administration of the West Bank uprooted 120 olive trees belonging to members of the Mansour family in Wadi Qana, inside an Israeli settlement bloc, near Salfit.[170]
    • Palestinians reported that Zakariya Julani (13) from the Shuafat Refugee Camp was shot in the eye by an Israeli Border policewoman. Jerusalem police said initially the father had told them he had hurt himself when he fell.[171]
  • 3 April
    • Majd Abu Khalid (23) was hit by live bullets in the lower limbs as Israeli forces dispersed the weekly protest march at Kafr Qaddum. Dozens of Palestinian and foreign activists were reportedly injured by rubber-coated steel bullets in the dame protest.[172]
    • Kifah Mansour (33) suffered two leg wounds from rubber-coated bullet during the weekly protest march Bil'in. Dozens were reportedly injured by after tear-gas canisters, stun grenades and rubber bullets were deployed to disperse the demonstration.[172]
    • Israeli forces, firing into the security buffer zone of the Gaza Strip, injured 3 Palestinians in the al-Sanati area east of Khan Younis.[173]
  • 8 April
    • Two Israeli soldiers were stabbed, one suffering a serious neck wound, by Muhammad Jasser Karakra of the village of Sinjil. The incident took place at 10 a.m. north of Ramallah on Route 60 near the settlement of Shilo. The assailant was shot dead by First Sergeant Tomer Lan, who was wounded.[174][175]
    • Gazan fisherman Khalid Zayid was shot by a rubber-coated steel bullet fired from an Israeli gunboat while fishing off Beit Lahia in the northern Gaza Strip. It was the 29th such incident since September 1, 2014. Over that period, 42 fishermen have been arrested and 12 boats confiscated.[176]
  • 10 April
    • Ziyad Awad (27) was shot dead by Israeli forces after attending his cousin Jaafar Awad (22)'s funeral in Beit Ummar. According to Palestinians present at the scene, he was shot in the back. From 6 to 13 other Palestinians were wounded in the clashes, 3 by live fire according to local medical sources. The IDF denied it had used live ammunition, in an initial statement, and then said it resorted to live ammunition when rioters remained undaunted by rubber bullets, with 4 'hits' reported.[177][178][179]
    • Israeli forces opened fire in the al-Sanati area east of Khan Yunis in the Gaza Strip reportedly wounding a Palestinian.[180]
    • 12 Palestinian youths during clashes in al-Jalazun refugee camp were wounded, 3 by live fire, 9 by rubber-coated steel bullets, during clashes with Israeli troops, after bottles and rocks were thrown at the latter near the Separation Wall being built around Beit El.[181]
  • 13 April
    • Israel forces blocked off exit and entry to Hizma, a Palestinian village with 7,000 residents, threatening to maintain the blockade until the villagers identified for them the culprits of a stone-throwing incident, in what B'Tselem calls a measure of 'collective punishment'. The blockade was repeated the following day.[182]
  • 14 April
    • 22 Palestinians were injured in Sinjil by excessive tear gas inhalation and rubber bullets fired during violent clashes with Israeli forces, some reportedly masked, that took place during the funeral of Muhammad Jasser Karakra, who was shot after stabbing two Israeli soldiers on April 8.[175]
    • A Palestinian worker from Jenin in an Israeli shop in an Umm al-Fahm repair shop was reportedly kept by his employer in detention, beaten and threatened after he broke a mobile phone screen he was mending. He was freed after liaison between Palestinian police and Israeli police enabled the latter to secure his release.[183]
    • The State Attorney's Office notified that it would make an indictment for a minor offense, involving a "reckless and negligent act" for the shooting of Samir Awad (16) in the back and killing him near Budrus, as he fled in January 2013.[184][185]
  • 15 April
    • A car driven by a Palestinian, Khaled Kutina (Koutineh, 37) of the West Bank village of Anata hit two Israelis at the French Hill junction in Jerusalem. Shalom Yohai Sharki (25), son of a prominent religious-Zionist rabbi, and Shira Klein (23), were killed. The incident was initially treated as a traffic accident, but on investigation was redefined as a possible terror attack. Kutinba's wife said the incident was an accident in bad weather as he was driving to his parents' home in Jerusalem's Old Quarter.[186][187] On April, 21 the media was permitted to report that Koutineh told police that he was intent on "seeking out Jews to murder."[188]
  • 16 April
    • 7 Palestinians were shot with rubber-coated steel bullets during clashes with Israeli soldiers following a prisoner rights march to Ofer jail in Beitunia.[189]
    • Suleiman Mahmoud al-Tarbi (20) was critically injured when he was shot in the eye during clashes when Israeli forces from the Ma'ale Adumim settlement raided al-Isawiya. The black sponge-tipped bullet (Model 4557) causing the injury are heavier than the blue bullets used earlier, and caused more serious wounds. He said he had gone out to buy cigarettes at the time. It was the 2nd blinding incident in two weeks, after 13-year-old Zakariya Julani of Shuafat was, according to Palestinians, hit in the eye in early April. al-Tarbi was arrested and hospitalized. 3 other youths were also shot by rubber-coated steel bullets in their legs.[190][191]
  • 17 April
    • 3 Palestinians were shot at Ni'lin with live rounds, and a fourth, a teenager, was struck in the mouth by a rubber-coated steel bullet, during a protest march marking Palestinian Prisoner's Day.[192]
    • Ahmad Mohammad Mansour (17) was shot in the chest and Munther Ameera was hit in the leg by live ammunition during a protest march marking Palestinian Prisoner's Day at Bil'in. 60 protestors suffered from tear gas inhalation.[192]
    • 3 Palestinians inside the Gaza Strip, in the al-Sanati area east of Khan Younis, were shot by Israeli forces and required hospitalization.[193]
  • 18 April
    • Settler bulldozers reportedly lifted large quantities of nutrient-rich soil from the lands of the Palestinian village of Kafr ad-Dik and dumped the expropriated loam at the Israeli outpost of Lishim where, it is believed, the soil will be used for gardens.[194]
  • 20 April
    • A 27-year-old Israeli Palestinian street cleaner[195] or construction worker for the Herzliya Municipality was stabbed by a man, reportedly with a Russian accent, who screamed "Death to Arabs" and then wounded him in the shoulder. Police arrested a suspect, who has reportedly confessed.[196][197]
  • 21 April
    • 450 olive trees on the village lands of Deir Istiya were reportedly uprooted by Israeli settlers from Immanuel.[198]
    • 4 Palestinians, Mhanna Fathi Khleif (38), his brother Muhammad (35) and their two pregnant wives, were injured when a car driven by an Israeli settler from Ginot Shomron hit them as they were walking along the main road of the village of Nabi Ilyas. After the driver fled, and informed Israeli police, the case was being treated as a hit-and-run accident.[199][200]
  • 23 April
    • Two rockets were fired by an unknown militant group near Beit Hanoun: one hit Israeli soil, the other fell inside Gaza, with no injury to people or damage to property. The IDF responded with an air strike in the north of the Strip.[199][201]
    • Israeli forces, following settler claims cars had been stoned, fired large quantities of tear gas at groups of students at the As Sawiya Secondary Girls School near Nablus. One 16-year-old suffered from excessive tear gas inhalation, and 200 others had to be evacuated.[199]
  • 24 April
    • 7 Palestinians were injured during the weekly Friday protest at Kafr Qaddum by Israeli live and rubber-coated bullets. Daoud Agel was shot in the leg with a live bullet, and Rifaat Barham (24) lost an eye when a rubber-coated bullet struck his eye. Naser Ishteiwi (44) was hit in his foot, Anas Amer (21) in the back, Muhammad Nidal (20) in the shoulder, and Muhammad Fathi (45) in the hand by rubber bullets.[202]
    • 5 Palestinians were wounded, 4 reportedly by live fire at Bil'in, while Israeli forces intervened in the weekly protest. Ahmad Mohammad Mansour (17) was shot in the chest. Dozens of dunams of olive groves caught fire after tear gas canisters were fired.[202]
    • A Palestinian was reportedly shot and wounded near Khan Younis in the Gaza Strip by Israel Border forces. IDF's "spokeswoman said she was looking into the incident".[203]
    • According to his family, Fadi Abu Mandil (14) was shot by a stray bullet while studying at home in the al-Mughazi refugee camp, when Israeli forces fired towards farmers. He was transferred in a critical condition to a Ramallah hospital on the 28 April.[204]
    • Ali Said Abu Ranam (16) of At Tur, East Jerusalem allegedly attacked Border Police officers with a butcher's cleaver and knife, was pushed away and then shot dead when he ran towards the manned crossing. His family states he was shot for no reason.[205] Israeli reports state warning shots were fired. The incident occurred at the al-Zaim checkpoint outside the Israeli settlement of Ma'ale Adumim.[201][206][207]
  • 25 April
    • A Palestinian from Idhna, Mahmoud Abu Jheisha (20), initially wrongly identified as Assad al-Salayma,[208] was shot dead when, rushing a combat unit, he stabbed an Israeli soldier three times near the Cave of the Patriarchs[209] ("Ibrahimi Mosque"[208]) in Hebron. The incident took place while the soldiers were reportedly blocking Palestinians from worshipping in the mosque. Some days earlier Israeli settlers had raised the Israeli flag over the mosque.[210]
    • 20-26 Palestinians were injured by rubber-coated steel bullets, mostly to their torsos and 50 suffered from excessive tear gas inhalation as Israeli forces clashed with a crowd protesting the death of Muhammad Abu Ghannam[211] (or Ali Said Abu Ranam?[206] shot dead the day before for allegedly attacking Israeli police at Ma'ale Adumim. Two Palestinian medics were numbered among the casualties. A police officer was wounded by a Palestinian rock-thrower during the clashes.[209][211]
    • A bus on Route 443 driving towards Jerusalem caught fire after being hit by a Molotov cocktail. No passengers were injured.[209]
    • 4 Israeli police officers were injured, 3 lightly, when a Palestinian, driving down from the cemetery of the Mount of Olives veered off and his car rammed into the officers on the sidewalk. Fadi Saleh (31) from the Shuafat refugee camp in East Jerusalem was subsequently arrested on suspicion of being the "terror attack". When Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat arrived to the scene of the attack, his car came under attack by rock-throwers.[209]
  • 26 April
    • A 37-year-old Palestinian man was reportedly shot in the right leg in the Abu Safiya area east of Beit Hanoun after Israeli forces opened fire on fishermen and farmers across the Gaza Strip.[212]
  • 27 April
    • Israeli military administration officials of the West Bank razed four farming buildings in the Jericho village of al-Jiftlik[213]
    • Collateral damage from an Israeli military exercise apparently caused fires that blazed over 3-4,000 dunams of Palestinian farmland planted with wheat and barley in the Humsa area of eastern Tubas district, a key agricultural area. Israel declared the area a 'closed military zone'.[214]
    • Muhammad Murad Muhammad Mustafa Yahiya (18) was critically wounded by Israeli forces when he was shot in the stomach by live ammunition near Araqah village, west of Jenin, close to the Israeli settlement of Shaked. He died the following morning. According to Israeli reports he was the instigator of a group that was trying to breach the Separation Barrier between Israel and the West Bank. Calls to "halt" were ignored. According to his father, he was strolling with friends on village grounds after a wedding.[215][216][217]
    • A settler's car was hit by a Molotov cocktail and caught fire south of Nablus, ear the Huwara and Zaatara checkpoints.[218]
  • 28 April
    • According to Palestinian reports, several houses and crops were damaged when Israeli forces shot into agricultural land at Khuza'a east of Khan Younis, causing farmers to flee. Reports say crops near the border were sprayed with poisonous pesticides that burn cultivations.[219]
    • Israel forces demolished the home of Muhammad Mahmoud al-Tamimi in Nabi Salih, which was built before 1967. The owner is reportedly an American citizen of Palestinian descent. Many of the homes slated for demolition are near the Israeli settlement of Halamish, and it is believed locally that the move indicates plans for expansion of the settlement of Halamish.[220]
  • 29 April
    • A 270-square metre steel barn in Rujeib in the Nablus Governorate which its owner, Alaa al-Din Riyad, used for his sheep flocks, was bulldozed to the ground by Israeli forces, within a few hours notification, on the grounds that it lacked an Israeli permit.[221]


    • Between April 21–27,
    • Settlers in Hebron assaulted a 17-year-old Palestinian youth near the Al Ibrahimi Mosque
    • 165 Palestinian olive trees and grapevines were vandalized in distinct episodes neare the Israeli settlements of Karmei Tzur and Elazar.[199]


  • 1 May
    • 3 Palestinian teenagers were shot by live ammunition during clashes with Israeli forces in the Jalazone refugee camp. A number of others were injured by rubber coated steel bullets.[222]
    • Inad Ibrahim (20) and another, unidentified Palestinian man were shot in their legs with live fire when Israeli forces intervened in the weekly protest in Kafr Qaddum.[223]
  • 4 May
    • Hatem Salah (35) from Shuafat Refugee Camp was shot in the legs at Givat Hamivtar station near the French Hill neighborhood after a security guard claimed Salah had attacked him from behind. Other guards stated they thought the man was pulling what they suspected might be a knife from his pocket, triggering their shooting response, with shots fired in the air before he was shot in the leg. He was also reported to have rushed other passengers after allegedly trying to stab the policeman. No knife was found, and at a hearing, it emerged Salah held a trouser belt in his hand, and that he had been assaulted by two Israeli policemen in the same area the night before.[224][225][226]
    • The Israel High Court gave the go-ahead to the razing to the ground of the Palestinian village of Susya, which, if executed, will leave an estimated 350-450 residents homeless.[227][228]
  • 5 May
    • According to Palestinian sources, a Palestinian farmer, Hammad Dweikat (48) required hospitalization after being severely bruised by Israeli soldiers while working his land at Rujeib. A Palestinian official claimed that Dweikat was under severe pressure to abandon his land, on which an Israeli watchtower has been constructed.[229]
  • 6 May
    • A building with 3 apartments in Silwan, rented by the Abu Nab family since 1968 from the Abd al-Razzaq family was seized by 20 Israeli settlers under armed guard while the Abu Nab family were away on a visit to relatives in northern Israel. The settler organization Ateret Cohanim claims it as Yemenite Jewish property prior to 1948.[230]
    • Lands in the Suba area in Idhna belonging to the Ihreiz, al-Zaatari, al-Qawasmi and al-Tarturi families, planted with almond and olive trees, were razed by Israeli bulldozers. In addition, a greenhouse, a support wall, some gardens and several dry-stone walls were destroyed.[231]
  • 7 May
    • Rabee Jamal Mubarak (22) was seriously wounded by shots to his back and abdomen during an Israeli raid on the al-Fara refugee camp in the West Bank.[232]
    • 15 settlers attacked and stoned the car of Jawad Naji, a senior adviser to Palestinian Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah near the settlement of Halamish.[233]
    • Israeli forces destroyed the electricity grid of the village of al-Ramadin. According to Ma'an News Agency, after schoolchildren protested, tear gas was fired, hurting several. Two of the youths were detained.[234]
  • 8 May
    • Nael Suleiman Salah (19) was shot in the head, and critically wounded, in the area of Beit Lahiya by Israeli forces. He died a year later, 8 July 2015, and Hamas announced he had been a member of their Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades. An Israeli spokeswoman claimed warning shots were fired as the security fence was approached by a group of Palestinians, and then at the "main instigator"'s legs. The "instigation" was, she alleged, related to an attempt to breach the security fence.[235][236]
    • A Gazan fisherman was reportedly wounded by Israeli fire while fishing off the coast, for going beyond the zone Israel designates for fishing.[235]
    • Dozens of Palestinian demonstrators marchers reportedly suffered from excessive tear-gas inhalation when Israeli forces intervened toi disperse the weekly Bil'in protest. Ashraf al-Khatib, his wife and their three children suffered tear-gas inhalation inside their home from a tear-gas canister fired at local habitations.[237]
  • 9 May
    • 3 Palestinians from Khan Younis were shot near Beit Lahiya by Israeli forces. One man's condition was diagnosed as serious. An Israeli spokesman said she was aware that "suspects" had been noted near the border, that warning shots had been fired, and that she was not unaware of any injuries sustained.[238]
  • 11 May
    • A 19-year-old Israel was reported to have suffered a light wound to the back from a Palestinian, who then fled in a taxi. The incident took place near the Mishor Adumim Junction, next to the settlement of Ma'ale Adumim.[239]
  • 14 May
    • 4 Israelis were injured when Muhammad al-Rafiya (22) from Hebron, a Palestinian who had earlier been arrested and imprisoned for throwing rocks a possession of a firearm, slammed his car into them as they were waiting for a hitchhike at a station.[240] The attack occurred in the same junction where three Israeli teenagers had been kidnapped less than a year earlier.[241]
    • In clashes between Israeli forces and students in the Jabal al-Tawil neighborhood of al-Bireh, 3 Palestinian children were reportedly wounded by live fire while a further 6, all under 10 years of age, were arrested and taken to the settlement of Psagot.[242]
    • A Palestinian youth was injured by a steel coated bullet in clashes near Rachel's Tomb, Bethlehem, involving the throwing of stones and molotov cocktails.[243]
    • Dozens of Gazans were injured, and 15 required hospitalization, when ordnance left over from the 2014 Gaza war exploded while sappers were attempting to dismantle a F16 rocket left by the Israeli army.[244]
  • 15 May
    • Some 21 Palestinians were injured, mostly, according to Palestinian reports, by live fire when 30 military jeeps escorted 1,500 Israelis around midnight to Joseph's Tomb in Nablus, and were met by protesting youths hurling rocks and bottles. Though in Area A under full Palestinian authority, under the Oslo Accords it remained under Israeli control and Muslims are forbidden to pray there.[245]
    • 3 Palestinians commemorating Nakba Day near the border in Gaza were shot in the legs with live ammunition by Israeli forces. Israel described the marchers as rioters, and said they had refused to halt when ordered to do so.[246] A total of 21 Palestinians were reportedly wounded on the day. 7 demonstrators were wounded in a protest outside Ofer military prison, and a further 10 in Nablus.[247]
  • 16 May
    • Several Palestinians, participating in a Nakba Day commemoration march near an Israel checkpoint close to Huwara were injured by rubber bullets when Israeli forces intervened. The casualties include Nidal Ishtayeh, a Palestinian journalist for Xinhua News, shot in the eye as he was taking a photo, and later denied entry to East Jerusalem for specialized treatment at St John Eye Hospital Group;[248] of Khalid Mansour, of the Palestinian People's Party, and an Italian protester, shot in her hand and chest.[249]
  • 17 May
    • Hundreds of olive saplings planted on 80 acres of land said to be owned by the al-Ayada families at Ash-Shuyukh were reportedly uprooted by settlers, the fourth such incident.[250]
    • 2 Israeli Policemen were injured, on to the head, by rocks thrown by dozens of Palestinian at Damascus Gate in Jerusalem's Old City. Clashes erupted during a march, including through the Muslim quarter where businesses were to close their shops, and residents to remain indoors, on Jerusalem Day, an Israel commemoration of the establishment of Israeli control over the Old City in the aftermath of the June 1967 Six-Day War.[251]
  • 18 May
    • According to Palestinian sources, 5 settler youths from Bat Ayin set fire to 25 dunams of Palestinian land at Hilet Ikdeis, and caused the destruction of 250 olive trees. The owners allege that IDF troops arriving on the scene declined to call for a fire engine to douse the flames.[252]
  • 20 May
    • Three policeman suffered light injuries[253] when Omran Omar Abu Dheim (41) from Jabel Mukaber allegedly swerved his Land Cruiser into a group of Israeli Border policemen at At-Tur. A third officer on duty shot the man dead. Israeli sources state he was trying to reverse the car over the policeman to "confirm" the kill when he was shot. Palestinians on the scene variously claim the driver's car skidded while overtaking another vehicle, and that he tried to make a U-turn, denying that the intent was terroristic. Israeli police confiscated videos covering the incident from several Palestinian businesses.[254][255][256] According to his brother Shafik,[253][255] Abu Dheim worked as a security officer for Israeli transport companies. He also said that eyewitnesses told him that "Omran was trying to make a U-turn in the middle of the road, but was impeded by a truck which was unloading vegetables at a produce shop." Further he told Ma'an that according to eyewitnesses, the incident occurred close to the Al-Maqasid and Augusta Victoria hospitals, but attempts to succor him were delayed for half an hour.[257][258]
  • 21 May
    • Yahiya Sami al-Amudi (10) was shot by Israeli police in the head with a rubber-coated bullet, reportedly while passing near a checkpoint at the Shuafat refugee camp. Israeli police spokesman, Micky Rosenfeld, described his injuries as 'moderate'. Hospitalized with a fractured skull and jaw, and wounded also in the left ear, he underwent surgery to remove his left eye and remained in a critical condition. The spokesman said the incident occurred when representatives of the Jerusalem municipality were met with stone-throwing. The weapons the police used were, he added, not lethal.[259]
  • 23 May
    • A 19-year-old Palestinian was arrested on suspicion of having stabbed two Israeli youths, respectively 15 and 18 years old, in the back as they were on their way to prayer at the Western Wall for Shavuot. It added to a spate of similar attacks in this period. In early June police identified the assailant as, John Kakish, a Christian from Jerusalem's Old Quarter, suspected earlier of stabbing attacks. He motivated his attacks as revenge for racist slogans and for putatively having been the victim of acts of violence earlier.[260][261][262][263]
  • 25 May
    • A Gazan fisherman, Muhammad Ziad Bakr (26) was shot by Israeli forces off the coast of Beit Lahiya. According to an Israeli spokesperson, his boat "deviated from the designated fishing zone and after warning shots, forces fired at the lower extremities of a fisherman. A direct hit was confirmed".[264] Israel allows Gazans fish up to six nautical miles from the Gaza Strip's shore.[265][266]
    • Some hours afterwards, Imad Muhsin Bakir (26) another Gazan fisherman, was shot by Israeli forces in the same zone.[264]
    • Israel delivered demolition orders for an 800-metre electricity grid and water well in al-Kum village provided by the al-Yassiriya municipality.[267]
  • 26 May
    • One rocket, reportedly a BM-21 Grad was launched into Israel from Gaza, apparently after an internal dispute within the military wing of the Islamic Jihad group over a new military commander's appointment. The projectiile struck open ground in the vicinity of Gan Yavne. No damage or injuries were reported, though a 15-year-old girl from Ashdod was hospitalized for panic shock.[268] According to the Gaza-based al- Mezan Center for Human Rights Israel had fired into border zones within the Gaza Strip on 6 separate occasions, injuring 4 people, including a child, in the first 10 days of May.[269] It is the fourth projectile, including two mortars,[270][271] and the first medium range rocket fired from the Gaza Strip since the cessation of hostilities in the Gaza war in late August 2014.[269][272] While Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon identified the Islamic Jihad group as the perpetrator behind the attack,[270] an IDF source said Israel held Hamas ultimately responsible for any fire from the Gaza Strip.[273] A day later, Hamas announced it had arrested those responsible for the launching of the rocket, since it is "against the interests of the Palestinian factions in the Gaza Strip".[274]
  • 27 May
    • Israeli launched four retaliatory strikes before dawn on targets it defined as terrorist infrastructure, Hamas and Islamic Jihad training facilities: at Rafah on a site used by Salah al-Din Brigades, the military wing of the Popular Resistance Committees and Khan Younis in the southern area, an Al-Qassam Brigades site east of Gaza City near the Gaza International Airport and at Beit Lahiya in the northern Gaza Strip. The strike was a response to a rocket fired the day before.[268][269][275]
    • A Gazan fisherman, Islam Murad, was injured when Israeli naval forces fired on boats off the coast from Gaza, to enforce the Blockade of the Gaza Strip which includes restrictions on fishable coastal zones, beyond which Palestinians are forbidden to trawl.[276]
    • Settlers from Yitzhar reportedly appropriated 10 dunams of land in the West Bank village of Huwara belonging to Yasser Mutie Hussein Ali, and have planted it with grapevines.[277]
    • Israeli military authorities notified owners of land in Isawiya they will requisition 8,200 square meters for urgent military purposes for two and a half years. The land includes a farm owned by heirs of Radi Ahmad Issa Abu Riyala. Such seizure orders are frequently renewed.[278]
  • 29 May
    • Five Palestinians were arrested after their car was stopped at the southwestern entrance to Isawiya neighborhood. Amongst the occupants was the wife of a Palestinian prisoner, Anwar Jamjoum. The car was also seized. In subsequent clashes, five Palestinians were injured by shrapnel from stun grenades and rubber-coated steel bullets.[279]


  • 2 June
    • 3 Gazan fishermen from the al-Shati refugee camp were wounded off the coast of al-Sudaniyya by Israeli naval fire when their boats were fired on after the boats had reportedly deviated from the restricted fishing zone and both orders to halt and warning shots had been given.[280]
    • Israel demolished 3 dwellings, 2 apartments belonging to Abu Rmeila, and the upper storey of a house belonging to Rafiq al-Salayma in the Arab neighbourhood of Silwan in East Jerusalem for lacking Israeli construction permits.[281]
  • 3 June
    • According to residents of Khuza'a, a 22-year-old Palestinian farmer was shot in the stomach from an Israeli border watchtower for coming too close to the separation fence.[282]
    • A settler car hit Ahmad Khayri Hzayyim Sultan (22) near the village of Haris northwest of Salfit. Israeli police have opened an investigation into the case.[283]
    • 2 rockets were fired around 11 pm from al-Shati into Israeli territory, striking open ground. One fell in the Sdot region, the other in the Hof Ashkelon region. A radical Islamist Salafist group, the Sheikh Omar Hadid Brigade, asserting it intended to 'wage jihad against Jews,' claimed responsibility, stating that was in retaliation against Hamas for the killing of one of its supporters in a shootout on 2 June in the Gaza Strip, when the militant resisted arrest for detention of illegal weapons.[284][285][286]
  • 4 June
    • In multiple strikes, the IAF targeted 3 Izzadine al-Qassam brigades in Gaza City, and a 4th in Khan Younis, holding Hamas responsible.[284][286]
    • Israeli bullzozers accompanied by several military jeeps, backed by a court order, leveled about 20 dunams (5 acres) of private Palestinian property at Qarnat Hadid outside Surif, reportedly razing olive trees, toppling dry stone walls, and using the rubble to fill 3 wells, rendering them unusable. When local owners tried to reclaim it in 2008, Israel declared it was state land, and access had been denied since then.[287]
    • 1 young Palestinian man was hit in the head, and another by several rounds in the abdomen, when Israeli forces opened fire during clashes at the Mafraq al-Jabal area of Abu Dis. Another 8 were reportedly injured by the bullets.[288]
  • 6 June
    • A Katyusha 130 rocket was fired from Gaza and struck open ground in Israel near Ashkelon. A Salafi group calling itself the Sheikh Omar Hadid-Bayt al-Maqdis claimed responsibility stating the action was a solidarity protest against Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails, and Salafist militants incarcerated by Hamas in Gaza. Hamas stated that the recent rocket fire comes from supporters of ISIS, which has been challenging Hamas for its crackdown on Salafi militants.[289][290][291][292]
  • 7 June
    • In response to the rocket attack, the Israeli airforce struck a Hamas military installation in the northern Gaza area operated by Hamas' military wing, the al-Qassam Brigades.[291][292]
    • One Palestinian was shot in the foot, another in the shoulder after the two threw a pipe bomb at the District Coordination Office in Beit Jala.[293]
    • Mustafa Salih Muslih (56) was hospitalized after being struck by a settler's car in a hit-and-run incident, near the settlement of Ariel[294]
  • 10 June
    • Izz al-Din Walid Bani Gharra (21) was killed by an Israeli Border Policeman during a raid on the Jenin Refugee Camp in a search-and-arrest operation and shot him in the chest. The incident occurred as the troops were withdrawing. According to Israeli reports he was shot dead while he was trying to throw an improvised explosive device.[295][296][297]
    • 8.5 dunams, approximately two acres of land, with olive, palm and pear trees belonging to the Sabri Yahya Darwish family was bulldozed to the ground by Israel Parks Administration authorities in Isawiya East Jerusalem. The authorities also destroyed a 60-square-meter room, a water well, and a fence, without giving prior notice according to Palestinian sources.[298]
  • 11 June
    • Israeli bulldozers under military protection leveled 17 dunums (4 acres) of land located between the settlements of Beitar Illit and Tzur Hadassah at Wadi Fukin, the property of Palestinian farmer Sabri Rashad Manasra[299]
    • A rocket was fired towards Israel, but fell short and hit the Gaza Strip.[300][301] Responsibility for the launching was claimed by a Salafi group, Sheikh Amer al-Hadid Beit al Maqdis, and which cited Israel's treatment of Salafis in prison, and the killing of a Palestinian in Jenin two days earlier.[302]
  • 12 June
    • 5 Palestinians were injured, 2 critically, when Israeli forces intervened to disperse the weekly protest march at Kafr Qaddum concerning the closure of the village's exit road. Muhammad Majid (20) was shot in both the stomach and chest by live rounds; Ibrahim Mousa (35) received a bullet in his abdomen, reportedly while at home. Muhammad Nidal (20), Mouiz Khader were shot in the legs, Ayman Farouq (38), in the hand.[303]
    • Several soldiers from the mainly religious Netzah Yehuda Battalion were caught on video as they handed out a severe beating to Shadi al-Ghabashi while he lay pinned to the ground and had already been arrested. The incident occurred in the Jalazone during clashes between stone throwing Palestinians and the IDF. al-Gabashi had reportedly confronted soldiers to protest the throwing of tear gas grenades into his home.[304][305] In disciplinary measures, the commanding officer, while stating the arrest was legitimate, ordered 2 soldiers to be punished with "conditional imprisonment" for 28 days, and another two were confined to their base for a month.[306] Israeli sources also reported that the Palestinian video omitted what soldiers testimony asserted had happened: that the man taunted and physically assaulted soldiers, and tried to wrest a rifle from one of them. Such incidents in the West Bank, according to guidelines, are seen as attempts to delegitimize Israel.[307] A full video clip of the clash was then released by Palestinians. According to Ynet it does not appear to show the Palestinian grabbing at the soldier's rifle, as the IDF claimed after an investigation.[308]
  • 13 June
    • A Palestinian man from Gaza was shot in the legs after approaching the security fence near the Sufa crossing after warning shots were fired. He was hospitalized for treatment in Israel.[309] An OCHA report writes of an 18-year-old mentally disabled youth shot and injured while trying to scale the fence.[310]
  • 14 June
    • Abdullah Iyad Ghuneimat (21), according to Palestinian sources, was hit by an Israeli military jeep after he had been shot in the back during clashes at the village of Kafr Malik. The jeep is said to have been in pursuit of him for stone-throwing when it spun out of control and flipped to land on top of him, severing his leg. Amira Hass says he was run over by the jeep.[296] Witnesses variously reported that he was left under the jeep for over an hour, or three hours, until the body was finally retrieved by Palestinians after a struggle. According to his family, the incident occurred while he was returning home from work at a nearby poultry farm. A neighbor informed them of an incident at 4 am., they rushed to the scene but could not approach the car, since Israeli soldiers fired warning shots, allowing local residents to remove the jeep with a bulldozer at 6:30 am. The family further stated that a Molotov was indeed thrown, from a roof, not from ground level, where their son was walking. Their son had been imprisoned by Israel in the past for 2 years for stone throwing.[311][312] In the official Israeli account, a suspicious man tried to throw a Molotov cocktail at soldiers, the vehicle swerved and hit Ghanayim on the roadside. The incident was deemed to be an accident.[313]
  • 16 June
    • Israeli forces bulldozed hundreds of five year old saplings near Tubas in a 500 dunam area Israel defines as a nature reserve and firing zone.[314][315]
  • 18 June
    • 2 brothers from Balata Refugee Camp, Iyad Muin Muhammad Kalbuna (23) and Muhammad Ghassan Hammad Hashash (24) in clashes near Joseph's Tomb as Israeli troops escorted worshippers to the site during the night. One was shot in the foot, the other in the thigh.[316]
  • 19 June
    • Danny Gonen (25), a resident from Lod in Israel, was shot dead by a Palestinian gunman, using a 9mm handgun, after they stopped when the Palestinian waved down their car on a dirt road near the West Bank settlement of Dolev and the village of Deir Ibzi.[314] His companion was wounded in the hand. The two had been bathing in the spring of Ein Bubin[296] while on a hiking tour in the West Bank. Hamas, while not claiming responsibility, hailed the attack as "excellent".[317][318][319] A group, the "Marwan Kawasme and Amar Abu Isa cell", claiming affiliation to Hamas's military wing, the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, assumed responsibility for the attack.[320][321] On 15 July Israel arrested 5 Palestinian suspects, and identified one of them, Muhammaed Abu Shahin of Qalandiya, identified as a member of the PNA's elite Force 17 unit,[322] as the gunman who killed Gili Cohen.[323] The spring has been renamed 'Danny's Spring' and a memorial to him, erected on private Palestinian land, was inaugurated by an Israeli government minister.[324]
  • 21 June
    • Yaser Yasin al-Tarawah (18) from the West Bank village of Sa'ir near Hebron stabbed an Israeli Border Police officer, leaving him in a critical condition, with multiple wounds to the neck, chest and heart. The officer managed to shoot his assailant 6 times, and he too is in a critical condition. The incident occurred in the Damascus Gate, outside the Old City of Jerusalem. The stabber had managed to infiltrate into Israel without a permit, and has no precedents for prior security offenses.[325][326][327] In East Jerusalem, an 18-year-old Palestinian youth from Sair (Hebron) stabbed and severely injured an Israeli border policeman, and was subsequently shot and critically injured by the latter. In response Israeli authorities cancelled permits for people from Sa'ir for Friuday prayer in Jerusalem, and 500 permits allowing Palestinians to travel via the Ben Gurion airport.
    • An Israeli 45-year-old bus-driver[328] was injured by broken glass when his bus was pelted with stones and firebombs near the Israeli settlement of Geva Binyamin in the West Bank. Two other passengers suffered shock in the incident.[329]
    • In a clash near the Damascus Gate, involving the use of tear gas canisters, stun grenades, skunk spray and the firing of rubber-coated steel bullets, 4 Palestinians were injured. One was shot above the left eye, the three others were injured by stun grenade shrapnel. a Molotov cocktail was reportedly thrown at an Israeli police vehicle in Isawiya.[330]
    • Molotov cocktails were thrown respectively at a police car and at the home of Jerusalem City Council Member Ariyah King near Ma'ale ha-Zeitim in East Jerusalem.[328]
  • 22 June
    • Israeli settlers chainsawed from 35[314] to 70 olive trees between Yasuf and Jamma'in near the close to the Israeli settlement of Ariel and the Zaatara checkpoint.[331]
    • Israeli forces on the Gaza Strip border shot 2 young Palestinian men east of Khuza’a.[332]
  • 23 June
    • A rocket fired towards Israel from the Gaza Strip struck open ground near the border kibbutz of Yad Mordechai in the evening. A group, the Sheikh Omar Hadid-Bayt al-Maqdis, claimed responsibility. A leader of the group said their aim was to trigger war with Hamas, which persecutes them, rather than drag Palestinians into another war with Israel.[333][334]
    • In a series of attacks on the Talpiot Armon Hanatziv Promenade, a Palestinian gang beat a Jewish couple with brass knuckles, another couple were beaten with clubs by five Palestinians, and five Palestinians attacked a jogger.[335]
  • 24 June
  • 26 June
    • A Palestinian man drove towards the Beqaot/Bik'ot (al-Hamra) checkpoint in the Jordan Valley and fired at Israeli troops. The man was shot dead as soldiers responded.[336][337]
    • A Jewish jogger was attacked while running on the Talpiot Armon Hanatziv Promenade by a Palestinian gang.[335]
  • 27 June
    • Mohammad Abdul Ilah (14) was shot in the thigh when "Israeli soldiers reportedly fired live rounds and tear gas at the protesters", during a march towards the Israeli barricade that seals the southern entrance to the village of Kafr Qaddum. An Israeli army spokeswoman said she was looking into the incident.[338]
    • А a burst of 15 to 19 shots were fired at a Magen David Adom ambulance near Beit El on a new road connecting Beitin to Ramallah, recently paved for the Palestinians; driver escapes injury, the ambulance was damaged.[339][340][341]
    • A couple was roughed up on Talpiot Armon Hanatziv Promenade by a Palestinian gang.[335]
  • 28 June
    • According to his family, Ibrahim al-Alami (31) was assaulted, after his car was stopped and he was identified as an Arab, by 3 settlers near Beit Hanina while on his way to work in West Jerusalem.[342]
    • "IDF arrested a Palestinian woman who allegedly attempted to enter Israel from the northern West Bank city of Qalqilya with a shotgun concealed on her back".[343]
  • 29 June
    • Ynet reported the last of an ongoing practice by Palestinian vandals in East Jerusalem to trash the Jewish cemetery on The Mount of Olives.[344]
    • Border Police stopped a Palestinian teenager (15) "armed with an assault rifle from entering Israeli territory on the outskirts of the capital".[343]
    • A Palestinian woman, Misoun Mussa (20)[341] from Beit Sahour, stabbed and wounded a 20-year-old female IDF soldier in the neck during a security check at the Rachel's crossing checkpoint between Jerusalem and Bethlehem. The assailant was arrested, and reportedly confessed that she had approached the checkpoint with the intention of killing a soldier.[343][345][346]
    • 2015 Shuvat Rachel shooting In a drive-by shooting, gunfire from a passing car wounded 4 settlers, from Kokhav HaShahar as they drove back from Eli and approached the Shvut Rachel junction near the settlement of Shilo. One, Malachi Moshe Rosenfeld (26), a philosophy and economics student at Hebrew University, suffered wounds that left him in a critical condition, and died on June 30; the three others were in a light to moderate condition. Both the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and an organization calling itself Fatah al-Intifada claimed responsibility. An Israeli car was hit by rocks soon after at the Hizmah checkpoint.[341][347][348][349] A high-ranking IDF official said the spate of recent attacks were by a local group, that no connection existed between the attacks, that there is no terror infrastructure behind them, intelligence coordination with the Palestine Authority was ongoing, and that the Palestinians would not be collectively punished.[350] Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon attributed both an attack on Danny Gonen (19 June) and the drive-by shooting to a Hamas group in Turkey and the impact of Palestinian TV during Ramadan. As a response to the attacks, Palestinian women were to be barred from free access to the Temple Mount and only men 50 and over could pray at the Al-Aqsa Mosque.[351]
    • Dozens of settlers, reportedly from the settlement of Beit El were said to have attacked Palestinian vehicles between Ramallah and Nablus, in what a Palestinian source described as a reprisal for Monday's drive by shooting. The president of the Shomron Regional Council, called on the government "to authorize the army to act without pity against these savages who take civilians for targets." Multiple raids were conducted at al-Mughayir, Kafr Malik, Qusra, Qaryout, Duma, Asira ash-Shamaliya, Deir Jarir, Ibwein, Ajjul, and Tell, where, variously, arrests were made, video surveillance equipment seized, and one youth shot in the foot by a rubber-coated bullet.[352]
  • 30 June
    • Israeli forces shot and wounded a Palestinian man in the stomach when he refused to obey an order to stop and reportedly ran through the vehicle inspection area at Qalandiya checkpoint yelling "Allahu Akbar." He was hospitalized and is described as in a moderate condition.[351][353]
    • Mahmoud Salih Nofal (60) of Ras Karkar was moderately injured when a group of settlers reportedly doused him with pepper spray and beat him with rods just outside his village.[354] In April 2016, seven members of what Shin Bet described as a "Jewish terrorist ring", including Pinhas Shendorfi (22), the son of Yigal Shendrofi, a rabbi from the settlement of Kiryat Arba, and Itamar Ben Aharon and Michael Kaplan from the settlement of Nahliel, reportedly confessioned to the assault, one of many incidents going back several years.[355]


  • 1 July
    • The family of Uday Abu Jamal, one of the perpetrators of the 2014 Jerusalem synagogue attack were expelled from their home in the East Jerusalem neighbourhood of Jabel Mukaber and the building was sealed. The home was slated for demolition in November 2014, but the family appealed. B'Tselem declared that punitive house demolitions are "fundamentally wrong" and contravene "basic moral standards by punishing people for the misdeeds of others."[356] The International Red Cross provided the family with a tent in which to live, pitched on their property. Israel demolished it the following week, on June 7.[357]
  • 2 July
    • Three Palestinians were shot and injured in a predawn detention raid by Israeli forces on the Duheisha refugee camp, in clashes after 2 young men had been arrested. One of those detained, Waleed Shuhada al-Jafari (23) is the brother of Jihad al-Jafri, shot dead by Israeli forces on 24 February during a similar predawn raid.[358]
  • 3 July
    • Muhammad al-Kasbah (17) from the Qalandia Refugee Camp was shot dead, reportedly by Israeli Binjamin Brigade Commander, Col. Israel Shomer, with two bullets to the head and chest. The incident occurred as a Binyamin infantry brigade vehicle passed the village of Al-Ram in the direction of the Qalandia checkpoint. Israeli reports state he, and others, were throwing stones at a military vehicle, in an ambush, that the windshield was damaged and that the commander got out of his car and shot the youth, assessing that his own life was at risk.[359] al-Kasbah was reportedly warned not to get closer, and shot when he kept approaching. He was the third son of the family to be killed, two brothers having died during the Al Aqsa Intifada. Palestinian reports said he was shot while trying to climb the Separation Wall to reach the Al-Aqsa mosque. He was the 15th Palestinian shot dead since January. A military investigation was established.[360][361] Video of the incident revealed on 13 of July casts doubts of both versions. The boy is seen running to the jeep and throwing a rcck. It also shows Kasbah running away and a police officer chasing him, after which he was shot in the back.[362] The Israeli military investigation was closed with the verdict that Shomer had fired into the air and towards the assailant's legs, but that 'due to the reality of the operational situation,' al-Kasbah died. B'Tselem called the decision 'a whitewash'.[363]
    • Settlers, reportedly from Yitzhar, are said to have thrown rocks at Palestinian vehicles at the Yitzhar road junction. Several vehicles, including one belonging to Thaer Khalil, director of appeals prosecution in the West Bank, were smashed.[364]
    • A Palestinian woman was injured when Palestinian cars were hit with rocks thrown by Jews by the Tomb of Simeon the Just near Sheikh Jarrah in East Jerusalem.[365]
  • 6 July
    • Firas Mujahid (45) filed a complaint to Israeli police that he had had stones thrown at him and his companions, and was then struck in the head with a rod, after he, his brother and a friend were insulted by Israelis while walking along East Jerusalem's Musrara Street. Mujahid was hospitalized after Israeli police called an ambulance. His brother, the friend and some Israelis were arrested, and the Palestinians were later released on bail.[366]
    • A Palestinian, Baraa Muhammad al-Rimhi (16), was shot with a rubber-coated steel bullet by Israeli forces during a raid on the al-Jalazone Refugee Camp. The IDF stated that during a routine operation, stones were thrown at them, and after warnings, when an "improvised explosive device" was thrown, they made a hit. Another young man, Muhammad Safi (20) was arrested.[367]
  • 10 July
    • Amjad Farouq Abu Khalid (17) was shot in the leg by a rubber-coated steel bullet as Israeli forces dispersed the weekly protest march at Kafr Qaddum village near Qalqiliya in the West Bank. The area was also reportedly dowsed with skunk spray. The village had been declared a 'closed military zone' at dawn, and neither journalists nor international activists were permitted entry.[368]
  • 12 July
    • Nafiz Dmeiri (55), a deaf and mute tailor, lost an eye when he was hit in the face, according to an Israel source apparently by a sponge grenade while inside a grocery store, according to Palestyinian sources by a sponge-tipped bullet where he had taken shelter as Israeli police clashed with stone throwers at the Shuafat Refugee Camp. A store camera captured the incident on video.[369][370] Another Palestinian suffered a chest wound from Israeli fire during the same clashes, which ensued after Israeli undercover forces raided a clothing store and arrested a Palestinian.[371][372]
  • 15 July
    • A young Palestinian woman, reportedly a minor, was arrested after lightly injuring an Israeli soldier with a stab wound to his back near the Israeli settlement of Nahliel, north of Ramallah.[373]
  • 16 July
    • In response to a rocket fired from Gaza which hit open ground south of Ashkelon in the early hours, the IAF launched a strike against 'terrorist infrastructure', a watchtower and a training camp, in the Gaza Strip reprisal. No injuries were reported.[374][375]
  • 17 July
    • Muhammad Halayqa (17) of Ash-Shuyukh was shot in the foot with a rubber-coated steel bullet during an Israeli raid on the family home to arrest his older brother.[376]
    • About 20 Palestinians from Ras al-Amud threw fireworks, Molotov cocktails and stones at Jewish homes in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Ma'ale HaZeitim.[377]
    • Mansour Abu Taima (14) was shot in the left foot, reportedly by live fire, by Israeli forces firing into the Gaza Strip town of Abasan al-Kabira east of Khan Younis.[378]
  • 21 July
    • A Palestinian fisherman in his 20s was shot with live fire in the back off the northwest coast of Gaza by Israeli naval forces. He also suffered several wounds to his hand from rubber-coated bullets. He was hospitalized in critical condition. An Israeli spokesman said the shooting occurred after warning shots were fired when a fishing vessel deviated from the designated fishing zone.[379]
  • 22 July
    • Muhammad Ahmad Alawneh (21) was shot in the chest with live ammunition during Israeli clashes with residents of Birqin west of Jenin, in what Israeli described as a search-and arrest operation. He later succumbed to his wounds, the 16th Palestinian to die since January.[380]
  • 23 July
    • Falah Hamdi Zamel Abumaria (53) was shot dead and his two sons were wounded when Israeli forces raided their home in Beit Ummar. Palestinian witnesses said Abu Maria was shot twice in the chest while trying to assist his son Mohammad (22) who had been wounded twice in the pelvis. Another son, Ahmad (25) was also wounded reportedly by bullet shrapnel in the chest. An Israeli spokesman said the incident occurred during an arrest raid when a 'violent mob' threw stones, injuring a soldier with a rock.[381] A Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor describes it as one of 8 instances of arbitrary killing by Israeli forces in 2015, and states that Abumaria had thrown a pottery vase at soldiers from his balcony when they wounded his son, and was shot 3 times in the chest and denied emergency care when ambulances arrived.[382]
    • Israeli forces injured eight Palestinians in the West Bank town of Beit Ummar as clashes erupted in the wake of the funeral of Falah Abu Maria, shot earlier that day. Israeli fire also reportedly shattered the rear window of a Palestinian ambulance as it drove away.[383]
  • 26 July
    • 70 Israeli settlers guarded by 100-150 troops entered the Al.Aqsa compound through the Moroccan Gate. Palestinians youths had barricaded themselves in Al-Aqsa mosque overnight, with an armoury of stones and fireworks, reportedly in preparation to disrupt Jewish visits to the site for Tisha B'Av prayers. Jewish prayer is not allowed at the site. Israeli forces stormed the mosque.19 Al-Aqsa mosque guards and 4 Israeli policemen were injured during the clashes.[384][385]
    • Israeli settlers filled in an ancient agricultural well at Deir Istiya, near the Israeli settlements of Revava and Yaqiri.[386]
  • 27 July
    • Abu Latifa (18) of Qalandiya Refugee Camp became the 18th Palestinian to be killed by the IDF this year when Israeli forces raided the camp at dawn to arrest him, purportedly for planning a 'terror attack in Israel'. According to the Israeli version, he was shot in the leg while fleeing and fell to his death from a rooftop. According his family and local sources, the incident occurred when police broke into his home to arrest him and he was shot while fleeing. According to his family he was shot in the foot, arrested alive and then shot in the chest. Hwe further claim he did not die after as a result of a fall from a rooftop.[387][388]
    • After Latif's funeral, clashes erupted between Israeli forces and Palestinisansd throwing stones and bottles and 14 Palestinians were injured, 6 by live fire[389]
    • Muhammad Husam Barakat (38), a bus-driver for the Israeli Kavim transport company, was attacked by two passengers who had boarded the vehicle at Beitar Illit, after refusing to pay the fare at journey's end at Sheikh Jarrah[390]
    • Abd al-Karim Aziz al-Haddad (15) of Jerusalem's Old Quarter's al-Saadiyyeh neighborhood, suffered internal bleeding after reportedly being beaten up at a police station after Israeli forces had arrested him in his home, where he was under house arrest. He was accused of not having kept obeyed the home arrest order.[391]
  • 28 July
    • 4 stores in Silwan, 2 the property of Khalil al-Abbasi in the Ayn al-Lawza area, and 2 belonging to Iyad al-Abbasi in the Ayn al-Foka area, were razed by Israeli bulldoxers, apparently for lacking building permits.[392]
  • 31 July
    • In what was described as a price tag attack in the wake of the government bulldozing of 2 apartments in the settlement of Beit El, a move opposed by settlers, masked assailants broke the windows of two houses in the village of Duma and threw firebombs inside at around 2 am., after the family had returned home from a visit with relatives. Ali Saad Dawabsha, 1 and a half years old, was burnt alive. Her mother Riham (27) suffered third-degree burns to 90% of her body, her father Saad (32) suffered burns to 80% of his body. Her brother Ahmed was also injured, when a firebomb was thrown into the family bedroom. Witnesses said 2 masked arsonists were seen outside watching as the family burned. The second house, owned by Maamoon Rashid Dawabsha, was also damaged by firebombs. Graffiti reading "revenge" and "long live the Messiah" were scrawled on walls. Locals said they saw 4 settlers flee towards the nearby Israeli settlement of Ma'ale Efrayim. The event revived memories of the burning to death of Muhammad Abu Khdeir, the fatal killings of 4 Palestinians by Israeli forces in recent weeks and the Palestinian shooting of Malakhi Rosenfeld (26) a month earlier. In the same assault the home of Maamoon Rashid Dawabsha was also firebombed.[393][394][395][396]
    • Shots were fired at an Israeli settler's car travelling near Duma during the funeral service for Ali Saad Dawabsha. The fire was returned. No injuries were reported.[394]
    • Mohammad Hamid al-Masri (17) was shot dead by Israeli forces at Beit Lahiya in northern Gaza near the Border Separation Barrier. A second Palestinian was moderately wounded. An Israeli spokesman said they had ignored warnings to stop, and had been shot in the lower extremities, after which they moved off.[397]
    • Israeli forces shot Laith al-Khaldi (17) from the al-Jalazone Refugee Camp. near Ramallah, at the Atara checkpoint. He later died from his wounds, having been shot in the chest. An Israeli spokesperson said a Palestinian suspect had been shot while throwing a molotov cocktail.[393][398][399]


  • 3 August
    • A Palestinian man, stopped for a security check at the Zaatara checkpoint, was shot in the lower extremities as he attempted to flee. According to Ynet report, soldiers fired gunshots into the air before he was shot.[400]
    • Unknown assailants threw a firebomb at a car driven by a 27-year-old Israeli woman in Beit Hanina neighbourhood of East Jerusalem. She received first and second degree burns on 15% of her body, and her car careened into another vehicle injuring the driver.[401]
    • Witnesses claimed that Israeli settlers threw rocks at a Palestinian taxi driven by Moussa Othman near a turn in the area named Oyoun al-Haramieh.[402]
  • 4 August
    • Israeli forces razed two dunams (0.49 acres) of vegetables, and destroyed irrigation pipes, belonging to Ahmad Barghash al-Shawahin, in the Izeima district of southern Hebron.[403]
    • Two Palestinians, Muammad Badran and Suliman abu-Mayyala, were reportedly injured by a sharp implement wielded by an Israeli in a clash when worshippers intervened to prevent the raising of an Israeli flag on the Temple Mount.[404]
  • 5 August
    • Israel I forces demolished 18 Palestinian homes and agricultural stores in 3 hamlets, al-Aqaba, Khirbet al-Yirza and al-Miteh in the northern Jordan Valley of the West Bank for lack of Israeli permits. Locals claim no prior warning was given. In Aqabah Rashid Dabak and Khaled Subih's homes were razed. The demolitions brought to 260 the number of Palestinian dwellings destroyed by Israel since the beginning of 2015.[405][406]
  • 6 August
    • 4 Palestinians, all from the same family - Bakr Hasan Abu Naqira, Abdul-Rahman Abu Naqira, Ahmad Hasan Abu Naqira, and Hassan Ahmad Abu Naqira - were killed, and at least 29 were wounded when, according to "Ma'an" and "Haaretz", Israeli ordnance, one of 7,000 left in the Gaza Strip from the 2014 Israel-Gaza war,[407] blew up as rubble was being cleared from a house, owned by Sheikh Attia Abu-Nakira, a senior member of Hamas military wing, in the southern Gaza Strip.[407][408] But according to "The Guardian", there were also "suspicions that the house or a nearby property may have been used to store explosives or rockets. Gaza's interior ministry's spokesman said: "We can't give a clear reason for what happened", adding that "an investigation was under way".[409]
    • Two Israeli soldiers were wounded seriously, another lightly in a suspected car hit-and-run attack on Route 60 near Israeli settlement of Shiloh. An attacker, Mohammed Badwan (48) from Biddu village east of Ramallah, was shot 4 times by a fourth soldier.[410][411][412][413]
  • 7 August
    • A Gaza launched mortar hit Israeli territory in open ground near Kibbutz Re'im.[414][415]
    • From 2 to 4 Palestinians were injured during an Israeli retaliatory strike on a Hamas military post near Nuseirat refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip. Hamas said two of its members had been wounded.[416][417]
  • 8 August
    • A Palestinian boy, Mahir Shatat (14) was shot in the cheek by Israeli live fire near Beit Hanoun in the Gaza Strip. The reason given was that he was observed approaching the Separation Border Barrier.[418]
  • 9 August
    • Palestinian sources claim that Israeli settlers from Har Bracha set fire to hundreds of acres of land west of Burin, while Yitzhar settlers set an area south of Burin alight, the fire spreading towards Einabus.[419]
    • A Palestinian, Anas Muntaser Taha (20) of Qutna, was shot dead after stabbing an Israeli man, Yehuda Ben Moyal (26) of Modi'in Illit, several times at a gas station near Ofer security checkpoint. Ben-Moyal was hospitalized with light to moderate wounds. The victim complained that other Palestinians present did not intervene to help him. IDF spokesman Peter Lerner said however that Arab employees at the site had alerted the IDF of the incident.[420][421][422][423]
  • 10 August
    • Adnan Abdullah's home in the village of Deir Ballut, one of 60 houses in the Khallat Qaswal area located in Area C, was bulldozed for being constructed without an Israeli permit.[424]
    • 2 Palestinian homes and a barn, belonging to Rajeh Farhan al-Samamreh, were demolished in the Hebron village of Rahwa by Israeli forces. The structures were home to 24 people, mostly children. It would appear they lacked Israeli permits.[425]
  • 11 August
    • According to Palestinian reports settlers threw Molotov cocktails into a public park in Qaryut, near Nablus. Another attempt to attack land in Beita was reportedly undertaken but beaten off.[426]
    • Israeli bulldozers razed a three-storey building, containing two meeting halls and four offices and extending over 220 square meters owned by Mazin Abu Diab in the industrial zone of Qalandiya. The owner said the building was originally constructed in 1971 and a 100-metre extension added in 2013, for which he tried, but failed to obtain Israeli permits. 80% of the zone is in Area C.[427]
  • 13 August
    • A Bedouin tent near Kafr Malik village in northern Ramallah was torched. Jewish settlers are suspected as the perpetrators: price tag graffiti were sprayed nearby. It had been the primary lodging of Yousef Kaba'ane, his wife and eight children until a week earlier.[428][429][430]
    • The house of Mousa Salim Hasan in Tuqu village on the outskirts of Bethlehem, Muhammad Majid Dabash's home in the village of Harmala, and the outer wall of Khalaf al-Himri's home in Za'atara were demolished by Israeli forces.[431]
    • A Palestinian contractor Loay Bakri (31) suffered a broken hand when assaulted by 6 youths, wielding steel rods bars, while fixing a traffic light in the settlement of Pisgat Ze'ev. Two Israeli minors were later detained by police.[432]
  • 15 August
    • A Palestinian from Beit 'Anan stabbed and wounded an Israeli soldier near Beit Ur al-Tahta and Beit Horon on route 443 in the West Bank. The Palestinian was arrested after being shot in the shoulder. Israeli reports say he asked for water before attacking the soldier, and motivated his gesture as a result of having been beaten by his father during a quarrel earlier that morning.[433][434]
    • A Palestinian, Ahmad Kamil Rafeeq al-Taj (16), was shot and died of multiple wounds after stabbing a Border Police officer near Beita. The soldier suffered a light wound to the shoulder.[435][436][437]
  • 16 August
    • Muhammad Mustafa Najjar (19) was moderately injured when a car allegedly driven by a settler hit him in the village of Yatma. The vehicle fled the scene.[438]
  • 17 August
    • A Palestinian man, Mohammed Bassam al-Atrash (Amsha) (26) of Kafr Ra'i (Jenin) was shot dead after he reportedly approached Border Police officers at Tapuah Junction (Za'atara checkpoint) and asked for medical assistance, and then pulled out a knife and stabbed a Border Police officer, who was wounded.[439][440][441] A Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor report cites this as one of 8 cases of arbitrary violence by Israeli soldiers, noting that eyewitnesses did not see any knives, and Israel has refused to produce evidence it says it possesses to that effect.[382]
    • Israeli forces Monday uprooted trees reportedly on privately owned Palestinian land in the Bir Onah area of Beit Jala. Theplots affected by the bulldozing of an area of some 30 dunams were those of the Al-Shatla, Abu Eid, Abu Ghattas, Abu Saada, Khaliliya, and Abu Mohor families. The purpose of the bulldozing was to create a Separation Barrier.[442]
    • Israeli bulldozers razed structures belonging to more than 20 families of the Jahalin Bedouin community in the Khan al-Ahmar area east of Jerusalem.[443]
  • 18 August 2015
    • Israeli bulldozers bulldozed 12 tents housing the al-Rashayda and al-Taamra families in the al-Fasayel area near Jericho. In a similar operation several structures were demolished in al-Maaber near Jericho, for a total of 22 structures, including animal pens. 79 Palestinians, including 49 children were left homeless, and their flocks without shelter, in the searing heat as a result.[444][445] The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) and the UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) stated that, 'this is the largest number of Palestinians displaced in the West Bank in one day in nearly three years.'[446]
    • A Palestinian woman, and 4 teenagers, 3 Jordanians and one Israeli, suffered bruises in rock attacks on a bus and two cars in east Jerusalem's A-Tur neighborhood on the Mount of Olives. According to a police report, the attack took place at night when Palestinian youths threw a barrage of rocks at the vehicles without provocation, shattering the bus's and both cars' windshields.Original reports stated that the 3 teenagers were Jewish Israelis.[447][448]
  • 19 August
    • Israeli bulldozers demolished a 6 apartment 3-story building belonging to the Tawtah and al-Tawatnji families under construction in Wadi al-Joz, East Jerusalem. The residences were razed for lack of an Israeli construction permit. According to the Tawatah family, Construction began 9 months earlier on the basis of lower apartments built 80 years ago.[449]
    • An Israeli soldier was moderately injured after a Palestinian threw explosives at an IDF position, the Patriarch's Way security checkpoint, near Beit Jala south of Jerusalem.[448][450]
    • A two-year old Israeli girl was injured by glass fragments to her face when Palestinians threw stones at the vehicle she was traveling in with her father on Route 45 between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. The father was hurt in the shoulder but did not require medical treatment. Another vehicle was also targeted by the assailants, who caused damage to the car and wounded the driver who did not need medical treatment. The area has been the site of multiple similar attacks in the past.[448][451]
    • Israeli forces demolished the homes of two families, numbering 11, including 7 minors, in Khirbet Einun. A sheep pen was also razed. A further home to a family of 8 was razed in the nearby Khirbet a-Deir community. The dwellings lacked Israeli permits.[452] 31 Aids groups, including Oxfam and Amnesty International, using UN figures, protested what they called the "surge" of "wanton destruction" in Area C West Bank demolitions of Palestinian housing, which had left 132 Palestinians homeless after 63 houses and other structures had been razed in one week.[453]
  • 21 August
    • 4 Palestinians, among them 3 children, were wounded by rubber-coated steel bullets used to disperse protesters at the weekly demonstration in the village of Kafr Qaddum against the confiscation of over 10% of village land, according to the Jerusalem Applied Research Institute, for the establishment of 4 Jewish-only settlements - Kedumim, Kedumim Zefon, Jit, and Givat HaMerkaziz. Those injured were Abd al-Rahim Abd al-Salam (6) hit in the shoulder: Moussa Abd al-Lateef (13), shot in the hand: Jamil Helmi (17) wounded in the thigh, and Odai Qaddumi, struck in the hands and stomach.[454]
  • 22 August
    • Israeli settlers from Esh Kodesh reportedly attacked Palestinians farming their land in the Buslata area east of Qusra. Some injuries among Palestinians were reported when Israeli forces intervened and fired tear gas canisters and rubber-coated steel bullets.[455]
    • Mahmoud Ahmad Othman (32)from the village of Majdal Bani Fadil was reportedly beaten up by settlers who stopped their car to do so at a crossroads near Yatma.[456]
  • 25 August
    • Two houses belonging to Muhammad and Khalid al-Abbasi in the al-Muroj area of Jabal al-Mukabir, East Jerusalem, were demolished for lacking Israeli construction permits. It is the 19th demolition of Palestinian residences in East Jerusalem this year.[457]
  • 26 August
    • 9 tine shacks, including 2 homes and 7 commercial stores (grocery, car wash, and furniture store), were razed by Israeli forces in al-Eizariya for lack of permits. Sami Abu Ghaliya, who with his family of 6 was left homeless, is a Fatah official representing Bedouin tribes outside Jerusalem owned some of the buildings.[458]
    • An axe-wielding man attacked a group of Border Policemen near Damascus Gate in Jerusalem's Old City. While the officers worked to neutralize the suspect, he managed to stab one Israeli officer and lightly wound him in the leg. An attacker, 56-year-old Palestinian from Hebron, was apprehended. He had previously been released in 2013 in the third phase of the Gilad Shalit prisoner exchange after being imprisoned for murdering Menahem Stern in 1989.[459][460][461][462]
    • A molotov cocktail hit one of several Israeli jeeps in At-Tur neighbourhood in East Jerusalem. Police were not injured, but the flames engulfed other vehicles.[462]
  • 27 August
    • After a Gaza rocket was fired and landed near the border fence, on open ground open in the Eshkol Regional Council area, Israeli aircraft struck a Hamas weapons manufacturing site in the Gaza Strip.[463]
  • 28 August
    • Deyaa Shtewei (36) was shot in the foot with live ammunition during the weekly protest at Kafr Qaddum. Demonstrators were also sprayed with Skunk.[464]
    • Journalist Mohammad Basman Yasin received a leg wound from a rubber-coated steel bullet in a demonstration at Bil'in[464]
    • A Palestinian child, Salam Basim, was shot in the foot by a rubber-coated bullet in Nabi Salih. Palestinian sources also claim that Israeli forces assaulted a child, Mohammad Basim, who had his arm broken two days earlier in a raid, was assaulted and his mother Nariman, and Nawal al-Tamimi beaten.[464] Pictures of an incident of a child been detained by a soldier went viral on the internet, according to Ynet.[465]
    • Palestinian youths torched an Israeli's car in the al-Tur neighborhood of East Jerusalem. The car reportedly belonged to settlers in what a Palestinian source described as an illegal outpost' near al-Khalwa Street. No one was injured.[466]
  • 29 August
    • One Israeli soldier sustained a light injury to his foot by a Palestinian car that allegedly tried to run over soldiers at Ari Junction, south of Hebron. IDF troops fired on a car, but it "managed to drive away".[467]
    • 4 youths were injured by rubber-coated steel bullets when clashes broke out after Israeli forced raided the village of Tell. Those injured were Amir Basil al-Hindi (19), shot in the head: Yahya Abdul-Karim (21) in the hand: Anas Yousif Hamdi (21) in the foot, and Ahmad Abdul-Fattah Asidi (21) in the thigh.[468]
  • 30 August
    • An Israeli settler (46) from Kedumim suffered a light arm injury when he his vehicle was fired on from a passing car at the Jit Junction west of Nablus. "The shooter or shooters fled the scene".[467][469]
  • 31 August
    • 25 structures of the al-Khdeirat Bedouin community near the village of Jaba northeast of Jerusalem were demolished for lack of Israeli permits by Israeli forces leaving 11 families and about 100 people homeless, among them 70 children.[470]
    • During an Israeli incursion into Jenin involving 40 military vehicles, the object of which was to arrest Bassem al-Saadi, a senior Islamic Jihad official, clashes broke out when Israeli troops also surrounded the family house of Abu al-Hija (Alhaija), said to have links to Hamas. Hundreds of Palestinians threw rocks and Molotov cocktails during the incident. Saadi evaded arrest, being outside his home at the time, though Palestinian reports state a rocket was fired at the residence. At least 5 Palestinians were reportedly injured by rubber-bullets, or tear gas, while some estimates ran as high as 20. Initial IDF reports said the troops had been fired on: later versions stated that gunfire had been heard. One Israeli Border policeman from the Yamam unit was moderately wounded, whether by Palestinian shooting or friendly fire, as Ynet reported, is unknown but under investigation. Haaretz reported a premilinary analysis suggested he was probably wounded by friendly fire.[471] Israeli forces are said to have acted after repeatedly calling on the residents to surrender, and arrested Majdi Abu al-Hija, his brother Alaa, his 15-year-old son, and his mother, and then demolished their home.[472][473][474]


  • 2 September
    • A Palestinian from Gaza was shot in the leg while either entering Israel or approaching a border sea fence off the coast of northern Gaza. Israeli sources say he was warned before being shot in the lower extremities. The man was evacuated for treatment to Barzilai Medical Center in Ashkelon.[475]
    • A bullet from Gaza shattered the window of a Jewish home in Kibbutz Netiv Ha'asarah and hit the television while 2 Jewish children were watching it.[476]
    • Palestinians accused Israeli settlers from Kedumim of having vandalized the electricity transmission lines into their village of Kafr Qaddum[477]
    • Tombstones in the Mount of Olives Jewish Cemetery were desecrated and set on fire. A nationalistic motive is suspected.[478][479] It has a "long been targeted by Arab teens who vandalize graves. Many visitors were "forced to retain security escorts provided by the Ministry of Housing and Construction to visit the grave-sites" because of chronic rock attacks.[480]
    • Israeli police and firefighters were attacked by local Palestinians throwing rocks after saving a Palestinian family from a fire in the Isawiya neighborhood (East Jerusalem).[480]
    • A Palestinian was shot and moderately wounded after "attempting to throw an explosive at Israeli security forces near Bethlehem". The explosive was neutralized by Israeli bomb squad personnel.[481]
  • 3 September
    • A Palestinian boy, Anan Faris Malash (15) allegedly threw a Molotov cocktail at Israeli soldiers during their raid on the Aida Refugee Camp outside of Bethlehem. He was arrested after he was shot in his leg.[482]
    • After gunfire from Gaza hit 3 houses in the Netiv HaAsara kibbutz, the Israeli Airforce launched 2 missiles at the Falasteen al-Qassam Brigades military site in the northern Gaza Strip. The IDF's initial assessment had been that the gunfire, from a Hamas training base, was accidental.[483][484]
    • A Palestinian child, Bilal Abu Amro (11) was shot in the thigh by Israeli forces while out at sea with his father, a fisherman, reportedly near Beit Lahiya.[485]
    • 5 American yeshiva students were attacked after accidentally driving into Hebron, with stones and Molotov cocktails. Their car was set alight and two were injured. They were sheltered for 40 minutes by a local Palestinian, Fayez Abu Hamdiyeh who called in the police.[486][487]
  • 4 September
    • According to Israeli sources, shots were fired at a military watchtower in the checkpoint from the al-Ram neighborhood. A Palestinian youth was wounded by live fire during clashes broken out in the subsequent Israeli raid on the Qalandiya refugee camp.[488]
  • 7 September
    • 6 Palestinians were injured when clashes broke out after an Israeli checkpoint was set up in the Ras al-Amud quarter of Silwan. Zaki al-Razim (34) was reportedly struck by a Jeep.[489]
  • 11 September
    • Israeli forces took over the Kafr Qaddum home of Abd al-Latif al-Qaddumi, the head of the Palestinian Authority police in Nablus, evicted his wife and children and turned it into a military outpost.[490]
    • 4 Palestinian youths were injured by sponge bullets as Israeli forces clashes with demonstrators at the weekly protest march as Kafr Qaddum. Yusif Shtewei (24) was shot in the head with a sponge bullet. Aus Amer (2), Odai Sameer (23) and Muhammad Aqel (18) were wounded in their lower extremities.[491]
    • According to the Wadi Hilweh Information Center, Zaid Abu Qweidir (8) was attacked by a settler in Silwan in the Batn al-Hawa area. The incident led to clashes between local Palestinians and settlers, who used pepper spray on the former, 15 of whom reportedly were injured.[492]
  • 13 September
    • During clashes on the Temple Mount on the eve of Rosh HaShanah between Israeli police and Palestinians, According to Israeli accounts, acting on information from house searches in East Jerusalem which turned up pipe bombs suggesting to them that some Palestinians involved had withdrawn into the compound and intended attacking Israeli visitors the following day, police stormed the site and countered the throwing of stones and fireworks by sealing the Al-Aqsa mosque and firing into it. According to Palestinian accounts, the banning of Mourabitoun sentinels from the site raised tensions and the police had entered shortly after dawn prayer and fired rubber-coated steel bullets and stun grenades into or within the mosque. Several Palestinians were injured, including a boy, Anas Siyam, shot in the chest with a sponge bullet.[493][494][495]
    • In the 2015 Rosh HaShanah death by stone-throwing, rocks thrown by Palestinians hit a car driven by Alexander Levlovich (64), the car spun out of control, and crashed. The driver died of his injuries, and two passengers were injured. The group was returning home from a Rosh HaShanah dinner. Though reports of rock throwing were numerous, initial testimonies from passengers suggested that the driver had 'convulsed' before he lost control of the vehicle. Later reports attributed the cause of the incident to rock throwing.[496][497][498] 4 Palestinians, Muhammad Salah Muhammad Abu Kaf (18), Walid Fares Mustafa Atrash (18), and Abed Muhammad Abed Rabo Dawiat (17), all of Sur Baher in East Jerusalem, were arrested on suspicion of being the authors of the attack, and were reported as having admitted to the crime.[499]
  • 15 September
    • 36 Palestinians were treated for injuries from stun grenades, tear gas canisters, and rubber-coated steel bullets when Israeli forces clashed on the Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount, during the 3rd day of clashes. The Waqf said the Israeli forces had penetrated the southern mosque as far as Saladin's Minbar (pulpit) and witnesses said that stun grenades had set fire by the mosque's Bab al-Janaez (funerals door). A 14-year-old boy, shot in the head by a rubber-coated steel bullet, required 10 stitches. 5 Israeli officers required treatment.[500]
  • 17 September
    • Anas Muhammad Saleh ( 17) received a shot wound in the thigh near the Aida refugee camp in Bethlehem.[501]
    • An Israeli bus was pelted with stones and then set on fire with a Molotov cocktail. The driver who left the bus sustained light injuries. In a separate incident, another Israeli bus driver sustained injuries in a stone-throwing attack that damaged the windshield of his vehicle near the Palestinian village of Hizma.[502]
    • After a firebomb was thrown at an Israeli military vehicle at a military checkpoint near the settlement of Itamar, Ahmad Izzat Khatatbeh ( 26), a deaf man, of the village of Beit Furik, reportedly a suspect in the incident, was shot at the Beit Furik checkpoint by soldiers three times from behind[503] and wounded in the shoulder and pelvis and remained in a critical condition. He died a week later in hospital.[504] The IDF stated that he was shot because he represented "a clear and present danger" to civilian passersby". According to Gideon Levy, it was late at night, civilians are not known to have been present; he was deaf and could not heed calls to stop, and he was returning home after shopping for clothes in Nablus for the Eid al-Adha holiday. Soldiers stopped an ambulance from picking him up for an hour, while he was still wounded.His death was compared to that of Naama and Eitam Henkin near the same checkpoint some weeks later.[503][505] A further suspect was arrested.[506]
    • A number of Palestinian youths were suspected of throwing stones and a Molotov cocktail at an Israeli bus in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Ras al-Amud. The vehicle caught fire, but The Palestinian driver managed to flee.[502][507]
  • 18 September
    • Four Israeli border policemen were wounded by Palestinians who hurled Molotov cocktails and fired gunshots in Armon Hanatziv, a neighbourhood of southern East Jerusalem. The police said that Palestinians in the area set tires and garbage cans on fire, blocking roadways. When the officers tried to re-open the artery to allow for traffic to flow freely, they were ambushed with firebombs. One security officer was listed in moderate-to-serious condition after sustaining wounds to his lower extremities. Another officer was treated for wounds to his hand, while the other two suffered light burns.[508]
    • In clashes between Israeli police and Palestinians protesting restrictions on attendance at the Al-Aqsa mosque across East Jerusalem, at Jabal al-Mukabbir Isawiya, Shufat Refugee Camp, At-Tur, Silwan, Al-Eizariya, al-Suwwana and Wadi al-Joz from several to dozens of Palestinians were injured and 11 arrested. Ther al-Fasfous, spokesman for Fatah at Shuafat was injured by live fire; a boy at At-Tur was wounded by a rubber-coated bullet shot to the head; a woman was hit with a stun grenade in the Hosh Saida alley at Wadi al-Joz.[509] A Palestinian was shot by live fire in Silwad, where family members of the Muammar Ayyad household required hospital treatment when their house was broken into. 15 Palestinians were injured, 6 of whom from live fire, and the rest with rubber bullets, during clashes near the Ofer detention center. 3 Palestinians were shot by rubber-coated bullets near the Qalandiya military checkpoint in a protest after prayers. Mohammad Abdullah (13), Nasser Barham (46) and Bashar Shtewei (45) received gun shot wounds at the weekly protest march in the village of Kafr Qaddum, while 15 others were wounded by rubber bullets. A spokesman there, Murad Shtewei, said his wife, children and father had been pepper-sprayed when the house was seized, its windows smashed and their home turned into a military base.[501] In the village of Aboud a Palestinian was reportedly wounded by a.22 caliber gunshot.[510] According to Ma'an News Ahmad al-Muti (13) was shot in the leg at a Bethlehem protest with a dumdum bullet, arrested and handcuffed to an Israeli hospital bed. IDF sources stated he was hit for throwing stone. His lawyer said the incident occurred as he was taking his brother to hospital. Doctors decided to amputate Al-Nuti's leg on the 29 September.[511]
    • A rocket fired from the Gaza Strip landed close to an empty bus near Sderot, damaging the vehicle.[512]
  • 19 September
    • In a retaliatory strike, the IAF Iaunched several raids. The first targeted a radio tower at the former headquarters of the Israeli Civil Administration before the 2005 Israeli disengagement from the Gaza Strip. One person was injured. 2 missiles struck Beit Hanoun, while a third hit the al-Qassam Brigade-run Abu Jarad military training camp in Zaytoun.[512]
    • Abdullah Haitham Abbas (14) was shot in the thigh by live fire by Israeli forces in the village of Kfar Qaddum whose main street to Nablus has been closed off for 13 years. Israeli sources say they were quelling a 'riot' in which rocks were thrown and burning tyres rolled and confirmed a 'hit' with.22 caliber rounds.[513]
    • A car driven by Ammar Naim Sarkaji was allegedly shot at on the road from Beit Dajan to Nablus from a car with Israeli license plates near the settlement of Elon Moreh. No injurfies were reported.[514]
  • 20 September
    • A Palestinian boy (13) had his skull fractured from a rubber-coated steel bullet fired by Israeli forces during clashes in a search-and-arrest raid in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of al-Issawiya.[515]
  • 21 September
    • 2,000 Israelis visiting Joseph's Tomb in Nablus were attacked by 60 Palestinians who threw stones, Molotov cocktails and rolled rubber tires. An Israeli soldier sustained light injuries during clashes with Palestinians.[516][517]
    • 4 Israeli military bulldozers made an incursion into the Gaza strip and leveled agricultural land near Jabaliya.[518]
    • A rocket, the 11th since January 2015, was fired from Gaza into southern Israel, exploding in an open field The rocket landed in the Ashkelon Region. No damage was caused.[519][520]

22 September

  • Diyaa Abdul-Halim Talahmah/Diaa Talhama (21) died during clashes with Israeli forces in Khursa, near Hebron. Reports of the cause of death are contradictory. According to Palestinian sources he was shot dead by Israeli forces in the village of Khursa, near Hebron. According to the IDF, troops investigating a report of a road blockaded by rocks heard an explosion and found a body, suggesting that the man had died when an IED device had blown up prematurely when the suspect attempted to hurl it at an IDF vehicle. According to the Israeli newspaper Haaretz he was shot dead when IDF soldiers suspected he was trying to throw an IED their way.[521][522][523]
  • Hadeel al-Hashlamon (18) was shot 10 times[524] in Hebron, lacked medical assistance for a half hour, and expired several hours later, at 4 p.m.[524] in Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem. Accounts are contradictory. Two bystanders witnessed the event: a Brazilian human rights activist, Marcel, and a Tel Rumeida resident, Fawaz Abu Aysha.[524] The Westerner said that she appeared to be trying to open her purse.[525] According to Israeli spokesmen, she was shot while trying to stab Israeli soldiers. A metal detector is said to have gone off when she passed the "Kikar Hashoter" checkpoint by the entrance of Hebron's al-Shuhada street. Soldiers claim she refused to heed a warning shot, and was shot in the legs when she drew a knife. When she attempted to raise the knife again, she was shot again. A photo on Palestinian media shows her kneeling as a soldier aims his rifle at her. The Israel account is that she hadn't at that point yet pulled out a knife. Fawaz Abu Aysha said the woman did not understand the Hebrew shouted at her, that as they shot at her feet she seemed in a state of shock, that she moved back when a gate was opened to allow her to retreat, a small gate inside the checkpoint so that she could back away from the soldiers. At the time of the shooting a metre high barrier stood before her and the checkpoint soldiers. Other soldiers rushed in, shot her in the left, then the right leg, and then fired 6/7 bullets into her chest and stomach.[521][526] Amnesty International judged it to be an example of an extrajudicial killing, while B'Tselem said arresting the woman was an option and the killing was disproportionate. The woman was, for B'Tselem, holding a knife, froze at the Israeli orders and then started to leave the checkpoint with a 1.2 meter metal barrier between her and the soldiers, who then shot her.[527][528] The Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor group cites the case as one of 8 instances of the arbitrary use of structural violence, in an extrajudicial execution, by Israeli forces. They claim she refused inspection by males, and requested a woman soldier to conduct it, and note Israel has refused to release its own video evidence.[382]

25 September

    • Maram Abed al-Latif al-Qaddumi (either 3 or 7), the daughter of Colonel Abd al-Latif al-Qaddumi, was reportedly shot in the head by a rubber-coated steel bullet while standing on a balcony in her home. The father was reportedly also shot in the head as he attempted to take her to hospital by car. Qaddumi's house had been sequestered, and the family evicted, on 11 September for a temporary Israel military outpost. An Israeli spokesman repudiated the claim, stating that an investigation indicated the injuries had been caused by Palestinian stone throwing.[529] The incident is believed to have occurred on Friday as Israeli forces mustered to disperse the weekly protests at road closures in the village of Kafr Qaddum.[530]
    • 3 Palestinians were shot in the legs by live fire during clashes with Israeli forces at Tuqu near Bethlehem.[531]
    • 2 AFP journalists were assaulted and their equipment destroyed by Israeli soldiers when they were filming the funeral of Ahmed Khatatbeh at Beit Furik.The IDF regarded the actions as "grave" and subsequently imposed disciplinary measures on the commander, who was suspended.[532][533]
  • 28 September
    • 22 Palestinians were reportedly injured in clashes with Israeli forces at Al-Aqsa. 3 required hospitalization after being hit by rubber bullets. According to Israel, young protesters sleep inside the mosque, ready to harass Jewish visits. Palestinians fear the uptick in Jewish visits will lead to a change in the rules regarding the site.[534][535]
  • 29 September
    • 12 Palestinians were wounded, 3 reportedly by live ammunition, in clashes with Israeli forces dispersing a protest attended by roughly 300 Palestinians near the settlement of Beit El and north of el-Bireh, near Ramallah.[534]
    • A rocket was fired from the Gaza Strip towards Ashdod around 10:45 pm and was intercepted by Iron Dome. A militant Salafist group, the Sheikh Omar Hadid Brigade, claim responsibility, stating that it was in response to the killing earlier of Hadeel Hashlomon in Hebron.[536][537]
  • 30 September


1 October

  • According to Israeli sources, Erica Marom (28), a woman in Tekoa suffered cuts to her legs from broken glass after Palestinian children threw rocks at the car. Clashes started afterwards, when the Tekoa settlement's security coordinator "fired warning shots in the air, dispersing the crowd".[538][539] According to initial Palestinian reports, a settler believed to be a woman fired on a school in Tuqu', and locals responded by throwing rocks at the departing car, hurting the alleged perpetrator, thought to be from the settlement of Tekoa. It is claimed settlers then blocked the main road between Bethlehem and Hebron in the southern West Bank. The IDF intervened and dispersed the Palestinians. Samih Ali Abed Sabah (28) was subsequently shot in the thigh by live fire for, according to Israeli reports, being the 'main instigator' and refusing to disperse.[539]
  • A Jewish Israeli couple, Eitam and Na'ama Henkin from the settlement of Neria, were killed in a drive-by shooting assault between Itamar and Elon Moreh near Beit Furik. On 5 October, Israeli security forces arrested what it called a 5-man "Hamas cell"[540] in Nablus for the murders, stating that they had confessed to the killings. Amnesty International noted that the arresting body has for many years tortured suspects with impunity.[540] The suspects are Ragheb Ahmad Muhammad Aliwi the leader, Yahia Muhammad Naif Abdullah Hajj Hamad, the assassin;Samir Zahir Ibrahim Kusah, the driver ; Karem Lufti Fatahi Razek, the gunman wounded by 'friendly fire' from another member of the cell, and Zir Ziad Jamal Amar, who cased the site for the attack.[541]
  • Settler disturbances broke out overnight in what were described as price tag assaults. A Palestinian car was torched in Beitillu; settlers rallied outside Huwara, smashing several cars at the nearby checkpoint. A raid was conducted on Burin, a house stoned in Beitin and a Palestinian intelligence commander was injured when his vehicle was hit by rocks near Beit Furik. 15 Palestinian vehicles, including an ambulance, were damaged.[542][543]
  • According to B'Tselem, which supported its claims by video evidence, in the wake of the Henkin murders, settler attacks, often supported by Israeli troops, on Palestinians and their lands became widespread throughout the West Bank over the following days. Soldiers deployed crowd-control weaponry against Palestinians throwing stones to resist the rampages.[544]

2 October

    • Israeli settlers torched dozens of olive trees on the property of Um Ayman Sufian near the village of Burin, and endeavoured to set fire to her house before they were driven off, and the fire extinguished.[545]
    • Settlers also set fire to agricultural lands at Huwara village.[545]
    • Walid Khalid Qawwar, (35) from Aida refugee camp sustained shrapnel in juries when settlers reportedly opened fire at a major crossroads in the Gush Etzion settlement bloc[546]
    • 3 Palestinian medics, Dr. Samel al-Att, nurse Murad al-Qatuni, and anesthetist Samer Habash were injured by settler rock throwing which struck their ambulance as they drove near the settlement of Kfar Tapuach.[547]
    • A Red Crescent ambulance was attacked by Israeli troops in Isawiya village, East Jerusalem, to arrest an injured Palestinian inside the vehicle.[548]

3 October

  • Israeli forces shot 10 Palestinians with live fire in the legs or stomach during raids in the ad-Daheya neighborhood of Nablus, on a mission to search for the perpetrators of the murders of Eitam and Na'ama Henkin. Nazmi Hattab was shot with live ammunition in the chest. 4 others were reportedly beaten up.[549]
  • An empty IDF military vehicle in the vicinity of Hebron was torched by a firebomb.[550]
  • An Israeli suffered light wounds when his car was stoned by unknown attackers in the West Bank.[550]
  • An Israeli ambulance on an evacuation mission was stoned but managed to reach the hospital.[550]
  • 3 members of an ultra-Orthodox family, Aharon Bennett/Benita[551] (24), of the settlement of Beitar Illit,[552] his wife Adele (22) and one of their two children were attacked in a combined stabbing and shooting assault in Jerusalem near the Lions' Gate in the Old Quarter. The assailant was Muhannad Shafeq Hallabi (19) a Palestinian law student at Al-Quds University from al-Bireh near Ramallah.
  • According to A. Hass, soon after settlers, reportedly from the Har Brakha and Yitzhar settlements, attacked the village of Burin, torching agricultural fields and groves.[551]

4 October

Violence wounding Palestinians:

  • An ambulance at Jalazone Refugee Camp was shot up and two volunteers accompanying wounded.[551]
  • A Palestinian reporter, Hanaa Mahameed working for the Al Maydeen network, was reportedly injured by stun grenade shrapnel as she was broadcasting clashes in Issawiya.[553]
  • A Palestinian youth was shot in the leg, allegedly for stone throwing in Isawiya, East Jerusalem. He fled before Israeli forces could apprehend him.[554]
  • 3 Palestinians were shot outside the campus of Al-Quds University in Abu Dis with rubber-coated steel bullets. The Palestinian Red Crescent Society reported that one of its ambulance crews was attacked by soldiers as it attended to the injured.[555]
  • Among several separate incidents reportedly involving settler attacks, Jasir Hazazi (65) an elderly guard at the al-Baraka park in Yatta was assaulted by settlers. Also solar panels were smashed at a village east of Yatta. The car of a Palestinian doctor Imad Abu Iram, had its windows smashed by settlers at Reef Junction[551] near the village of Zif. The home of Kayid Daana in Wadi al-Hussein near Kiryat Arba was stormed by settlers and similar attacks were reported in Hebron's Salayma neighborhood.[556]
  • Huthayfa Othman Suleiman (18) died after being shot in the chest in clashes with Israeli soldiers at Bal'a, while 3 or 4 others were also wounded by live fire, Omar Jadba in the abdomen and legs, and the others two in the lower extremities. 6 were wounded by rubber coated steel bullets.[557] The Palestinian head of state Mahmoud Abbas formally asked the UN to provide Palestinians with protection from what he termed 'Israeli aggression'.[558]

Violence wounding both Israelis and Palestinians:

  • At around 4 a.m. a 15-year-old Israeli, Moshe Malka, was stabbed, reportedly, by Fadi Samir Mustafa Alloun (Alon,[559] Aloon[560]) (19) from the East Jerusalem Arab neighborhood of al-Isawiya, who tried to flee after stabbing, but was shot dead by Israeli police officers.[559][560] The incidents occurred in the Musrara neighbourhood.[551] Both the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor and Amnesty International stated his death appears to be an extrajudicial killing.[382][540]

Violence not causing wounds:

  • Overnight from 3 to 4 October, "shortly after the terror attack, in which a Palestinian stabbed to death two Jews", central Jerusalem was scoured by mobs seeking to identify and attack Palestinians. Hundred of people, mostly youths, but including Ben-Zion Gopstein, Lehava militants and Baruch Marzel, gathered at Zion Square ran amok shouting 'Death to Arabs' slogans and looking for Palestinians: a kitchen worker and taxi driver were attacked; Palestinian sanitation workers required a police escort; a Palestinian woman in the "Medabrim Bakikar" dialogue group in Zion square was threatened; an attempt was made to penetrate the Muslim quarter.[559]
  • At dawn, Israel forces broke into the Jenin Refugee Camp and fired a missile at the home of an Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades militant Qays a-Sa'adi. The Law missile destroyed the house: it is not yet ascertained whether the target was inside the residence or not, but he was arrested and a sizeable cache of weapons sequestered, on 27 October.[561] 55 Palestinians were injured duringt the incident, 11 of them by live ammunition.[540] A Palestinian, Karam al-Masri (23), hospitalized with an arm fracture 2 days earlier, was seized and dragged from the local hospital by IDF troops disguised as Arabs who also reportedly smashed video surveillance cameras.[551][553] It emerged on 5 October that the man seized in the hospital, identified as Karem Lufti Fatahi Razek, was arrested on suspicion of being involved in the murders of Naama and Eitam Henkin, and his injury the result of friendly fire during the assassination.[541]
  • An Israeli military vehicle was firebombed outside Hebron, at Halhul.[551] An Israeli military post was hit with an IED outside Beit Ummar, and al-Arrub refugee camp was closed after youths threw stones at a military vehicle.[556]
  • 2 rockets were fired from the Gaza Strip towards Israel. One landed within the Strip, the other on open ground in the Eshkol Regional Council.[562]


  • The Palestinian Red Crescent declared an emergency after declaring that its staff and ambulances had been attacked by Israeli soldiers and settlers 14 times over the preceding 3 days.[548]
  • According to the Red Crescent society, of the 220 Palestinians injured during clashes over the 24-hour period of Saturday and Sunday, at least 96 Palestinians had been wounded by Israeli gunfire, 28 with live rounds, 68 with rubber-coated steel bullets.[563] Other Palestinian sources put the figure for Palestinian wounded at over 100.[551]
  • A ban, which did not apply to Israelis or foreign tourists, was imposed on non-resident Palestinians, excepting businessmen and students, from entering the Old City of Jerusalem for two days. Palestinians under 50 were banned from praying at the Al-Aqsa mosque. Amnesty International stated that this measure violated the right to Freedom of movement guaranteed by Article 12 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.[540]

5 October

  • Overnight, at 2:30 am., the Israeli Air Force retaliated for the rocket fired from Gaza by launching a strike that hit a Hamas training camp in the northern Gaza Strip.[564][565]
  • Two Palestinians Adham Musallam (13) of Hebron and Muhammad al-Tarayra (24) of Bani Naim were reportedly assaulted at al-Arrub refugee camp by settlers and required hospitalization.The IDF subsequently announced it would close off the camp because of stone throwing at settlers' vehicles.[566]
  • In the morning 8 Palestinians were shot by rubber-coated bullets, 5 at a demonstration in Ramallah.[567]
  • A 12-year-old boy, Abed al-Rahman Shadi Obeidallah/Abed a-Rahman Abdallah, was critically injured with a wound near the heart by Israeli troops at Aida Refugee Camp. He died shortly afterwards in hospital. The day after, the IDF admitted it had made a mistake, giving two alternative versions.[568] Another youth (11) standing next to Obeidallah, was shot in the leg during the same clashes.[569][570] Youths from the camp set fire to the Israeli watchtower from which they believe the sniper had fired.[571]
  • In dispersing a protest at Obeidallah's killing at the northern entrance to Bethlehem, Israeli forces shot one youth in the head with a rubber-coated steel bullet, while another was wounded with a live round to his leg.[571]
  • 2 women were pelted with stones, and one was injured, on the Hass Promenade near the East Talpiot. A Palestinian suspect was arrested.[569]
  • Several Palestinian vehicles were pelted with rocks by Jews near Ramat Shlomo, and one ultra-Orthodox suspect was arrested.[569][572]
  • The Palestinian Red Crescent Society was reported as estimating that 395-456 Palestinians had been injured in clashes with Israeli forces in the preceding 24 hour period. 32-36 were wounded by live ammunition, and 118-136 by rubber coated steel bullets; 243 by the effects of tear gas inhalation, and 11 in clashes with Israeli security forces.[569][572]
  • In clashes in the Bab al-Zawiya area of central Hebron, Israeli forces shot 9 people with rubber-coated steel bullets, injuring one critically in the head.[573]
  • A Palestinian youth was shot in the chest in clashes at Beit Hanina and left in a critical condition.[574] His death later in the evening brought the total of teenagers killed by Israeli forces in the last 24 hours to 3.[575]
  • 30-35 youths were reportedly shot with rubber-coated steel bullets in Shuafat. One was wounded in the genitals.[574]

6 October

    • Overnight 6 Palestinians were shot with live ammunition and rubber-coated steel bullets in clashes with Israeli forces at al-Bireh, near Ramallah and the Israeli settlement of Beit El.[576] One of the wounded at Ramallah was a research assistant for Human Rights Watch, who had observed Palestine throwing stones and firing guns a few hours before. When she was shot, at 1:30 a.m. the demonstration had turned peaceful: the closest Israeli soldiers were 500 metres away and she was wearing a flak jacket marked "press." 3 bullets rubber-coated steel bullets of the type were used: 2 struck her flak jacket, one ricocheting into her jaw. A third either grazed her hand or exploded nearby causing a shrapel wound.[577]
    • 2 Palestinians were shot in the head with 0.22 ammunition, and a third in the leg, by Israeli forces in Bethlehem during clashes in the wake of the funeral of Abed al-Rahman Obeidallah. Another 7 were injured by rubber-coated steel bullets.[578]
    • Settlers reportedly stoned Mahmoud Khalil Abu Qubita's house west of Yatta, smashing the windows and injuring his son Osama (10) in the head. The child required hospitalization.[579]
    • Palestinian rock throwers in the Israeli city of Jaffa injured lightly 6 policemen, and damaged A bus and vehicle.[580][581]
    • Israel demolished 2 family homes in Jabel Mukaber, and sealed another in At Tur, in what Amnesty International called Collective punishment since militants charged with terrorism lived there. 13 people (seven children) were left homeless.[540] In two of the demolitions, the explosions caused severe damage to 3 contiguous homes, making them uninhabitable, bringing the number of Palestinians without a domicile as a result of the actions to 30, including 20 children.[582]
    • The Red Crescent and Palestinian Authority Ministry of Health stated that over 129 Palestinians had been injured in clashes with Israeli troops throughout Tuesday, 8 from live ammunition and a further 23 from rubber-coated steel bullets. The Red Crescent also registered a complaint that from Friday to Tuesday Israeli forces had attacked their emergency relief teams 27 times, injuring 17 staff and damaging 10 ambulances.[583]
    • Ansar 'Aasi (25), while watching clashes from the store where he is employed in Bireh, was kicked and assaulted with rifles by soldiers who arrested him. His injuries required hospitalization. Soldiers testified he was a stone thrower. Only the examination of the shop's video footage absolved him of the accusations. He was released after 5 days' detention.[584]
  • According to B'Tselem, over a period of 5 days, from the 6–10 October, IDF soldiers stood by or provided military backing for settlers from Kiryat Arba as they repeatedly attacked with stone- and bottle-throwing houses in the Palestinian neighborhood of Wadi a-Nasarah in Hebron and threw stones and glass bottles at the houses by the fence. Settler attacks intensified when 2 Israelis were subject to stabbing attacks in Hebron.[585]

7 October

    • 2 Palestinians throwing rocks on the road between the settlements of Tekoa and Har Homa damaged 7 cars. One incident near the Beit Sahour checkpoint resulted in the smashing of a windscreen by youths directly jumping on the car, and a light injury to the driver, Rivi Lev Ohayon (38) from Tekoa, who stated that an attempt had been made to "lynch" her. The two were shot and wounded by Israeli civilians nearby, outside the village of Dar Salah: Mujahid Naem Abu-Sarhan (18) in the chest and Suhaib Ibrahim Hasasna (18) in the leg. Both are from the town of al-Ubeidiya.[586][587]
    • A Palestinian woman Shuroq Salah Dwayat (18) of Sur Baher was shot four times in the upper body that left her in a serious condition. Israeli police allege that she stabbed an Israeli man (36) in Hagai street near the Lions' Gate in the Old City of Jerusalem, wounding him twice in the back, after which he responded by opening fire at her.[588] Her family's home was raided by Israeli forces and were evicted.[586][589][590]
    • Amjad Hatem al-Jundi (24) was shot dead after he stabbed an Israeli soldier in Kiryat Gat, stole his rifle, after lightly wounding the soldier in the head, and fled. He is said to have broken into a woman's apartment and tried to kill her but the rifle had no cartridges left. Local soldiers arrived and reportedly shot him when he apparently opened fire on them.[591][592]
    • Palestinian stone-throwers damaged an Israeli car traveling near the settlement of Carmel.[593]
    • According to the Red Crescent, over 288 Palestinians were injured in clashes with Israeli forces on Wednesday: 10 with live ammunition, 89 with rubber-coated steel bullets (), and 189 from tear gas inhalation. A Birzeit University student, Ahmad Ahmad, was critically injured by a rubber-coated bullet shot to the head, and later died of his wound.[594] Israeli sources stated they are investigating to see whether the cause of his death was from gunfire or stone throwing.[593]
    • A Palestinian was shot and moderately wounded at a checkpoint near the settlement of Ma'ale Adumim. Israel sources say either that he attempted to crash the checkpoint to run over Israeli guards on duty there,[595] or that the car appeared to be approaching with intent to injure soldiers. The incident is under investigation since it is not quite clear whether or not the driver intended to attack the post.[596]
    • A Palestinian Tamer Younis Ahmed Vareidat (25) from ad-Dhahiriya[540] stabbed an Israeli on Jabotinsky Street in Petah Tikva, lightly wounding him, before being overpowered and arrested.[596]
    • A Palestinian youth (15) was arrested after reportedly trying to stab Israeli police in Abu Tor.[596]

8 October

Violence wounding Israelis:

  • A 19-year-old Palestinian, Ibrahim Abu Khalifeh, stabbed a 25-year-old Haredi Jew in the neck at the French Hill neighbourhood of East Jerusalem. The attacker was arrested.[597]
  • A Palestinian stabbed a settler Meir Pavlovsky (30) inside the settlement of Kiryat Arba and fled to Hebron. Pavlovsky was wounded in the stomach and shoulder and required several surgical interventions. A suspect was arrested in Hebron in April 2016.[598][599]
  • A Palestinian stabbed an Israeli soldier (20)in the chest in Afula. The victim was in moderate condition. The Palestinian was arrested.[600]

Violence wounding Palestinians:

  • Abed al-Kader Jamal of Qalansawe, while visiting Netanya with friends, was set upon by dozens of Israeli Jews who had coordinated through social media a foray to assault Arabs, was stabbed in the leg and thrashed with sticks and chairs. He was saved by a local Jew, Maimon Haimi, who initially took him for a terrorist, tackled him and then, realizing he was a victim, protected him with his body. 5 Israelis were arrested some days later for the assault.[601]
  • A Palestinian in Nablus suffered moderate wounds when suspected settlers driving by threw stones at the Palestinian Minister for Communications.[602]
  • A Palestinian child (9) was injured a stone struck the car he was in near the unauthorized Israeli outpost of Havat Gilad.[603]
  • Ayub Abu Ajra (17) was shot in the foot with live fire at Bethlehem during clashes with Israeli forces. 3 others were injured by rubber-coated steel bullets.[604]
  • Ibrahim Ahmad Mustafa Aoud (27) was critically injured in clashes at Beit Ummar after being struck in the head by a rubber-coated steel bullet. He died of his wound on Saturday evening 10 October.[605]

Violence wounding both Israelis and Palestinians:

  • A Palestinian stabbed 4 people in front of the IDF headquarters in Tel Aviv with a screwdriver, wounding one moderately, and the others lightly. He was shot dead by an IAF officer.[598][600]
  • A Palestinian youth Wissam Faraj (20) died after being shot in the heart by a dumdum bullet when Israeli forces raiding Shuafat to conduct a search of Subhi Ibrahim Abu Khalifeh's home encountered opposition from youths throwing stones and IEDs. 5 other Palestinian youths were shot by live fire, and a further 35 with rubber-coasted steel bullets. 9 Israeli security personnel were injured.[602][606][603]
  • The stabbing attack[clarification needed] comes after reports that An Israeli group reportedly assaulted Palestinians in central Netanya, throwing chairs at them and shouting "Death to Arabs".[607]
  • 9 Palestinians were injured by live fire at al-Bireh, and another 30 with rubber-coated steel bullets, in clashes with Israeli forces. Two soldiers were injured by rock throwers.[604]
  • Tha'er Abughazaleh (19) was shot dead reportedly after he stabbed an Israeli soldier and 3 others. Israeli sources state that he was fleeing. According to Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor, photographic evidence suggests he was shot in the head at point-blank range.[382]

9 October

Violence wounding Israelis:

  • 5 Israelis including 3 children were injured when their car crashed after being pelted by Palestinian stone throwers.[608]
  • 3 soldiers were injured by stones thrown at Nabi Salih and near Rachel's Tomb[608]
  • An Israeli woman reported being shot at while driving her car near the settlement of Karnei Shomron.[609]

Violence wounding Palestinians:

  • 4 Palestinian Bedouin[clarification needed] workers were stabbed by an Israeli youth (17) in Dimona. One (35) was a labourer, and the other 3 municipal workers. Two were injured, and another two were diagnosed as having moderate to serious wounds. The perpetrator is described as having a psychiatric history, and as believing that all Arabs are terrorists. One of the victims, Eid al-Hawashla (44) said an Israeli guard present at the scene with a drawn gun, did not fire but simply warned the assailant to back off.[607][610][611]
  • An Israel youth (16) was stabbed on Shmuel Hanavi Street in Jerusalem. The assailant fled. Police later detained a suspect, a Palestinian youth (18) from Hebron,[612]
  • Israeli forces, firing across the border into Gaza,[613] shot 7 Palestinians dead, and wounded from 35[614] to 60/145[615] others, 10 seriously, who were engaged in a demonstration 50 metres from the Israel-Gaza border, east of Shujaiyya and west of the Nahal Oz kibbutz. The 3 killed near Shujaiyya were Ahmad al-Harbawi (20) from the Nuseirat Refugee Camp, Abedal-Wahidi (20), and Shadi Hussam Dawla (20). Muhammad al-Raqeb (15) and Ziad Nabil Sharaf (20) were shot dead near Khan Younis as was Adnan Moussa Abu Elayyan (22) with a shot to the head. Israeli sources confirmed 5 live fire "hits" aimed at what they described as the "instigators" in a crowd of 200 Gazans who approached the border and threw rocks and rolled burning tires towards the border fence.[616][617] 4 teenagers were also arrested during the clashes. One, Muhsin Ramadan al-Azzazi (14), an eighth-grade student from al-Bureij Refugee Camp, later sentenced in January 2016 to 6 months imprisonment by an Israeli court, told his lawyer that on the day, he was seized by 3 soldiers, forced to strip at gunpoint, handcuffed and blindfolded, and, once inside a military vehicle, subject to beatings in which he sustained broken teeth, a shoulder wound, causing him to vomit blood.[618]
  • Numerous clashes with Israeli forces in the Hebron region broke out. In Beit Ummar, 17 Palestinian were reportedly injured, including 3 from live fire. Ibrahim Ahmad Mustafa Awad (29) was shot in the head by a rubber-coated steel bullet, and remained in critical condition. Muhammad Khalid Issa Adi (17), Hamzeh Samir Sadeq Abu Maria (16) and Majd al-Alami (15) were wounded by live fire.[619]
  • Clashes took place, with large-scale protests by Palestinians within Israel, esp. in Nazareth, Sakhnin and Kfar Kanna. Police shot a man holding a firebomb in the leg in At-Tur, East Jerusalem. 2 firebombs were thrown at vehicles on route 65 between 'Ara and Ar'ara.[620]
  • 6 Palestinians were shot by live fire and a further 22 with rubber coated steel bullets near the Beit El settlement.[615]
  • Ahmad Salah (24) was shot dead by Israeli police at Shuafat Refugee Camp.[621]
  • In Bethlehem, I Palestinian was shot with live ammunition in the foot, and 5 were wounded with rubber-coated steel bullets.[615]
  • At Kafr Qaddum 3 Palestinians were shot by live fire in the stomach and feet.[615]
  • 6 Palestinians were reportedly beaten by Israeli forces and settlers in Beit Furik, and one is said to have suffered a head fracture.[615]
  • In Jenin, live ammunition struck 9 Palestinians in the feet. A further two, one of whom was shot in the neck, were injured by rubber-coated steel bullets.[615]

Violence wounding both Israelis and Palestinians:

  • A Palestinian Mohammad Al-Jabari (19)[615] reportedly stabbed a police officer in his limbs in Kiryat Arba, and then attempted to wrest his gun from him. Other officers present shot him dead adjacent to Hebron. The officer was wounded and the stabber was shot and killed by other officers.[612] 11 others were injured, three shot in the feet with live ammunition.[615] A Kiryat Arba settler apparently threw a piece of pork on al-Jabari as he lay wounded. In an Islamic belief, this would deny the person Allah's blessing in the afterworld.[622]
  • Asra'a Zidan Abed, an 30-year-old Israeli Arab woman from Nazareth, was shot and seriously wounded in after she tried to stab an Israeli security guard at the Central Bus Stop in Afula.[623][624] The case against the woman as a terrorist was dismissed by Israel's Justice Ministry 3 weeks later, when it ruled, on the basis of a video, she had no intent to injure any Israeli,[625] but rather have herself killed by an Israeli soldier in order to suicide heroically.

Violence not causing wounds:

  • The village of Yanun was subject to a settler attack, successfully warded off. 50 settlers from the Elon Moreh settlement reportedly attacked a farming zone east of Rujeib village, and destroyed dozens of olive trees.[626]


  • According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, Palestinian casualties from October 1 through to October 9 amounted to 14 killed and 1,000 injured by Israel forces. On the 9 alone 7 had been killed, and 200 wounded with live and rubber-coated steel bullets,[615]
  • Amnesty International in a press release, calling on both sides to end the attacks on civilians in the escalation since October 1, condemned 'the widespread use of excessive force' against Palestinian demonstrators, and Israel's failure to protect Palestinians from settlers attacks.It also urged the international community to address 'the repression, discrimination and dispossession that are inherent in Israel's illegal settlement project in the OPT, beginning by insisting that Israel halts construction in and expansion of settlements.'[540]

10 October

Violence wounding Israelis:

  • An Israeli journalist, (35), was shot by a rubber-coated steel bullet as police dispersed a crowd of Palestinians at the Damascus gate.[621]
  • A Jew in Jerusalem was beaten by other Jews when they mistook him for an Arab.[627]

Violence wounding Palestinians:

  • Undercover Israeli forces in a night raid shot a Palestinian in the village of Barta'a. Local sources claim the man was shot while in a parked car. The youth in the car sustained minor injuries, while 4 other men in the vehicle were arrested.[628]
  • A 25-year-old Palestinian who reportedly fired on Israeli Border police during clashes at the Shuafat Refugee Camp overnight involving the throwing of stones and Molotov cocktails was shot and critically wounded, and died later in the morning.[627]
  • A Palestinian armed with a knife and gun reportedly trying to infiltrate a settlement near Hebron was killed at around 3 am.[627]
  • Israeli Border police shot dead 2 Palestinian boys in Gaza. The victims were Marwan Barbakh (13) and Khalil Othman (15). Both were participating in a protest east of Khan Younis in the Gaza Strip.[629]
  • The firing of rubber-coated steel bullets by Israeli forces wounded 7 Palestinians during clashes near Bab al-Zawiya in the Hebron governorate.[630]
  • 4 Palestinians were wounded by bullets at clashes near Ramallah, leaving one in a critical condition.[630]
  • 10 Palestinians, 8 Bir Zeit students and 2 local journalists, were wounded by rubber-coated steel bullets in clashes with Israeli forces near the settlement of Beit El.[630]
  • Sponge bullets wounded several Palestinians in clashes with police at Sultan Suliman Street in East Jerusalem.[627]
  • A Palestinian youth was shot in the foot during clashes near the Khursa crossroads south of Dura village. Palestinians say stonesd and Molotov cocktails were throw. Israeli sources state they responded to gunfire.[631]

Violence wounding both Israelis and Palestinians:

  • Two Israelis aged 62 and 65, were stabbed by a Palestinian youth Ishak Badran (16) of Kafr 'Aqab while they were returning from prayers at their local synagogue in Jerusalem. The youth was shot dead after reportedly advancing towards Israeli policemen with a knife in hand and refusing to halt when warned to do so.[621][609][632]
  • A Palestinian youth Muhammad Saed Ali (19) of Shuafat stabbed 3 policemen and was in turn shot dead, on Sultan Suliman Street near the Damascus Gate. Haaretz reported he stabbed the officers, one in the neck, after being asked for his identification papers in the neck. Friendly fire from other officers reportedly wounded two other officers, one of whom had earlier been stabbed.[632][633][634]
  • Settlers reportedly attacked the al-Salayma, Abu al-Hussein, Ras Jabir and Jabal Juhar neighbourhoods in Hebron. In the ensuing clashes, a 14-year-old settler was struck in the head by a rock, and some Palestinian youths wounded by rubber-coated steel bullets.[631]

Violent acts not causing wounds:

  • A rocket from Gaza fell over the border fence in the Eshkol Regional Council next to the border fence with Gaza[635]
  • A rocket fired from the Gaza Strip was shot down by the Iron Dome anti-missile system at 11 pm.[636]
  • Overnight a 700 strong mob of La Familia soccer fans and Lehava supporters scoured Jerusalem, questioning staff in stores, for Arabs to attack, while chanting "death to Arabs", "may your village burn," and "Mohammad is dead". A Palestinian taxi driver was attacked.[637]

11 October

  • A rocket fired from Gaza landed in open land in the Eshkol Regional Council of southern Israel. Reportedly, no one was injured.[638][639] In response, an Israeli Air Force strike struck what it identified as 2 Hamas weapon manufacturing facilities in the northern Gaza Strip.[640]
  • An Israeli airstrike on Zeitoun near the al-Maslakh mosque in southern Gaza city, in one version, or in the Mughraga area in another, either hit or caused a house to collapse, killing a pregnant mother Nour Rasmi Hassan (30) and her daughter Rahaf Yahya Hassan (2), and injuring the husband Yahya and their 5-year-old boy. Another 5 civilians were injured.[582]
  • An Israeli officer was injured in a stone throwing incident in Abu Dis near East Jerusalem.[641]
  • A 25-year-old Israeli was injured by a stone throwing incident in the A-Zaim security checkpoint.[642]
  • A bus driver was wounded in a rock throwing incident in Tel Mond.[643]
  • Over 20 Palestinians, 13 hit by live ammunition, were injured by Israeli fire in clashes near the Palestine Technical University in Tulkarem.[644]
  • Rami Swidan, a cameraman for the Ma'an News Agency was shot in the leg by live fire while filming clashes at the Huwara checkpoint. 6 other Palestinians were also hit by live fire at the site.[645]
  • The total Palestinian casualties from live fire and rubber-coated bullets in clashes at the Huwara checkpoint and Abu Dis was estimated from 53 to 70 by mid afternoon[646] Palestinian reports say Israel soldiers fired directly into the crowd and critically wounded 3 protesters.[647]
  • Ahmad Sharaka (13) was critically wounded by a shot in the neck with a live round by Israeli forces near al-Bireh.[648]
  • An Israeli Arab Ala Mhamed Zwid,[649] (20) from Umm al-Fahm rammed his car into 2 soldiers at a bus stop, got out and stabbed of them, critically wounding her (19), and also stabbing a 15-year-old girl who was moderately wounded, and a 45-year-old man. The incident took place at the Alon Junction on Route 65 at a large shopping center near Gan Shmuel outside Hadera in northern Israel. The assailant was arrested.[650][651][652]

12 October

  • A Palestinian Mustafa Adel al-Khatib (18) from the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Jabel Mukaber[653] was shot dead near Lion's Gate after reportedly being asked by Israeli police to take his hands out of his pocket. He complied by pulling out a knife. Israel media report he stabbed a soldier's vest. Palestinian sources say witnesses deny he had stabbed anyone when he was shot.[654][655]
  • A Palestinian girl Marah Bakeer (16/17) from Beit Hanina allegedly stabbed 1 or 2 Israelis outside a police station in Sheikh Jarrah or alternatively, at Ammunition Hill[653] the girl is said to have aroused suspicions on Bar Lev Street, was asked to stop, turned round and stabbed the policeman who shot her. She is in moderate condition.[655] According to Palestinian accounts, the girl was returning from school with a friend, when they were cursed by a settler at a traffic light, who then chased both to the Sheikh Jarrah bus stop, where he repeated that the girl was a terrorist armed with a knife, who had tried to stab him. Police present then shot her 4 times as she protested her innocence.[656] Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor cites it as one of 8 cases of arbitrary shooting by Israeli forces in 2015.[382]
  • Two Palestinian boys, 15-year-old Hassan Khalid Manasra and his cousin, 13-year-old Ahmad Manasra, both from Beit Hanina, stabbed two Israelis in Pisgat Ze'ev. Hassan was shot dead, reportedly while advancing towards a police with a knife in his hand, and Ahmad suffered serious head injuries while trying to flee and was struck by a pursuing car. His lawyer Lea Tsemel insisted the boy had no intention of murdering anyone and persuaded the family not to confess to the charge, which would have allowed for a plea bargain and, given his age, a shorter sentence He was convicted later in court for murder though no blood was found on the knife found in his possession, and was sentenced to 12 years, later reduced to 9 and a half.[657] Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas two days later accused Israel of the "execution of our children in cold blood, as they did with the boy Ahmed Manasrah and other children in Jerusalem and other places."[658][659][653]
  • 2 Gazan Palestinians were shot with live ammunition when Israeli forces repulsed an attempt to breach the Border fence near al-Bureij refugee camp[660]
  • A Palestinian was shot dead after reportedly trying to snatch a soldier's gun off him on a bus travelling under the Chords Bridge in northwest Jerusalem. When he failed to seize the rifle, he tried to stab the soldier. The soldier suffered a light wound.[661] According to Ynet, the Palestinian entere the bus and sat beside the soldier. He tried to choke the soldier, then stabbed him and tried to wrest his gun. A policeman and two civilians intervened, one with nunchucks to make him lose his grip on a weapon. Another police team entered, and the Palestinian grabbed an officer's gun that had fallen on the floor and tried to cock it. At this point, another officer shot him dead.[662]
  • 25 Palestinians were shot by live ammunition in the West Bank during the day, two by settlers. 18 were shot in the Nablus area, and 4 in Ramallah, during clashes. The 2 settler shootings relate to incidents in the Tulkarem and Hebron districts.[663]

13 October

    • A Palestinian (22) from East Jerusalem stabbed an Israeli man in Raanana. The perpetrator was arrested after a severe beating.[664]
    • 2015 Jerusalem bus attack: 3 civilians murdered, 16 others were wounded when 2 Palestinians attacked commuters inside a bus at Jerusalem's Armon HaNatziv neighborhood. One of the two immediate victims was Haim Haviv (78) from Jerusalem. His wife Shoshana was seriously wounded.[665] One of those critically wounded, Richard Lakin (76), later died of his injuries on October 27. Lakin had been a volunteer for the Yad b'yad Israeli-Palestinian educational initiative.[666] According to the indictment, when the accused, Bilal Abu Ghanem and Bahaa Elayyan, thought there were enough passengers on board, Elayyan signaled to Ghanem to open fire. He started shooting while Elayyan began to stab passengers. When Ghanem ran out of bullets, he tried to strangle another passenger. Ghanem (21) from Jabel Mukaber, had been a supporter of Hamas for several years when Elayyan reportedly contacted him on October 12, telling him that he had obtained NIS 20,000 to carry out an attack against Jews.[667] Bahaa Elayyan's family received a demolition order for their home, located on the second floor of a three-story apartment, on November 12. On appeal, Israeli courts overturned the decision. On 15 December, a demolition order was issued affecting not only his house but the entire building, which houses 25 people, on the grounds that all apartments were built without an Israeli permit.[668]
    • A second incident took place in Ra'anana, when an East Jerusalem Palestinian wounded 4 people at bus stop outside the Beit Loewenstein Rehabilitation Center on Jerusalem Street. He was subdued and arrested while fleeing, after a car ran into him.
    • Alaa Abu Jamal, an Israeli Arab resident of Jabel Mukaber in East Jerusalem, drove into a bus stop on Malkhei Yisrael Street in Geula, West Jerusalem,[669] killing Rabbi Yeshayahu Krishevsky (60) and injuring one other pedestrian. Both were hacked by the militant, wielding a machete, after they had been hit by his car. He in turn was shot and critically wounded. The killer was reportedly related to the 2 militants who carried out the Har Nof synagogue massacre in 2014.[670]
    • One Jewish Israeli stabbed another, Uri Rezken, 4 times in the back while the latter was stacking shelves in a supermarket in Kiryat Ata, near Haifa. The assailant screamed "You deserve it, you deserve it. You are bastard Arabs, ' and persisted despite Rezken's protestations that he was a Jew.[671][672]
    • Mutaz Ibrahim Zawahreh[673] (27) of Duheisha refugee camp was shot in the chest by live fire and killed in northern Bethlehem during clashes with an estimated 500 rock throwers. An Israeli spokesman said the hit had thwarted the throwing of a Molotov cocktail at soldiers.[674] Palestinian sources say he had indeed thrown a Molotov cocktail 'on the helmeted head' of an Israeli soldier hours earlier. They add that he was then targeted some hours later, while far from Israeli troops, during a lull in clashes, for this reason.[675]
    • According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, 33 Palestinians were injured, 9 by live fire, in clashes at Ramallah, Bethlehem, Nablus and Hebron.[674]
    • Some 50 Palestinians were injured during demonstrations in both Beit Hanoun and al-Bureij Refugee Camp. Five were injured, on critically, in Beit Hanoun from fire directed from military watchtowers on the border.[676]

14 October

  • Basil Bassam Ragheb Sidr (20) of Hebron was shot dead after reportedly either attacking Israeli forces or being identified by them as acting suspiciously and then drawing a knife at the Damascus Gate. According to video evidence, he appears to have been shot, some 14 times, while running away from police, with a knife and mobile phone in hand.[677]
  • Israeli Border police shot and injured at least 3 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, east of the al-Bureij refugee camp.[678]
  • Settlers from Yitzhar reportedly injured 4 Palestinians and one foreigner by throwing rocks. The incident occurred while the villagers of Burin were gathering the olive harvest in the Jabal Suliman area. Dozens of acres of olive groves were reported to have been set fire to in the Burin Huwara area.[679]
  • A Palestinian militant, Ahmad Shaaban (23) from the Ras al-Amud neighborhood stabbed and moderately-to-seriously wounded a 60-70 year-old Israeli woman while she was attempting to board a bus on Yaffo Street in Jerusalem. The attacker was neutralized by a police officer who was near the scene and shot him after seeing him with a knife. Shaaban had been released several months ago after serving a 3-year sentence for a case involving a confrontation with Israeli settlers.[680][681]
  • Palestinians threw a molotov cocktail near the Sha'ar Binyamin settlement. There were no injuries.[682]

15 October

  • Riyad Ibrahim Dar Youssef (46)of Al-Janiya died of a heart attack after being hospitalized the day before, for injuries his family claim he sustained the day before. According to his family, he had been assaulted by Israeli soldiers on returning home after a day's work picking olives. An Israel spokesman confirmed vehicles had been stopped in the area but denied any assault had taken place.[683]
  • 9 Palestinians were injured by rubber-coated steel bullets near Bireh while demonstrating outside the settlement of Beit El. One of the nine was hospitalized after being shot in the head.[684]
  • Palestinian youths, using Molotov cocktails, set fire to parts of Joseph's Tomb in Nablus. PA firemen extinguished the blaze.[685]

16 October

  • Makarim Wibisono, United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Palestinian territories expressed concern at the excessive use of force by Israel.[686]
  • A Palestinian man Eyad Khalil Awawdeh (26)[687] disguised as a TV cameraman stabbed a soldier near the settlement of Kiryat Arba in Hebron. The soldier suffered moderate wounds. The assailant was shot dead. An eyewitness alleged the settlers handed out sweets after the incident. Palestinians report soldiers hindered access by Red Crescent medicos to the man, after he had been shot.[688][689]
  • 2 Palestinians were shot dead in the Gaza Strip by Israeli forces when they were trying to break through the Gaza fence to enter in Israeli territory.[690] Yahiya Abd al-Qader Farhat (24) of Shuja'iyya was shot with a bullet to the head. Mahmoud Hatim Hmeid (22), was also killed east of Shuja'iyya. A further 11 were wounded by live fire.[691]
  • Jihad Hanani (19) was shot dead in clashes with Israeli troops at Beit Furik.[692]
  • Shawiq Jamal Jabr (37) died from wounds he received while protesting in the Gaza Strip a week earlier.[692]
  • Police arrested six Israeli Arabs for throwing rocks on Highway 6.[693]
  • A bus was destroyed by a Molotov cocktail in northern West Bank. The driver, who sustained light injuries, managed to escape the burning vehicle.[694]
  • Shots were fired at IDF forces amid Palestinian riots on Gaza border, without causing injuries.[695]
  • Joseph's Tomb set on fire by Palestinian arsonists. Palestinian forces extinguished fire.[696]

17 October

  • Fadil Qawasmi (18) was shot dead on Shuhada Street in Hebron near Beit Haddassah. by an Israeli settler, reportedly for trying to stab someone. Apart from the suspect, no one was injured.[697][698] An eyewitness to the incident, Mufeed Sharbati, was arrested some time later, and his a laptop, a video camera, and a photo camera were confiscated after video footage[699] taken in the immediate aftermath of the shooting was released on the Internet. Ahmad Amr, the media coordinator of Hebron's Youth Against Settlements, was also arrested for the same reason,[700] had all of the video material in his possession erased and, reportedly warned by Israelil security officeers to stop filming matters.[701]
  • Ahmad Hajis Uweisat (16) of Jabel Mukaber was shot dead in East Jerusalem's Armon Hanatziv settlement after allegedly trying to stab a soldier. According to Ynet, a bicyclist, observing what he thought was the boy's suspicious manner of carrying a bag, -he held the bag 'away from his body'- alerted police who tracked him down, and began to check his documents. He is alleged to have pulled out a large knife and injured a policeman in the hand, upon which he was shot dead.[702][703]
  • Bayan Ayman Abd al-Hadi al-Esseili (17) was shot dead near Hebron's Wadi al-Ghrus area, contiguous to the settlement of Kiryat Arba, after reportedly trying to stab an Israeli soldier. The Border policeman suffered a slight injury to her hand.[697] The incidents come as B'Tselem raised suspicions that Israel was condoning "extrajudicial killings" by both civilians and soldiers to kill Palestinians who no longer pose a threat.[704]
  • A Palestinian Tareq Netsha (16) died of his wounds after being shot, for allegedly wounding an Israeli soldier in the shoulder with a knife on Shuhada Street in Hebron.[705][706]
  • A Palestinian was shot dead at Qalandiya checkpoint for stabbing a border policeman. Reportedly he stabbed once, and was shot, and was shot a second time after drawing a second knife.[705]

18 October

  • According to Palestinian reports, some hundreds of settlers from Kiryat Arba attacked with stones and firebombs the Hebron neighbourhoods of Wad al-Haseen and Wad al-Nasara contiguous to the settlement.3 people were injured, one man and two minors, one of whom, Muhammad (17) was reportedly struck in the chest by a Molotov. The attack was reportedly made by cutting the blockade fence that separates the two communities, and, according to local Palestinians, was conducted in the presence and with the assistance of Israeli military units.[707]
  • Five Israelis were beaten up by Palestinians when, in contravention of an Israeli military order, 30 of them in 7 vehicles went to Joseph's tomb at 2 a.m. in order to paint the compound after it was burned three days before. Contacted by PA security forces, the Israeli military intervened and arrested them.[708]
  • A Palestinian youth sustained moderate injuries when wounded by a teargas grenade that struck his head in clashes with Israeli forces at Dar Salah village, east of Bethlehem[709]
  • At Beer Sheva's Central Bus Terminal an Israeli soldier, Omri Levi (19), was shot dead and 11 Israelis were wounded when an Israeli Bedouin gunman, Muhannad al-Aqabi (21) from the Negev town of Hura, opened fire. Two victims were critically wounded, and 3 seriously wounded. Soldiers who were already at the station on their way home or to their bases opened fire at the militant, who escaped from the bus terminal and was then shot dead after a gun fight with security forces who arrived at the scene. An Eritrean, Haftom Zerhom from the Ein HaBesor kibbutz, in Be'er Sheva to renew his work permit, was wrongly suspected of being involved, was shot, and then shot and wounded several times again while crawling away. He was surrounded by a crowd, spat on, cursed, kicked in the head and beaten, while medical assistance was denied him by a crowd chanting "Death to Arabs".[710][711][712]

19 October

  • Jamal Muhannad Hajahja (18)was shot with live fire in the leg in clashes at Tuqu near Bethlehem. Israeli spokesmen say stones were being thrown at passing traffic.[713]
  • 9 members of Abdullah Abu Nab's family were left homeless when settlers, assisted by the army, evicted them from their homes, where they were tenants, in the Batn al-Hawa area of the Palestinian neighbourhood of Silwan in East Jerusalem. The eviction is based on a claim that the properties belonged to Yemenite Jews before 1948.[714]
  • A Palestinian woman (65) of Isawiya died on the way to hospital, when the ambulanbce was delayed an hour at a new checkpoint, after her home was suffused with tear gas.[686]

20 October

  • An Israeli soldier was wounded, suffered scratches when a Palestinian, Udaay Hashim al-Masalma (24) reportedly tried to stab him during clashes at Beit Awwa, west of Hebron. Israeli sources say the incident occurred near the settlement of Negohot, and the assailant threw himself at troops.[715] The suspect in turn was shot dead with a bullet to the head.[716]
  • A settler from Kiryat Arba, Avraham Asher Hasano (50), was killed when he was run over by a truck near Fawwar after he exited his car, which had been struck by rocks, and perhaps with a gun on him. The truck-driver, from ad-Dhahiriya, turned himself in to Palestinian police, saying it was an accident.[717][718][719] The driver was charged with manslaughter in April 2016.[720]
  • A Palestinian, Hamzeh Moussa al-Imla (25) from Beit Ula,[721] is reported to have rammed his car into Israelis at a bus stop at the Gush Etzion junction. 2 Israelis were injured, one lightly, the other moderately. He is said also either to have tried to stab people after getting out of his car, or to have been found with a knife on him.[717][722]
  • 9 Gazan Palestinians were wounded by live fire, and one Ahmad al-Sarhi (27), was shot dead. 6 were wounded east of the al-Bureij refugee camp, and a further 3 were wounded near the Eretz Crossing.[723]
  • 9 West Bank Palestinians were wounded by live fire, 3 in Bireh and 2 in Ni'lin.[724]
  • Bashar Nidal al-Jabari (15) and Hussam Jamil al-Jabari (17) were shot dead at a checkpoint near the near the Rajabi house close to Kiryat Arba. It is alleged one of the two tried to stab a soldier. A soldier wounded.[721]

21 October

  • Istabraq Ahmad Noor (15) from the village of Madama was shot near the settlement of Yitzhar. She was reportedly carrying a knife 10 metres from the settlement fence, was chased and shot in the hand.[725]
  • Hashem al-Azzeh (54) a physician of Tel Rumeida, died of excessive tear gas inhalation. An ambulance was unable to pass Israeli checkpoints to reach him when he suffered chest pains at home. He walked to the Bab al-Zawiya checkpoint, was stopped by soldiers and inhaled tear gas from the clashes there. The man had a history of cardiac problems.[726]
  • Luay Faisal Ubeid (36) of Isawiya had his eye gouged out by a rubber-coated steel bullet when he was shot, according to his testimony, after hearing explosions, and peering out from his balcony.[727]
  • A Palestinian Mutaz Atallah Qassem (22) critically wounded an Israeli female combat soldier by stabbing her in the neck, near Binyamin. A second soldier then shot the man dead, reportedly as he rushed towards her brandishing a knife.[728]
  • A 20-year-old Gazan Palestinian was shot with live fire in the foot in clashes east of al-Buriej refugee camp. Israeli reports state the incident occurred when a group tried to breach the border barrier.[729]
  • 4 Israeli soldiers were hit by a Palestinian driving his car near the Israeli settlement bloc of Gush Etzion and Beit Ummar. One suffered moderate to serious injuries, the others were wounded. The Palestinian was shot.[728][730]
  • A rocket fired from Gaza struck land in the Shaar Negev regional council zone.[731]
  • A Jew, a 28-year-old yeshiva student, mistaken for a terrorist, was shot dead in Jerusalem. According to the police, after asking two soldiers for their IDs, and being requested in turn to give his, he punched them and tried to seize a gun. He was shot by a guard, and the soldiers then 'conducted secondary fire'. Only on examination of his identity card did it emerge that he was a Jew. He apparently identified himself as a member of ISIS.[732][733]
  • Israeli forces uprooted olive and pine trees, many in the cemetery in the Aida refugee camp near the Bilal Bin Rabah Mosque, close to Rachel's Tomb. Graves were also reported destroyed.[734]

22 October

  • Mekdad Mohammed Ibrahim Alehih (21) and Mahmoud Khaled Mahmoud Ghneimat (20) of Surif stabbed an 18-year-old yeshiva student at a bus stop in Beit Shemesh. They were blocked from boarding a children's bus, and by a police officer. One died, the other is in critical condition. The yeshiva student sustained moderate injuries with stab wounds to the chest. One source says the two attempted to enter a synagogue, and were shot on stabbing a man in the street; another stated they were shot after a woman notified police the two were stalking her and a friend; eyewitnesses reportedly state that the militants were shot 20 minutes after the stabbing, and not immediately.[735][736]
  • A Palestinian reportedly tried to stab an IDF soldier near the Hassam Shoter checkpoint in Tel Rumeida. He escaped.[736]
  • Israeli forces shot 3 Palestinians with live ammunition east of Bureij Refugee Camp in the Gaza Strip, in the context of border clashes. One Palestinian was wounded by live fire in the West Bank and a further 10 by rubber-coated bullets.[737]

23 October

  • Musab Muhammad Ghneimat (16) from Surif was shot after stabbing an Israeli soldier supervising Palestinian access to their lands near the Gush Etzion settlement block.[738]
  • 4 members of a settler family were injured by a Molotiv cocktail thrown at their car as they drove down Route 60, near the settlement of Beit El. The parents, a brother and sister suffered light burns to their extremities. The youngest, a 4-year-old girl, suffered burns to her upper body, and was moderately injured.[739][740] 3 suspects Khaled Badha (43) from the Kedura refugee camp in Ramallah, Abdel Majid Badra (27) from Beituniah, in the central West Bank; and Louie Nimr (34) of the el-Amari refugee camp, were arrested in early November 2016 on suspicion of involvement in the incident.[741]
  • Rabbi Arik Ascherman of Rabbis for Human Rights was kicked, beaten and threatened by a knife-wielding settler when he intervened to stop him from stealing olives and to put out a fire that had been lit on Palestinian land near the illegal Israeli outpost of Gideonim. A police spokesman said the incident was a provocation by "left-wing activists and anarchists."[742][743]
  • On a day proclaimed as a "Day of Rage", Israeli actions during clashes resulted in injuries to some 290 Palestinians, according to the Red Crescent Society. 43, 12 of whom in Hebron, were wounded by live fire, and 44 with rubber-coated steel bullets.[744]
  • Yahya Karira (20) a Gazan from Tuffah, who had been shot in the head by Israeli forces in clashes a week before in Nahal Oz in the eastern Gaza Strip, died in hospital. I Gazan was shot in the foot with live fire, and a further 2 with rubber-coated steel bullets, east of Shuja'iyya, while in the north 2 Gazans were shot by live bullets in the feet, and 1 took a rubber-coated steel bullet wound to the head. Live fire wounded 4 in Khan Younis and 1 near Beit Hanoun.[745]
    • Alaa Khalil Sabah Hashah (16) was shot dead when he allegedly drew a knife at the Humwara checkpoint. He was shot 10 times, and a young Palestinian girl seated in a car nearby, was critically wounded in the head from the Israeli crossfire. She expired on December 16.[746]

24 October

  • A Palestinian youth, either Mohammed Zakarneh of Qabatiya[747] or Ahmad Muhammad Said Kamil (16/18), was shot dead after an alleged stabbing attempt at the Gilboa/al-Jalama military checkpoint north of Jenin. Eyewitnesses claim no such attempt was made. Israeli sources say the youth pretended to sell chocolates and then rushed the checkpoint with a knife.[747][748]
  • Khalil Hassan Abu Obeid (25) of Gaza became the 17th Gazan to be shot dead since October when he died of wounds sustained during clashes with Israeli troops near Khan Younis some days earlier.[749]

25 October

  • An Israeli settler, Israel Ben-Aharon (58),[750] was stabbed and hospitalized with a light[751] to moderate wound to the chest from a stabbing at the Metzad Junction in the Wadi Sair area near the Gush Etzion settlement. According to Haaretz, he stopped his car after two Palestinian men threw rocks at his vehicle and then opened fire on attackers, "but it is unclear whether he hit any of the men". According to Palestinian security sources, Azzam Azmi Shalalda (20) of Sa'ir was shot on his property 4 times and left in critical condition as he drove to Metzad for help. The attacker's knife was found at the scene. Reports of the incident are confused. One report says a Palestinian attacked a settler with a knife and that the assailant fled the scene before the shooting occurred. Another report says the settler was stabbed after leaving his car to confront Palestinian stone-throwers, who had injured him in pelting the vehicle, and that the settler managed to wound him before the latter fled the scene. The assailant was reportedly dressed as an ultra-Orthodox Jew. Palestinian witnesses said Azzam was not the assailant, but had been working his fields. The IDF estimates that he was involved in stone-throwing. On November 12, Azzam was arrested in a night raid on a Hebron hospital, during which soldiers shot his cousin dead.[747][751][752][753]
  • A Palestinian stabbed an Israeli near the Israeli settlement of Ariel.[754]
  • According to Israeli reports, a Palestinian girl Dania Irsheid (17)[701] drew a knife when asked to identify herself and tried to stab an officer at the Tzalbanit checkpoint in Hebron, near the Cave of the Patriarchs. She was shot dead after Israeli soldier shot into the air asking her to take the knife from her bag, and moments later she "was on the ground, bleeding".[754][755] According to one unnamed Palestinian eyewitness standing 4 metres behind the schoolgirl in the line, soldiers checked her school satchel, and found nothing; she passed a metal detector, was asked where her knife was, she protested she had none, then they fired between her legs, and terrified, she stepped back, raising her arms, and protesting she had no knife. At that point she was shot dead with 8-19 bullets. The New York Times, citing the Associated Press, reported that the girl had tried to stab the police officer.[756]

26 October

  • Elon Moreh settlers stoned farmers in the Azmut and Deir al-Hatab areas east of Nablus, forcing them to abandon their agricultural labour. Hajj Tawfiq (66) was attacked and moderately injured in the same assault.[757]
  • Raed Saket Abdul-Rahim Jaradat (22) from Sa'ir stabbed a 19-year-old Israeli soldier at the Beit Einun junction north of Hebron, or near Kiryat Arba and was in turn shot dead. The soldier was wounded and in a serious condition.t[758][759]
  • Just prior to 3pm on Monday, a Palestinian Saad Muhammad Youssef al-Atrash (19) was reported as having tried to stab another Israeli soldier in Hebron. He was "neutralized", and no one else was harmed.[759] According to Amnesty International, Atrash's death was an 'egregious' example of killing with lethal intent. al-Atrash, they report, was shot as he attempted to take his ID card from his pocket, as requested. An eyewitness watching the events unfold from her balcony said he had posed no threat when he was shot several times, and left to bleed profusely for 40 minutes. The Palestinian eyewitness also stated a knife was then placed in the dying man's hand.[760] Israel rejected the Amnesty report as "fundamentally flawed".[761]
  • Iyad Rawhi Jaradat was shot dead, with a bullet to the brain, in Beit Einun as he participated in a march to the home of Raed Jaradat, during which clashes broke out with Israeli forces.An Israeli spokesman said the main instigator was shot with a rubber-coated steel bullet and fell and hit his head.[762]

27 October

  • According to the Red Crescent Society 143 Palestinians were injured in clashes with Israeli troops in the West Bank. 22, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health 27, were wounded by live fire, and a further 50 by rubber-coated steel bullets. 20 were said by the PMH to have been wounded in clashes in Hebron, and another 7 at Bireh. The clashes in Hebron arouse during a march protesting against Israel's refusal to hand over the bodies of 11 Hebronites killed over recent weeks.[763] A Palestinian child was reportedly shot in the head and critically wounded by a sponge bullet in Tulkarem.[764]
  • An Israeli soldier (19) was wounded in a stabbing incident at a stop for hitchhikers in the Gush Etzion settlement bloc. Two Palestinians, Shadi Nabil Abd al-Muti Dweik (22), and Shabaan Abu Shkeidem (17), apparently responsible for the knifing, were shot dead by Corporal T.[765][766]
  • Hammam Said (23) was shot dead by Israeli forces near Tel Rumeida area of Hebron. It is alleged that he attempted to stab soldiers.[767]
  • Islam Rafiq Hammad Ibeido (23) was shot dead in the Tel Rumeida area Hebron after Israeli soldiers alleged he attacked them with a knife. Palestinian witnesses claim a knife was planted near him afterwards, that he was shot 11 times, and that soldiers blocked ambulances from reaching him.[768][769]
  • A Palestinian was moderately wounded by a bullet to the leg during protests near Bureij Refugee Camp and the Border with Israel, in the Gaza Strip.[770]

28 October

  • A Palestinian man slashed an Israeli woman with a knife at the Rami Levi supermarket in the settlement of Gush Etzion. He was apprehended at the scene.[768][771]

29 October

  • Palestinian sources states that delays to ambulances caused at Israeli checkpoints and road blocks contributed to the death of Nadim Shqeirat (52), who had suffered a heart attack in the Jabal Mukaber neighborhood of East Jerusalem.[772]
  • Mahdi Mohammad Ramadan al-Muhtasib (22) of Hebron was shot dead near the Cave of the Patriarchs after reportedly stabbing at a soldier,[clarification needed] and then attacking another. The soldier suffered a cut to his face.[773]
  • Another Palestinian, Farouk Abdel Qader Omar Sidr (19), according to Israeli sources attempted to stab a person on Shuhada Street near the settlement Beit Hadassah in Hebron, and was shot dead by soldiers of the Givati Brigade. One local said he was shot while descending a staircase. residents complain that Israeli soldiers have been threatening Palestinian residents of the street with death unless they evacuate.[773][774]
  • Passing vehicle opened fire towards a bus stop near Jerusalem. IDF forces fired towards vehicle.[citation needed]

30 October

  • Ramadan Mohammad Faisal Thawabta (8 months) died, according to Palestinian doctors, from the effects of tear gas inhalation in the village of Beit Fajjar village during clashes between the Israeli army and Palestinians,[775] Israeli spokesmen rebuffed the claim.[776]
  • Two Palestinians are reported to have tried to stab an Israeli border policeman at the Tappuah, / Zatara, checkpoint. They were both shot. Qassem Mahmoud Sabaneh (20)from Jenin. Died immediately, the other was arrested in a critical condition.[777]
  • Ahmad Hamada Qneibi (23) of Kafr Aqab stabbed an Israeli, leaving him moderately wounded, near the Ammunition Hill light rail station in Sheikh Jarrah, East Jerusalem and was shot dead. One Israeli nearby was wounded by friendly fire.[778][779]
  • 16 Palestinians were wounded by live fire, and a further 39 injured. 8 were shot with live fire at al-Balou' neighborhood in northern al-Bireh near Ramallah, and another 8 in Hebron.[780]
  • A military jeep ran down a fleeing Palestinian stone/mototov cocktail thrower in Bireh. Israeli spokesman protested that video reportage was truncated, and that the youth hit by the jeep had a petrol bomb in his hand[781][782]
  • 17 Gazan Palestinians were wounded by Israeli live fire on protesters near the border fence.[783]

31 October

  • Mahmoud Talal Mahmoud Nazzal (18) of Qabatiya was shot dead after reportedly attempting to stab an Israeli guard at al-Jalama military checkpoint.[784]
  • Farmers in Burin were blocked from harvesting their olives by settlers, who reportedly also stole olives and agricultural equipment in the Bab Sanna area of Burin,[785]
  • 2 Gazan Palestinians were wounded by live fire east of the Bureij Refugee Camp while demonstrating near the Border fence.[783]


1 November

  • A Palestinian was shot dead after an alleged stabbing attempt in what Israeli sources called a "violent riot" in Beit Einun.[786]
  • Three Israeli Border officers were injured when a Palestinian car struck them near Beit Einun. Two of the officers were wounded, one was in moderate condition. The driver fled and later turned himself in. Israeli sources say the ramming was deliberate.[787]

2 November

  • Ahmed Awad Abu al-Rub (16) of Qabatiya was shot dead 150 yards north of the Jalama checkpoint after being approached by soldiers who considered he and another Palestinian were behaving suspiciously. Israeli sources said he pulled out a knife, and was shot after ignoring warnings to lay down the weapon.[788]
  • A Palestinian was assaulted and arrested for refusing a body search involving stripping, in East Jerusalem.[789]
  • Imad al-Tarde (19) from Kfar Tapuach near Hebron stabbed at least three Israelis near a bus station in Rishon Lezion. An 80-year-old woman was in serious condition[790][791]
  • Ziyad Ridha (22) from Balaa village east of Tulkarem stabbed and severely wounded a 70-year-old Israeli at Netanya[790]
  • 8 Palestinians were wounded by live fire in Qutna village, when clashes broke out with Israeli forces in the wake of a funeral for 2 Palestinians shot dead earlier this month.[792]
  • 21 Palestinian students were wounded by rubber-coated steel bullets during a commemorative protest for Dia Talahmeh at Abu Dis' Al-Quds Open University campus.[793]

3 November

    • The secretary-general of the Palestinian Democratic Union in Tulkarem, Mirvat Abu Shanab, was hit with a rubber-coated steel bullet in her leg.[794]
    • Beituniya city, Israeli forces shot and injured two Palestinians with live bullets and four more with rubber-coated steel bullets[794]
    • Israeli forces shot and injured a young Palestinian protester with live fire during clashes just east of al-Breij refugee camp along Israel's border fence.[794]
    • Ayman Ahmad Hmeidat was shot in the shoulder by live fire in clashes involving stone throwing with Israeli forces at Beit Ummar.[795]

4 November

  • A 22-year-old Palestinian from Tulkarem rammed his car into a Border policeman, Benjamin Yaakovovich (19), leaving him in critical condition, and a further Israeli injured near The attack took place on route 60 near Halhul. The driver was shot dead. Yaakovovich died of his injuries on the 8th of November.[796][797][798]
  • According to Palestinians, the village of Qusra was subject to an assault by settlers, after the attack was repelled, the IDF intervened and at least 14 Palestinians were shot and injured with rubber-coated steel bullets.[799]

5 November

    • Malik Talal al-Shareef (25) was shot dead by a "Corporal T", after allegedly attempting to stab people at crowded bus station in the Gush Etzion settlement bloc. Corporal T, with 2 months service, also shot two others suspected assailants earlier on October 17, and has been hailed as The Terminator.[800][801]

6 November

  • 4 Palestinians were shot by 0.22 bullets in the legs, and one suffered a head wound from a rubber-coated steel bullet, during clashes in Hebron after prayers and involving stone throwing, after Israeli forces had surrounded the Wasaya al-Rasoul mosque[802]
  • Tharwat[803] al-Sharawi (72) was shot dead after allegedly attempting to drive her car into Israeli soldiers near Halhul. Her husband Fouad Al-Sharawi, was killed during the Ist Intifada. Two youths standing nearby at a gas station were injured moderately by shrapnel from the gunfire. Her son said his mother was driving to lunch at her sister's in Ras-al-Jura and had dropped into the gas station to refuel. A GoPro video taken by a soldier present at the scene was leaked to the press, and, according to Palestinians, shows that the woman had no intention of hurting soldiers but was summarily executed. The car apparently drove fairly slowly in a lane on a road closed to traffic where soldiers were standing. 2 soldiers backed away as the car passed and then soldiers open fire. Later a knife was found in the woman's hand bag.[804][805][806]
  • A settler (40) was seriously wounded in a stabbing attack at a Rami Levi supermarket in the Israeli settlement of the Shaar Binyamin industrial zone. The attacker fled the scene, and later declared his identity as Baraa Issa on a website.[806][807]
  • Salameh Moussa Abu Jame (23) was shot dead by Israeli forces near Khan Younis in the Gaza Strip.[803]
  • Sniper fire from a Palestinian neighbourhood in Hebron wounded 2 teenagers, aged 16 and 18, at the Cave of the Patriarchs, who were there as part of the special ten days a year in which the entire site is open only to Jewish worshipers. The site is normally divided into sections for Muslim and Jewish worshipers, and is also open only to Muslim worshipers on ten other days.[806] In late February 2016, two Palestinian brothers, Nasser Faisal Muhammad Badwi(23) and Akram Faisal Muhammad Badwi(33) were arrested on suspicion of being behind the attacks. Their motivation was apparently linked to the death of Tharwat al-Sharawi (72) earlier that day at Halhul (see above).[808]
  • An Israeli soldier was seriously wounded at Beit Einun junction north of Hebron. A 16-year-old from Bani Naim was arrested and reportedly confessed.[806][809]

7 November

    • A Palestinian was shot in the leg with a live round east of Bureij Refugee Camp when groups of Gazans marched towards the border and threw stones at Israeli forces.[810]

8 November

  • A Palestinian woman, Hilwa Salim Darwish, from Husan stabbed an Israeli security guard at the Israeli settlement of Beitar Illit. He shot her and the woman remains in a critical condition. The guard was injured.[811][812]
  • A Palestinian, Sulaiman Aqel Muhammad Shahin(22) of Bireh rammed his car into a group of Israelis, 3 of whom suffered injuries, one critically. The incident occurred near the Tapuah Junction south of Nablus. The assailant was shot dead, while a fourth Israeli was injured by friendly fire.[811][813]
  • A 48-year-old Israeli was stabbed, as he stopped to do some shopping in Nabi Ilyas near the settlement of Alfei Menashe, and suffered severe injuries though he managed to reach Ariel junction where he was evacuated.[796][811]
  • A rocket fired from the Gaza Strip landed in open ground in the Sha'ar HaNegev Regional Council area.[814]

9 November

  • In response to the rocket attack the Israeli Air Force struck a Hamas position located between Rafah and Khan Younis.[814]
  • A Palestinian woman Rasha Muhammad Oweisi (24) approached cars at 7 a.m. at the Eliyahu military checkpoint north of the settlement of Alfei Menashe. She was asked to stop and, ignoring warning shots, and then was shot dead when she drew a knife from a bag. A note of apology to her family found in her bag adds that:"I'm doing this with a clear head. I can't bear what I see and I can't suffer anymore."[815]
  • Acdcording to Palestinian officials, a settler from the settlement of Ma'ale Levona stepped out of his car and fired with a machine-gun on Palestinian olive pickers near Al-Lubban ash-Sharqiya south of Nablus.[816]
  • 5 students of the Palestine Technical University in Tulkarem were wounded by live fire, and a further 13 were shot by rubber-coated steel bullets in clashes with Israeli forces, when the latter raided the campus library and engineering department. 50 suffered from tear-gas intoxication.[817]

10 November

  • An Israeli security officer was moderately injured when he was stabbed by 2 Palestinian teenage cousins, Muawiya Alqam (14) and Ali Alqam (12) (otherwise referred to as Ahmad Ali (14) and AliIhab Hassab Ali(12)[818]) from the Shuafat Refugee Camp. The incident occurred on Jerusalem's light rail in Pisgat Ze'ev. Police shot the 11 year-old, who remains in a critical condition, and passengers made a citizens' arrest of the 14-year-old. East Jerusalemites say that their actions were inspired by watching a leaked video of a weeping Ahmed Manasra, a 13-year-old suspected of a similar knifing attack on a Jewish boy and another Israeli, subjected to aggressive Israeli police interrogation.[819][820][821][822]
  • A Palestinian, Muhammad Nimr (37) from Isawiya, attempted to stab two Israelis at the Damascus Gate but was foiled when a policeman shot him 6 times. The assailant died.[821][822]
  • Sadeq Ziad Gharbiyeh (16) from the town of Sanur allegedly tried to stab an Israeli guard at the Container checkpoint near Abu Dis. He was shot dead when he approached the guard reportedly with a knife. His parents thought he was at school in Jenin. The driver of a shared taxi that Sadeq was traveling in told Ma'an that the teenager had dropped his phone at the checkpoint, stepped out and gestured to indicate what had happened, and was then taken to the other side of the checkpoint, and shot. His father is a Jenin Hamas leader, briefly exiled in Lebanon in 1992.[820][823]
    • A Palestinian was shot after reportedly entering the Israeli settlement of Teqoa and "lung(ing) at people with a knife."[820][822]

11 November

  • 11 Palestinians were wounded by Israeli live fire during a search-and-arrest operation, which was met by stone throwing in Qalandiya Refugee Camp[824]

12 November

  • In a raid on Hebron's al-Ahli hospital at 3 a.m., an Israeli undercover unit of 20-30 soldiers, some dressed as women, shot dead Abdullah Azzam Shalaldah (28) from the village of Sa'ir. The Israeli forces were engaged in an arrest detail, which aimed to detain his cousin Azzam Ezzat Shalaldah (20), whom they suspected of being implicated in a stabbing attack on an Israeli settler in Gush Etzion on October 25. According to Palestinian reports, Abdullah, who was visiting with relatives his cousin, was shot several times as he emerged from the bathroom, where he had washed himself in preparation for dawn prayers. Israeli sources say he attacked the soldiers. The family says he fought them off when they tried to arrest his cousin. The hospital manager, Jehad Shawar, said the soldiers held staff at gunpoint, and shot Abdullah as he emerged from the toilet, once in the head, once in the chest and three times in the body.[750][751] Normally in conflicts hospitals are considered protected locations, also for enemy combatants, and Physicians for Human Rights–Israel stated that Israel is repeatedly violating the convention.[825] Amnesty International defined the incident as a possible extrajudicial execution.[826]

13 November

  • Issa al-Shalaldah (22), shot on the 12 during clashes at the Beit Einun junction in Sa'ir. He was a cousin of Abdullah Shalaldah, shot dead in the same hospital where Issa died. The incident occurred following the funeral of his cousin.[827]
  • Israeli live fire wounded 11 Palestinians at Bireh, a further 3 in Hebron, and 2 in Qalqiliya, while 14 others were wounded by rubber-coated steel bullets.[828]
  • Palestinians fired on Israeli care carrying 7 people, and two settlers from Kiryat Arba were killed, one an 18-year-old youth and the other a 40-year-old man, near the settlement of Otniel west of Yatta. A youth suffered a slight wound to his foot and a woman was also injured.[829][830][831] Netanyahu accused the Palestinian Red Crescent Society of acting against "human and civilized norms" after a Palestinian ambulance, which was the first responder to arrive at the scene of the attack, didn't offer assistance to the victims. Dvir Litman, 16, who was wounded by the Palestinian gunmen, complained about the ambulance's actions after the emergency call he made.[832]
  • Hassan Jihad al-Baw (23) was shot through the heart during clashes with Israeli forces at Halhul.[833]
  • Lafi Yusif Awad (22) was critically wounded and died shortly after when Israeli forces shot him during clashes in the village of Budrus[834]

14 November

    • Israel demolished 4 homes, 3 in Nablus and one in Silwad, of Palestinians alleged to be involved in killing Israelils[835]

15 November

    • Hammad Abdul-Hamid Sleibi and his family were forced by Israeli forces to abandon their olive picking on the family's orchards outside Beit Ummar. Soldiers reportedly intervened after the family had been told by guards from the settlement of Bat Ayin to leave.[836]
    • A Palestinian toddler, Adel Khader Shahin (2) from Bir Nabala, was run over by an Israeli military jeep. An Israeli spokesmen said the incident was minor and unintentional.[837]
    • 6 Palestinians were shot in clashes with Israeli forces in the Balou area of Bireh. 2 were wounded by live fire, the other 4 by rubber-coated steel bullets.[838]

16 November

  • Laith Shu'any (Manasra) (20), and Ahmad Abu al-Aish (28) were shot dead in the Qalandiya Refugee Camp. A 3rd Palestinian Yusuf Abu Latifa (17) was critically wounded. Shu'any was shot by a sniper while on a roof with his uncle who insists he was unarmed. He died after a half hour checkpoint delay before a Palestinian ambulance could be reached. The incidents occurred when Israeli forces raided the camp to demolish the home of Muhammad Abu Shahin, alleged to be involved in a killing of Danny Gonen at Dolev on June 19. According to Israeli sources, the men were shot when Palestinians fired on the soldiers. The explosion destroying Shahin's house damaged 9 other apartments nearby.[839][840]
  • 2 Palestinian fishermen from Gaza were wounded by Israeli fire off Beit Lahiya. Israeli sources say they deviated from the areas Israel designates for Gazan fishing.[841]
  • Three corrugated metal houses belonging to Muhammad Abed al-Fattah al-Shaladah, housing 15 Palestinians, together with a sheep barn, were demolished by Israeli forces in the Khirbet Jurat al-Kheil and al-Qanub areas east of Sa'ir. They lacked Israeli building permits.[842]
  • 8 Palestinians were shot with live rounds in the Ramallah district, in clashes that involved exchanges of fire from both sides. The incidents occurred during the funeral of the two Palestinians killed earlier in the day.[843]

17 November

  • A Gazan was wounded by Israeli live fire directed at the Bureij Refugee Camp.[844]
  • Mohammed Monir Hassan Salah (24) was wounded by fire from IDF soldiers northeast of Ramallah.[845]

18 November

    • After a Gaza rocket landed near the border, the Israeli Air Force struck 2 Hamas sites in western Gaza City. Nearby homes suffered collateral damage.[846]

19 November

  • In a raid on Duheisha Refugee Camp to arrest Muhammad Nidal Abu Akar (22)reportedly involving the ransacking of 20 homes, 2 Palestinian youths were wounded by Israeli fire when clashes broke out.[847]
  • An unidentified Palestinian teenager was shot in the stomach and pelvis by Israeli forces during clashes at Abu Dis.[848]
  • Two Israeli soldiers suffered from tear gas inhalation when a Palestinian hurled a tear gas canister at Abu a-Reesh military checkpoint, and a further soldier was hit by shrapnel from an IED thrown at the same checkpoint. In response the zone around the Tariq Ibn Zaid school was doused with tear gas and skunk and students were unable to access the school.[849]
  • 2 Israelis were killed and two more injured by a knife-wielding Palestinian man from Dura while they were coming out from a synagogue service inside the Panorama building on Ben Tsavi street in Tel Aviv.[850][851]
  • 3 Civilians, one American, one Israeli, and one Palestinian were killed in a drive-by shooting at a checkpoint near the settlement of Gush Etzion. From 5 to 10 Israelis were reportedly injured, 2 seriously. Two suspects were arrested.[851][852] Amnesty International condemned Palestinian attacks against Israeli civilians on both sides of the Green Line.[853]

20 November

  • Israeli forces injured or wounded roughly 156 Palestinians, 69 with live fire and 54 from rubber-coated steel bullets in clashes.33 Palestinians in Gaza were shot, 2 critically, with live fire near Shuja'iyya and Bureij Refugee Camp. Palestinians report that in clashes in the Ras al-Jura area, north of Hebron, Israeli troops used 3 Palestinian vehicles, with the passengers inside, as cover as stones were thrown their way, the passengers only being allowed to leave after some hours.[854]
  • Muhammad Shaker al-Tarda (18), a Hebronite Palestinian working illegally in Israel, stabbed and wounded four Israelis on King David Street in the Israeli city of Kiryat Gat. The man was arrested some hours later. A Bedouin who happened to be nearby suffered a severe beating from a group of Israelis in the vicinity of the attack, and also required hospitalization.[855][856]
  • Two Palestinian youths, Ayham Deriyya and Younis Munir Bani Fadil, allegedly throwing rocks at the checkpoint which blocks their village, were shot near Aqraba.[857]
  • Hamada Abd al-Aziz Atwani (27), from Al-Jiftlik, but working in Israel, was shot and wounded after rushing back from Israel, where he was employed, through the Seam Zone.at the Israeli checkpoint of Oranit crossing. in the Qalqiliya district. He had been alerted by his family that his father had just died in a Nablus hospital, and had left Israel in haste to reach the hospital in the West Bank.[858]
  • 150 homes were ransacked by Israeli troops in search and arrest operations in the Hebron district villages of Beit Awwa, Surif], al-Kassara, Ash-Shuyukh, Idhna, Bani Na'im, At-Tabaqa, as Beit Ummar and Arrub Refugee Camp. There were reports of property seized during the raids, including a reported 800 grams of gold from the family home off Mahmoud Yassin al-Sweti in Beit Awwa.[859]

22 November

  • A Palestinian girl, Ashraqat Taha Ahmad Qatanani from Nablus (16), was run over by a car driven by Gershon Mesika, the former head of the Samaria regional council, who then emerged from a car and shot her dead. Mesika explained that she intended carrying out an attack on the Huwara checkpoint.[855][860]
  • The vehicle of Palestinian taxi driver Shadi Hassib (32) of Bireh collided with another car. It is alleged that he then exited his vehicle with a knife in hand, near the Israeli settlement of Kfar Adumim. A settler shot him dead. An Israeli suffered a scratch on his hand.[861]
  • Issa Thawabta (34) from Beit Fajjar stabbed to death an Israeli woman, Hadar Buchris (21), near the Gush Etzion settlement bloc. Israel, in retaliation, barred the roughly 2,000 Palestinians working in the settlements from accessing their places of employment in the settlements.[862]

23 November

  • A rocket fired from Gaza landed on open ground in the Eshkol regional council.[863]
  • An Israeli settler was hit by a car near the settlement of Shavei Shomron, near Nablus. He was injured. Whether the incident was deliberate or accidental is unknown.[864]
  • Two Palestinian girls, 14-year-old Hadeel Wajih Awwad from Qalandiya and her 16-year-old cousin Norhan Awwad from Kafr 'Aqab stabbed a man at the Mahane Yehuda Market on Jaffa Street in central Jerusalem. Initial reports claimed that two Israelis had been stabbed but the victim turned out to be a 70-year-old Palestinian man from Bethlehem who the girls had mistaken for a Jew. The man suffered light injuries to his neck. The attack was stopped by a bystander who knocked the older girl to the ground using a chair. The younger girl who was still brandishing a knife or a scissor was then shot several times by an off-duty sapper. He then fired two shots into the older girls chest who was still lying helpless on the ground. The younger girl died immediately while the younger girl sustained serious wounds and underwent surgery to remove two bullets abdomen. She remained in critical condition.[865] The killed girl's brother, Mahmoud Awwad, 22, had been shot in the head by an Israeli sniper during clashes near Qalandiya in 2013. He died five months later.[866] According to some sources, she had decided to undertake the attack to revenge him.[867][868][869] Israeli Human Rights lawyer, Avigdor Feldman, petitioned the Supreme Court to investigate the police and all other instances where soldiers have shot dead "terrorists" after they have been rendered incapable of posing any further threat.[865]
  • Ahmad Jamal Taha (16) from Qutna stabbed to death an Israeli soldier, Ziv Mizrahi (20), at a gas station on Route 443 west of Ramallah, and injured one other. He was in turn killed by security forces.[867][870]

24 November

  • Over 30 settlers from Yitzhar reportedly set fire to olive trees and attacked Palestinians harvesting their olives at the al-Mayadeen area of village of Burin.[871]
  • In a military incursion into the Gaza Strip, that penetrated up to 300 metres, Israeli bulldozers created earth mounds, reportedly denying to the farmer owners access to their agricultural plots[872]
  • Palestinian gunmen fired on a settler's car near the settlement of Ofra. Bullet hole damage was attested. I[873]
  • An Israeli settler (26) was injured when rocks were thrown at his car, near the Atarot settlement, on Route 433 west of Ramallah[874]
  • Four Israeli soldiers were lightly wounded in a car-ramming attack at Tapuah Junction.[875]

25 November

  • A Palestinian sniper fired at an Israeli settler's car near Ibrahimi mosque at the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron, damaging it.[876]
  • Ibrahim Abdul-Halim Dawood (16) died. He had been shot in the heart two weeks earlier by Israeli forces in clashes near Ramallah.[877]
  • Muhammad Ismail Shubaki ( 19) of Fawwar Refugee Camp, a student at a Palestine Technical College, was shot and critically wounded after stabbing and seriously wounding a 20-year-old Israeli soldier at the al-Fawwar junction, south of Hebron[878]
  • Israel confiscated 8 buses from the Nablus-based al-Tamimi bus company, on the grounds that protesters had been transported by the vehicles to demonstrations.[879]

26 November

    • One Palestinian was shot in the stomach, another wounded and dozens suffered from tear gas inhalation when residents of Fawwar suffered from tear gas while opposing an Israeli military unit which entered the town to examine the house of Muhammad Ismail Shubaki.[880]
    • A Palestinian reportedly exited a taxi and attempted to stab an Israeli soldier at the Za'atara (Tappuah) military checkpoint south of Nablus. He was shot several times, and died of his wounds.[881]
    • Yahya Yusri Taha (21) died from an Israeli gunshot wound in the head during clashes that erupted when Israeli forces conducted a search and arrest raid on Qatanna. According to Palestinian reports, Israeli soldiers deny him emergency treatment from Palestinian ambulances for roughly an hour and a half[882]
    • Samer Seresi (51) left his car and, brandishing a knife, attacked Border police stationed at an intersection in the northern West Bank. He was shot dead, No soldier was injured.[883]
    • Khalid Mahmoud al-Jawabreh (27) was shot twice in the stomach by Israel forces clashing with residents of Arroub Refugee Camp, and later died of his wounds.,[884]

27 November

  • A 16-year-old Israeli Palestinian from Abu Snan repeatedly stabbed a Border Guard an Israeli Arab Christian from Fassuta at the Nahariya bus stop. The officer struck him on the head with his pistol, and the youth fled. The guard sustained moderate injuries.The incident, initially described nationalistically motivated, was later called criminal in nature, the youth suffering from mental upset at the death of a friend over a month earlier.[885][886]
  • Fadi Hassib (30) from al-Bireh drove a car, hired the day before, at a bus stop near the settlement of Ma'ale Adumim striking its protective barrier and lightly injuring two soldiers. The assailant was killed.[883]
  • At around 12:30pm, Omar ah- Zaakik (19) from Beit Ummar. rammed his car into 5 IDF troops at the entrance to the Beit Ummar refugee camp near Kiryat Arba. The senior officer sustained light wounds, while the other 4 soldiers were moderately injured.[883]

28 November

  • Three Palestinians were shot, Majid Jomaa(46), shot in the back, Mohammad Shtewei (26), in the thigh, and Ayman Rafiq( 40), in the leg during clashes when Israeli border police intervened with live fire to disperse at protest at Kafr Qaddum.[887]
  • Two Palestinians were wounded by Israeli live rounds in clashes at the Huwwara checkpoint south of Nablus.[887]

29 November

  • Baseem Abdul-Rahman Mustafa Salah (38) of Nablus stabbed a Border policeman in the neck near Hagai Street in Jerusalem. The policeman (20) was moderately wounded. Salah was shot dead, after being hit by 11 bullets.[888][889]
  • A Nepalese foreign worker in Israel, Hisorai Taplaya (31), was wounded at a bus stop on Shamgar street in Jerusalem when a 17-year-old Palestinian stabbed her in the back with a knife.[888][890]
  • Israeli forces shot 5 Palestinian youths, and one elderly man with live fire in the al-Balou area of Bireh. A sixth man, reportedly driving by and not involved in the clashes, was shot in the eye with a rubber-coated steel bullet.[891]
  • 8 Palestinian students, were shot with live fire, one in the stomach and 7 in their legs, in clashes with Israeli forces on the campus of al-Khadouri University in Tulkarem, also known as Palestine Technical University.[891]
  • Ayman Samih al-Abbasi (17) died from a shot in the chest at the Ras al-Amoud area of Silwan. Israeli police said 10 Molotov cocktails had been thrown at police patrols in the area.[892]


1 December

  • A young Palestinian woman, Maram Ramiz Hassouna (19), from Rafidia in Nablus was shot dead by an Israeli officer at a checkpoint near the settlement of Einav. The officer said she posed an immediate danger to him, and tried to stab him. She had made a similar attempt at the same checkpoint 2 years earlier.[893]
  • A Palestinian boy, Mamoun al-Khatib (16) from the village of al-Dawha was shot dead by Israeli policemen when he allegedly attempted to stab a pedestrian in the settlement bloc of Gush Etzion.[894]
  • 3 Palestinians were shot by Israeli forces in the Tel Rumeida area of Hebron. One suffered two gunshot wounds to the stomach. An Israeli spokesman said Molotov cocktails had been thrown in the area.[895]
  • Several patients required treatment after Israeli troops fired tear-gas canisters inside of the al-Makassed hospital's pediatric and intensive care departments in East Jerusalem, as the troops pursued a youth suspected of throwing a Molotov cocktail.[896]

2 December

    • 13 Palestinians in Shuafat Refugee Camp were shot by rubber-coated steel bullets in clashes that erupted with Israeli forces who entered the camp to demolish the home of Ibrahim al-Akkari, who had carried out a murderous attack in Jerusalem in 2014. A further 30 people had to be treated for severe tear gas inhalation.[897]
    • An elderly Palestinian was shot in the neck in Bureij Refugee Camp by live Israeli fire from the border, and left in a critical condition.[898]

3 December

  • Mazin Hasan Ureiba from Abu Dis, an officer serving in the Palestinian Authority general intelligence service, was shot dead by Israeli police after either exiting his car or driving by and firing at Israeli soldiers at the Hizma military checkpoint. A soldier was wounded in the hand, and, reportedly, an Israeli civilian nearby suffered moderate wounds.[899][900] Later reports state that the civilian was a Palestinian bystander, Khalid Yacub abu Jibna (47) of Sheikh Jarrah who was shot in the back by Israeli live fire and remained in critical condition.[901] Ureiba's father was jailed for 5 years for a knifing in Jerusalem in 1992, and his nephew was killed when he stabbed someone in Jaffa Street in 2002.[902]
  • A 21-year-old Palestinian from the village of al-Ubeidiya was shot dead after stabbing an Israeli policeman seated in a car on HaNevi'im Street near the Damascus Gate in Jerusalem. A Palestinian medic from a clinic in the area provided first aid until Israeli services arrived. The officer's injuries, a stab wound in the hand and a bullet in the leg, were said to be moderate. The bullet wound to the leg was reportedly caused by friendly fire from police shooting the Palestinian assailant, according to Channel 2 news.[903][904]

4 December

Violence wounding Palestinians:

  • Israeli forces shot 4 Palestinians with sponge bullets while dispersing the weekly protest march in the West Bank village of Bil'in. One of those hit was shot in the head and required hospitalization.[905]
  • Three Palestinians were wounded by Israeli live fire in clashes outside the Ofer detention center in the West Bank. A further 6 were hit by rubber-coated steel bullets.[905]
  • Israeli sealed the eastern entrance to the Muslim-Christian village of Aboud after killing a resident, Abed al-Rahman Barghouthi, whom they claim tried to stab a soldier.[906]

Violence wounding both Israelis and Palestinians:

  • A Palestinian driver injured two Israeli soldiers by running them down near the Jewish settlement Ofra near Hebron. The driver was subsequently shot dead.[907]
  • An Israeli solider was stabbed by a Palestinian during a security check near Ramallah. The stabber was shot dead.[907]
  • Two Palestinians were shot dead after they stabbed an Israeli solider in Hebron.[907]

Violence not causing wounds:

  • Israeli military vehicles were fired on while patrolling the Gaza border.[908]

5 December

    • Israeli military vehicles were fired on while patrolling the Gaza border.[908]
    • Aqel Ramzi (16) was shot in the thigh by live fire when Israeli forces clashed with protesters in the village of Kafr Qaddum.[909]
    • A 21-year-old Palestinian from Beit Hanina was shot dead after allegedly running over an Israeli and wounding a soldier with a knife in West Jerusalem's Romema neighborhood. Both Israelis suffered very light wounds, and one may have been injured by a car while fleeing the scene.[910]
    • Dozens of children in several Hebron schools required medical treatment after Israeli forces fired tear gas at multiple schools in the area. Muhammad Abd al-Hafith Murrar (14) was reportedly beaten and then arrested[911]

6 December

  • Muhammad Hamadna al-Imor (18) of Beit Furik was shot in the back by Israeli forces who entered the village searching for stone throwers.[912]
  • Israeli forces shot a child in Silwad village. He was hospitalized with a wound to the abdomen, in critical condition[913]
  • A Gazan was shot in the stomach during clashes with Israeli troops on the border east of Buriej refugee camp in the Gaza Strip.[913]
  • 3 Palestinians were shot with live ammunition during clashes with Israeli forces elsewhere in the West Bank.[913]
  • A Palestinian was shot dead after he first tried to run his car into a crowd and then tried to stab an Israeli police officer in the Romena neighborhood of Jerusalem. The officer suffered light wounds.[914]

7 December

  • The Tunis military training ground in the Zeitoun neighborhood of Gaza City was struck by 2 Israeli missiles, reportedly in response to incidents of gunfire on Israeli vehicles over 4–5 December.[908]
  • Ihab Fathi Miswadi(Ihab Zakariya Maswada( (21) stabbed and critically wounded an Israeli settler, Genady Kofman (41) of Kiryat Arba, near the Cave of the Patriarchs/ Ibrahimi Mosque in Hebron's Old City. Israeli soldiers shot him dead.[915] Kofman later died of his wounds on 30 December.[916]
  • The Department of Prisoner Affairs of the Palestinian Authority charged that Israel had tortured Wasim Marouf, suspected of a stabbing attack, while he was detained in prison. The man, reportedly suffering from epilepsy, mental illness, and gangrene on the right side of his body, was found during an inspection to have 28 cigarette burns on his hands, chest and back.[917]

8 December

    • A 10-year-old Palestinian child was shot by Israeli forces in the stomach, and was in serious condition, during clashes in the al-Jalazun refugee camp[918]
    • Malik Akram Shahin (19) was shot dead with a bullet to the forehead by Israeli forces in a dawn raid on the Duheisha Refugee Camp.[919] Medical sources say the bullet used was a dum-dum cartridge banned under international law. Israeli spokesman said the forces opened fire when pipe bombs and Molotovs were thrown their way.[920]
    • Israeli forces shot one youth in the leg with live fire, and another in the thigh in the wake of Malik Akram Shahin's funeral, when clashes broke out. A Palestinian medic at work at the scene suffered a head wound when struck by a tear gas canister. Several others were shot by rubber-coated steel bullets.[921]
    • Israeli forces occupied 8.4 acres of land owned by Muneer Ismail, destroyed his large greenhouse and uprooted 200 olive trees in Izbet Shofa near Tulkarem. The owner estimated damages at $25,794 The reason reportedly given was that the land had not been cultivated for more than 15 years.[922]

December 9

  • In an overnight raid to arrest Iyad Maslamani, a leader of the political group Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, a shoot-out ensued in Tubas and Israeli troops wounded Ahmad Hreish (22), Muhammad Hamzeh (20), and Muhannad Maslamani (46). The last named was shot in the stomach and was in a critical condition.[923]
  • In a raid on the village of Sa'ir, the home of Jawad Hasan al-Froukh (27), who had been shot some days earlier, was ransacked and he was arrested, one of between 16 and 31 detentions on Wednesday.[923]
  • Abd al-Rahman Maswada stabbed two Israelis near the Beit Hadassah checkpoint in Hebron. One soldier suffered moderate wounds to his chest while a settler, the son of former Bayit Yehudi MK, Orit Strook, sustained a light leg wound, while reportedly trying to tackle the assailant. Maswada was a cousin of Ihab Maswada, who was shot dead after conducting a similar attack two days earlier.[924][925][926]
  • An Israeli couple, Shaul Nir, a terror charged and convicted militant who militated in the Jewish Underground, and his wife Rachel, both in their sixties, was wounded in a drive-by shooting near Tulkarem. The man was in serious condition with a head injury perhaps from the crash, and he suffered gunshot wounds to his limbs, while his wife sustained light injuries in her limbs.[926][927]

December 10

    • When students at the Palestine Technical University in Tulkarem clashed with Israeli troops who had set up a military camp on the campus grounds, 7 students were shot in the leg with live fire, while another 2 were injured by rubber-coated steel bullets, one suffering a knee fracture.[928]
    • Four Israelis were injured on a road leading to the West Bank settlement of Beit Aryeh-Ofarim when a car rammed them as they were carrying out a road-security mission. A 19-year-old soldier was hospitalized with moderate-to-serious wounds while the other three were only injured. Police found the attacker's vehicle abandoned with an M-16 rifle and a stun grenade inside.A suspect, Muhammad Abdelhalim Abdel al-Hamid Salem (37), was arrested the day after in Salfit.[929][930]

11 December

    • It was revealed that Israel had declared as its state land several dunams (7.4 acres) of private Palestinian property belonging to the villages of Jinsafut and Deir Istiya.[931]
    • Israeli forces shot 5 Palestinian during clashes after they raided Ramallah just before dawn.[932]
    • 4 Palestinians were wounded by live fire and nine others were hit with rubber-coated steel bullets in clashes with Israeli troops in Silwad.[932]
    • I Palestinian was shot by live fire, and 5 more by rubber-coated steel bullets in a demonstration outside Ofer detention center.[932]
    • 3 demonstrators were injured by rubber-coated steel bullets in the village of Ni'lin.[932]
    • Palestinian photographer Hamde Abu Rahma was shot in the chest, the fourth time he has been shot at, while covering a demonstration in Bil'in. He claims the fire was personally directed at him.[932]
    • 3 protesters were shot in the foot with live fire, and a further demonstrator was hit by a rubber-coated steel bullet in clashes at Bethlehem.[932]
    • A Palestinian gunman was shot when he exchanged fire with Israeli troops near al-Jalama checkpoint outside of Jenin.[933][934]
    • Uday Irsheid (24) was critically wounded and later expired after being shot in the chest by Israeli troops just outside Hebron. The death took place during clashes, after a march began to commemorate the founding of Hamas, in the Ras al-Jura area. His sister Dania had been shot dead by Israeli troops on October 25 in a killing Amnesty International decried as "unlawful". A further 9 Palestinians were shot by live fire, and 3 by rubber-coated steel bullets.[935][936]
    • Omar al-Hroub (55) of the village of Deir Sammit was shot dead near Halhul after allegedly trying to hit Israeli troops with his car[933][935]
    • Sami Shawqi Madhi (41) from Gaza was shot dead by Israeli forces with a bullet wound to the chest. A further 58 Palestinians were reportedly injured by Israeli fire from the border, as they demonstrated against the fence.[935][937]

12 December

    • Israeli forces shot 3 Palestinians with live fire and another 16 with rubber-coated steel bullets during clashes in the village of Bireh.[906]
    • A 17-year-old Palestinian youth, Raed Hussam, was wounded in the thigh by Israeli fire in Kafr Qaddum.[906]

13 December

    • A Palestinian farmer in his 20s was shot in the legs by Israeli soldiers firing into the Strip from the Kerem Shalom military post.[938]
    • Settlers took over, under Israeli guard, an historic home located on private Palestinian property and proceeded to refurbish the structure, in the al-Masudiyya area outside the village of Burqa. The settlers claim the land is theirs, though an outpost had been recently dismantled and the Palestinian authority had built a children's park on the same site.[939]
    • Lama Munthir Hafith al-Bakri (16) was shot and seriously wounded when she allegedly tried to stab a settler pedestrian in Hebron, at the Givat Ramot neighborhood by Kiryat Arba.[940]

14 December

    • Israel helicopters struck 2 sites in Gaza before dawn, one in the al-Sudaniya district. The strikes were in response to a rocket fired into southern Israel.[941]
    • Issa Hashah (18) was shot in the thigh when Israeli forces put down clashes that erupted when a group of Jews were escorted at night to a visit at Joseph's Tomb.[942]
    • Abdel-Muhsen Hassuneh ( 21) of Beit Hanina in East Jerusalem wounded 11 people by ramming his car into a bus stop. He was shot dead.[943]

15 December

    • 10 Palestinian youths were shot by Israeli forces using with live fire and rubber-coated steel bullets during raids into the Duheishah Refugee Camp when clashes broke out in al-Duheisha refugee camp near Bethlehem, locals told Ma'an[944]
    • 2 Palestinians were killed by Israeli forces in a pre-dawn raid on Qalandiya Refugee Camp. Ahmad Jahajha (20), was a student of media at al-Asriyya College in Ramallah, was shot dead after reportedly attempting to ram his car into a squad of soldiers. A relative of Jahajha, Yunis Jahajha (19) was shot dead by Israeli Border Police in a raid on the same refugee camp 2 years earlier.[945][946] Hikmat Hamdan (29) from nearby Bireh was also shot dead, after he too allegedly drove his car at a group of soldiers inside the same camp. A further 4 camp residents were injured by live fire.[947] 3 Israeli soldiers suffered light injuries, all from friendly fire.[946]
    • 15 students were shot by Israeli troops, on the campus of Tulkarem Technical University. 5 were shot with live fire, 10 with rubber-coated steel bullets.[948]
    • Samah Abd al-Mumen (18) died. She had been caught in crossfire on 23 October when Israeli troops shot Alaa Khalil Sabah Hashah, after he drew a knife at the Huwara checkpoint.al-Mumen was seated in a car nearby at the time.[746]
    • Israeli troops shot and wounded in the leg and hand a 20-year-old Gazan farmer near the Sofa crossing south east of Khan Younis.[949]

17 December

    • Ayman Ameen Hassan al-Khatib (19) was shot and arrested by Israeli troops in an overnight raid on Bethlehem's al-Obayat village.[950]
    • A Palestinian was shot when he was approaching soldiers with a drawn knife at the Huwara checkpoi nt. No Israelis were injured.[951][952]
    • Video was released showing Anat Cohen, a Hebron settler, assaulting a human rights activist trying to film IDF and settler behaviour in Hebron. The incident occurred 6 weeks earlier.[953]
    • Israel forces entered the Gaza Stripa and leveled land with bulldozers near the Deir al-Balah refugee camp. During the operation they reportedly shot 3 Palestinians.[954]
    • A rocket from the Gaza Strip hit open ground in southern Israel.[955]
    • Abdullah Hussein Nasasra (15) of Beit Furik was shot dead after he reportedly tried to stab an Israeli soldier stationed at the Huwwara military checkpoint.[956]

18 December

    • Two Israeli Palestinian women were, according to their own testimony, arrested, handcuffed, chatted up and beaten when they enquired about a delay at the checkpoint to Ma'ale Adumim, where they were driving to purchase material for a beauty shop.An Israeli spokesperson said the officers involved 'behaved impeccably' and that the women had been obstructive.[957]
    • 96 Palestinians were shot on Friday in clashes in the West Bank with Israeli forces. Incidents occurred at the Beit Einun junction, Beit Furik, Halhul bridge, Sinjil, Beit Ummar, Tuqu', and the entrance of Bethlehem.[956]
    • Several Israeli bulldozers penetrated the Gaza Strip and scoured the al-Qarrara area inside Khan Younis.[958]
    • A Palestinian protester was shot in the head by Israeli forces at Beit Einun junction east of Hebron, and is in critical condition.[956]
    • According to Israeli sources, a Palestinian from Turmus Ayya rammed his car into concrete blocks at the Qalandiya crossing and ran towards Israeli soldiers, who wounded him when he refused to stop.[959]
    • A Palestinian, Muhammad Abd al-Rahman Ayyad (21), tried to make a car attack at Silwad, was preemptively identified as having a terrorist intent, and was shot dead by troops firing from the cover of a concrete obstacle.[959][960] He left a will before embarking on the attack.[961]
    • Mahmoud Faisal Bsharat (20), from the village of Tammum, stabbed 3 Israelis in Ra'anana north of Tel Aviv, leaving one moderately, and 2 injured.[962]
    • Mahmoud Muhammad Saed al-Agha (20) was shot dead by Israeli forces in clashes near Khan Younis in the Gaza Strip. A further 31 were shot by live fire and 9 by rubber-coated steel bullets.[960][963]
    • Nashaat Jamal Asfour (33) of Sinjil was killed by Israeli forces with an explosive dumdum bullet in the chest.[960][964][964][965]

19 December

    • A 17-year-old Palestinian youth was shot in the thigh by Israeli forces in Kafr Qaddum.[966]
    • Israeli forces, raiding the village of Tammum to arrest Mahmoud Bsharat, shot 1 youth with live fire, and another 3 with rubber-coated steel bullets when clashes broke out.[967]
    • According to Palestinian reports, clashes broke out between Israeli troops stationed at the Qalandiya checkpoint and Palestinian gunmen. Israeli reports said armed Palestinians fired on an Israeli pillbox at a checkpoint. A Palestinian girl, Fidaa Sheiki (14) was wounded in the abdomen while inside her house. Another teenager suffered a wound to his hand. According to an Israeli spokesperson, the Israeli troops did not respond to the fire.[968][969]

20 December

    • A 35-year-old woman from a village near Hebron was shot in the head with a rubber-coated steel bullet after attempting to stab an Israeli soldier in Shuhada Street. A second Palestinian was also shot when he reportedly tried to assist the wounded woman.[970]
    • 9 students were shot by Israeli forces on the campus of Tulkarem Technical University in clashes over the establishment of an Israeli military outpost on the grounds. 4 were hit in the legs by live fire, and five by rubber-coated steel bullets.[971]
    • Ahmad Jamal Qantawi (14) was shot by live fire in the stomach, leg and hand by Israeli forces near Silwad.[972]

21 December

    • A Palestinian woman was shot by Israeli forces with live fire near Khan Younis. Palestinian sources say she was working agricultural land, while Israeli sources say she was shot after nearing the border fence and refusing to obey orders to moved off.[973]
  • 22 December
    • 3 Gazan youths were shot by Israeli forces near Bureiji Refugee Camp.[974]
    • 2 Palestinians were reportedly assaulted at a checkpoint set up at the entrance to Silwad. One of them Muhammad Nitham Hamed, was left in critical condition.[975]
    • The home of Hussein al-Najjar (30) in Beitillu was vandalized, reportedly by settlers, who drew graffiti and threw tear gas bombs inside. Al-Najjar, his wife and theirs their 9-month-old son Karam suffered from the fumes and were rescued by neighbours who broke in and evacuated the family. The graffiti read:' revenge" and "hello from the detainees of Zion".'[976]
    • 50 olive tree saplings planted by Majed Samih Daraghmeh near al-Lubban ashSharqiya were uprooted by settlers.[977]

23 December

    • 14 Gaza fisherman were arrested by Israeli marine forces and their boats seized and taken to the port of Ashdod.[978]
    • Israeli forces penetrated into the Gaza Strip and bulldozed land near Bureij Refugee Camp.[979]
    • After stabbing 2 Israelis at the Jaffa Gate in, Issa Assaf and Anan Abu Habsa, both from Qalandiya Refugee Camp were killed Jerusalem. A third Israeli was critically wounded, and later died, from friendly fire. The other two suffered from moderate to serious injuries.[980][981][982]
    • For the 3rd day in a row, Israeli planes sprayed pesticide on agricultural crops inside the Gaza border, killing off crops. In one affected area at al-Qarrara east of Khan Younis, Saleh al-Najjar lost 7.4 acres of spinach and peas, and Wael al-Shami lost crops of parley and beans. The Wadi al-Salqa area in east central Gaza was also affected. A Red Cross inspection concluded reportedly that 371 acres in central Gaza and 50 acres in eastern Khan Younis had been damaged by the Israeli pesticide spraying.[983]
    • 13 Palestinians were shot by Israeli forces near Ramallah. 9 were shot in the lower limbs during a raid on the home of home of Ahmad Jaber Abu Alia in al-Mughayyir.A further 4 teenagers were shot in Hizma. Tear gas canisters were fired into the premises of Beit Ummar's Zahrat al-Madaim School, and many schoolgirls were affected by tear-gas inhalation.[984]
  • 24 December
    • Wisam Abu Ghwaila (22) of Qalandiya drove his car at soldiers posted near the Geva Binyamin settlement and the Palestinian village of Al-Ram. One Israeli soldier suffered very light injuries. Ghwalla was shot dead.[982][985]
    • Muhammad Zahran Abdul-Halim Zahran (22) of Kafr ad-Dik stabbed 2 Israeli security guards at the Ariel settlement, north of Salfit. One soldier sustained serious injury from a stab wound in the upper torso, while the female soldier was moderately wounded. Zahran was shot dead.[982][985]
    • Eiad Jamal Issa Ideis (25) of Yatta approached Israeli soldiers at a Hebron checkpoint wielding a screwdriver, and was shot dead.[982][985]
    • Bilal Zayed (23) was shot dead by Israeli forces in Qalandiya Refugee Camp during clashes when troops on a search and arrest mission encountered hostile resistance.[986]
  • 24 December
    • Hani Rafiq Wahdan (22) was killed by Israeli forces with a live bullet to the head near Shuja'iyya. Nine others were hit by live fire.[987] 1p other Gazans were wounded by Israeli fire on the same day.[988]
    • In clashes with Israeli troops, 4 Gazans were injured, one being shot in the chest, near the al-Bureij refugee camp.[987]
    • 6 Gazans were shot in the al-Faraheen area, east of Khan Younis, and another close to the Erez crossing.[987]
    • Mahdia Mohammad Ibrahim Hammad was shot dead while her car approached an Israel checkpoint near Silwad. Border police stated that they acted when the vehicle approached quickly. Palestinian eyewitnesses say she was driving at normal speed and killed 30 metres from the checkpoint.[989]
  • 25 December
    • Mus'ab Mahmoud al-Ghazali (26) a scrap-metal collector from Silwan in East Jerusalem was shot dead after reportedly pulling a knife when stopped by mounted policemen and asked for his identification papers near Allenby Square/Tzahal Square. Police allege he was following a Jewish couple in a suspicious manner. An eyewitness says he was sitting on a bench when approached by the police, and shot several times when, told to stand up, he raised his hands in the air. The witness said he hadn't seen any knife. His family said he suffered from mental disabilities, and was a student at the Al-Nur School for people with handicaps.[990][991][992][993]
  • 26 December
    • Maher al-Jabi (56) was shot and critically wounded when he raced past several vehicles and rammed his car into s military police bloc at the Huwara checkpoint. He died while being evacuated to hospital. An Israeli soldier suffered light injuries.[994]

27 December

    • Saed Muhammad Qumbuz (30 ) from al-Eizariya stabbed a 21-year-old Israeli soldier on Yirmiyahu Street behind Jerusalem's Central Bus Station. The soldier was in moderate condition. The assailant was arrested.[993][995]
    • Muhammad Rafiq Hussien Sabana (17) and Noor al-Deen Muhammad Abdul-Qadir Sabana (23) of Huwara were shot dead after stabbing an Israeli soldier in the face in their village. Another Israeli soldier was wounded by friendly fire.[996]
    • A Palestinian from Bireh was arrested in the Muristan area of Old Jerusalem when he allegedly tried to stab Israeli policemen who stopped him and examined his documents.[997]
    • 3 Palestinians were shot with rubber-coated steel bullets at Azzun, when Israeli forces intervened in a protest at the northern entrance to the village over the arrest of Kreman Akram Sweidan (15) who had been detained near a nearby settlement for allegedly possessing a knife.[998]
  • 28 December
    • Yousif Abu Sbeikha al-Buheiri (48) from the al-Maghazi refugee camp died from wounds sustained on the 25 December when Israeli forces fired on protesters near the Gaza/Israeli border.[999]
    • 2 Palestinians were shot as Israeli forces conducted a search and arrest mission, ransacking several houses, inside the Qalandiya Refugee Camp.[1000]
  • 29 December
    • Israeli forces raided the offices of the Bethlehem Orphans Charity, which cares for 1,200 children but also looks after Prisoners Welfare, at 2.40 am.. Doors were smashed and the contents of two safes, once broken into, were confiscated. The centre is run by the Palestinian Authority.[1001]
    • Israeli forces broke into the offices of the Ahrar Center for Prisoners Studies and Human Rights in Nablus, confiscating computers, fax machines, and all files and documents regarding Palestinian prisoners detained by Israeli. A sign was left ordering the centre to stay shut until further notice.[1001]
    • Israeli forces shot 24 people with rubber-coated steel bullets in the wake of clashes at the funeral of Mazin Hasan, which took place at Abu Dis.[1002]
    • Israel revealed it planned to classify as Israeli state land and confiscate 123 acres controlled by the Palestinian Authority and belonging to the villages of Jurish and Qusra. The area is under olive tree cultivation and has a well used for local irrigation. Palestinians believe the intention is to incorporate the land in the settlement of Migdalim.[1003]
    • A Palestinian father in Hebron reported that his children had been molested by Baruch Marzel. According to Raed Abu Irmeileh, his daughter, Dana, required hospital care after falling when Marzel chased her near the Ibrahimi mosque. He added that his son Hutasem (10), together with two brothers Nabil al-Rajabi (14) and Farhat Nader al-Rajabi (10) had also been assaulted.[1004]
    • Three Palestinians were wounded when clashes in Beit Duqqu broke out as Israeli forces searched the area for three gunmen who had earlier fired at a military outpost and then fled in a car. One youth was shot and arrested, for reportedly holding a Molotov cocktail. Two other villagers were also injured by Israeli live fire.[1005]

30 December

    • Genady Kofman, an Israeli settler in Kiryat Arba, died of wounds received when he was attacked by a Palestinian on December 7.[916]

31 December

    • Hassan Ali Hassan Bozor (22) from the West Bank town of Arraba was shot dead after ramming his car into the Israeli checkpoint of Huwara, moderately injuring one soldier.[1006]
    • Shadi al-Ghabeesh (38) succumbed to wounds, after he had been released from hospital where he had been treated after being shot by Israeli forces in al-Jalazone refugee camp on 4 December.[1007]
    • Land belonging to Ismail Abed Rabbu al-Shalaldehin the Wadi Sair area of eastern Hebron was expropriated and razed by bulldozers. It is believed that Israel intends using the confiscated property, close to the Asfar settlement, which is also reportedly built on Sair village lands, to build a permanent military watchtower and checkpoint.[1008]

See also


  1. ^ 'Israeli soldiers critically injure Palestinian in shooting near Nablus', Ma'an News Agency 2 January 2015.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i 'Protection of Civilians:Reporting period: 30 December 2014 – 12 January 2015' Archived 19 January 2015 at the Wayback Machine, OCHA
  3. ^ Kh. 'Um al-Jamal: Israeli military demolishes 5 families' tents mere days before the storm', B'Tselem 8 January 2015.
  4. ^ 'Palestinian fisherman critically injured in Israeli naval attack', Ma'an News Agency 3 January 2015.
  5. ^ ' Israeli forces shoot 3 Palestinian shepherds near Nablus', Ma'an News Agency 3 January 2015.
  6. ^ '3 Palestinians said injured during clashes with settlers', The Times of Israel 3 January 2015.
  7. ^ Stuart Winer, 'Two settlers arrested for shooting Palestinians', The Times of Israel 20 January 2015.
  8. ^ 'Israeli security guard shoots, injures Hebron teen', Ma'an News Agency 4 January 2015.
  9. ^ 'Israeli forces demolish shops in Bethlehem-area village', Ma'an News Agency 5 January 2015.
  10. ^ 'Israeli forces demolish house under construction in Hebron', Ma'an News Agency 5 January 2015.
  11. ^ 'Israeli troops raid West Bank, shoot teenager', Ma'an News Agency 6 January 2015.
  12. ^ Lazar Berman, 'Police arrest East Jerusalem youth for Thursday stabbing', The Times of Israel 9 January 2015.
  13. ^ 'Report: Israeli stabbed near Jerusalem Old City', Ma'an News Agency 8 January 2015
  14. ^ 'Jewish man stabbed near Jerusalem's Old City', The Times of Israel 8 January 2015.
  15. ^ 'Palestinian teen sentenced to 28 months in prison', Ma'an News Agency 16 June 2015.
  16. ^ 'Israeli settlers chop down 45 olive trees south of Hebron', Ma'an News Agency 9 January 2015
  17. ^ 'Israeli settlers chop down 300 olive trees south of Hebron', Ma'an News Agency 10 January 2015
  18. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot 2 Palestinian youths with live fire in Burin', Ma'an News Agency 10 January 2015.
  19. ^ 'Settler shoots Palestinian in village south of Hebron', Ma'an News Agency 10 January 2015
  20. ^ 'Settler arrested on suspicion of shooting Hebron teen', Ma'an News Agency 12 January 2015.
  21. ^ 'Israeli forces detain 7 Palestinian youths in Silwan', Ma'an News Agency 11 January 2015
  22. ^ '12-year-old injured after settlers hurl rocks at Palestinian car', Ma'an News Agency 11 January 2015
  23. ^ '3rd attack in 3 days: Settlers chop down 170 olive trees near Nablus', Ma'an News Agency 11 January 2015
  24. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m 'Protection of Civilians:Reporting Period:13-19 January, 2015' Archived 2015-01-23 at the Wayback Machine, OCHA 23 January 2015.
  25. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot dead Palestinian at Gush Etzion', Ma'an News Agency 14 January 2015
  26. ^ 'Police kill Palestinian man during alleged car theft', The Times of Israel 14 January 2015.
  27. ^ Reuters, 'Israel: Soldier Kills Palestinian Suspected in Theft', The New York Times 14 January 2015.
  28. ^ 'Israeli troops injure youth in Jenin raid,' Ma'an News Agency 15 January 2015 [dead link]
  29. ^ a b 'One killed in clashes with police at funeral of Rahat man', The Times of Israel 19 January 2015.
  30. ^ 'Bedouin towns on strike after youth slain by Israeli police', Ma'an News Agency 19 January 2015.
  31. ^ Hassan Shaalan,'Rahat riots: Stones thrown at police, ATM uprooted', Ynet 20 January 2015.
  32. ^ 'Palestinians in Israel declare national strike after police deaths', Ma'an News Agency 20 January 2015.
  33. ^ Ilana Curiel,'Policeman arrested in Rahat shooting', Ynet 12 February 2015.
  34. ^ a b 'Israeli forces destroy Palestinian wheat fields near Bethlehem', Ma'an News Agency 16 January 2015
  35. ^ 'Israeli troops open fire at Palestinian farmers across Gaza border', Ma'an News Agency 15 January 2015
  36. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot, injure Palestinian in Gaza', Ma'an News Agency 16 January 2015
  37. ^ 'Soldiers arresting Beit Rima resident violently attack him and his family, leave his brother unconscious in street', B'Tselem 16 April 2015
  38. ^ 'Israeli soldiers assault 3 men working at bakery in Nablus', Ma'an News Agency 18 January 2015.
  39. ^ 'Palestinian killed by Israeli police during Negev funeral', Ma'an News Agency 19 January 2015.
  40. ^ 'Israeli forces assault, detain Palestinian teen in Jerusalem', Ma'an News Agency 19 January 2015
  41. ^ 'Israeli forces expel Hebron women from home, seal property', Ma'an News Agency 19 January 2015
  42. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k 'Protection of Civilians: Reporting Period: 20 – 26 January 2015 OCHA 30 January 2015.
  43. ^ 'Israeli forces demolish house in al-Isawiya in East Jerusalem', Ma'an News Agency 19 January 2015
  44. ^ '10-year-old injured, teen arrested during East Jerusalem clashes', Ma'an News Agency 20 January 2015.
  45. ^ 'Israeli forces demolish house in al-Isawiya in East Jerusalem', Ma'an News Agency 20 January 2015
  46. ^ Terror Data and Trends:Monthly summary – January 2015, Israel Security Agency February 2015.
  47. ^ 'Palestinian stabs passengers on Tel Aviv bus', Ma'an News Agency 21 January 2015
  48. ^ Eli Senyor, Shahar Chai,'13 stabbed in terror attack on Tel Aviv bus; 4 badly hurt', Ynet 21 January 2015
  49. ^ Yoav Zitun,'Video: Terrorist stabs woman as she flees from bus', Ynet
  50. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot, injure Gaza fisherman', Ma'an News Agency 21 January 2015
  51. ^ ' Israeli forces demolish house in East Jerusalem', Ma'an News Agency 21 January 2015
  52. ^ 'Israel carries out 3rd East Jerusalem home demolition in 2 days', Ma'an News Agency 21 January 2015
  53. ^ "Communities Facing Expulsion - Live Blog". Retrieved 6 August 2015.
  54. ^ 'Israel illegally demolishing Palestinian homes, UN says', The Times of Israel 24 January 2015.
  55. ^ 'Settler car runs over 5-year-old Palestinian near Tulkarem', Ma'an News Agency 23 January 2015.
  56. ^ 'Israeli forces suppress West Bank marches', Ma'an News Agency 23 January 2015.
  57. ^ 'Palestinians hurl stones, injure 2 in West Bank', The Times of Israel 23 January 2015.
  58. ^ 'Report: Stones thrown at settler car in northern West Bank', Ma'an News Agency 23 January 2015.
  59. ^ 'Palestinian youths attack Israeli military tower with improvised bombs', Ma'an News Agency 25 January 2015.
  60. ^ 'Israeli troops injure young Palestinian man in East Jerusalem', Ma'an News Agency 25 January 2015.
  61. ^ 'Israeli settlers chop down olive trees near Hebron', Ma'an News Agency 25 January 2015.
  62. ^ 'Israeli forces arrest 10-year-old boy, uncle in East Jerusalem', Ma'an News Agency 25 January 2015.
  63. ^ a b c d e f g h i j 'Protection of Civilians. Reporting Period:17 Jan-3 Feb 2015', OCHA 5 February.
  64. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot, injure Palestinian teen near Joseph's Tomb', Ma'an News Agency 27 January 2015.
  65. ^ 'Israeli forces injure 3 Palestinians during clashes in al-Ram', Ma'an News Agency 27 January 2015.
  66. ^ 'Israel 'systematically mistreats' Palestinian children in custody', Ma'an News Agency 27 January 2015.
  67. ^ 'Israel confiscates hundreds of dunams in Hebron', Ma'an News Agency 27 January 2015.
  68. ^ 'Kidnapping attempt' in Silwan', Ma'an News Agency 28 January 2015.
  69. ^ 'Boy injured by unexploded Israeli ordnance in Jordan Valley', Ma'an News Agency 29 January 2015.
  70. ^ a b 'Israeli authorities demolish Palestinian home, barn in Idhna', Ma'an News Agency 29 January 2015.
  71. ^ 'Israel destroys water lines feeding Palestinian areas in Jordan Valley', Ma'an News Agency 29 January 2015.
  72. ^ Matan Tzuri,'Three armed Palestinians caught after crossing into Israel', Ynet 30 January 2015.'Upon their arrest the Gazans admitted to having a grenade, leading the forces to call sappers to the scene.'
  73. ^ "Teen hurt as Israeli forces suppress West Bank demos". Maan News Agency. Retrieved 6 August 2015.
  74. ^ Gili Cohen, 'IDF says army fire killed Palestinian about to throw firebomb', Haaretz 1 February 2015.
  75. ^ Yoav Zitun,'Palestinian killed by IDF after throwing firebomb at Israeli vehicle', Ynet 1 February 2015.
  76. ^ 'Israeli soldiers shoot, kill Palestinian youth south of Nablus', Ma'an News Agency 1 February 2015.
  77. ^ 'Settlers hurl rocks at Palestinian vehicles near Ramallah', Ma'an News Agency 1 February 2015.
  78. ^ 'Israeli settler runs over B'Tselem photographer in Hebron', Ma'an News Agency 1 February 2015.
  79. ^ 'Israel demolishes agricultural structures near Nablus', Ma'an News Agency 2 February 2015.
  80. ^ 'Settler shoots, injures Palestinian youth in East Jerusalem', Ma'an News Agency 2 February 2015.
  81. ^ 'Settler car crashes into Palestinian security vehicle, 7 injured', Ma'an News Agency 2 February 2015.
  82. ^ a b c d e f g h i j 'Protection of Civilians: Reporting Period: 3-9 February 2015' Archived 2015-02-17 at the Wayback Machine, OCHA
  83. ^ 'Israeli soldiers raid, shut down Palestinian school at gunpoint', Ma'an News Agency 4 February 2015.
  84. ^ 'Israeli authorities plan to destroy wells serving Silwad farmers', Ma'an News Agency 4 February 2015.
  85. ^ 'Israeli forces detain Palestinian child, youth', Ma'an News Agency 4 February 2015.
  86. ^ 'Settlers create outpost near Nablus', Ma'an News Agency 5 February 2015.
  87. ^ "2 Hebron-area boys hurt in traffic accidents". Maan News Agency. Retrieved 6 August 2015.
  88. ^ 'Palestinian shot in Hebron after grabbing soldier's gun', Ma'an News Agency 6 February 2015.
  89. ^ 'Israeli settlers open fire at protesters near Hebron', Ma'an News Agency 6 February 2015.
  90. ^ 'Israeli settler opens fire at Palestinian cars in Nablus', Ma'an News Agency 7 February 2015.
  91. ^ 'Environmental authority warns against Israeli toxic waste dumping', Ma'an News Agency 7 February 2015.
  92. ^ 'Israeli settlers set up mobile homes in Nablus-area village', Ma'an News Agency 7 February 2015.
  93. ^ 'Israeli soldiers assault Palestinian student near Jenin', Ma'an News Agency 7 February 2015.
  94. ^ 'Settlers destroy 70 olive trees near Hebron', Ma'an News Agency 7 February 2015.
  95. ^ 'Israel demolishes East Jerusalem home, 14 displaced', Ma'an News Agency 10 February 2015.
  96. ^ 'Israel earmarks vast area of Hebron land for annexation', Ma'an News Agency 11 February 2015.
  97. ^ 'Israeli forces confiscate goods from East Jerusalem warehouse', Ma'an News Agency 11 February 2015.
  98. ^ 'Teen shot, activists pepper-sprayed in West Bank demos', Ma'an News Agency 14 February 2015.
  99. ^ Protection of Civilians: Reporting Period: 10-16 February 2015 Archived 2015-02-21 at the Wayback Machine, OCHA, 21 February 2015.
  100. ^ 'Israeli forces critically injure Palestinian with live fire in Azzun', Ma'an News Agency 14 February 2015.
  101. ^ 'Israeli forces uproot Tubas olive trees', Ma'an News Agency 19 February 2015.
  102. ^ a b c d e f g Protection of Civilians: Reporting Period: 17-23 February 2015 Archived 2015-04-02 at the Wayback Machine, OCHA 27 February 2015.
  103. ^ 'Settlers attack, injure Palestinian near Nablus', Ma'an News Agency 18 February 2015.
  104. ^ Adele Biton dies at age four
  105. ^ 'Settlers destroy 500 newly planted olive trees', Ma'an News Agency 18 February 2015.
  106. ^ a b c d e f Protection of Civilians: Reporting Period:: 24 February – 2 March 2015 Archived 2015-03-22 at the Wayback Machine, OCHA
  107. ^ 'Israeli settlers chop down 35 olive trees in southern Hebron', Ma'an News Agency 21 February 2015.
  108. ^ 'VIDEO: Jerusalem mayor, bodyguards subdue terrorist', Ynet 22 February 2015.
  109. ^ 'IDF raids home of Jerusalem knife attacker', The Times of Israel 23 February 2015.
  110. ^ '7 injured by live bullets in clashes in Bethlehem', Ma'an News Agency 23 February 2015.
  111. ^ 'Gunshots fired at Israeli vehicle near Hebron', Ma'an News Agency 23 February 2015.
  112. ^ 'Autopsy shows Palestinian teen was shot at close range', Ma'an News Agency 24 February 2015.
  113. ^ 'Thousands attend funeral for Palestinian teenager', Ma'an News Agency 24 February 2015.
  114. ^ 'Palestinian girl injured after being hit by settler vehicle in Silwan', Ma'an News Agency 24 February 2015.
  115. ^ Elior Levy, Itay Blumenthal,'Palestinian killed during clashes with IDF troops, soldier wounded', Ynet 24 February 2015.
  116. ^ Stuart Winer, 'Mosque torched near Bethlehem in apparent hate crime', The Times of Israel 25 February 2015.
  117. ^ Elior Levy,'West Bank mosque torched in suspected 'price-tag' hate attack', Ynet, 25 February 2015.
  118. ^ 'Settlers burn mosque near Bethlehem', Ma'an News Agency 25 February 2015.
  119. ^ Roi Yanovsky,'Christian seminary set alight in suspected hate crime', Ynet 25 February 2015.
  120. ^ 'Israeli forces suppress West Bank demos', Ma'an News Agency 27 February 2015.
  121. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot, injure 2 young men in Duheisha camp', Ma'an News Agency 27 February 2015.
  122. ^ 'Video clip catches soldiers threatening Palestinian teen with their dogs', Haaretz 2 March 2015.
  123. ^ 'Video shows soldiers setting dog on Palestinian teen', The Times of Israel 2 March 2015.
  124. ^ 'Israeli troops shoot, injure young Palestinian man west of Jenin', Ma'an News Agency 3 March 2015.
  125. ^ 'Israel police destroy Bedouin agricultural crops in Negev', Ma'an News Agency 3 March 2015.
  126. ^ 'Settlers torch 2 Palestinian cars near Ramallah', Ma'an News Agency 5 March 2015.
  127. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot, injure 2 fishermen off Gaza coast', Ma'an News Agency 5 March 2015.
  128. ^ 'Suspect in Purim attack plotted to harm Jews for a week', The Times of Israel 16 March 2015.
  129. ^ Nir Hasson, 'Seven wounded in Jerusalem terror attack', Haaretz 6 March 2015.
  130. ^ Roy Yanovski, 'Terror attack in Jerusalem: Five officers, Israeli hurt', Ynet 6 February 2015.
  131. ^ Itamar Sharon, 'Five wounded in car-ramming terror attack in Jerusalem', The Times of Israel 6 March 2015.
  132. ^ 'Palestinian factions praise Jerusalem car attack', Ma'an News Agency 6 March 2015.
  133. ^ a b Itamar Sharon, 'Jewish graves desecrated on Mount of Olives', The Times of Israel
  134. ^ 'Israeli forces fire at Palestinian vehicle near Jenin, injure 2', Ma'an News Agency 7 March 2015.
  135. ^ 'Gaza fisherman dies after Israeli forces fire on boats', Ma'an News Agency 7 March 2015.* "The spokeswoman added that every deviation by fishing boats from the fishing zone is perceived by Israeli forces as a security threat, citing an incident last month in which a vessel was caught outside of the fishing zone with arms intended for Hamas."
  136. ^ 'Israeli forces fire rubber-coated bullet at 7-year-old in Jerusalem', Ma'an News Agency 7 March 2015.
  137. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot, injure 5 teens near Ramallah', Ma'an News Agency 7 March 2015.
  138. ^ a b "United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs - occupied Palestinian territory". Archived from the original on 16 September 2015. Retrieved 6 August 2015.
  139. ^ 'Bystanders injured as PA security forces enter Balata', Ma'an News Agency 8 March 2015.
  140. ^ 'Settlers assault elderly Palestinian man in the Old City', Ma'an News Agency 8 March 2015.
  141. ^ 'Israeli forces uproot 300 olive trees in Nablus', Ma'an News Agency 9 March 2015.
  142. ^ 'Israel demolishes Palestinian house near Tulkarem', Ma'an News Agency 9 March 2015.
  143. ^ a b Protection of Civilians:Weekly Report March 3-March9 Archived 2015-04-02 at the Wayback Machine, OCHA 13 March 2015.
  144. ^ 'Settlers cut down 40 olive trees near Nablus', Ma'an News Agency 8 March 2015.
  145. ^ 'Israeli forces level land east of Jerusalem', Ma'an News Agency 10 March 2015.
  146. ^ 'Dozens injured in clashes north of Jerusalem', Ma'an News Agency 10 March 2015.
  147. ^ a b 'Israeli forces demolish factory, animal barns near Jenin', Ma'an News Agency 11 March 2015.
  148. ^ '3 Palestinians injured in weekly Qalqiliya march', Ma'an News Agency 13 March 2015.
  149. ^ '11 injured, 3 detained as Israeli forces attack Nabi Salih protest', Ma'an News Agency 13 March 2015.
  150. ^ 'Israeli settler violently assaults Palestinian near Yatta', Ma'an News Agency 14 March 2015.
  151. ^ 'Nablus family says Israeli soldiers stole money during home raid', Ma'an News Agency 18 March 2015.
  152. ^ '9 injured as Israeli forces open fire on protest at Jalazun camp,' Ma'an News Agency 18 March 2015. Archived March 21, 2015, at the Wayback Machine
  153. ^ "Palestinian shot in Ramallah clashes dies from injuries". Maan News Agency. Retrieved 6 August 2015.
  154. ^ 'Official: Israeli soldiers uproot 300 olive trees near Nablus', Ma'an News Agency 19 March 2015.
  155. ^ 'Settlers uproot 60 olive trees in central West Bank', Ma'an News Agency 19 March 2015.
  156. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot, injure 2 Palestinians near Gaza border', Ma'an News Agency 20 March 2015.
  157. ^ a b Itay Blumental, Elior Levy 'Palestinians: Jewish settlers wounded 6-year-old girl near Hebron', Ynet 21 March 2015.
  158. ^ Justin Jalil,'Young girl said attacked by settlers in West Bank', The Times of Israel 21 March 2015.
  159. ^ '4 Palestinians detained, 3 injured in Jerusalem', Ma'an News Agency 26 March 2015.
  160. ^ a b 'Israeli forces suppress weekly marches, injure 8', Ma'an News Agency 27 March 2015.
  161. ^ "United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs - occupied Palestinian territory". Archived from the original on 2015-07-17. Retrieved 6 August 2015.
  162. ^ 'Settlers destroy 1200 Palestinian olive trees near Hebron', Ma'an News Agency 29 March 2015.
  163. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot, injure 3 Palestinians in southern Gaza', Ma'an News Agency 31 March 2015.
  164. ^ 'Israel demolishes foundations of 3 Jerusalem apartments', Ma'an News Agency 31 March 2015.
  165. ^ Protection of Civilians: Reporting period: 10 – 16 March 2015 Archived 2015-04-02 at the Wayback Machine, OCHA 19 March 2015.
  166. ^ 'Israeli forces injure Palestinian, detain 2 in Jenin', Ma'an News Agency 1 April 2015.
  167. ^ 'Israeli forces seize solar panels, injure child in village raid', Ma'an News Agency 2 April 2015.
  168. ^ 'Civil Administration confiscates 12 solar panels from the Khan al-Ahmar community close to Ma'ale Adumim', B'Tselem 2 April 2015.
  169. ^ Itay Blumenthal,'IDF paratrooper stabbed in West Bank; Palestinian arrested', Ynet 2 April 2015.
  170. ^ 'Israeli forces uproot 120 olive trees near Salfit', Ma'an News Agency 2 April 2015.
  171. ^ Nir Hasson,'Palestinian boy, 13, loses eye apparently from Border Police bullet', Haaretz 6 April 2015.
  172. ^ a b 'Dozens injured as Israeli forces suppress weekly marches', Ma'an News Agency 3 April 2015.
  173. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot, injure 3 Palestinians in Gaza', Ma'an News Agency 4 April 2015.
  174. ^ Ilan Ben Zion, '2 IDF soldiers stabbed in West Bank, attacker killed', The Times of Israel 8 April 2015.
  175. ^ a b 'Israeli forces injure 22 Palestinians following highly charged funeral', 14 April 2015.
  176. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot, injure Palestinian fisherman off Gaza coast', Ma'an News Agency 9 April 2015.
  177. ^ 'Palestinian killed, 6 wounded in clashes with Israeli forces, Palestinians report', Haaretz 10 April 2015.
  178. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot Palestinian dead at his cousin's funeral', Ma'an News Agency 10 April 2015.
  179. ^ Elior Levy, 'Palestinian reportedly shot dead at funeral', Ynet 10 April 2015.
  180. ^ 'Israeli forces open fire east of Khan Younis, 1 injured', Ma'an News Agency 10 April 2015.
  181. ^ '12 injured as Israeli forces open fire in Jalazun camp', Ma'an News Agency 10 April 2015.
  182. ^ 'Military punishes Hizma's 7,000 residents by closure on village for alleged stone- throwing on nearby road', B'Tselem 14 April 2015.
  183. ^ 'Palestinian employee assaulted in Israeli workplace', Ma'an News Agency 14 April 2015.
  184. ^ Protection of Civilians:Reporting period: 31 March – 13 April 2015 Archived 18 May 2015 at the Wayback Machine, OCHA 16 April 2015.
  185. ^ B'Tselem,'State Attorney's Office: killing a wounded, fleeing boy by shooting him in the back merely a "reckless and negligent act"', B'Tselem 14 April 2015.
  186. ^ Akiva Novik, 'Police chief: Car-ramming attack likely terror', Ynet 17 April 2015.
  187. ^ Itamar Sharon,'Car-ramming suspect's wife insists fatal crash was accident', The Times of Israel 17 April 2015.
  188. ^ 'I sought to kill Jews,' said terrorist who rammed car into Israelis at Jerusalem bus stop, Jpost 04/21/2015
  189. ^ '7 Palestinians injured during clashes near Ramallah', Ma'an News Agency 16 April 2015.
  190. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot Palestinian in eye during clashes', Ma'an News Agency 16 April 2015.
  191. ^ Nir Hasson, 'Another Palestinian loses eye to police sponge bullet', Haaretz 16 April 2015.
  192. ^ a b 'Israeli forces injure 5 during Prisoner's Day marches across West Bank', Ma'an News Agency 17 April 2015.
  193. ^ 'Israeli forces open fire east of Khan Younis, injure 3 Palestinians', Ma'an News Agency 17 April 2015.
  194. ^ 'Settlers steal rich soil from Palestinian lands near Salfit', Ma'an News Agency, 18 April 2015.
  195. ^ Yaniv Kubovich, 'Jewish Israeli admits stabbing Arab worker out of racial motive', Haaretz 20 April 2015.
  196. ^ 'Israeli stabs Palestinian worker near Tel Aviv', Ma'an News Agency 20 April 2015.
  197. ^ Raanan Ben-Zur, 'Arab stabbed in Herzliya: "He yelled 'death to Arabs!"', Ynet 20 April 2015.
  198. ^ 'Settlers uproot 450 olive trees in Salfit', Ma'an News Agency 21 April 2015.
  199. ^ a b c d Protection of Civilians: Reporting period: 21 – 27 April 2015 Archived 2015-05-10 at the Wayback Machine, OCHA 30 April 2015.
  200. ^ 'Israeli settler runs over 4 Palestinians in Qalqiliya', Ma'an News Agency 22 April 2015.
  201. ^ a b 'E. J'lem teen shot dead in attempt to stab soldier', The Times of Israel 25 April 2015.
  202. ^ a b 'Israeli forces suppress weekly marches across West Bank', Ma'an News Agency 24 April 2015.
  203. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot, injure Palestinian near Khan Younis', Ma'an News Agency 24 April 2015.
  204. ^ '14-year-old shot by Israeli forces in Gaza Strip in critical condition', Ma'an News Agency 28 April 2015.
  205. ^ 'Israeli soldiers kill Palestinian youth in Jerusalem', Al Jazeera 25 April 2015.
  206. ^ a b '17-year-old shot dead at checkpoint in occupied East Jerusalem', Ma'an News Agency 25 April 2015.
  207. ^ Roi Yanovsky, 'Palestinian shot dead after attempting to stab Border Police officer near J'lem', Ynet 25 April 2015.
  208. ^ a b 'Thousands attend funeral for Palestinian accused of stabbing soldier,', Ma'an News Agency 26 April 2015.
  209. ^ a b c d Roi Yanovsky, Omri Efraim, 'Four police officers wounded in Jerusalem terror attack', Ynet 25 April 2015.
  210. ^ 'Palestinian shot dead after stabbing Israeli soldier in Hebron', Ma'an News Agency 25 April 2015.
  211. ^ a b 'Dozens of Palestinians injured in clashes in East Jerusalem', Ma'an News Agency 26 April 2015.
  212. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot, injure Palestinian in northern Gaza Strip', Ma'an News Agency 26 April 2015.
  213. ^ 'Israeli forces demolish 4 structures in Jericho village', Ma'an News Agency 27 April 2015.
  214. ^ 'Israeli military drill sparks fire on Palestinian farmland', Ma'an News Agency 27 April 2015.
  215. ^ 'Father of Jenin teen says "son killed in cold blood"', Ma'an News Agency 28 April 2015.
  216. ^ 'Palestinian teen killed by Israeli forces west of Jenin', Ma'an News Agency 28 April 2015.
  217. ^ Reuters,'Palestinian shot by IDF dies of wounds', Ynet 27 April 2015.
  218. ^ 'Israeli forces close 2 checkpoints after settler car set on fire', Ma'an News Agency 28 April 2015.
  219. ^ 'Israeli forces open fire on farmers in eastern Khan Younis', Ma'an News Agency 28 April 2015.
  220. ^ 'Israeli forces demolish Ramallah home', Ma'an News Agency 28 April 2015.
  221. ^ 'Israeli forces demolish Palestinian barn near Nablus', Ma'an News Agency 29 April 2015.
  222. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot, injure 3 teens near Ramallah', Ma'an News Agency 2 May 2015.
  223. ^ 'Israeli forces injure 2 at Kafr Qaddum weekly march', Ma'an News Agency 1 May 2015.
  224. ^ 'Palestinian shot in Jerusalem after attempted stabbing', Ma'an News Agency 4 May 2015.
  225. ^ 'Security guards at Jerusalem light rail station shoot suspected Palestinian attacker', Ynet 4 May 2015.
  226. ^ 'Israeli police withdraw claim Palestinian planned stabbing attack', Ma'an News Agency 5 May 2015.
  227. ^ 'Israeli court approves demolition of Palestinian village', Ma'an News Agency 4 May 2015.
  228. ^ Tovah Lazaroff, 'High Court ruling paves way for demolition of unauthorized Palestinian village', Jerusalem Post 5 May 2015.
  229. ^ 'Israeli forces assault Palestinian farmer in eastern Nablus', Ma'an News Agency 5 May 2015.
  230. ^ 'Settler organization takes over Silwan building', Ma'an News Agency 6 May 2015.
  231. ^ 'Israeli forces raze lands in Hebron area', Ma'an News Agency 6 May 2015.
  232. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot, seriously injure Palestinian near Nablus', Ma'an News Agency 7 May 2015.
  233. ^ 'Settlers attack PA official's car near Nablus', Ma'an News Agency 7 May 2015.
  234. ^ 'Israeli forces destroy electricity network of Hebron-area village', Ma'an News Agency 7 May 2015.
  235. ^ a b 'Israeli forces shoot, critically injure Palestinian teen in Gaza', Ma'an News Agency 8 May 2015.
  236. ^ 'Hamas fighter succumbs to wounds a year after being shot in the head,' Ma'an News Agency 8 July 2016.
  237. ^ 'Israeli forces suppress Bilin weekly march', Ma'an News Agency 8 May 2015.
  238. ^ 'Israeli forces injure 3 farmers, arrest 2 fishermen in northern Gaza', Ma'an News Agency 10 May 2015.
  239. ^ Roy Yanovsky, 'Israeli lightly hurt in West Bank stabbing', Ynet 11 May 2015.
  240. ^ "VIDEO: Security camera captures Gush Etzion vehicular attack". Ynet. 15 May 2015.
  241. ^ "Roadside Terror Attack at Alon Shvut, 4 Wounded". Hamodia. 14 May 2015.
  242. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot 3 children, detain 6 near Ramallah', Ma'an News Agency 14 May 2015.
  243. ^ 'Palestinian youth injured during clashes in Bethlehem', Ma'an News Agency 14 May 2015
  244. ^ 'Gaza officials: 70 hurt as Israel ordnance explodes', Ma'an News Agency 14 May 2015.
  245. ^ '21 Palestinians injured as clashes break out near Nablus tomb', Ma'an News Agency 15 May 2015.
  246. ^ '3 Palestinians in Gaza shot, injured in Nakba Day protest', Ma'an News Agency 15 May 2015.
  247. ^ 'Israeli forces open fire on Nakba Day protests', Ma'an News Agency 16 May 2015.
  248. ^ 'Photographer barred from treatment after being shot by Israeli forces', Ma'an News Agency 11 June 2015.
  249. ^ 'Israeli forces injure Palestinians at Nakba march in Huwwara', Ma'an News Agency 16 May 2015.
  250. ^ 'Settlers uproot hundreds of olive trees near Hebron', Ma'an News Agency 17 May 2015.
  251. ^ Nir Hasson,'Clashes erupt between Jews, Palestinians at Jerusalem Day march Day', Haaretz 17 May 2015:'In the Jerusalem neighborhood of Ramat Sharet, ultra-Orthodox children threw rocks at firemen. In Silwan, firemen were also pelted with rocks, and Border Police arrested a 17-year-old Palestinian. Border Police also arrested a Palestinian man suspected of throwing rocks in Isawiya in north Jerusalem.'
  252. ^ 'Israeli settlers destroy 250 olive trees in northern Hebron', Ma'an News Agency 18 May 2015.
  253. ^ a b Omri Ephraim, Roi Yanovsky, Elior Levy, 'Soldier recalls death of Jerusalem attacker', Ynet 20 May 2015.
  254. ^ Nir Hasson,'Two Israeli police officers wounded in suspected East Jerusalem terror attack', Haaretz 20 May 2015.
  255. ^ a b Roi Yanovsky, Omri Efraim 'Two Border Police officers hurt in vehicular attack in Jerusalem', Ynet 20 May 2015.' He appears to have veered off the road towards the group in order to carry out the attack.'
  256. ^ 'Israeli forces kill Palestinian in Jerusalem after alleged car attack', Ma'an News Agency 20 May 2015.
  257. ^ 'Family of alleged 'attacker' receives body, mourns his death', Ma'an News Agency 21 May 2015.
  258. ^ גופתו של המחבל מפיגוע הדריסה בירושלים הועברה למשפחתו, ynet.co.il 21 May 2015. "גופתו נעטפה במהלך ההלוויה בדגל חמאס."
  259. ^ 'Palestinian boy, 10, critically injured by rubber bullet in Jerusalem', Ma'an News Agency 21 May 2015.
  260. ^ Gili Cohen, Nir Hasson,'Israel identifies assailant in Shavuot stabbing attack in Jerusalem', Haaretz 4 June 2015.
  261. ^ Nir Hasson, 'Stabbing attack in Jerusalem's Old City leaves two Jewish youths wounded', Haaretz 24 May 2015.
  262. ^ 'Two wounded in Jerusalem stabbing attack', Ynet 24 May 2015.
  263. ^ '2 Israeli teens stabbed in Jerusalem, Palestinian suspect arrested', Ma'an News Agency 24 May 2015.
  264. ^ a b 'Gaza fisherman shot, injured by Israeli navy', Ma'an News Agency 25 May 2015.
  265. ^ Protection of Civilians - OCHA OPT weekly report (3 - 9 March 2015), UN OCHA Archived May 27, 2015, at the Wayback Machine
  266. ^ Israel returns 15 seized fishing boats to Gaza, Reuters
  267. ^ 'Israel to demolish electricity grid, water well in Hebron village', Ma'an News Agency 25 May 2015.
  268. ^ a b Gili Cohen, Jack Khoury and Shirly Seidler, 'Israel warns Gaza will pay 'heavy price' if rocket fire continues', Haaretz 27 May 2015.
  269. ^ a b c 'Israel launches strikes across the Gaza Strip', Ma'an News Agency 27 May 2015.
  270. ^ a b 'Sirens sound, rocket fired into southern Israel', Ma'an News Agency 26 May 2015.
  271. ^ Yaakov Lappin, 'Rocket fired from Gaza lands in Israeli territory; IDF strikes terror site', Jerusalem Post 24 April 2015. One rocket was fired on 20 December, 2 mortars, one falling short into Gaza, were fired on 23 April 2015.
  272. ^ Israeli warplanes strike Gaza targets after rocket attack Jerusalem Post 27 May 2015.
  273. ^ Matan Tzuri, Yoav Zitun, Itay Blumenthal, Elior Levy, Moran Azulay,'IDF: One Gaza rocket lands near Gan Yavne', Ynet 25 May 2015.
  274. ^ 'Hamas: We arrested Gaza rocket launchers', Ynet,27 May 2015. A Hamas source said. "We consider the rocket fire to be a dangerous thing."
  275. ^ 'Israeli warplanes strike Gaza targets after rocket attack', Jerusalem Post 27 May 2015.
  276. ^ 'Palestinian fisherman injured by Israeli naval fire', Ma'an News Agency 27 May 2015.
  277. ^ Israeli settlers take over 10 dunums of land in Nablus', Ma'an News Agency 27 May 2015.
  278. ^ 'Private Palestinian land in Jerusalem slated for confiscation', Ma'an News Agency 28 May 2015.
  279. ^ '5 Palestinians detained, 5 injured in clashes in East Jerusalem', Ma'an News Agency 29 May 2015.
  280. ^ '3 Gaza fishermen shot, injured by Israeli navy', Ma'an News Agency 2 June 2015.
  281. ^ 'Israeli forces demolish 3 houses in East Jerusalem', Ma'an News Agency 2 June 2015.
  282. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot, injure 1 on Gaza border, detain 4 fishermen', Ma'an News Agency 3 June 2015.
  283. ^ 'Settler vehicle hits Palestinian near Salfit', Ma'an News Agency 4 June 2015.
  284. ^ a b 'Israeli jets strike 3 targets in the Gaza Strip', Ma'an News Agency 4 June 2015.
  285. ^ Ilana Curiel, Yoav Zitun, 'At least two rockets fired from Gaza, falling in Sdot Negev', Ynet 3 June 2015.
  286. ^ a b Ilana Curiel, Matan Tzuri, Yoav Zitun and Roi Kais,'IAF strikes Gaza after rocket fire on Israel', Ynet 4 June 2015.
  287. ^ 'Israeli forces level private Palestinian land near Hebron', Ma'an News Agency 4 June 2015.
  288. ^ 'Israeli forces injure two east of Jerusalem', Ma'an News Agency 6 June 2015.
  289. ^ Diaa Hadid, Majd Al Waheidi, 'ISIS Allies Target Hamas and Energize Gaza Extremists', The New York Times 30 June 2015.
  290. ^ Matan Tzuri, Yoav Zitun, 'MK Yellin: 'Protective Edge isn't over', Ynet 6 June 2015.
  291. ^ a b Matan Tzuri, Yoav Zitun,'IAF strikes Gaza targets in response to rocket on Ashkelon', Ynet 7 June 2015.
  292. ^ a b 'Salafists claims responsibility for rocket, Israel launches strikes', Ma'an News Agency 7 June 2015.
  293. ^ 'Israeli soldiers shoot 2 men in Beit Jala after pipe bomb thrown', Ma'an News Agency 8 June 2015.
  294. ^ 'Palestinian man injured in hit-and-run by Israeli settler car', Ma'an News Agency 8 June 2015.
  295. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot, kill Palestinian in Jenin camp', Ma'an News Agency 10 June 2015.
  296. ^ a b c Amira Hass,'In Israel, we walk amongst killers and torturers', Haaretz 22 June 2015.
  297. ^ Yoav Zitun, Elior Levy, Roi Yanovsky, 'Palestinian with IED killed by Israeli security forces in West Bank', Ynet 10 June 2015.
  298. ^ 'Israeli authorities level Palestinian property in Jerusalem', Ma'an News Agency 10 June 2015.
  299. ^ 'Palestinian farmer's land leveled near Bethlehem', Ma'an News Agency 11 June 2015.
  300. ^ Shirly Seidler and Gili Cohen,'IDF confirms rocket fired at Israel after sirens sound in south', Haaretz 12 June 2015.
  301. ^ 'Red Alert siren in Ashkelon after Gaza rocket falls short', Ynet 12 June 2015.
  302. ^ 'Gaza Salafi group claims responsibility for Thursday rocket attack', The Times of Israel 12 June 2015.
  303. ^ '5 injured, 2 critically as Israeli forces fire on Kafr Qaddum march', Ma'an News Agency 12 June 2015.
  304. ^ Amira Hass, 'Palestinian bravery vs. IDF cowardice', Haaretz 17 June 2015.
  305. ^ Gili Cohen, 'Israeli soldiers beating restrained Palestinian protester caught on tape', Haaretz 13 June 2015,
  306. ^ 'Israel reprimands officer over beating of Palestinian', Ma'an News Agency 15 June 2015.
  307. ^ Yoav Zitun, 'Soldiers filmed beating Palestinian get suspended sentence', Ynet 15 June 2015.
  308. ^ Yoav Zitun,'Full video released of IDF soldiers arresting Palestinian', 18 June 2015.
  309. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot, injure Palestinian in southern Gaza', Ma'an News Agency 13 June 2015.
  310. ^ Protection of Civilians:Reporting period: 09 - 15 June 2015 Archived 1 July 2015 at the Wayback Machine, OCHA 19 June 2015.
  311. ^ 'Two stories, one death: family rejects Israel's 'accidental' killing', Ma'an News Agency 25 June 2015.
  312. ^ 'Palestinian 'left for 3 hours' under Israeli jeep', Ma'an News Agency 14 June 2015.
  313. ^ 'Palestinian killed during clashes with Israeli troops', Ma'an News Agency 14 June 2015.
  314. ^ a b c Protection of Civilians:Reporting period: 16 - 22 June 2015 Archived 2015-07-13 at the Wayback Machine, OCHA 25 June 2015.
  315. ^ 'Israeli Forces Destroy Hundreds of Trees in Tubas Natural Reserve,' Wafa 16 June 2015 Archived July 13, 2015, at the Wayback Machine
  316. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot, injure 2 Palestinians near Nablus tomb', Ma'an News Agency 18 June 2015.
  317. ^ Raanan Ben Tzur, Yoav Zitun, Itay Blumenthal, 'Israeli killed in West Bank terror attack', Ynet 19 June 2015.
  318. ^ 'Palestinian kills Israeli, wounds another near West Bank settlement', Ma'an News Agency 19 June 2015.
  319. ^ Gili Cohen and Chaim Levinson. One Israeli shot dead, one wounded in West Bank terror attack, haaretz.com, 19.06.15
  320. ^ 'Report: Hamas military wing claims responsibility for Friday shooting', Ma'an News Agency 20 June 2015.
  321. ^ Yoaz Zitun and Itai Blumenthal, 'West Bank terror attack investigation inconclusive', Ynet 20 June 2015.
  322. ^ 'Israeli security forces arrest terror cell behind murder of Danny Gonen', Ynet 15 July 2015.
  323. ^ 'Israel forces arrest Palestinian suspected of West Bank attack', Ma'an News Agency 15 July 2015.
  324. ^ Nahum Barnea, 'Nebi Salah footage a reflection of Israel', Ynet 6 September 2015.
  325. ^ Terror attack: Border Police officer stabbed, critically hurt in Jerusalem Jerusalem Post 21 June 2015.
  326. ^ 'Palestinian shot, injured after stabbing policeman in East Jerusalem', Ma'an News Agency 21 June 2015.
  327. ^ Roi Yanovsky,'Border Policeman stabbed in Jerusalem, shoots Palestinian assailant', Ynet 21 June 2015.
  328. ^ a b Roi Yanovsky, Yoav Zitun, Hassan Shalaan, Elior Levy, 'Riots, rocks and terror mark Ramadan escalation', Ynet 22 June 2015.
  329. ^ 'Firebombs, stones thrown at West Bank bus; one injured', Jerusalem Post 21 June 2015.
  330. ^ '4 injured in East Jerusalem clashes', Ma'an News Agency 22 June 2015.
  331. ^ 'Israeli settlers chop down 70 olive trees in Salfit, Nablus', Ma'an News Agency 22 June 2015.
  332. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot, injure 2 Palestinians in southern Gaza', Ma'an News Agency 23 June 2015.
  333. ^ a b 'Israeli air force hits target in Gaza Strip', Ma'an News Agency 24 June 2015
  334. ^ a b Yoav Zitun, Ilana Curiel, 'IAF strikes in Gaza after rocket explodes in Israel', Ynet 24 June 2014
  335. ^ a b c Omri Efraim, 'Palestinian gang caught, suspected of assaults against Jews in Jerusalem', Ynet 28 July 2015.
  336. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot, injure Palestinian at Jordan Valley checkpoint', Ma'an News Agency 26 June 2015.
  337. ^ Yoav Zitun, Ahiya Raved, 'Palestinian shot dead after opening fire on soldiers at Jordan Valley', 26 June 2015.
  338. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot, injure 14-year-old in Kafr Qaddum', Ma'an News Agency 27 June 2015.
  339. ^ Blumenthal, Itay; Zitun, Yoav; Levy, Elior (2015-06-28). "MDA Ambulance hit by gun fire in the West Bank". Ynet. Retrieved 1 July 2015.
  340. ^ Report: Shots fired at ambulance near Beit El Jerusalem Post 28 June 2015.
  341. ^ a b c Yoav Zitun, Itay Blumenthal,'Terror attack in West Bank: Four Israelis wounded in shooting', Ynet 29 June 2015; "Acting Samaria Regional Council head, Yossi Dagan, said after the attack: "Recently we've been witnessing a concerning increase in serious terror attacks: The stabbing of the soldier this morning at Rachel's Tomb, the shooting on the MDA ambulance on Highway 60 over the weekend, Molotov cocktail being thrown at buses, and the cold-blooded murder of Danny Gonen near Dolev. We must stop this phenomenon before things deteriorate further. We will not allow terrorists to harm our citizens and we demand the Israeli government to allow the IDF to act without mercy against those savages who are turning civilians into targets. The term 'trickle' with regards to terrorism is a lie.".
  342. ^ 'Settlers assault Palestinian in East Jerusalem', Ma'an News Agency 28 June 2015.
  343. ^ a b c Avi Lewis, 'Female soldier wounded in Bethlehem stabbing attack', The Times of Israel 29 June 2015.
  344. ^ Anav Silverman,'Dismay at continued vandalism at Mount of Olives cemetery', 29 June 2015.
  345. ^ Omri Efraim, 'Palestinian woman stabs female IDF soldier', Ynet 29 June 2015.
  346. ^ 'Palestinian woman stabs Israeli soldier at Bethlehem checkpoint', Ma'an News Agency 29 June 2015.
  347. ^ Omri Efraim, Itay Blumenthal, Roi Yanovsky, Yoav Zitun, 'West Bank shooting victim's 'life in danger' Ynet 30 June 2015.
  348. ^ Chaim Levinson and Gili Cohen, 'Four wounded, one seriously, in West Bank shooting attack', Haaretz 30 June 2015.
  349. ^ Nir Hasson, 'Israeli man succumbs to wounds following West Bank shooting', Haaretz 30 June 2015.
  350. ^ Roi Yanovsky, 'Israeli hurt in drive-by shooting succumbs to wounds', Ynet 30 June 2015.
  351. ^ a b 'Ya'alon: Hamas Istanbul headquarters behind recent shooting attacks', Ynet 30 June 2015
  352. ^ 'Israeli forces, settlers carry out reprisals for West Bank shooting', Ma'an News Agency 30 June 2015.
  353. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot Palestinian at Qalandiya checkpoint', Ma'an News Agency 30 June 2015.
  354. ^ 'Attacks continue in West Bank as settlers assault Palestinian man', Ma'an News Agency 1 July 2015.
  355. ^ 'Israeli security agency exposes "Jewish terror ring"', Ma'an News Agency 20 April 2016.
  356. ^ 'Israeli forces seal apartment of Jerusalem synagogue attacker', Ma'an News Agency 1 July 2015.
  357. ^ 'Israel demolishes tent housing synagogue attackers family', Ma'an News Agency 7 July 2015.
  358. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot, injure 3 in Duheisha camp', Ma'an News Agency 2 July 2015.
  359. ^ "אלוף נומה: "מגבה באופן מלא את תפקודו של המח"ט באירוע"" [MISSING TRANSLATED TITLE] (in Hebrew). אתר צה"ל. 2015-07-03. Retrieved 3 July 2015. {{cite web}}: templatestyles stripmarker in |trans-title= at position 1 (help)
  360. ^ 'Thousands attend funeral for Palestinian teen shot by Israeli forces', Ma'an News Agency 3 July 2015
  361. ^ Gili Cohen and Jack Khoury, 'Senior Israeli officer shoots dead Palestinian stone-thrower in West Bank', Haaretz 3 July 2015.
  362. ^ Elior Levy, Yoav Zitun, 'Fotoage shows officer's life wasn't in danger when he shot, killed Palestinian', Ynet 13 July 2015.
  363. ^ 'Israel drops investigation into army colonel's killing of Palestinian teen', Ma'an News Agency 10–11 April 20'16.
  364. ^ 'Israeli settlers attack Palestinian vehicles near Nablus', Ma'an News Agency 3 July 2015.
  365. ^ 'Right-wing Jews attack Palestinian vehicles in Jerusalem, injure woman', Ma'an News Agency 5 July 2015.
  366. ^ 'Israeli extremists assault 3 Palestinian men in East Jerusalem', Ma'an News Agency 7 July 2015.
  367. ^ 'Israeli forces injure 1, detain another near Ramallah', Ma'an News Agency 7 July 2015
  368. ^ 'Palestinian teen shot, injured by Israeli forces', Ma'an News Agency 10 July 2015
  369. ^ 'Palestinian man badly hurt in east Jerusalem clash', The Times of Israel 13 July 2015.
  370. ^ Roi Yanovsky, Elior Levy, 'Palestinian man loses eye during clashes with Border Police', Ynet 14 July 2015.
  371. ^ 'Israeli forces injure 2 Palestinians, arrest 1 in Shufat refugee camp', Ma'an News Agency 13 July 2015
  372. ^ 'Palestinian bystander shot by Israeli forces in Shufat loses eye', Ma'an News Agency 14 July 2015.
  373. ^ 'Israeli army: Young Palestinian woman stabs Israeli soldier', Ma'an News Agency 15 July 2015.
  374. ^ 'Israel launches airstrikes on Gaza in response to rocket fire', Associated Press 16 July 2015.
  375. ^ Shirly Seidler, 'Israel strikes Gaza targets after rocket fired at Ashkelon area', Haaretz 16 July 2015
  376. ^ "Israeli forces detain Palestinian, injure brother". Maan News Agency. Retrieved 6 August 2015.
  377. ^ 'E. J'lem residents: Police did not protect us from stones, firebombs', Ynet 18 July 2015.
  378. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot, injure Palestinian teen near Gaza Strip border', Ma'an News Agency 18 July 2015.
  379. ^ Israel navy shoots, critically injures Gaza fisherman', Ma'an News Agency 21 July 21, 2015
  380. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot, kill Palestinian near Jenin', Ma'an News Agency 22 July 2015
  381. ^ 'Israeli forces kill 53-year-old Palestinian near Hebron, injure sons', Ma'an News Agency 23 July 2015.
  382. ^ a b c d e f Israel's Arbitrary Killings and its System of Structural Violence, Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor, 16 October 2015.
  383. ^ 'Israeli forces wound 8 at funeral of 53-year-old killed Thursday', Ma'an News Agency 23 July 23, 2015
  384. ^ Roi Yanovsky, Elior Levy, 'Violence at Temple Mount on Tisha B'Av', Ynet 26 July 2015
  385. ^ 'Israeli forces injure 19 guards in clashes at al-Aqsa', 26 July 2015. Ma'an News Agency 26 July 2015
  386. ^ 'Settlers fill ancient well with earth and rocks near Salfit', Ma'an News Agency 26 July 2015
  387. ^ 'Israeli forces kill Palestinian teen during arrest raid', Ma'an News Agency 27 July 2015.
  388. ^ 'Palestinian teen 'executed' during arrest, family says', Ma'an News Agency 27 July 2015
  389. ^ 'Israeli forces injure 14 after funeral of Palestinian teen', Ma'an News Agency 27 July 2015
  390. ^ 'Settlers attack Palestinian bus driver in East Jerusalem', Ma'an News Agency 28 July 2015.
  391. ^ 'Israeli forces assault Palestinian teen, detain 6 in East Jerusalem', Ma'an News Agency 28 July 2015.
  392. ^ 'Israeli forces demolish 4 stores in Silwan in East Jerusalem', Ma'an News Agency July 28, 2015
  393. ^ a b Protection of Civilians: Reporting period: 28 July - 3 August 2015 Archived 12 September 2015 at the Wayback Machine, OCHA 7 August 2015.
  394. ^ a b Patrick Martin, 'Palestinian child's death in terrorist attack stirs call to end violence', The Globe and Mail 31 July 2015
  395. ^ Diaa Hadid and Jodi Rudoren, 'Jewish Arsonists Suspected in West Bank Attack That Killed Palestinian Toddler', The New York Times 31 July 2015.
  396. ^ 'Israeli settlers kill Palestinian toddler in arson attack', Ma'an News Agency 31 July 2015
  397. ^ 'Israeli forces kill Palestinian, injure another in northern Gaza', Ma'an News Agency 31 July 2015
  398. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot, kill Palestinian teen near Ramallah', Ma'an News Agency 31 July 2015.
  399. ^ [1] Ha'aretz 1 August 2015
  400. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot, injure Palestinian at Nablus checkpoint', Ma'an News Agency 3 August 2015
  401. ^ 'Two injured in Jerusalem firebomb attack on moving car', Ma'an News Agency 3 August 2015.
  402. ^ 'Israeli settlers attack Palestinian car near Ramallah', Ma'an News Agency 3 August 2015.
  403. ^ 'Israeli forces destroy 2 dunams of agricultural land in Hebron', Ma'an News Agency 4 August 2015.
  404. ^ 'Clashes erupt at Aqsa after extremist attempts to raise Israeli flag,' Ma'an News Agency 4 August 2015.
  405. ^ Amira Hass, 'Israeli Army Demolishes 260th Structure in the West Bank in 2015', Haaretz 8 August 2015.
  406. ^ 'Israeli forces demolish 18 structures in Jordan Valley', Ma'an News Agency 5 August 2015.
  407. ^ a b '3 killed, dozens injured as Israeli ordnance explodes in Gaza', Ma'an News Agency 6 August 2015
  408. ^ Jack Khoury, 'Unexploded Israeli Bomb Reportedly Kills 4 in Gaza', Haaretz 6 August 2015.
  409. ^ Hazem Balousha (2015-08-06). "Gaza explosion: four dead and 40 injured in Rafah". theguardian.com. Retrieved 7 September 2015. However, masked and armed men from Al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas's military wing, blocked access to the area, fuelling suspicions that the house or a nearby property may have been used to store explosives or rockets. Some locals said the area was a weapons base for Al-Qassam Brigades; others said Israeli unexploded ordnance was the cause of the blast.
  410. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot, injure Palestinian after suspected car attack', Ma'an News Agency 6 August 2015
  411. ^ Itay Blumenthal, Yoav Zitun, 'Two Israeli in serious condition, another lightly', Ynet 6 August 2015.
  412. ^ Gili Cohen, 'Three Israeli Soldiers Wounded in Terrorist Attack in West Bank', Haaretz 6 August 2015.
  413. ^ 'Palestinian car attack suspect in critical condition in hospital', Ma'an News Agency 11 August 2015.
  414. ^ Gili Cohen, 'Rocket Explodes in Israel's South, Near Gaza Border', Haaretz 7 August 2015.
  415. ^ Yoav Zitun, Matan Tzuri, 'Gaza mortar lands in Israeli territory', Ynet 7 August 2015.
  416. ^ 'Israeli forces bomb target near refugee camp in Gaza, injure 4', Ma'an News Agency 7 April 2015.
  417. ^ Yoav Zitun, Matan Tzuri, 'IAF strikes Hamas target in Gaza hours after rocket fire', Ynet 7 August 2015.
  418. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot, injure Palestinian teen near Gaza border', Ma'an News Agency 8 August 2015.
  419. ^ 'Israeli settlers set fire to large swathes of land near Nablus', Ma'an News Agency 9 August 2015.
  420. ^ Stuart Winer, 'Knifing victim says Arab onlookers didn't help him', Times of Israel 10 August 2015.
  421. ^ 'Hundreds mourn Palestinian man killed by Israeli forces', Ma'an News Agency 10 August 2015.
  422. ^ 'Stabbing attack on highway 443, terrorist shot', Jerusalem Post 9 August 2015.
  423. ^ Yoav Zitun, Roi Yanovsky, 'Palestinian shot, killed in West Bank after stabbing Israeli civilian', Ynet 10 August 2015.
  424. ^ 'Israeli troops demolish house in Salfit, deliver notices in Nablus', Ma'an News Agency 10 August 2015.
  425. ^ forces demolish 2 homes, barn in Hebron', Ma'an News Agency 11 August 2015.
  426. ^ 'Settlers firebomb public park in Nablus village', Ma'an News Agency 11 August 2015.
  427. ^ 'Israeli forces demolish 3-story building in Qalandiya industrial zone', Ma'an News Agency 11 August 2015.
  428. ^ settlers torch Bedouin tent near Ramallah', Ma'an News Agency 13 August 2015
  429. ^ Gili Cohen, Jack Khoury,  'West Bank Bedouin Tent Set Ablaze, IDF Suspects Jewish Assailants', Haaretz 13 August 2015.
  430. ^ Allison Deger, 'Administrative revenge' — settlers are believed responsible for arson targeting family on outskirts of Duma', Mondoweiss August 13, 2015.
  431. ^ 'Israeli forces demolish homes, structures east of Bethlehem', Ma'an News Agency 13 August 2015.
  432. ^ 'Report: Israeli youths assault Palestinian man in East Jerusalem', Ma'an News Agency 13 August 2015.
  433. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot, injure Palestinian near Ramallah', Ma'an News Agency 15 August 2015.
  434. ^ Yoav Zitun, 'Palestinian stabs soldier near Beit Horon checkpoint', Ynet 15 August 2015.
  435. ^ 'Red Crescent: Palestinian teen shot dead after alleged stabbing attack', Ma'an News Agency 15 August 2015.
  436. ^ Yoav Zitun, Roi Kais, Itay Blumenthal, 'Palestinians stab security forces in two attacks on same day', Ynet 15 August 2015.
  437. ^ Ben Hartman, Second stabbing of the day: Border Police officer injured in West Bank Jerusalem Post 15 August 2015.
  438. ^ 'Israeli settler allegedly runs over Palestinian teen near Nablus', Ma'an News Agency 16 August 2015.
  439. ^ 'Terrorist killed in attempted stabbing attack against Border Police officer', Jerusalem Post 17 August 2015.
  440. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot dead Palestinian at southern Nablus checkpoint', Ma'an News Agency 17 August 2015-
  441. ^ 'Israeli Army Shoots Palestinian, Leaves him to Bleed to Death', Wafa 17 August 2015 Archived December 22, 2015, at the Wayback Machine
  442. ^ 'Israeli forces uproot trees to build separation wall in Beit Jala', Ma'an News Agency \7 August 2015.
  443. ^ 'Israeli forces demolish Bedouin structures east of Jerusalem', Ma'an News Agency 17 August 2015.
  444. ^ 'Israeli forces demolish 12 tents near Jericho', Ma'an News Agency 18 August 2015.
  445. ^ Amira Hass, 'IDF Destroys 22 Bedouin Structures in West Bank, Leaving 79 Homeless', Haaretz 18 August 2015.
  446. ^ 'UN calls for immediate freeze to West Bank home demolitions', Ma'an News Agency 19 August 2015.
  447. ^ 4 Jews, 1 Arab wounded in Jerusalem rock attack on Mount of Olives Jerusalem Post 19 August 2015.
  448. ^ a b c Itay Blumenthal, Rotem Elizera, 'IDF soldier wounded in terror attack near Jerusalem', Ynet 20 August 2015.
  449. ^ 'Israeli forces demolish 3-story building in East Jerusalem', Ma'an News Agency 19 August 2015.
  450. ^ Explosive thrown at IDF position south of Jerusalem, soldier moderately injured Jerusalem Post 19 August 2015.
  451. ^ Israeli Toddler Injured by Palestinian Stone Throwers in Jerusalem Algemeiner Journal 19 August 2015.
  452. ^ 'Israel displaces 19 in Jordan Valley after demolitions', Ma'an News Agency 21 August 2015
  453. ^ 'Aid groups denounce 'surge' in Israeli home demolitions on West Bank', Ma'an News Agency 22 August 2015.
  454. ^ 'Israeli forces injure 4 in Kafr Qaddum', Ma'an News Agency 21 August 2015.
  455. ^ 'Monitor: Settlers attack Palestinian farmers in southern Nablus', Ma'an News Agency 22 August 2015.
  456. ^ 'Monitor: Settlers assault Palestinian man near Nablus', Ma'an News Agency 23 August 2015.
  457. ^ 'Israeli forces demolish two houses in East Jerusalem', Ma'an News Agency 25 August 2015.
  458. ^ 'Israeli forces demolish 2 homes, 7 stores in al-Eizariya', Ma'an News Agency 26 August 2015.
  459. ^ Terror in Jerusalem: Palestinian man attacks Border Policeman with axe Jerusalem Post 26 August 2015.
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  461. ^ 'Israeli border guard stabbed in Jerusalem', Ma'an News Agency 26 August 2015.
  462. ^ a b Roi Yanovsky, 'Jerusalem experiences day of violence', Ynet 26 August 2015.
  463. ^ Yoav Zitun, Matan Tzuri, 'Israeli aircraft strike Gaza after rocket hits south', Ynet 27 August 2015.
  464. ^ a b c 'Israeli forces shoot, injure Palestinians in weekly protests', Ma'an News Agency 28 August 2015.
  465. ^ Yoav Zitun, photos from West Bank protest go viral', Ynet 28 August 2015.
  466. ^ 'Palestinian youth set settler car ablaze in occupied East Jerusalem.' Ma'an News Agency 28 August 2015.
  467. ^ a b Yoav Zitun, 'W. Bank drive-by shooting wounds one in suspected terror attack', Ynet 30 August 2015.
  468. ^ forces injure 5 in northern West Bank clashes', Ma'an News Agency 29 August 2015.
  469. ^ 'Israeli army: Settler injured in shooting near Nablus', Ma'an News Agency 30 August 2015.
  470. ^ 'Israeli forces demolish 25 Bedouin structures north of Jerusalem', Ma'an News Agency 31 August 2015.
  471. ^ Gili Cohen, Jack Khoury, 'Israeli Officer Wounded in West Bank Likely Hit by Friendly Fire', Haaretz 1 September 2015.
  472. ^ Yoav Zitun, Elior Levy, Ahiya Raved, 'Soldier moderately wounded in West Bank arrest operation', Ynet 1 September 2015.
  473. ^ Officer injured in fire-fight between security forces, Palestinians in Jenin Jerusalem Post 31 August 2015.
  474. ^ 'Israeli officer injured during gunfight in Jenin arrest raid', Ma'an News Agency 1 September 2015.
  475. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot, injure Gazan 'after crossing border', Ma'an News Agency 2 September 2015.
  476. ^ 'Gunfire from Gaza narrowly misses Israeli kids watching TV at home,' The Times of Israel 2 September 2015.
  477. ^ 'Israeli settlers vandalize electricity tower in Kafr Qaddum', Ma'an News Agency 2 September 2015.
  478. ^ Roi Yanovsky, 'Tombstones defaced in Mount of Olives cemetery', Ynet 2 September 2015.
  479. ^ Anav Silverman (2015-06-29). "Dismay at continued vandalism at Mount of Olives cemetery". ynetnews.com. Retrieved 2 September 2015.
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  483. ^ Gili Cohen, Almog Ben Zikri, 'Israel Strikes Hamas Base After Live Rounds Fired on Kibbutz Near Gaza Border,'  Haaretz 3 September 2015.
  484. ^ 'Israeli forces bomb Hamas military site in Gaza', Ma'an News Agency 3 September 2015.
  485. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot, injure child of fisherman in Gaza', Ma'an News Agency 3 September 2015.
  486. ^ Itay Blumenthal, 'Tourists attacked in Hebron: "Police left us on hold"', Ynet 4 September 2015.
  487. ^ 'Palestinian local rescues, shelters US tourists attacked in Hebron', Ma'an News Agency 4 September 2015.
  488. ^ 'Palestinian youth shot in the leg during Qalandiya camp raid', Ma'an News Agency 5 September 2015.
  489. ^ '6 Palestinians hurt in clashes with Israeli forces in Silwan', Ma'an News Agency 7 September 2015.
  490. ^ 'Israeli soldiers take over home of PA police chief in Nablus', Ma'an News Agency 11 September 2015.
  491. ^ 'Israeli forces injure 4 during weekly Kufr Qaddum protest', Ma'an News Agency 11 September 2015.
  492. ^ 'Clashes erupt after Israeli settler attacks 8-year-old boy in Silwan', Ma'an News Agency 12 September 2015.
  493. ^ 'Israeli forces storm Al-Aqsa compound, assault worshipers', Ma'an News Agency 13 September 2015.
  494. ^ 'Palestinians clash with police in Jerusalem in Al-Aqsa mosque dispute', The Guardian 13 September 2015.
  495. ^ 'Clashes on the Temple Mount ahead of Jewish New Year', Jerusalem Post 13 September 2015.
  496. ^ 'Driver dies in accident possibly caused by stone-throwing', Ynet 14 September 2015.
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  500. ^ 'Israeli forces storm Aqsa Mosque in third day of clashes', Ma'an News Agency 15 September 2015.
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  503. ^ a b Gideon Levy, 'Is an Israeli's Blood Redder Than a Palestinian's?', Haaretz 4 October 2015.
  504. ^ 'Palestinian shot by Israeli forces last week dies from injuries', Ma'an News Agency 24 September 2015.
  505. ^ Gideon Levy, Alex Levac,  'Ahmed Khatatbeh Didn't Hear the Gunfire That Killed Him', Haaretz
  506. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot, critically injure Palestinian near Nablus', Ma'an News Agency 18 September 2015.
  507. ^ 'Israeli bus set ablaze by firebomb in East Jerusalem', Ma'an News Agency 18 September 2015.
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  509. ^ '11 detained, several injured in East Jerusalem's Al-Aqsa clashes', Ma'an News Agency 19 September 2015
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  511. ^ 13-year-old shot by Israeli forces 'to undergo amputation' Ma'an News Agency
  512. ^ a b 'Israeli warplanes strike Gaza after rocket attack,', Ma'an News Agency 19 September 2015
  513. ^ forces shoot, injure 14-year-old boy in Kafr Qaddum', Ma'an News Agency 19 September 2015.
  514. ^ 'Suspected Israeli settler opens fire at Palestinian car near Nablus', Ma'an News Agency 20 September 2015.
  515. ^ 'Israeli forces fracture teen's skull in East Jerusalem village', Ma'an News Agency 20 September 2015.
  516. ^ 'IDF soldier injured in clashes at Joseph's Tomb', Jerusalem Post 21 September 2015.
  517. ^ 'Israeli soldier injured in clashes at Nablus tomb', Ma'an News Agency 21 September 2015.
  518. ^ 'Israeli forces level land in Gaza border area', Ma'an News Agency 21 September 2015.
  519. ^ Palestinians in Gaza fire rocket into Israel; no injuries reported Jerusalem Post 21 September 2015.
  520. ^ 'Army: Rocket fired from Gaza lands in southern Israel', Ma'an News Agency 21 September 2015.
  521. ^ a b Jack Khoury, Gili Cohen, 'Palestinian Woman Shot Dead After Trying to Stab Soldier in Hebron', Haaretz 22 September 2015.
  522. ^ 'Palestinian killed during clashes with Israeli forces in Hebron', Ma'an News Agency 22–23 September 2015.
  523. ^ Premature detonation of grenade kills Palestinian in attempted attack on Israeli soldiers Jerusalem Post 22 September 2015.
  524. ^ a b c Amira Hass, 'Ten Bullets, and She Never Got Near the Israeli Soldiers', Haaretz 4 October 2015.
  525. ^ Diaa Hadid, '2 Are Killed in West Bank as Jewish and Muslim Holidays Approach', The New York Times 22 September 2015
  526. ^ 'Palestinian teen shot in Hebron by Israeli forces dies from injuries,' Ma'an News Agency 22 September 2015.
  527. ^ 'B'Tselem: 'No justification' for killing of Palestinian teen in Hebron', Ma'an News Agency 25 September 2015.
  528. ^ ' B'Tselem investigation: No justification for multiple bullets that killed Hadil al-Hashlamun in Hebron', B'Tselem 24 September 2015.
  529. ^ Jackl Khoury, 'Israeli Army Denies Shooting Palestinian Girl With Rubber Bullets', Haaretz 26 September 2015.
  530. ^ 'Nablus police chief, 3-year-old daughter injured by Israeli fire', Ma'an News Agency 25 September 2015.
  531. ^ 'Israeli force injure 3 with live fire near Bethlehem', Ma'an News Agency 26 September 2015.
  532. ^ 'Israeli soldiers assault AFP team at West Bank demo', Ma'an News Agency 26 September 2015.
  533. ^ Elior Levy, 'IDF suspends officer over AFP photographer assault', Ynet 27 September 2015.
  534. ^ a b '18 Palestinians injured in West Bank clashes', Ma'an News Agency 29 September 2015.
  535. ^ 'New clashes as Israeli forces raid Al-Aqsa Mosque compound', Ma'an News Agency 28 September 2015.
  536. ^ a b 'Israeli army bombs 4 sites in Gaza after rocket fire', Ma'an News Agency 30 September 2015.
  537. ^ Matan Tzuri, 'Iron Dome shoots down rocket in southern Israel', Ynet 29 September 2015.
  538. ^ 'Mother, baby lightly hurt in West Bank rock attack', The Times of Israel, October 1, 2015, 4:11 pm
  539. ^ a b 'Israeli settlers, Palestinians clash south of Bethlehem', Ma'an News Agency 1 October 2015, 4:28 P.M.
  540. ^ a b c d e f g h 'Public Statement:Israel/OPT: No justification for deliberate attacks on civilians, unlawful killings by Israeli forces, or collective punishment of Palestinians', Amnesty International 9 October 2015.
  541. ^ a b Judah Ari Gross, '5-man Hamas cell that killed Naama and Eitam Henkin arrested', The Times of Israel 5 October 2015.
  542. ^ Elior Levy, Itay Blumenthal, 'West Bank tensions surge in night of 'price tag' attacks', Ynet 2 October 2015.
  543. ^ 'Settlers riot, attack Palestinians after West Bank shooting', Ma'an News Agency 2 October 2015.
  544. ^ 'Video documentation: soldiers escorting Yitzhar settlers on violent rampage', B'Tselem 8 October 2015.
  545. ^ a b 'Israeli settlers set fire to Palestinian agricultural land in Nablus', Ma'an News Agency 2 October 2015.
  546. ^ 'Palestinian injured as settlers open fire south of Bethlehem', Ma'an News Agency 2 October 2015.
  547. ^ 'Settlers attack Palestinian ambulance, 3 medics injured', Ma'an News Agency 2 October 2015.
  548. ^ a b 'Red Crescent declares 'state of emergency' after attacks on staff', Ma'an News Agency 4 October 2015.
  549. ^ 'Israeli forces injure 10, detain 8 in Nablus search for shooter', Ma'an News Agency 3 October 2015.
  550. ^ a b c Yael Freidson, Rotem Elizra, Elior Levy, Omri Ephraim, '2 killed, 2 wounded in Jerusalem attack', Ynet 3 October 2015.
  551. ^ a b c d e f g h Amira Hass, 'Palestinians Report More Than 100 Wounded After Violent Clashes Erupt in West Bank', Haaretz 4 October 2015.
  552. ^ 'War' on Palestinian Terror After Latest Attack Kills 2 More Jews', Algemeiner 4 October 2015.
  553. ^ a b Elior Levy, Yoav Zitun, 'WATCH: 'Disguised troops kidnap wanted man from Nablus hospital', Ynet 5 October 2015.
  554. ^ troops shoot, injure Palestinian youth in Jerusalem', Ma'an News Agency 4 October 2015.
  555. ^ 'Israeli forces clash with, injure Palestinians at al-Quds University', Ma'an News Agency 4 October 2015.
  556. ^ a b 'Palestinians clash with Israeli forces, settlers in Hebron', Ma'an News Agency 4 October 2015.
  557. ^ 'Israeli soldiers kill Palestinian teen in Tulkarem clashes', Ma'an News Agency 5 October 2015.
  558. ^ Jack Khoury, Amira Hass, 'Palestinian, 18, Shot Dead in West Bank Clash With Israeli Troops', Haaretz 5 October 2015.
  559. ^ a b c Nir Hasson, 'Let the People of Israel Enter the Gates and Kill Arabs', Haaretz 4 October 2015.
  560. ^ a b "In second attack, Israeli teen stabbed near Jerusalem's Old City". timesofisrael.com. 2015-10-04. Retrieved 29 October 2015.
  561. ^ 'Israeli wounded in Gush Etzion terror attack', Ynet 27 October 2015.
  562. ^ Almog Ben Zikri, Amos Harel, '2 Rockets Fired From Gaza Toward Israel', Haaretz 4 October 2015.
  563. ^ 'Red Crescent: 96 Palestinians wounded by live, rubber bullets', Ma'an News Agency 4 October 2015.
  564. ^ 'Israeli planes hit Gaza after rocket fired at south', The Times of Israel 5 October 2015.
  565. ^ 'Israel launches Gaza airstrike after rocket fire', Ma'an News Agency 5 October 2015.
  566. ^ 'Settlers assault Palestinians in Hebron camp, army imposes "blockade"', Ma'an News Agency 5 October 2015.
  567. ^ 'Israeli forces injure 8 Palestinians in new West Bank protests', Ma'an News Agency 5 October 2015.
  568. ^ 'Israeli army says killing of 13-year-old Palestinian a "mistake"', Ma'an News Agency 6 October 23015.
  569. ^ a b c d Nir Hasson, Jack Khoury, 'Killed by Israeli Troops Fire Near Bethlehem', Haaretz 5 October 2015.
  570. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot, kill Palestinian boy, 12, in Aida refugee camp', Ma'an News Agency 5 October 2015.
  571. ^ a b 'Israeli forces clash with demonstrators in Bethlehem', Ma'an News Agency 5 October 2015.
  572. ^ a b 'Abbas asks UN for international protection as violence rages', The Times of Israel 5 October 2015.
  573. ^ '9 Palestinians injured, 1 critically, in Hebron clashes', Ma'an News Agency 5 October 2015
  574. ^ a b 'Israeli forces shoot, critically injure Palestinian youth in Jerusalem', Ma'an News Agency 5 October 2015
  575. ^ 'Third Palestinian youth said killed in clashes with IDF', The Times of Israel 5 October 2015.
  576. ^ '6 Palestinians injured in overnight clashes in Ramallah', Ma'an News Agency 6 October 2015.
  577. ^ 'Israel/Palestine: Human Rights Watch Investigator Shot', Human Rights Watch 11 October 2015.
  578. ^ 'Clashes break out after 13-year-old's funeral in Bethlehem, 10 injured', Ma'an News Agency 6 October 2015.
  579. ^ '10-year-old injured as settler attacks continue across West Bank', Ma'an News Agency 6 October 2015.
  580. ^ Yaniv Kubovich, 'Six Israeli Policemen Wounded in Israeli Arab Protests in Jaffa', Haaretz 6 October 2015.
  581. ^ Eli Senyor, Roi Yanovsky, Omri Ephraim, Elisha Ben Kimon, 'Violent clashes erupt in central Israel', Ynet 5 October 2015.
  582. ^ a b Protection of Civilians:Reporting Period,6 October-12 October, OCHA
  583. ^ 'Over 129 Palestinians injured in latest clashes, medics say', Ma'an News Agency 6 October 2015.
  584. ^ 'Video: Palestinian youth violently and wrongfully arrested for five days because the Israeli Police didn't bother to check his alibi', B'Tselem 23 October 2015.
  585. ^ 'Footage from Hebron: Israeli military enables 5-day settler attack', B'Tselem 23 October 2015.
  586. ^ a b Roi Yanovsky, 'Residents of settlement ordered to stay home following rock ambush', Ynet 7 October 2015.
  587. ^ Judah Ari Gross and Raoul Wootliff, 'Israelis shoot at Palestinian mob assailing Jewish woman, injure teen', The Times of Israel 7 October 2015.
  588. ^ Judah Ari Gross, 'Palestinian woman stabs Israeli man in Jerusalem, is shot,', The Times of Israel 7 October 2015
  589. ^ 'Israeli shoots, injures Palestinian woman after alleged stab attack', Ma'an News Agency 7 October 2015.
  590. ^ 'Israel raids home of Jerusalem stab suspect, clashes in hospital', Ma'an News Agency 7 October 2015.
  591. ^ 'Palestinian killed after stabbing soldier in southern Israel', Ma'an News Agency 7 October 2015.
  592. ^ 'Palestinian killed after stabbing soldier, snatching his rifle', Ynet 7 October 2015.
  593. ^ a b Yoav Zitun, Elior Levy, and Roi Yanovsky, 'Palestinian fatally wounded in ongoing Jerusalem, West Bank violence', Ynet 7 October 2015.
  594. ^ '89 Palestinians injured by rubber bullets in West Bank clashes', Ma'an News Agency 7 October 2015.
  595. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot, injure Palestinian at security checkpoint', Ma'an News Agency 7 October 2015.
  596. ^ a b c Raanan Ben-Zur & Rotem Elizera, 'Third stabbing attack in a day wounds at least one', Ynet 7 October 2015.
  597. ^ 'Yeshiva student stabbed in Jerusalem, seriously wounded', Ynet 8 October 2015.
  598. ^ a b 'Israeli settler stabbed, seriously injured near Hebron', Ma'an News Agency 8 October 2015.
  599. ^ 'Israel nabs suspect in 2015 Hebron stabbing attack,' The Times of Israel
  600. ^ a b 'String of stabbings leave seven wounded', Ynet 8 October 2015.
  601. ^ Stuart Winer, '5 Israeli Jews arrested for beating up Arab man', The Times of Israel 11 October 2015.
  602. ^ a b Elior Levy, Hassan Shaalan, 'Nine police wounded, Palestinian killed in heavy clashes in Shuafat', Ynet 8 October 2015
  603. ^ a b 'Palestinian killed, 9 cops hurt in East Jerusalem clashes', The Times of Israel 8 October 2015.
  604. ^ a b 'Over 80 Palestinians injured with rubber bullets, live fire in clashes', Ma'an News Agency 8 October 2015.
  605. ^ 'Palestinian shot by Israeli forces in Hebron succumbs to wounds', Ma'an News Agency 10 October 2015.
  606. ^ 'Israeli forces kill Palestinian in Shufat refugee camp raid', Ma'an News Agency 8 October 2015.
  607. ^ a b 'Israeli stabs, injures 4 Palestinians in Dimona', Ma'an News Agency 9 October 2015.
  608. ^ a b '5 Israelis hurt in West Bank crash after car pelted with rocks', The Times of Israel 9 October 2015
  609. ^ a b 'Two stabbed in Jerusalem, teen Palestinian assailant killed', The Times of Israel 10 October 2015.
  610. ^ 'Palestinian stab victim says passersby 'looked on' during attack', Ma'an News Agency 9 October 2015.
  611. ^ Ilana Curiel, Ra'anan Ben Tzur, Hassan Shaalan, 'Four Bedouins stabbed in Dimona, Jewish suspect arrested', Ynet 9 October 2015.
  612. ^ a b " Judah Ari Gross, Israelis stabbed in attacks in Jerusalem and West Bank', The Times of Israel 9 October 2015.
  613. ^ Peter Beaumont, 'Hamas leader in Gaza declares intifada as deadly attacks continue', The Guardian 9 October 2015.
  614. ^ Jack Khoury, Amos Harel, 'Four Gazans Killed, 35 Wounded by Israeli Fire Near Border', Haaretz 9 October 2015
  615. ^ a b c d e f g h i 'Ministry: 14 Palestinians killed, 1,000 injured this month', Ma'an News Agency 9 October 2015.
  616. ^ '6 Palestinians killed as Israeli forces open fire at Gaza demo', Ma'an News Agency 9 October 2015.
  617. ^ Judah Ari Gross, 'Three Palestinians killed in clash with IDF along Gaza border', The Times of Israel 9 October 2015.
  618. ^ 'Gazan 14-year-old sentenced to 6 months in prison by Israeli court', Ma'an News Agency 9 January 2016.
  619. ^ 'Attacks by Israeli settlers, clashes with soldiers around Hebron', Ma'an News Agency 9 October 2015.
  620. ^ Hasan Shaalan, Ilana Curiel, Roi Yanovsky, 'Violent clashes break out throughout Arab towns in Israel', Ynet 9 October 2015.
  621. ^ a b c 'Israeli police kill Palestinian in Jerusalem after alleged stabbing', Ma'an News Agency 10 October 2015.
  622. ^ Raoul Wootliff, 'Settler places pork on body of Palestinian stabber', The Times of Israel 11 October 2015.
  623. ^ 'Palestinian woman shot, injured after stab attack in Afula', Ma'an News Agency 9 October 2015.
  624. ^ Judah Ari Gross, 'Attempted Afula stabber identified as Nazareth woman', The Times of Israel, October 9, 2015.
  625. ^ 'Palestinian woman shot and injured in Afula cleared of all charges', Ma'an News Agency 28 October 2015.
  626. ^ 'Settler attacks continue in Nablus area, olive trees burned', Ma'an News Agency 9 October 2015.
  627. ^ a b c d 'LIVE UPDATES: Dozens of Palestinians Break Through Gaza Border Fence', Haaretz 10 October 2015.
  628. ^ 'Locals: Undercover Israeli forces injure 1, detain 4 in Jenin', Ma'an News Agency 10 October 2015.
  629. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot dead two boys, aged 13 and 15, in Gaza', Ma'an News Agency 10 October 2015.
  630. ^ a b c '21 Palestinians injured in West Bank clashes, 4 by live fire', Ma'an News Agency 10 October 2015.
  631. ^ a b 'Israeli forces, settlers, Palestinians clash in Hebron', Ma'an News Agency 11 October 2015.
  632. ^ a b '3 policemen injured in second stabbing attack in Jerusalem', The Times of Israel 10 October 2015.
  633. ^ 'Palestinian shot dead in 2nd Damascus Gate stabbing, 3 police injured', Ma'an News Agency 10 October 2015.
  634. ^ Nir Hasson, 'Second Stabbing in Jerusalem: Three Police Officers Wounded, Two of Them by Friendly Fire', Haaretz 10 October 2015.
  635. ^ 'Gaza rocket strikes Israel; West Bank unrest drags on', Ynet 10 October 2015.
  636. ^ Matan Tzuri, 'Rocket fired at south intercepted', Ynet 11 October 2015
  637. ^ Roi Yanovsky, 'Embedded journalism: Ynet reporter on night out with violent Jewish supremacists', Ynet 11 October 2015.
  638. ^ Rocket falls in open area near Eshkol region of Israel Jerusalem Post 11 October 2015.
  639. ^ 'Israeli army: Rocket fired from Gaza lands in southern Israel', Ma'an News Agency 12 October 2015.
  640. ^ 'Israeli airstrike kills pregnant woman, 2-year-old girl in Gaza City', Ma'an News Agency 11 October 2015.
  641. ^ Israeli officer injured in stone throwing incident in east Jerusalem Jerusalem Post 11 October 2015.
  642. ^ 25-year-old injured in rock throwing incident Jerusalem Post 11 October 2015.
  643. ^ Bus driver wounded very lightly in Tel Mond rock throwing incident Jerusalem Post 11 October 2015.
  644. ^ '13 injured by live bullets during clashes near a Tulkarem univsersity', Ma'an News Agency 11 October 2015.
  645. ^ 'Ma'an cameraman hit with live fire during Nablus clashes', Ma'an News Agency 11 October 2015.
  646. ^ 'LIVE UPDATES: Palestinians Report Dozens of Casualties in West Bank Clashes', Haaretz 11 October 2015.
  647. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot, injure 53 with live fire in Nablus clashes', Ma'an News Agency 11 October 2015.
  648. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot dead 13-year-old in Ramallah clashes', Ma'an News Agency 11 October 2015.
  649. ^ Hassan Shaalan, 'Terrorist's lawyer: It was just an accident, the Jews attacked him', Ynet 12 October 2015.
  650. ^ Raanan Ben-Tzur, Ahiya Raved, Rotem Elizera and Yaron Druckman, 'Soldier in critical condition after attack near Hadera', Ynet 11 10 2015.
  651. ^ 'Israeli police: Palestinian stabs, injures 4 Israelis near Hadera', Ma'an News Agency 11 October 2015.
  652. ^ Roi Yanovsky, 'Security forces thwart stabbing attack in Jerusalem', Ynet 12 October 2015.
  653. ^ a b c 'Two stabbing attacks in Jerusalem within one hour', Ynet 12 October 2015.
  654. ^ 'Palestinian shot, killed in East Jerusalem after alleged stabbing', Ma'an News Agency 12 October 2015.
  655. ^ a b 'Israeli police shoot, injure Palestinian teen after alleged stabbing', Ma'an News Agency 12 October 2015.
  656. ^ "Child Killed and His Cousin Seriously Wounded Amidst Settlers' Cry "Die" and "David Red Star" Ambulance Deliberate Delay". Palestinian Center for Human Rights. 13 October 2015. Retrieved 2020-07-01.
  657. ^ Ravit Hecht,'The Israeli Lawyer Who Defends the Most Violent Fighters Against the Occupation ,' Haaretz 25 May 2019
  658. ^ "PLO issues revised English version of Abbas' 'execution' speech". Jerusalem Post. 15 Oct 2015.
  659. ^ " Boy, 13, stabbed as he rode his bike in third terror attack of day in Jerusalem", timesofisrael.com. Retrieved 12 October.
  660. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot, injure 2 during Gaza protest at border fence', Ma'an News Agency 12 October 2015.
  661. ^ 'Palestinian shot, killed after 4th alleged stabbing attack on Monday', Ma'an News Agency 12 October 2015.
  662. ^ Roi Yanovsky, 'Terrorist attempts to snatch soldier's gun on bus, shot dead', Ynet 12 October 2015.
  663. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot, injure 23 Palestinians with live bullets', Ma'an News Agency 12 October 2015
  664. ^ 'Palestinian beaten, detained after allegedly stabbing Israeli', Ma'an News Agency 13 October 2015.
  665. ^ 'LIVE UPDATES: Multiple Terror Attacks in Jerusalem and Central Israel Leave 2 Dead', Haaretz 13 October 2015.
  666. ^ Rotem Elizera, 'American victim of Jerusalem bus attack succumbs to wounds', Ynet 27 October 2015.
  667. ^ 'When Armon Hanatziv attacker ran out of bullets, he started strangling a passenger' Jerusalem Post 9 November 2015.
  668. ^ 'Israeli forces to use permit laws to dodge court ruling, demolish home', Ma'an News Agency 15 December 2015.
  669. ^ Jodi Rudoren, Isabel Kershner, '4 Attacks by Palestinians Leave at Least 3 Israelis Dead', The New York Times 13 October 2015.
  670. ^ Jonathan Beck, Elie Leshem, 'Arab League chief calls on world to 'protect' Palestinians', The Times of Israel 13 October 2015.
  671. ^ Kate Shuttleworth, 'Stabbed Israeli Jew mistaken for Arab criticises violence', The Guardian 15 October 2015.
  672. ^ 'Three murdered, dozens wounded in 5 attacks', Ynet 13 October 2015.
  673. ^ Killian Redden, 'The anger of Palestine's 'lost' generation', Ma'an News Agency 16 October 2015.
  674. ^ a b 'Israeli forces shoot, kill Palestinian in Bethlehem clashes', Ma'an News Agency 13 October 2015.
  675. ^ 'A day of rage and the killing of Mutaz Zawahreh', Ma'an News Agency 14 October 2015.
  676. ^ '50 injured in Gaza border clashes, medics say', Ma'an News Agency 13 October 2015.
  677. ^ 'Palestinian, 20, shot dead after alleged attack at Damascus Gate', Ma'an News Agency 14 October 2015.
  678. ^ '3 Palestinians injured with live rounds during Gaza demo', Ma'an News Agency 14 October 2015.
  679. ^ 'Settlers injure 4 Palestinians with rocks, set fire to land in Nablus', Ma'an News Agency 14 October 2014.
  680. ^ 'Terrorist stabs woman boarding bus at Jerusalem Central Bus Station', Jerusalem Post 14 October 2015.
  681. ^ '2nd Palestinian killed after stab attack, Israeli woman injured', Ma'an News Agency 14 October 2015.
  682. ^ Fire breaks out from molotov cocktail by West Bank settlement Jerusalem Post 14 October 2015.
  683. ^ 'Family: 46-year-old Palestinian dies after assault by Israeli soldiers', Ma'an News Agency 15 October 2015.
  684. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot, injure 9 with rubber-bullets in Ramallah', Ma'an News Agency 15 October 2015.
  685. ^ 'Palestinian youths set fire to Nablus tomb'
  686. ^ a b Protection of Civilians:Reporting period 13-19 October Archived 2015-10-31 at the Wayback Machine, OCHA 22 October 2015.
  687. ^ 'Palestinian man impersonating journalist stabs Israeli soldier', CPJ 16 October 2015.
  688. ^ 'Israeli forces kill Palestinian in Hebron after stab attack on soldier', Ma'an News Agency 16 October 2015.
  689. ^ 'Israeli soldier stabbed in Kiryat Arba', Ynet 16 October 2015.
  690. ^ IDF fires at Palestinians trying to break through Gaza fence; 2 reportedly killed Jerusalem Post 16 October 2015.
  691. ^ '2 Palestinians shot, killed by Israeli forces during Gaza demos', Ma'an News Agency 16 October 2015.
  692. ^ a b 'Palestinian, 19, shot dead in Nablus by Israeli forces', Ma'an News Agency 16 October 2015.
  693. ^ Six Israeli Arabs arrested for rock throwing on Highway 6 Jerusalem Post 16 October 2015.
  694. ^ Bus destroyed by Molotov cocktail in northern West Bank Jerusalem Post 16 October 2015.
  695. ^ Shots fired at IDF forces amid Palestinian riots on Gaza border, none hurt Jerusalem Post 16 October 2015.
  696. ^ "Palestinian rioters set fire to Joseph's Tomb in Nablus".
  697. ^ a b 'Third Palestinian shot dead after alleged attacks in Hebron, Jerusalem', Ma'an News Agency 17 October 2015.
  698. ^ 'Israeli settler kills Palestinian teen in Hebron after alleged attack', Ma'an News Agency 17 October 2015.
  699. ^ 'Video footage raises questions over Hebron "attack"', Ma'an News Agency 17 October 2015.
  700. ^ 'Israeli forces detain eyewitness to Hebron shooting', Ma'an News Agency 17 October 2015.
  701. ^ a b Killian Redden, 'Hebron at eye of the storm as death toll rises', Ma'an News Agency 25 October 2015.
  702. ^ 'Three terrorist attacks foiled in Hebron, Jerusalem', Ynet 17 October 2015.
  703. ^ '16-year-old Palestinian shot dead after alleged attack in Jerusalem', Ma'an News Agency 17 October 2017.
  704. ^ Kate Shuttleworth, 'Two Palestinian teenagers shot dead as violence in region escalates', The Guardian 17 October 2015.
  705. ^ a b '2 Palestinians shot dead after alleged stabbings in Hebron, Qalandia', Ma'an News Agency 17 October 2015.
  706. ^ Judah Ari Gross, '2 Palestinians shot dead while attacking Israeli security forces', The Times of Israel 17 October 2015
  707. ^ '200 Israeli settlers attack Palestinian village with firebombs', Ma'an News Agency 18 October 2015.
  708. ^ Itay Blumenthal and Attila Somfalvi, 'Israelis assaulted trying to enter Joseph's Tomb', Ynet 18 October 2015.
  709. ^ 'Clashes erupt across West Bank for 17th day', Ma'an News Agency 18 October 2015.
  710. ^ Ilana Curiel, Yoav Zitun, Ran Boker, 'Two terrorists open fire at Be'er Sheva bus terminal', Ynet 18 October 2015.
  711. ^ Peter Beaumont, 'Hunt for Israelis who killed Eritrean man falsely implicated in bus attack', The Guardian 19 October 2015.
  712. ^ 'Israeli security identify Beersheba attack suspect, detain relative', Ma'an News Agency 19 October 2015.
  713. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot, injure Palestinian in clashes near Bethlehem', Ma'an News Agency 19 October 2015.
  714. ^ 'Settlers forcibly evict Palestinian families from Silwan homes', Ma'an News Agency 19 October 2015. Ma'an News Agency 19 October 2015.
  715. ^ Gili Cohen, 'Israeli Soldier Wounded in Stabbing Attack Near Hebron', Haaretz 20 October 2015.
  716. ^ 'Palestinian shot dead in Hebron after alleged stabbing attempt', Ma'an News Agency 20 October 2015.
  717. ^ a b Elisha Ben Kimon, Yoav Zitun, 'Renewed terror wave leaves one Israeli dead 'Israeli killed in rock-throwing incident', Ynet 20 October 2015.
  718. ^ Jonathan Beck, 'Israeli run over and killed after West Bank stoning attack', The Times of Israel 20 October 2015.
  719. ^ 'Israeli settler killed in 'car accident' in West Bank', Ma'an News Agency 20 October 2015.
  720. ^ 'Palestinian who ran over Israeli to be charged with manslaughter, not murder', Ynet 13 April 2016.
  721. ^ a b Palestinian teens killed in Hebron after alleged attack on soldier', Ma'an News Agency 20 October 2015
  722. ^ 'Palestinian killed after alleged car attack in Gush Etzion', Ma'an News Agency 20 October 2015.
  723. ^ '1 Palestinian killed, 14 injured in Gaza border clashes', Ma'an News Agency 20 October 2015
  724. ^ '9 Palestinians injured with live fire in West Bank clashes', Ma'an News Agency 20 October 2015
  725. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot, injure Palestinian teen in "attack attempt"', Ma'an News Agency 21 October 2015
  726. ^ Killian Redden, 'After years of peaceful protest, Hebron doctor dies in tear gas', Ma'an News Agency 22 October 2015
  727. ^ 'Jerusalem Palestinian loses eye after indiscriminate Israeli fire', Ma'an News Agency 24 October 2015
  728. ^ a b Elisa Ben Kimon and Yoav Zitun, 'Jew believed to be attacker shot, killed in Jerusalem', Ynet 21 October 2015.
  729. ^ 'Palestinian shot, injured by Israeli forces in Gaza border clashes', Ma'an News Agency 21 October 2015
  730. ^ 'Palestinian shot, injured after alleged car attack injures 4 Israelis', Ma'an News Agency 21 October 2015.
  731. ^ 'Gaza rocket lands in southern Israel, no injuries reported', Ma'an News Agency 21 October 2015.
  732. ^ 'LIVE UPDATES: Man Suspected of Trying to Snatch Soldier's Gun Shot Dead in Jerusalem', Haaretz 21 October 2015.
  733. ^ Omri Efriam, Roy Yanovsky, 'Jewish man killed in Jerusalem yelled "I am ISIS"', Ynet 22 October 2015.
  734. ^ 'Israel closes major checkpoint between Bethlehem and Jerusalem', Ma'an News Agency 22 October 2015.
  735. ^ '1 Palestinian killed, 1 injured after alleged attack in Beit Shemesh', Ma'an News Agency 22 October 2015.
  736. ^ a b Roi Yanovsky, Elior Levy, 'Palestinian tries to stab IDF soldier in Hebron', Ynet 22 October 2015
  737. ^ 'Israeli forces injure 49 during clashes across the West Bank and Gaza', Ma'an News Agency 22 October 2015.
  738. ^ 'Palestinian shot after stabbing Israeli soldier near Bethlehem', Ma'an News Agency 23 October 2015.
  739. ^ 'Family with children injured in firebomb attack', Ynet 23 October 2015.
  740. ^ '3 Israeli settlers injured by Molotov cocktail near Beit El', Ma'an News Agency 23 October 2015.
  741. ^ Judah Ari Gross Suspects nabbed for 2015 firebombing that wounded 3-year-old Israeli,' The Times of Israel 3 November 2016.
  742. ^ 'Video: Jewish settler attacks, attempts to stab Rabbi near Nablus', Ma'an News Agency 23 October 2015.
  743. ^ Michael Schaeffer Omer-Man, 'WATCH: Jewish extremist tries to stab "rabbi for human rights"', +972 Magazine 23 October 2015
  744. ^ '87 Palestinians shot with live, rubber bullets in West Bank, Gaza', Ma'an News Agency 23 October 2015
  745. ^ 'Palestinian injured in Gaza demo last week dies from injuries', Ma'an News Agency 23 October 2015
  746. ^ a b '18-year-old dies weeks after being hit by Israeli crossfire in Nablus', Ma'an News Agency 16 December 2015.
  747. ^ a b c Gili Cohen, 'Israeli stabbed in West Bank Palestinian Assailant Escapes', Haaretz 25 October 2015.
  748. ^ 'Palestinian shot dead after alleged Jenin attack, no injuries reported', Ma'an News Agency 24 October 2015.
  749. ^ 'Palestinian succumbs to wounds sustained days earlier in Gaza demo', Ma'an News Agency 24 October 2015
  750. ^ a b Yoav Zitun, 'Terrorist arrested in Hebron hospital bed, cousin killed in raid', Ynet 12 November 2015.
  751. ^ a b c 'Undercover Israeli forces shoot dead Palestinian in Hebron hospital', Ma'an News Agency 12 November 2015
  752. ^ 'Settler shoots, critically injures Palestinian near Gush Etzion', Ma'an News Agency 24 October 2015
  753. ^ Elisha Ben Kimon, Yoav Zitun 'Israeli stabbed in Gush Etzion; terrorist flees scene', Ynet 25 October 2015.
  754. ^ a b Elisha Ben Kimon, Yoav Zitun, 'Israeli moderately wounded in Ariel stabbing attack', Ynet 25 October 2015
  755. ^ 'Israeli police shoot, kill 17-year-old Palestinian in Hebron', Ma'an News Agency 25 October 2015
  756. ^ Diaa Hadid and Rami Nazzal, 'Caught Between Protesters and Israel, Palestinian Security Forces Shift Tactics', The New York Times 25 October 2015.
  757. ^ 'Settlers attack Palestinian farmers picking olives near Nablus', Ma'an News Agency 26 October
  758. ^ 'Palestinian shot, killed near Hebron after stabbing Israeli soldier', Ma'an News Agency 26 October 2015.
  759. ^ a b Elisha Ben Kimon, Yoav Zitun, 'Israeli soldier stabbed near Kiryat Arba', Ynet 26 October 2015.
  760. ^ 'Israeli forces in Occupied Palestinian Territories must end pattern of unlawful killings', Amnesty International, 27 October 2015.
  761. ^ Tamar Pileggi, 'Amnesty slams 'extrajudicial executions' of stabbers', The Times of Israel 28 October 2015.
  762. ^ 'Palestinian teen shot dead during clashes in Hebron', Ma'an News Agency 26 October 2015.
  763. ^ '10 shot, injured as Hebron rally erupts into fierce clashes', Ma'an News Agency 27 October 2015
  764. ^ '77 injured with live, rubber-coated steel bullets in West Bank clashes', Ma'an News Agency 27 October 2015.
  765. ^ 'Israeli soldier named 'Terminator' after shooting dead 3 Palestinians', Ma'an News Agency 6 November 2015.
  766. ^ '2 Palestinians killed near Bethlehem after stab attack on soldier', Ma'an News Agency 27 October 2015.
  767. ^ '3rd Palestinian shot, killed after alleged attack in Hebron', Ma'an News Agency 28 October 2015.
  768. ^ a b 'Reports: Settler injured in attack, Palestinian detained', Ma'an News Agency 19 October 2015
  769. ^ 'Palestinian shot dead in Kiryat Arba after alleged stabbing attempt', Ma'an News Agency 28 October 2015.
  770. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot, injure Palestinian protester in Gaza Strip', Ma'an News Agency 28 October 2015.
  771. ^ "Beit Hagai mother of eight slashed by terrorist near Gush Etzion junction".
  772. ^ 'Palestinian dies in East Jerusalem as ambulance delayed by checkpoint', Ma'an News Agency 29 October 2015.
  773. ^ a b Elisha Ben Kimon, Yoav Zitun, 'IDF soldier wounded in Hebron stabbing attack', Ynet 29 October 2015.
  774. ^ '2nd Palestinian killed in Hebron after alleged stabbing attempt', Ma'an News Agency 29 October 2015.
  775. ^ ' 8-month-old baby dies from tear gas inhalation near Bethlehem', Ma'an News Agency 30 October 2015.
  776. ^ Gili Cohen, 'Tear Gas Didn't Kill Palestinian Baby, Israeli Army Says', Haaretz 31 October 2015.
  777. ^ 'Palestinian shot, killed after alleged attack at Nablus checkpoint', Ma'an News Agency 30 October 2015.
  778. ^ 'Palestinian shot after Jerusalem stab attack dies from injuries', Ma'an News Agency 30 October 2015.
  779. ^ 'Israeli forces kill three Palestinians including a baby', Al Jazeera, 30 October 2015
  780. ^ 'Israeli forces injure 55 Palestinians, 16 by live fire in West Bank', Ma'an News Agency 30 October 2015.
  781. ^ 'Israeli forces run over youth, assault journalists in el-Bireh clashes', Ma'an News Agency 30 October 2015.
  782. ^ VIDEO: 'Border Police run over, beat Palestinian rioter near Ramallah', Jerusalem Post 30 October 2015.
  783. ^ a b 'Israeli forces shoot, injure two Palestinians in Gaza clashes', Ma'an News Agency 31 October 2015.
  784. ^ 'Palestinian killed after alleged attack attempt north of Jenin', Ma'an News Agency 31 October 2015.
  785. ^ 'Locals: Settlers prevent Palestinian farmers from olive harvest', Ma'an News Agency 31 October 2015
  786. ^ 'Palestinian shot dead after alleged stabbing attempt near Hebron', Ma'an News Agency 1 November 2015.
  787. ^ Elisha Ben Kimon, 'Three wounded in West Bank car attack', Ynet 1 November 2015.
  788. ^ 'Palestinian teen killed at Jenin checkpoint after alleged attack', Ma'an News Agency 2 November 2015.
  789. ^ 'Video: Palestinian assaulted after refusing body search in Jerusalem', Ma'an News Agency 2 November 2015.
  790. ^ a b 'Palestinian shot, injured after Israeli, 70, injured in Netanya attack', Ma'an News Agency 2 November 2015
  791. ^ Elior Levy, Yoav Zitun, Elisha Ben Kimon, 'Hebron radio station shuttered for incitement', Ynet 3 November 2015
  792. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot, injure 8 with live fire following funeral', Ma'an News Agency 2 November 2015
  793. ^ 'Israeli forces injure 21 at memorial for slain student in Abu Dis', Ma'an News Agency 2 November 2015.
  794. ^ a b c 'Israeli forces injure dozens across the occupied West Bank and Gaza', Ma'an News Agency 3 November 2015
  795. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot, injure Palestinian in Beit Ummar clashes', Ma'an News Agency 3 November 2015
  796. ^ a b 'Border policeman wounded in terror attack succumbs to wounds', Ynet 8 November 2015.
  797. ^ Border Police officer fighting for life after car attack', Ynet 4 November 2015.
  798. ^ 'Palestinian killed, 2 Israelis injured in suspected vehicular attack', Ma'an News Agency 4 November 2015. [dead link]
  799. ^ 'Israeli army injures Palestinians after settlers attack Nablus village', Ma'an News Agency 4 November 2015.
  800. ^ 'Palestinian shot, killed after alleged stab attack in Gush Etzion', Ma'an News Agency 5 November 2015.
  801. ^ 'Meet the Terminator:IDF soldier killed 3 Terrorists in 2 weeks', The Jewish Press 5 November 2015.
  802. ^ 'Israeli forces injure 5 Palestinians in Hebron clashes', Ma'an News Agency 6 November 2015.
  803. ^ a b 'Palestinian shot, killed by Israeli forces in southern Gaza', Ma'an News Agency 6 November 2015.
  804. ^ Noan Amir, Maariv Hashavua, Yasser Okbi, 'Video from vehicular incident in Hebron leaked online', Jerusalem Post 7 November 2015.
  805. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot, injure Palestinian woman after "vehicle attack"', Ma'an News Agency 6 November 2015.
  806. ^ a b c d Elisha Ben Kimon, Yoav Zitun, 'Four Israelis wounded in three attacks', Ynet 6 November 2015.
  807. ^ 'Israeli settler stabbed, seriously injured near Ramallah', Ma'an News Agency 6 November 2015.
  808. ^ Yoav Zitun, '2 brothers from Hebron arrested for wounding Israelis with sniper rifle', Ynet 29 February 2016.
  809. ^ 'Israeli forces detain 16-year-old Palestinian over Hebron shooting', Ma'an News Agency 7 November 2015.
  810. ^ 'Palestinians injured in clashes across West Bank, Gaza', Ma'an News Agency 7 November 2015
  811. ^ a b c 'Israeli man stabbed, injured in 3rd West Bank attack', Ma'an News Agency 8 November 2015
  812. ^ 'Palestinian shot, injured after stabbing attack near Gush Etzion', Ma'an News Agency 8 November 2015.
  813. ^ 'Palestinian shot dead, 3 Israelis injured after suspected car attack', Ma'an News Agency 8 November 2015.
  814. ^ a b Matan Tzuri, 'IAF attacks Gaza Strip in response to rocket launched at Israel', Ynet 9 November 2015.
  815. ^ Elisha Ben Kimon, Yoav Zitun, 'Suspected attack foiled in West Bank, assailant killed', Ynet 9 November 2015.
  816. ^ 'Israeli settler opens fire at Palestinian farmers in Nablus', Ma'an News Agency 9 November 2015.
  817. ^ 'Israeli forces injure dozens of university students in Tulkarem', Ma'an News Agency 9 November 2015.
  818. ^ 'Palestinian attack suspect, 12, held in police custody at hospital', Ma'an News Agency 14 November 2015.
  819. ^ Isabel Kershner and Rami Nazzal, 'Violent Loop Engulfs Youths in Jerusalem', The New York Times 10 November 2015.
  820. ^ a b c 'Palestinian killed, one wounded after West Bank "stabbing attempts"', Ma'an News Agency 10 November 2015.
  821. ^ a b 'Israel detains father, brothers of Palestinian killed in Jerusalem', Ma'an News Agency 11 November 2015.
  822. ^ a b c Roi Yanovsky, 'Palestinians aged 11, 14 stab Israeli', Ynet 10 November 2015.
  823. ^ 'Family in shock after son killed following alleged West Bank attack', Ma'an News Agency 10 November 2015
  824. ^ '11 injured by live fire as clashes break out in Qalandiya refugee camp', Ma'an News Agency 11 November 2015.
  825. ^ 'Palestinian shot dead in Israeli undercover raid on West Bank hospital', The Guardian 12 November 2015.
  826. ^ 'Israel/OPT: Investigate apparent extrajudicial execution at Hebron hospital', Amnesty International 12 November 2015.
  827. ^ 'Palestinian dies from injuries after being shot by Israeli soldiers', Ma'an News Agency 13 November 2015.
  828. ^ '29 Palestinians shot, injured during West Bank demonstrations', Ma'an News Agency 13 November 2015.
  829. ^ 'Israeli settlers killed in shooting attack south of Hebron', Ma'an News Agency 13 November 2015. [dead link]
  830. ^ Yoav Zitun and Elisha Ben Kimon 'Father and son murdered in West Bank terror shooting', Ynet 13 November 2015.
  831. ^ Judah Ari Gross, 'Mother and second son injured in shooting south of Hebron, 3 daughters treated for shock; IDF troops hunting for two Palestinian gunmen', The Times of Israel 13 November 2015.
  832. ^ Tovah Lazaroff, Netanyahu: Red Crescent acted against 'civilized norms' by not treating victims at terror scene Jerusalem Post 15 November 2015.
  833. ^ 'Palestinian, 23, shot dead during Hebron-area clashes', Ma'an News Agency 13 November 2015.
  834. ^ '3rd Palestinian dies from clashes with Israeli forces', Ma'an News Agency 13 November 2015.
  835. ^ 'Israel demolishes 4 West Bank homes of Palestinians accused of attacks', Ma'an News Agency 14 November 2015.
  836. ^ 'Israeli troops force Palestinian family off land during olive harvest', Ma'an News Agency 15 November 2015.
  837. ^ '2-year-old Palestinian hit by Israeli army jeep north of Jerusalem', Ma'an News Agency 15 November 2015.
  838. ^ '6 Palestinians injured in Ramallah-area clashes', Ma'an News Agency 15 November 2015.
  839. ^ Amira Hass, 'One Palestinian Family's Demolition, Revenge on the Whole Neighborhood', Haaretz 17 November 2015.
  840. ^ 'Israeli forces kill 2 Palestinians in Qalandiya refugee camp', Ma'an News Agency 16 November 2015.
  841. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot, injure 2 Palestinian fishermen off Gaza coast', Ma'an News Agency 16 November 2015.
  842. ^ 'Israel forces demolish housing structures in Hebron village', Ma'an News Agency 16 November 2015.
  843. ^ '8 Palestinians shot, injured as Qalandiya funeral erupts into clashes', Ma'an News Agency 16 November 2015.
  844. ^ 'Israeli forces open fire at Gaza's al-Maghazi refugee camp', Ma'an News Agency 17 November 2015.
  845. ^ "Palestinian victims killed by Israeli forces since 02 October 2015".
  846. ^ 'Israeli forces hit Hamas infrastructure in Gaza Strip', Ma'an News Agency 18 November 2015.
  847. ^ 'Israeli forces raid Bethlehem-area refugee camp, injure 2'
  848. ^ 'Palestinian teen shot, seriously injured during Abu Dis clashes', Ma'an News Agency 19 November 2015.
  849. ^ 'Israeli military fires tear gas at school in Hebron's Old City', Ma'an News Agency 19 November 2015.
  850. ^ Judah Ari Gross, Adiv Steerman, Stuart Winer, 'Two killed in stabbing attack at Tel Aviv office building', The Times of Israel 19 November 2015.
  851. ^ a b '2 Israelis, 1 Palestinian killed in Gush Etzion shooting attack', Ma'an News Agency 19 November 2015.
  852. ^ '3 killed in Etzion Bloc drive-by shooting', The Times of Israel 19 November 2015.
  853. ^ Amnesty International condemns Palestinian terrorist attacks against Israelis Jerusalem Post 20 November 2015.
  854. ^ '156 Palestinians shot by Israeli forces in West Bank, Gaza clashes', Ma'an News Agency 20 November 2015.
  855. ^ a b 'Settler runs over, shoots and kills 16-year-old Palestinian in Nablus', Ma'an News Agency 21 November 2015.
  856. ^ '4 Israelis wounded in stabbing in southern Israel, mob attacks Bedouin', Ma'an News Agency 21 November 2015.
  857. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot, injure 2 Palestinians near Nablus', Ma'an News Agency 22 November 2015.
  858. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot, injure Palestinian at West Bank crossing', Ma'an News Agency 21 November 2015.
  859. ^ 'Israeli forces detain 15, ransack 150 homes in Hebron raid', Ma'an News Agency 22 November 2015.
  860. ^ 'Palestinian shot dead after stabbing Israeli to death near Gush Etzion', Ma'an News Agency 22 November 2015.
  861. ^ 'Settler shoots dead 2nd Palestinian following alleged attack attempt', Ma'an News Agency 22 November 2015.
  862. ^ 'Israel bars Palestinian workers from Gush Etzion settlement bloc', Ma'an News Agency 22 November 2015.
  863. ^ 'Rocket fired from Gaza hits southern Israel', Ma'an News Agency 23 November 2015.
  864. ^ 'Medics: Israeli settler wounded in alleged Nablus car attack', Ma'an News Agency 23 November 2015.
  865. ^ a b Uri Avnery 'A Lonely Lawyer', Counterpunch December 18, 2015
  866. ^ "Why did they have to kill her?".
  867. ^ a b Yael Friedson, Yoav Zitun, Elisha Ben Kimon, 'Soldier murdered in route 443 attack', Ynet 23 November 2015.
  868. ^ 'Palestinian girl shot dead after alleged attack near Jerusalem market', Ma'an News Agency 23 November 2015.
  869. ^ Yael Friedson, 'Scissors-wielding terrorist indicted for attempted murder', Ynet 11 December 2015.
  870. ^ 'Palestinian suspect, 16, shot dead after killing Israeli near Ramallah', Ma'an News Agency 23 November 2015.
  871. ^ 'Israeli settlers attack Palestinian olive pickers in Nablus village', Ma'an News Agency 23 November 2015.
  872. ^ 'Israeli forces enter Gaza border area, create new barriers', Ma'an News Agency 25 November 2015.
  873. ^ gunmen fire at Israeli settler car near Ramallah', Ma'an News Agency 24 November 2015.
  874. ^ 'Israeli settler injured after rock thrown at car near Ramallah', Ma'an News Agency 24 November 2015.
  875. ^ "IDF Lt.-Col. among 4 injured in ramming attack at Tapuah Junction in West Bank".
  876. ^ 'Israeli forces deploy in Hebron after sniper fires on Israeli car', Ma'an News Agency 25 November 2015.
  877. ^ 'Palestinian teen shot in clashes 2 weeks ago dies from wounds', Ma'an News Agency 25 November 2015.
  878. ^ ' Palestinian shot after stabbing Israeli soldier dies from injuries', Ma'an News Agency 25 November 2015.
  879. ^ 'Israeli forces seize buses from Palestinian transport company', Ma'an News Agency 25 November 2015.
  880. ^ 'Israeli forces raid al-Fawwar refugee camp, injure 2', Ma'an News Agency 26 November 2015.
  881. ^ 'Palestinian killed at Nablus checkpoint after alleged attack', Ma'an News Agency 26 November 2015.
  882. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot, kill Palestinian during arrest raid', Ma'an News Agency 26 November 2015.
  883. ^ a b c Elisha Ben Kimon, 'Eight soldiers wounded in two vehicular attacks in West Bank', Ynet 27 November 2015.
  884. ^ 'Hundreds attend funeral of Palestinian killed in al-Arrub camp', Ma'an News Agency 27 November 2015.
  885. ^ 'Border Police officer wounded in Nahariya stabbing attack', The Times of Israel 27 November 2015
  886. ^ Hassan Shaalan, 'Nahariya stabbing of Border Policeman: Not nationalistically motivated', Ynet 16 December 2015.
  887. ^ a b '5 Palestinians shot with live fire in West Bank clashes', Ma'an News Agency 28 November 2015.
  888. ^ a b 'Two stabbing attacks within 3 hours in Jerusalem', Ynet 29 November 2015.
  889. ^ 'Palestinian man shot dead after alleged attack in East Jerusalem', Ma'an News Agency 29 November 2015.
  890. ^ Omri Efriam, 'Foreign-born terror victim: I'll stay in Israel', Ynet 29 November 2015.
  891. ^ a b '12 Palestinians shot, injured as new clashes erupt across West Bank', Ma'an News Agency 29 November 2015.
  892. ^ 'Monitor: Palestinian teen shot dead in clashes in Silwan', Ma'an News Agency 29 November 2015.
  893. ^ 'Palestinian teen shot dead after alleged attack near Tulkarem', Ma'an News Agency 1 December 2015.
  894. ^ 'Palestinian teen shot dead after alleged knife attack in Gush Etzion', Ma'an News Agency 1 December 2015.
  895. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot, injure 3 Palestinians in Hebron', Ma'an News Agency 1 December 2015.
  896. ^ Jerusalem hospital units tear-gassed during clashes', Ma'an News Agency 2 December 2015.
  897. ^ '13 Palestinians shot in clashes after house demolition in Shufat camp', Ma'an News Agency 2 December 2015.
  898. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot, critically injure elderly woman in Gaza', Ma'an News Agency 2 December 2015.
  899. ^ 'Palestinian killed after alleged shooting attack near Hizma checkpoint', Ma'an News Agency 3 December 2015.
  900. ^ Yoav Zitun, Elisha Ben Kimon, Elior Levy, 'Soldier and civilian wounded in shooting attack near Jerusalem', Ynet 3 December 2015.
  901. ^ 'Palestinian bystander shot at Hizma in critical condition', Ma'an News Agency 5 December 2015.
  902. ^ Elior Levy, 'Erekat visits family of PA security officer who hurt 2 in terror attack', Ynet 5 December 2015.
  903. ^ 'Palestinian shot, killed after stabbing Israeli policeman in Jerusalem', Ma'an News Agency 3 December 2015.
  904. ^ 'Israeli policeman stabbed near Damascus Gate', Ynet 3 December 2015.
  905. ^ a b 'Dozens injured as Israeli forces clash with Palestinian youth', Ma'an News Agency 4 December 2015.
  906. ^ a b c 'Israeli forces shoot 20 Palestinians in West Bank clashes', Ma'an News Agency 12 December 2015.
  907. ^ a b c "Four Palestinians killed after attacks on Israelis in West Bank".
  908. ^ a b c 'Israel launches airstrikes on northern Gaza Strip', Ma'an News Agency 7 December 2015.
  909. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot, injure teen during Kafr Qaddum clashes', Ma'an News Agency 5 December 2015.
  910. ^ 'Palestinian shot dead after allegedly injuring 2 Israelis in Jerusalem', Ma'an News Agency 6 December 2015.
  911. ^ 'Israeli forces tear gas Hebron schools, raid medical center', Ma'an News Agency 6 December 2015.
  912. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot, injure teen during clashes in Nablus', Ma'an News Agency 6 December 2015.
  913. ^ a b c '5 Palestinians shot, injured in clashes in West Bank, Gaza', Ma'an News Agency 6 December 2015.
  914. ^ "2 lightly wounded in stabbing, vehicular attack in Jerusalem".
  915. ^ ' Palestinian shot dead after stabbing Israeli in Hebron', Ma'an News Agency 7 December 2015.
  916. ^ a b 'Israeli settler stabbed in Hebron dies from wounds', Ma'an News Agency 30 December 2015.
  917. ^ 'PA: Israel's torture of Palestinian prisoner "unfathomable"', Ma'an News Agency 7 December 2015.
  918. ^ 'Palestinian child shot, seriously wounded in Ramallah clashes', Ma'an News Agency 8 December 2015.
  919. ^ 'Israeli forces kill Palestinian teen in Duheisha camp', Ma'an News Agency 8 December 2015.
  920. ^ 'Medics: Bethlehem youth shot dead with illegal ammunition', Ma'an News Agency 8 December 2015.
  921. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot, injure 2 protesters in post-funeral clashes'
  922. ^ 'Israeli forces seize, level farmland in Tulkarem', Ma'an News Agency 8 December 2015.
  923. ^ a b 'Israeli forces injure 3 with live fire, detain 31 in overnight raids', Ma'an News Agency 9 December 2015.
  924. ^ 'Palestinian killed in Hebron after 2 Israelis stabbed, injured', Ma'an News Agency 9 December 2015.
  925. ^ Elisha Ben Kimon, '2 Israelis wounded in Hebron stabbing attack', Ynet 9 December 2015.
  926. ^ a b 'Husband and wife injured in Samaria drive-by terror shooting', Jerusalem Post 9 December 2015.
  927. ^ ' Former member of Jewish terror group wounded in West Bank shooting', Ma'an News Agency 9 December 2015.
  928. ^ '9 Palestinians shot during clashes at Tulkarem university', Ma'an News Agency 10 December 2015.
  929. ^ 'Israeli forces detain Palestinian in Salfit car ramming attack', Ma'an News Agency 10 December 2015.
  930. ^ Four soldiers hurt in West Bank ramming attack Jerusalem Post 10 December 2015.
  931. ^ 'Israel declares Palestinian land 'state land' for 1st time since 2014', Ma'an News Agency 11 December 2015.
  932. ^ a b c d e f ' Israeli forces shoot, injure 22 in West Bank clashes', Ma'an News Agency 11 December 2015.
  933. ^ a b 'Palestinian shot dead after alleged attempted car attack in Hebron', Ma'an News Agency 11 December 2015.
  934. ^ 'Palestinian injured in gunfight with Israeli forces near Jenin', Ma'an News Agency 11 December 2015.
  935. ^ a b c 'Israeli forces kill Palestinian in Gaza border clashes', Ma'an News Agency 11 December 2015.
  936. ^ 'Palestinian killed during clashes with Israeli forces in Hebron', Ma'an News Agency 11 December 2015.
  937. ^ 'Israeli forces kill Palestinian in Gaza border clashes, injure 58', Ma'an News Agency 11 December 2015.
  938. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot, injure Gazan farmer near Rafah', Ma'an News Agency 13 December 2015.
  939. ^ 'Settlers storm private Palestinian land near Nablus', Ma'an News Agency 13 December 2015.
  940. ^ '16-year-old Palestinian shot after alleged stab attempt in Hebron', Ma'an News Agency 13 December 2015.
  941. ^ 'Israel launches airstrikes on the Gaza Strip', Ma'an News Agency 14 December 2015.
  942. ^ 'Clashes erupt as Israelis visit Joseph's Tomb', Ma'an News Agency 14 December 2015.
  943. ^ name ="Maan141215">'Palestinian shot dead, 11 injured in Jerusalem car ramming attack', Ma'an News Agency 14 December 2015.
  944. ^ '14 Palestinians shot, 18 detained in overnight raids', Ma'an News Agency 16 December 2015.
  945. ^ Jack Khoury, Gili Cohen 'Three Palestinians Killed in Clashes With Israeli Border Police Near Jerusalem', Haaretz 26 August 23013.
  946. ^ a b Gili Cohen, '2 Palestinians Shot Dead After Attempting Attacks; 3 Israeli Soldiers Wounded by Friendly Fire', Haaretz 16 December 2015.
  947. ^ 'Israeli forces kill 2 Palestinians in Qalandiya refugee camp', Ma'an News Agency 16 December 2015.
  948. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot, injure 15 students at Tulkarem university', Ma'an News Agency 15 December 2015.
  949. ^ 'Palestinian farmer shot, injured by Israeli soldiers in southern Gaza', Ma'an News Agency 16 December 2015.
  950. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot, detain Bethlehem teen, block medics', Ma'an News Agency 17 December 2015.
  951. ^ 'Palestinian shot dead in Nablus after alleged attempted attack', Ma'an News Agency 17 December 2015.
  952. ^ Gili Cohen, 'Attempted Stabbing Attack in West Bank', Haaretz 17 December 2015
  953. ^ Elisha Ben Kimon, Yoav Zitun ' WATCH: Settler repeatedly slaps foreign human rights activist in Hebron', Ynet 17 December 2015.
  954. ^ 'Israeli forces level Palestinian land near Gaza border, injure 3', Ma'an News Agency 17 December 2015.
  955. ^ 'Rocket fired from Gaza lands in open area in Israel,', Ma'an News Agency 17 December 2015.
  956. ^ a b c '96 Palestinians shot by Israeli military in Friday demos,', Ma'an News Agency 18 December 2015.
  957. ^ Amira Hass, 'Palestinian Sisters Cuffed, Manhandled and Beaten, for Alleged Traffic Offense', Haaretz 20 December 2015.
  958. ^ 'Israeli bulldozers enter southern Gaza,', Ma'an News Agency 17 December 2015.
  959. ^ a b Yoav Zitun and Liad Osmo, 'Terror attacks halted, violent clashes in West Bank,', Ynet 20 December 2015.
  960. ^ a b c 'Funeral held for Palestinian shot in chest during Friday clashes', Ma'an News Agency 20 December 2015.
  961. ^ 'Palestinian killed after attempted vehicular attack near Ramallah', Ma'an News Agency 18 December 2015.
  962. ^ '3 injured in stabbing attack north of Tel Aviv, suspect detained,', Ma'an News Agency 19 December 2015.
  963. ^ 'Palestinian shot dead in Gaza demo near Khan Younis,', Ma'an News Agency 18 December 2015.
  964. ^ a b 'Palestinian dies after being shot in chest during Friday clashes,', Ma'an News Agency 18 December 2015.
  965. ^ 'Funeral held for Palestinian shot in chest during Friday clashes', Ma'an News Agency 19 December 2015.
  966. ^ 'Israeli forces injure teen in Kafr Qaddum,', Ma'an News Agency 20 December 2015.
  967. ^ 'Home of Raanana attack suspect raided, 4 shot,', Ma'an News Agency 20 December 2015.
  968. ^ 'Palestinian gunmen clash with Israeli Forces at Qalandiya checkpoint', Ma'an News Agency 20 December 2015.
  969. ^ Roi Yanovsky, Yoav Zitun, 'Woman tries to stab Israeli soldier at Hebron checkpoint', Ynet 20 December 2015.
  970. ^ 'Palestinian shot after stab attempt in Hebron's Old City,', Ma'an News Agency 20 December 2015.
  971. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot 9 university students on Tulkarem campus', Ma'an News Agency 20 December 2015.
  972. ^ 'Medics: 14-year-old Palestinian shot, wounded by Israeli fire', Ma'an News Agency 21 December 2015
  973. ^ ' Israeli forces shoot, injure Palestinian woman in southern Gaza', Ma'an News Agency 22 December 2015.
  974. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot, injure 3 Palestinians in central Gaza', Ma'an News Agency 23 December 2015.
  975. ^ 'Israeli soldiers assault two Palestinians near Ramallah', Ma'an News Agency 21 December 2015.
  976. ^ 'Settlers target Palestinian home in suspected revenge attack', Ma'an News Agency 22 December 2015.
  977. ^ ' Monitor: Israeli settlers uproot 50 olive trees in Nablus', Ma'an News Agency 22 December 2015.
  978. ^ 'Israeli naval forces detain 14 Palestinian fishermen, seize boats', Ma'an News Agency 22 December 2015.
  979. ^ 'Israeli bulldozers level land, open fire in central Gaza Strip', Ma'an News Agency 23 December 2015.
  980. ^ '2 Palestinians killed, 3 Israelis injured in Jerusalem Old City attack', Ma'an News Agency 23 December 2015.
  981. ^ Roi Yanovsky,'Stabbing attack at Jaffa Gate in Jerusalem', Ynet 23 December 2015.
  982. ^ a b c d '3 Palestinians killed after West Bank attacks wound 3 Israelis', Ma'an News Agency 24 December 2015.
  983. ^ 'Israel sprays crop-killing pesticides on Gaza farmland', Ma'an News Agency 23 December 2015.
  984. ^ '13 shot by Israeli forces, Hebron school tear gassed', Ma'an News Agency 23 December 2015.
  985. ^ a b c Elisha Ben Kimon, Yoav Zitun, Rotem Elizera, 'Three Israelis wounded in West Bank terror attacks', Ynet 24 December 2015.
  986. ^ 'Palestinian shot dead in Qalandiya clashes in day's 4th death', Ma'an News Agency 24 December 2015.
  987. ^ a b c 'Israeli forces kill Palestinian in Gaza demo for 3rd Friday in a row', Ma'an News Agency 25 December 2015.
  988. ^ 'Gazans mourn death of Palestinian shot in head, killed in clashes', Ma'an News Agency 26 December 2015.
  989. ^ 'Israeli police kill Palestinian after suspected vehicular attack', Ma'an News Agency 25 December 2015.
  990. ^ 'Family: Musab al-Ghazali "killed in cold blood"', Ma'an News Agency 29 December 2015.
  991. ^ 'Palestinian shot, killed after reported stab attempt in Jerusalem', Ma'an News Agency 26 December 2015.
  992. ^ Roi Yanovsky,'Terror attacks in West Bank and Jerusalem leave one soldier wounded', Ynet 26 December 2015
  993. ^ a b 'Police detain Palestinian after Israeli soldier stabbed in Jerusalem', Ma'an News Agency 27 December 2015.
  994. ^ ' Palestinian shot after vehicular attack at Israeli military checkpoint', Ma'an News Agency 26 December 2015.
  995. ^ 'Terrorist stabs soldier near Central Bus Station in Jerusalem', Jerusalem Post 27 December 2015.
  996. ^ '2 Palestinians killed after stabbing Israeli soldier in Huwwara', Ma'an News Agency 27 December 2015.
  997. ^ detained after alleged stabbing attempt in Jerusalem', Ma'an News Agency 27 December 2015.
  998. ^ '3 Palestinians shot, injured in clashes near Qalqiliya', Ma'an News Agency 27 December 2015.
  999. ^ 'Gazan succumbs to wounds sustained during Friday demonstration', Ma'an News Agency 28 December 2015.
  1000. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot 2 in Qalandiya refugee camp, detain 3', Ma'an News Agency 28 December 2015.
  1001. ^ a b 'Israeli forces raid charity, shut down prisoners' rights group', Ma'an News Agency 29 December 2015.
  1002. ^ '24 shot, injured by Israeli forces in clashes after funeral in Abu Dis', Ma'an News Agency 30 December 2015.
  1003. ^ Israel to confiscate 500 dunums of land in southern Nablus', Ma'an News Agency 29 December 2015.
  1004. ^ '7-year-old chased by notorious Israeli settler in Hebron', Ma'an News Agency 29 December 2015.
  1005. ^ '3 shot in clashes after Palestinian gunmen open fire on Israeli forces', Ma'an News Agency 29 December 2015.
  1006. ^ 'Palestinian killed after suspected car attack near Huwwara', Ma'an News Agency 31 December 2015.
  1007. ^ 'Palestinian shot during clashes 3 weeks ago dies from complications', Ma'an News Agency 31 December 2015.
  1008. ^ 'Israel confiscates land, builds military watchtower in Hebron village', Ma'an News Agency 31 December 2015.