Triviumin diskografia

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Triviumin diskografia
Studioalbumit 10
EP:t 1
Singlet 41
Musiikkivideot 34

Trivium on vuonna 1999 perustettu yhtye Orlandosta, Yhdysvalloista. Triviumin tyylisuunnaksi voi määritellä melodisen metalcoren tai thrash metallin. Yhtyen kaksi ensimmäistä albumia (Ember to Inferno ja Ascendancy) on luokiteltu metalcoreksi, mutta kolmannen albumin (The Crusade) jälkeen yhtye on pyrkinyt siirtymään pois metalcore-genrestä, mikä näkyy etenkin yhtyeen neljännellä albumilla Shogun. Yhtyeen viidennellä albumilla (In Waves) yhtye palasi takaisin metalcoren puolelle.



  • Trivium (2003, omakustanne)


  • Ruber (2001)
  • Flavus (2004)


  • Like Light to the Flies (2004)
  • Pull Harder on the Strings of Your Martyr (2005)
  • A Gunshot to the Head of Trepidation (2005)
  • Dying in Your Arms (2006)
  • Rain (2006)
  • Anthem (We Are the Fire) (2006)
  • Entrance of the Conflagration (2006)
  • The Rising (2007)
  • To the Rats (2007)
  • Becoming the Dragon (2007)
  • Down from the Sky (2008)
  • Throes of Perdition (2009)
  • Shattering the Skies Above (2010)
  • In Waves (2011)
  • Built to Fall (2011)
  • Watch The World Burn (2012)
  • Strife (2013)
  • Through Blood and Dirt and Bone (2014)
  • Silence In the Snow (2015)
  • Blind Leading the Blind (2015)
  • Until the World Goes Cold (2015)
  • Dead and Gone (2016)
  • The Sin and the Sentence (2017)
  • The Heart from Your Hate (2017)
  • Thrown Into the Fire (2017)
  • Beyond Oblivion (2018)
  • Endless Night (2018)
  • The Wretchedness Inside (2018)
  • Catastrophist (2020)
  • What the Dead Men Say (2020)
  • In the Court of the Dragon (2021)
  • Feast of Fire (2021)
  • The Phalanx (2021)
  • The Shadow of the Abattoir (2022)


  • "Like Light to the Flies" (2005)
  • "Pull Harder on the Strings of Your Martyr" (2005)
  • "A Gunshot to the Head of Trepidation" (2005)
  • "Dying in Your Arms" (2005)
  • "Blinding Tears Will Break the Skies" (2005)
  • "Detonation" (2006)
  • "Entrance of the Conflagration" (2006)
  • "Anthem (We Are the Fire)" (2006)
  • "The Rising" (2007)
  • "Becoming the Dragon" (2007)
  • "Kirisute Gomen" (2008)
  • "Into the Mouth of Hell We March" (2008)
  • "Down from the Sky" (2009)
  • "Throes of Perdition" (2009
  • "Shattering the Skies Above" (2010)
  • "In Waves" (2011)
  • "Built to Fall" (2011)
  • "Black" (2012)
  • "Brave This Storm" (2013)
  • "Strife" (2013)
  • "Losing My Religion" (2013)
  • "Villainy Thrives" (2014)
  • "Silence in the Snow" (2015)
  • "Blind Leading the Blind" (2015)
  • "Until the World Goes Cold" (2015)
  • "Dead and Gone" (2016)
  • "Pillars of Serpents" (2016)
  • "The Storm" (2016)
  • "Lake of Fire" (2016)
  • "The Sin and the Sentence" (2016)
  • "The Heart from Your Hate" (2017)
  • "Betrayer" (2017)
  • "Endless Night" (2018)
  • "Pillars of Serpents" (2019)
  • "I Don't Wanna Be Me" (2019)
  • "Drowning in the Sound" (2019)
  • "Kill the Poor" (2019)
  • "Catastrophist" (2020)
  • "What the Dead Men Say" (2020)
  • "Amongst the Shadows & the Stones" (2020)
  • "Bleed Into Me" (2020)
  • "In the Court of the Dragon" (2021)
  • "Feast of Fire" (2021)
  • "The Phalanx" (2021)