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Clan Arbuthnott

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Clan Arbuthnott
Distrito Aberdeenshire

Rt. Hon John Arbuthnott
16º Vizconde de Arbuthnott
Asentamento Casa Arbuthnott

Clan Arbuthnott é un Clan escocés da área de Kincardineshire, no nordeste das Lowlands de Escocia.


Orixe do nome

A partir do nome de lugar Aberbothenoth, que queda nunha península estreita na parte norte do río Bervie. "Aber" significa a entrada dun pequeno regato nunha corrente maior. "Aber" tamén pode significar "boca", como en Aberdeen. "Both" ou "Bothena" é unha residencia señorial. "Nethea" ten sido descrito como o fluxo que descende ou é inferior a outra cousa nos arredores.

Orixes do clan

Crese que as terras de Arbuthnott estaban en posesión da familia Swinton durante o reinado de Guillerme I de Escocia a través do casamento de Hugh coa filla de Osbert Olifard (ou Oliphant) "O Cruzado". O primeiro rexistro da familia co nome Arbuthnott é en 1355 con Philip de Arbuthnott.

Século XV e conflitos

ó redor do 1420, o fillo de Philip, Hugh, foi implicado no asasinato de John Melville de Glenbervie, shériff de Kincardineshire (Os Mearns). Melville era moi impopular cos propietarios de terras locais debido á súa interpretación estrita da lei. Albany, rexente na época de catividade de Xacobe I de Escocia, estaba canso das queixas contra o shériff e declarou: "sorrow gin that sheriff were sodden and supped in broo". Os propietarios de Mathers, Arbuthnott, Pitarrow e Halkerton tomaron isto como unha proposta para matar ó shériff. Eles convidárono a unha cacería no bosque de Garvock, onde foi emboscado e presuntamente matárono. Arbuthnott foi perdoado pola súa participación no asasinato. Morreu en 1446.

Século XVI

James Arbuthnott de Arbuthnott tivo unha Carta Real do baronato feudal de Arbuthnott o 29 de xaneiro 1507. El casara, por contrato datado o 31 de agosto de 1507, con Jean, filla do señor John Stewart, 1º Conde de Atholl, un fillo de Sir James Stewart, "O Cabaleiro Negro de Lorn" coa súa esposa Xoana Beaufort, raíña viúva dos escoceses.[1]

Alexander Arbuthnot, un descendente da familia principal, foi unha figura importante da Igrexa de Escocia e Moderador da Asemblea Xeral da Igrexa de Escocia en 1577. En 1583 el foi convidado pola Asemblea Xeral a reclamar contra Xacobe VI de Escocia sobre varias "prácticas papistas" aínda permitidas polo rei. As súas queixas foron recibidas con desagrado polo rei e foi posto baixo arresto domiciliario en St Andrews. Este feito parece que tivo un efecto negativo sobre a súa saúde, xa que morreu á idade de 44 anos en 1583.

Século XVII e Guerra Civil

The equally eventful seventeenth century found the lairds in royal favour. Two Arbuthnotts received knighthoods,[2] and then, in 1641, the fortunes of the clan were elevated when Sir Robert Arbuthnot was made 1st Viscount of Arbuthnott and Baron Inverbervie by Charles I of England. In spite of this favour from Charles I of England, the sympathies of Lord Arbuthnot were with the Covenanters and in 1645 the Royalist troops, under James Graham the 1st Marquess of Montrose, laid waste to the Arbuthnott estate.

Dr John Arbuthnot, though not of the chief family, achieved great status. In 1705, he had the fortune of being at Epsom races when Prince George of Denmark, husband of Anne of Great Britain was taken ill. Dr Arbuthnot was rushed to his side. The Prince recovered and Arbuthnot was appointed a royal physician. Over time he became a confidante to the queen and friends to a great many of the leading figures of his time. Dr Samuel Johnson once remarked that he was 'a man of great comprehension, skilful in his profession, versed in the sciences, acquainted with ancient literature and able to animate his mass of knowledge by a bright and active imagination'

Perfil do clan

Tartán dos Arbuthnott.[3]

Xefe do clan

The current chief of Clan Arbuthnott is John Arbuthnott, 16th Viscount of Arbuthnott, Lord Inverbervie and Chief of the Name and Arms of Arbuthnott, KT, CBE, DSC.[4]


Members of Clan Arbuthnott can show their allegiance to the clan by wearing a crest badge which contains the chief's heraldic crest and motto. The chief's crest is A peacock's head couped at the neck Proper, his motto is LAUS DEO, from Latin: "Praise God".[5]

Clan members may also wear a clan tartan. The Arbuthnott tartan was registered with the Lord Lyon in 1962 and was inspired by the tartan of the Black Watch.[3]

O clan hoxe

  • Número aproximado de membros por países: Reino Unido 350; USA 1,150; Canadá 220; Australia e Nova Zelandia 190; Suráfrica 85; Irlanda 120[6]
  • Terras ancestrais: A casa Arbuthnott e os arredores, uns 3.000 acres (12 km²), seguen a ser a residencia da familia hoxe.[7]


  1. Weis, Frederick Lewis, et al., The Magna Charta Sureties 1215, 5th edition, Baltimore, Md., 1999, p.117-118, ISBN 0-8063-1609-8
  2. Sir Robert Arbuthnot, 16th Laird (d.1631) and Sir Robert Arbuthnot, 17th Laird (d.1633)
  3. 3,0 3,1 Arbuthnott Clan Tartan WR204 Retrieved on 10 September 2007
  4. ARBUTHNOTT, CHIEF OF ARBUTHNOTT Retrieved on 10 September 2007
  5. Way; Squire (2000), p. 42.
  6. per Arbuthnott Family genealogist at – are wives of male Arbuthnotts included? husbands of female Arbuthnotts? children of female Arbuthnotts? those who adopted/rejected the name?
  7. Country Life interview, March 2007

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