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it-N Questo utente può contribuire con un livello madrelingua in italiano.
en-1 This user has basic knowledge of English.
tn This user loves Trance music.
cf This user drinks coffee with an indescribable passion.
gnu-3 This user thinks Gnu.
nsm-1 This user is interested on Norse Mythology.
wl-1 This user is very far from Wikilove.
al-0 This user drinks no alcholics.
lv-0 This user is - unfortunately - single but he is fighting for love.
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Casentino: not so far from heaven

Yeah, it's me. I am Mister X, an Italian user of Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects: you can see above my accounts.

I started this experience five months ago when the weather was hot and dry and writing on a keyboard was - of course - better than running on the beach or having sunbathe. I hate drowned beaches, don't you?
I live in Ravenna, a 100K souls city, very close to the Adriatic Sea. It's a nice city, maybe too trasgressive: there are too many clubs and discos in my humble opinion.

In my free time I enjoy surfing on Wikipedia, looking for mistakes and ready to fix them. Sure, I'm not a Wikimaniac. I usually don't write new articles: I prefer to improve the existing ones, in fact my motto is: It's better making few things but well done, instead of making the quadruple but of a poor quality.


Smile! You're on Wikipedia!

Why Wikipedia? There are a lot of encyclopedias, specializied web sites or big communities but no-one is like Wikipedia. Everybody is free to improve each article and any little edit it accepted.
Users are very kind and collaboration is a well-known word.
I am sure that this free encyclopedia will be the first source of information e knowledge, inch by inch.

Some people, especially newbies, consider wikipedians very strange. Maybe they are. Nobody loves culture like a wikipedian and nobody works harder for free to spread it. This is an opportunity to tell the whole world that we're here for an only purpose: to learn. Learn what? Everything possible. Respect, mutuality and cooperation first; science and technology after.
I don't beleive in love. Love doesn't exist: it's an utopia. This condition is unreachable but you must try to reach it. It's your goal. Our goal.

To do




  • Email: casadio [at] gmail [dot] com
  • Icq: #140102830
  • Msnm: misterx_php [at] yahoo [dot] com
  • Irc: #wikipedia-it@freenode.net or #blah.it@azzurra.net

My pages