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it-N Questo utente può contribuire con un livello madrelingua in italiano.
en-1 This user has basic knowledge of English.
tn This user loves Trance music.
cf This user drinks coffee with an indescribable passion.
gnu-3 This user thinks Gnu.
nsm-1 This user is interested on Norse Mythology.
wl-1 This user is very far from Wikilove.
al-0 This user drinks no alcholics.
lv-0 This user is - unfortunately - single but he is fighting for love.
List of accounts on other Wikimedia projects


Casentino: not so far from heaven

Yeah, it's me. I am Mister X, an Italian user of Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects and this is my main, only and interproject personal page. You can see above all my accounts linking here, so I have to keep only one page up to date. I decided to wrote this text in English because everyone can read it. Easy, isn't it? Pherpas I'll move it from here to meta.

I started this experience five months ago when the weather was hot and dry and writing on a keyboard was - of course - better than running on the beach or having sunbathe. I hate drowned beaches, don't you?
I live in Ravenna, a 100K souls city, very close to the Adriatic Sea. It's a nice city, maybe too trasgressive: there are too many clubs and discos in my humble opinion.

In my free time I enjoy surfing on Wikipedia, looking for mistakes and ready to fix them. Sure, I'm not a Wikimaniac. I usually don't write new articles: I prefer to improve the existing ones, in fact my motto is: It's better making few things but well done, instead of making the quadruple but of a poor quality.


Smile! You're on Wikipedia!

Why Wikipedia? There are a lot of encyclopedias, specializied web sites or big communities but no-one is like Wikipedia. Everybody is free to improve each article and any little edit it accepted.
Users are very kind and collaboration is a well-known word.
I am sure that this free encyclopedia will be the first source of information e knowledge, inch by inch.

Some people, especially newbies, consider wikipedians very strange. Maybe they are. Nobody loves culture like a wikipedian and nobody works harder for free to spread it. This is an opportunity to tell the whole world that we're here for an only purpose: to learn. Learn what? Everything possible. Respect, mutuality and cooperation first; science and technology after.
I don't believe in love. Love doesn't exist: it's an utopia. This condition is unreachable but you must try to reach it. It's your goal. Our goal.

To do

To transate templates on commons



  • Email: casadio [äţ] gmail [đőţ] com
  • Icq: #140102830
  • Msnm: misterx_php [äţ] yahoo [đőţ] com
  • Irc: #wikipedia-it@freenode.net or #blah.it@azzurra.net

My pages