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Bandera eziditi
La templo de la 40 omes, a la culmina la plu alta de la Montes Sinjar en Irac norde

Eziditisme o Xarfadom (curdi: شه‌رفه‌دین) es un relijio monoteiste segueda par la Ezidis, fundida sur la crede en un Dio, comun nomida Xwede, ci ia creada la mundo e ia encarga lo a la sete esentes santa, cual los clama Anjeles. La anjele suprapasante entre los es Melek Taus, ci es la xef de la anjeles e ci ave la autoria supra la mundo.

Melek Taus es la xef de la anjeles. La eziditis nome se Milete Tawuse Melek - la nasion e Melek Taus.

Melek Taus ia refusa inclina ante la umana prima, cuando Dio ia comanda ce la sete anjeles per fa tal. La comanda ia es vera un esamina, intende a determina ci de esta anjeles ia es la plu fidel a Dio par no proni se a alga otra ca sua creator.

Esta crede ia es liada par algas a la revela musli sur Iblis, ci ia refusa ance per prona se a Adam, cuando Dio ia comanda lo. Car esta similia a la tradision sufi de iblis, alga persones de la relijios monoteistic de la rejion identifia la Anjel de la pavon con sua propre mal spirito Satan, cual ia causa sentenios de persegue de la Ezidis como "adorores de satan". Esta ia continua en Irac moderna.

Ezidis crede ce Tawuse Melek no es un fonte de malia o un anjel cadeda, ma la xef de la arcanjeles. La Ezidis de Curdistan ia es clamada multe nomes mal, la plu malfamosa "adorores de la diablo". Esta nom es no sola ofendente a la Ezidis mesma, ma simple tota noncoreta. An si nonezidites trova la asosia de Melek Taus e "Shaitan" ofendente e no usa acel nom.

Seven Angels The seven Angels are the emanations of God, which are said to have been created by God from his own light (Nûr). In this context they have, so to speak, a part of God in themselves. Another word that is used for this is Sur or Sirr (literally: mystery), which denotes a divine essence that the Angels were created from.[20] This pure divine essence called Sur or Sirr has its own personality and will and is also called Sura Xudê (the Sur of God).[21] This term refers to the essence of the Divine itself, that is, God. The Angels share this "essence" from their creator who is God. The seven Angels are sometimes referred to as the "Seven Mysteries".[20] These Angels are called Cibrayîl, Ezrayîl, Mîkayîl, Şifqayîl, Derdayîl, Ezafîl and Ezazîl.[22] Tawûsê Melek is identified with one of these Angels.

La sete anjeles es creas par dio de sua propre lus, cual es ree=sEzidis crede ance en la reincarne de spiritos "min". La puri de la spirito pote aveni via reincarne en la grupo, ma lo pote sesa par es espulsada de la comunia de ezidis, cual es la results la plu mal car reveni a la comunia no es posible

Seguente la cosmogonia ezidi, Dio ia crea la mundo de un perla (Dur), cua ia es a ante en un state ante crea nomida Enzel (la eternia ante crea). Esta credes es plu simil a los de zoroastrianisme ca la relijios de Abraham.

Yazidi holy texts The Yazidi holy books are claimed to be the Kitêba Cilwe (Book of Revelation) and the Mishefa Reş (Black Book). Scholars generally agree that the manuscripts of both books published in 1911 and 1913 were forgeries written by non-Yazidis in response to Western travellers' and scholars' interest in the Yazidi religion; however, the material in them is consistent with authentic Yazidi traditions.[27] True texts of those names may have existed, but remain obscure. The real core texts of the religion that exist today are the hymns known as qawls; they have also been orally transmitted during most of their history, but are now being collected with the assent of the community, effectively transforming Yazidism into a scriptural religion.[27] The qawls are full of cryptic allusions and usually need to be accompanied by čirōks or 'stories' that explain their context.[27]

Religious practices Prayers

Temple entry in Lalish Worshipers should turn their face toward the sun.[28] Wednesday is the holy day, and the eve before is also holy.[29]

Festivals The Yazidi New Year (Sersal) is called Çarşema Sor (Red Wednesday) [30] or Çarşema Serê Nîsanê (Wednesday at the beginning of April)[31] and it falls in Spring, on the first Wednesday on or after the 14th of April.[32]

One of the most important Yazidi festivals is Îda Êzî ("Feast of Êzî"). Which every year takes place on the first Friday on or after the 14th of December. Before this festival, the Yazidis fast for 3 days, where nothing is eaten from sunrise to sunset. The Îda Êzî festival is celebrated in honor of God and the 3 days of fasting before are also associated with the ever shorter days before the winter solstice, when the sun is less and less visible. With the Îda Êzî festival, the fasting time is ended. The festival is often celebrated with music, food, drinks and dance.[33]

Another important festival is the Tawûsgeran where Qewals and other religious dignitaries visit Yazidi villages, bringing the sinjaq, sacred images of a peacock symbolizing Tawûsê Melek. These are venerated, fees are collected from the pious, sermons are preached and holy water and berat (small stones from Lalish) distributed.[34][35]

Tomb of Sheikh Adi (Şêx Adî) in Lalish The greatest festival of the year is the Cemaiya ("Feast of the Assembly"), which includes an annual pilgrimage to the tomb of Sheikh Adi (Şêx Adî) in Lalish, northern Iraq. The festival is celebrated from 6 October to 13 October,[36] in honor of the Sheikh Adi. It is an important time for cohesion.[37]

If possible, Yazidis make at least one pilgrimage to Lalish during their lifetime, and those living in the region try to attend at least once a year for the Feast of the Assembly in autumn.[38]

Purity and taboos

The Chel Mera Temple, or "40 Men Temple", on the highest peak of the Sinjar Mountains in northern Iraq. The temple is so old that no one remembers how it came to have that name, but it is believed to derive from the burial of forty men on the mountaintop site.[39] Many Yazidis consider pork to be prohibited. However, many Yazidis living in Germany began to view this taboo as foreign import from Judaism or Islam and not part of Yazidism, and therefore abandoned this rule.[40]

Too much contact with non-Yazidis is also considered polluting. In the past, Yazidis avoided military service which would have led them to live among Muslims and were forbidden to share such items as cups or razors with outsiders. A resemblance to the external ear may lie behind the taboo against eating head lettuce, whose name koas resembles Yazidi pronunciations of koasasa. Additionally, lettuce grown near Mosul is thought by some Yazidis to be fertilised with human waste, which may contribute to the idea that it is unsuitable for consumption. However, in a BBC interview in April 2010, a senior Yazidi authority stated that ordinary Yazidis may eat what they want, but holy men refrain from certain vegetables (including cabbage) because "they cause gases".[41]

A minority of Yazidis in Armenia and Georgia converted to Christianity,[42] but they are not accepted by the other Yazidis as Yazidis.[43]


Baptism of a Yazidi child in Lalish Children are baptised at birth and circumcision is not required, but is practised by some due to regional customs.[44] The Yazidi baptism is called Mor kirin (literally: "to seal"). Traditionally, Yazidi children are baptised at birth with water from the Kaniya Sipî ("White Spring") at Lalish.[45]

Religious organisation The Yazidis are strictly endogamous;[46][47] members of the three Yazidi castes, the murids, sheikhs, and pirs, marry only within their group.[13]

There are several religious duties and that are performed by several dignitaries.


The leader of the Yazidi is a hereditary Mîr or prince, and the current emir is Hazim Tahsin or Naif Dawud.[1] Hazim Tahsin is a former deputy in Iraq's Kurdish parliament.[1] The former head was his father, Tahseen Said, who died in January 2019 in Germany, and who was head of the community for nearly 75 years.[1] He is the supreme ruler over the Yazidi. He can expel anyone who opposes to his decisions from the community.[48] The family of the Mîr resides in Ba'adra.[49]

Baba Sheikh

The Baba Sheikh is the leader of all Sheikhs and the Kocheks. His post is mainly granted hereditary but he is appointed from the Mîr. He is obliged to observe long periods of fasting of 40 days in the summer and winter.[49] The acting Baba Sheikh has to be from the family of the Shemsani Sheiks.[50] He shall not be dismissed, and only be replaced if he dies or abandons the Yazidi faith.[51] The current Sheikh is Khurto Hajji Ismail.[52]


All Yazidi are obliged to have a Sheikh and a Pîr. A Sheikh can express sermons and impose taboos on his followers (Mîrids). The Sheikh should attends important events like births, deaths and weddings. For this duty they give him a certain annual amount of money.[53] Sheikh has the same signification in Arabic like Pîr in Kurdish.[54]


The Pîrs duties are similar to the ones of a Sheikh, he can attend the majority of the events as well which the Sheikh attends, if the Sheikh is not able to, but he is awarded just about half of the money a Sheikh receives in exchange.[55][54]


He is responsible to hold weddings ceremonies and is appointed by the Mîr amongst the family of the Peshimams. Also he can not be dismissed and only be replaced in case of his passing away or him abandoning the Yazidi faith.[51]


The Kocheks are led by the Baba Sheikh and are the servants to Sheikh Adi. They collect wood and water among other duties they have. They are also known to observe long fasts and to be able to communicate with the "World of the Unseen".[56]