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Războiul civil din Palestina mandatară din 1947–1948

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Războiul civil din Palestina (1947–48)
Parte din Intercommunal conflict in Mandatory Palestine[*][[Intercommunal conflict in Mandatory Palestine (1920–1948 conflict between Arabs and Jews in Palestine)|​]],Războiul Arabo-Israelian din 1948-1949 Modificați la Wikidata

Militanți evrei la Katamon, Ierusalim.
Informații generale
Perioadă30 noiembrie 1947 – 14 mai 1948
({Age in years, months, weeks and days
LocMandatul britanic pentru Palestina
Rezultat* Jewish forces overcome Palestinian Arab forces
Jews of Palestine
  • Haganah
  • Irgun
  • Lehi
  • Foreign Volunteers
  • Allied Bedouin tribes
  • Arabs of Palestine
  • Conducerea pan-palestinianăArmy of the Holy War
  • Arab Liberation Army
  • Transjordan

     United Kingdom
  • Mandatul britanic pentru Palestina United Kingdom military forces in Mandatory Palestine
  • Conducători
    David Ben-Gurion
    Yaakov Dori
    Yigael Yadin
    Yigal Allon
    Menachem Begin
    Fawzi al-Qawuqji
    Abd al-Qadir al-Husayni
    Mandatul britanic pentru Palestina Gordon MacMillan
    15,000 (start)[1]
    35,000 (end)
    A few thousand70,000
    1 April:
    15 May:
    1 April:
    125 killed
    300 wounded[4]

    Războiul civil din Palestina 1947-1948a fost prima fază a Războiul Arabo-Israelian din 1948-1949. A izbucnit după ce Adunarea Generală a Organizației Națiunilor Unite care a adoptat o rezoluție la 29 noiembrie 1947 prin care recomandă adoptarea Planul de partiție pentru Palestina⁠(d).[5]

    1. ^ T.G Fraser, 'The Arab Israeli Conflict', (Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2004), pp.40, 41.
    2. ^ a b Yoav Gelber (2006), p. 85
    3. ^ Benny Morris, The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem Revisited, 2004, p. 35
    4. ^ Yoav Gelber (2004) p. 104
    5. ^ Resolution 181 (II). Future government of Palestine A/RES/181(II)(A+B) 29 November 1947 Arhivat în , la Wayback Machine.
    • Elie Barnavi, Une histoire moderne d'Israël, Champs / Flammarion, 1988, ISBN: 978-2-08-081246-9* Elie Barnavi, Une histoire moderne d'Israël, Champs / Flammarion, 1988, ISBN: 978-2-08-081246-9
    • Bickerton, Ian and Hill, Maria (2003). Contested Spaces: The Arab–Israeli Conflict. McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 978-0-07-471217-7
    • Yoav Gelber, Independence Versus Nakba; Kinneret–Zmora-Bitan–Dvir Publishing, 2004, ISBN: 965-517-190-6
    • Yoav Gelber, Palestine 1948, Sussex Academic Press, Brighton, 2006, ISBN: 978-1-84519-075-0
    • Alain Gresh and Dominique Vidal, Palestine 47, un partage avorté, Editions Complexe, 1994, ISBN: 978-2-87027-521-4.
    • Joseph, Dov (). The faithful city: the siege of Jerusalem, 1948Necesită înregistrare gratuită. Simon and Schuster. LCCN 60-10976. OCLC 266413. 
    • Efraïm Karsh, The Arab–Israeli Conflict – The Palestine War 1948, Osprey Publishing, 2002, ISBN: 978-1-84176-372-9
    • Jon and David Kimche, A clash of destinies, The Arab–Jewish War and the founding of the state of Israel, Praeger, New York, 1960,
    • Dominique Lapierre and Larry Collins, O Jérusalem, Robert Laffont, 1971, ISBN: 978-2-266-10698-6
    • Henry Laurens, Paix et guerre au Moyen-Orient, Armand Colin, Paris, 2005, ISBN: 2-200-26977-3
    • Harry Levin. Jerusalem Embattled – A Diary of the City under Siege. Cassels, 1997. ISBN: 0-304-33765-X.
    • Benny Morris, The Road to Jerusalem: Glubb Pasha, Palestine and the Jews, I.B.Tauris, 2002, ISBN: 978-1-86064-989-9
    • Benny Morris, Histoire revisitée du conflit arabo-sioniste, Editions complexe, 2003, ISBN: 978-2-87027-938-0
    • Benny Morris, The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem Revisited, Cambridge University Press, 2004, ISBN: 978-0-521-00967-6
    • Benny Morris, 1948: A History of the First Arab–Israeli War, Yale University Press, 2008.
    • Ilan Pappé, La guerre de 1948 en Palestine, La fabrique éditions, 2000, ISBN: 978-2-264-04036-7* Eugène Rogan, Avi Shlaim et al., La guerre de Palestine 1948: derrière le mythe, Autrement, 2002, ISBN: 978-2-7467-0240-0
    • Yitzhak Rabin, Mémoires, Buchet/Chastel, 1980,
    • Ilan Pappe, The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine, 2006. ISBN: 978-1-85168-555-4.
    • Pierre Razoux, Tsahal, nouvelle histoire de l'armée israélienne, Perrin, 2006, ISBN: 978-2-262-02328-7

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