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Reveesion aes o 09:19, 10 December 2006 bi Zwobot (Collogue | contribs) (robot Adding: bar, lij, mt, rm, ru-sib, so, vec, zh-classical Modifying: roa-rup)
Warld cairt shawin the airt o Europe
A satellite composite eemage of Europe

Europe is geologically an geographically a hauf-island, takkin up the wastrenmaist pairt o Eurasia. It is for ordinar conseedert a continent, that, in this case, is mair a cultural nor a geographic differ. It is bund in the north bi the Airctic Ocean, in the wast bi the Atlantic Ocean, in the sooth bi the Mediterranean Sea an the Black Sea, an in the east bi the Ural Muntains an the Caspian Sea.

Gin conseedert a continent, Europe is the seicont-weest continent in the warld bi area, wi an area o 10,600,000 km² (4,140,625 square miles), sicwice it is mair lairger nor only Australia. In population it is the thrid-lairgest continent efter Asiae an Africae. The population o Europe is aboot 705,500,000: aboot 11% o the warld's population.

Unthirlt kintras

Accordin tae ae common leuk o the boonds, the European continent is the area that's colourt green on this cairt.

Thir unthirlt kintras haes territory in Europe:


1 Armenia an Cyprus is geographically in Asia, but consieedered pairt of Europe for cultural an historical raisons.
2 Azerbaijan an Georgia lies pairtly in Europe gaun bi defineetions that conseeders the main wattershed o the Caucasus as the mairch wi Asia.
3 Kazakhstan's European territory conseests o a portion wast o the Ural River (the Emba in ither defineetions).
4 The name o this state is a maiter o internaitional threapin. See Republic o Macedonia for details.
5 Thir territories o Roushie lyin wast o the Ural Muntains an north o the main Caucasus wattershed is conseedered as pairt o Europe.
6 European Turkey comprises territory tae the wast an north o the Bosporus an the Dardanelles straits.
2, 3, 5, 6 See Kintras in baith Europe an Asia for details.

Dependent territories

Thae European territories is recogneesed as bein culturally an geographically defined. Maist haes a degree o autonomy. In this list, ilka territory is follaed by the name o the kintra that admeenisters it.

This isna a list o aw dependencies o aw European kintras. Dependencies locatid on ither continents isna listit.

Regions in Europe

Main airticle: Regions o Europe

Sub-diveesions o Europe is gey arbitrar, as nae consensus exists on the sindry defineetions that's proponed. Nae strict geographical conventions exists; this cairt represents, housomiver, the maist widespreid idea o whit kintras constitutes the sindry regions o the continent. Aften the regions includes differin kintras nor them that's on the cairt.

File:Regions in europe.png
Sindry regions o Europe; some strict defineetions is shawn here in a colour-coded cairt

Some kintras haes territory in baith Europe an Asia (Roushae, Kazakhstan, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Georgia). Their Asian territory is coloured licht pink. Some states that lies haily on the Asian continent is conseedered pairt o Europe acause o cultural an historical raisons (Armenia, Cyprus). They are coloured daurk-pink. Azerbaijan's exclave o Nakhchivan is coloured daurk-pink an aw acause it isna a conteenuous extension o Azerbaijan's territory.

See an aw

Fremit Airtins
