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Reveesion aes o 04:31, 6 October 2012 bi Varlaam (Collogue | contribs) (Restore Fixer88 text)
Tot population
(~18 million)
Regions wi signeeficant populations
 Chile        17,094,275[1]
 Unitit States113,934[2]
Ither kintras95,090[2]
Chilean Spainyie
Catholicism, Evangelical Protestantism minorities o ither releegions.
Relatit ethnic groups
Spaniards, Mapuche, Ither European fowks, Ither Amerindie fowks.

Chilean fowk, or simply Chileans, are the native citizens an lang-term immigrants o Chile. Chileans are mainly o Spainyie an Amerindie descent,[3] wi sma but significant traces o 19t an 20t century European-oreegin immigrants. A strang correlation exists atween the ancestry — or ethnicity — an socioeconomic situation o Chileans, wi notable differences observit atween the lawer classes o heich Amerindie ancestry an the upper classes o mainly European ancestry.[4][5]

Post-unthirldom immigrants hae niver comprised mair than twa percent o the total population, though their descendants are nou hunders o thoosans, includin Chileans o German,[6] Breetish, French, Croatie, Italian or Palestinian[7] descent. Though the majority o Chileans reside in Chile, significant commonties hae been established in multiple kintras, maist noticeably Argentinae[8] an the Unitit States.[9] Ither lairge Chilean commonties are in Australie, Brazil, Canadae, Spain, Swaden an Venezuela. Although sma in number Chilean fowk mak up a substantial pairt o the permanent population o Antarcticae an the Falkland Islands.[10]

See an aw


  1. "Instituto Nacional de Estadística (2007). Compendio estadístico de Chile 2006" (PDF). Retrieved 22 September 2011.
  2. a b c d e f g h i j k "Registro de Chilenos en el Exterior 2003-2004". Chilesomostodos.gov.cl. 17 Juin 2008. Retrieved 22 September 2011.
  3. Valenzuela, C. and Harb Z. 1977.Socioeconomic Assortive Mating in Santiago, Chile: A Demonstration Using Stochaistic Matrices of Mother-Child Relationships Applied to ABO Blood Groups Departamento de Biología Celular y Genética, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile.
    Quote: The Chilean population steams mainly from the admixture of Spanish people with Chilean aborigines
  4. Vanegas, J., Villalón, M., Valenzuela, C. Consideraciones acerca del uso de la variable etnia/raza en investigación epidemiológica para la Salud Pública: A propósito de investigaciones en inequidades Revista Médica de Chile 2008; 136: 637-644.
    Quote translated from Spanish: ..in Chile the [racial] process is vinculated to a socioeconomic stratification; the Spaniards of the upper class that did not mix, the mix of European Spaniards and mestizo women in the middle strata, in the lowest substrate the mestizo-mestizo and mestizo-amerindians.
  5. Valenzuela, C. El Gradiente Sociogenético Chileno y sus Implicaciones Etico-Sociales, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Chile
    Quote: Al analizar la composición étnica por estratos sociales nos hemos encontrado con un gradiente sociogenético importante que condiciona la estructura de la morbimortalidad según estrato socioeconómico y la evolución sociocultural de Chile
  6. German Embassy in Chile.
    Quote in German: Es wird geschätzt, dass zwischen 500 bis 600 Tausend Chilenen deutscher Herkunft sind.
  7. "Los palestinos miran con esperanza su futuro en Chile sin olvidar Gaza e Irak", El Economista, 11 Februar 2009, retrieved 29 Julie 2009
  8. "Colectividad chilena, Bajaron de los barcos, ONI". Oni.escuelas.edu.ar. Retrieved 22 September 2011.
  9. "Top 101 cities with the most residents born in Chile (population 500+)". city-data.com. Retrieved 4 Januar 2010.
  10. "Chilenos son atraídos por la bonanza de las islas Malvinas". El Mercurio. 30 Mairch 2007. Retrieved 22 September 2011.

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