Professional wrestling throws

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Much of the action in professional wrestling involves the application of techniques that involve lifting the opponent up and throwing or slamming him/her down. Some of these moves are illegal in some forms of traditional amateur wrestling because they can cause serious injury, especially in a competitive environment. They are sometimes also called "power moves", as they are meant to emphasize a wrestler's strength.

There is a wide variety of slams and throws in pro wrestling. Many moves are known by several different names. Professional wrestlers frequently give their "finisher" (signature moves that usually result in a win) new names that reflect their gimmick.

Moves are listed under general categories whenever possible.

Airplane spin toss

The wrestler lifts the opponent up on their shoulders face up in an Argentine backbreaker rack, spins around, pushes the opponent up, and moves out of the way, dropping the opponent down to the mat.

Spinning crucifix toss

The wrestler lifts the opponent above their back with the opponent's arm spread out in a crucifix hold, spins around, pushes the opponent up, and moves out of the way, dropping the opponent down to the mat.

Armbar takedown

This is a technique in which the wrestler grabs the opponent's arm and pulls him/her down to the ground by wrenching down on the opponent's arm. It is also known as a Single Arm DDT or Divorce Court.

The affected area of this attack is the shoulder, not the head as with normal DDTs. The wrestler grabs the opponent's arm and bars it in front of the wrestler's body so that the wrestler is holding out the arm with the arm furthest away from the opponent's body. The wrestler then reaches over the opponent's shoulder and wrap it around his/her opponent's arm with the other. The wrestler then drops down and drives the opponent's shoulder into the mat.

This hold is noted as the move that broke "Pitbull #1" Gary Wolfe's neck, as a result of Wolfe taking the bump wrong and landing on his head instead of his shoulder.


An armbreaker is any move, in which the wrestler slams the opponent's arm against a part of the wrestler's body, usually a knee or shoulder. The armbreaker is also a popular name for a submission maneuver involving using leverage against an extended arm, the classic example being a leg scissors over the opponent's shoulder and using leverage on the arm with one's arms or hands.

Arm drag

A move in which the wrestler uses their opponent's momentum against them by hooking their arm and flipping them over onto the mat. The wrestler may roll on to his side to give the move extra momentum.

Japanese arm drag

This move is performed when an opponent runs towards the attacker facing each other. When the opponent is in range, the attacker hooks the opponents near arm with both hands and falls backwards forcing the wrestlers own momentum causing him/her to flip forwards over the head of the attacker and onto their back.

Over-the-shoulder arm drag

Also called a shoulder throw or ipponzei. The wrestler grabs their opponent's arm, then turns to face the other direction and pulls the opponent over their shoulder. It is essentially the same as the ippon seoinage found in Judo.

Springboard arm drag

An arm drag performed where the attacking wrestler grabs an opponent's arm, runs up the corner ring ropes and springboards, usually off the top rope, over the opponent; dragging them by their arm to flip over onto the mat or on to the ropes

Arm wringer

An Arm Wringer or Spinning Wristlock is a move in which the wrestler grabs the opponent's arm by the wrist/arm and twists it over the wrestler's head to spin it around with enough force to take the opponent to the mat. The maneuver is a popular rest hold in American wrestling. Quite frequently the move is broken with an Irish Whip, reversed into a hammerlock, or countered with a reverse elbow or eye rake/gouge.

Atomic drop

A move in which the wrestler goes behind an opponent puts his/her head under the opponent's shoulder and lifts his/her opponent up and then drops him/her tailbone-first on the wrestler's knee.

Inverted atomic drop

Also known as a Manhattan drop, mainly in Japan. A move in which the wrestler puts his/her head under the opponent's shoulder and lifts his/her opponent up and then drops him/her "lower abdomen region" first on the wrestler's knee.

Even though this move is an indirect low blow, it is considered a legal move. Theoretically, it is the opponent's groin that has impacted with the wrestler's knee, not the other way around.


A back breaker is any move in which the wrestler lifts his/her opponent up and jumps or drops his/her opponent so that the opponent's back impacts or is bent backwards against a part of the wrestler's body.

Back body drop

A back body drop or backdrop, is a move in which a wrestler bends forward or crouches in front of his/her opponent, grabs hold of his/her opponent, and stands up, lifting the opponent up and over and dropping him/her behind the back. It is applied frequently against a charging opponent.

In Japan, a backdrop is the term for what is called a belly-to-back suplex in America.

Mountain Bomb

The opponent runs towards the wrestler. The wrestler ducks, hooks one of the opponent's legs with one of his arms, stands up and falls backwards, flipping the opponent and driving him back first down to the mat, with the wrestler landing on top of the opponent. Innovated and named by Hiroyoshi Tenzan.

Body slam

A body slam is any move in which a wrestler picks up his or her opponent and throws him or her down to the ground.

Alabama slam

Described as a double-leg slam, or flapjack spinebuster, this high-angle spinebuster variation involves a wrestler placing their head between an opponent's knees or under the opponent's arm, then standing up, holding onto their opponent's legs, so that the opponent is facing the wrestler's back. The wrestler then simply brings both hands down, throwing the opponent back-first to the mat. They may also hold the opponent in place while spinning in several circles before throwing the opponent down.

The move has been known by the names Water-Wheel Slam, and Fly-swatter but was popularized by Hardcore Holly under its most well-known name, who named it after his home state of Alabama.

Biel throw

The wrestler stands to the side of their opponent, grabs them, and throws them forward, causing them to flip over onto their back. It is considered a very basic technique, so basic that a forward rolling fall is commonly called a biel bump, and is mainly used by very large wrestlers to emphasize power and strength over finesse.


A chokeslam is any body slam in which the wrestler grasps their opponent's neck, lifts them up, and slams them to the mat.

Cobra clutch slam

In this slam a wrestler places the opponent in a cobra clutch and then lift the opponent into the air by their neck before jumping backwards, falling face down or into a sitting position, driving the opponent back first down to the mat.


Fireman's carry slam

The wrestler first drapes an opponent over their shoulders in a fireman's carry position. The wrestler then takes hold of the thigh and arm of the opponent, which are hung over the front side of the wrestler, and leans forward, pulling the opponent over their head and shoulders, slamming them down on their back in front of the wrestler.

A Rolling fireman's carry slam, also known as a Finlay Roll, is a variation that sees the wrestler keep hold of the opponent and run forward before slamming the opponent to the ground, using the momentum to roll over the opponent. Ken Kennedy has been known to perform a jumping variation from the second rope.

Fireman's carry takeover

John Cena performs his F-U (standing fireman's carry takeover) on Kurt Angle.

The wrestler kneels down on one knee and simultaneously grabs hold of one the opponent's thighs with one arm and one of the opponent's arms with his other arm. He then pulls the opponent on his shoulders and then rises up slightly, using the motion to push the opponent off his shoulders, flipping him to the mat onto his back. This is usually used as a transition move.

John Cena uses a standing variation of this move as one of his F-U variations, where he stands up after lifting the opponent over his shoulders, and then flips them over and drops them down on their back while first tucking the opponents head into his abdomen.

Fallaway slam

Also known as a Table Top Suplex. The wrestler, while standing in front of an opponent would reach between their opponent's legs with one arm and reaches around their back from the same side with their other arm. The wrestler lifts their opponent up so they are horizontal across the wrestler's body then falls backward throwing the opponent over their head down to the mat back-first. This slam can be either bridged into a pin, or the wrestler can float over into another fallaway slam.

Full nelson slam

In this move the aggressor places their opponent in a full nelson hold and uses it to lift them off the ground. Once in the air, the aggressor removes one of their arms (so their opponent is now in a half nelson) and slams them down to the mat.

Sitout full nelson slam

The wrestler places the opponent in a full nelson. The wrestler then lifts the opponent into the air, maintaining the hold. The wrestler then drops to a sitting position, driving the lower spine of the opponent into the ground.

Gorilla press slam

This slam sees a wrestler first lift their opponent up over their head with arms fully extended (as in the military press used in weight lifting), before lowering the arm under the head of the opponent so that the opponent falls to that side, while flipping over and landing on his/her back.

In a variation of the move, the wrestler falls to a seated position, slamming the opponent down between their legs, in a fashion similar to that of the Michinoku Driver II. This is referred to as a Gorilla Press Driver.

Gorilla press drop

The wrestler lifts their opponent up over their head with arms fully extended then drops the opponent down face-first in front or back. It is a popular technique for very large wrestlers because it emphasizes their height and power. This move is also called the Military Press Slam.

Half nelson slam

The wrestler stands behind, slightly to one side of and facing the opponent. The wrestler reaches under one of the opponent's arms with their corresponding arm and places the palm of their hand on the neck of the opponent, thereby forcing the arm of the opponent up into the air to complete the half nelson. The wrestler then lifts the opponent up, turns, and falls forward, slamming the opponent into the mat.

Olympic slam

The wrestler stands behind the opponent and grabs hold of one of the opponent's wrists, tucks his head under that arm's armpit, and wraps his free arm around the near leg of the opponent. The wrestler then lifts the opponent up on his shoulders sideways, and at the same time spins 90° and falls down on to his back, slamming the opponent down to the mat back first. Originally named by Kurt Angle, who later started calling it the Angle Slam.

A wrist-clutch variation is used by Hirooki Goto, who calls it the Go To Heaven. In this variation instead of just wrapping his arm around the opponent’s leg, he grabs hold of the opponent's free arm, pulls it down from the front side between the opponent's legs, grabs hold of the wrist of that arm between the opponent's legs, and then performs the slam.

Pumphandle drop

The wrestler stands behind their opponent and bends them forward. One of the opponent's arms is pulled back between their legs and held, while the other arm is hooked. The wrestler then lifts their opponent up until they are parallel with the wrestler's chest, then throws themselves forward, driving the back of the opponent into the ground with the weight of the wrestler atop them.

A variation of this move is called the Tilt Slam sees the wrestler elevate the opponent to chest height then simply throw them to the ground.

Pumphandle slam

The wrestler stands behind their opponent and bends them forward. One of the opponent's arms is pulled back between their legs and held, while the other arm is hooked (pumphandle). The attacking wrestler uses the hold to lift the opponent up over their shoulder, while over the shoulder the attacking wrestler would fall forward to slam the opponent against the mat back-first, normally the type of powerslam delivered is a front powerslam. The move can also see other variations of a powerslam used, Gene Snitsky is known to drop the opponent into a Sidewalk slam position; this version is referred to as a Pumphandle Side Slam, Snitsky calls this the Egoist Schwein, a name he borrowed from Japanese wrestler Magnum TOKYO.

The standard Pumphandle slam was popularized by World Championship Wrestling star Wrath, who called it the Meltdown.

Pumphandle Michinoku driver II

The wrestler lifts the opponent as with a pumphandle slam, but falls to a sitting position and drops the opponent between their legs as with a Michinoku Driver II.

Pumphandle fallaway slam

Also known as the Tilt Suplex. The wrestler hooks up the opponent as a pumphandle slam, then the wrestler goes through the body movements for the fallaway slam, executing the release of the opponent as they enter the apex of the throw, instead of at or just past the apex of the throw like when one executes the fallaway slam. Usually the opponent then adds effort to gain extra rotations in the air for effect or to ensure that they do not take the bump on their side.

Samoan drop

The wrestler drapes an opponent over their shoulders in a fireman's carry position then falls backwards, driving the opponent down to the mat on their back. The move has been a signature move for Samoan wrestlers throughout the years.

Umaga uses a variation of the Samoan drop in which after an opponent returns from an Irish whip he lifts the opponent in a gorilla press before dropping them on to his shoulders for a Samoan drop.

Scoop slam

Facing their opponent, the wrestler reaches between their opponent's legs with one arm and reaches around their back from the same side with their other arm. The wrestler lifts their opponent up and turns them upside down so that they are held up by the wrestler's arm cradling their back. The wrestler then throws the opponent to the ground so that they land on their back.

Side slam

The wrestler stands face to face with the opponent, slightly to their side. The wrestler tucks his head under the opponent's near arm, reaches across the opponent's chest and around their neck with his near arm, and places his other arm against their back. The wrestler then lifts the opponent up and throws them forward while still standing to slam them down to the mat back first.

This more common powerslam version sees the wrestler falls down to the mat with the opponent.


The wrestler starts facing their opponent. They then grab the opponent around the waist and lift them up, turning 180°, and toss them forward onto their back or slam them down while landing on top of them. It is usually performed against a charging opponent, using the opponent's own momentum to power the throw. This version is generally associated with Arn Anderson, and his name is often evoked when a wrestler performs it (AA spinebuster, Anderson spine buster, etc.)

Another version, more commonly used by larger wrestlers, sees the wrestler elevate the charging opponent up and slam them down to the mat, without spinning.


The attacking wrestler stands beside the opponent facing them with the opponent facing his side. The wrestler puts his near arm on the opponent’s upper back. He then places his other arm on his stomach and flips them forward, letting them hang in midair before slamming them down on their back.


A brainbuster, also known as an Avalanche Suplex, is a move in which a wrestler puts his/her opponent in a front facelock, hooks his/her tights, and lifts him/her up as if he/she was performing a vertical suplex. The wrestler then jumps up and falls onto his/her back so that the opponent lands on his/her head while remaining vertical.


A bulldog, is any move in which the wrestler grabs an opponent's head or applies a head lock or face lock to his/her opponent and jumps forward, so that the wrestler lands, often in a sitting position, and drives the opponent's face into the mat.

Cobra clutch bulldog

The wrestler applies a Cobra Clutch and then leaps forward, falling into a sitting position and driving the face of the opponent into the ground.

Half nelson bulldog

The wrestler hooks a half nelson hold on his opponent with one arm and his opponents waist with the other. He then leaps forward into a sitting position, driving the face of the opponent into the ground.

One-handed bulldog

The one handed-bulldog is in fact more of a facebuster than an actual bulldog and generally sees a wrestler run up from behind their opponent, grab the opponent's head with one hand and leap forward to drive this opponent's face into the mat.

A two-handed variation of this sees the attacking wrestler charge at the opponent and push, with both hands, down on the back of the opponent to force them gut-first into the mat below.

Spinning bulldog

The wrestler places the opponent in a modified fireman's carry in which the opponent is held diagonally across the wrestlers back with their legs across one shoulder and head under the opposite shoulder (usually held in place with a facelock). The wrestler then spins simultaneously throwing the opponent's legs off the wrestler's shoulders and dropping to the ground, driving the opponent's head into the mat in a bulldog position.


See Cutter (professional wrestling)


A Catapult or Slingshot Catapult is a throw that typically starts with the opponent on his/her back, and the wrestler standing and facing him. The wrestler hooks each of the opponent's legs in one of his/her arms then falls backwards to slingshot the opponent into a turnbuckles, ladders, ropes etc. This can also be held for a backbreaker.


Similar to a bulldog, a DDT is any move in which the wrestler falls down or backwards to drive the opponent's head into the mat. The classic DDT is performed by putting the opponent in a front facelock and falling backwards so that the opponent is forced to dive forward onto his/her head.

Death Valley driver

Often abbreviated to D.V.D. and known as a Death Valley Bomb in Japan. This is a move in which a brainbuster-type slam is performed from a fireman's carry. The wrestler falls in the direction that the opponent's head is facing, driving the opponent's head into the mat.

Louie Spicolli used the move as a finisher during his tenure in Extreme Championship Wrestling. Upon his death the move was unofficially renamed the Spicolli Driver by announcer Joey Styles, who would call the move by this name when any wrestler performed it in ECW, usually by Tommy Dreamer.

Sean O'Haire uses a variation in which he throws out his opponent on the opposite side. He called this the Widow Maker, and later The Prophecy.

Inverted Death Valley driver

Also known as a Burning Hammer, or inverted D.V.D.. The move is executed from a Argentine backbreaker rack (face up, with the neck and one leg cradled) position. The wrestler falls sideways, driving the opponent's head to the mat.

This is considered an extremely dangerous move as the opponent's body cannot roll with the natural momentum of the move to absorb the impact. The move was innovated by Kotetsu Yamamoto, and popularized by Kenta Kobashi as the Burning Hammer.

A variation of this was innovated by Nick Mondo, which he named the Life Cutter, where instead of holding the body of the opponent he would hold the far arm of the opponent across the opponents own throat, and maintain it by holding the opponents wrist, before performing the inverted Death Valley driver.

Side Death Valley driver

A variation between the regular Death Valley driver and the inverted one. The opponent lays on the shoulders of the wrestler on his side, facing either the opposite or the same direction as the wrestler, with the wrestler holding the opponent by the lower leg, and either the head or lower arm. The wrestler then falls sideways, driving the opponent down to the mat shoulder and neck first.

Kenta Kobashi has used a pumphandle variation known as Wrist-clutch Burning Hammer.


A Driver is a variation of many moves that involves an opponent being driven down between the legs of a wrestler (who is dropping to a seated position) on the back of his/her neck/shoulder area.

Blue Thunder driver

See Spin-out powerbomb.

Fisherman driver

The wrestler places the opponent in a front facelock and hooks one of the opponent's legs with his free arm. The wrestler then lifts the opponent upside down or onto his shoulders, and then sits down, driving the opponent between his legs, head and shoulder first.

A wrist-clutch variation of exists which sees the wrestler lift the opponent onto their shoulders and while the opponent is on their shoulders they use the hand hooking the opponent's leg to reach upwards and clutch the wrist of the arm opposite the hooked leg. While maintaining the wrist-clutch they then perform the driver.

Half nelson driver

The wrestler applies a half nelson hold on his opponent, placing one of his hands against the opponent's neck after hooking the opponent's arm with it. He the scoops the opponent's near leg with his other arm and lifts the opponent up, flips the opponent upside down, and then either kneels or sits down, driving the opponent down to the mat on their neck.

Michinoku driver II

Also known as a sitout body slam piledriver but is named after its inventor TAKA Michinoku.

While facing his/her opponent, the wrestler reaches between his/her opponent's legs with one arm and reaches around his/her back from the same side with his/her other arm. The wrestler lifts his/her opponent up and turns him/her upside down so that he/she is held up by the wrestler's arm cradling his/her back. The wrestler then throws the opponent to the ground as he/she falls to a sitting position so that the opponent lands on his/her upper back.

This is often just called a Michinoku Driver because TAKA Michinoku rarely uses the original Michinoku Driver, a double underhook brainbuster.

Michinoku driver II-B

TAKA Michinoku also invented a variation of the Michinoku Driver II in which the wrestler stands behind the opponent, applies an inverted facelock, lifts them upside down, and then drops down to a sitting position, driving the opponent down to the mat between the wrestler's legs upper back first.

Samoan driver

This move is essentially a fireman's carry variation of a Michinoku Driver II. The attacking wrestler drapes an opponent over their shoulders in a fireman's carry position and then takes hold of the opponent and pulls them over their shoulder and down to the mat while falling to a sitting position so that the opponent lands on their upper back and neck between the legs of the wrestler, facing towards them.

Tiger driver

Popularized by Mitsuharu Misawa. The wrestler faces a bent over opponent and double underhooks the opponent's arms. The wrestler then lifts them up, flips the opponent and drops the opponent on their back while falling to sitting position, often pinning the opponent in the process. This is also known as a sitout double underhook powerbomb.

Mitsuharu Misawa innovated a variation which he called the Tiger Driver '91 (for the year it was invented). In this variation, instead of dropping the opponent on their back, they are dropped on their neck and shoulders, and the wrestler drops to their knees.

There is some dispute over the correct name because the move resembles a Powerbomb more than a driver - thus, the move is also sometimes referred to as a Tiger Bomb. However, Tiger Driver is the original and more commonly accepted name. Some consider a double underhook powerbomb where the wrestler does not sitout to be a Tiger Bomb, while the sit-out variant is considered the Tiger Driver.

Electric chair drop

The wrestler lifts the opponent on his/her shoulders in an electric chair sitting position and then falls backwards driving the opponent back-first into the mat.

Frankie Kazarian uses a wrist-lock variation of this move, bridged into a pin, as a finisher, calling it the Back to the Future.

Electric chair bomb

The wrestler lifts the opponent so they are sitting in the electric chair position, facing in the same direction. The wrestler then quickly falls to a sitting position while pushing the opponent forward, into a wheelbarrow facebuster.


A facebreaker is any move in which the wrestler slams his/her opponent's face against a part of the wrestler's body, usually the knee.

Facebreaker DDT

The wrestler applies a front facelock and then falls backwards, much like a normal DDT, but instead of the opponent's head impacting the mat, the wrestler falls to a kneeling, or sitting position, driving the face of the opponent onto his/her knee.

Facebreaker knee smash

The knee smash is a standard facebreaker which involves the wrestler facing an opponent and grabbing hold of them by their head or hair and pulling the opponent's face down, dropping it on to the wrestler's knee. Often used by a wrestler to stun an opponent and set them up for another move.

Many other facebreakers use the knee to inflict the damage, one variation sees the wrestler apply a standing side headlock, and simultaneously pull the opponent forward and smash the wrestler's knee to the opponent's head.

Double knee facebreaker

This facebreaker involves an attacking wrestler who is standing face-to-face with an opponent, hooking both hands around the opponent's head before then bringing up both knees so that they are placed on the face of the opponent; making the head hold and the wrestlers' sense of balance are the only things allowing both wrestler to be in an upright position. At this point the attacking wrestler will shift their weight so that they fall backwards to the mat while forcing the opponent to fall forwards and impact the exposed knees.

Hangman's facebreaker

Also described as a over-the-shoulder facebreaker or an inverted snapmare into a facebreaker. This facebreaker is performed when an attacking wrestler, who is standing in a back-to-back position with an opponent, reaches back to pull the opponent's head over his/her shoulder before (while keeping a hold of the opponent's head) spinning round to twist the opponent's head over as they drop down to one knee forcing the opponent face-first into the wrestlers exposed knee in one quick fluid motion.


A facebuster, also known as a face plant, is any move in which the wrestler forces his/her opponent's face down to the mat which does not involve a headlock or facelock. If these are used then the move is either a DDT or bulldog variation.

Also, inverted Mat Slams are commonly referred to as facebusters.

A standard Facebuster also known as a Jumping facebuster involves the wrestler grabbing hold of the opponent by his/her head or hair and jumping down, forcing the opponent's face into the mat.


A flapjack is any move that throws the opponent so that he/she is pushed upward and therefore having him/her fall on his/her front.

In a basic flapjack, a wrestler pushes their opponent upward by reaching under their legs and lifting them into the air, while remaining the hold on the opponent's leg the wrestler would fall backwards, dropping the opponent front-first into the canvas. It is commonly used by a wrestler when an opponent is charging towards them.

The move is similar to a back drop, but the wrestler pushes upwards so that the opponent falls onto his/her face instead of falling back-first.

A Hotshot is referred to when a flapjack is performed so that the opponent would fall across the ring ropes. The finishing move of Eddie Gilbert; "Stunning" Steve Austin also used the hotshot but referred to it as the Stun Gun.

The fireman's carry flapjack sees the wrestler lift the opponent on to a fireman's carry, and then throw the upper body of the opponent away from the wrestler while the wrestler falls backwards, driving the opponent down to the mat chest first.

Alley Oop

Also known as a reverse powerbomb. The wrestler lifts the opponent so that they are seated on the wrestler’s shoulders, facing away from him, as in a powerbomb. The wrestler then falls backwards while throwing the opponent the same way, dropping them down to the mat on their chest. Tori used a variation of this maneuver where she wouldn't keep the opponent on her shoulders, but instead, she would do the maneuver very fast so it whipped the opponent.

Another variation of this is best called a Package powerbomb throw, or Steenalizer (The latter name coming from the most known user of this variation Kevin Steen). This version sees the wrestler pick the opponent up onto their shoulders in powerbomb position and dropping backwards while throwing the opponents so that the opponent flips forward and lands on their neck and upper back.

Giant swing

A Giant swing starts with an opponent lying on the mat, face up, and the wrestler at the opponent's feet. The wrestler takes the opponent's legs up under his/her arms, similar to the setup for a catapult, but instead pivots, spinning around to lift the opponent off the mat. The attacking may release the opponent to send him/her flying, or simply slow until the back of the opponent returns to the ground.


A Gutbuster is any move in which the wrestler lifts his/her opponent up and jumps or drops him/her so that the opponent's stomach impacts against part of the wrestler's body, usually the knee. A basic gutbuster is often called a stomach breaker it is essentially the same as a backbreaker but with the opponent facing the opposite direction. This similarity with backbreakers is refected in almost every gutbuster variation, which if inverted would become backbreakers and visa versa.

Double knee gutbuster

This gutbuster involves an attacking wrestler who is standing face-to-face with an opponent, hooking both hands around the opponent's head before then bringing up both knees so that they are placed on the chest/stomach of the opponent; making the head hold and the wrestlers' sense of balance are the only things allowing both wrestler to be in an upright position. At this point the attacking wrestler will shift their weight so that they fall backwards to the mat while forcing the opponent to fall forwards and impact the exposed knees.

Elevated gutbuster

This variation of a gutbuster sees an opponent first elevated into a high lifting transition hold before being dropped down for a gutbuster.

Fireman's carry gutbuster

This is the most common version of the elevated gutbuster and sees the attacking wrestler first lift the opponent up across their shoulders; a position known as a "fireman's carry", before then dropping down to one knee while simultainously elevating the opponent over their head forcing them to drop down and impact their exposed knee.

A slight variation of this uses a modified double knee gutbuster and sees the attacking wrestler drop down to their back while bringing both knees up for the opponent to land on.

Gorilla press gutbuster

This version of the elevated gutbuster first sees the attacking wrestler lift an opponent over their head with their arms fully extended; a position known as a "Gorilla press", before then dropping down to one knee while simultainously elevating the opponent over their head forcing them to drop down and impact their exposed knee.

Gutbuster drop

An elevated gutbuster in which an attacking wrestler would lift an opponent up, stomach-first, across one of their shoulders before dropping down to their knees forcing the opponent's stomach to impact on the wrestler's shoulder.

Rib breaker

A rib breaker is a version of a gutbuster that involves the wrestler scooping the opponent up by reaching between the legs of the opponent with one arm and reaching around their back from the same side with his/her other arm. The wrestler then lifts his/her opponent up so they are horizontal across the wrestler’s body. From here the wrestler drops down to one knee, forcing the opponent to drop stomach/rib-first against the wrestler's raised knee.

Headscissors takedown

The move can be performed two ways, with the wrestler facing up or down. With the wrestler's legs scissored around the opponent's head, and if the wrestler is facing up, he performs a backflip, dragging the opponent into a forced somersault that throws the opponent away and on to their back. If the wrestler is facing down, he bends forward instead of performing a backflip. Of the two variations the facing down version is more often referred to as a Headscissors takedown with the facing up version being referred to as a Frankensteiner or Hurricanrana.

A variation where the wrestler forces the opponent to spin before releasing him is referred to as a Satellite (spinning) headscissors.

Another variation when the attacking wrestler rotates numerous times around the opponent before performing the head scissors is known as Déjà Vu as named by Dragon Kid.


This move is commonly, if not always, referred to as a huracanrana or hurricanrana, although it is technically slightly different. The move is described as a headscissors takedown that is performed against a running opponent. The wrestler jumps on the shoulders of the charging opponent and performs a backflip, using his momentum to throw the opponent over him and on to their back.

It was named "Frankensteiner" by Scott Steiner, who used it as a finishing move. The move also has a variation where the opponent is sitting on the top rope, that variation is also referred to as frankensteiner.

Another variation of the Frankensteiner sees a grounded wrestler first "kip-up" on to a standing opponent's shoulders, this is where a wrestler roll onto the back of his/her shoulders bringing his/her legs up and kicking forward to build momentum to lift themselves off the floor and on to the standing opponent. This is often referred to as a kip-up hurricanrana, though technically its a frankensteiner.

Reverse frankensteiner

Also known as an Inverted Frankensteiner or Poison Rana, this move is similar to a standard frankensteiner. The wrestler jumps on the shoulders of an opponent and performs a backflip, using the momentum to throw the opponent over. However, in this version a wrestler jumps on the shoulders of an opponent from behind, so that they are facing the same way as the opponent. By leaning backwards the wrestler attempts to perform a backflip and throw the opponent over on their belly. Due to the difficulty in performing a backflip with the extra weight often the ending of this move sees the opponent's head stuck between the legs of the wrestler hitting the mat first; giving it a resemblance to a back-to-back flip piledriver.

This move is dangerous in that the attacking wrestler cannot let go of the head scissors because the opponent has no natural momentum with the move so most of the time the opponent lands on their head between the legs of the wrestler, and if the opponent doesn't aid the backflip enough the wrestler can end up being crushed by the opponent landing on their back.


The correct name for this maneuver is the Huracanrana or Huracarrana, but it is commonly misspelled in English as Hurricanrana and was invented by Luchador Huracan Ramirez. This is a Frankensteiner headscissors takedown that ends in a rana pinning hold. The rana is any double-leg cradle. The huracanrana is typically done with more velocity than the headscissors takedown, as the opponent needs to land directly underneath the wrestler, instead of being tossed away.

It is often confused with the more impactful non-pinning headscissor variation known as a Frankensteiner, although the difference is similar to seeing a bridged suplex compared to a released one.

Hip toss

The wrestler stands next to the opponent with both facing the same direction, and the wrestler hooks their closest arm underneath and behind the opponent's closest armpit. The wrestler then quickly lifts the opponent up with that arm and throws them forward, which would lead the wrestler to flip the opponent onto their back to end the move.

Irish whip

Also called a hammer throw. A move in which the wrestler grabs one of his/her opponent's arms and spins, swinging the opponent into an obstacle such as the ring ropes, a turnbuckle, or the stairs leading into the ring. One popular use of the Irish whip is to try to "hit for the cycle" by whipping one's opponent into each corner in turn. An Irish whip into the ring ropes is usually used to set the opponent up for another technique as he/she bounces off, such as a suplex or clothesline.


A jawbreaker is any move in which the wrestler slams his/her opponent's jaw against a part of the wrestler's body, usually his/her knee, head or shoulder.

A standard jawbreaker is seen when a wrestler (either stands facing or not facing opponent) places his/her head under the jaw of the opponent and holds the opponent in place before falling into a sitting or kneeling position, driving the jaw of the opponent into the to of his/her head. Sometimes it is also used to counter a headlock by the opponent.

Shoulder jawbreaker

The wrestler stands facing the opponent, places his/her shoulder under the jaw of the opponent and holds the opponent in place before falling into a sitting or kneeling position, driving the jaw of the opponent into his/her shoulder.


See Stunner (professional wrestling)

A Stunner is a sitout three-quarter facelock jawbreaker. It involves an attacking wrestler applying a three-quarter facelock (reaching behind the head of an opponent, thus pulling the opponent's jaw above the wrestler's shoulder) before falling to a seated position and forcing the defender's jaw to drop down on the shoulder of the attacking wrestler.

Mat slam

A mat slam is any move in which the wrestler forces the back of the opponent's head into the mat which does not involve a headlock or facelock. If these are used then the move is considered a type of DDT (if the wrestler falls backwards) or bulldog.

A standard Mat Slam involves the wrestler grabbing hold of the opponent by his/her head or hair and pulling back, forcing the back of the opponent's head into the mat.

Inverted mat slam

Inverted mat slams are commonly referred to as facebusters.

Sitout rear mat slam

The wrestler takes hold of their opponent from behind, holding them by either their hair or the top of their head. The wrestler then jumps backwards and falls to a sitting position, driving the back of the opponent's head into the ground between their legs.

A variation sees the wrestler run up the corner turnbuckles, perform a backflip over a chasing opponent, and at the same time grab hold of the opponents head and perform the slam.

Sleeper slam

This slamming version of a headlock takedown sees a wrestler apply a sleeper hold to the opponent, then falls face first to the ground, pulling the opponent down with them and driving the back and head of the opponent into the ground.

Chris Jericho uses a slight variation, called the Flashback, where he catches the head of a charging opponent, swinging around them to pull them down to the mat. A similar variation is used by Hiroshi Tanahashi, named the Sling Blade, in which he runs towards an opponent, catches their head, swings around them and pulls their head down to the mat with him.

Another variation is used by Matt Hardy, dubbed the Side Effect, in which Hardy faces the opponent and grabs hold of their upper body, lifts them up and swings his legs forward, bringing the opponent down to the mat with him, onto their upper back.

Tilt-a-whirl mat slam

As the name suggests the wrestler would first use a tilt-a-whirl to raise the opponent into a belly-to-belly (piledriver) position, from here the wrestler would fall forward planting the opponent into the mat back-first.

The move is sometimes named by fans and independent commentators as an "Inverted Styles Clash" in reference to a belly-to-back version. Though not often used by many wrestlers, this mat slam does happen as a result of other botched (poorly executed) moves. When a wrestler is lifted for a standard tilt-a-whirl slam they can often be positioned wrong a land in this fashion, also when wrestlers are performing tombstone piledriver if the weight isn't properly distributed the attacking wrestler can fall forward instead of straight down; hitting a mat slam rather than the piledriver they are attempting.

Monkey flip

This move, often referred to as a Monkey Climb in British wrestling, involves an attacking wrestler, who is standing face-to-face with an opponent, hooking both hands around the opponent's head before then bringing up both legs so that they place their feet on the hips/waist of the opponent; making the head hold and the wrestlers' sense of balance are the only things allowing both wrestler to be in an upright position. At this point, the attacking wrestler would shift their weight so that they fall backwards to the mat while forcing the opponent to fall forwards with them only to have the attacking wrestler push up with their legs forcing the opponent to flip forwards, over the wrestler's head, onto their back.

This move is most commonly performed out of a ring corner. This is due to it being easier to climb onto an opponent while in the corner as balance is easily retained, and it allows the maximum length of ring to propel the opponent across.

Muscle Buster

This move was first seen in a manga series, Kinnikuman (Ultimate Muscle in America), in which the move is called a Kinniku Buster, translated literally into English as Muscle Buster.

The move is performed when an attacking wrestler hooks both an opponent's legs with his/her arms and tucks their head in next to the opponent's before standing and lifting the opponent up, so that they are upside down with their head resting on the attacking wrestler's shoulder. From this position, the attacking wrestler jumps up and drops down to the mat, driving the opponent shoulder first down to the mat with the opponent's neck impacting both the wrestler's shoulder and the mat.

This can see the wrestler pick up an opponent who is standing but bent forward but it often begins with an opponent who is sitting on an elevated position, usually a top turnbuckle, because it's easier to hook and lift an opponent when they are positioned higher than the wrestler.

Samoa Joe is noted for often using an Avalanche Muscle Buster, where he would fall to the mat from a raised platform, usually the second rope.

The move also has a neckbreaker variation which focuses more of the attack on the opponent's neck.


There are two general categories of neckbreaker, which are related only in that they attack the opponent's neck.

One category of neckbreaker is the type of move in which the wrestler slams his/her opponent's neck against a part of the wrestler's body, usually his/her knee, head or shoulder.

A neckbreaker slam is another technique in which the wrestler throws his/her opponent to the ground by twisting the opponent's neck. also a back head slam or, when a wrestler drops to the mat while holding an opponent by their neck, without having to twist it.


A Piledriver is any move in which the wrestler grabs their opponent, turns them upside-down, and drops into a sitting or kneeling position, driving the opponent's head into the mat. Other variations focus the attack on the neck, rather than the head.


A powerbomb is a move in which an opponent is lifted up (usually so that they are sitting on the wrestler's shoulders) then slammed down back-first to the mat.

The standard Powerbomb sees the opponent placed in a standing headscissors position (bent forward with their head placed between the attacker's thighs), lifted up on the wrestler's shoulders, and slammed back-first down to the mat.


A powerslam is any slam in which the wrestler performing the technique falls face-down on top of his/her opponent.

The use of the term "powerslam" usually refers to the front powerslam and the scoop powerslam.

Shin breaker

The wrestler faces the opponent from the side, slightly behind. He tucks his head under the opponent's near armpit, and grabs hold of the opponent's near leg, bending it fully. He then lifts the opponent up and slams him downwards, impacting the opponent's bent leg on one of the wrestler's knee. This move is used to weaken the leg for a submission maneuver.


A shoulderbreaker is any move in which the wrestler slams his/her opponent's shoulder against any part of the wrestler's body, usually the knee. This move is normally used to weaken the arm for a submission maneuver.

This move would usually see the wrestler turn the opponent upside-down and drop the opponent shoulder-first on the wrestler's knee. Usually the opponent is held over the wrestler's shoulder in either a Powerslam position, or less commonly an inverted powerslam position.

Snake Eyes

This move would see the wrestler to place the opponent's belly on top of the wrestler's shoulder so that both are facing the same direction while the opponent is facing forward, and then the wrestler would throw the opponent face-first onto a turnbuckle. The move was made popular by Kevin Nash during his early 90's WCW gimmick of Vinnie Vegas.


With the wrestler's back to the opponent, he/she applies a three-quarter facelock or cravate, kneels down, and then pulls the opponent forward, flipping them over his/her shoulder down to the mat, back first.

This is often done as either a counter or a set-up move.

Snapmare driver

A high impact variation of the snapmare where instead of flipping the opponent over, the wrestler drops down either on their chest or down on their knees and drives the opponent's head down to the mat forehead first, with the three quarters face lock.


A suplex is the same as the amateur suplay, a throw which involves arching/bridging either overhead or twisting to the side, so the opponent is slammed to the mat back-first. The term suplex (without qualifiers) can also refer specifically to the vertical suplex.

Trips and sweeps

Double leg takedown

see also Double leg takedown

A tackle where the intention is to force the opponent down on their back by tackling them at their waist or upper thighs. This usually involves grabbing the opponent with both arms around the opponent's legs while keeping the chest close to the opponent, and using this position to force the opponent to the ground. Similar to Spear or a poorly executed Spinebuster.

Dragon screw

This is a legwhip where a wrestler grabs an opponent's leg and holds it parallel to the mat while they are facing each other. The attacking wrestler then spins the leg inwards causing the opponent to fall off balance and twist in the air bringing them to the ground in a turning motion. Popularized by Tatsumi Fujinami who gave the move its name.

Mandala Hineri

This is a variant of the dragon screw where the wrestler spins to the outside, causing leg damage and causing their opponent to go airborne.

Drop toe-hold

The wrestler falls to the ground, placing one foot at the front of the opponent's ankle and the other in the back of the shin. This causes the opponent to fall face first into the ground. It is sometimes used illegally to force an opponent into a chair or other elevated weapon; it is also used occasionally to force an opponent face-first into the turnbuckles, stunning him/her or her momentarily. Also referred to as a Scissor Sweep.

Raven uses this move to trip opponents head-first to an upright chair.

Half nelson legsweep

The wrestler stands behind, slightly to one side of and facing the opponent. The wrestler reaches under one of the opponent's arms with his/her corresponding arm and places the palm of his/her hand on the neck of the opponent, thereby forcing the arm of the opponent up into the air (the Half Nelson). The wrestler then uses his/her other arm to pull the opponent's other arm behind the opponent's head, so both opponent's arms are pinned. The wrestler then hooks the opponent's near leg and throws themselves backwards, driving the opponent back-first to the ground.

Russian legsweep

Also known as a Side Russian legsweep. A move in which a wrestler stands side-to-side and slightly behind with the opponent, facing in the same direction, and reaches behind the opponent's back to hook the opponents head with the other hand extending the opponents nearest arm, then while hooking the opponents leg the wrestler falls backward, pulling the opponent to the mat back-first.

There is also a facebuster variation of this move.

Three-quarter facelock Russian legsweep

The wrestler stands in front of, facing away from and slightly to one side of the opponent. The wrestler then reaches behind themselves and applies a three-quarter facelock to the opponent. The wrestler then hooks the opponent's near leg with their own near leg and sweeps the leg away, simultaneously throwing themselves backwards, thus driving the opponent to the ground (with the weight of the wrestler on top of them) and wrenching the opponent's neck.


This technique gives its name to the schoolboy bump and is performed when the wrestler drops down to his/her knees behind the opponent and forces his/her bodyweight forward to trip the opponent over the attacking wrestler so that they fall flat on their back.

The name schoolboy also refers to a roll-up pin.


STO (Space Tornado Ogawa) is a sweep in which a wrestler wraps one arm across the chest of his/her opponent and sweeps the opponent's leg with his/her own leg to slam the other wrestler back-first. This can also be a lariat-legsweep combination to slam down opponent. Same as the judo sweep O-soto-gari. Naoya Ogawa adapted the move into pro wrestling, and was an Olympic judoka.

Claw-hold STO

Also known as an STK (Space Tornado Kensuke) as named by Kensuke Sasaki. This move is a STO where the wrestler would first apply a clawhold with one hand before sweeping his/her opponent's legs to slam down the opponent's head on the mat.

Reverse STO

See Complete Shot

Set up move

These are transition moves that set up for various throws and slams. See Transition holds

See also