January 25
January 25 is the 25th day of the year in the Gregorian Calendar. There are 340 days remaining (341 in leap years).
- 1327 - Edward III becomes King of England
- 1494 - Alfonso II becomes King of Naples
- 1533 - Henry VIII of England marries his second wife Anne Boleyn
- 1554 - Foundation of Sao_Paulo city, Brazil
- 1791 - The British Parliament splits the old province of Quebec into Upper and Lower Canada
- 1858 - The Wedding March by Felix Mendelssohn is played for the first time (marriage of Queen Victoria's daughter and the Crown Prince of Prussia)
- 1881 - Thomas Edison and Alexander Graham Bell form the Oriental Telephone Company
- 1890 - The United Mine Workers of America is founded
- 1890 - Nellie Bly completes her round-the-world journey in 72 days
- 1917 - The Danish West Indies is sold to the United States for $25 million
- 1919 - The League of Nations is founded
- 1924 - The first Winter Olympic Games are inaugurated (Chamonix in the French Alps)
- 1942 - Thailand declares war on the United States and United Kingdom
- 1946 - The United Mine Workers rejoins the American Federation of Labor
- 1949 - At the Hollywood Athletic Club the first Emmy Awards are presented
- 1949 - The first Israeli election -- David Ben-Gurion becomes Prime Minister
- 1960 - The National Association of Broadcasters reacts to the Payola scandal by threatening fines for any disk jockeys who accepted money for paying particular records
- 1961 - In Washington, DC John F. Kennedy delivers the first live presidential news conference
- 1971 - Charles Manson and three female "family members" are found guilty of murder and sentenced to life imprisonment
- 1971 - Idi Amin leads a coup deposing Milton Obote and becomes Uganda's president
- 1971 - Himachal Pradesh becomes the 18th Indian state
- 1987 - Super Bowl XXI: The New York Giants beat the Denver Broncos, 39-20
- 1993 - A gunman kills two employees outside CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia
- 1995 - World War III: Russia almost launches a nuclear attack after a Norwegian missile launch for scientific research is detected and thought to be an attack on Russia. Norway had notified the world that it would be making the launch, but the Russian Defense Ministry had neglected to notify those monitoring Russia's nuclear defense systems.
- 1998 - Super Bowl XXXII: The Denver Broncos beat the Green Bay Packers, 31-24
- 1999 - A 6.0 Richter scale earthquake hits western Columbia killing at least 1,000
- 2002 - Wikipedia switches to PHP software(Magnus Manske Day)
- 1627 - Robert Boyle, chemist (+ 1691)
- 1759 - Robert Burns, poet (+ 1796)
- 1858 - Kokichi Mikimoto, pearl farm pioneer (+ 1954)
- 1860 - Charles Curtis, Vice President of the United States (+ 1936)
- 1874 - William Somerset Maugham, (+ 1965)
- 1878 - Ernst Alexanderson, television pioneer
- 1882 - Virginia Woolf, writer (+ 1941)
- 1886 - Wilhelm Furtwängler, conductor (+ 1954)
- 1917 - Ilya Prigogine, winner of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1977 (+ 2003)
- 1919 - Edwin Newman, journalist, writer
- 1930 - Dean Jones, actor
- 1933 - Corazon Aquino, President of the Philippines
- 1938 - Etta James, singer
- 1943 - Tobe Hooper, director
- 1981 - Alicia Keys, singer, musician
- 477 - Geiseric, King of the Vandals and Alans
- 844 - Pope Gregory IV
- 1908 - Ouida, writer
- 1947 - Al Capone, gangster
- 1969 - Irene Castle, dancer
- 1970 - Jane Bathori, opera singer
- 1981 - Adele Astaire, dancer
- 1990 - Ava Gardner, actress
- 1994 - Stephen Cole Kleene, American mathematician
Holidays and observances
- Catholicism - Conversion of Saint Paul.
- Burns Night - Burns suppers are held in many parts of the world around this date.
- Roman Empire - second day of the Sementivae in honor of Ceres and Terra
See Also: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
January 24 - January 26 - December 25 - February 25 - Historical anniversaries