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User:The One Terminators

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This is an old revision of this page, as edited by John-1107 (talk | contribs) at 02:59, 3 March 2005. The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.

Hello fellow Wikipedians and other citizens of Earth, my name is Edward John-1107 who time-share biomerge evolves with any of my favorite Action superheroes into my playable character, Warrant Padawan Trainee Sergeant/Tech-Com Mega Man AguniGallantmon Volnutt Trigger DN3841167/Lieutenant Master Major Sergeant General Arbiter Mechwarrior Digidestined Tamer Trainer Runner Fighter Pilot Crimson Mega Man Susanoo-Gallantmon Bishop Canti Zero CSTAMX-341017-B/CSTCM-01019 Alter Soultaker BattleArmor and i research on my favorite topics: Futurology, Fictional universes,Time Travel, Micronation, Space exploration and colonization, Ocean colonization, World government, and Earth. My goal: bring in my reforms: drawn conclusions, new "true" information (that sometimes predicts the future) to Wikipedia from other sources because i felt that Wikipedia left out some information by taking too long to edit some articles. I'll be danged if some or few Wikipedians (including some or few bureaucratic administrators) who i thought were "old-fashioned corrupt Conservative extremists" (who thought that the new information was original "nonsense vandalism" research with negative disbelief of what i say and not encyclopedic) would just try to kick (ban and/or block) me out of Wikipedia and prevent new information from coming in (they will be behind in editing some articles again) and they will not interfere with me again because i have unlimited freedom to edit as long as i am careful not to edit nonsense vandal information right!? Me, Seth, and Mr. Harris are a self-proclaimed imaginary school-based underground ruling U.N. political secret society branch of a militia-mercenary force known as the United Nations Space and World Republican Government/Rebel Alliance Pine Tree ISD Special Ed Superhero Force Student Council which indirectly claims loose political control of Earth (including Wikipedia (besides the Wikipedia AMA Cooridnator of the Arbitration Committee of Bureaucratic Administrators) and PTISD (besides the PT School District Student Council-board of education)). The UNRAPTISDSESFSC has a hidden private headquarters in old classrooms that can be relocated from one PT campus to another when we finish attending it and has a imaginary popular supporting band, Shadow Light. The UNRAPTISDSESF is featured in political military action in The One Terminators. In 2009 this secret society will be dissolved if Mr. Harris and Seth won't go to college with me (if i graduate), but it will become its own legacy, the United Nations of Earth and Space.

Email Address: edwardmtvi/aarg@xbox.com/aarpt@wikipedia.org

Date of Birth: December 14,1990

Real Name: Aaron Oliver Plan

Kingdom: Animalia (Human(Filipino-American World Citizen Special Ed regular student))

Subspecies: Augustus

Binomial name: Homo Sapiens Augustus

Home and Birthplace: Longview, Texas and Atlantic City, New Jersey, United Colonial States of America, United Nations of Earth

Brother: Andrew

Besides Carl and Conrad Madrid Austria from Houston...

DOB: September 1991

They are my twin friends who like some of the same stuff as i do (including cartoons and anime, playing video or trading card games, looking up adult stuff, and wants to be superheroes (in which they are my comrade partners in The One Terminators) or they come up with their superhero ideas, but there were also differences, Carl is mature like me and my brother while Conrad is immature: said only the phrases of a sentence, doesn't know how to get along with girls, and is always threatened to have his video game privileges removed by his brother if he doesn't stop and cooperate.

My best close friends in the Pine Tree Independent School District:

Stacie Charlton

DOB: September 26,1990

She is a prominent member of several PTISD organizations (including the PTJH 2004-5 Spanish Club in which she is currently part of) and i loved not only as a friend (since she first appeared in the 5th grade and for only 2 school years was in my classes, but it's unknown if she will be in my classes again or not), but also as my future wife. In the 6th grade, we defended our belongings from other people who would try to steal them. I was an a..hole when we had a big fight last semester after i had accidently jepordized our future by telling or being asked by people about me and Stacie and sending an apology love letter that contained some threats that i forgot to omit and almost as if i dreamed that i wanted to kill her just like (Anakin Skywalker (still transforming into Darth Vader) who killed his wife Padme Amidala in Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (but in a parallel universe where a similar evil empire was formed). She is still my friend though (she congratulated my 14th birthday and she invited me to her own 14th birthday dance party), but is not known if we can talk again everyday just like old times once we finish reconciling with each other, since the beginning of this school year in which i felt that Stacie doesn't like me and is too busy with PTISD classes, organizations, and even other people who i never met before. Stacie and I will talk and dance again in the still rumored End of the Year Dance sometime in May of this school year (i miss the Back to School Dance because i didn't want to go because of my age and height), maybe i could try kiss her again (unsuccessful when i was at the Valentine Dance last school year where i wrote a Valentine note that laid all the planned details for me and Stacie's personal future) or not.

I wanted to secretly have sex with her blindfolded with duck tape, but if she, the hospital, her family, and/or my family find out that we have sex and she gave birth, me, Stacie, or both will get kicked out of our houses and i will get arrested.

I have a dream that me and Seth and Stacie and Rebeccah will go and hang out at a party in Las Vegas sometime during the night and someday, i will fulfill it.

Email Address: taterbug@iglide.net.

Seth K (William) Boyd and Mr. Scott Harris

DOB: February 1974 and September 14, 1988 or 1989

Seth is a special-ed like me who (like me) wants to be any kind of character he sees on any movie (it means that he wants to be a Superhero and in The One Terminators he biomerge evolves with any of his favorite superheroes into Superhero Seth, my comrade partner). He is completely impatient with everything. He often fights with anyone (including those that were not doing something bad to him) until he/she is in trouble (but he sometimes gets into trouble instead without admitting it and claims that he's perfect), but sometimes he can get along with people. He only likes peanut butter and jelly sandwitch, "Cheetos" cheddar chips, and milk and does not like other kinds of food. He is less intelligent (but learns a lot) and cannot do many things by himself (he wants to quit occupational therpy in which i attended), but he said that he has some adolescence in him. Mr. Harris helps him with anything and tries to keep him out of trouble. We went to the "Medieval Times" show in Dallas when we were in the 6th grade.

Mr. Harris's Email Address: dscottharris@msn.com.

Rebeccah Donnell

Rebeccah is Seth's best friend who is excited and playful and may be smart too, the worse part is that she is the first girl i kissed and i almost got into a fight in which i should have hit her too, but she is still my friend and is thankful of good things me and Seth have done for her.

Ryan Stephens

He is one of Stacie's friends and also one of my friends, he is also in band: he once played the trombone until my favorite band mascot, Jacob quit band to be in athletics. He is a great helper to me in science class.

Jared Altman

Not much is known about him except that he is one of Stacie and I's friends and that he used to be in band. He and Ryan show Stacie my cool stuff. He resembles Chris Drake (relation between them unknown).

My other friends

I have other friends (too many to list): some good, some bad, some in-between (neutral), and for the most part, many of my PTISD friends are in Band, Cheerleading, Athletics, and Student Council and other PTISD organizations.

The One Terminators and the Future based on it


The One Terminators is a Science Fiction-Fantasy-Horror-Action/Adventure-Historical fiction-Dramatic-Romantic-Comedy-Mystery-nonfictional fictional crossover biographical film documentary about the "good and evil vs. evil" wars between my United Nations Space and World Republican Government/Political Formations against the Confederacy/Imperial Caliphate (allied with my PTISD student opponents led by me and Seth's evil counterparts) ,the Covenant Zodiac Heresy, and the Xenomorphs that takes place in my future.

It influences literature, mythology, philosophy, science, religion, arts, and history and takes a rational, progressive, mythical approach with a first and third person point of view.

These are my 2 futures based on my fictional story, one of them will really come true.

2016 and beyond: If i completed my school and college years...

(Please note that the events below are unexpectedly, ironically subject to change and (if they're not changed) may alter the course of forecasted future events).


  • Marry Stacie Charlton (if she wants to) who would be my Empress-First Lady and have 12 or 40 children. I will help others in both ways at the same time: I will try to help my family to have a better future while at the same time i will try bringing peace to the the world and later, to the universe.

Artificial Intelligence, Biology, Biotechnology, and Nanotechnology

I will partially automate technology (including creating Animal-Humans and help other scientists create bio nano genetically-engineered Artificial Intelligence races (including military supercomputer and robot-type AIs (some will be computer controlled) for UN allied coalition peacekeeping and armed forces and other militaries)).

Time Travel, Politics, Space exploration and colonization , Virtual reality and simulated reality, and war

As a U.N.-sponsored NASA Astronaut Soldier-Diplomat with secret political influence, fight in wars in order to make and preserve peace between U.N and other Nations, and help others conduct experiments to create virtual reality-simulated reality environments on the Internet for humans to live in, explore within and beyond the Solar System, and/or conduct time traveling experiments: if successful in finding ways to make time travel a reality, explore the future and the past to study history first-hand and i'll be careful while trying to make sure i won't get stranded and while preventing and/or altering events from normally occuring so a new future modern world can be created:

  • Introduce 18th century-21st century modern science and technology to the Ancient World and combine with Ancient technology in order to launch an Industrial Revolution-Space Age in ancient times or at the beginning of urban civilization or (with 21st century technology) turn 18th century-19th century Industrial Revolution and 20th century Space Age into a second Renaissance, preserve Ancient libraries (including the Library of Alexandria), introduce space exploration and colonization (to the Ancient or 19th century modern worlds), and have ancient civilizations take a tour of Earth's modern-day nations (including their successors) to study and learn anything thus it will quickly make human civilization technologically advanced, but i will make sure it will partially, but not completely alter the original timeline or without time travel, land on Mars and find and/or colonize habitable/unhabitable inhabited/civilized/uninhabited planets (including Earth-like worlds).
  • Racism shall not exist from the United States of America's beginning in 1607-1754-75-6 so all people shall be sexually and racially equal and be educated.
  • Merge pre-League of Nations Nationalist movements into one underground international liberation movement.

  • Preserve Spartan military tradition so it can be passed on to many generations of national and international military forces.

Once i complete these objectives, eliminate oppressive Nations, political parties, and terrorist groups with the help of my SESFSC from my school years including the resurgence of the Base of the Jihad of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (if we didn't complete one of our time traveling missions to destroy the BJIEA in 1988-96 (whose ideas had already spread throughout the Islamic world and had been kept alive as a legacy if the BJIEA loses)) that threaten world and (if war extends to space or if Alien Nations are involved), universal peace during reunification, consolidation, and reforming of the United Nations. Strengthen defenses, underground bunker cities, and space refugee colonies to protect the people from catastrophes. I shall make peace with or (if they don't want peace) wage war against armed opposition groups and establish a precedent for Nations having right to make peaceful compromise or revolt,separate, and/or overthrow oppressive government, civilians shall fight invasion, or Mercenaries shall help others fight enemies when armed forces fail. Wars will be legal as a last resort to settle a dispute but extensive use of WMD and killing civilians are illegal. The Three Laws of Robotics, the Ten Commandments Covenant and other religious laws, the Geneva Conventions, and a new United States Constitution will be part of the United Nations Charter and laws against crime will be strictly enforced. When I pass away and be buried in a cryogenic coffin while me and my wife's secret superhuman android clone son will continue our lives in a different way for one last time, i will leave behind a mythical, unimagined future world for everyone.

Alternate 21st century and beyond - Our UNPTISDSESF are preparing and training for the unthinkable: if the Base of the Jihad of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan and other forms of oppression wins the War on Terrorism with half of information and technology lost, then i will create my Global Nationalist Army based on the Rebel Alliance to fight against the Islamic Caliphate and other Racist empires which are based on the evil Galactic Empire. My Army will learn about Politics and Diplomacy and they will do some Military training through learning about Warfare and after secretly escaping from Longview, we will capture New York City, Washington D.C., The Hague, and Geneva (if they're occupied) and set up hidden underground bases whose locations are concealed from the enemy and use the enemy's communications network to expand the intenational resistance, if there's any survivors all over the world.

My Objectives are:

After the war ends, the reconstruction and reunification of Human civilization on Earth will take hundreds of thousands of years before its rebirth in which i will create and leave behind a restored modern world for everyone.