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Moblin (The Legend of Zelda)

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Moblin from Ocarina of Time

Moblins pronounced m-AH-blins (also called Molblins in some versions) are fictional pig or bulldog-like monsters that often reside in forests in The Legend of Zelda series (their names probably are a portmanteau of the words "mob" and "goblin"). Few games break away from this generality. They most often carry Spears, but are known to carry Swords and Clubs as well. There are few individual Moblins—the only Moblins that are part of their game's storyline are the Moblin King (Link's Awakening) and the Great Moblin (Oracle of Ages and Seasons).

Name Confusion

Moblin was, at one point, believed to spelled "Molblin", sparking debates over the true title. It is generally accepted fact that Molblin is an inconsistency of Nintendo of America's translation team. Nintendo of America is well known for their mistranslations and inconsistencies, more well known for the infamous mistranslations into Gannon, Zola and Miyahon. The original Japanese name for the Moblin is モリブリン ("MORIBURIN"). This was rendered as "Molblin" in the first two Zelda games (The Legend of Zelda and Zelda II: The Adventure of Link, both for the NES). From The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past for the SNES and onwards, the name was rendered "Moblin" in all official sources.

The Legend of Zelda

Moblins first appeared in the original Legend of Zelda as spear-throwing bulldog monsters. Their spears can be blocked by Link's Shield, and they had two key varieties, orange and blue; blue are stronger than orange, as they require more hits to kill. They are most commonly found in forest areas. A few orange Moblins hiding in secret hideouts across Hyrule give you Rupees and deliver the famous quote, "ITS A SECRET TO EVERYBODY".

Notably, there is a Goron in Twilight Princess that states "It's a secret to everybody." when spoken to after the Hyrule Castle has been encased in a barrier.

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Later, in The Adventure of Link, Moblins come in many new forms. The top-down view of the original Zelda made them seem short and squat, while the sidescrolling view made them look tall and quite thin. The Moblins in this game are after Link's blood, used to resurrect Ganon, who was previously vanquished by Link. Usually, they will come at Link with defenses up, throwing Spears, while others continue regenerating and coming at Link from both sides of the screen, stealing EXP whenever they touch the player. Their Spears can be blocked with the Shield. They appear as red Moblins, blue Moblins, and orange Moblins. Orange Moblins simply throw their Spears at Link. Red Moblins can't throw their spear, but can stab high or low with it. Blue Moblins can throw their spears and stab low with them.

In A Link to the Past, Moblins can only be found in the Dark World, taking the place of the variously-colored soldiers in the Light World. While the Pig Soldiers appear to be Moblins, they are never referred to as such. The ones who are Moblins are the Spear-throwing ones, whose Spears can be blocked by Link's Shield. The ending added to the remake of this game implies that Moblins and Pig Soldiers are actually Ganon's only true Soldiers, and that the other enemies are not on his side. In its Satellaview direct sequel, BS The Legend of Zelda: The Ancient Stone Tablets, there are no Moblins, on account of the fact that the Dark World is not present.

Link's Awakening

Link's Awakening marks the first time a Moblin ever used a sword. Moblins only appear in the Mysterious Forest and the Moblin Hideout, as Sword Moblins (always with shields as well). The Moblins with swords do not wander around aimlessly throwing spears like most of their race, but instead home in on the player like the guards in A Link to the Past. Some Moblins in this game, however, do maintain the tactic of wandering and firing arrows. There is also a Boss named Great Moblin, who kidnapped Madam Meow-Meow's Bow-Wow (a Chain Chomp from the Mario games) and resides in the Moblin Hideout. Since Link's Awakening has no relevance to Ganon, these Moblins seem to rule themselves.

Link's Awakening seems to also mark the transition in appearance of Moblins. In older games they resemble bulldogs, but in those releasing later they resemble pigs instead. Interestingly, in addition to bulldog-like moblins, there are enemies that move and attack exactly like them (both with swords and shields, and bows) that are pig-like. These enemies are found mostly in the area of Tal Tal Heights, near the Wind Fish's Egg.

Ocarina of Time

In Ocarina of Time, Moblins only appear in the Sacred Forest Meadow when Link is an adult. All but one of them will charge at Link with a spear when they spot him; the last one guards the corridor leading to the entrance of the Forest Temple, and when Link approaches it, it will launch shockwaves from his club at Link. They are much bigger than any previous Moblins. Although these Moblins are also piglike in form, they have a somewhat bulldoggish appearance. Those found in the maze area can be defeated using a large variety of weapons, although the large Moblin weilding a club is best countered with arrows because of their range.

In the Master Quest version of Ocarina of Time, a Moblin that causes shockwaves like the one guarding the Forest Temple entrance can be found in the Spirit Temple.

Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons

In Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons, Moblins are one of the most common enemies. They act exactly as they did in Link's Awakening. They come in red and blue variants; The blue ones are usually harder to find and to defeat.

The Great Moblin

The Great Moblin
The Great Moblin

The Great Moblin terrorizes the populace in Holodrum and Labrynna—however he is never in two places at once; he is always in the land of the game played first, and then when Link drives him out of that land he goes into the other land, where the player can further humiliate him if they follow him by playing a linked game using a password from the first. He will also recognise Link in that second land, whereas in the non-linked game he has never seen him before.

In Labrynna he builds his Moblin Keep (with warning signs all around it) and rules over the mountain and its inhabitants, preventing the Gorons from growing their famous Bomb Flowers—he makes the more traditional sort of bombs (by hand), so it is to be assumed that he wants to drive them out of business.

In Holodrum he builds another Moblin keep, but this one is very different and has cannons all around the walls. He stands on the wall shelling anyone who comes near. However his cannons fire bombs rather than cannonballs, so he is more an annoyance to Link rather than a real threat.

The Great Moblin and his henchmen are greedy, and always out to make a profit. In Holodrum (depending on the story strand) the player will find his minions surrounding Dimitri. They intend to sell him ("Bwee! I found somethin' weird! If we catch it and sell it, we'll be rich!!! And the Great Moblin will be very pleased!!!"). If Link wants to rescue Dimitri from this fate he has to pay them a total of 80 Rupees in exchange for him.

If the player is in Holodrum while playing a linked game, the Great Moblin kidnaps Princess Zelda, once again hoping to make a profit ("Such fine clothes... You must be a high-class girl! Rupees, jewels, everything! Give me your valuables!"). After a brief skirmish he flees back to the Moblin Keep.

After Link destroys the Holodrum Moblin Keep, he will not leave the land (like he does when his Keep in Labrynna is destroyed) but will instead move into an abandoned house in the south-eastern corner of Sunken City. There he and his minions make bombs, apparently to sell to get the funds to rebuild his Keep once more. If Link drops a bomb or an Ember Seed on this pile and then runs out the door, the house explodes, and the Great Moblin and his henchmen flee the smouldering ruins. However they soon return and rebuild the house (in a much shabbier state), and continue making bombs once more. Link can blow up this second house too, and they will flee yet again. The next time they rebuild, however, the moment Link ignites their pile of bombs the Great Moblin says, "Bwee-hee! So it was you! You'll pay!!! An eye for an eye!". They throw Link into the house and run away, and it explodes with him in it, killing him (and giving the player the save/continue menu as with any death).

Moblin Ring

In both games, the player can acquire a magical Ring that transforms Link into a Moblin. He cannot use any attacks in this form, but he is ignored by any Moblins (with the exception of the Great Moblin), and also cannot be eaten by Like Likes. Can only be found in the possession of Maple, or inside of a Gasha Nut.

The Wind Waker

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In The Wind Waker, Moblins are large, grey-brown pig monsters who carry glaives. They do not appear as often as they do in past games, on account of them being much more powerful than most types of Moblins. If they catch Link inside the Forsaken Fortress while he is unable to defend himself, they will set him alight with their lanterns and throw him back into his cell. They can use their glaives to thrust at Link, which they usully do 2-3 times before unleashing a very wide swipe. They were the first enemies shown for this game. The glaives that the Moblins wield can be stolen from them by Link and wielded as a weapon, albeit a rather cumbersome one.

The Wind Waker saw the introduction of the first Moblin with a specific name: "Moe." Apparently, he worked at the Forsaken Fortress and developed a relationship with Maggie, the daughter of the rags-to-riches peasant/patrician on Windfall Island (Moe is supposedly the source of the man's new-found wealth, as Maggie's father sold the Skull Necklaces he gave to Maggie for a high price). The father forbids the relationship, but Link can help her by delivering a letter to Moe. As it turns out, Moe has mail for Maggie as well (which Maggie interprets to be romantic, when in fact Moe writes that he likes her so much he'd like to eat her for dinner). For helping Maggie and Moe, Link receives a Piece of Heart. Although Moe is crucial to this side quest, the player never sees him. But, this shows that Moblins can read and write, probably in the same language as post-Great Flood Hyruleans, and that perhaps Moblins are capable of love.

Furthermore, the first form of the final sub-boss of Ganon's Castle, Puppet Ganon, seems to be based on the Moblin, though it may be based on Ganon's pig-like form, which the Moblin may be based on.



Relatives of Moblins are the smarter, but less powerful Bokoblins, little pig imp creatures with a forked tail, who are often found in Dungeons and all over the Great Seas, often on rafts and lookout towers and in submarines. Come in blue, green and pink. Often carry telescopes, machetes and boko sticks, and some also wield small wooden shields (with the Forsaken Fortress' post-office marker on it). Their attack style is to go straight-on, moving left and right waiting for a good time to strike, and often do jump attacks. They are also capable of operating machinery, such as the giant search lights at the Forsaken Fortress. Because of this ability to operate machinery and use various tools, it is rumored that they are much more intelligent than their relatives, the Moblins.


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Even smaller than Bokoblins, Miniblins are a sort of pygmy side species. They continue spawning and attack in masses until the player leaves the area; they're easy to leave behind though as they make infuriating "Da-Dink" sounds at all times. They're mostly found in submarines and the Forsaken Fortress, but sometimes appear in the Overworld. They also appear to be less intelligent than Moblins in that they can be easily distracted if Link throws some bait in their direction, to the point where they fight each other for it. Amusingly, the Skull Hammer can pancake Miniblins or send them flying long distances.

The Nintendo Gallery is a room on a tall island near Forest Haven. You have to take a colorized picture of a character or enemy and show it to the Figurine creator, and after a day passes in-game (skip to the next day with the Song of Passing), it will be made.

  • Moblin (Forsaken Fortress): "These mighty enemies swing their long spears with the greatest of ease. They've knocked Link around with that attack countless times."
  • Bokoblin (Dungeon): "These little imps wield sharp machetes and Boko sticks when attacking. If they have no weapon, they'll attempt to fight hand-to-hand."
  • Miniblin (Dungeon): "These little beasts are quick and agile. They scurry along walls and gather in great numbers. You should deal with them individually so they don't surround you."

The Minish Cap

Moblins in The Minish Cap are virtually identical in appearance and actions to their The Wind Waker counterparts, although they never carry torches. They are equipped with either bows or spears. The bowmen will shoot Link on sight, while the spearmen charge at him in a straight line (they have no slashing attack whatsoever). They come in "flesh" and grey varieties, and often drop large amounts of Rupees when slain.

The first Moblins appear when Link leaves the Sanctuary. Link is confronted by Vaati, who then locks him in a pen with two Moblins.

Interestingly enough, there's a woman who appears in another person's house at some point in the game, the lights are turned off, but if Link lights the torches, she'll turn into a Moblin, but won't attack him. This is likely a reference to the the first Zelda game, in which non-violent Moblins can be found.

It should also be noted that one book in the library is titled: Married to the Moblin. It's not clear whether this is a joke title or proof Moblins and Hylians sometimes really can get along. It likely also is a reference to Maggie and Moe's relation in The Wind Waker.


Two Moblin Figurines appear in The Minish Cap

  • Spear Moblin - Appears in Minish Woods, etc. They rush you on sight. They also block head-on attacks with their spears, so circle around to attack.
  • Bow Moblin - Appears in various areas. They fire arrows at you on sight. Block these with your shield and then close in to attack.

Twilight Princess

Although Moblins appeared in the 2004 Trailer, they did not show up in the final release. Instead, their relatives do. Bokoblins return, along a new Moblin relative called Bulblins, which are humanoid orc-like creatures with bull's horns.[1] Bokoblins in Twilight Princess are modeled to look like goblins or orcs. Bokoblins can be found in various areas, wielding wooden swords. Bokoblins, unlike their Wind Waker versions, have whitish hair, and look much more human having lost thier snouts, tails and fur. Bulblins are armed with maces or bows, and can ride in pairs on boars. A leader of the Bullblins, known as King Bulblin[2], appears along with his boar, Lord Bullbo, and must be fought several times. He assaults Link and his friends at the beginning of the game, and is later fought on the two large bridges in Hyrule; once to save Colin, Link's friend, and again to get a carriage safely to Kakariko Village. He is then fought hand-to-hand in the Gerudo Desert. In Hyrule Castle near the end of the game, he finally speaks, saying that he's "come to play," and after being defeated, states he has only ever worked for the strongest side, and quits working for Ganon due to Link's strength. Finally, he is seen riding around on a field during the credits.

Moblins in the cartoon series

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The Moblins in the DiC cartoon series had red eyes (like those in the original Zelda game) and a bulldog-like appearance. Their trademark stupidity led them to constantly foul up their master Ganon's plans. However they could still think for themselves, and at one point decided Ganon was so hopeless (Link always thwarted his schemes) that they were better off without him; they overthrew him and formed "The Brotherhood of Underworld Monsters" with the other liberated monsters that were previously under Ganon's rule (such as the Stalfos, Mobys and Wolfos), but in the end they weren't much more effective without their leader.

Moblins in the comics

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As in the animated series, the comic book Moblins are not intelligent, but they do have individual personalities and are able to speak.[citation needed] Moblins in The Wind Waker are known to speak and understand Hylian, but otherwise these traits seem to be anomalous to the comic books.