The Shield
The Shield is an American police drama television series on FX Networks. The show is notable for its controversial portrayal of corrupt police officers.
The Shield is about an experimental police precinct set up in the fictional Farmington neighborhood ("the Farm") of Los Angeles, using a converted church ("the Barn") as their police station. Although Michael Chiklis has top billing with his portrayal of Vic Mackey, the show is an ensemble that will normally run two or three separate story lines through each episode, giving other characters plenty of screen time.
Vic Mackey is the leader of The Strike Team, a brutal four-man squad based on LAPD's Rampart Division CRASH unit, which stands for Community Response Against Street Hoodlums; a real life anti-gang unit. The CRASH unit was the source of LAPD corruption when officers were accused of planting drugs and coercing confessions out of gang members. Some officers made plea bargains admitting offenses and identifying other officers and in response the LAPD shut down CRASH in all divisions of the LAPD. The team uses a variety of violent and extortive methods to maintain peace on the streets, while maintaining their own profits through drug protection schemes and robbery. Twice the team was given a fifth member.
The fourth season premiers March 15th, 2005.
- Detective Vic Mackey (Michael Chiklis)
- Detective Shane Vendrell (Walton Goggins) - Vic's friend and member of the strike team.
- Detective Curtis "Lemonhead" Lemansky (Kenny Johnson) - Member of the strike team.
- Detective Ronnie Gardocki (David Rees Snell)- Member of the strike team
- Captain David Aceveda (Benito Martinez) - Politically ambitious captain.
- Detective Claudette Wyms (CCH Pounder)
- Detective Holland "Dutch" Wagenbach (Jay Karnes)
- Officer Danielle "Danny" Sofer (Catherine Dent)
- Officer Julien Lowe (Michael Jace)
- Detective Tavon Garris (Brian White) (as of Season 2)
- Captain Monica Rawling (Glenn Close) (as of Season 4)