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Azurix Corp.
File:Http:// Azurix Corp. was a division of Enron Corp. formed with the purchase of Wessex Water in 1998. The company was ran by Rebecca P. Mark untill she resigned in 2000. The company owned and operated facilities in North America (mainly canda), Europe, and South America. It is known for operating in Argentina. Where alge was in the water supply and prudced a brownish color and fowel odor. Coasting Azurix 50 days of non billing and 30days of supplying bottled water to customers. The company was headquarted at 3 Allen Center in Houston Texas and occupied the 9th and 10th floors. Azurix's business units included Azurix North America which was responsible for north american operations, Azurix Latin American for managing facilities in South America, Azurix Europe for managin facilities in Europe, and Azurix Industrial Operations which supplied industrial services to industrial clients. The business was a disaster for Enron. Enron sold Azurix North America and Azurix Industrial Operations to American Water Works for $141.5 million.