Mahō Sentai Magiranger
Magical Task Force MagiRanger was TOEI Company Limited's most recent production of the Super Sentai television series. It marks as the first Sentai to have some it's scenes filmed at New Zealand. It is most likley to be used as footage for the next series of Power Rangers.
A war between the Infershia and Magitopia had occured unbeknownst to humans. The Infershia haved returned to get revenge from their imprisonment. When the Infershia attack, five siblings witness their mother change in front of them and she hands them Magiphones to transform into a magic team. Now endowed with magic powers, these five vow to live up to their family's legacy. They are yet to discover many more family secrets.
Oz Family
Five children(three brothers and two sisters} lived peacefully with their mother. They were told that father died in an expedition in Antarctica. But upon learning the truth, their mother inrevealed them their family legacy.
- Miyuki Oz/MagiMother: A strong, gentle, an ideal mother. She raised her five children alone after their father disappeared. She kept many secrets from them, not the least of which was the truth about herself. She was a sorceress, weilding the power of ice magic from a long line of magicians who protect world from the Infershia. She wore white armor with a snowflake emblem on her helmet and wand. She was seemingly killed by Wolzard. Only her MagiStick remained.
- Kai Oz/MagiRed: The youngest, a wizard who has power over fire. He's a sophmere student who's into soccer & fights a lot with Tsubasa. He's straightforward & is impulsive, which often leads to him making mistakes. He hates to be babied & wants to be treated like an adult. He has a special talent for inventing things.
- Tsubasa Oz/Magi Yellow: The 4th born, a wizard who weilds the power of thunder & lightning. He's intuitive, a realist and usually rational. He looks at life crossways, is a bit closed in himself, cynical and sarcastic.
- Urara Oz/MagiBlue: The 3rd born, a sorceress with power over the water. She has a gentle heart, acting like mother sometimes. She's a passive sort, listening to the others and holding her tongue, hiding her own feelings of hurt and distress until they boil over and she explodes.
- Houka Oz/MagiPink: The 2nd born, a sorceress with power over the wind. She is cheerful and flighty, stringing along several boyfriends. She has a narrow focus, though, and can be a troublemaker. She works as a fashion model when he feel like it. She also has a talent for transformation magic, turning herself into any thing she could think up.
- Makito Oz/Magi Green: The oldest of the five, a wizard who weilds the power of the over the earth. He spent his life growing vegetables on his property, Aniki Farm, & cooking delicious meals with his own hands. He's usually a cheerful fellow, but moves along at a rather slow pace, taking it easy through life. However, he does have a nasty temper & can get on people's nerves. He tends to be like a father to his siblings.
- Mandora-Boy: A young Mandrake the MagiRangers met when they find their secret headquarters. Dispite being in a pot, he can hop around
When facing giant Darkness Beasts, the Majirangers press a special code on their MagPhones: "107" (Maagi Magi Magika) to transform into giant armored forms.
- MagiKing: The Majin perform "Majin Combination" when they dial 1205 (Maagi Jiruma Magi Jinga). He weilds the MagiCalber sword that is used in his "Magical Showtime" finisher.
- MagiPhoenix: MagiRed's Majin Form. Weilds the Phoenix Sword.
- MagiDragon: Its four components combine when they dial 125 (Maagi Jiruma Jinga) on their MagiPhone. MagiPhoenix rides it into battle.
- MagiGaruda: MagiYellow's Majin form. His arms, Garuda Wing, can be be used as weapons.
- MagiMinotaur: MagiGreen's Majin Form. He weilds the Taurus Axe.
- MagiMermaid: MagiBlue's Majin Form. She weilds the Mermaid Lance & can fuse her legs into a fish-tail.
- MagiFairy: MagiPink's Majin Form. She weilds the Fairy Cutter & can turn into the Majiren Ball the others used in attacks.
- Valykion: Horse-like Majin, serves under Wolzard. It appears from the ground when summoned.
- WolKentaurus: Wolzard fuses with Valkion when he utters "Uza. Tousa. Sanga".
- WolKaizer: When he utters "Uza. Tousa. Uru. Sanga", Valykion becomes an suit of armor around Wolzard.
- Fire Kaizer: A combination that results from the fusion of MagiPheonix & MagiFairy with Valykion.
They are from the Kedamono Empire at the center of the Earth, which was ruiled by the mysterious SoMa. Years ago, they were beaten and sealed within the Earth. Now that they are free, they intend to conquer the surface world.
- Power General Branken: The high commander, though it seemed Wolzard was calling the shots. Half machine, Branken has no tolerance in failure. He carries a blade made from SoMa's fang.
- Vamcula: The Infershia's spy, a bat-like demon who could fly & split herself into the Nightmare Sisters.
- NightMare Sisters Nai & Mea: Mischievous vampirish girls dressed in Gothic Lolita attire. They usually cause trouble for Magirangers any chance they get. They can shoot bolts of energy out of their mouths. Mea tends to only repeat a portion of what Nai has just said when she speaks.
- Evil Knight Wolzard: A mysterious figure who seems to have a deal of knowledge about the Magirangers. He was repsonible for breaking the seal & seems to be the only one of the Infershia who acutally uses magic. He carries the WolSabre and the Jagan Shield{Made from SoMa's eye}. He could enlarge himself & combine with his Majuu Valykion to become either WolCentaurus or WolKaizer.
- High Zobil: A higher ranked Zobil who leds the others.
- Zobil: Corpse-like soldiers who weild axes.
Darkness Beasts
The monsters that fight the MagiRangers. The first three were naturally giant, but the rest were human size so far. When these human-sized Darkness Beasts are killed, Wolzard uses a spell that ressurects a the monsters & makes them grow.
- Troll (1): A giant beast whose appearence results with the Oz Siblings learning the truth of their family as their mother froze the beast with her power & shattered him.
- Blob (2): A giant monster who devoured MagiRed and Magigreen, only to sneeze them out thanks to MagiPink. He was destoryed by the Majin.
- Worm (3): A huge eight-headed worm who was defeated by MagiDragon.
- Cockatrice (4): Turns people into a statues which it eats on its lesiure. After it turned MagiBlue into an staute, MagiRed used his sister's mirror in the next battle to turn the monster's attack on it. MagiRed used his fire attack & shattered the pertified Cockatrice into a many stone pieces. But Wolzard used his dark magic to ressurct the monster & enlarge it. The Darkness Beast was the fisr to be defeated by MagiKing.
- Mimic (5): Nai & Mea's pet Darkness Beast, able to take on a Taxi-style form. It's loyality to the Nightmare Sisters was a big mistake when MagiPink took on the guise of Vamcula & lured the monster into a trap she & the others set up.
- Fungus (7): A mushroom-based monster who can shoot spore gases from its body on its victims.
- ???? (8): Possesses the power to make people dance against their will.
Episodes(So far)
- 1. Morning of a Starting Journey
- 2. Bring out Courage: Magi, Magi, Magical
- 3. Ride the Magical Dragon: Magi, Jilma, Jinga
- 4. King of Magicians; Maagi, Jilma, Magi, Jinga
- 5. The Way of Love: Maagi Magiiro
- 6. Ruler of Darkness: Usa Tousa Uru Sanga
- 7. Jinga Majiro (Tentative title, yet to air)
- Tesshou Genda: Narrator
- Atushi Hashimoto: Kai Oz/MagiRed
- Kiroya Matsumoto: Tsubasa Oz/MagiYellow
- Asami Kai: Urara Oz/MagiBlue
- Ayumi Beppu: Houka Oz/MagiPink
- Yuki Ito: Makito Oz/MagiGreen
- Azusa Watanabe: Miyuki/MagiMother
- Hideaki Kusaki: Wolzard
- Isobe Tsutomu: Wolzard(Voice)
- Chikai Horan: Nai
- Tomomi Kitagami: Mea
- Jiro Okamoto: Branken