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Where No One Has Gone Before

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"Where No One Has Gone Before" is a first season episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation. It is episode #5, production #106, first broadcast October 26, 1987. It is written by Diane Duane and Michael Reaves, and directed by Robert Bowman.

Quick Overview: An alien visitor takes the Enterprise on a wild trip outside of the galaxy.


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The Enterprise is taken to the edge of the universe in Where No One Has Gone Before.

On stardate 41263.1, the USS Enterprise rendezvous with the USS Fearless, to bring aboard Mr. Kosinski, a Starfleet propulsion expert, who will run different tests on the warp drive engines and experiment with new intermix formulas. Commander Riker and Mr. Data show disillusion toward Kosinski's nonsensical formulas, despite reports he made a 3% speed improvement to older ships like the USS Ajax and Fearless; their computer simulations show the formulas won't really improve the Enterprise's newer engines.

Riker and chief engineer, Lt. Cmdr. Argyle, welcome Kosinski's arrival. The expert is accompanied by a alien assistant from Tau Alpha C. Riker asks the assistant's name, but the being says it is unpronounceable by humans. Kosinski quickly shows an arrogant disposition, waving off formalities and insisting he get to work immediately. He is first annoyed by the lack of Captain Picard's direct interest in the tests, and then by the presence of a "child", Wesley Crusher, in main engineering. Riker explains Wesley is working on a science project and should be no problem as long as he stays out of the way.

Argyle and Riker go over the formulas as Kosinski tries to explain the process. Wesley is puzzled by the assistant's work as he enters Kosinski's formulas into the computer. Wesley discusses "patching holes" in Kosinski's warp field matrix. The assistant looks over the new model approvingly, admiring the youth's problem solving abilities.

The experiment begins; Picard slowly takes the Enterprise to warp factor six. They initialize the new new mixture formula at warp 1.5, but upon passing warp 5, the Enterprise shows no change in efficiency. Wesley keeps his eye on the alien assistant who suddenly appears to phase out of existence for a moment. Kosinski and the others have eyes locked on the console readouts and miss this.

Suddenly, the Enterprise, already at warp 6, seemingly warps again with an incredible burst of speed. Kosinski gasps and step back from the console stunned by what is happening while Argyle and Riker look to each other dumbfounded. On the bridge, Data reports warp velocities are off the scale. Picard orders an all stop, and everyone's relief, the Enterprise slows to a halt. Picard orders a position report, but Data and LaForge look puzzled by the readings. Data indicates they have left the Milky Way galaxy, passed through another, and are now on the far side of the Triangulum Galaxy, a distance of 2,700,000 light years. Data calculates, at maximum warp, it will take over 300 years to get home.

Kosinski comes to the bridge where Picard demands an explanation of what happened. Kosinski rattles off some technical babble and believes he made what he calls an "incredible error". He is fascinated by the results and ponders about the advancements it will bring to space exploration. Picard is more interested in returning home safely than celebrating the event. Kosinski explains he'll just do whatever he did... again, and everything should be fine. Back in engineering, the alien assistant appears exhausted. Wesley knows that Kosinski had nothing to do with the burst of speed, however the alien is too tired to explain himself, only stating he means no harm in what he's doing.

Wesley tries to inform Riker that Kosinski didn't cause the problem, but the commander is too busy to listen. Kosinski and his assistant run the experiment again; the Enterprise heads into warp on a course back to known space. Kosinski becomes nervous as speed increases and nothing seems to happen. The assistant forces himself to concentrate, this time however, Riker notices the alien's phasing as the Enterprise jaunts forward at incredible speed. Picard orders a full stop and position report, this time however, there is no way of knowing where they have ended up. Even the space around them is bizarre, filled with unknown shapes and colors of energy. Data guesses they are now billions of light years from the Milky Way; literally, "where no one has gone before".

Picard heads to engineering just as Lt. Worf hears a peculiar grunting next to him. He turns and sees to his delight, a boar-like animal with spines along its back. Deanna Troi sees the animal as well, which Worf identifies as a Klingon Targ; a pet he had when he was a boy. Worf bends down to touch the animal, but suddenly, it vanishes as strangely as it appeared. Picard's turbolift arrives at engineering level, but when the doors open, he catches himself before falling into an empty void of nothingness. He reels back in terror and the doors close. They open again, this time a normal corridor appears and he gingerly steps out.

Throughout the ship, more hallucinations appear; Troi finds a cat that she was thinking about, and Tasha Yar runs from what she believes is a "rape gang" of criminals, reminiscent of the horrors she faced during her youth on her brutal colony world. Picard encounters a group of terrified crewmen running from an invisible horror behind them. Picard braves the remaining corridor and encounters his long dead mother sitting at a table having tea. He questions her about what is going on, but is interrupted when Riker calls him. When he turns back, he sees an empty corridor once again. Picard begins to understand that the illusions are conjured by thoughts. He orders Red Alert, thinking the klaxon will get the crew's attention and snap them out of their fantasies. He knows whatever part of the universe they are in, thought and reality are somehow intermixed. He orders the crew to keep focus on what they are doing, and not let their minds wander.

Riker leads the captain to sickbay where Kosinski's assistant lies unconscious on a table. Picard demands an explanation from Kosinski but Riker points out that he had nothing to do with the warp effect. Infact, Kosinski's formulas are nonsense, and it was his assistant's ability the whole time. With a gaping hole in his ego, Kosinski stands humiliated. He expresses that he truly believed his formulas worked, but never knew why. Picard listens to Wesley's explanation of what happened during the tests just as Dr. Crusher announces the alien is dying. The alien's physiology is too complex for Beverly to figure out, but Picard stresses that the alien is their only hope of getting home and she must revive him.

The alien comes too and Picard feverishly questions him. The alien identifies himself as "The Traveler", explaining he journeys out of curiosity. He indicates that he sought passage aboard Starfleet vessels to explore the universe, acting as Kosinski's assistant, and allowing the expert to take all the credit. He admits it seemed a worthwhile trade. The Traveller goes on explaining he has the ability to focus pure thought like a lens, and can alter reality, stating that thought and reality are one in the same. This explains what is happening to the crew in this part of the universe; proof their own minds can morph reality. Saddened, the alien apologizes for the predicament he placed the Enterprise in, saying he made a mistake in coming here. Humans are not yet ready to face this part of the universe without control, but perhaps one day they can.

The being asks to talk with Picard alone where he explains that encountering Wesley, and others like him, is why he travels. Picard isn't sure what Wesley has to do with anything, but the alien explains that Wesley has a gift. Like Mozart had at writing music, Wesley will craft his destiny with the tools of science and the instruments of physics. The Traveler requests Picard only encourage the boy to fulfill his destiny, and not tell him of it. Picard remains unsure of what the Traveler is talking about, but agrees to help Wesley any way he can.

The ship prepares for transit, and using their ability to influence outcomes, Picard orders the crew to concentrate on supporting the Traveler. The alien appears strengthened by this, and takes his place at engineering. Wesley stands near him offering support. On the bridge, Picard takes the ship to warp and the Enterprise experiences another explosion of speed. The Traveler phases out to near transparency, and eventually he completely disappears. The Enterprise exits warp, arriving safely at their coordinates of where the thrill ride began. To the dismay of all, especially Wesley, the Traveler is gone.

Afterward, Picard calls Wesley to the bridge. He commends him on his help with the Traveler, and deciding to start the boy's "destiny" in Starfleet, makes him acting ensign. This allows Wesley unrestricted access to the bridge whenever he desires, and to information about the ship, inside and out.


Eric Menyuk who had played the Traveler, had originally tried out for the part of Data.

The original script for this episode, which was credited to Diane Duane and Michael Reaves, was completely rewritten for the shooting script by producer Maurice Hurley.

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