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This is an old revision of this page, as edited by Saintrain (talk | contribs) at 01:19, 31 March 2007. The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.

Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.
/***********************  Collapsible columns  *********************************
*  Description: Allows table columns to be collapsed, showing only the header.
* "Adapted" from [[WikiMedia:Common.js]]:"Collapsible tables". Maintainers: User:R. Koot

//======================================  hasClass  ========================================================>
var hasClass = (function () {
  var reCache = {};
  return function (element, className) {
    return (reCache[className] ? reCache[className] : (reCache[className] = new RegExp("(?:\\s|^)" + className + "(?:\\s|$)"))).test(element.className);

//======================================  ColColToggle  ========================================================>
function ColColToggle( s ) 
var BUG = false,  BUGT = false;

var ccx = document.getElementById( 'ccExpand' + s );
var ccc = document.getElementById( 'ccColumn' + s );
if( !ccx || !ccc ) { if(BUG)console.log('  CCT: ccx={',ccx,'}  ccc={',ccc,'}' );  return; }
if( ccx.style.display == "none" ) {
  ccx.style.display = "inline";
  ccc.style.display = "none";
else {
  ccx.style.display = "none";
  ccc.style.display = "inline";

//======================================  ColColSetup  ========================================================>
function ColColSetup()
var BUG = false,  BUGT = false;

var ccws = getElementsByClass( "ccWrapper", null, "TD" );
if( ! ccws ) { if(BUG)if(BUG)console.log('CCS: no ccws'); return; }
if(BUG)console.log('ccws.length=',ccws.length );

for(s=0; s<ccws.length; s++) {
  ccw = ccws[s];
    if(BUG)console.log('  ccw=',ccw, ' tag=',ccw.tagName);

  var ccx = getElementsByClass( "ccExpand", ccw )[0];
  var ccc = getElementsByClass( "ccColumn", ccw )[0];
  var cch = getElementsByClass( "ccColHdr", ccw )[0];
  if( !ccx || !ccc || !cch ) { 
    if(BUG)console.log(' CCT: ccx={',ccx,'} ccc={',ccc,'} cch={',cch,'}' ); 

  var hdg = cch.textContent;
  var hds = "";
  for(i=0; i<hdg.length; i++) {
    if( (" " != hdg[i]) && ("\'" != hdg[i]) )
      hds += hdg[i] + "<br/>";
    // set attrs for column header
console.log('s='+s+ '  c='+cch.style.color+  '  b='+cch.style.backgroundColor );
  cch.setAttribute( "title", "Click to collapse" );
  var ssh = "";
  if( null != cch.getAttribute("style") )
    ssh = cch.getAttribute("style");
  ssh += "color:blue; cursor:pointer; white-space:nowrap;";
  cch.setAttribute( "style", ssh  ); 
console.log('s='+s+ '  c='+cch.style.color+  '  b='+cch.style.backgroundColor );

    // set attrs for column contents
  ccc.setAttribute( "id", "ccColumn" + s );
  ccc.onclick = new Function( "ColColToggle(" + s + ");" );
    // set attrs for expand button
  ccx.innerHTML = hds;
  ccx.setAttribute( "id", "ccExpand" + s );
  ccx.setAttribute( "title", "Click to expand" );
  var ssx = "";
  if( null != ccx.getAttribute("style") )
    ssx = ccx.getAttribute("style");
  ssx += "color:blue; cursor:pointer;";
    ccx.setAttribute( "style", ssx );
/* */

console.log('s='+s+ '  c='+cch.style.color+  '  b='+cch.style.backgroundColor );
console.log('     c='+cch.style.color+  ' !c='+ ! cch.style.color );
  ccx.style.backgroundColor = cch.style.color;
  if( cch.style.backgroundColor ) {
    console.log('       using bgc={'+cch.style.backgroundColor+'}');
    ccx.style.color         = cch.style.backgroundColor;  // "blue";  //   
    ccx.style.color         = ! ccx.style.backgroundColor;
  ccx.style.cursor          = "pointer";
console.log('     c='+ccx.style.color+  '  b='+ccx.style.backgroundColor );

  ccx.onclick = new Function( "ColColToggle(" + s + ")" );

  if( hasClass( ccw, "ccCollapse" ) ) {
    if(BUG)console.log('CCS: collapsing col[' + s + ']' );
    ColColToggle( s );

  if(BUG)console.log(' ');


addOnloadHook( ColColSetup);
