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Wikipedia:Requested articles/Applied arts and sciences

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This is an old revision of this page, as edited by Edcolins (talk | contribs) at 21:51, 13 April 2005 (Concepts: +''restitutio in integrum'' + reordered). The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.

Applied Arts and Sciences: Agriculture - Architecture, Buildings, City planning and Public space - Businesses - Communications - Education - Engineering - Environmental Science - Government - Health Science - Industry - Law - Crime & Law Enforcement - Library and information science - Medicine - Pharmacology - Sexuality, Sexology, Urology and Gynecology - Military - Numbers - Politics - Technology and tools - Transport - Visualization

corn stover - crax - disc mill - disk mill - dried distiller's grain - dust abatement - Food politics - Horton Overland Flow - Integrated farming - SWEEP (Soil and Water Environmental Enhancement program) - TERON (Tillage erosion) - tippage fee - WEELS (Wind Erosion on European Light Soil) - Wiley mill - GROW BIOINTENSIVE - soil depletion - Acacia (Wattle) seed flour -

Albrechtsburg - Arena Chapel in Padua - Bosporus Bridges - Bull Run Castle - Common room - Cybercity 1 (Technologic City in Malaysia, inaugurated January 30 2005) - Henry Doelger (one of the "Big Five" homebuilders of post-WW2 America) - European architecture and art - Green and Green Architects (masters of the California Bungalow) - Jersey Walls - Louis Khan - New York City Water System - Peacock Alley - Richard Seifert (built skyscrapers in 1960s London) - Heinrich Tessenow - 380kV Thames Crossing (powerline crossing river Thames; picture on [1]) - pictures of overhead line crossing of sea narrows and big rivers in English speaking countries - W. G. R. Sprague (see, for example, the Gielgud Theatre) - Sigurd Lewerentz - Robert Byrd - George Kessler - Theodore Heuck

Clay-Adams, Inc. - Debt Compliance - Interval Research Corporation - PJ's Pancake House (Princeton, NJ) - Garage Technology Ventures (Technology Venture Capital Group)- Mandarake (Tokyo-based used manga and doujinshi retail outlet) - Eden Foods (Health food company) - Wild Oats (Natural Foods Supermarket Chain) - Kongo Gumi (Reputedly world's oldest continously operated company) - Elfriede_Sallmutter (wife of Frank Stronach) [2] [3] [minimalist architecture] - Spindler & Hoyer - Yashica (Camera company purchased by Kyocera) Solvay (International chemical and pharmaceutical company [4]) -

Child Focus [5] - Concept Map - convective loop with storage - EBONE (former European backbone Internet network) - Hit Counters (Web Counters) - line terminator (in the telecommunication networks) - Local telephone service - Berthold Lubetkin - Network Voice Protocol - phone jammer - Russian constructivism - Special service - subband coding - tecton group - Voice fonts - 802.1w - Xform [6] - Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) - MVPD (Multi-channel Video Programming Distributors or MPO's) -


3-2 program - BICS - BMAT - CALP - Critical Language Awareness - Education in Brazil (copyvio) - Educational acceleration - German Model - Gustav Mole - music education - PRISM model - Professor in Accounting - Prussian educational method/Prussian educational model - Studies Management - University admissions - Financial Risk Manager - Education Techniques - Online Enrollment -

Famous Educators

Amanda Reed - Theodore Streleski - James H. Stith

Schools and Organizations

Academy for Young Scholars [7] - Advanced Academy of Georgia [8] - American Academy for Liberal Education [9] The Bishop Strachan School [10] American Medical Student Association (AMSA) [11] - Boston University Academy [12] - Center for Talent Development [13] - Cleveland Institute of Music - David N. Myers College - Davidson Institute for Talent Development [14]- Delta Upsilon International Fraternity [15]- Early Entrance Program [16] - Early Honors Program [17] - Egerton University - Filton College - Fulbright Association [18] - Georgia Academy of Mathematics, Engineering and Science [19] - International Mentoring Network [20] - Jomo Kenyatta University - Lon Morris College - Maggie L. Walker Governor's School [21] - MentorshipART [22] - Nairobi University - National Unions of Students in Europe - National Academy of Arts, Sciences and Engineering [23] - Noraid [24] - Notre Dame College - Darden School of Business at the University of Virginia [25] - Resident Honors Program [26] - Tanaka Business School, Imperial College London - Texas Academy for Leadership in the Humanities [27] - The Clarkson School's Bridging Year [28] - The Early College at Guilford [29] - Transition School and Early Entrance Program [30] - University of Abertay, Dundee - University of Altdorf - University of Montana School of Journalism - Walsh University - Wilson College disambiguates several schools with no articles - Honors Tutorial College [31] -

apartment-model multithreading - dangling particle - Euler-Bernoulli beam equation - glass-2P process - instruction collapsing - MediaHighway - Rotary biological contactor - stuck drill string (why do wells get stuck? what are the cost ramifications i.e. cost of downtime, what can be done to prevent this??) - Pivot table - vaned (of a lid) - suspended walkways (how they are built, what materials are used??) Cape Wind Project - class attributes (software design and engineering) - Turbomachinery - Telecommunications bubble - Ecotechnology - Ecological engineering methods - Recursive least squares algorithm (Statistics and Communications) - amalgamated society of engineers - duobinary (used in optical transmission systems) Fluid flow and pump head - hydrodynamic interface - [32]) - Icy Ball [33] - thermostar - Stokes's Law - Sound Engineering - Tombstone technology - Activation Passing (what is it and how can it be used) - Universal Data Compression Earthquake engineering - Debye-Huckel equation (relates to electrochemical potential and ionic strength) [[loop back[]] - ( communication engineering , sending packets to yourself) RANKINE HUGONIOT RELATIONS - ( aerospace engineering , propulsion) - MTCMOS Mushiake's Principle - Westbank Expressway - (New Orleans, LA, USA) Crescent City Connection - (New Orleans, La, USA) rotor ship - [34] squirrel cage fan - flying tourbillon - high end mechanical watch mechanism RTLS - Real Time Location System

NSW Greenhouse Gas Abatement Scheme - Flue Gas Desulfurization - Plastic Recycling Gober Gas Crane Rain Zone Discover article - Anything into oil[35] Inventor of the process plant described in the article - Changing World Technologies[36] A site devoted to the underlying process of thermal depolymerization[37]

preserved food - solar cooking see Scheffler ovens - Sudan Red Dye liofilization

Oplan1000 - presidential finding - Surveyor General - Greg Thielmann - ProjectQED - Community Mental Health Act - Asia Pacific Parliamentary Forum APPF - Authoritarian nationalism - Provisional National Defence Council - Payments in lieu of taxes (PILOT) - Presidential Symbols - Blue-Ribbon Panel - African Growth and Opportunity Act -

Health Science

alloimmunization - Alpha-Stim[38] - Cardiomelanosis (probably a redirect to melanosis) - Chest physiotherapy - History of physical therapy - sternum fracture - Rib fracture - Children's Environmental Exposure Research Study[39][40] - Fucose - Global Health - Human kinetics - Incarnation Children's Center (subject of allegations of unethical behavior in AIDS trials on children)[41][42][43] - Mannatech - Nicorette - Melanosis - Pleomorphism - oxidative stress - Project Daniel - Ramp effect see Talk:Ramp effect Holder, Lennox, and Blose referred to this as the "pre-intervention ramp effect" (alchohol abuse/drug abuse reference) - Semantic Dyslexia - Sequestrum - sonambulatory - Systemic disease - Telephonophobia (currently a redirect) - Therapeutic Horsemanship a form of physical rehab for people - Walter E. Fernald School[44][45] - Wetlands Ecology[46] - Whey Allergy - respitory - candida diet - food grade mineral oil - power walking - stroboscopic test (psychologist related) -

Plastic Extrusion - Plastic Fabrication - Regenerative Furnace - Shop Loading - Zinc Chromate (coating) -

See also The list of missing legal terms


actio - death in absentia - de in rem verso - equality of opportunity vs equality of results - jus tam - principle of party disposition - rationae loci - reasonable suspicion - right of reply - restitutio in integrum -

Notable court cases and litigants

Lau v. Nichols - Lansing v. Smith (1829) 4 Wend. 9,20 - Menashe v. William Hill - United Mine Workers vs. United States, 330 U.S. 258 - federal navigational servitude - Benton v. Maryland - Dodge v. Ford Motor Company


Age of legal capacity - man on the Clapham omnibus - Roni Deutch - Tax exempt status - Budapest Treaty (on the International Recognition of the Deposit of Microorganisms for the Purposes of Patent Procedure and Regulations) - Dual license (like GPL/LGPL or FDL/GPL) - Interference proceedings (US patent law) - Markush claim - Means-plus-function claim - Swiss-type claim - wanglie case - Constitutional Restoration Act - Company valuation - Paul M. Hebert Civilian Judge at - Centre for equal opportunities and opposition to racism [47] - Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities [48] [49] - Substantive Patent Law Treaty (SPLT, proposed treaty) - Cross-border injunction (EU law) - Brussels Convention (EU law) - Lugano Convention (EU law) - Council Regulation 44/2001 (EU law) - The Warren Court - Improvement Act - Beerhouse Act

Crime & Law Enforcement

4-MTA - actual bodily harm - aging offender - alloplastic adaptation - American Academy of Forensic Sciences - anomie theory - asocial personality - asset forfeiture - autoplastic adaptation - battered child syndrome - behavior theory - biological theories of criminology - bite mark injury - blunt force trauma - brain lesion theory - Zebulon Reed Brockway - broken windows thesis - California Castration Law - celerity - chronic mentally ill offender - clandestine abuse - classical school of criminology - cohort analysis - computer abuse - computer-related crime - conduct norms - conflict perspective - confounding effects - conjugal visit (and add redirects from conjugal visits and conjugal visitation) - consensus model - constitutional theories of criminology - constitutive criminology - contact rapist - containment theory - correctional psychology - crime rate - criminal anthropology - criminal homicide - criminal justice system - criminalization - criminaloid - criminology of place - critical criminology - culture conflict - cycle of violence - dangerous drug - dangerousness - deconstructionist theories - defense of justification - defensible space - deterrence strategy - discrediting information - drug-defined crime - drug-related crime - ecological theory - environmental crime - environmental criminology - ethnic succession - evidence collection - external validity - family violence - federal inmate - federal interest computer - feminist criminology - Enrico Ferri - focal concern - forcible rape - Willie Francis - frustration-aggression theory - gender-politics model - general deterrence - general theory - guilty but mentally ill - habitual offender statute - hedonistic calculus - honour culture - hybrid offences - illegal gambling - illegitimate opportunity structure - individual rights advocate - infamous cremations - instiutionalization - integrated theory of criminology - interactionist perspectives - interdiction - invisible evidence - irresistible impulse test - isobutyl nitrite - kriminalpolitik - labeling (criminology) - larceny-theft - law and order advocates - law enforcement in the United Kingdom - law enforcement in the United States - LEAA - life course theories - life-style theory of criminology - liquor laws - Jesus Malverde - media influence theory - medroxyprogesterone acetate treatment - monozyotic - moral enterprise - narcotic abuse theory - narcotrafico - negligent homicide - neoclassical criminology - NIBRS - nurturant strategy - offender profiling - OJJDP - operant behavior - opportunity structure - participatory justice - peace model - peacemaking criminology - penal couple - pharmaceutical diversion - phenomenological criminology - pluralistic perspective - police abuse/misconduct - police surgeon - Portland Seven - positivist school of criminology - post-crime victimization - postmodern criminology - power-control theory - Alma Preinkert - primary deviance - primary research - prison cell - protection/avoidance strategy - psychiatric criminology - psychiatric theories of criminology - psychoanalytic criminology - psychological profiling - psychological theories - R. M. Qualtrough - quasi-experimental - radical criminology - realist criminology - recidivism rate - reciprocal obligation - reintegrative shaming - remand - replicability - research design - revolving door syndrome - reward - routine activities theory - safe haven laws - scenario writing - secondary analysis - secondary deviance - secondary research - secondary victimization - securities fraud - selective incapacitation - severity - simple assault - situational child molester - situational choice theory - situational crime prevention - sniper attacks - social bond - social control theory - social epidemiology - social ostracism - social pathology - social problems perspective - social process theories - social relativity - social responsibility perspective - social-structural theories - somatotyping - specific deterrence - state-organized crime - statistical school - stigmatic shaming - strategic assessment - Theodore Streleski - strict liability crime - substantial capacity test - suicide pact - supermale - Edwin H. Sutherland - target hardening - techniques of neutralization - tests of significance - threat analysis - thug life (concept) - transient evidence - transylvanian hypothesis - uni-causal - victim impact statement - victim-precipitated homicide - victim-proneness - victim-witness assistance program - victimization rate - VOCA - voluntary euthanasia

library circulation desk - Dualabs (particularly in regards to the 1960 and 1970 US Census)

See also list of diseases and the various articles linked from there
Abdominal breathing - Adjustable gastric banding surgery - Allergy desensitization- Alloplant - Apicoectomy - Baoding Balls - Basal skull fracture - Behavioral medicine - Blaschko's lines - Blood electrification - Blood shift (anybody have any idea what this means?) - BPD (copyvio) - Childhood immunizations {in the U.S.? worldwide?} - Congenital Spherocytosis - Cranial osteopathy - Daffy's Elixir - Dr. Alfred G. Knudson Jr. (cancer research) - Duke's disease - Duodenal switch surgery - Enteroclysis - Epizootic disease - Estroven (is this a brand of estrogen?) - Fanconi's syndrome - Functional symptom (used to describe symptoms that have no organic basis, e.g. if they are a result of psychological or perceptual dysfunction.) - Fuch's dystrophy (a leading cause of corneal transplantation) - Glossopharyngeal breathing {frog breathing} - Groningen Protocol - KEMRI - Jin Shin Do - John A. Hopps 1 (one of the inventors of the pacemaker ) - Lewis Wolpert - Medical assistant - Morita therapy - Myxedematous psychosis - Mean circulatory filling pressure and Guyton's PV graph - niche cell (newly discovered regulator of stem cells) - Patlak plot - Penetrating keratoplasty surgery - Peripheral vision loss - Pharmacophore discovery - Photopsias - Phytoestrogen - Remifemin (this is a major brand...) - Root resorption - Sacral Agenesis - serogroup - serotype - Stratum lucidum, Stratum granulosum & Stratum spinosum (layers of the epidermis) - thymosin - transsection - visceral adiposity - W. H. Frost - zaspopathy - Maud Slye

Bannayan-Zonana syndrome - Basal Cell Nevus syndrome - Cat Eye syndrome - Cerebral Gigantism - Cerebral Spinal Atrophy - CHARGE syndrome - Costello syndrome - De Lange syndrome - Distal Trisomy 10q - Elliott Farber - Fetofetal Transfusion - Hemifacial Microsomia - Incontinentia Pigmenti - Ivemark syndrome - Jacobsen syndrome - Larsen syndrome - Laurence-Moon syndrome - Monosomy 9p- - Nail-Patella syndrome - Neonatal Jaundice - Neurofibromatoses - Neuronal Ceroid-Lipofuscinosis - Ochoa syndrome - Oculocerebrorenal syndrome - Pallister-Killian syndrome - Prune Belly syndrome - Robinow syndrome - Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome - Smith-Magenis syndrome - Sturge-Weber syndrome - Syphilis, Congenital - Trichothiodystrophy - Trisomy 9 - Umbilical hernia - Treacher Collins Syndrome -

Terms from the AIDS Glossary

acquired immunity - active immunity - acute HIV infection - Acute HIV Infection and Early Diseases Research Program - adenopathy - Adult AIDS Clinical Trials Group - affected community - agammaglobulinemia - AIDS dementia complex - AIDS education and training centers - AIDS research advisory committee - AIDS service organization - AIDS-related cancer - AIDS-related complex - aidsdrugs - aidsinfo - aidsline - aidstrials - alpha interferon - amyloid beta peptide - angiomatosis - antibody-mediated immunity - antigen presentation - antigen-presenting cell - antineoplastic - antiprotozoal - antiretroviral drugs - antisense drugs - antitoxins - approved drugs - assembly and budding - autoantibody - autoimmunization - autoinoculation - B cell lymphoma - B lymphocytes - baculovirus - baseline - bDNA test - beta-2 microglobulin - binding antibody - biological response modifiers - blips - body fat redistribution (BFR) syndrome - branched DNA assay - breakthrough infection - BRMs - buffalo hump - capgra's syndrome - CDC National AIDS Hotline - CDC National Prevention Information Network - CDC-NAH - CDC-NPIN - cell lines - cellular immunity - central nervous system (CNS) damage - cervical dysplasia - cervical intraepithelial neoplasia - chemoprophylaxis - chronic idiopathic demyelinating polyneuropathy - CIN1, CIN2, CIN3 - Circumoral paresthesia - clinical endpoint - clinical latency - clinical practice guidelines - CMV retinitis - co-receptors - cofactors - cognitive impairment - community planning - Community Programs for Clinical Research on AIDS - community-based clinical trial - community-based organization - compassionate use - complement cascade - complementary and alternative therapy - concomitant drugs - condyloma acuminatum - core protein - correlates of immunity/correlates of protection - cross-resistance - cryptococcal meningitis - CXCR4 - cytomegalovirus (CMV) retinitis - cytopenia - data safety and monitoring board - dissemination - division of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome - dose-ranging study - dose-response relationship - dysplasia - end-stage disease - entry inhibitors - enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay - eosinophilic folliculitis - epidemiological surveillance - expanded access - expression system - fat redistribution - FDCs - follicular dendritic cells - functional antibody - fusin - fusion mechanism - gamma interferon - genital ulcer disease - genitourinary tract - genotypic assay - germinal centers - gp120 - gp160 - gp41 - granulocyte macrophage-colony stimulating factor - health care financing administration - helper T cells - helper/supressor ratio - hematotoxic - hepatitis C/co-infection with HIV - herpes simplex virus 1 - herpes simplex virus 2 - histocompatibility testing - HIV prevention trials network - HIV set point - HIV vaccine trials network - HIV viral load - HIV-associated dementia - HIV-related tuberculosis - host factors - HTLV-I-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis - human immunodeficiency virus type 1 - human immunodeficiency virus type 2 - human leukocyte antigens - human T cell lymphotropic virus type I - human T cell lymphotropic virus type II - hypergammaglobulinemia - hypogammaglobulinemia - idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura - IL-12 - IL-4 - immune complex - immune deficiency/immunodeficiency - immunogenicity - immunoglobulin A - immunoglobulin D - immunoglobulin G - immunoglobulin M - immunostimulant - INFa - integrase inhibitors - interleukin-12 - interleukin-4 - intravenous immunoglobulin - intravitreal - investigational new drug - Karnofsky score - live vector vaccine - long terminal repeat sequence - long-term nonprogressors - lymphadenopathy syndrome - lymphatic vessels - lymphoid interstitial pneumonitis - lymphoid organs - lymphoid tissue - lymphokine-activated killer cells - lymphokines - lymphoproliferative response - macrophage-tropic virus - maintenance therapy - malabsorption syndrome - MDR-TB - mega-HAART - memory T cells - Microsporidiosis - mitochondrial toxicity - mononeuritis multiplex - monovalent vaccine - mucocutaneous - mucosal immunity - multi-drug rescue therapy - multiple drug-resistant tuberculosis - mycobacterium avium complex - myelotoxic - myocardial - National AIDS Hotline - National Prevention Information Network - natural history study - nebulized - neurological complications of AIDS - neutralizing antibody - neutralizing domain - new drug application - non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors - nucleic acid test - nucleocapsid - nucleoside analog - nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors - nucleotide analogs - null cell - Office of AIDS Research - oral hairy leukoplakia - oropharyngeal - osteonecrosis - osteopenia - P24 - package insert - pancytopenia - papilloma - parallel track - Pediatric AIDS Clinical Trial Group - perianal - perinatal transmission - persistent generalized lymphadenopathy - phenotypic assay - polyneuritis - polyvalent vaccine - PPD test - pre-conception counseling - preclinical - precursor cells - primary isolate - proctitis - prophylactic drug - protease inhibitors - protease-sparing regimen - pseudo-Cushing's syndrome - pseudovirion - rescue therapy - retinitis - Ryan White C.A.R.E. act - salvage therapy - secondary prophylaxis - serologic test - seroprevalence - serostatus - serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase - serum glutamic pyruvate transaminase - set point - Special Projects of National Significance - sputum analysis - standard of care - stomatitis - structured intermittent therapy - study endpoint - subclinical infection - subunit HIV vaccine - surrogate markers - systemic - T lymphocyte proliferation assay - T suppressor cells - T4 cell - T8 cells - Terry Beirn Community Programs for Clinical Research on AIDS - therapeutic HIV vaccine - thymosin - toxoplasmic encephalitis - transaminase - transplacental - treatment IND - V3 loop - vaginal candidiasis - variable region - vertical transmission - viral burden - viral core - viral culture - viral envelope - viral load test - viremia - wasting syndrome - wild-type virus - window period - Women's Interagency HIV Study -

See also The list of missing pharmacology terms
ceiling effect -- cholestyramine -- lactucin -- lactucopicrin -- pregabalin -- Stephen Pilling -- yttrium Y 90 ibritumomab tiuxetan -- yttrium Y 90 SMT 487 -- yttrium Y 90-DOTA-tyr3-octreotide -- zoledronate -- phenibut -- methylprednisolone --

reproductive biology -- abrasions -- acault -- acmegenesis -- acomoclitic -- acousticophilia -- acrophilia -- acucullophallia -- agonophilia -- agoraphilia -- agrexophilia -- albutophilia -allorgasmia -- altocalciphilia -- amastia -- ambisexual -- ambisexuality -- amelotasis -- amomaxia -- ampulla - analinctus -- anasteemaphilia -- androidism -- andromania -- andromimetophilia -- anejaculation -- anililagnia -- anisonogamist -- apellous -- apistia -- arachnephilia -- areola mammae -- artificial birth control -- asphyxiaphilia -- autagonistophilia -- autoagonistophilia -- autoassassinophilia -- dry sex -- autoerotica -- autoflagellation -- automasochism -- automutilation -- autonepiophilia -- autopederasty -- autophilia -- autosadism -- avisodomy -- axillism -- azoospermia -- ball dancing -- basal temperature -- basoexia -- bee stings (sexology) -- bell dancing -- bigamist -- bindings (sexology) -- biting (sexology) -- blindfolding (sexology) -- Iwan Bloch -- blood sport (BDSM) -- bondage harness -- bradycubia -- breast shaping -- bugarrón -- carezza -- catheter (sexology) -- catheterophilia -- cavum Douglasi -- chastity device -- chemise cagoule -- chipil -- choreophilia -- chrematistophilia -- cicatrization -- clamp (BDSM) -- clitoral crura -- clitoral-vaginal index -- coition -- coitus interfermoris -- coitus a mammilla -- coitus à cheval -- coitus à mammilla -- coitus à unda -- consecrated virgin -- constriction (sexology) -- continence -- contraceptive film -- contraceptive foam -- conversion therapy -- coprography -- coprolagnia -- corsetting -- couvade syndrome -- crime against nature -- cuckoldry - cymbalism -- cynophilia -- dame de voyage -- day belt -- defilement (sexology) -- defloration -- deliberate self-harm syndrome -- demi-monde -- dermagraphism - diaperism -- dildos and plugs -- dippoldism -- docking (sexology) - doraphilia -- dysfunctions -- dysmorphophilia -- ecorchement -- ecouteurism -- ectopia testis -- egg donor -- ejaculatio praecox -- ejaculatory dysfunction -- ejaculatory incompetence -- endytophilia -- enema cocktail -- English vice -- entomophilia -- epididymectomy -- episioclisia -- epispadia -- erotic ball -- erotographomania -- erotolalia -- essayeur -- exophilia -- extramarital intercourse - famulus -- fantasy play -- female castration-- female sexuality -- femaleness -- femidom -- femidon -- fetal genitalia -- fetish club -- ficaro - Wilhelm Fliess -- Florentine girdle -- flower boats -- fluid monogamy -- forced feminization -- formicophilia -- French postcard -- furor uterinus -- furtling -- John Gagnon - gamophobia -- gemellus -- gender-bending -- genital insert -- genital intercourse - gimp suit -- girdle of venus -- green bower - gynandromorphous -- gynandry -- gynecaeum -- gynemimetophilia -- handicaps -- harem effect -- harmatophilia - Gilbert Herdt -- heterophilia -- hierophilia - hodophilia -- homilophilia -- hot wax -- hygrophilia -- hymenorrhaphy -- hyphephilia -- hypoxyphilia -- hysterical pregnancy -- ice (sexology) -- iconolagny -- idiosyncrat - inflatable dolls -- insect fetish -- interrogation (BDSM) - inunction -- jineterismo -- Georgeanna S. Jones -- juvenilism -- kabazzah -- Klein sexual orientation grid -- kleptolagnia -- kleptophilia -- knismolagnia -- kokigami -- lactaphilia -- lagnolalia -- leptosadism -- Simon LeVay -- love addiction -- love potion -- lung-yang -- maieusiophilia -- male sexuality - maritate -- marriage guidance -- mastix -- maturation -- medical scene -- menstrual taboo -- mixoscopia -- Albert Moll -- nanophilia -- narratophilia -- nasolingus -- nasophilia -- natural birth control -- necromania -- necrosadism -- neopagan view of marriage -- neophilia -- nepiphtherosis -normophilia -- nosophilia -- nudity (recreational) -- nympholepsy -- nymphophilia -- nymphotomy -- obscene phone callers -- ochlophilia -- oculolinctus -- oculophilia -- odontophilia -- olisbos -- ondinisme -- ophidicism - ordune -- osphresiolagnia -- ovarian reserve -- ozolagnia -- panderer -- pandering -- passivism -- paternity suit -- pathicus -- pecattiphilia -- pediophilia -- penetration toy -- penile ligation -- penile suspensory ligament -- penis modification -- perimenopause -- peritomy -- personal power -- phallophilia -- phobophilia -- phygephilia -pinching -- play (sexology) -- podophilia -- polyiterophilia -- polymastia -- polymorphous -- pompoir -- premarital intercourse -- procurer -- prostate orgasm -- prostatectomy -- pubic dressing -- pygmalionism -- pygophilia -- pyrophilia -- quadoshka -- rape rack -- raphe -- rapism -- raptophilia - renifleurism -- reproductive organs -- retarded ejaculation -- rhabdophilia -- ritual sex -- robotism -- roman showers -- saliromania -- salirophilia -- salpingitis - scarring (sexology) -- scatophilia -- scoptophilia -- scortum -- scratching (sexology) -- scrotal infusion -- sensate focus exercises -- sensory enhancement -- sensory overload -- sensuality -- sex boutique -- sex hotel -- sex hotline -- sex magick -- sex museum -- sex restaurant -- sex ring -- sex surrogate - sexual aberration -- sexual anomalies -- sexual availability -- sexual characteristics -- sexual drive -- sexual ethics -- sexual game -- sexual inversion -- sexual liberation -- sexual outlet -- sexual partner -- sexual prop -- sexual sadism -- sexual script -- sexual surrogate -- shaving (sexology) -- showers (sexology) -- siderodromophilia -- slapping (BDSM) -- sleeping together -- slings -- snapping pussy -- soft chancre -- solitary vice -- sororate marriage -- spectrophilia -- spermatic duct -- spermatophobia -- splitting -- stigmatophilia -- stop and go exercises -- strangling (sexology) -- stretching (sexology) -- string bondage -- strip pub -- stuffing (sexology) -- subliminal tape -- subpersonality -- suspensory ligament of the penis -- suturing (sexology) -- swing (sexology) -- swing club -- symphorophilia -- synechial membrane -- taphephilia -- teasing (sexology) -- telegony -- telephone scatophilia -- telephonicophilia -- terror play -- thalpotentiginy -- three-legged bloomers -- tie and tease -- timophilia -- titfucking -- toilet training (sexology) -- torture (sexology) -- toucheurism -- tourniquets -- tracheal shave -- transvestophilia -- trial marriage -- trichophilia -- tripsolagnia -- uranism -- urethral self-instrumentation -- urtication -- vaginal contraction -- vaginal deodorant -- vaginal grip -- vaginal prolapse -- Vatasyana -- vertugadin -- vicarious arousal -- vicarphilia -- victorian lace -- vincilagnia - weight training (sexology) -- worship (BDSM) -- wrestling (sexology) -- yoni worship -- zelophilia --

Croatian War (one of the Yugoslav Wars) - Ethiopian Civil War - IMDEX - JASON Defense Advisory Group - List of English wars - List of French wars - Macedonian War (one of the Yugoslav Wars) - Paul van Riper (Retired Lieutenant General, USMC) - Slovenian War (one of the Yugoslav Wars) - USJFCOM (U.S. Joint Forces Command) - Brecourt Manor - Recognized Air Picture - HMS Habbakuk - Armored Box Launcher - Nudelmann -APILAS Anti-tank - Base exchange (a store on most American military bases where goods are available at low prices w/o tax)

GlobalSecurity.org (Where cited?) -[50] - Mongolian communism- New International Economic Order - Karl August Offman - Arnold Picker - Political Elites - Political Transformations - Rudolf Kasztner/Kastner - "we campaign in poetry but we must govern in prose" - Woodrow Wilson International Center For Scholars - Public opinion and media - Christian Party (United States) Barry Jones (Australian Politician/Quiz Champion)

Members of the U.S. House of Representatives

Patrick J. Boland - John W. Brademas - Charles H. Burke - Joseph W. Byrns - John W. Dwight - Dennis Eckart - Ed Feighan - Finis J. Garrett - Frederick Huntington Gillett - William H. Gray, III - Arthur H. Greenwood - Charles A. Halleck - Charles M. Hamilton - Joseph Warren Keifer - Michael Crawford Kerr - Claude Kitchin - Coya Knutson - Harold Knutson - Del Latta - James R. Mann - Frank W. Mondell - Sereno E. Payne - Robert Ramspeck - John J. Rhodes - Bertrand H. Snell - Charles Phelps Taft -


Bentley's algorithm - Graphplan algorithm - Booth algorithm -

Computer Languages

Loglan 88 (programming language unrelated to Loglan) - Rajan - PHP 5 -

Declarative Language Definition and examples

Imperative Language Definition and examples

Computer Enthusiast Lifestyle

Computer culture (Question: Is this the same as hacker culture?) - VCDQuality - VCDquality.com - a site rating pirated underground movie qualities.

Computer Graphics and Graphic Programming

Bit Density - Shader language -

Early Computer Models/Processors

pinwheel calculator -


ML CD-R - ML CD-RW - Molex Pico BTX - Dual Channel - Dual pipelining - XDR DRAM - Perpendicular Storage - Molex - 13W3


  • HiJackThis Anti-Spyware Tool

Secure Trusted Operating System Consortium - Two-way security - Time-memory Trade-off - Ophcrack - Gutmann Method - LAND/LAND attack?? - [51], [52] - Firewalking - [53] - Flood Control (Computer Science)


COPS (software) - Interval Research Corporation - Keyworx - Lsof - Lotus Marketplace - Network transparency - Processing (Proce55ing) - TIGER (software) - RTMOS (Real-Time Multiprogramming Operating System) - Chordiant - Social Bookmark Manager - Asset and Content Management - phpdev -

Software Engineering

Software Quality Assurance

Temporary Memory


Theory and Theorom

Computational model - Enumeration theorem - Shannon's Expansion Theorem -

Other unsorted Computer Science terms

Interrupt Storm - 13-pointer array mechanism (file access) - Abstract reduction - Antville - Antclick - aspx - Behaviometrics - Bitlbee - Berkeley file system [54] - Booth scheme (see NAF) - component-based software engineering (CBSE) - Constructed product return - Constructive induction - coprimation- Course-of-value recursion - cPCI - Crossbar Switch - Data access object (DAO) design pattern - Data Exploration - Data format check - Data type check - Decentralized object location and routing (DOLR) - Dual channel- Dual Channel optomized DDR Emergence in games - Epox - Fabric softener - FCO-IM - FeatureZilla - Flow Injection Analysis - HackLab - How to Program an AI to Learn - Identification by next value - Inference network - Infocus - Interactive Dichotomiser 3 - Internet Fibre Channel Protocol (iFCP) - Inventory management systems - Issue tracking system - Junction table - Lambda lifting - lancast - Metric tree - Microsoft Data Access Components - Model based reasoning (and link to Case-based_reasoning) - mspx - Nagle's Algorithm - Nallatech - Native language support - NetDDE - No Valley theorem - Parameter theorem - Parameterization theorem - patent troll - Plaxo - Portable object - PowerBrowsing - Process algebra - Project management systems - Protocol set - Range check - RASCI chart - Reachability - Reply - Sample Turing Programs - Self protecting node - Sega Channel - Sequence similarity search - SFDX Operating System - Spam Gang - Stencil array - Strictness Analysis - Triadic Encoding - unweighted check digit - Vuescan [55] - View Integration - X/Open Standard - Z-variant (Unicode) -

Source criticism 138,000 volt power line - 345,000 volt power line - 765,000 volt power line - AC machines - accelerator mass spectroscopy - Adaptive technology - Advanced Transfer Cache - Aerosol can / Aerosol spray (currently a redirect to aerosol) - Aetherometry [56] ancient technology - Audio environment - Backplane system - bass reflex - Bessel filter - Brannock device (shoe-size measurement) - buchi automata - cache bus - Caterpillar belt - Cellular Telecommunications & Internet Association (CTIA) (ctia.org, an organization for wireless technology standards) - Central locking - Charles Newbold (18th-19th century inventor) - Clay Shirky - client socket - Cluster Fault Injection Tests - Co-construction (Concept within Science and technology studies) - Community source - Computer fan - Content Addressable Parallel Processor control bus - Critical point drying - Dashpot - Data encryption software - DC machines - Deductive Language related to Declaritive, Imperative (aka Procedural), Object Oriented and Functional programming languages - Dipole Might (ANFO research project curiously linked to OKC bombing) - discrete L2 cache - Dual-voltage CPU - electric energy meter[57] - Electronic dissolution - Elliptic filter (base off of Butterworth filter and Chebyshev filter) - engine crane execution trace cache - external bus - Fire blanket - Flat database - Focometer - fragment processing - gimble for laser balancing and aiming - Glacier glasses - Ground bracelet - Ground mat - Group Blogging[58] - Halogen Lights - Handheld PC - Handle-o-Meter - hardware verification - heat gradient - High Dynamic Range Lighting - History of digital photography (sub-page of Digital photography - holophonic sound - hyperbrowser searching - Hypergain (WiFi antenna technology) - IEC 60297 (Dimensions of mechanical structures of the 482.6 mm (19 in) series) - inductive amplifier - IIDC (Firewire web cam standard) - Interrupt 13h - JavaCard - L1 Cache - LDIF - line conditioner - Linux architecture - Linux kernel architecture - lug nut - lug wrench - lost technology - medium access controller (related to Gbit networking?) - memory cache - metallin (apparently some sort of metal plating) - Microwave system - Mind Machine var Light Sound Machine - Mirrorshades - Morse taper - Multivalent (browser) - Nallatech - Neurophone[59] - Nintendo North Bend - Oldham coupling - PCI64 - Pew Internet & American Life Project - Pierre Le Roy and his rule[60][61] - Pixelvision - pivot table - Philco - polyaxial screw - power conditioner - publish subscribe - prybar - Quantitative phase imaging[62][63] - Radio Hypnotic Intracerebral Control - receptacle tester - remontoire - Remote locking - Riefler escapement[64] - Ring gear (like on flywheel) - Ring oscillator - Roentgen Stereophotogrammetry - Rubber glove - SED TV display - Sega Channel - Single-voltage CPU - Slim-line cases - Slow cooker - Spimes - Spinal Fixation Devices - SPRAY - First Underwater Autonomous Vehicle To Cross Gulf Stream[65][66] - Stream (computing) (generic term in addition to Standard streams) - strike (clock) (explain e.g. countwheel vs rack-&-snail; incl/xref var signals[67] e.g. ship's bells, Roman striking[68][69]) - Suunto - tachymeter - Taper Feeler Gauge - TCP Wrappers - TeleSync - Thinsulate - tire-pressure gauge[70] - Torchiere - Trangia - Twine - uDAPL - UNIX architecture - Vanadium Redox Flow Battery - variable envelope return path - watt meter[71] (aka electrodynamometer[72]) - Wikivirus - Video jukebox - wearable technology - Wiegand interface - Wire Feeler Gauge - Wyndham International adoption of technology [73]

Barcelona Free Port - Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport - Dewar Trophy - Dinan - Fred Marriott - Freight Rover - Hand luggage - hub-centre steering mechanism - hydromagnetic drive - International Ship and Port Facility Security code (or ISPS, treaty on anti-terror measures) - Port of South Louisiana - Sapona (Liberty ship run aground in the Bermuda Triangle) - Siping - transport efficiency - VALP[74] - V Line - William James Roué (1879-1970) -

Water Transport

Flatboat - Jacob Yoder

Rail Transport

Gautrain (highspeed train to be built linking Johannesburg, Pretoria and Johannesburg_International_Airport) - Royal Scot (train)


Novelty (locomotive) Planet (locomotive)

Listed in Template:British Rail Locomotives

Diesel Shunting Locomotives

Pre-TOPS Type: D1/1 - D1/3 - D2/1 - D2/5 - D2/7 - D2/10 - D2/11 - D2/12 - D3/1 - D3/3 - D3/5 - D3/6 - D3/9 - D3/10 - D3/11 - D3/12 - D3/14

Pre-1955 Type: 11001 - 11104 - 15097-15099

Main-Line Diesel Locomotives

Classes: 17 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 25 - 27 - 28 - 29 - 33 - 35 - 42 - 44 - 45 - 46 - 56 - 58 - 59 - 60 -

Pre-TOPS Type: D10/1 - D10/2 - D10/3 - D11/1 - D11/2 - D11/5 - D12/1 - D12/2 - D12/3 - D15/1 - D15/2 - D16/1 - D16/2 - D17/1 - D22/1 - D23/1 - D25/1 - KA - KB

Pre-1955 Type: 10000-10001 - 10100 - 10201-10203 - 10800

Electric Locomotives

Classes: 70 - 71 - 74 - 76 - 77 - 81 - 82 - 84 - 90

Pre-TOPS Type: AL1 - AL2 - AL4 - EB1 - EE1 - EM1 - EM2 - ES1 - HA - HB

Diesel Multiple Units

Listed in: List of British Rail classes

1st Generation DMUs

TOPS Classes: Class 100 (Gloucester) - Class 103 (Park Royal) - Class 105 (Cravens) - Class 106 (Cravens) - Class 107 (Derby Heavyweight) - Class 109 (Wickham) - Class 110 (Calder Valley) - Class 111 (Met-Camm) - Class 112 (Great Northern Suburban) - Class 113 (Great Northern Suburban) - Class 117 (Pressed Steel Suburban) - Class 118 (BRCW Suburban) - Class 119 (Gloucester Cross-Country) - Class 120 (Swindon Cross-Country) - Class 123 (Trans-Pennine) - Class 124 (Trans-Pennine) - Class 125 (Lea Valley) - Class 126 (Swindon InterCity) - Class 128 (Gloucester Parcels) - Class 129 (Cravens Parcels)

2nd Generation DMUs

Pacers: Class 140 - Class 141 - Class 142 - Class 143 - Class 144

Sprinters: Class 151 (Prototype) - Class 152 (Proposed rebuild of Class 151) - Class 155 (Super-Sprinter)

Turbos: Class 168 (Clubman)

Diesel-Electric Multiple Units (DEMUs)

Southern Region DEMUs: Class 201 (6S) - Class 203 (6B) - Class 206 (3R)

Western Region Prototype DEMU: Class 210

Electric Multiple Units (EMUs)

AC EMUs and mixed-voltage EMUs

First Generation: Class 302 AM2 (London-Tilbury-Southend) - Class 304 AM4 (Greater Manchester) - Class 305 AM5 (Chingford, Enfield) - Class 306 AM6 (Shenfield inner-surburban) - Class 310 AM10 (Euston outer-suburban)

Second Generation: Class 314 (Strathclyde) - Class 315 (Shenfield inner-suburban) - Class 318 (Strathclyde) - Class 319 (Thameslink) - Class 320 (Strathclyde) - Class 334 (Juniper - Strathclyde) - Class 350 (Desiro - West Coast) - Class 376 (Electrostar Metro)


Southern Region Units TOPS Classes: Class 414 2Hap - Class 415 4EPB - Class 416 2EPB - Class 418 2Sap - Class 430 4Rep - Class 431 6Rep - Class 432 4Rep - Class 455 - Class 465 (Networker) - Class 466 (Networker)

Other DC Units

TOPS Classes: Class 501 (North London stock) - Class 502 (Liverpool-Southport stock) - Class 503 (Mersey-Wirral stock) - Class 504 (Manchester-Bury stock) - Class 505 (Manchester-Altrincham stock) - Class 506 (Manchester-Hadfield/Glossop stock) - Class 507 (Merseyside stock) - Class 508 (Merseyside stock)

Pre-TOPS Classes: Ex-LNER Units (Tyneside stock)


Listed in Template:British Rail Coaches

Mark 1: FO - SO - BSK - BSO - BCK - RB - RBR - RMB - TSO(B)

Mark 2: FO - SO - BSO - BSOT

Mark 3: BFO - FO

Mark 4: FO - TSOE

Non-Passenger Coaches, Mark 1: BG - BPOT - POT
-(name of article should reflect full name not the 3 letters: NAV - NJV - NEX - NSA - NSX)

Road Transport

Briscoe - Willes Saint Claire - Triumph Bonneville - Trans-Amazonian Highway - South African license plates - Horch - Commercial Utility Cargo Vehicle

Air Travel

Beriev A-50 Mainstay - John Stringfellow [75] - orensic - passive radar-detection (VERA,TAMARA devices) - flight azimuths - Seabird Aviation Australia Pty Ltd Trim tabs Vector Highway

Aero High - Aerobee 150 - Aerobee 170 - Aerobee 200 - Aerobee 300 - Aerobee 350 - Aerobee 75 - Arcas - Arcon - Argo - Argus - ARS - ASCAMP - Asp - Asp Apache - Astrobee 1500 - Astrobee 200 - Astrobee 500 - Astrobee D - Astrobee F - Aurore - Belenos - Belia - Bullpup Apache - Bullpup Cajun - Cajun - Canopus 2 - Castor (A) - Castor 4B - Castor Lance - Castor-Orbus - Castor-Recruit - Corella - Dac Roc - Deacon - Deacon Arrow II - Deacon HVAR - Deacon Judi - Deacon Sidewinder - DOT - Double Cajun T40 - Double Deacon - Double FFAR - Draco - Epona - Exos - Farside - Forschungsflugkorper - GIRD-09 - GIRD-10 - HJ Hydac - HJ Javelin - HJ Nike - HJ Nike Gosling - HJ Nike Hydac - HJ Nike Javelin - HJ Nike Nike - HJ Nike Nike 20"SM - HJ Nike Nike Recruit - HJ Nike Nike Recruit T55 - HJ Nike T40 - HJ Nike T40 T55 - HJ Nike Tri-Deacon T40 - HJ Orion - HM-16 - HP2 - HP6 - HPAG - HPAG Deacon - HPB - HVAR FFAR - HW-1 - HW-2 - Hyperion FPDP - Iris - JCR - Journeyman - Kangaroo - Kappa 1 - Kappa 10 - Kappa 2 - Kappa 4 - Kappa 6 - Kappa 7 - Kappa 8 - Kappa 8L - Kappa 9 - Kisha Judi - Kitty - Kiva/Hopi - Kookaburra - KSR-I - KSR-II - KSR-III - LCLV Sounding Rocket - Lex - Long Tom - M55E1 - Martlet 1 - Martlet 2 - Martlet 2G - Martlet 3 - Martlet 3A - Martlet 3B - Martlet 3D - Martlet 3E - Maxus - MERA - Meteo - Microstar - Monica - MT-135 - Nike - Nike Viper I - Orion - Orion-1 - Paiute Apache - Paiute Tomahawk - Pedro Recruit - Prospector - Quad Deacon - Raven - RH-200 - RH-300 - RH-300 Mk II - RH-300/RH-200/RH-200 - RH-560 - RH-560/300 Mk II - RH-75 - Rockaire - Rooster - RX-250-LPN - S - S-250 - S-300 ISAS - SA-II - Sandhawk - Sandhawk Tomahawk - Sandia Tomahawk - Scanner - Schmiedl - Seagull - Sergeant 5-stage - Sergeant Hydac - Sidewinder-Arcas - Sidewinder-Raven - Sirocco - Sonda 1 - Sonda 2 - Sonda 3 - Sonda 4 - Sparoair - Sparrow Arcas - Super Chief II - T-7A - Talos Castor - Talos Sergeant Hydac - Tandem Double Deacon - Tater - Taurus Nike Tomahawk TNT - Taurus S - Terrapin - Terrier Asp - Terrier ASROC Cajun - Terrier Lynx - Terrier Malemute - Terrier Oriole - Terrier Orion - Terrier Sandhawk - Terrier Tomahawk - Terrier/551 - Triple Deacon - TT-200 - TT-500 - Ute Apache - Ute Tomahawk - Veronique 61 - Vesta - Viking - Viper-Dart - VS-30 - VS-30/Orion - VS-40 - Wac - Wasp - Zhinui

Educational Visualization - Interactive Visualization Reaction Research Society


britannium - Civil Flags fabric softener