American Orchid Society Visitors Center and Botanical Garden
The American Orchid Society Visitor Center and Botanical Garden (3.5 acres) is a botanical garden specializing in orchids, and home to the American Orchid Society. The garden is located at 16700 AOS Lane, Delray Beach, Florida, and open to visitors during business hours.
The Garden contains two 4,000-square-foot greenhouses, one for display and the other the society's production greenhouse. The public display house contains ever-changing orchid displays with a 14-foot cascading waterfall.
The grounds showcase thousands of orchids, including two-dozen varieties of Cattleya quadricolor and beds of Dendrobium and Spathoglottis orchids, plus a cypress swamp, tropical flowering trees, palms and vines. The collections include: amorphophallus, balsa, bamboo, baobab, bromeliads, cycads, Elephant Apple, Everglades palms, heliconias, leather ferns, Lignum Vitae, Paradise trees, platycerium, Pond Apple, Silk Floss trees, a Triangle Fig tree, vireyas, and water lilies.