King Kong (1933 film)
King Kong is a classic 1933 Hollywood horror/adventure film about a gigantic prehistoric gorilla who wreaks havoc in New York City. The film is notable for Willis O'Brien's stop-motion animation, Max Steiner's musical score, and actress Fay Wray's performance as the ape's improbable love interest. In the finale, which has become an enduring pop icon, Kong is gunned-down from atop the Empire State Building by a swarm of Army biplanes.
A sequel, Son of Kong, was made the following year in which a return expedition to the island discovers that the King has left behind an albino son.
King Kong also appeared in two Japanese kaiju films: King Kong vs Godzilla and King Kong Escapes.
In 1978, King Kong was remade. Jessica Lange and Jeff Bridges starred. A sequel, King Kong Lives, starring Linda Hamilton, followed a decade later.