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Dethklok is a fictional death metal band that stars in the television show Metalocalypse. They have an upcoming album called simply DethAlbum. Brendon Small wrote the lyrics and music as well as performed the guitar, bass and vocals, and ex-Death/ex -Dark Angel/ex-Devin Townsend/Strapping Young Lad drummer Gene Hoglan will play drums on the album.[1]


Very little is currently known about the band's history. When the series began, they were already extremely popular and considered "The world's greatest cultural force," so the band's actual rise to fame has yet to be explored. No information is currently known about how they met or when the band formed. The numeric value of the band's wealth is never actually stated, but the fact that they are referred to as the 12th largest economy in the world, just above Belgium (which is indeed 12th in terms of GDP per capita), indicates that they must make somewhere on the order of several hundred billion dollars a year. The band members all reside together in a gigantic and lavish mansion called Mordhaus, in an unspecified region known as Mordland. Their traveling arrangements are equally lavish: they usually travel either in a gigantic train, car, or helicopter, the latter of which is seemingly capable of transporting a least one hundred of Dethklok's roadies, or on the Murdercycle, a motorcycle with four sidecars, driven by Nathan. They normally perform in concert wearing corpse paint.

All the members of Dethklok act somewhat sociopathic; if they are not directly responsible for the violence and mayhem that surrounds them, they are at least indifferent to it. The bandmates do appear to care about one another, but have difficulty expressing their feelings, even when intoxicated. Although they vary in their levels of drug and alcohol consumption, they are all fond of drinking to excess. Dethklok readily admits that they despise their fans, whom Nathan refers to as "regular jack-offs."[2]

Another ongoing feature of the series is that the band members are incompetent at everything not related to sex, drugs, heavy metal, and negotiating their contracts, and at various points, they are ignorant of obvious things, like shopping for groceries. Often, one member of the band will be unaware of a bit of common knowledge while another is not, prompting arguments or explanations. As a group, they also come up with ideas that are clearly quite harmful or even fatal, yet do not recognize this fact. One example is in their "time travel face bag" which is simply a plastic bag worn over the head that allows a person to travel through time at the speed of regular time: in essence, just a plastic bag. The possible suffocation hazard from wearing a plastic bag over their head escapes them.[3]

Together, the band seems to have control of otherworldy or supernatural powers through their music. When playing music, they have displayed the ability to summon everything from sea creatures, to tornadoes, to a giant Finnish lake troll, Mustakrakish. [4][5][3]

The Band

Nathan Explosion

Nathan Explosion

Born in Florida to Oscar and Rose Explosion,[6] Nathan Explosion is the lead singer and the "lyrical visionary" of Dethklok, who always speaks in a deep, gravelly voice even when not singing. According to intelligence gathered by the Tribunal, Nathan did not learn to speak until the age of five and was an unremarkable student in high school, excelling only in frog dissection and football. He eventually dropped out without earning his GED, although the varsity jacket he is seen wearing during his high school years indicates that, had he graduated, it would have been sometime during the 1990s.[7]

Nathan is a binge-drinking alcoholic, once even going into a pub and ordering exactly 100 beers to drink in a single sitting.[4] Because of his excessive drinking, Nathan has to undergo repeated liver replacement surgery, vomiting blood on at least one occasion due to his condition.[8] Probably related to his drinking is his steadily increasing weight; one tabloid estimated him at 250 pounds and climbing.[5] Whenever called upon to speak publicly for more than a few brief sentences, Nathan quickly degenerates into incoherence and becomes frustrated; however, he is nonetheless capable of reading and reciting all of Shakespeare's works for a Books on Tape collection.[9] Several of the characters in the show address Nathan as "Tonto", in joking reference to the pidgin English spoken by The Lone Ranger's sidekick and the fact that Nathan speaks in short, simple sentences.[citation needed] Occasionally, he is seen wearing glasses while reading or using his laptop.[10]

Nathan often describes things in terms of whether or not they are "brutal" or "metal," and, according to an expert procured by the Tribunal, shares a similar psychological profile as former Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin in his ability to "galvanize the proletariat."[7] Nathan has shown himself to be clueless about most things outside the scope of metal. For instance, he was unaware of the fact that the band could fire their employees.[11][12] He also believes that the Mariana Trench is located somewhere near the Iberian Peninsula. However, Nathan has proven several times that he is not completely devoid of common sense; he figured out that the band's therapist, Twinkletits, was using the banana stickers as psychological validation, and when Toki's tooth falls out, Nathan explains that it was because Toki was eating too much candy.[13][14]

Nathan carries a digital recording device, in which he notes any interesting song material he may run across (usually limited to murder or similar acts of brutality). He has exacting standards, and will delete entire finished Dethklok albums if they do not ultimately meet his approval.[15] He also hates wearing watches, and sometimes will buy large amounts of watches just to destroy them.[16] He is always seen with his fingernails painted black. Nathan has his own brand of barbecue sauce known as "Explosion Sauce," a mustardy North Carolina blend with a hint of cilantro, which he is known to drink out of the bottle.[14] He estimates that he only wears underwear approximately 65% of the time.[17]

In "Girlfriendklok," Nathan found a controlling celebrity girlfriend, Rebecca Nightrod, voiced by actress Laura Silverman, who forced him to tone down his behavior. He hated her temper tantrums and demands, and described his hatred of her as much more brutal than his ordinary hate. Though his bandmates tortured him until they convinced him to dump her, a subsequent mishap involving an unusually steep flight of stairs and a broken high heel left her comatose and severly disfigured, after which Nathan described her as "the ultimate girlfriend."[18]

William Murderface

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William Murderface
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William Murderface's Gibson Thunderbird Studio bass

William Murderface plays the bass guitar for the band; however, this seems rather unnecessary, as Nathan has stated that they mix his bass out of "pretty much every song."[13] However, Murderface improves noticeably after Pickles introduces him to the concept of "freeballing," prompting the rest of the band to consider including his bass on their next album.[17] He plays a black five-string Gibson Thunderbird Studio Bass with a white pickguard. He is able to play bass with his penis (which he refers to as his "hog").[19] Band mates also refer to him as a "Cock Slap Bassist." He was raised by his grandparents Thunderbolt and Stella Murderface after he lost his mother and father in a chainsaw murder-suicide, carried out by his father when William was just an infant[13]. People usually refer to him as just "Murderface," except for his grandparents and people who formally address him. He has a heavy lateral lisp and a diastema, as well as tattoos on his stomach which state "Pobody's Nerfect" and "This Mess Is A Place." It should be noted that Murderface highly resembles Bill Kreutzmann of the Grateful Dead circa 1980's.

Murderface has a habit of urinating or referring to urination, and even has a one-man side project called Planet Piss, to which he seems to have very little real commitment[9]. He is usually seen carrying a knife, which he uses to eat, mutilate, destroy, and do other things. According to the Tribunal's expert, Dr. Gibbons, Murderface is a self-destructive personality who expresses his self-loathing through "bodily mutilation, tattooing, alcohol abuse, and coprophilia." According to Pickles, he is a nihilist and likes to collect "morbid crap" such as torture devices and Civil War memorabilia.[19] Murderface has at least some familiarity with firearms as he recognizes the sound of his "driving gun" (an antique Mauser C96 handgun) after hearing it fired.[17] Murderface endorses a brand of doorknobs known as "Murderknobs."[14]. He is also, somehow, a notary public.[5] He also Appears to collect boots, as he brings them up often.

Despite outwardly being the angriest and most violent member of Dethklok, Murderface is arguably the most sensitive and insecure. He is convinced that he is hideous and unloveable, and refers to himself as "the fat one." He seems to go through periods of loneliness and depression, which are only magnified by his bandmates' complete inability to react to his emotions. For example, when Pickles goes on a reunion with his old band, Murderface forlornly confides to his bandmates, "I miss Pickles."[12]

While in high school, Murderface's principal allowed him to play bass, drink, and smoke dope to earn his high school degree after Murderface threatened to cut his eyes out.[7] He regularly throws tantrums when he doesn't get his way, which has resulted in several destroyed bass guitars. He owns a custom-made dungeon/torture chamber, and supposedly spends most of his time there when not with the band. Murderface thinks he is a great speller, but demonstrated his lack of skills in his preparation and appearance on "Celebrity Spelling Bee." (For example, he thought "confusion" is spelled "k-u-n fusion".)[7] Murderface once sustained severe injuries when he drunkenly collided with a lamppost while a passenger on the Murdercycle, falling onto the highway where a passing car struck him. Afterward, his near-death experience prompted him to seek faith in several churches, including the Church of Satan and the Church of the Atheists. Eventually he decided that all religions were "the same boring crap". [20]

Murderface appears to be an American Civil War buff. When Dethklok gave Murderface President Kennedy's presidential limo as a birthday present, they replaced the driver's seat with the chair in which President Lincoln was assassinated, eliciting such happiness that he cried blood.[19] Murderface also owns a pair of original shoes from the Civil War, which Dethklok's adopted son Fatty Ding-Dongs ruined, provoking tremendous anger.[21] Finally, when Murderface was lying in a hospital bed after a motorcycle accident, Skwisgaar returned a borrowed copy of Ken Burns' Civil War documentary.[20]

Pickles the Drummer

Pickles the Drummer

Pickles the Drummer plays the drums and was raised in Tomahawk, Wisconsin. He is Irish-American. He speaks with a distinct Wisconsin accent and bears a strong hatred for his older brother, Seth, whom his parents Calvert and Molly always brag about despite the fact that Seth is an ex-con living above his parents' garage, among other failings.[6] He is the only member of Dethklok whose last name (and, possibly, real first name) is unknown. Pickles joined Dethklok after singing and playing lead guitar in the L.A. rock band Snakes 'n' Barrels, which collapsed due to excessive drug use; his bandmates have mocked him for his stereotypical "hair metal" appearance during his time with Snakes n' Barrels.[12] Pickles refers to things and people as "douchebags" when he is frustrated or upset. In "The Curse of Dethklok", he calls Skwisgaar and Toki douchebags because they don't know what a grocery store is, then apologizes and mentions it's because he has "low blood sugar". He seems to be the most socially capable of the band, although he occasionally hallucinates or launches into neurotic rants. His hair is styled into dreadlocks with a combover skullet.[9] Pickles always wears tennis shoes, whereas the rest of the band wears boots.

Pickles claims to be immune to the negative effects of drugs because he "grew up smoking government weed every day" as treatment for his "kiddie glaucoma." Because of this, he is also immune to the government-created psychotropic drug known as "Totally Awesome Sweet Alabama Liquid Snake" that erased the minds of every other member of Snakes 'n' Barrels.[12] Despite his drug immunity, he is clearly not immune to the negative effects of liquor. He seems to be an alcoholic of equal or greater caliber to Nathan, and is often seen surrounded by many bottles of liquor. When rumors were spread saying that he didn't drink as much as he said, he decided to even drink more than usual in order to disprove them.[9] He also appears to be an asthmatic, as he was once seen using an inhaler, but he claimed it was only a stress-related relapse.[6] Pickles has an endorsement deal for nickels with the United States Treasury; his nickels are called "Pickles' Nickles."[14]

Skwisgaar Skwigelf

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Skwisgaar Skwigelf
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Skwisgaar's Gibson Explorer

Skwisgaar Skwigelf is the lead guitarist of the band and the fastest guitarist alive. Despite this talent, he can't read music, which he blames on "music dyslex-kia". He plays a black Gibson Explorer with a white pickguard that appears to be waterproof. He practices his guitar constantly and in many odd places, such as in church and in the hot tub; one episode even shows him playing in his sleep. He often disparages Toki's skill as a guitarist. He seems to dislike the Danish even though he often confuses them with the Dutch.[19] He is also severely allergic to cilantro, which is made apparent when barbecue sauce with cilantro in it is poured on his hands before a show and he almost immediately goes into anaphylaxis (specifically, his face and hands swelled dramatically).[14]

Skwisgaar is from Sweden, and he consequently possesses a strong Swedish accent. He has a very poor grasp of the English language, not knowing relatively simple terms such as "image", "hovercraft", and "grocery store," and adding the letter "s" to the end of many words he says, and conversely dropping the letter from some words that require them, such as "copies" and "Pickles." This tendency becomes worse when he is agitated. His English is so awkward that, during the filming of Dethklok's movie Blood Ocean, the producers were unable to understand his lines, and ultimately, Skiwsgaar's voice was completely dubbed out of the film.[22]

He was born to the Miss Sweden of 1956, Serveta Skwigelf, and does not know his father. Senator Stampingston mentions that "her neglect helped form the world's fastest guitarist," and in an interview, Skwisgaar claims that his inspiration comes from his hatred of his mother. He resents her because of her promiscuity, although he takes after her in this regard.[6]

Skwisgaar is referred to as the band's Lothario[9] ; he often brags about his many sexual conquests to Toki (going so far as to make the claim of having sex with at least 500 women the last time he was in Finland)[4] , who resents it. Skwisgaar is attracted primarily to older women, once propositioning an elderly grandmother for sex[2] , and a television announcer mentions his desire for "MILFs, GMILFs, and soon-to-be-MILFs," as well as "acquiring a stable of FBLs."[9] Skwisgaar implies that he never wears underwear, both because it is common in Sweden and because it is sexually exciting[17] . His bedroom is the only room in Mordhaus that is not decorated in a very dark neo-Gothic style; his all-white, sparsely furnished room reflects the Swedish Modern aesthetic[8] . He is a self-described nihilist, although he sometimes uses references to Norse mythology.[20][3]

Skwisgaar owns a collection of bizaare exotic guitars, seen in "Skwisklok." These include a "Swiss Army-tar," an "ant farm-itar," the Gibson Excaliburtar, and a guitar supposedly made of wood from the True Cross. In "Dethtroll" and "Bluesklok," he asserts that he hates playing acoustic guitars, which he and Toki both call "Grandspa's guitars."

Skwisgaar has been in a large number of bands prior to joining Dethklok, including Agnostic Priest, Gangagar, Eldeleel-Alele (spelling approximated), Gognog, Mug, Alugdug (spelling also approximated), Fuckface Academy, Sausage Assassin, Financially Raped, and Smugly Dismissed, to name a few. Other than that, he claims to have been in "pretty much every band, ever."[12] Like Pickles' affinity for the word "douchebags," Skwisgaar refers to things he hates as "dildos," even using the word as an adjective.

His hands are shown being insured for ten billion dollars, one billion for each finger[14]. Supposedly, he has to wear "protective, solid-crystal, oxygenating hand-aquariums" when not playing, or the policy is void; however, the other band members end up breaking them. In the same interview where he mentions his hatred of his mother, Skwisgaar also states that he has two side projects, a Harry Potter tribute band called 10 Points to Gryffyndor, and a nudist Civil War styled band called Depantsification Proclamation, although neither has ever been seen on the show.

Skwisgaar is often seen playing/practicing his Gibson-X in the jacuzzi. This may be a reference to the urban legend of Keith Relf, who perished while playing his guitar in the bathtub.

Toki Wartooth

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Toki Wartooth
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Toki Wartooth's Gibson Flying V

Toki Wartooth is the rhythm guitarist and the second fastest guitarist alive, [citation needed] though he too can't read music. [4] Unlike the other members, Dethklok is the first band he's been in. [12] Similar to Skwisgaar, Toki can physically no longer play the guitar slowly. [5] He plays a black Gibson Flying-V guitar. He hails from an abandoned village near Lillehammer, Norway, the product of a seemingly unholy union between Anja and the Reverend Aslaug Wartooth. [6] Both of his parents dress in a very Old World style (much like the Amish), vaguely recalling the painting American Gothic. [original research?] During the episode in which Toki's parents visit, Toki becomes catatonic for the duration of their visit. He does, however, have pictures of them hung in his room. Cardinal Ravenwood mentions seeing "father killing son in the most brutal manner" when told of Toki's parents. In "Dethkids," a flashback shows Toki as a child, and his mother slaps him for no apparent reason.

Toki's personality is more child-like, innocent, and good-natured compared to the rest of the band, which is why he is a popular icon to children. [9] He has several naīve beliefs, such as the idea that adult teeth will grow back because baby teeth do, and occasionally has whimsical fantasies, such as singing a Beatles-esque song under the sea with "underwater friends." He also views sexuality in a more innocent way than his bandmates; in the episode "Girlfriendklok," while the other members of Dethklok want to host the United States Pornography Awards for obviously sexual reasons, Toki only wants to "make out withs thems beautiful goils."

Despite his more innocent personality, he manages to fit in with the rest of the band, although they do tend to treat him like a younger brother. [original research?] Toki has shown similar violent tendencies to those of his bandmates. He asked a priest from the Church of Satan for revenge on Rachael Ray from the Food Network (in the form of her eyes falling out or her tits falling off) for unspecified reasons, and was indirectly responsible for the death of the lead singer of the Christian rock band Prayer Bolt. [20] In the episode "Girlfriendklok," he also beat Nathan with a baseball bat, tasered him, and threatened him by aiming a crossbow at his crotch. Like Skwisgaar, Toki is a nihilist; [20] however, they both seem to share some interest or moderate belief in Norse mythology. In the episode "Skwisklok," he mentions his belief in a tooth fairy equivalent known as the "Ancient Norse God Ortho the Tooth-collector."

Being the only two members of the band to be born outside of the United States, Toki and Skwisgaar have a rather brotherly relationship, with Skwisgaar taking on the role of knowledgeable older brother and Toki the impressionable younger brother. Because of their closeness, Toki and Skwisgaar often analyze the philosophical elements of the episodes, such as the male sex drive in "Girlfriendklok," the pros and cons of fatherhood in "Fat Kid at the Detharmonic," and the yard wolves' eating rituals in "Performanceklok." On more than one occasion, Toki has told Skwisgaar that he hates him; it is unknown whether he means it. (Skwisgaar frequently belittles Toki and Toki resents it, but at least in the context of Toki's confession of hate in "The Metalocalypse Has Begun," it appears that "I hate you" is a metal universe equivalent of "I love you.") He is Norwegian with light hair and blue eyes and a tendency to slur his words, although his English is somewhat better than Skwisgaar's.

Aside from playing guitar, he spends much of his free time building scale models. He has an endorsement deal with "Willard Wonky Candy-Hand Candy" brand candies, who ship him large amounts of free candy as part of his payment. Because of this, he develops a very extreme case of diabetes which causes him to slip in and out of comas (at least for the length of the episode). Toki also appears to have an endorsement deal for a "Metal Bits"-brand cereal in the first episode, as there is a cereal box in his shopping cart with his face on it.[2] In "Bluesklok" and "Girlfriendklok," Toki appears toned and muscular, while the rest of Dethklok ranges from skinny (Skwisgaar, Pickles) to overweight (Nathan, Murderface). Unlike the rest of Dethklok, Toki tans instead of becoming sunburned.

Fairly frequently, Toki makes statements or is placed in situations with homoerotic subtext through his naïveté and misunderstanding of English. An example is mistaking the term "blowjob" to mean "nosebleed" and proudly announcing, "I can gives myself a real cool blowjob!" In another instance, when Skwisgaar refers to Murderface's party as a sausage festival, Toki believes he means an actual sausage festival and proclaims "I love sausage festival!" Also, in "Murdering Outside the Box" Toki purchases a vibrating strap-on, thinking it was a codpiece.


Name Episode Availability outside episode
"Deththeme Demo" Never heard on show MP3 available on Brendon Small's personal website
"Deththeme" Intro to every episode MP3 released on AdultSwim.com and on Dethklok's official MySpace
"Dethjingle" (Duncan Hills Coffee) "The Curse of Dethklok" MP3 released on AdultSwim.com and on Dethklok's official MySpace
"Sewn Back Together Wrong" "The Curse of Dethklok" available as mp3
"Thunderhorse" "Dethwater" MP3 released on AdultSwim.com and limited release on Dethklok's official MySpace; featured as a bonus track in the Xbox 360 and PS2 video game Guitar Hero II
"Dethwater Practice" "Dethwater" Never released
"Mermaider" "Dethwater" Limited MP3 on Dethklok's official MySpace
"Underwater Friends" "Dethwater" Never released
"Electric Eel Chair" "Dethwater" Never released (note: simply mentioned on the show as a song title, does not actually exist)
"Scaled and Gutted and Undercooked" "Dethwater" Never released (note: simply mentioned on the show as a song title, does not actually exist)
"Scuba Tank Filled With Farts" "Dethwater" Never released (note: simply mentioned on the show as a song title, does not actually exist)
"Birthday Dethday" "Happy Dethday" MP3 released on AdultSwim.com and limited release on Dethklok's official MySpace
"Murder" "Dethtroll" Never released (note: mentioned as a song idea by Nathan Explosion, may or may not have been written)
"Awaken Mustakrakish" "Dethtroll" MP3 released on AdultSwim.com and limited release on Dethklok's official MySpace
"Death Metal Lullaby" "Dethtroll" Never released
"Killed by a Troll" "Dethtroll" Never released (note: mentioned as a song idea by Nathan Explosion, may or may not have been written)
"Hatredy" "Dethkomedy" Limited MP3 release on Dethklok's official MySpace, small clips used as intermissions
"Bloodtricuted" "Dethfam" Limited MP3 release on The Duncan Hills Coffee Myspace
"Dethfam" "Dethfam" Limited MP3 release on Dethklok's official MySpace
"Inner Child Tied and Beaten in My Trunk" "Performance Klok" Limited MP3 release on Dethklok's official MySpace
"Water Horsey Blues" "Snakes n' Barrels" Never released
"Snakes n' Barrels Reunion Album" "Snakes n' Barrels" Never released (note: heard briefly during the credits, consists largely of guitar feedback and the violent grunts and screams of Snakes n' Barrels members, Nathan Explosion notes that it's "the most brutal album ever.")
"Blood Puke" "Mordland" Never released (note: Toki merely mentions it as an idea for a song title, then taking it back, stating "That's right, we already wrote that... good song, though.")
"Fan Song" "Mordland" Limited MP3 release on Dethklok's official MySpace
"Dethharmonic" "Fat Kid at the Detharmonic" Limited MP3 release on Dethklok's official MySpace
"Crush My Battle Opponent's balls" "Skwisklok" Limited MP3 release on Dethklok's official MySpace
"Briefcase Full of Guts" "Murdering Outside the Box" Limited MP3 release on Dethklok's official MySpace
"Go Forth and Die" "Go Forth and Die" Limited MP3 release on Dethklok's official MySpace
"Guts Punched, Balls Threw Up" "Go Forth and Die" Never released (note: simply mentioned on the show as a song title, may not actually exist) However we do hear an acapella rendition of the polyrhythms of the song.
"Murdertrain A-Comin'" "Bluesklok" Limited MP3 release on Dethklok's official MySpace
"Planet Piss" "Dethkids" Never released
"Happy Metal World Rainbow" "Dethkids" Never released
"I'm Just a Rock 'n' Roll Clown" "Dethclown" MP3 available on Dr. Rockso's official MySpace
"Castratikron" "Girlfriendklok" Never released
"Theme from 'Dating Penelope'" "Dethstars" Never released
"Blood Ocean" "Dethstars" Limited MP3 release on Dethklok's official MySpace
"Go Into the Water" "The Metalocalypse Has Begun"
"Hatredcopter" Not on any episode European release of the Saw III soundtrack


  1. ^ "STRAPPING YOUNG LAD's GENE HOGLAN Laying Down Tracks For DETHKLOK Album" Dec. 23, 2006.
  2. ^ a b c Metalocalypse. "The Curse of Dethklok." 6 August 1991. Cite error: The named reference "Episode1" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
  3. ^ a b c Metalocalypse. "The Metalocalypse Has Begun." 17 December 2006. Cite error: The named reference "Episode20" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
  4. ^ a b c d Metalocalypse. "Dethtroll." 27 August 2006. Cite error: The named reference "Episode4" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
  5. ^ a b c d Metalocalypse. "Bluesklok." 5 November 2006. Cite error: The named reference "Episode14" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
  6. ^ a b c d e Metalocalypse. "Dethfam." 10 September 2006. Cite error: The named reference "Episode6" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
  7. ^ a b c d Metalocalypse. "Go Forth and Die." 29 October 2006. Cite error: The named reference "Episode13" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
  8. ^ a b Metalocalypse. "Mordland." 1 October 2006. Cite error: The named reference "Episode9" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
  9. ^ a b c d e f g Metalocalypse. "Dethkids." 19 November 2006. Cite error: The named reference "Episode16" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
  10. ^ Episodes 4 and 6
  11. ^ Metalocalypse. "Performance Klok." 17 September 2006.
  12. ^ a b c d e f Metalocalypse. "Snakes 'n' Barrels." 24 September 2006. Cite error: The named reference "Episode8" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
  13. ^ a b c citation
  14. ^ a b c d e f Metalocalypse. "Skwisklok." 15 October 2006. Cite error: The named reference "Episode11" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
  15. ^ Metalocalypse. "Dethwater." 13 August 2006.
  16. ^ Metalocalypse. "Murdering Outside the Box." 22 October 2006.
  17. ^ a b c d Metalocalypse. "Dethclown." 26 November 2006. Cite error: The named reference "Episode17" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
  18. ^ Metalocalypse. "Girlfriendklok"." 3 December 2006.
  19. ^ a b c d Metalocalypse. "Happy Dethday." 20 August 2006. Cite error: The named reference "Episode3" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
  20. ^ a b c d e Metalocalypse. "Religionklok." 12 November 2006. Cite error: The named reference "Episode15" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
  21. ^ Metalocalypse. "Fat Kid at the Detharmonic." 8 October 2006.
  22. ^ Metalocalypse. "Dethstars." 10 December 2006.