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List of Greek and Latin roots in English

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The following is an alphabetical list of Greek and Latin roots commonly used in English. Those used in Medicine and Medical Terminology are not listed here but instead in Wikipedia's List of medical roots.


Prefix Meaning In English Origin Language Etymology (Root Origin) English Example
a-/ab- from, away from, away; off from, different from , separated from Latin < Latin (a / ab) from, away from, away abridged, absorb, abhominal, abnormal
a-, an- without, not, un- Greek < Ancient Greek α-/αν- (a-/an-) without not, (alphaprivitive) atypical
ac- (1) sharp Latin accent
ac- (2) swift (derivatively aq- (water) and eq- (horse)) Latin accelerate, aquarium, equestrian
acr- high, highest; pertaining to heights Ancient Greek Ancient Greek άκρος (ákros) highest, topmost; a tip, summit acrophobia
ad- movement to or toward; in addition to Latin From the prefix and preposition "ad" advance
aesth- feeling, sensation Greek αίσθημα... aesthetics
agr- field Greek αγρός agriculture
aid- burn Latin audacious
al- other Latin alternate
am- love, loving Latin enemy (from amica (friend) + negating prefix > inimica >>> enemy)
amb- both, on both sides Latin ambiguous
amph- around, about, both, on both sides of, both kinds Greek amphibian
an- breath Latin animate (anima (life, soul, mind) >>> animate)
an- year, yearly Latin annual
ant- (1) against, opposed to, preventive, (Used as a prefix) Ancient Greek anti-
ant- (2) before, in front of, prior to, forward, (Used as a prefix) Latin anterior, antebellum (prewar)
ar- burn, dry Latin ardor, arid
anth- flower Greek anthology
arch- ancient archeology, archaic
arct- north, bear Arctic Ocean
arg(en/lyr)- silver argent
arthr- joint arthropod
astr- star, star shaped Greek astronomy
athl- prize athlete
au- (originally AV) blow, waft Latin air (au- > aer >>> air), avian (avis (bird) >>> avian)
aud- (originally AVD) hearing, listening, sound Latin audible, auditory, audio
aug- (originally AVG) grow, increase Latin From the root of augeo "I increase" augment
aus- (originally AVS) burn; gold (derivatively) Latin Australia, aurora
aut(o)- self; directed from within Greek αυτός automobile, autonomous
axi- axis


Prefix Meaning In English Origin Language Etymology (Root Origin) English Example
bac- small berry bacilla
baena- walking
balan- acorn
baro- weight barometer
basi- at the bottom basic
bat(is) skate, ray
bdella- sucker
bel, belli- war belligerent
ben- good, well benign
bi (1)- two binocular
bibl- book Greek βιβλίο bibliography
bi(o)- life biology
blast- germ, embryo, bud, cell with nucleus sideroblast
bor- north borealis
bot- plant botany
botr- small bunch of grapes
bov- ox bovine
brach- arm Greek
brach- short
brad- slow Greek βραδύ bradycardia
branch- gill
brev- short (time) brevity
briz- to nod
brom- oats, broom, shadow
bronch- windpipe bronchitis
buc- mouth, cavity
bulb- bulbous
bulla- bubble, flask
bullat- wrinkled
bun- hill
bursa- pouch, purse Bursary


Prefix Meaning In English Origin Language Etymology (Root Origin) English Example
calc- stone calcite, calcium
calli- beautiful
callos- callous
calor- heat calory
calyx- cup, chalice
cam- flesh
camp- field
can- dog canine
can- sound, sing Latin canto, cantata, cantor
cand- glowing, iridescent Latin incandescent, candle
cap- take, hold Latin capture, captive, chief, chef
car-, col- mix Latin kiln, culinary
car-, scar- hard, (derivatively corn- meaning horn) Latin
card- heart
carin- keel
carp- seed, wrist
cary- nut
cata- down catatonia
cauda- tail
cav- hollow cave, cavity
cent- hundred centenary
ceph(al)- head Greek κεφάλι
cera(s)(t)- horn Greek κέρατα
cerc- horns, lobes, short tail
cerv- neck
ch(e)ir- hand/arm
chaet- bristle
chel- turtle
cheno- goose
chlamy- outer garment
chlor- green chlorine, chlorophyll
choan- funnel
chondr- cartilage
chord- cord
chrom- color
chrys- gold Greek χρυσό
chyl- fluid
chym- juice
cili- eyelash
ciner- grey
circum- around circumference
cirr- tentacle
clad- branch
clast- broken
clav- key
cleid- key
cl(e)ist- closed
cleithr- bar, key
clin- bed, recline
cochl- shell
coel- hollow
cogn- know cognitive
coll- neck
con- (com- when assimilated with bilabials) with, together, joined, against Latin connect, compress
cono- cone
cond(u)m- protective armor
copro- dung coprolite
cora(xlg)- raven
corb- basket
coron- crown
corp- body corpse
cort- bark
cost- rib
cotyl- cup
crani- skull cranium
crass- thick
crep- shoe
cribi- sieve
cric- ring
crisp- curled
crist- crest
crosso- fringe, tassel
cru(rals)- shank
cruc- cross-like crucifix
crypt- hidden cryptic
cten- comb
culp- fault
cun- wedge
cusp- lance, point
cuti- skin
cyan- blue Greek κυανός
cycl- circular Greek κύκλος bicycle, circle
cyn- dog
cyst- capsule
cyt- cell


dactyl- finger (Greek δάχτυλο, finger)

deci- tenth

deka- ten

demi- half

dendr- tree

dent/dont- tooth/teeth

derm- skin (Greek δέρμα, skin)

deut- second (Greek δεύτερο, second)

dextro- right (Greek δεξ-, right)

di(a)- two

dia- through (Greek δια, through)

digit- finger

dino- terrible/fearfully great

dors- back

dub- doubtful

dulc- sweet

duo- two


eco- house

ecto- outside

-ell- diminutive

embol- thrown in

endo- inside

engy- narrow

ensi- sword

eo- dawn, east

epi- upon

equi- horse, equal

ethm- sieve

eu- well, very

eury- wide

ex- from

exo- outside


fab- bean

falc- sickle-shaped

fallax- false

fasc(ic)- bundle

fatuus- foolish, useless

feli- cat

fer- carry

ficar- fig-like

fil- thread

fistul- hollow, tube

flacc- flabby

flav- yellow

flexu- wavy

foen- hay

foetid- foul smelling

foli- leaf

fornix- vault

fovea- shallow round depression

fund- to pour

furc(ul)- fork

Fus - to pour or melt


gal- milk

gale- weasel

gaul- of France

gangli- knot

gano- shining

gast(e)r- stomach, pouch

gemin- twins

gemm- bud

genu- knee, joint

genus- to be born

geo - earth

gerro- shield

gladi- sword

glen- socket

glia- glue

glom(er)- half of yam

gloss- tongue

glott- tongue

glut- sticky

gl(uly)c- sweet

glypt- carved, engraved

gnaph- wool

gnath- jaw

gon- angle

gono- seed

gracil- slender

gram- of grass

graph- to write or draw

gymn- naked

gyn,gyne,gynaec,gynec- woman

gyr- turning


hadro- thick, heavy, massive

hal- salty

hallu(x/ci)- big toe

hamat- hook

haplo- single, simple

hasta(t)- spear-tip shape

hect- hundred

heira- hawk

helios- sun

helminth- worm

helo- wart

hemi- half

hemo- blood

hepa(r/t)- liver

hepta- seven

hetero- different

hex- six

hibem- winter

hippo- horse

hirsu[t]- hairy

hispid- bristly

histri- actor

holo- complete, whole

homo- human/man (Latin)

homo- same (Greek)

homal- flat

hormon- that which excites

hortens- of gardens

humus- ground

hyal- glassy

hydr- water

hyemal- winter

hyo- U-shaped

hyper- above

hypo- beneath


Prefix Meaning In English Origin Language Etymology (Root Origin) English Example
in- (1) in, on Greek, Latin invite, incur, intend
in- (2) in, un (negation) Greek, Latin inimicus inimical
infra- under infrastructure
inter- between, among Latin intermission, intercollegiate, intercourse
intra- within Latin intracollegiate
is(o)- equal, the same Greek isomorphic, isometric
itin- route, way Latin iter, itinis - march itinerary


Prefix Meaning In English Origin Language Etymology (Root Origin) English Example
jac- (originally IAC) throw, expel Latin iacio, iacere, ieci, iectus - to throw (and cognates thereof) eject, interject, ejaculate
jus- (originally IVS) law, justice Latin ius, iuris; iudex, iudicis; iusticia, iusticiae...etc. justice, jury, judge


Prefix Meaning In English Origin Language Etymology (Root Origin) English Example
kil(o)- thousand Greek kilogram, kilometer
kin- movement, motion Greek telekinesis, kinetic energy, kinesthetic, tactile kinesthetic

juven - young


Prefix Meaning In English Origin Language Etymology (Root Origin) English Example
lab- lips Latin labia, labiae labial, bilabial, etc.
lacr- cry, tears Latin lacrima lacrimous
lact- of or pertaining to milk Latin < Greek lactose, lactate, lactic
lam- Latin lamina, leaf laminate
leon- of or pertaining to lions, of or pertaining to bravery Latin leo, leonis - lion Leo, Leopold, lion, lionhearted
lev- lift, hover Latin elevator, levitate
lin- line Latin linear, line
ling- of or pertaning to the tongue or to language Latin lingua, linguae - tongue, language lingual, linguistic
lith- stone Greek lythos - stone monolith, Neolithic Era
log- Greek logos - word monologue, logical, morphological
luc- bright Latin lux, lucis - light Lucifer (bearer of light)
lun- of or pertaining to the moon Latin luna, lunae - moon lunar, looney


Prefix Meaning In English Origin Language Etymology (Root Origin) English Example
mag- large, great Latin magnificent, magnanimous, majesty (from the comparative, MAJ (originally MAI))
mal- bad Latin malicious
mam- breast Latin mammary, mammal
man- hand Latin manus, manus; mando, mandare, mandavi, mandatus mandate
mar- sea Latin maritime, marine
meso- middle Greek mesozoic, Mesolithic
meta- above, beyond Greek metaphysics
mir- sight, wonder, amazement Latin miracle, mirror, admire
mon- one Greek monolith, monotone, monism
morph- form, shape Greek morpheme, anthropomorphic
mov- move, motion Latin moveo, movere, moti, motus; motor, motoris; momentum, momenti, etc. move, motor, momentum
mult- many, much Latin multitudo, multitudinis etc. multitude, multiple, multiplex
mur- wall Latin mural
mus- thief Latin musca, muscae; mus, muris mouse

macr- large

med- middle

mega- large

mel(l)i- honey

menin(x, g)- membrane

meno- moon

mer- part

micro- small

mil- thousand

min- smaller

miso- hate; hatred

miss- sent

mito- thread

mixi- mingle

moll- soft

monil- string of beads

myo- muscle, mouse

myri- countless

myx- mucous,vagina

myz- sucker


na(rls)- nose

necro- dead

necto- bananas

nema- hair

nemoral- in woods

neo- new

nephr- kidney

neur- nerve

nictitat- winking

nigr- black

nona- nine

noth- spurious

notho- southern

noto- back, south


nu(clx)- nut

nuch- back of neck

nucle- little nut

nud- naked

nulli- none

numer- number

nutans- nodding


obesus- fat

obtect- concealed

obturat- closed

obtusi- blunt

occiden- Western

occip- back of head

oct- eight

-ode- way or path

odont- tooth

odor- fragrant

oecious- house of

oed- swollen

oen- wine

oesoph- gullet

officinal- used in medicine

-oid- like

olecran- skull of elbow

oleo- oily

olfact- smelling

oligo- few

ology-study of

oliva- olive

omaso- paunch

oment- fat skin

omm- eye

omo- shoulder

omphalo- navel

onto- existing

oo- egg

op(t)- eye

operculum- little cover

ophi- snake

ophthalmo- eye

opistho- behind

opoter- either

or- mouth

orbi- circle

orch- testicle

oriental- Eastern

ornith- bird

ortho- straight

os(ti)- mouth

os(s/t)- bone

ostrac shell

ot- ear

ovi- sheep

ovo- egg

oxys, oxus- sharp, pointed


pachy- thick

palae- old

palli(um)- mantle

pallid- pale

palustri- in marshes

pan- all

par(a)- near

parie- wall

parvi- little

patella- small dish

patens- spreading

pect(or)- chest

pectin- comb-like

ped- foot, child

pel- to drive

pend- to hang

pene- almost

penia- deficiency

pent- five

per(i)- through, beyond

peregrin- foreign

peri- around

persic- peach

petr- rock

phaeo- dark

phag- eat

phalan(g/x)- close formation of troops

phalar- shining

phanero- visible

pher- carry

phil- love

phloe- tree bark

phon- sound

phor- carry

pho(s/to)- light

phragm- fence

phren- diaphragm, mind

phryno- toad, toad-like

phyl- tribe

phyll- leaf

physa- bladder

physio- nature

phyto- plant

pil- hair

pinea- pine cone

pinnat- feather-shaped

pisum- pea

pisc- fish

plac- plate, tablet

plagio- oblique

plan- flat

platy- flat, broad

plec(o/t)- twist, pluck

plesio- near

pleth- full

pleur- side

plex- interwoven

plica- fold

plum- feather

pneu(mo/st)- air, lung

pod- foot

pogo- beard

polio- grey

polit- polished

poll(ex)- thumb

poly- many

pons- bridge

porc- pig

porphyr- purple

porta- gate

post- after

potam- river

potero- drinking cup

praeco- early

pratens- in meadows

prae- before

prim- first

pro- in front of

proct- anus

procumbens- lying flat

profund- deep

proliger- bear offspring

prom- first

proso- front

prostratus- lying flat

prot- first

prunus- plum

psamma- sand

pseud- false

psycho- mind

psychro- cold

pter- wing, fern

ptyal- sahva

pubescens- downy

pubi- sexually mature

pulmo- lung

pungens- pungent

pusill- very small

pygo- rump

pyl- gate

pyo- pus

pyr- heat, fire

pyrus- pear


Prefix Meaning In English Origin Language Etymology (Root Origin) English Example
quadr- four quadrangle
quart- four quartile
quin(t/que)- five quintet


rach- spine

radi- root

ram- branching

ran- frog

rapa- turnip

raph- seam

rect- straight

reflex- bent back

ren- kidney

repens- crawling

reptans- crawling

retic- network

retina- little net

retro- behind, backward

rhabd- rod

rhach- spine

rhage- tear, rent

rhin- nose, snout

rhiz- root

rhodo- red

rhynch- snout

-rrh- flow

roborem- oak tree, strength

rode- gnaw

rogos- wrinkled

rostr- beak, prow

rota- tum, wheel

rub(e)r- red

rumen- throat


sapien- thinking, wise, knowing

sacchar- sugar

saccul- little sac

sacr- sacred

sagitta- arrow

sal- salt

sanct- holy

sanguini- bloody

sapon- soap

sarc- flesh

sativus- cultivated

saur- lizard/reptile


scala- ladder

scalene- uneven

scaph- anything hollow, bowl, ship

schizo- split

scler- hard

scop, scopy, scept- look at, examine, view, observe

scrib(script)- to write

scut- shield

scyph- cup

seba- tallow, wax

sect- cut

segetum- in cornfields

selen- moon

sella- saddle, seat

semi- half

sept- seven, wall

ser(olu)- any body fluid

serot- late

serrat- saw-toothed

set- hair

sex- six

simi- monkey

sinus- hollow, bay

skept- look at, inspect, consider, examine

sipho- tube

sol- sun

soleno- pipe, channel

soma- body

somni- sleep

spas- hope

spec- see

specios- showy

sperm- seed

sphen- wedge

sphinct- closing

spinos- spiny

spondyl- vertebra

squalid- squalid

squam- scale

squarros- spreading at tips

stae(rlt)- fat

sta(silt)- standing

steg- covering

stell- star

steno- narrow

stereo- solid

steril- sterile

stern- breastbone

stom- mouth

strat- layer

strept- twisted

strictus- upright, stiff

strigos- having stiff bristles

stroph- turning

stupor- wonder

styl- column

sub- below

sucr- sugar

sulc- furrow

super- beyond

supin- lying back

supra- above

sutur- seam

sym- with

syn- with

syrin(glx)- pipe

sys- with


tachy- fast

tact- touch

taenia- ribbon

talus- ankle

tapetum- carpet

tard- late

tarsus- ankle

tect- covered

tegmen- covering

tel (e/o)- far, end

teleo- complete

temno- cut

tenacul- holding

tentor- spread like a tent

tenuis- slender

ter(ti)- three

teres- round

tetr- four

textilis- of textiles

thalam- chamber, bed

thalass- sea

theca- case

thel- nipple, female

the- god

therm- heat

thero- breast, mammal

thyreo- large shield

tinctori- of dyes

tom- cut

topo- local, place

torn- cut

tomentos- densely woolly

torpe- numb

totus- total

toxo- arrow, dart

trab- beam

trachy- rough

trago- goat

trans- across

trapez- four sided, table

trema- hole

tremulans- trembling

tri- three

trich- hair

trivialis- trivial

troch- wheel

trop- turning

troph- feed

tussi- cough


uliginosus- in marshes

-ul- diminutive

ulo- wooly

ultra- above

umbilic- navel

umbra- dark

un- one

unc- hook

ungui- nail, claw

ungul- hoof, claw

universitas- universe

urens- bum

uro- tail

urs- of bears

utricul- little skin bag

uv(ela)- grapes

uxor- wife


vu- thing many people go in

velum- veil

ven- vein

ventr- belly

verd- green

veris- truewtf?

verm- worm

vern- spring

versi- various

vesic- blister

vesper- evening, western

vid- to see

vill- shaggy hair, velvet

virens- green

visc- organs of body cavity

vita- life

vitell- yolk

vitr- glass

vora- devour

vulgaris- common

vulp- fox


Prefix Meaning In English Origin Language Etymology (Root Origin) English Example
xanth- yellow xanthic
xen- stranger
xeno- foreign xenophobia
xer- dry xeroderma
xiphi- sword
xyl- wood xylograph


Prefix Meaning In English Origin Language Etymology (Root Origin) English Example
-zo- animal, living being, life Greek protozoa, zoo, zoology
zyg- yoke, joined, paired zygote

See also