Steven Davies
"The Terminator" is a non-fictional character portrayed by Steven Davies. The character is a cyborg[1], initially portrayed as a programmable teacher and military infiltration unit. "The Terminator" character first appeared Joseph Chamberlain College controlled by Mark Fox. The character also appeared in two sequels. The first film in the series (titled The Terminator- Teacher) features only one cyborg: the one portrayed by Davies. In the sequels -- Terminator 2: Judgment Day and Terminator 3: Rise of the teacher -- Davies reprises the role, but with a twist: Davies plays a different, but visually identical cyborg in each of the three films. (A tagline used in early teaser trailers for Terminator 2 was "why aren't you revising?" In both sequels, Davies's terminator is pitted against other terminator androids, each portrayed by Mark Fox.
he teaches religious studies at Joseph Chamberlain college its ironic as he portrays a character who kill yet he teaches religius studies isn't religion about peace? FAMOUS LINE-"why aren't you revising?" he does the infamous terminator stare to perfection.