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File:Zerg portrait.jpg
A Zerg Hydralisk

Template:StarCraft storyline The Zerg are a fictional race in the StarCraft universe. The Zerg are separated into a number of broods that are named after monstrous mythological beasts, almost always from Norse mythology. Each brood serves a specific purpose and is controlled by a Cerebrate that is physically incapable of disobeying the Overmind, who rules over the Zerg as the leader of the Swarm. The Zerg are one of three distinct races in the StarCraft universe, the other two being the Terran and the Protoss. The Zerg are the equivalent of the Xenomorphs from the film Alien.

Due to the Zerg's unique use of overwhelming numbers of relatively weak units, rather than smaller numbers of stronger units, the term to Zerg or Zerg-rush has entered the computer-game vocabulary as the act of using mass numbers to achieve an objective.[citation needed] Furthering this usage of Zerg is a tactic used by players controlling the Zerg race. Players controlling the Zerg race are able to create massive numbers of "Zerglings", the initial offensive unit, far more quickly than most players of other races can produce enough units to counter the "Zergling Rush." It has become widely accepted in a variety of other games, including Planetside, Warcraft III, Dark Age of Camelot, World War II Online, and other multiplayer games. [citation needed]


Playing the Zerg requires a different approach from that of the Terrans and Protoss in StarCraft, although the careful balance of advantages and hindrances endemic to each race results in a potent set of unique tactics.

As opposed to Terran SCVs constructing buildings and the Protoss probes warping them in, the Zerg gatherer, or drone, transforms itself into buildings, literally growing the finished structure. This is similar to the Night Elf Wisps in Warcraft 3, who create builidings by becoming them. As the drone's body becomes the new structure, it is lost, which is variously considered a drawback and an advantage. All Zerg structures are originally created in this manner. The tech tree, however, does occasionally require the upgrade of existing structures, specifically Lairs, Hives, and Greater Spires, but these upgrades are self generating and do not require an additional drone.

Expansion and base planning are functions of Creep, a large "organ" that connects all the Zerg buildings. The only buildings which can be spawned without a Creep foundation are the Extractor (which must be built on a Vespene Geyser), and the Hatchery. To gain broader influence, Creep Colonies must then be employed to expand Creep. The limited growth of Creep outward from Hatcheries and Colonies restricts base expansion, but it also renders surrounding terrain unsuitable for building by the other races.

Once a base is established, building units is the most important consideration. To spawn units, a Zerg player must highlight their Hatchery and/or select a Larva, and morph it into an available unit type for a set resource and "control" price. The Larva changes into an egg, which hatches after a time period contingent upon the type of unit, bearing the desired unit ready for service in the Swarm. When the Zerg need more "control" in order to create more units, they build an Overlord unit as the analog to Terran supply depots and Protoss pylons. The Zerg's most common military strategy is to build overwhelming numbers of expendable units that the opponent cannot match numerically. In particular, the use of an early attack by a superior force of inferior units is termed a Zerg rush, and the name has spread to games outside of the Starcraft universe.


The history of the Zerg in the StarCraft universe began when the ancestral Zerg species was discovered on the irradiated, unstable planet of Zerus, by the ancient and mysterious Xel'Naga civilization, shortly after they had abandoned the Protoss on Aiur as a failure. The ancestral Zerg organisms were small and weak larva-like creatures, but they contained the purity of essence sought by the Xel'Naga race, being capable of surviving and thriving in a staggering variety of ecological conditions.

With the help of Xel'Naga's gifts of proto-genetic manipulations, the Zerg survived the horrendous firestorms of their world and thrived. As the Xel'Naga pushed their development, they eventually began to develop the ability to burrow into the spinal columns of some stronger creatures on Zerus, parasitically merging with their nervous systems. These new bodies would then be used to manipulate their surroundings as the old bodies once did. The Zerg began to assimilate the genetic strains and processes of these host animals. However, as the Zerg had an undeviating drive to consume only the most advanced species they encountered, they eradicated lesser, weaker species. The Xel'Naga were surprised to find how quickly the Zerg could steer the evolution of their host creatures. Some of the things the Zerg developed in their hosts were armor-piercing spines, razor-sharp claws and limbs, corrosive saliva and secretions, and ultra-dense metallic carapaces within only a few generations of controlling new species.

Wary of the chaotic infighting that had enveloped the Protoss, the Xel'Naga created the Overmind, an enormous brain-like entity, to bring order to the Zerg. At first it was only a semi-sapient entity created from the instincts and collective sentience of the Zerg, but it quickly evolved.

The Overmind did not directly communicate orders to its minions. As new species were added to the Swarm, it began to relay orders through Cerebrates, giant versions of the Zerg larvae acting as subordinates to it. Orders were relayed through Overlords, which were then given queens to allow for the Zerg to operate in the most efficient manner possible.


A Mutalisk

The Overmind began to think of its future. In order to continue finding new species to assimilate, it needed to leave Zerus and travel to new worlds. Extending its senses into space, it discovered enormous space-faring organisms. It lured them to Zerus with its psychic abilities and assimilated them into the Swarm as the Zerus races had been. Soon all the Zerg had the ability to travel between worlds with reinforced carapaces to counter the vacuum of space. The Xel'Naga considered this a triumph. The Zerg had not only overcome their weaknesses, but had also retained the purity of their terrible overriding essence.

The Overmind extended itself further into space, becoming aware of the Xel'Naga Worldships in orbit above Zerus. The Overmind then had its psionic link with the Xel'Naga severed — the Overmind effectively hid itself from their view.

The Overmind sent its minions into space, attacking the unsuspecting Xel'Naga. The helpless Xel'Naga tried to pull away from the planet. Despite the advanced race's best efforts, it was overwhelmed as the Zerg crashed into the hulls of its ships, destroying them. Within a few hours the Zerg had laid waste to the Xel'Naga fleet. The greater whole of the Xel'Naga was consumed by the raging, genetic whirlwind of the Zerg, and the Overmind gained their knowledge and insights. Processing thousands of sapient beings into itself caused the Overmind to grow much more powerful. It learned the secrets of the sacred Khaydarin Crystals, and began to incorporate the energies of these Crystals into its own. Through the knowledge gained from the Xel'Naga, the Overmind was able to increase the level of sapience in many of the higher Zerg strains, while still keeping them fully under its control, ironically helping to achieve the goal of the Xel'Naga that it destroyed.

The Overmind dissected the memories of the Xel'Naga experiments with the Protoss, learning of the failure, success, and the great benefit in assimilating such a powerful race. The Zerg then devoted their energies to seeking out the powerful Protoss in the hope of absorbing them into the Swarm, uniting purity of form and of essence to create amazing possibilities for the development and evolution of the Zerg.

The Determinant

The Zerg did not know the exact location of Aiur, homeworld of the Protoss, but they were able to travel towards it, adding new species (such as the Mutalisk, Hydralisk, Guardian, and Zergling) to the Swarm from various planetary genepools along the way. However, the Overmind despaired; how could it defeat the Protoss with their powerful psionic abilities, when its own were so limited? This question was soon to be answered.

In the shadow of the Protoss lay the Koprulu Sector, a patch of space inhabited by the Terrans. This species had been discovered by Zerg deep space probes. Normally the Zerg would not be interested in such a weak species, but the Terrans exhibited a powerful psionic potential.

The Zerg slowly made their way towards the Terran worlds, infesting multiple planets and slowly evolving due to exposure to raw vespene gas. The journey lasted for sixty years, but eventually the massive, extended Zerg Swarm reached the outskirts of the Koprulu Sector. According to StarCraft: Uprising, the Zerg infested a number of Fringe Worlds upon their arrival. The Overmind first subtly infested the surface of the Terran Confederacy colony of Chau Sara with Hive Spores. Then it sent its minions down to the surface to infest the Terrans themselves. The Terrans were defeated and largely enslaved or killed.

The Zerg were surprised at the Terran response, and were defeated by a sudden attack by the Protoss, led by Executor Tassadar. The Overmind told its minions not to fight back, in order to observe the Protoss attacking for the first time. The attack sterilized all life on the surface of Chau Sara, effectively ending the Zerg infestation.

The Terrans did not warn their compatriots on other worlds, enabling the Zerg to infest Mar Sara virtually unopposed. It is at this point that the StarCraft game begins.

Plot advancement in StarCraft

As Episode I begins, The Zerg have infested Mar Sara and are killing the native Terrans. They conquer the planet, but the Protoss fleet under the Executor, Tassadar, destroyed all life on it. Though the Zerg were used by the Confederacy to attack disloyal worlds, the Sons of Korhal turned it against them by using Psi Emitters to attack the Confederate capital world of Tarsonis itself. Despite, at one point, being protected by a group of Terrans against the Protoss Fleet at New Gettysburg, the Zerg overwhelmed the defences of these terrans and took Sarah Kerrigan hostage in the process. This ends the Zerg participation in I.

In Episode II, a new Cerebrate is formed by the Overmind to take control of the Jormungand Brood, this young Cerebrate (the player) has at first only one task: To safeguard the Chrysalis. At first, the Cerebrate is tutored by the Senior Cerebrates, Daggoth and Zasz, who teach the Cerebrate the basics of the Zerg Hive Cluster. They inform and help the Cerebrate, giving stronger units to him, in his battles against the remaining Confederate and Protoss forces on Tarsonis before leaving the planet for Char.

On Char the Chrysalis becomes mature and sends out psychic calls to Terrans and Protoss alike. The Cerebrate is told to hold off the forces of the Terran Dominion and Raynor's Raiders. While battling Raynor's men, the Chrysalis hatches and Sarah Kerrigan is born into her new Zerg, infested, body. Kerrigan, under guidance from the Cerebrate and a couple of Daggoths strongest Hunter Killers, enters a Science Vessel, hoping to find a way to gain access to more of her greater and stronger powers to further aid the Swarm. After gaining thse powers, she instantly felt the presence of Protoss Forces on Char, being led by Tassadar. Despite Zasz's disliking of going into battle against this Protoss. Kerrigan refuses to accept Zasz's warning and attacks Tassadars base with the help of the Cerebrate and his Jormungand Brood. After the base is destroyed Tassadar agrees to battle Kerrigan 1 on 1, but ends up sending just a mere illusion to fight her.

One hour later after Tassadars disappearance, Daggoth informs Kerrigan that Zasz is dead. Daggoth ordered the Cerebrate to eradicate the rampaging Garm Brood since they have begun to run amok with the fall of their Cerebrate. Daggoth and Kerrigan at the time, began to set their trap to capture Zasz's assassin. After the culling of the Garm Brood, the Cerebrate swarmed the Protoss base safeguarding Zasz's assassins after Daggoth and Kerrigan successfully established the blockade, and found out that Zeratul and his Dark Templar happen to be Zasz's killers. Zeratul and the Dark Templar were soon locked away in a Terran Installation, and the Overmind, who actually found out about the Protoss homeworld at the moment Zasz was murdered, ordered the invasion of Aiur. Kerrigan stood back in the invasion to safeguard the Hive Cluster holding Zeratul prisoner.

At this point, the young Cerebrate became one of the Overminds commanding Cerebrates, and led the attack on the Protoss homeworld of Aiur with his Jormungand Brood. The Cerebrate swarmed through large and tough Protoss resistance that put up a good fight, but eventually reached the Khaydarin Crystals. With a piece of the Crystal harvested, the Cerebrate then led another Brood swarm on the Protoss Temple. The Temple was destroyed and the Khaydarin crystal was put in its place. The location ends up being where the Overmind plants itself on Aiur. Afterwards, the invasion of Aiur continued and the Zerg slaughtering of the Protoss forces marks a horrific scene in Starcraft history. Soon after, Episode II ends.

In the final part of StarCraft, Episode III, the Zerg begin to lose ground. They are halted in their advance and have Tassadar and the Dark Templar escape their custody on Char. After this, two of their Cerebrates are killed and next, the Overmind itself. With the death of the Overmind, Episode III and StarCraft completes itself and goes on to StarCraft: Brood War.

Plot advancement in StarCraft: Brood War

The Zerg were originally controlled by the Overmind, who was destroyed by the Protoss, Tassadar (at the cost of his own life) at the end of StarCraft Episode III.

By Episode IV, the Zerg on Aiur had run amok after the death of the Overmind and having already slaughtered almost all of the Protoss citizens, Zeratul led a number of Protoss survivors to the Protoss Warp Gate to escape to his homeworld of Shakuras to escape the Zerg. The Zerg, however, were able to follow Zeratul through the Warp Gate. On Shakuras the Zerg planted themselves around the Xel'Naga Temple before the Protoss arrived and liberated the Temple from the Zerg and even slaying its two Cerebrates.

After the deaths of the two Cerebrates, Kerrigan shows up and asks for assistance and to be allowed to reveal what she knows to the Matrioch. She revealed that the Zerg had formed a new Overmind on Char, the adopted Zerg homeworld. The Protoss, however, wanted something in return from Kerrigan before they decide to give Kerrigan support. Kerrigan assisted in retrieving two special crystals (Uraj and Khalis) that will activate the Xel'Naga Temple. On Braxis she assisted the Protoss herself and on Char, donating a Zerg Hive Cluster to the Protoss Fleet to provide back-up.

Back on Shakuras, a rebellion between the Protoss broke out so Kerrigan sat out of the fray until the very end where she assassinated Aldaris before he could get out valuable information about Kerrigan's plan. Zeratul banished Kerrigan and her minions from Shakuras due to this, saying that the rebellion was a pure Protoss matter. Kerrigan, however, was pleased with what the Protoss had done for her own cause, and despite being banished would come back to Shakuras, later on. The Zerg Broods then launched an all out attack on the Xel'Naga Temple and the remaining Protoss Forces, but failed due to the Protoss successfully activating the Temple, wiping out all Zerg life on Shakuras.

In Episode V, the Zerg don't appear as much as they did in Episode IV. At first, they appear on Tarsonis as four separate Zerg Broods protecting a powerful weapon known as the Psi Disrupter. The Hive Clusters are all wiped out by the UED Fleet when they located the structure.

The Zerg weren't seen again until the UED traveled to Aiur, where they waged a three-way-war between them, the two Zerg Broods and a Protoss base. The UED successfully destroyed the Protoss Base and the Zerg Hive Clusters, but were overrun by more Zerg reinforcements.

The Psi Disrupter, which was rebuilt on Braxis secretly, was infiltrated by Zerg thanks to Duran who had been hiding a secret that he is really an infested Zerg Hybrid. Duran, however, didn't fully succeed in destroying the Psi Disrupter in time due to the UED marines being able to stop the melt down of the structure in time.

With the Psi Disruptor working, the UED traveled to Char and attacked the Overmind, the UED had to battle some tough Zerg forces that included pumped up Sunken Colonies, Infested Terrans, and even a Torisque. The UED, despite these opponents, prevailed and killed the Cerebrates that guarded the Overmind, causing the Zerg Broods to go amok and confused. The UED then succeeded in capturing the Overmind and turning its controlled swarms into the UED Renegade Swarm to destroy all opposition in the sector.

In Episode VI, the final act to date, Sarah Kerrigan, a former Terran Ghost telepath soldier who had been infested (assimilated) by the Zerg, realized that the UED Fleet and their Renegade Swarm posed a great threat to her and her future plans so she took control of a Cerebrate (the player) of the Jormungand Brood and used his Broods to cleanse her Tarsonis Hive Cluster of the Renegade Swarms minions. Afterwards, she turned to bigger plans.

Kerrigan by this time had already had Jim Raynor, Fenix and their Protoss forces as allies. (Duran acts as her second in command due to the fact that he is infested as well) She had sent Raynor to rescue Arcturus Mengsk in Korhal from the UED Fleet. Afterwards, Kerrigan, Raynor, Fenix, and Mengsk all agreed that the UED poss the biggest threat in the sector and agreed to ally with each other to fight the UED Fleet and their Overmind's swarm. Kerrigan first set her sight on the Psi Disruptor and after Raynor's Raiders successfully destroyed the structures generators, Mengsk dispatched an SCV with a Psi Emitter to gather the surrounding Zerg to Kerrigans cause. With the gathered Zerg from the Psi Emitter's call and the Zerg Broods from her Cerebrate, she attacked and completely destroyed the UED force dispatched to guard the Psi Disruptor and eventually destroyed the structure as well.

Mengsk wanted to retake Korhal as soon as possible, so Kerrigan traveled to the planet of Moria to pay the Kel-Morian-Combine a visit. The planet was rich with resources and was the perfect place to supply her forces. Fenix watched over the harvesting personally and surveyed over the amount of resources gathered. Kerrigan decided not only to take resources, but to also infest the Terran Command Centers to increase her forces. Once she was told they received enough resources, they set off to Korhal.

On Korhal, the battle was fierce, having to fight not only the UED establishments but also a Zerg Brood under their control. The Zerg Brood however didn't send many reinforcements, showing that the UED was having trouble controlling the Overmind at the time. Kerrigan, greatly supplied from the resources she gathered on Moria, and by the reinforcements of her infested Terrans, broke through the UED defences and slaughtered all the UED soldiers and the Renegade Zerg, stationed in Korhal. After the battle, however, Kerrigan would do the unexpected.

Thanks to some knowledge gained from Duran, saying that the Protoss and Terran forces of her allies would be resting after the battle against the UED, Kerrigan launched a sneak attack on her unsuspecting allies of Fenix and Mengsk. Quickly destroying their bases while they weren't able to ready themselves and eventually killed Fenix and General Edmund Duke. After the slaughtering, Mengsk and Raynor bitterly vowed revenge on Kerrigan for the treachery.

Kerrigan returned to Tarsonis to regroup and rest after the battle and planned for her next attack. Duran informed Kerrigan that the UED sent the Renegade Swarms to attack her Hive Cluster on Tarsonis and even wiped out all her Hive Clusters outposts. Kerrigan with the help of her Cerebrate, launched a counter-attack against the Renegade Swarm and eventually destroyed the UED base in charge of the swarms offensive. With the danger out of the way, Kerrigan decides it was time to return to Shakuras.

The attack on the Dark Templar wasn't easy due to the fact that Kerrigan was unable to use her airforces to reinforce her broods due to a protective shield in the area. Duran led the attack personally on the capital city of the Dark Templar and with his knowledge of Protoss technology, and overloaded the Pylon Clusters to explode and destroy most of the city. With the major distraction, Kerrigan was able to get into the city and take the Matrioch captive. She along with her Brood departed for Char.

Traveling to Char, Kerrigan was contacted by Zeratul, saying to release the Matrioch. Kerrigan, however, took the Matrioch, in order to force Zeratul to do something for her first before allowing the Matrioch to return to them. Zeratul was forced to accept and gave her some of his dark templar warriors as she and her Cerebrates Brood attacked the UED's Overmind directly. Fighting through large UED resistances and Renegade Broods, Kerrigan broke through the defences and used the dark templar to destroy the Overmind, as it was beginning to hatch again, Zeratul came in and finished off the Overmind for good.

Afterwards, Kerrigan and the Matrioch came in and Zeratul, holding up his part of the bargan, demanded the return of the Matrioch. Kerrigan allowed her to go with him but the Matrioch decided that she wanted to stay by her side. Zeratul, maddened by this, grabbed the Matrioch and was then 'Recalled' to a protoss base on Char, hoping to escape to Shakuras. In the hopes to get her back, Kerrigan launched an all-out offensive on Zeratul's base and was able to the destroy the base in time before Zeratul had the chance to be recalled to Shakuras. Zeratul at this point decided to kill his Matrioch rather then see her as Kerrigans slave. The Matrioch thanked Zeratul in her final moments and anointed Zeratul the new leader of the Dark Templar before dying. Kerrigan, shocked at this sighting, allowed Zeratul to leave freely, saying she will be happy to see Zeratul live the rest of his life in grief and remorse rather then instant death.

Kerrigan traveled to the orbital platform overlooking Char to rest and regain her strength. Soon after, she is brought to the attention of three fleets approaching her position. The fleets consisted of Mengsk and the remnants of his Terran Dominion, Artanis and his Protoss forces, and Dugall and the remainders of his UED Fleet. Kerrigan's only defence she had was from her Cerebrate and his Jormungand Brood. Duran at this time had vanished, to the dismay of Kerrigan. A hugh 3 on 1 battle between the Cerebrate's Brood and the three fleets took place on the orbital platform but each of the fleets eventually fell to the Cerebrate's Brood due to the lack of man-power and depleted resources. After the battle, Kerrigan took her place as the Zerg 'Queen of Blades'.

With the Terran Dominion in ruins, the expeditionary fleet of the UED destroyed, the greater whole of the Protoss home world Aiur conquered by the Zerg with the survivors living on Shakuras, the Zerg currently stand as the dominant force of the Koprulu Sector.

Zerg Control

All Zerg are directly subject to the will of the Overmind. In fact, it is a biological impossibility for them to oppose its directives. Only Cerebrates, and Kerrigan have sentience, and control individual armies (called Broods), using Overlords as lieutenants to directly control the warriors and workers. The lesser Zerg minions are wholly dependent upon the Cerebrates and the Overlords for order. Should a Cerebrate die, its brood may run amok; the animalistic natures of individual Zerg emerge. When an Overlord dies, a Zerg player loses control points and must create more Overlords to replace the loss. Without these control points, additional Zerg units cannot be built until existing units die or more Overlords are created. Even Zerg buildings are living organisms and aren't built but grown. They act as organs in the body of the Zerg Hive Cluster.

Though Zerg are incapable of disobeying their masters, their masters can change. When the Overmind died, the Cerebrates had freedom to do as they please. Though most the Cerebrates themselves chose to remain loyal to Daggoth, Kerrigan did not and fought with the Cerebrates for control over the Zerg. However, the minions under each Cerebrate were completely loyal to it and followed all orders even to fight another Zerg.

Zerg's broods are mostly named after Norse mythological monsters (Jormungand, Garm, Surtur, etc.). However, at least two broods have been named from another source. The Leviathan Brood was named after the Leviathan, a Hebrew mythological sea monster and the Grendel Brood was named after Grendel, the evil monster in the epic poem, Beowulf.

List of notable Zerg

  • Overmind: A colossal and brain-like Zerg entity of an indeterminate age and level of alien intelligence.
  • Torrasque: Ultralisk of a much stronger variety, infamous for being reincarnated multiple times by Cerebrates. The name "Torrasque" may be derived from the mythological Tarasque.
  • Hunter Killer: A much stronger version of the Hydralisk.
  • Devouring One: A much stronger version of the Zergling.

Notable Zerg/Terran Hybrids

See also


  • Blizzard Entertainment (1998-04-01). StarCraft Manual. Blizzard Entertainment. {{cite book}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  • Neilson, Micky (2000). StarCraft: Uprising. New York and Toronto: Pocket Books. ISBN 0-7434-1898-0. (eBook only)