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List of Naruto summons

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In the anime and manga series, Naruto, summons are entities conjured up by the user to aid them in battle or to perform a technique that the summoner cannot perform as easily by themselves.

Summons are typically called forth in a puff of smoke with the Summoning Technique (口寄せの術, Kuchiyose no Jutsu, Viz "Shinobi Conjuration"), or any number of variations thereof. Before a summoning can be performed, the user must first sign a contract in their own blood, each contract differing depending on what creature is to be summoned. Once this is done, the summoner need only perform the proper hand seals and offer a few additional drops of blood with the same hand they signed the contract with to perform the summon. The amount of chakra offered at this time is directly proportionate to the size of the summoned creature, making summons such as Gamabunta a Kage-level feat. Summons have their own abilities that they can use by themselves or in conjunction with the summoner. Some summons are so powerful that they may even challenge the summoner, or will demand something in order to contribute to the battle.

Weapons can be called forth in a similar fashion with Projectile Weapons (飛道具, Tobidōgu). Unlike the summoning of creatures, which are brought from their place of residence to serve the summoner, weapons are contained within summoning scrolls. Summoning scrolls are often reserved for containing weapons that would be cumbersome to carry for their owner, either due to the weapon's size or the sheer volume of different weapons. Like the Summoning Technique, a small donation of blood is required to summon these items.


The Doki (怒鬼, literally "Angry Demons") are three demons summoned by Tayuya. Their eyes, ears, and mouths are all covered, a reference to the three wise monkeys, though they can hear normally. Tayuya plays various melodies on her flute to control them, each melody causing them to perform different actions. All three are incredibly strong and fast. In addition, they can open their mouths to release a many-mouthed, snake-like creature that consists almost entirely of spiritual energy, making them impossible to hit. These "spirit snakes" are attracted to physical energy, and absorb it on contact, allowing them to weaken an opponent.


Enma (猿猴王・猿魔, Enkōō: Enma, literally "Monkey King: Enma") is the personal summon of the Third Hokage and king of the monkeys. He possesses great physical strength and fighting ability, as seen when he fights off both the First and Second Hokages. Enma is capable of using Transformation: Adamantine Staff (変化・金剛如意, Henge: Kongōnyoi, English TV "Transformation: Adamantine Nyoi"), which allows him to turn into a large, extendable staff (a Ru Yi Bang or nyoi-bō) that is as hard as adamantine yet as sharp as a sword. He can also produce various body parts, such as eyes or arms, from the staff. Additionally, Enma can still move in the staff form, allowing him to return to the Third Hokage. Enma can even clone himself in his staff form, turning him into any number of smaller staffs that Enma uses for Adamantine Prison Wall (金剛牢壁, Kongō Rōheki).

Enma is fiercely loyal to Sarutobi, though he doesn't always approve of his actions. Sarutobi's actions in regards to Orochimaru is something Enma keeps reminding Sarutobi of. Enma would have preferred to kill him the first time. Enma is seen in a flashback of Orochimaru's defection, urging Sarutobi to kill Orochimaru, thus his current attitude. He's also quick to anger, as seen when he simply tries to break Orochimaru's neck after Orochimaru injures Sarutobi.

Enma's first appearance was his summoning during the battle with Orochimaru to even the odds against the resurrected First and Second Hokages, now Orochimaru's minions due to his Summoning: Impure World Resurrection. With Enma on hand, Sarutobi was able to hold his own until he realized that his resurrected opponents would never die. Therefore, Sarutobi decided to seal both their souls and Orochimaru's, ending their threats forever. As Sarutobi attempted to seal Orochimaru's soul, Orochimaru tried to plunge his Kusanagi sword through Sarutobi's chest. At the same time, he restricted Enma with some of his snakes. As a result, Enma was only able to catch the sword after it had impaled Sarutobi. He held it back until Sarutobi sealed Orochimaru's arms, at which point he pulls out the sword before vanishing, noting that Sarutobi died a "true shinobi warrior" and a "great Third Hokage."


  • Enma (and his weapon form) bears resemblance to Sun Wukong (or in Japanese,"Son Goku"), the Monkey King of classical Chinese literature Journey to the West. Enma is the usual Japanese form of Yama, the Hindu god of death and "ruler of Hades", but, in this instance, is spelled with the kanji meaning "Monkey Demon".

Gama family


Gama (蝦蟇) is a mid-level toad that first appears when Jiraiya is introduced. It is first summoned to tongue-whip Ebisu for annoying Jiraiya at the hot springs. Later on, it's summoned once again to give the contract scroll for the Gama family to Naruto. Its last summoning was to deflect Kisame's attack on Naruto Uzumaki. In this instance, it appears in samurai armor. Whether or not these are entirely different toads is unclear due to the fact they differ only in size.

Gama (or Gama-Chan) is also the name of Naruto's frog wallet, as stated in episode 91.


Gamabunta (ガマブン太, literally "Toad King", English TV "Chief Toad" or "Bunta") is the boss of the toads that are summoned. He is huge and is summoned for battles with the biggest of enemies. His sons are Gamakichi and Gamatatsu. Naruto can only summon him with his demon fox chakra; without it, he can only call upon some of Gamabunta's smaller children. Gamabunta is first seen in the premiere of the series, where he and the Fourth Hokage face off against the demon fox. He is not given a speaking role until he is first summoned by Naruto Uzumaki.

Gamabunta is a grumpy and highly apathetic character. He doesn't like to take orders from anyone, unless the summoner is highly talented and earns his respect. Jiraiya, Naruto and the Fourth Hokage are three of the few people that he has allowed to ride on top of his head without question. He uses some Japanese words that only a yakuza gangster would use, but he is portrayed as a powerful and positive force. He is fiercely protective of his kin and he hates to be underestimated by anyone, both of which take precedence over his normal apathy. Often, it is one or a combination of these two factors that entices him to fight. Overall, despite his grumpy exterior, he shows respect towards Naruto as if he were a son. He even explained to Jiraiya that he's aware of Naruto's talents and potential. He and Jiraiya seem to be good friends and, as implied in the series, drinking buddies.

Gamabunta has a varying array of abilities; with his giant Yakuza sword, he is able to perform Toad Sword Beheading (蝦蟇ドス斬, Gama Dosuzan, English Games "Toad Blade Cut") to attack and slice through his opponents. He is able to shoot balls of compressed water from his mouth in quick succession with Water Release: Gunshot (水遁・鉄砲玉, Suiton: Teppōdama, English TV "Water Style: Liquid Bullet"), as well as oil that, when ignited by his summoner, allows the use of Fire Release: Toad Oil Flame Bullet (火遁・蝦蟇油炎弾, Katon: Gamayu Endan, English TV "Fire Style: Toad Flame Bomb") to blanket a large area in fire.

Gamabunta is first seen in battle during the invasion of Konoha, where he fights alongside Naruto against Gaara in full Shukaku form. Gamabunta is initially able to hold his own, but this quickly changes when Gaara forces sleep upon himself, allowing Shukaku to take over. This forces Naruto and Gamabunta to use a combination transformation to take on the form of a giant fox, allowing Gamabunta to get Naruto close enough to Gaara to wake him up.

Gamabunta is summoned again by Jiraiya to help in fighting Orochimaru. Gamabunta is summoned along with Katsuyu to counter Manda, Orochimaru's giant snake. Manda and Gamabunta seem to be old rivals as they taunted each other before the battle. He also seems to have respect for Katsuyu, as he rescued her from Manda. In the Sea Country filler arc, Naruto summoned Gamabunta to battle against Umibozu. Gamabunta wasn't happy about being summoned in seawater (toads are freshwater creatures), but fought anyway because he was underestimated by his opponent. He and Naruto defeated the otherwise indestructible water creature by evaporating it. Gamabunta then threw Naruto into the air as punishment for summoning him in seawater.


Gamakichi (ガマ吉, literally "Propitious Toad") is one of Gamabunta's children. He was first summoned by Naruto because Naruto couldn't focus his chakra during the beginning of the battle with Gaara. However, he is intelligent enough (more so than Gamatatsu) to be aware of the situation around him and realize when it's time to flee. He was accidentally summoned again by Jiraiya while he was fighting with Orochimaru because Tsunade had secretly fed Jiraiya a chakra-disrupting potion. He was summoned again by Jiraiya for a scouting mission during the Orochimaru's Lair arc, as well as by Naruto during the Noroimusha and Sea Country arcs.

While Gamakichi has yet to appear in Part II, a poster included with an issue of Weekly Shonen Jump has depicted a post-timeskip Naruto riding upon a much larger Gamakichi. In the poster, Gamakichi is now about the size of Gama and wields a large kunai. He also has a pipe, like his father.


Gamatatsu (ガマ竜, literally "Toad Dragon") is the weak, inexperienced, younger brother of Gamakichi, and another son of Gamabunta. He was summoned for the first time by Naruto while he was fighting with Orochimaru because he was unable to call on his Demon fox chakra. Gamatatsu fixates on snacks after a comment made by Gamakichi that made him think he'd get one. Gamatatsu was also summoned by Naruto during the events of the Bird Country and the Noroimusha arcs. Gamatatsu accidentally stumbled upon the black kites that the Noroimusha was using to appear as if he was floating like a ghost in the middle of the night. His overall personality is extremely dense, and he often has to be dragged away from danger by Gamakichi, who is always summoned before Gamatatsu.

Unnamed toads

During the attack on Konoha, Jiraiya summoned a giant, orange-brownish toad with two hiltless katana strapped onto its back in a crisscross manner (although it has never been seen wielding them) using a jutsu called Summoning: Food Cart Destroyer Technique (口寄せ・屋台崩しの術, Kuchiyose: Yatai Kuzushi no Jutsu, English TV "Summoning: Bring Down the House Jutsu", Viz "Summoning: Mayhem Technique"). Jiraiya mentions it being a snake hunter. It also appears in a filler arc where Jiraiya, Naruto, and Sakura explore Orochimaru's former lair. It is slightly smaller than Gamabunta. A similarly sized toad is seen at the end of the Sasuke Retrieval arc when Jiraiya arrives at the hospital to talk to Naruto, though this one is colored differently and lacks the katanas. Another toad, about the size of Gama, is later seen. Jiraiya made an appearance upon emerging from this toad's body, but it is unclear whether this ability is Jiraiya's or the toad's. The toad seems the likely candidate, because Jiraya later has the toad transform into a bar so that he can capture two Amegakure ninja, and when it turns back, all three are still in it's stomach, despite the fact that the frog is now so small that this shoudn't be possible.

Gennou's bird

This giant bird summon was seen twice during Gennou's battle of wits with the Konoha Eleven. At first, it drops all of the plans Genno had stolen on Konoha, leaving Choji, Shikamaru, and Naruto to pick them up. Later, Gennou summons it as a last resort, fixing exploding tags to its feet and ordering it to fly into the Hokage monument. Naruto, with help from Choji, Sakura and Hinata, defeats it with Rasengan before it can accomplish its mission.


Kamatari (カマタリ) is a small, seemingly one eyed, weasel holding a sickle with which it can cause a lot of destruction in a short amount of time. Its sickle is almost as large as itself. This mysterious weasel has only been seen twice for a few seconds after its summoning, once in the Sasuke Retrieval Arc, and once in the final filler arc. After it starts moving, it can't be seen by the unaided human eye. It is summoned using Temari's fan as a medium through Summoning: Quick Beheading Dance (口寄せ・斬り斬り舞, Kuchiyose: Kirikiri Mai), after which it slices down all in its path with enough force to decimate an entire forest.


  • This weasel is a Kamaitachi (鎌鼬, "Sickle weasel"). This is the same name as Temari's Cutting Whirlwind Technique. It comes from the phenomenon wherein people claim to have been knocked down by a great gust of wind only to find they have been cut. Some say they have seen weasels wielding sickles that attack in groups knocking a person down and cutting them, even occasionally healing a wound so that they can attack again.


Katsuyu (カツユ) is the slug queen summoned by Tsunade. Compared to Gamabunta and Manda, the summons of Jiraiya and Orochimaru, respectively, Katsuyu is quiet and more subservient to her master. With her Slug Great Division (蛞蝓大分列, Katsuyu Daibunretsu), Katsuyu can divide herself into smaller slugs to evade attacks or to serve small scale functions, and is able to quickly reform herself if need be. She can also spit acid for her Tongue Tooth Sticky Acid (舌歯粘酸, Zesshi Nensan), which is strong enough to melt through rock.

She is summoned again in a filler episode to mess with a pair of outsiders impersonating Might Guy and Rock Lee. In this instance, she had a cold and the two impersonators, along with a clueless Naruto, were forced to help out.

The name Katsuyu apparently comes from 蛞蝓, or slug in kanji, read in on'yomi.


Kyodaigumo (巨大蜘蛛, literally "Giant Spider") is a giant spider and the personal summon of Kidomaru. Once summoned, Kyodigumo can quickly release an egg sac full of baby spiders roughly the size of a small dog. To perform Rain of Spiders (雨蜘蛛, Amagumo), Kidomaru then cuts open the sac, causing the rapidly hatched spiders to rain down on his opponent. The spiders will spin a strand of webbing as they fall, circling the opponent in webbing and sticking them to the ground. Kyodaigumo can also explode into webbing if hit.


Ninkame (忍亀, literally "Ninja Tortoise") is a large red tortoise and Might Guy's personal summon. Ninkame watches over Rock Lee when Guy isn't around. He hasn't been seen since his first appearance in the series, but he is seen on the front cover of Volume 10. Ninkame is one of the few instances which indicates that Guy can use ninjutsu in the series (Ninkame is summoned off-screen, so Guy is not actually seen using ninjutsu).


The Ninken (忍犬, literally "Ninja Dogs") are eight ninja dogs that Kakashi summons. All of the Ninken have a face-shaped design on their backs called a Henohenomoheji (へのへのもへじ), which is the sound made when all the characters in the face are put together. Appropriately enough, children use this design as the face for their scarecrows, which is Kakashi in Japanese. The dogs themselves also seem to resemble other characters in the series, with two closely resembling Naruto and Gaara.

They are mostly used for tracking purposes, such as when Kakashi needed to find Sasuke Uchiha and Naruto Uzumaki during the Sasuke Retrieval arc. He can summon them separately, as he does so with Pakkun, or all together. He can also summon them for special purposes, like he does with his Summoning: Earth Release: Tracking Fang Technique (口寄せ・土遁・追牙の術, Kuchiyose: Doton: Tsuiga no Jutsu, English TV "Summoning: Earth Style: Fanged Pursuit Jutsu"). With this technique, the dogs can travel through the ground following the scent of their target, emerging when the target is found and holding them in place.

In Part II it is revealed that some, if not all, of the ninja dogs can speak, though Pakkun was the only one to do so for the majority of their appearances. The dogs are also shown capable of walking on water. Currently, the only named dogs are Pakkun and the large bulldog named - "Bull", who currently accompanies Naruto, Hinata and Yamato.


Pakkun (パックン) is a petite pug and the smallest of Kakashi's Ninken. Pakkun is seemingly the most intelligent of the ninken, and has the ability to speak. When Pakkun, Naruto, and Sakura appear to help Sasuke in the battle against Gaara, he reveals that he is not a battle type ninja dog, which Sakura claims to know by looking at his small appearance. In the anime, he reveals that he uses Floral Green shampoo (Minty Rainforest Mist Shampoo with extra body in the English dub), which is also used by Sakura Haruno (Sakura is comically traumatized at the thought of using the same shampoo as a dog). When Pakkun is first summoned by Kakashi, he is assigned to lead Sakura, Naruto, and Shikamaru to Sasuke. In the anime, Shikamaru refuses to help in finding Sasuke, and Pakkun tells him if he completes this mission he will let him touch the pads on his feet. He claims they are really soft and supple. This offering is a reference to modern Japanese culture, in which a dog's paw is considered its cutest aspect; the idea of an animal's paw being "cute," however, applies mainly to puppies and kittens, because at birth their pads are pink, and as dogs grow older, they turn into a dirty black.

Also in accordance to the anime, Pakkun was able to say Kakashi's name at four months of age. This implies that Kakashi's Ninken may have been all raised from a young age by him.

Pakkun makes his Part II debut during the Rescue Gaara arc, where he is summoned to track Gaara's scent. Kakashi dismisses him after his task is done because Pakkun believed that he would only be in the way of the mission if they fight the Akatsuki. He later appears in chapter 338 when he's summoned by Kakashi to help Sakura and Sai back up Shikamaru in his fight against Hidan. In Chapter 355 he once again returns, when Kakashi summons all eight of them in the search for Itachi.

In episode 20, Naruto is shown to have a Pakkun keychain, while closing the door to his home.


These filler arc summons were used by one of the three shinobi who took over the Land of Vegetables. After imprisoning his enemies in a water globe, the ninja summoned piranhas into the water to eat his opponents alive. He also had a vest-wearing shark summon. Both require water to survive, so the ninja had to draw in water from his surroundings to keep them summoned.


Shiromari is a chameleon summon that takes the form of a castle. It was summoned over fifty years prior to Naruto's visit to the castle with Hinata Hyuga and Kiba Inuzuka in the The Cursed Haunted Castle filler arc. As a last resort, the dying lord of the castle summoned Shiromari and had it devour anyone who approached. The lord died before he could release the summoning, and thus it remained bound to the contract scroll used to summon it. From then on, it devoured anyone who came close. During a mission to find a group of missing people, Hinata, Kiba, and Naruto stumble upon this summon. After being swallowed by it, they realize just what it is. While attempting to find the contract scroll that is keeping it summoned, the spirit of the castle lord appeared and led them to it, because the lord felt sorry for the creature spending fifty years guarding his castle, and wanted to set it free. The summoned creature is very loyal to his summoner, having protected his summoner's castle for so long. Naruto cut the scroll into pieces to send the summoned creature back, and escaped from the body of the summon with Rasengan. The anime does not show Shiromari's true form, but instead, a picture.

Masashi Kishimoto's name appears in the contract of Shiromari.



The Kyodaija (巨大蛇, literally "Giant Snakes") are giant snakes, often summoned by Orochimaru during battle. There are many different kinds of Kyodaija. For instance, the Kyodaija that was summoned during the invasion of Konoha had marks on its skin similar to the Cursed Seal of Heaven, while the ones summoned by Orochimaru in the Forest of Death had no such marks. Anko Mitarashi also summoned a blue-colored snake of similar size during the Land of the Sea filler arc to protect Naruto, Shino, and Ino from a cave-in. The four took shelter within its mouth as it broke free of the cave. Over the timeskip, Sasuke Uchiha has the snake summoning contract applied to his arm, allowing him to summon snakes in combat.


Manda (マンダ) is Orochimaru's largest and most powerful summoned snake. He demands one hundred human sacrifices ready for him after his help in combat. Should he not receive his sacrifices, or if the person who summoned him isn't Orochimaru himself, Manda would not hesitate to kill his summoner. On top of that, it is only Orochimaru's power that he respects, not Orochimaru himself – Kabuto Yakushi believed that Manda would have betrayed (or at least abandoned) Orochimaru had he learned that the latter couldn't use jutsu at the time. Some of his greatest abilities include his unbelievable speed, and the fact that he is able to shed his skin as a use of the Body Replacement Technique. He has a very poor disposition, and he clearly doesn't like either Gamabunta or Katsuyu, and only savors killing both of them. After Jiraiya and Tsunade teamed up to fight him, which resulted in Tsunade pinning Manda's mouth shut with Gamabunta's sword, Manda disclosed to Orochimaru and Kabuto that they should "be ready to face the consequences next time they call for him," detailing how much he would like to devour them at the current moment despite not being able to at the time. In Part II, Manda is summoned by Sasuke, who hides in Manda's mouth to escape an explosion made by Deidara at the cost of Manda's life. To control Manda, Sasuke had to use genjutsu, an act for which Manda cursed him out with his last breath.

Suzumebachi's Giant Queen Bee

In the Bikochu arc of the anime, Suzumebachi (雀蜂, literally "Hornet") of the Kamizuru clan had the ability to summon a giant queen bee. In addition to being able to move quickly despite its size, it could also cocoon people in wax. Hinata first defeats it with the Protection of the Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms, then Naruto defeats it a second time with his Rasengan.


Umibozu (海坊主, Umibōzu) is the boss of the sea. It was used by Amachi to terrorize the Land of the Sea in the Land of the Sea arc. Umibozu itself is nothing more than water that has been gathered and held together by chakra, making it virtually indestructible unless it is completely evaporated. It was defeated by Naruto Uzumaki throwing an explosive tag attached to a kunai into Gamabunta's oil.


Giant Salamander

A summon used by the Leader of Amegakure, prior to his death at the hands of Pein. Using this summon seems to have given him the power to slay all three of the Sannin, and a number of weaker ninja. However, when the Sannin survived his first attack, he refused to slay them. Instead, he allowed them to live. Since this summon is only seen in flashbacks, it's abilities are unknown.


  1. First Official Data Book (秘伝・臨の書キャラクターオフィシャルデータBOOK, Hiden: Rin no Sho Character Official Data Book)
  2. Second Official Data Book (秘伝・闘の書キャラクターオフィシャルデータBOOK, Hiden: Tō no Sho Character Official Data Book)
  3. Jump's 2nd Great Hero Book's Mini Data Book (秘伝・翔の書オフィシャルキャラクターデータBOOK mini, Hiden: Shō no Sho Official Character Data Book mini)
  4. Taken directly from the Naruto manga chapters and anime episodes.