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This is an old revision of this page, as edited by Tractorboy60 (talk | contribs) at 21:35, 21 September 2007. The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.

Who am I

Hi, my name is Tom. Have a look at my userboxes to see my interests. To talk to me, post on my talk page and I will reply on yours. Regards.

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Family History

Each of these sets of national and regional flags represents places with which I am connected through my family history...

File:Chelsea arms.png

File:Coa de-Wiesbaden.svg

What I Think

I think the truth is important. People increasingly use Wiki as a resource for many purposes; as it gains in detail it appears more and more prominently in search results. This is why I fight to have the truth recognized within articles concerning controversial subjects. Unfortunately these articles are manifestly under the control of the very vested interests that make the subjects controversial in the first place.

My Censored Contributions

I added this on the end of a discussion on Global Warming Theory on the Talk page of Global Warming:

Thanks everyone - we are getting off the point here but I hope readers of this debate will see that they ought to be more critical of alarmism, find out facts for themselves and resist the temptation to accept simply being told what to think. I don't think we are ready for any changes on the main article but maybe some support will be generated as a result. Most of the global warming resources on Wiki remain biased as a result of the very successful propaganda methods used by the alarmists and to dissent is considered almost criminal as a result. Finally, skeptics might like to look at Global warming controversy and ask themselves why such an article would be necessary if the science was as certain as we are told, and whether spending billions of dollars of tax income on the strength of it is an appropriate response. http://www.globalwarminghysteria.com/ is also a good starter resource. Tractorboy60 08:43, 17 September 2007 (UTC)

It was cut out by the following contributor:

[cut per WP:SOAP User:William M. Connolley 08:52, 17 September 2007 (UTC)]

I then left this comment,which was also deleted:

That was not soap, I chose my words carefully to try to show that my argument and the subsequent proposal was reflecting a legitimate alternative viewpoint, also directed on NPOV. Such is the power of censorship. By your standards, you should also cut some of my comments above. At what point do supporting arguments become soap in your view? When they transgress your political sentiments I suppose. It is not possible to criticize the so-called "science" without entering into the politics, that is the nature of the controversy. Tractorboy60 08:29, 18 September 2007 (UTC)

I also posted this, equally deleted:

Since Callmebc wrote this, William has done this again. This demonstrates there's no way the "sanitized" FAQ will ever include this type of feature. The enviro-police will censor it. Tractorboy60 08:29, 18 September 2007 (UTC)

Connolley justified his censorship with this:

Please direct your comment towards improving the article. Complaints about the enviro-police are particularly pointless; nor is it a place to advertise skeptic websites User:William M. Connolley 08:48, 18 September 2007 (UTC)

Draw your own conclusions. Stalin would have been proud of these people. Also, why "skeptic websites" and not "alternative point of view"? I should count myself lucky, in Soviet times I would have been sent off to the Gulag for such dissent.