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User:Jim.belk/Dihedral Group Draft

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This snowflake has the dihedral symmetry of a regular hexagon.

In mathematics, a dihedral group is the group of symmetries of a regular polygon, including both rotations and reflections. Dihedral groups are among the simplest examples of finite groups, and they play an important role in group theory, geometry, and chemistry.


There are two competing notations for the dihedral group associated to a polygon with n sides. In geometry the group is denoted Dn, while in algebra the same group is denoted by D2n to indicate the number of elements.

In this article, Dn refers to the symmetries of a regular polygon with n sides.

Elementary properties


The six reflection symmetries of a regular hexagon.

A regular polygon with n sides has 2n different symmetries: n rotational symmetries and n reflection symmetries. The associated rotations and reflections make up the dihedral group Dn. The following picture shows the effect of the sixteen elements of D8 on a stop sign:

The first row shows the effect of the eight rotations, and the second row shows the effect of the eight reflections.

Group structure

As with any geometric object, the composition of two symmetries of a regular polygon is again a symmetry. This operation gives the symmetries of a polygon the algebraic structure of a finite group.

File:Labeled Triangle Reflections.png
File:Two Reflection Rotation.png
The composition of these two reflections is a rotation.

The following Cayley table shows the effect of composition in the group D3 (the symmetries of an equilateral triangle). R0 denotes the identity; R1 and R2 denote counterclockwise rotations by 120 and 240 degrees; and S0, S1, and S2 denote reflections across the three lines shown in the picture to the right.

R0 R1 R2 S0 S1 S2
R0 R0 R1 R2 S0 S1 S2
R1 R1 R2 R0 S1 S2 S0
R2 R2 R0 R1 S2 S0 S1
S0 S0 S2 S1 R0 R2 R1
S1 S1 S0 S2 R1 R0 R2
S2 S2 S1 S0 R2 R1 R0

For example, S2S1 = R1 because reflection across line 1 followed by reflection across line 2 produces a 120-degree rotation. (This is the normal backwards order for composition.) Note that the composition operation is not commutative.

In general, the group Dn has elements R0,...,Rn-1 and S0,...,Sn-1, with composition given by the following formulas:

In all cases, addition and subtraction of subscripts should be performed using modular arithmetic with modulus n.

Matrix representation

The symmetries of this pentagon are linear transformations.

If we center the regular polygon at the origin, then elements of the dihedral group act as linear transformations of the plane. This lets us represent elements of Dn as matrices, with composition being matrix multiplication.

For example, the elements of the group D4 can be represented by the following eight matrices:

In general, the matrices for elements of Dn have the following form:


The first matrix is a rotation matrix, expressing a counterclockwise rotation through an angle of . The second matrix is a reflection across a line that makes an angle of with the x-axis.

Dihedral groups in geometry

Dihedral symmetry

An object in the plane has dihedral symmetry if its symmetry group is a dihedral group. Consider the following three examples:

Triskelion Bullseye Pentagram
  • The triskelion has rotational symmetry, but it is not symmetric under any reflections. The symmetry group of the triskelion is cyclic of order three.
  • The bullseye has complete circular symmetry, which is described by the orthogonal group O(2).
  • The pentagram has dihedral symmetry, with both rotations and translations. The symmetry group of the pentagram is the dihedral group D5.

Many geometric objects have dihedral symmetry: in addition to regular polygons, there are also star polygons, and various classical plane curves such as roses, epicycloids, hypocycloids, epitrochoids, and hypotrochoids. Many natural objects also exhibit dihedral symmetry, including snowflakes and some flowers.

Symmetry in Three Dimensions

Dihedral groups in group theory


The first comes from the semidirect product, and the second is the Coxeter presentation. The second presentation is related to the following theorem:

Theorem: Any group generated by two elements of order two is dihedral.


This is the split extension associated to the semidirect product.

This is a central extension. Only exists when n is even.

Conjugacy and centralizers

  • When n is odd, Dn has one conjugacy class of reflections.
  • When n is even, Dn has two conjugacy classes of reflections (reflections across vertex bisectors and reflections across edge bisectors). There is an outer automorphism of Dn that switches these conjugacy classes.
  • In either case, each element of the cyclic group is conjugate only to its inverse.
  • When n is even, the n/2 element of the cyclic group (representing a 180 degree rotation) is central. The center is trivial for n odd.
  • When n is odd, each reflection is centralized only by itself and the identity. For n even, the centralizer of a reflection has order four (itself, the identity, the central element, and the product of the two).
  • Each element of the cyclic group (other than the identity and the central element) is centralized by precisely the cyclic group.


  • Every subgroup of the dihedral group is either dihedral or cyclic.
  • There is one Ck subgroup for every k dividing n. (These are the standard subgroups of Cn.)
  • The Ck subgroup is contained in n / k different Dk subgroups (obtained by choosing any coset of Ck that consists entirely of reflections.
  • These subgroups are all conjugate when either n or n / k is odd.
  • When n is even and n / k is even, the Dk subgroups fall into two conjugacy classes (corresponding to the two conjugacy classes of reflections).

Normal subgroups

  • When n is odd, the normal subgroups of Dn are precisely Cn and its subgroups.
  • When n is odd, the two copies of Dn/2 are normal as well.
  • Only the cyclic subgroups are characteristic.


The automorphism group of Dn is the group of all affine transformations of Zn (i.e. the semidirect product of Zn× with Zn. Specifically, if a ∈ Zn× and b ∈ Zn, then the transformation

acts on Dn by the rule

Other stuff

  • Dn is solvable.
  • Dn is nilpotent if and only if n is power of 2.
  • The dihedral groups are the simplest nontrivial examples of metacyclic groups.
  • The dihedral groups are one of three infinite families of finite reflection groups. The corresponding root system consists of the vertices of a regular n-gon centered at the origin.
  • The dihedral group is a Frobenius group for odd values of n.

Snippets of text

In group theory, the dihedral group Dn is defined by the following presentation:

This group has order 2n, with elements .

Product structure

The dihedral group Dn is the semidirect product of the of the cyclic subgroups and . Extrinsically, it can be described as the semidirect product , where . This is arguably the simplest nontrivial example of a semidirect product.

Alternate presentation

The dihedral group can also be generated by a pair of reflections:

This is the presentation for Dn as a Coxeter group. Any finite group generated by two elements of order two is dihedral.

Parity Considerations

The algebraic structure of Dn for even values of n is quite different from the structure when n is odd. This is because a regular n-gon is symmetric across the center point when n is even, but not when n is odd.

For example, when n is even, the element (representing a 180-degree rotation) is central, meaning that it commutes with every other element of Dn. The center of Dn is trivial when n is odd.

The conjugacy classes are also quite different in the even and odd cases. There are two different conjugacy classes of reflections when n is even, namely those that fix two vertices of the n-gon and those that fix the midpoints of two edges. (There is an outer automorphism of Dn that switches these two conjugacy classes.) When n is odd, any reflection fixes exactly one vertex of the n-gon, and any two reflections are conjugate by a rotation.

The subgroup generated by r is normal, and the quotient is a cyclic group of order 2. This information is summarized in the following short exact sequence:

This sequence is The generator r has order n, while the generator s has order 2. Alternatively, Dn may be defined by the presentation


Dihedral groups Along with cyclic groups and symmetric groups, the dihedral groups are a basic class of examples in finite group theory. They have the following properties:

Here Cn is the (normal) cyclic subgroup generated by r, and C2 is the two-element subgroup .

  • If p is prime, then C2p and Dp are the only groups of order 2p.


The dihedral group Dn is generated by the rotation of order n and the reflection of order 2. Each element of Dn can be written in terms of these generators:



An illustration of the relation in D8

The dihedral group Dn is generated by the rotation r = R1 and the reflection s = S0:


In particular, Rk = rk and Sk = rks. These generators satisfy the following algebraic identities:

In the context of group theory, identities like this are known as relations. Together, these generators and relations form a presentation of the dihedral group Dn:

Other Generating Sets

The dihedral group Dn can also be generated by any two adjacent reflections, e.g. and . (This shows that Dn is a finite reflection group.) The product ts is the rotation r, and therefore and . These generators yield the following presentation:

This is the Coxeter presentation for Dn.

Product structure

The rotations in Dn form a cyclic normal subgroup of order n. This gives rise to a short exact sequence:

The rotations in Dn map to the identity in C2, while the reflections map to the nonidentity element. This sequence splits, making Dn a semidirect product. The group C2 acts on Cn by inversion:

This is arguably the simplest nontrivial example of a semidirect product.

Parity Considerations

In many ways, the algebraic structure of Dn for even values of n is quite different from the structure when n is odd. This is because a regular n-gon possesses point symmetry when n is even, but not when n is odd.

This manifests itself in the dihedral group in two primary ways:

  1. When n is even, the group Dn has a distinguished element (the [Coxeter group|Coxeter element]]) representing rotation by 180 degrees. This element is central, meaning that it commutes with every other element of the group. It can be described as the product of all of the reflections in Dn, taken in any order.
  1. When n is odd, all of the reflections in n are conjugate. When n

Coxeter element

When n is even, Dn has a distinguished non-identity element σ, known as the Coxeter element. Geometrically, the Coxeter element acts as the 180-degree rotation of the n-gon, i.e. the unique rotation of order 2. It is equal to the product of all the reflections in Dn, taken in any order.

The Coxeter element commutes with every other element of the group. When n is even, the center of Dn is the two-element subgroup . This gives rise to a split exact sequence:

When n is odd, the product of all the reflections is again a reflection, with the result depending on the order of multiplication. The dihedral group has trivial center for odd values of n. It follows that Dn is nilpotent if and only if n is a power of 2.

Conjugacy and centralizers

Each rotation in Dn is centralized by the full group of rotations, and is conjugate to its inverse by any reflection. For even n, the Coxeter element is its own inverse, and is centralized by the entire group.

Subgroup structure

Dihedral subgroups

The subgroups of Dn are:

  • One copy of C2 for each reflection.
  • One copy of Ck for each divisor k of n'.
  • One copy of Dk for each divisor k of n.

The subgroup Dk can be thought of as the symmetries of an inscribed k-gon. [[The maximal subgroups of Dn



The automorphisms of Dn are the maps defined by:

Here may be any unit in the ring , and may be any element of . The composition of two automorphisms is given by the rule:

It follows that the automorphism group of Dn is a semidirect product , where denotes the group of units in . Alternatively, Aut(Dn) may be described as the group of affine transformations of .

Outer automorphisms? (Different for even and odd n.)

Cayley graphs

Representation theory


Each rotation in Dn is conjugate only to its inverse. For n odd, the result is different conjugacy classes of rotations, each with 2 elements. For n even, we get different conjugacy classes of rotations, with the Coxeter element in a class by itself.


Dn possesses the following subgroups:

  • the cyclic subgroup Cn
  • the subgroups of Cn, namely one copy of Ck for every divisor k of n.
  • Dn has

The lattice of dihedral subgroups of Dn is isomorphic to the [[coset lattice] of

Rotations: The centralizer of any rotation is the full rotation group. Each rotation is conjugate to its inverse, resulting in different conjugacy classes of rotations.

Reflections: The centralizer of any reflection t is just the two-element group . All reflections in Dn are conjugate.

We conclude that Dn has a single conjugacy class of size 1 (the identity element), math>\frac{n-1}{2}</math> different conjugacy classes of size 2, and a single conjugacy class of size n.

Permutation representation

The group D5 permutes the vertices of the pentagon.

Elements of a dihedral group may be thought of as permutations of the vertices of the associated polygon. For example, if we label the vertices of a regular pentagon with the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, then the ten elements of D5 can be written as follows:

In general, elements of Dn permute vertices labeled according to the following rules:

This representation is faithful for all . In the case , any permutation of the three vertices of a triangle is possible, leading to an isomorphism between D3 and the symmetric group S3.

Other properties

  • The dihedral groups are the simplest nontrivial examples of metacyclic groups.
  • The dihedral groups are one of three infinite families of finite reflection groups. The corresponding root system consists of the vertices of a regular n-gon centered at the origin.
  • The dihedral group is a Frobenius group for odd values of n.
  • The symmetry group of a regular star polygon is always dihedral.


See also