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List of people with same first and last name

Honorable mention

Contributed by User:Jairuscobb

  • "Messiah Messiah (nickname of high-schooler I debated against - and lost to - in 2001 at the Berkeley Debate tournament. A sad day indeed)"

See also

Subways I have ridden

Elephant anecdote

This version is my favorite: [1]

По решению ЮНЕСКО 1979 год был объявлен - Годом Слона. Каждая страна напечатала к этому празднику тематическую книгу:
  • Индия выпустила брошюру "Все о слонах";
  • Германия - толстую книгу "Краткое введение в основы слоноведения";
  • Великобритания - коллекционное издание "Слон и империя";
  • Франция - двухтомник. Первый том - "Слоны и женщины", второй - "О любви";
  • Штаты - трехтомник: "Слоны", "Слоны и деньги", "Деньги";
  • СССР - собрание из четырех томов: "Россия - родина слонов (от мамонта до наших дней)"; "Жизнь слонов до и после Великой Октябрьской социалистической революции"; "Забота партии и правительства о разведении слонов"; "Советский слон - самый счастливый слон в мире";
  • Болгария выпустила пятитомник. Первые четыре - перевод с русского, пятый том - "Советский слон - лучший друг болгарского слона".

By decision of UNESCO, 1979 was proclaimed the Year of the Elephant. Each country celebrated this by printing a book on the theme:

  • India put out a brochure, "All about elephants";
  • Germany - a thick book, "A short introduction to the fundamentals of elephantology";
  • Great Britain - the collected works "Elephant and Empire";
  • France - two volumes. The first - "Elephants and women," and the second - "On love."
  • The US - three volumes: "Elephants," "Elephants and money," and "Money."
  • The USSR - a collection of four volumes: "Russia - motherland of elephants (from mammoths to the modern day)"; "The life of elephants before and after the Great October socialist revolution"; "The concern of the party and administration for the breeding of elephants"; and "The Soviet elephant - the happiest elephant in the world";
  • Bulgaria put out five volumes. The first four were a translation from the Russian, and the fifth was "The Soviet elephant: the best friend of the Bulgarian elephant."
— Soviet political anecdote

Wikipedia articles with elephantological claims

  • Chung-Yao Chao - Chinese physicist who measured anomalous scattering cross section of gamma rays in lead, sometimes claimed to have discoveredantimatter. Article is now in good shape and stable.
  • Jang Yeong-sil - Korean scholar who invented a type of rain gauge and water depth meter, clearly not the world's first in either case.
  • Water gauge - claim about Jang Yeong-sil was once inserted here, even though the article is about something unrelated. Seems OK now.
  • Jaan Einasto - Estonian astrophysicist who has done numerical simulations of dark matter, but by no means discovered it. Just edited article - will it last?
  • First flying machine, Invention of the telephone - good articles, don't actually make questionable claims but only describe them.
  • Venkatesh Ketakar, whose pseudo-discovery of Pluto has been overlooked for years, although it may have priority over Lowell's more famous non-discovery of Pluto.

Deep subway stations

Articles with extremely funny names