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Barbara Comstock

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Barbara Comstock is a noted Republican lobbyist, attorney, and campaign and media advisor. Comstock is currently the co-founder and co-principal of Corallo Comstock, a public policy and public relations firm.[1] Comstock is consulting on the presidential campaign of Mitt Romney.[2] In April 2007, Comstock was the subject of rumors, believed to be false, that she would leave Romney to work on behalf of possible presidential candidate Fred Thompson, thus joining her business partner Mark Corallo.[2]


Comstock worked as Chief Investigator for Representative Dan Burton (R-Ind.) during the Whitewater era, was opposition research director for the Republican National Committee,[3] and was director of the office of public affairs for the United States Justice Department.[1]

Comstock served as chief investigative counsel and senior counsel for the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Government Reform from 1995 to 1999.[4] Earlier, she became an appropriations aide/senior aide for Congressman Frank Wolf (R-Va.) from 1991 to 1995, after volunteering in his office and leaving the private practice of law.[4] Comstock began her congressional career as an intern for Senator Ted Kennedy.[4]


Comstock has been described, even by critics, as a "very smart lawyer by training."[5] Comstock's work in opposition research for the RNC and with Burton has been praised as "meticulous and thorough," with her research being "one of the most successful parts of the RNC in 2000."[4] Her research team built massive stores of paper and electronic data, known as "The Gore File," that were a key source of information on the former vice president for GOP publicists and ad-makers.[4] Her team was also instrumental in assisting Republican operatives in the 2000 Florida vote recount and in writing the Republican 'playbook' defending Bush nominees such as John Ashcroft, for attorney general.[4]

Criticisms of Work on Clinton Investigations

In his book Blinded by the Right, formerly conservative journalist David Brock discusses Comstock's Whitewater investigative efforts against the Clintons, characterized as "almost unhinged" by other critics.[6] Brock notes that Comstock would regularly make late-night telephone calls with "the latest tidbit she had dug up in the thousands and thousands of pages of administration records she pored through frantically," and visited Brock to "watch the rerun of a dreadfully dull Whitewater hearing she had sat through all day."[5] To Brooks, Comstock seemed "especially intent on proving that Hillary [Clinton] had lied about her role" in Travelgate.[5]

Work for Prominent Indicted Individuals

Comstock has assisted the defense team work on behalf of two prominent indicted individuals, I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby[1] and former House Majority Leader Tom Delay.[7] She has been described by critics as a "right-wing operative" who "materialized to mastermind" the Scooter Libby defense team through the promise of engaging supportive publicity and financial assistance.[6]. She is also the "Technical Contact" (registered owner) of the "Libby Legal Defense Trust" web site [8].


Comstock serves on the Board of Trustees of the Theodore Roosevelt Association.

Operative member and present with Erik Prince's(founder, CEO of BlackWater, extensive family history funding of Republican Party) legal team during his October 2nd, 2007 meeting with the US House Oversight Committee.
